How and with what to treat green snot during pregnancy?
With the onset of pregnancy, the body's complex protective reaction to the effects of foreign antigens and opportunistic microorganisms decreases. Weakened immunity is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic infections.
Table of contents:
- How and with what to treat green snot during pregnancy?
- Types of mucous secretions
- Green snot during pregnancy: how and how to treat it
- Conservative treatment options
- The effectiveness of traditional methods for green snot
- Green snot during pregnancy
- Where does green runny nose come from?
- Traditional treatment
- Folk remedies
- How to treat snot during pregnancy
- Causes and clinical picture of runny nose during pregnancy
- How to treat a runny nose with green snot during pregnancy
- Green snot during pregnancy: how to treat it
- Causes of green nasal discharge
- Green discharge with blood
- When you need specialist help
- How to treat snot during pregnancy
- Medicines
- Folk remedies
- Prevention
- Treatment of green snot during pregnancy
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- Green snot during pregnancy
It is advisable to be especially vigilant about health in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when the formation of the baby’s organ systems occurs. During this period, it is important to promptly stop the first symptoms of respiratory diseases. What is the nature of the appearance of green muconasal secretion (snot) and how to treat it?
Types of mucous secretions
Hormonal changes in the body are manifested by an increase in the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses, which provokes the development of swelling and vasomotor rhinitis. Transparent, milky discharge is a natural reaction of the body and does not require therapeutic measures.
Thick snot during pregnancy indicates inflammation of the mucous membrane of bacterial origin. To resist pathogenic agents, the body secretes an increased number of leukocytes, which die when bacteria are destroyed.
The release of mucus from the nose with blood clots is a permissible reaction of the body in case of weakened immunity, dry mucous membranes or damage to the integrity of the vascular wall. If the formation of muconasal secretion with blood is caused by vasospasm, high blood pressure, then the patient needs qualified medical care.
Fact! Due to the concentration of purulent exudate, snot may have an unpleasant, distinct odor.
Snot during pregnancy may be a reaction to the action of antigens. An allergic runny nose is accompanied by a flow of liquid transparent secretion, a spasmodic reverse action of the ENT organs on external stimuli.
Physiological rhinitis cannot be treated; it mostly goes away on its own in the first 10 days after the baby is born. Allergic and cold runny noses require complex therapy.
Green snot during pregnancy: how and how to treat it
A particular threat to the baby’s health is posed by yellow or green snot in the early stages of gestation (from 1 to 16 weeks), more precisely, abnormalities in the body that provoke excessive formation and secretion of muconasal secretions. In diseases of viral etiology, the risk of pathogens affecting the uterine area increases, which can lead to miscarriage.
Diagnosis of respiratory diseases in the 1st trimester, from 20 to 28 weeks, jeopardizes the normal development of the fetus and the formation of organ systems. With proper and timely treatment of rhinitis, it is possible to avoid unpleasant situations by following the instructions of an otolaryngologist or therapist.
Conservative treatment options
Based on the clinical picture, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor draws up a therapeutic regimen.
Important! Experts focus on natural pharmacological products, including Pinosol and Aqualor.
Traditional medicine involves the use of the following drugs:
- vasoconstrictors - a group of synthetic medications in the treatment of ENT organs. When carrying a fetus, they are prescribed as an exception, for a limited course (3-5 days). Nasal drops do not have a therapeutic effect; they are used primarily to normalize breathing and reduce swelling;
- antihistamines – to relieve allergic reactions;
- antimicrobial - chemotherapeutic products suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
- decongestants – help maintain the optimal consistency of muconasal secretions with a minimum amount of viscosity and density.
The selection of the drug is carried out only by a qualified specialist based on the medical history of the expectant mother.
An effective measure in the treatment of maxillary sinuses would be daily toileting of the nose in order to cleanse the cavity of foreign agents and reduce the concentration of fluid. The list of approved medications includes a solution based on sea water “Aquamaris”, “Morenazal”, “Salin”.
The drugs are not addictive, therefore they have no restrictions on use (the course of administration can vary up to several months). The action of the active components is aimed at relieving swelling, narrowing blood vessels, and normalizing breathing.
For reference! As rhinitis develops, there is increased body temperature, apathy, general malaise, pain in the neck and head, sneezing, and discomfort in the throat.
The following pharmaceutical preparations show positive dynamics in the treatment of green snot:
- Isofra is a strong antibiotic based on neomycin. The medicinal product is effective for sinusitis, sinusitis, acute and chronic rhinitis. In case of weakened immunity, increasing the dose or course of administration (more than 10 days) increases the risk of developing thrush;
- “Fugentin” - the main active substance gentamicin is poorly absorbed by the circulatory system, absolutely safe for the health of the expectant mother and child, therefore the period of gestation and breastfeeding are not contraindications for use;
- “Bioparox” - relief of the inflammatory process of the ENT organs occurs under the influence of the antibiotic fusafungin. It is characterized by local action and a negative effect on opportunistic microorganisms. The duration of treatment is limited to 3-4 days, otherwise the drug helps to suppress the protective function of the immune system.
The effectiveness of traditional methods for green snot
When the means of modern pharmacology jeopardize the baby’s health, expectant mothers remember unconventional methods of treatment. They are characterized by a milder effect on the body and perform immunomodulatory and antiseptic functions.
It is worth remembering that some of the available remedies are powerful allergens, so it is rational to consult a doctor before treatment.
To combat green snot during pregnancy, the following recommendations will be effective:
- saline solution for rinsing and moistening the nasal cavities. Stir 15 g of table salt in 2 glasses of distilled water until the crystals are completely dissolved. Rinse the ENT organs daily with the prepared suspension;
- beet juice. From the pulp of the vegetable we obtain a liquid, which we apply to the mucous membrane, 1-2 drops several times a day. After instillation, the patient may feel a burning sensation; if the discomfort is pronounced, before irrigation the juice is diluted with water in equal proportions. Carrot juice has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It can be used as an independent remedy or mixed with beetroot;
- calendula tincture. For 150 ml. boiling water you will need a heaped teaspoon of dry matter of calendula and yarrow. Cover the container with the contents and leave for about an hour. We wash the sinuses with the prepared solution 4 times a day;
- nasal inhalations based on herbal and pine decoctions. It is recommended to perform the procedure with caution so as not to burn the mucous membrane or nasopharynx. The optimal temperature of the treatment solution reaches 80 degrees. The procedure involves a “sitting” position, the head is tilted over a bowl, and covered with a large towel. We inhale steam through our nose and exhale through our mouth. The duration of the manipulation is 5 minutes. For best results, it is recommended to perform the procedure twice a day;
- honey rinses, which are prepared in the following proportions: per tablespoon of beekeeping product you will need 2 tablespoons. water. Pour 2 ml of liquid into each nostril. 3 times a day;
As soon as green nasal discharge appears, you need to put on woolen socks, warm your nose with a warm salt bag or a boiled egg, lubricate your whiskey with a “star”, and take hot baths for your upper extremities.
Important! If a cough develops against the background of snot, then the risk of developing bronchitis is high. The cause of forced exhalation may be the flow of mucous secretions along the back wall of the larynx.
Most often, thick mucous discharge from the nose of a pregnant woman occurs due to the development of respiratory diseases.
Ignoring therapeutic procedures leads to irreparable consequences, including termination of pregnancy. The expectant mother definitely needs to treat snot, but the method and method of therapy is determined by the doctor.
Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment
All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!
Green snot during pregnancy
You need to pay special attention to your health during pregnancy. And not only because an infection that enters the body can harm the unborn baby. The fact is that most traditional medications are strictly not recommended for use during pregnancy. But you won’t be able to stay in isolation for the entire nine months, and it’s very easy to catch an infection transmitted by airborne droplets. So what to do if it was not possible to prevent the disease? And how to treat green snot during pregnancy?
Where does green runny nose come from?
A runny nose in a pregnant woman can also occur for non-infectious reasons. Therefore, if snot appears, do not get too upset and immediately grab medications. Moreover, it is also necessary to treat different types of snot differently depending on the reasons for their appearance. So where does a runny nose come from?
- Often, hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother lead to the fact that the mucous membranes begin to produce more secretions. And then from the nose, from time to time, a transparent discharge similar to snot flows. When the hormonal levels stabilize, they go away on their own and there is no need to treat them.
- They may have snot and an allergic nature, even if there was no tendency to allergies before. This is all due to the same hormones and increased sensitivity of pregnant women to external stimuli. There is no point in treating such snot - they will still appear from time to time. If they flow too intensely, then antihistamines can be used.
- Snot of an infectious nature is formed as a protective reaction of the body to pathogenic microflora. Viruses and bacteria entering the body activate the immune system. And if it is weakened and cannot cope, the disease continues to develop and penetrates deep into the respiratory tract. It not only causes inconvenience, but can also harm the baby, so such snot must be treated immediately.
Transparent snot is generally safe. They are only a signal of certain changes that have occurred in the body. But if they do not go away within 1-2 days, their color and consistency change, especially when they turn green - it is better not to self-medicate, but to go to the doctor.
The green color of the snot indicates that the runny nose is bacterial in nature. This shade is given to it by dead neutrophils that attacked pathogenic bacteria. Essentially, this is purulent discharge. They make breathing difficult and poison the body of a pregnant woman.
Traditional treatment
Typically, green snot disappears fairly quickly with the use of nasal drops with an antibiotic. But most of them are not prescribed during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, when the baby is not yet protected by the placenta and everything that enters the mother’s bloodstream also affects him.
Many people mistakenly believe that if vasoconstrictors do not contain antibacterial components, then they are safe and can be used to stop the flow of snot and make breathing easier. Also only on the recommendation of a doctor!
Such drops cause vasoconstriction not only in the nose, but also in other organs, including the placenta, reducing the flow of oxygen to the fetus. Therefore, these drugs are dangerous at a later stage - in the 2-3 trimester.
So how can you treat green snot in pregnant women? Below is a list of drugs whose use is allowed, but once again we strongly recommend not to use them without first consulting a doctor:
- “Fugentin” contains the antibiotic gentamicin and practically does not enter the bloodstream, therefore, even in the official instructions, pregnancy is not a contraindication for topical use. Able to quickly cure respiratory infectious diseases. Can only be used by pregnant women as directed and under the supervision of a physician.
- "Bioparox" is one of the most effective drugs that contains the antibiotic fusafungin and allows you to very quickly cure ARVI and green snot. It is produced in the form of an aerosol and is not absorbed into the mucous membranes, making it relatively safe even during pregnancy. Remaining on the surface of the respiratory tract for a long time, it blocks the spread of infection while simultaneously destroying pathogenic microorganisms. Use no longer than 3-4 days, as the drug weakens the immune system.
- "Isofra" - contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic, framycetin. The drug is so strong that it can even treat sinusitis. It acts locally, but in case of overdose it has a negative effect on the development of the fetus. If a pregnant woman has a weakened immune system, it can cause thrush. Use for no longer than 10 days and only as prescribed by a doctor.
- "Polydexa" - contains the antibiotic neomycin and is effective against most microorganisms. Quickly eliminates green snot, nasal congestion, inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes. Officially, its use during pregnancy is prohibited, but doctors prescribe the drug in cases where other methods of treatment do not help, and the period is more than 12 weeks. Long-term use negatively affects the development of hearing organs in the fetus.
A natural pharmaceutical preparation based on essential oils “Pinosol” gives a good therapeutic effect. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, makes breathing easier and reduces the amount of secretions. But if the green snot is too thick and has an unpleasant odor, then most likely this medicine will be powerless.
Folk remedies
The safest ones during pregnancy are proven folk remedies, the simplest of which is rinsing the nose with a solution of sea salt. A teaspoon per glass of clean water is enough. But before the procedure, it is necessary to clean your nose well so that under the pressure of water the snot does not get into the Eustachian tube and cause otitis media. You can wash up to 5 times a day. To enhance the effect, it is good to add a few drops of iodine to the solution. Also wash the nose with a solution of furatsilin, potassium permanganate or chamomile decoction.
But rinsing alone is not enough; you also need to prepare drops with an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. There are several ways to do this:
- Squeeze a little juice from onion or garlic, mix with the same amount of honey and drop 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day. The mixture burns, but it helps a lot.
- Kalanchoe juice (with or without honey) is an excellent remedy for clearing a stuffy nose. It slightly irritates the mucous membranes and causes sneezing. Do not use if the uterus has increased tone!
- Drops with eucalyptus (have a very powerful antibacterial effect!) can be prepared by adding 2-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a teaspoon of sea buckthorn, flaxseed or regular sunflower oil.
Important! You can use other oils: mint, calendula, pine, fir. Thuja, juniper and St. John's wort are contraindicated during pregnancy.
Warm hand baths (not foot baths) also help relieve nasal congestion. You can use “Star” balm or its analogues containing mint, menthol, and eucalyptus oils on the nose area.
But all these methods help only when the disease is not advanced and green snot has just appeared. If such a runny nose lasts longer than 3-4 days, there is no point in treating it further on your own; you need medical help.
Author: Anna Alexandrova
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How to treat snot during pregnancy
Such a banal, at first glance, disease as a runny nose is familiar to every person. For many, it occurs quickly, within a few days, in a mild and uncomplicated form. But there is a category of patients in whom even a simple cold rhinitis can drag on for a long time or be complicated by the development of other pathologies.
This happens when the immune system is weakened, in the presence of concomitant chronic diseases or anatomical abnormalities of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses. This category also includes women during pregnancy.
It is at this time, when the female body performs the most important function of bearing a child, that a runny nose can cause harm to both the woman and the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it, strictly following medical recommendations. Let’s take a closer look at what the green snot that appears during pregnancy indicates.
Causes and clinical picture of runny nose during pregnancy
The appearance of nasal discharge during pregnancy does not always mean the development of rhinitis. At this time, the attending physician most often notes the so-called “runny nose of pregnant women,” which worries most women during gestation (pregnancy) from the second trimester. Its cause is a significant hormonal shift in the female body, associated with the influence of fetal hormones on it.
Also, this form of rhinitis is caused by an increase in the volume of circulating blood due to the addition of the child’s circulatory system. Nasal discharge during a runny nose in pregnant women is scanty, transparent and liquid, without any admixture of pus. The patient is more concerned about constant nasal congestion, difficulty in nasal breathing and impaired sense of smell.
There is no green tint in nasal discharge or allergic runny nose, which can be more severe during pregnancy. Depending on the type of allergen and the developed allergic mood of the body, such rhinitis is episodic, seasonal or permanent. A woman complains of sneezing, lacrimation, nasal contents are transparent, liquid and have a mucous consistency.
A completely different situation develops with a “cold” runny nose, which appears when the nasopharynx is exposed to pathogenic microflora. The first stage of inflammation of the nasal mucosa is usually associated with the penetration of respiratory viruses into the epithelium, the next stage is with the addition of bacteria.
The active inflammatory process that has begun in the nasal mucosa is caused by the destruction of the epithelium by microflora and the body's response. Killer cells (special leukocytes), related to cellular immunity, begin to arrive at the site of the invasion of viruses and bacteria. Humoral immunity is also activated, which produces specific antibodies (protective protein complexes).
As a result of a persistent struggle, a mass of destroyed epithelial cells, dead leukocytes and foreign microflora is formed. These components determine the appearance of pus in nasal secretions during an infectious runny nose, that is, green or yellow snot during pregnancy. The patient notes congestion, impaired sense of smell and taste, and pain in the nasal area may occur.
The release of toxic and pyrogenic substances by viruses and bacteria causes the development of intoxication syndrome. The woman complains of weakness, malaise, poor appetite, and a rise in body temperature may occur.
The appearance of purulent nasal discharge during pregnancy means the development of infectious inflammation in the mucous membrane. This condition should be treated comprehensively and in a timely manner, but using gentle methods that should not affect the child’s body.
How to treat a runny nose with green snot during pregnancy
If an expectant mother thinks about the health of her unborn child, she will definitely consult a doctor. After all, during pregnancy you should not use the medications that a woman usually used to treat her runny nose before. The doctor will advise which medications are best to choose depending on the trimester, which medications should be completely excluded, and which folk recipes can and should be used.
A runny nose during pregnancy in most cases should not be treated with antibacterial drugs. Natural antiseptics such as garlic and onions are used instead. These vegetables are famous for their phytoncides, which have a depressing effect on foreign microflora and prevent them from developing and multiplying.
At the same time, they activate local defense forces. Garlic or onion juice cannot be used in its pure form, so as not to damage the mucous membrane. It is always diluted with water or combined with vegetable oil or honey, and in some cases it is processed thermally.
But if a pregnant woman has a threat of infectious inflammation spreading to the paranasal sinuses or sinusitis has already begun, then antibacterial agents cannot be avoided. In such situations, the attending doctor must very carefully select the drug and calculate its dose so that the effect on the fetus is minimal.
You should also be very careful during pregnancy and when using nasal vasoconstrictors. Many of them have a systemic effect and are able to penetrate into a woman’s general bloodstream and then through the placental barrier into the child’s body.
Therefore, in order to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and get rid of nasal congestion, you can use only the “mildest” vasoconstrictor drugs and in small concentrations. Nazol baby, Sanorin for children, Naphthyzin for children have a reduced concentration and can be used by pregnant women for no more than 3 days.
There are no restrictions on such an effective method of treating a runny nose as rinsing the nose during pregnancy. During the procedure, a current of liquid washes away purulent discharge from the farthest “corners” of the nasal cavity, and along with it the remnants of pathogenic microflora. The cleansed mucous membrane has the opportunity for a speedy recovery.
Ready-made liquids sold in pharmacies (Aqua Maris, Aqualor) are used as solutions for rinsing the nose. But you can make them at home using table salt or medicinal herbs. For 1 liter of warm boiled water you need 1 teaspoon of salt. One tablespoon of dried plant materials (calendula, sage, chamomile) is scalded with one liter of boiling water, infused and cooled.
The prepared solutions are poured into a kettle with a convenient spout. Next, the woman leans over the sink and pours the liquid into the teapot into one nostril. Rinse water containing pus and mucus flows from the other nostril. If there is no suitable kettle, then the medicinal solution can simply be sucked in through the nose, holding one nostril closed.
A runny nose with green snot during pregnancy can be treated with local thermal procedures, massage techniques on reflexogenic points, and the use of Zvezdochka balm. It is important to do this in a timely manner and under medical guidance.
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Green snot during pregnancy: how to treat it
Pregnancy is a crucial period in the life of any woman, during which even minor health problems, such as a runny nose, make you worry about the life of the unborn baby. Green snot during pregnancy may indicate the presence of an infection in the body. How can they be treated?
Causes of green nasal discharge
Rhinitis with greenish nasal discharge during pregnancy may be non-infectious in nature, so you should not immediately resort to medication.
Different types of snot are treated differently. What could be the reasons for their appearance?
- Hormonal changes in the body. Pregnancy can provoke increased synthesis of mucus in the nose, and the nasal secretions will be transparent in color. This condition should not be treated. Colorless liquid discharge is the safest: over time, the hormonal levels return to normal, and they go away on their own. However, if within two days the mucus takes on a different color and becomes thick, the help of a specialist is needed.
- Allergic nature of mucus. Even if a pregnant woman was not previously prone to allergies, some women experience hypersensitivity to external factors. There is also no point in eliminating such snot: they can accompany the entire period of gestation. For intense discharge, the use of antihistamines is allowed.
- Yellow snot during pregnancy is one of the likely symptoms of diseases of the ENT organs. Most often they are provoked by hypothermia, colds, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Weakening of the immune system can lead to the disease becoming chronic, as well as the addition of a bacterial infection.
- Thick greenish sputum often indicates the presence of a viral or bacterial infection: this is how the immune system reacts to the penetration of pathogens. Sometimes a runny nose with green snot during pregnancy is a sign of sinusitis. It is in this case that immediate treatment of a runny nose is required.
Viral infections in pregnant women pose a particular danger at the initial stage of gestation, up to 16 weeks. Starting from the second trimester, the developed placenta protects the baby from exposure to pathogenic microorganisms.
Infections of viral origin are the most common cause of rhinitis, and a pregnant woman may experience accompanying symptoms:
- heat;
- sneezing;
- pain in the head and throat;
- general deterioration of condition.
Green nasal discharge in pregnant women usually indicates the presence of bacterial flora, which begins to actively reproduce.
This condition often occurs when the immune system is weakened. If the mucus has an unpleasant odor and admixtures of pus, an inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses can be suspected.
The occurrence of purulent processes in the body increases the likelihood of infection spreading to neighboring organs and threatens the life and health of the fetus. That is why self-medication is unacceptable during this period.
Green discharge with blood
Blood streaks in the mucus can occur due to injury to the mucous membranes, as well as abuse of nasal medications. The appearance of blood after washing the maxillary sinuses may indicate an exacerbation of inflammatory phenomena.
However, if blood appears for no reason, you must immediately visit a medical facility.
Bleeding from the nasal cavity usually indicates weakness and fragility of the blood vessels. To strengthen the vascular walls, the doctor may prescribe the medicine Ascorutin, which will help reduce inflammation, relieve swelling, restore the elasticity of the walls, and also prevent venous disorders.
Most often, bloody discharge from the nose does not pose any particular danger to a pregnant woman. It is inflammation of a purulent nature that is threatening.
When you need specialist help
A woman in this position needs to be attentive to her health and monitor all changes occurring in the body. If you have a runny nose, you should consult a doctor if the following signs appear:
- deterioration in general health;
- soreness in the forehead, dizziness;
- feeling of heaviness in the maxillary cavities;
- elevated temperature;
- sore throat and sore throat;
- loss of appetite;
- nausea;
- copious greenish mucus in the nasopharynx;
- appearance of a rash.
These symptoms are signals of the presence of inflammatory phenomena and general intoxication of the body. Such manifestations are especially dangerous at the early stage of gestation, when the formation of the internal organs of the fetus occurs.
How to treat snot during pregnancy
Green mucus can be eliminated with nasal decongestants containing an antibiotic. However, most drugs are prohibited during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester: they can penetrate the circulatory system and cause pregnancy complications and fetal development abnormalities. In this case, resorting to self-medication is unacceptable.
The following antibacterial drops and nasal sprays will help you cope with green snot:
All products are relatively harmless for pregnant women, but should be used in short courses, under the supervision of a specialist.
Before visiting your doctor, you can use nasal drops approved during pregnancy:
Vasoconstrictors can be used for 3-4 days. Some preparations based on sea water (Aqua Maris, Salin) can be used for a long time: they will help relieve swelling, narrow blood vessels and restore breathing through the nose.
You can also use medications that soften mucous surfaces and strengthen local immunity (Grippferon). To enhance the effectiveness of these drugs, the nasal cavity is first cleaned using rinses.
Folk remedies
Traditional methods can be used in situations where it is not possible to contact a specialist. Otherwise, green snot is treated under the supervision of an otolaryngologist.
- First of all, a woman needs to carry out systematic procedures to clean the nasal cavity. This will relieve swelling and prevent the proliferation of bacterial microflora. At home, you can prepare a salt-based rinsing solution. To do this, you will need 5 g of regular or sea salt and a glass of warm boiled water. The nasal cavity is washed with this solution three times a day, 1-2 ml of solution in each nostril.
- One of the effective ways to eliminate green discharge is a decoction of calendula and yarrow. Herbs are combined in equal proportions. For 10 g of mixture you will need 150 g of boiling water. The infusion is kept for 40 minutes, strained, and then the nasal tract is washed 3-4 times a day.
- An effective method for lingering rhinitis is beetroot or carrot juice. Fresh vegetables are grated and squeezed. Instill 5 drops of juice into each nostril three times a day. This method will help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and eliminate bacteria.
- If a pregnant woman does not have an intolerance to bee products, washing with honey water will help eliminate green snot. To do this, combine one tablespoon of honey with 200 g of warm boiled water. The rinsing procedure is carried out several times a day, using 2 ml of solution in each nostril.
- Inhalations with propolis have proven themselves to be excellent: they will suppress the growth of bacteria and also eliminate the manifestations of sinusitis. Such procedures are used at normal body temperature. For 500 g of warm water you will need 2.5 g of 10% propolis tincture. Inhalations are carried out for 5 minutes, before going to bed, covered with a towel.
- Kalanchoe juice, eucalyptus essential oil, as well as drops based on onion, garlic and honey will help cope with bacterial infection.
If a runny nose with thick green snot lasts more than 3-4 days, folk remedies may not help. In this case, medical attention is required.
It is better for the expectant mother to take preventive measures in advance to prevent the progression of the infectious disease, as well as allergic reactions that provoke green snot. To do this, you must follow the following rules:
- regularly ventilate the room, perform daily wet cleaning;
- use air humidifiers;
- take walks in the fresh air;
- visit public places less often - shops, metro, train stations;
- dress according to the weather;
- do not contact with exotic plants and animals that are potential sources of allergies;
- use face masks when interacting with people infected with influenza or ARVI.
Treatment of rhinitis during pregnancy should occur under the guidance of an otolaryngologist, as well as a gynecologist managing the pregnancy. Specialists will help prevent complications and select the necessary therapy depending on the stage of pregnancy and the patient’s medical history.
Treatment of green snot during pregnancy
I took an antibiotic for bronchitis and this green stuff remained.
Every day I wash it with otrivin, but there are still greens :((
Otherwise, you can take Sinupret in tablets (but not in syrup, it’s alcohol-based). And do regular inhalations - with a regular steam inhaler (NOT a nebulizer), or over a saucepan - with essential oils.
I still do this as a preventive measure, and I treated sinusitis this way - inhalations really saved me, they kill microbes right in the sinus cavities - relief comes very quickly. I make it with the Ingalar phytocomposition (you may have one like this, or maybe you have something similar). Ingalar includes: mint, eucalyptus, fir oils, menthol, turpentine and vaseline oils. And I drink linden tea, I need to drink enough liquid so that the snot does not thicken... Yesterday I came from the hospital, and there were a hundred children passing by me with contagious coughs - I immediately brewed linden and inhaled with an inhaler... For prevention. Everything is fine :))) (I forgot to take a mask to the hospital, although I apply oxolinic ointment to my nose before going there).
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how to treat green snot during pregnancy?
But the question remains open: how to treat lingering green snot during pregnancy, and what antibacterial drops are not contraindicated for pregnant women. Just rinsing with saline solutions is not my option.
Of course, we will write anything in the instructions - just don’t check in foreign reference books the composition of medications and the studies that were carried out on the possibility of use by B or nursing mothers.
just a standard unsubscribe - nope.
it’s another matter if there are all sorts of drops and herbs that help - then why, it’s possible without vasoconstrictors.
2 B was on them, due to chronic rhinitis (the nose did not breathe at all) - healthy children, no problems in B.
neither cuckoos nor standard medications helped.
Classical homeopathy helped for a while, but then everything came back faster and faster each time (after the next pea)
Then I went to osteopaths. After several years of treatment, I now have rare exacerbations, and in general I no longer have constant rhinitis and congestion. but the truth is that the sense of smell is almost completely absent (happens once every 2 weeks for 5 minutes).
Some breathing exercises and Sujok help - but not always.
I definitely monitor the humidity in the room - below 30% my nose immediately becomes stuffy.
Now in the third B my nose is worse again, I’m staying away from vasoconstrictors for now, but if it gets worse, I’ll go back to them. not breathing is also not the point.
extreme options like cauterizing the mucous membrane with a laser - I don’t see it as possible for myself, although it helps someone for 10-15 years.
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Green snot during pregnancy
I apologize for the unappetizing title of the post((I have a bit of a sore throat and specifically green snot((((I’m treating my throat with Lysobact, I know that pregnant women can use it, but what should I put in my nose? For now I’m just rinsing it with Aqualor and blowing my nose.
I've been sick since yesterday. Weakness, heavy head, temperature 36.8-37.2, slight runny nose, stuffiness, sometimes sore throat. Yesterday morning I blew my nose with green snot (as I understand it, this is an infection), there was no more green snot. I'm worried that the child will have pathologies. I am receiving treatment as a pregnant woman should. Who was sick during this period? How quickly did you recover? Did this affect the child later?
Just the other day I announced that even now, with B, I don’t get any colds/drafts, just like before B, like on you... in the morning I woke up, the tonsil on the right hurts, by lunchtime greenery started coming off my nose, I can feel the right ear, the tonsil also hurts, My head/eyes/k starts to hurt.
Good evening girls! I read the whole community, very many people get sick at the beginning of pregnancy. I’m 6 weeks old, and on the 3rd day of the cold, green snot began to flow (excuse the expression), from the first signs I was treated with Aqualor. gripferon in the nose, rinse soda salt drop of iodine, drank chamomile, with lemon, milk honey! I sucked Lizobakt, and on the 3rd day green snot started. What they write on the Internet is very dangerous! This is how I continue to heal. I'm worried. Maybe I’ll go to the doctor tomorrow, but you won’t miss the holidays! Has anyone encountered this? what to do? very dangerous?
Hi all! I'm 5 weeks pregnant. The pregnancy is long-awaited and planned! I want a girl We've been through so much, green snot, and fatigue. So far, only the hCG level in dynamics has been analyzed during pregnancy. 23.09.ed, 25.09.. I'm happy! Girls, pregnant)) add yourself as a friend, we will enjoy this period together!
Girls, I was sick for a long time. Now I have sinusitis! My head is splitting, I can’t breathe, I have green snot, my temperature is 37, I can’t bend over. Tomorrow I’ll go first to the gynecologist, then I hope to get to the ENT specialist! Who had this?! It's my first time! The gestational age is 24 weeks.
Second pregnancy, I’m walking very hard. At 5 weeks of pregnancy, in the hospital I had a sore throat and green snot. I washed the snot, miramistin, at the pharmacy they then advised protargol-kpp for three days, everything went away. Then my throat hurt from time to time, rinse-lysobacter. Since January 16 severe pain in the throat, then again green snot, washing and rinsing as prescribed by doctors. The result is right-sided sinusitis, terrible headaches, nothing to breathe at all. On the advice of an ENT specialist, I take sinupret, tsinapsin, warming with salt, rinsing, inhalations. The ENT said, if the day there will be no improvement in taking antibiotics. I did everything for 2 days, it only got worse, it hurts to bend over and chew. The therapist and ENT immediately prescribed vilprofen 1000, I took it for two days, it became a little better, but I’m terribly afraid for the baby. The stool has become liquefied, snot is still flowing and coughing .
This post is from the category of “I don’t know why I’m writing here now, but I’m writing.” I’ve been sick for 4 days, sore throat, snot, green snot in the morning, a lot of green snot, non-breathing nose, square head and today my ears started shooting up. Either my son brought me this “joy” from the garden, or it wasn’t my son. All these 4 days I was treated with brainwashes, rinses and bioparox. Today I went to the ENT specialist, because I already want to sleep at night, and I’m tired of getting up at 5 in the morning, because “oh figs.
My husband got sick. With a high temperature (up to 39.6), cough, yellow-green snot, etc. Started taking antibiotics. I ovulate in about a week. Do you think it’s not worth planning for this cycle yet? Let it recover? And if someone had this and became pregnant, were there any pathologies in the fetus or in general during pregnancy?
A week ago I found out that I was pregnant and my daughter almost immediately became infected (((first snot and cough. Now the temperature has increased to 38((((
The seventh month began and again with snot, everyone around me was sick and this fate did not spare me. I tried to get an appointment with a doctor in the women's room, they shaved me off at the reception and said that the therapist does not accept sick pregnant women, only healthy ones (LOOKS AT ANALYSIS, what the hell). There is no appointment at a regular clinic. I don’t have a temperature, you can’t call an ambulance. So. Who treated snot with anything in the 3rd trimester? thick yellow (not green yet). The nose is stuffy. I rinse with saline solution, sprinkle with aquamaris, but it...
Today is the end of 34 weeks and I’m sick again. Nika endlessly drags some kind of rubbish from the garden and I follow her in pain. This time, my VHI from work has ended, and treating myself at home with folk remedies is risky in my case, given 3 illnesses with antibiotics during pregnancy and the potential for hospitalization for antenatal care in a week. Therefore, in order to recover quickly and effectively, I decided to go to a simple district clinic to see a therapist. My doctor turned out to be exactly on vacation.
Hi all! Today I visited the ENT specialist because... My runny nose became worse after treatment with traditional methods. The snot turned green. And the coughing began. My throat is hurting. In general, snot went into my throat ((((. As a result, the ENT specialist wrote chronic catarrhal rhinitis. In general, she said pre-sinusitis. They gave me a “cuckoo” rinse. And she prescribed 2 drops of isofra 2 times a day, Miramistin and come to her at least 2 more times for rinsing. In the instructions for isofra, anti-rolling is pregnant. I asked the ENT about.
I'm about to give birth, but everything is going well for me. . I describe the problem. I’ll say right away that I went to the doctor (as many as 2), what to do next - HZ. My nose can’t breathe, after rinsing (especially in the mornings) there’s a lot of green snot, it makes my throat hurt. Every day the situation gets worse: sleepless nights, plague headache. The first doctor prescribed amoxiclav for 7 days, rinsing, isofra (she didn’t spray because she considered amoxiclav sufficient), sinupret. It helped, after a week I became human, but only for one week. Then the same song. Let's go.
The right tonsil hurt for a week, treated with inhalipt, it went away, then the left one started hurting and did not go away. I started coughing violently, deeply, such a racking cough. I went to the Balashikha Central District Hospital to see an ENT specialist. He prescribed gargling with chamomile 😂 naive. In general, I stopped sleeping at night, and tachycardia began from this sore throat. and began to spit up green discharge. A runny nose accompanied by clear snot. I went to surrender at 20 rd, they didn’t accept me, they wanted to transfer me to 70. She refused and came to the Balashikha Medical Center. They said that...
Girls, I’m almost crying here. I managed to get sick in the last trimester of pregnancy (((( Throat, snot. I was treated for two weeks with simple medications. The throat was cured - no snot. The nose is constantly stuffy, there is thick green discharge from the nose. It is very difficult to blow the nose. There is nothing to breathe. We did a “cuckoo" with ENT. Sprayed Bioparox for 7 days. She warmed it up and sprayed it with everything she could. And washed it herself. It doesn’t help, even if you crack. Today I went to see her and prescribed Amoxicillin for 5 days. She said that the safest drug for B, especially on my term.
Since last Thursday I have already been on vacation, which will gradually turn into maternity leave on the 16th. Bliss. The baby is so active, it’s crazy, he pushes, kicks, scratches. It seems like it was the same with Tyomka, only later, when he’s actively fidgeting, something crunches there, you can actually hear clicks. The main thing would be nothing, have a good rest, but on the first day of my vacation I woke up sick))) bastard, only I can do that. Because I can’t do anything and since Thursday I’ve been torturing myself with salt water and chamomile. My throat seems to have cleared up, my snot is green, I don’t know what to do with it. More.
Hi all. I felt great throughout my pregnancy, except for my back aching when I spent a lot of time on my feet. There was no toxicosis, I waited until 12 weeks for it, but it passed me by. it all started at 33 weeks, at a doctor’s appointment they measured my blood pressure as high as 130/80, swelling appeared, and she immediately sent me to the hospital. I lay down as if obedient to the mods, lay there for 6 days, and they didn’t even give me an IV, everything went away by itself. I was discharged and got sick(((at first it was easy to swallow.
And during these 10 weeks, what happened to us) At 5-6 weeks, green snot with a small rate was cured; at 7-8 weeks, norovirus was vomiting for a day and at a rate of 38 per day. At 8-10 weeks, herpes on the lips was smeared with acyclovir (herpes as long as I can remember). The pregnancy is planned. Toxicosis torments 25 hours a day. But I am absolutely happy. Support) The ultrasound doctor told you there is a direct route to a geneticist because you were sick during the period of the formation of the heart and central nervous system, there is a high probability of congenital heart disease. Damn really?
6th week of pregnancy and complications of ARVI. 😢 We have been sick with the whole family for more than a week now. They took the child out of the garden. And I have to go to school and work. At first, all the symptoms seemed to subside, the child only had snot, and my throat hurt a little. And then it began. a bacterial infection has appeared - green snot, cough with sputum, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, and the child’s temperature rises to 39 for the second day! We are trying to get treatment, but to no avail. The little one doesn't let you do anything with him except...
Today I called the doctor at home, prescribed Amoxiclav, saying that it is possible during pregnancy - 3rd trimester. So I don’t understand - it’s an antibiotic, has anyone taken it? I’m very afraid of harming the baby, but I don’t have the strength anymore, I’m coughing to the point of nausea, the mucus doesn’t go away, the snot has been green for a month now, homeopathy and folk medicine are “smoking on the sidelines.”
Girls, help! Term 24th week. That’s how I knew that some nonsense would happen while the doctor was on vacation. After treatment with Pimafucin, the thrush returned again. I bought Clotrimazole. For a long time I didn’t dare to install it. The symptoms of thrush seemed to calm down, but they started.
Girls, what did you take during pregnancy for the terrible green snot!! I remember that time I was sucking on corizalia, but in my opinion it was like having a death attack!!
All the girls, I gave up. I'm tired. I don't want anymore. I don’t have much planning experience, but I was so immersed in this topic that I was already burned out.
We went to the garden at the beginning of September. For three days we went and went on sick leave with snot. We healed and returned. Again, three days and again snot. The temperature did not increase, the throat was reddish - a cold infection, standard treatment (pediatrician's verdict). And now, after almost two weeks, the persistent snot became thicker and acquired a greenish tint. I don’t know (didn’t know) what green snot is, I’m seeing it for the first time, so I didn’t immediately understand that it was that same “green.” And on top of that there was a cough! Especially strong and frequent.
So, it’s week 16 of pregnancy. In the first trimester we were in conservancy. Over the past month, my throat hurt twice, I had a cough twice, my snot did not go away for two weeks, and it has already started to turn green. I feel like my ears are starting to ache (last winter I had otitis for 2 months), and for dessert, I was covered with cystitis! Fucking! When will I be healthy? WE WANT TO BE HEALTHY. Yes, from time to time, nausea sets in, headaches every day and depression! How is this going for you?
Girls! Help with advice, maybe someone has encountered this. I have chronic sinusitis,
Is it possible to somehow increase a child’s immunity or does hardening only help? All summer we tried to run barefoot more and at home we walk barefoot when we are not sick. Walks in any weather. I don't spoil children. The children go to the pool, Egor goes to kickboxing. I’m thinking of starting to douse the children, does dousing really help? But we get sick all the time and we just can’t start... if only in the spring, for example, we start pouring ourselves and continue in the summer, and then there’s autumn and winter. We don’t get sick in the summer, but as autumn has begun, it’s real for me.
I’ll call the post that, because in anxious anticipation I was looking for so many things with just such a phrase. And I added more before the delay
Everything was fine until I registered and started undergoing tests - I’m guilty of taking a smear for STIs - they take it harshly with a brush. It was March 2nd! And on March 5, against the background of complete well-being, when going to the toilet, I discovered blood on the paper; it was not scarlet, but not brown either, but like during menstruation with mucus! I was terribly scared - a papaverine candle in the butt, I collected the child, got dressed and went to the emergency hospital on the way to the pharmacy and bought duphaston and Tranexam right away.
fell ill with a fever. Before this I had pain, but mostly no more than snot. a month ago we went to the children's club. We stayed for 2 days and settled at home with snot for 2 weeks. then another 2 weeks passed and now it’s the 5th day at home. Moreover, the first 2 days were just snot, like water, transparent (usually we tolerate all snot like this) yesterday morning began with streams of green snot :( (this happened to us 1-2 times in 3 years maximum) and the night was generally hellish. first.
Hello girls! I’ll write about the dynamics of the second year of kindergarten. From September to November.
Back in mid-February, we picked up some kind of infection in the garden, we were intensively treated for two weeks and recovered from the disease for another two, giving him Alphabet vitamins. They seemed to have returned home, it was time to go to the garden, he was away for a week and a half and fell ill again (((he ate snow there and came with hands blacker than night, plus there were children with green snot walking around in a group and coughing. In short, since Friday, at first they were just snot, then the temperature rose to 37.7, he began to complain about his throat, it went away, then in.
Tim went into the garden. visited twice (Thursday-Friday) As a result, on Saturday I had a fever and snot up to my chin. I'm going to go to kindergarten today for a showdown. Because it's all fucked up. They gave me a healthy child (a blood test with a formula confirms this) and two days later this is bullshit. I can’t keep Tim at home all the time - he wakes up every morning and asks to take him to kindergarten..(((I feel sorry for him, it’s boring for him to walk in the yard alone, he wants to communicate with his peers. But it’s even more pity when he’s sick. Here’s what to do ?U.
What is this? I was simply overcome by misfortunes after the vacation! Term 19n 5d. First, the thrush came out. Until now, I had never encountered her! Never! in 28 years! I didn't think it was such a nightmare! The itching is terrible, there is a lot of white curdled discharge, sometimes with yellowness and even once with green! The smell is sour. Sorry for the details! I don’t do self-medication; on Saturday I’m going to see my paid doctor. What treatment did you use? Thank you all for your comments while I bought pimafucin suppositories. IN.
In a smear, in the cervical canal...after the birth of a CS. I always take care of hygiene, I didn’t have sex, not during pregnancy, not after... It wasn’t possible during pregnancy, but now it’s rubbish. I passed a culture tank and an antibioticogram. Based on the results of this infection, they prescribed amoxiclav and drugs for the intestines.. But before that, I also took a course of agumentin, and this is the same as amoxiclav.. If amoxiclav doesn’t help now. They threaten me with gentamicin injections, three a day.. This is a harsh drug, and it affects hearing.. I’m just in shock. What to do?! Who had something like this? The only symptoms...excuse discharge, like...
I haven’t complained about sores for a long time))) I feel it’s time! There's something wrong with me. During my second pregnancy, I practically didn’t get sick, unlike the first. Well, if you don’t take into account the toxicosis that lasts all 9 months. The first three months also went with a bang. and on the fourth. green snot came to us. to me and Nikita. Either one of the guests on his birthday brought them to us (they got sick the day after the birthday), or it was a little damp at the dacha. but we’ve been sick for a month now.
Good afternoon. The child has been born since Monday, t 38, there was nothing else. The doctor was there on Tuesday, my throat was a little reddish. From Wednesday to Friday there was no temperature, but yellow-green snot and a slight cough appeared (I think it was also from a runny nose) on Saturday 37.5, and today it is already 39.2.. The throat does not seem to be red. The temperature does not drop completely, up to 38.3. Is this some kind of virus or what? No vomiting or diarrhea. Now I’ve put on a tsyfekon candle, if it doesn’t work, I’ll call an ambulance. It can't be the flu.
Or rather, not a bug, but a plush. Because he plops down on his butt a hundred times a day. Mom's joy refuses OP in favor of MP, although this does not affect the frequency of getting into the pot. And the inserts often end up in the wash. True, the other day we ran for half a day in training panties, and for a walk I wore OP. I still belong to the number of those mothers who wear OP for walks and sleep for safety reasons. There is little progress with speech - he babbles a lot, speaks little coherently. It seems that.
So I waited for my ultrasound at 23 DPP! I was worried that it was starting to shake in front of the office)))
I'm about to give birth, but everything is going well for me. . I describe the problem. I’ll say right away that I went to the doctor (as many as 2.), what to do next - HZ. The nose can’t breathe, after rinsing (especially in the mornings) there’s a lot of green snot, it makes my throat hurt. Every day the situation gets worse: sleepless nights, plague headache. The first doctor prescribed amoxiclav for 7 days, rinsing, isofra (she didn’t spray because she considered amoxiclav sufficient), sinupret. It helped, after a week I became human, but only for one week. Then the same song.
I look at my pregnant belly and can’t believe that everything worked out! It worked out in twins, I have twins in my belly. A boy like I wanted and a girl like my husband wanted. It cost me 10 attempts at eco.
We finally went to kindergarten on September 1st. We were gone for a week and were sick for 2 weeks. It was cold in the garden without heating. Now it’s been 2 weeks and I see that the snot is running, but it’s immediately green. I went to kindergarten with snot for 2 days, although at home it was generally normal - I washed my nose with Aqualor and there was no snot either in the evening or in the morning, and in the kindergarten they said that green stuff was running right up to my chin. But they let you in with snot, they say the whole group walks around with snot. And today I started coughing again. Well, in short, the everyday life of the kindergarten began. Like everyone else.
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