Nasal congestion and dry cough in a child

A child has a cough and runny nose without fever - What to do?

Colds are often diagnosed in childhood and especially in infants. The main reason for the appearance of cough with runny nose in children under one year of age is the clearance of various contaminants from the respiratory tract, which is considered normal.

Table of contents:

In older children, cough, runny nose and fever become the main signs of the development of colds in the body. In some cases, the disease occurs without fever and this can happen for various reasons. What should parents do if their child has a cough and runny nose without fever, and what treatment methods should they prefer?

Reasons for the development of pathology

The presence in a child of a cough with a runny nose without fever is a sign of an incipient cold or allergy

The main signs of a cold, which can occur when various viruses enter a child’s body, are a runny nose and cough. The baby’s immune system begins to react to pathogenic microorganisms and enter into a peculiar reaction with them.

However, in some cases, problems arise with recognizing the virus and it easily penetrates into the cells of the body. If a bacterial disease develops, an increase in body temperature is immediately noted, but with a viral infection, the indicators remain normal.

In the absence of effective treatment for viral rhinitis, the risk of developing a severe inflammatory process in the sinuses increases, that is, sinusitis develops.

Parents need to understand that pathogenic microorganisms may enter the throat and trachea area.

In such a situation, in the absence of effective treatment, complications may develop in the form of:

The penetration of various viruses into the child’s body significantly disrupts the functioning of the immune system, so the course of such a disease can be supplemented by a bacterial infection. With ARVI, other pathogenic microorganisms present in the child’s body are also activated, which leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the ENT organs.

Parents need to understand that even in the absence of fever with a cough and runny nose, it is imperative to show the child to a specialist who will find out the causes of this condition and prescribe effective treatment.

Useful video - Cough in children: causes, types and treatment

In some cases, the cause of cough and runny nose without fever may be the development of allergic rhinitis. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in children and adults who spend a long time in a dusty room. Allergic rhinitis can occur as a reaction to chemicals, pollen, children's cosmetics and animal dander. In some cases, even healthy children may experience a runny nose and cough without fever due to too dry air in the children's room.

If a cough and runny nose without fever bother a child for a long time, this may be a dangerous signal. An allergic reaction can lead to the development of such a complex disease as bronchial asthma. It is for this reason that it is necessary to show the child to the doctor in time, which will avoid the development of many complications.

Drug treatment

It is important to remember that in childhood it is necessary to use various medications only after consultation with a specialist.

To combat a viral infection, antiviral drugs are usually used, since without their help it is unlikely to achieve a positive result.

  • The following drugs have a good effect in the treatment of viral diseases: Ingavirin, Remantadine, Isoprinosine, Ribavirin, Arbidol.
  • Such antiviral drugs can be used in children from the first day of their birth. In order to activate the body's strength to fight the disease during drug therapy, interferonogenesis inducers are prescribed: Laferon, Cycloferon, Viferon, Anaferon.
  • A severe cough and nasal congestion cause children a lot of inconvenience and anxiety, so it is necessary to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. To eliminate nasal congestion and restore breathing, experts prescribe the use of the following medications: Tizin, Farmazolin, Nazivin, Galazolin. It is important to remember that such vasoconstrictor drops are allowed to be used for no more than 5 days, otherwise the risk of developing allergic rhinitis increases. If a child is bothered by a wet cough, treatment should be carried out using medications that help dilute mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract.
  • The following drugs have a good effect in the fight against wet cough: ACC, Mucaltin, licorice root tincture.
  • If a child is bothered by a dry cough, drugs such as Libexin, Pertussin and Tusuprex are usually used to eliminate it.
  • In some cases, a child may suffer from a prolonged cough combined with nasal congestion, but without fever. In such a situation, it is recommended to give the child herbal breast milk, however, this must be done after consulting a doctor. The fact is that such a collection has a suppressive effect on cough, which can disrupt the process of sputum discharge and cause the development of an inflammatory process in the lungs.
  • Often a cough and runny nose without fever is a manifestation of an allergic reaction against the background of an inflammatory process in the body. In such a situation, to eliminate tissue swelling and relieve an allergic reaction, the following antihistamines are prescribed: Loratadine, Zaditen, Suprastin, Tavegil.

Traditional methods of treatment

The best folk recipes for treating a runny nose and cough in a child

At home, you can treat a child’s runny nose and cough using folk remedies:

  • You can use steam inhalation, when the child inhales the emanating steam from boiled potatoes. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the root vegetable and boil it. After this, you should slightly tilt the child’s face over the emanating steam, covering himself with a towel on top. He must breathe over the steam for minutes, and this procedure is preferably carried out for older children.
  • If a cold is accompanied by a runny nose, then homemade nasal drops can be used to relieve nasal congestion. For this, it is recommended to use medicinal plants such as aloe and Kalanchoe, as well as garlic and onions.
  • If parents decide to prepare drops from Kalanchoe, then it is best to use a young plant no older than 3-5 years. The squeezed juice must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and a few drops of the prepared product should be dripped into each nasal passage. It is important to remember that during treatment it is not recommended to combine aloe juice with medications such as Sanorin and Naphthyzin, since there is a danger of developing sinusitis.
  • Inhalations with a nebulizer based on soda and medicinal herbs give a good effect for a productive cough and runny nose. At the moment of inhalation of the medicinal solution, the mucous membrane is moistened and the muscles of the bronchi are relaxed, which allows sputum to easily exit the respiratory tract.

Other therapies

When treating a child with a cough and runny nose without fever, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity in the children's room and this can be done with regular ventilation
  2. The air temperature in the room should be maintained no higher than 20 degrees
  3. It is important to organize the child’s drinking regime
  4. It is recommended to maintain proper and nutritious nutrition, excluding spicy and hot foods from the diet
  5. During the day, it is fashionable to rinse the child’s nose more often with saline or saline solution
  6. It is necessary to fill the child’s diet with vegetables and fruits

It is possible to improve blood circulation in the chest area and speed up the discharge of sputum when coughing with the help of warm compresses. For this purpose, you can use boiled potatoes, honey, flour and vegetable oil. All ingredients are mixed together and the resulting mass is applied to the child’s chest area for several hours. After time, the compress is removed from the chest and the baby is carefully wrapped.

It is important that during illness the child consumes as much fluid as possible.

You can offer your baby rosehip decoctions, compotes, tea with lemons, cranberry or lingonberry juice. Decoctions of medicinal plants such as oregano, coltsfoot, plantain and thyme provide a good effect in the fight against cough without fever.

It is necessary to treat a child only after consultation with a specialist, since self-medication can further aggravate the baby’s condition and cause the development of many complications. If a child has an allergic runny nose and cough, then, first of all, it is necessary to identify the allergen and completely protect the child from it.

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Comments (4)


05.10.2016 at 18:07 | #

If you have a runny nose, I advise you to use Morenasal. This is a domestically produced spray, so it has a low price. The pharmacist at the pharmacy recommended it to me.


01/10/2017 at 11:16 | #

Having a fever always scares me; it’s better when it’s not there. When my son has a cough, I always give inhalations to him; they are more effective. We bought a nebulizer a long time ago, I fill it with Prospan drops and let the child breathe. He likes it, and most importantly, it helps a lot. Several such inhalations with Prospan and the cough goes away.


02/08/2017 at 18:29 | #

In kindergarten, this runny nose and cough were generally a sore spot! It's good that you purchased a nebulizer. They began to be treated with inhalations; if there was a cough, then they added drops of Prospan and breathed several times a day. It helped much better than pills, and faster.

07.11.2017 at 13:39 | #

But I like Prospan better in syrup, it has a great taste and gently treats coughs. Moreover, without alcohol, which is important for children. I treat my husband and I with it successfully.

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How can you quickly cure a cough and runny nose?

How to quickly cure a cough and runny nose - this is something that any person who gets sick with ARVI, influenza or a common cold thinks about.

When your nose is constantly running, your nasal passages are constantly blocked, and a dry cough keeps you from sleeping at night, you have to use all known means to quickly get rid of a runny nose and cough.

Why do runny nose and cough occur?

A runny nose is one of the main symptoms of an incipient cold. It brings many inconveniences to a sick person, the main one of which is nasal congestion.

Any cold is caused by a viral infection. It is this that causes the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. At the same time, profuse nasal discharge begins.

If the surrounding air is too dry and the room is hot, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx begin to dry out, in this case the discharge from the nasal passages thickens, and the nose becomes clogged with dried pieces of mucus. A person has to breathe through the mouth; with this breathing, dry hot air enters the upper respiratory tract and begins to dry out their mucous membranes.

In this case, dry pieces of mucus fall on the cilia (small hairs located on the walls of the upper respiratory tract). These hairs send a signal to the cough center, so the person begins to cough up the accumulated mucus. Since the mucus is dry, it is difficult to cough it up. These dry particles “walk” in the upper respiratory tract; sometimes a doctor, listening to the patient’s chest, mistakes such movements of mucus for the onset of bronchitis.

If a dry cough occurs, medications are prescribed that help thin the mucus. In addition, such a patient is recommended to drink plenty of hot drinks to moisturize the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. It is necessary to humidify the air in the room where the patient is; a humid atmosphere helps moisturize the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

Viral diseases are defeated by the human body's immune system. Usually, by the fifth day from the onset of a cold, a person’s immune system has produced a sufficient amount of antibodies that begin to fight viruses.

Colds, flu or ARVI are usually cured no later than 10 days after the onset of the disease.

Humanity has not yet invented any magic pills to speed up this process. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly overcome a runny nose or cough. But you can help the body get rid of nasal congestion or debilitating coughing attacks with the help of medications and various folk remedies.

Treating a runny nose correctly

The main means for effectively combating nasal congestion is regular and frequent rinsing of the nose with physiological saline solutions (Aqua-Maris, etc.). To carry out this procedure, you need to lie on your side and pour a special solution into the nostril that is not in contact with the pillow using a pipette or a small syringe. If this procedure is carried out correctly, the liquid, having entered one nostril, should flow out of the other. Such rinsing should be done 4-5 times a day in case of severe nasal congestion.

If rinsing is ineffective and the nose still cannot breathe, the doctor recommends instilling vasoconstrictor drops. Since these medications become addictive too quickly, they can be used no more than three times a day and no more than three days.

Such vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed to children with great caution and only in the following cases:

  • if the child has a very stuffy nose and can only breathe through his mouth;
  • if mucous discharge gets into the ear canals, and there is a possibility of otitis media;
  • if the child’s ears are blocked;
  • if the child has a stuffy nose, and also has severe pain in the throat when swallowing and eating.

Such products are given to children no more than 2 times a day for 3 days (and no more).

Folk remedies for the fight against runny nose

For people with severe rhinitis, steam inhalations over a soda solution, over hot potatoes, over hot decoctions and infusions with medicinal herbs are very useful: eucalyptus, pine extract, calendula, sage. In addition, it is recommended to breathe over finely chopped onions and garlic. The phytoncides secreted by these root vegetables actively kill any viral infections.

Children are advised to put aloe vera, carrot or beet juice in their nose. Kalanchoe juice is very good at clearing blocked nasal passages, so in case of severe nasal congestion, this plant should always be at hand.

Also (if there are no purulent processes in the nasal passages) you can warm up the sinuses with hot lotions. Traditional medicine suggests doing similar warmings with river sand, wrapped in a canvas bag and heated in a microwave or in a frying pan to approximately body temperature. It is recommended to carry out such heating using a hard-boiled hot chicken egg.

If the temperature does not rise due to a cold, then you can take a steam bath, after rubbing yourself with a mixture of honey and salt. It is necessary to sweat until the solution leaves the body along with sweat.

If you have a severe runny nose, it is better not to use a regular handkerchief, but to use disposable wipes - this will avoid re-infection.

For adults, to treat a runny nose, you can instill garlic or onion juice mixed with any vegetable oil.

It must be remembered that such remedies are suitable for treating colds, but allergic or vasomotor types of rhinitis cannot be treated with these methods.

Cough treatment

If the cough is dry (that is, sputum does not leave the body), then appropriate measures must be taken to turn it into wet. Steam inhalations over a soda solution are useful for this. Inside, you need to take infusions of wild rosemary, tricolor violet, with coltsfoot leaves, licorice or marshmallow. These medicinal herbs help quickly thin mucus and remove it from the body. It is also necessary to drink as much warm liquid as possible; hot milk with honey, butter and soda is good for soothing the throat and relieving cough.

The main thing in the fight against cough is to dilute the mucus as quickly as possible so that it leaves the sick body faster.

Doctors usually recommend a large number of dosage forms that help thin mucus and allow it to quickly clear from the respiratory tract. These can be either syrups and tinctures, or various tablets - Bromhexine, Lazolvan, etc.

Traditional recipes to help fight cough

You can effectively fight a cough using the remedies offered by traditional medicine. Here are some of them:

  1. Mix black radish juice in equal parts with honey. Let this mixture brew for several hours, then you can take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  2. Finely chop a couple of onions and place in a glass jar, add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar (or the same amount of honey), cover with a plastic lid and put in the refrigerator. When the onion produces juice, you can take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. From time to time you can add sugar or honey to this jar.

It is very bad if a person has a cold, but the temperature remains normal.

This means that the body does not begin to fight viruses, and it needs help. In this case, along with taking antiviral drugs (kagocel, etc.) and immunostimulants, the following remedy is proposed in folk medicine: the person is rubbed with internal badger, goose or dog fat. In this case, the heat generated by the human body will not go outside, but will remain inside the body and burn viruses.

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Cough due to snot in a child: causes, diagnosis and prevention

Cough due to snot in a child is a widespread symptom that occurs against the background of a common cold or allergic rhinitis in children of different ages.

In newborns and infants, cough due to a runny nose develops several times more often than in a child over three years old.

This is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the upper respiratory tract, and the child’s inability to properly remove mucus from the nasal passages.

The accumulation of mucous discharge in the nasal sinuses leads to the flow of mucus along the back wall of the pharynx into the larynx, bronchi and trachea, irritation of which activates the cough reflex. A child’s cough due to snot worsens at night or after a nap and is accompanied by a sore throat, nasal congestion and fever if the runny nose is of infectious etiology.

Causes of severe runny nose in children:

  • viral rhinitis;
  • bacterial rhinosinusitis;
  • allergic rhinitis (hay fever);
  • drying of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages;
  • adenoid hyperplasia;
  • foreign body of the nose;
  • teething.

In babies under six months of age, symptoms of a runny nose and cough are accompanied by intestinal disorders, diarrhea and flatulence. Starting from the age of one, ARVI is manifested by severe nasal congestion, dry and then wet (wet) cough with the discharge of clear or green sputum. A change in mucus color indicates the addition of secondary bacterial flora and requires the initiation of antibacterial treatment.

The flow of purulent sputum during sleep is a risk of developing pneumonia in a child. Diagnosis of the reasons why a child develops a cough due to snot begins with an examination by a pediatrician, rhinoscopy and auscultation of the lungs. As a rule, the diagnosis is made after the first visit and does not require additional examination. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the runny nose, restoring the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract to prevent coughing.

Prevention of cough due to snot in a child is aimed at preventing the flow of mucus, the use of vasoconstrictor drops and regular rinsing of the nose, and the use of suction for severe runny nose. When sleeping at night, the child is placed on a pillow, creating an inclination that prevents mucus from flowing into the bronchi. The use of expectorant syrups during a runny nose reduces the risk of developing cough symptoms by protecting the mucous membrane and stimulating the outflow of mucous exudate.

Cough from snot in a child at night: treatment depending on age and popular drugs

Cough from snot in a child at night requires early treatment, due to the high risk of developing pneumonia. Coughing is a physiological reaction aimed at clearing the lumen of the bronchi and trachea from mucus, however, with excess accumulation, the cough turns into attacks that disturb the child’s night sleep.

With severe allergies, swelling of the nasopharynx and allergic rhinosinusitis, excessive formation of exudate leads to a cough in the morning. The risk of developing bacterial bronchitis as a result of bacterial invasion increases, especially in younger children. Treatment depending on age is based on the physiological characteristics of the child’s body. Newborns and infants are advised to change the properties of air, use humidifiers and ionizers that moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent the formation of crusts and mucus.

Children after two years of age are recommended to rinse their nose with sea salt solutions, which you can buy at the pharmacy or prepare yourself. For severe runny nose, vasoconstrictor drops are used to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane. Drugs aimed at eliminating viral or bacterial infections are more often used in children over 5 years of age. The choice of medication is made by the attending physician after examination and identification of the etiological factor. For allergies, antihistamines are prescribed to relieve swelling and block the production of exudate.

Vasoconstrictor drops are used only after the recommendation of a pediatrician, in the dosage prescribed for a specific age. The drops begin to act 15 minutes after instillation, the duration is from 3 to 5 hours. For children under 6 years of age, the use of drops rather than sprays is recommended due to the risk of the jet entering the mouth of the Eustachian tube and damaging the mucous membrane. Rinse solutions are actively used starting from the age of 2 years of a child’s life. For colds and flu, wash the nose 3 to 4 times a day for a week.

Rinsing removes bacteria and viruses from the nose and prevents pathogens from entering the lower respiratory tract. Antiseptics are used in children over 12 years of age, due to their strong effect on the mucous membrane. The drugs are aimed at local destruction of pathogenic flora at the site of inflammation, and are extremely effective when prescribed together with antibiotics or antiviral agents. Inhalation of active substances and essential oils has a protective effect on the bronchi, restoring the mucous membrane, and an expectorant effect and sputum production. Inhalations reduce nasal congestion, make breathing more free, and relieve inflammatory changes in the nasopharynx.

A child is choking on snot, what to do: folk remedies and emergency help

The first question for parents who find themselves in a situation for the first time when a child is choking on snot is: what to do?

The baby begins to actively breathe through the nose, mucus flows into the larynx and bronchi, and a severe cough develops, affecting the general condition and health of the child. In infancy, a severe runny nose interferes with normal food intake and breastfeeding.

Folk remedies aimed at relieving nasal congestion include the use of essential oils or garlic in older children. Patches soaked in a complex of essential oils are sold in pharmacies and attached to the baby’s pillow or pajamas during nighttime sleep. The patches reduce the symptoms of a runny nose, gently relieve congestion, and restore the child’s sleep.

How can I help urgently? Vasoconstrictor drops are urgently applied, after which the mother uses an aspirator to remove excess mucus. If congestion quickly increases, you should humidify the air and use essential oils for a complex effect on the nasal mucosa. Warm steam inhalations for a child over 9 years old will quickly relieve congestion, speed up mucus discharge and relieve cough.

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 29 years

Specialty: Audiologist Work experience: 7 years


Causes of dry cough with runny nose in children and methods of treatment

Coughing is a protective reflex that helps clear the airways of mucus or foreign objects. Also, during coughing, the bronchi, trachea, and larynx are cleared. But there is also a dry, annoying cough; there is no benefit from it; on the contrary, it tires the patient and injures the mucous membrane. Children get sick much more often than adults. Children who are under two years old are especially at risk.

A runny nose is an ultra-high activity of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, responding to various irritants. This can be caused by an infection, an allergy, or even an injury to the nose. There are probably no children who have never been caught off guard by a cold in the form of general malaise, cough, and runny nose.

Features of nonproductive cough in infants

In children under one year of age, the cough reflex is weak, so it is necessary to suppress it and not dilute the mucus. Due to underdeveloped respiratory muscles, cough impulses in infants are weak, which leads to gagging.

It is important to know that a dry cough, which appears exclusively in the morning and at the same time its quantity does not exceed 10 times, is not terrible. This is not a disease, but a cleansing of mucus accumulated overnight, and in this case it does not require treatment.

Conditions accompanied by constant coughing may already indicate something more serious. If a runny nose is added to a cough, then this already indicates that an infection has entered the body. Which one, only a doctor can say after a complete examination of the patient.

Causes of dry cough with runny nose

Unproductive coughing can be caused by infections or viruses that have entered the baby's body. Children attending kindergarten are more susceptible to diseases. When there is a large gathering of children, as soon as one starts coughing, the others will immediately catch the infection. At the first sign of a cold, it is necessary to seek help from a qualified doctor; he will conduct a full examination, make the correct diagnosis and tell you how to treat the baby.

A nonproductive cough may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • The cause of the cough may be whooping cough. With a disease such as whooping cough, the child experiences a paroxysmal barking cough, which lasts up to three months.
  • Laryngitis. A pathology of infectious origin, in which the child develops a dry barking cough, hoarseness of voice, and body temperature rises to 38 degrees.
  • Measles. In the initial stages, a nonproductive cough may occur, which later turns into a productive one.
  • False croup. With such a dangerous disease as false croup, swelling of the larynx and trachea occurs, which causes a dry cough. Such a disease requires urgent treatment by qualified doctors, since blockage of the airways can even lead to death.
  • Allergy. An allergic reaction of the body to an external irritant also causes an unproductive cough, runny nose, and skin rashes.

Most often, a runny nose and cough occur due to viruses that cause ARVI. It may also have nothing to do with diseases, and mucus may be released due to a foreign body entering the nasal passage.

Let's look at the most common reasons that cause cough and runny nose:

  • diseases of viral or infectious origin affecting the respiratory system;
  • coughing with a runny nose can cause the flu;
  • external irritants, such as cigarette smoke, dry indoor air, specific odors;
  • entry of a foreign body into the nasal passage.

When you need to urgently seek help

There are some moments when it is absolutely necessary to call an ambulance:

  • The baby refuses to drink for a long time. If he is not given at least plain water to drink, dehydration may occur, which can cause loss of consciousness.
  • Noticeable change in behavior. For example, the child has become inhibited, does not answer questions, etc.
  • Labored breathing. Shortness of breath appears or, conversely, the baby breathes very rarely.

The child should be shown to the doctor if:

  • his age is less than three months;
  • lethargy or drowsiness is observed;
  • inflammation of the eyes appeared;
  • ear pain occurred;
  • body temperature exceeds 38.5 and lasts for more than three days;
  • cough does not go away within 10 days;
  • The duration of a runny nose is 2 weeks or more.

If a child has at least one of the above points, this may mean that he does not have an ordinary ARVI, but complications due to it, and only the doctor will tell you how to treat the disease and with what drugs.

How to treat a runny nose in a child

Children get colds 10 times more often than adults. If a runny nose is not treated promptly, it can lead to weight loss, loss of appetite, and the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membranes. A runny nose can be caused by a cough, or vice versa, when a cough may occur from a runny nose. In the latter case, the treatment will be somewhat delayed. During treatment and even before it, you can alleviate the baby’s unpleasant condition:

  • You need to explain to the baby that the more he stays in bed, the faster he will recover. It would be ideal to stay at home for a couple of days so that the infection does not attack the body even stronger.
  • In order for the mucus not to fall further down the nasopharynx, but rather to come out, it is necessary to place the baby’s head on a pillow while sleeping.
  • During illness, you need to drink plenty of fluids; warm teas with raspberries, currants, and sea buckthorn are suitable for drinking. Children over two years of age need to drink at least a liter of fluid per day.
  • The room where the patient is located should be damp and cool. In a dry room, healing will be delayed for several days. It is also necessary to ventilate the room frequently and prevent the room from getting too hot.
  • It is advisable to give your baby warm milk (maybe with honey) at night if he does not have allergies.

The nasal cavity should not be allowed to dry out. To prevent this from happening, you need to instill 3-5 drops of saline solution into each nostril every 1-2 hours.

Children under 6 years of age are usually prescribed only nasal rinsing and vasoconstrictor drops, and in rare cases, drops containing antibiotics. Only a pediatrician can tell you how to treat a certain disease.

In what cases does a child need vasoconstrictor drops?

A child does not always need drops that constrict blood vessels; sometimes, frequent nasal rinsing is enough. Let's consider the options in which drops cannot be avoided:

  • Ear pain (otitis). Otitis media occurs due to nasal mucus getting into the ear canal. This happens with strong and at the same time sharp crying or with excessive pinching of the nose when blowing your nose. When instilled into the nose, the drops will enter the Eustachian tube, thereby preventing the development of otitis media.
  • Lack of breathing through the nose. A common occurrence in acute respiratory infections is nasal congestion. If a child has a severe runny nose and constantly breathes exclusively through the mouth, the airways dry out, which causes a risk of complications.
  • Difficulty in general breathing. Sometimes it happens that it is difficult for the baby to breathe through both the mouth and nose. This can happen due to false croup, bronchial asthma, allergic reactions. In this case, it is necessary to drip vasoconstrictor drops both into the baby’s nose and mouth.

In addition, the use of drops is necessary in the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, which also cause constant discharge and soreness.

Drug treatment

Treatment of cough and runny nose is necessary depending on the patient’s age and symptoms of the disease. Compared to dry cough, wet cough may not be treated with medications.

How to treat a runny nose:

  • For liquid snot in infants who do not yet know how to blow their nose, it is better to use an aspirator to remove it. If the doctor has not prescribed additional treatment, then this procedure is sufficient.
  • If your baby has thick snot, it is necessary to rinse the nose with saline solution as often as possible, then pull out the softened crusts with an aspirator and, if necessary, apply drops.
  • If a child already knows how to blow his nose and has runny snot, he needs to blow his nose more often. The main thing is not to hold your nose tightly with a handkerchief while blowing your nose, in order to avoid sinusitis and otitis media.
  • If the baby cannot blow his nose due to a clogged nose, it is necessary to use a saline solution. After one year of age, children can purchase the solution in the form of a spray. After washing your nose, the snot will become liquid and then you can easily get rid of it.

If you follow all the rules, ARVI can be cured in just one week, in the worst case, in 10 days.

How and what to treat non-productive cough

It is necessary to use medications only if a dry cough occurs as a result of an infection or virus. It is impossible to treat isolated coughs; this can only aggravate the situation. If you still have a cough caused by the presence of a virus in the body, you cannot do without medications:

  • At the appointment, the attending physician may prescribe mucolytics for a small patient. They help thin mucus, which means they will promote expectoration.
  • Resorptive agents - they also dilute sputum, thereby increasing the amount of mucus.
  • Reflex expectorants. They cause a gag reflex, thereby helping to quickly switch from a dry cough to a wet one.
  • Treatment of dry cough, especially if there is a runny nose and cough with serious complications, can be carried out in a hospital setting with the consent of the parents.
  • Symptoms such as a severe dry cough, fever, runny nose, and sore throat are most often treated with antibiotics.

In addition to drug treatment, you can also use traditional medicine methods: compresses, steam inhalations, plant infusions, but only strictly after consultation with your doctor. When the cough becomes wet, they stop treating it, but only promote the rapid removal of mucus: moist air, frequent walks in the fresh air, and drinking plenty of fluids.

What means can you fight a runny nose - about this in the video:


Nasal congestion and dry cough in a child

Stuffy nose, cough, shortness of breath, burning throat - these symptoms, especially during cold season, eloquently indicate that you have caught the virus and it’s time to make an appointment with a doctor.

Perhaps these symptoms indicate an allergy.

Few people know that these same symptoms are caused by mold and even roundworms.

What diseases do a runny nose and cough indicate?

If you have a stuffy nose, a feeling of tightness in your chest, or a cough, you should under no circumstances try to diagnose yourself, much less try to cope with the disease. These unpleasant signs may indicate:

  1. sinusitis (difficulty or almost impossible to breathe through the nose, indistinguishability of odors, aching in the nasal septum and brow ridges);
  2. ARVI (burning in the throat, runny nose, then turning into a cough due to the fact that mucus flows along the back wall into the throat, phlegm. If pus is added to it, this indicates the presence of bacteria);
  3. allergies (dry cough, sometimes combined with a stuffy nose and watery eyes, but without fever);
  4. sinusitis (frequent coughing, especially in the evening and at night;
  5. fungal infection;
  6. pneumonia;
  7. bronchitis (spastic cough, turning into barking, fever, wheezing in the chest);
  8. infection with helminths.

Make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible, because only a specialist can accurately determine what caused the cause of the illness and eliminate it. Self-medication can be useless at best, and worsen the situation at worst.

So, for example, an antiviral medication will not help if you already have pneumonia or the cough is caused by an allergy. Conversely, antihistamines are useless for acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, and fungal diseases.

Allergies and allergic rhinitis

This attack is also called a subtype of bronchial asthma. It is characterized by a dry, sometimes paroxysmal cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, and sometimes even suffocation.

The cough itself is not dangerous and goes away on its own, but if a stuffy nose is added to it, this can lead to swelling of the airways and laryngeal stenosis.

For allergies, drugs such as Cromohexal, Claritin, Suprastin, Allergodil, Nasonex are prescribed.

The popular opinion that “if a runny nose is not treated, it will go away in a week, and if treated, then in seven days” is incorrect.

If no measures are taken, the disease can cause complications in the kidneys, heart or gastrointestinal tract, and a runny nose can become chronic. The disease can “go down” and turn into pneumonia.

To combat the disease, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs: Amiksin, Ingavirin, Viferon, Tsitovir, Bioparox.


Various factors can provoke fungal infection. Among them:

  1. avitaminosis;
  2. uncontrolled use of antiviral drugs and antibiotics;
  3. long courses of hormones;
  4. untreated caries;
  5. poor quality work of the dentist;
  6. chronic diseases.
The situation is complicated by the fact that with fungal infections the symptoms are very similar to ARVI. However, there are still distinctive signs indicating that you do not have a cold, but a fungus. Among them:
  1. copious mucus discharge, often of different colors;
  2. constant itching in the respiratory tract;
  3. special consistency (when affected by fungi, yeast fungi, such as Candida, are characterized by curdled discharge; for mold fungi, there is a cloudy, dense mucus, often with an unpleasant odor. Parapsilosis is usually found in children, Galbrata is found in elderly patients. Sometimes a tropical fungus is also found, which requires the most long and complex treatment, but this happens very rarely.);
  4. persistent cough, congestion.

The pathogen is determined by an infectious disease doctor based on examination and laboratory tests.

Amphotericin, Miramistin, and Chlorhexedine are usually prescribed for treatment.

Bacterial infection with fever

A body weakened by illness becomes an excellent target for bacteria. This often happens during ARVI. That is why you should never expect that a cold will go away on its own, and even go to work or school.

The most common “visitors” are cocci: streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci. They are the main culprits of pneumonia, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, and tonsillitis.

The presence of bacteria is indicated by a sharp increase in temperature, wheezing in the chest (with pneumonia and bronchitis), and swelling of the nasopharynx (with sore throat).

To treat them, antibiotics Klacid, Gentomycin, Amoxicillin, Sumamed, Ceftriaxone are used.

Many bacteria are resistant to antibiotics and this makes treatment very difficult. Neglect of the disease leads to serious complications and even death.

Dry air and dry cough

Sometimes a cough is triggered by dry indoor air. It is not characterized by sputum production and fever.

To test this, you need to cover the radiator with a wet sheet and hang wet towels around the bed. If there is no deterioration at night, then the problem is precisely the dryness of the air.

If the cough intensifies at night, and swelling is also added to it, then this is an allergy.

Polluted air

Sometimes, if there is no high fever, runny nose, and the cough does not go away, the reason lies in polluted or chemical-saturated air.

If this happens at home, then you need to regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. If at an enterprise, perhaps the question of changing activities should be raised, as this is fraught with bronchial asthma.

Foreign body in the respiratory tract

Very often, coughing and difficulty breathing is caused by a foreign object. This is especially true for curious young children who put small objects into their nose or mouth.

The removal of a foreign body is done by an ENT doctor after an appropriate examination. In some cases, surgery is required.

Features in children

Temporary nasal congestion in a baby should not worry if it does not take on protracted and chronic forms. This is usually associated with a cold, and it is very easy to catch a second infection in an institution such as a school or kindergarten group, having barely recovered.

There are a number of signs to look out for:

The cause can only be determined by a doctor after an appropriate examination. This can be either a chronic form of the disease, for example, tonsillitis, or allergies, asthma, polyps and adenoids in the nose.

It is also necessary to take preventive measures, especially during the cold season. These include inhalations with herbs and essential oils, foot baths, closed hats and scarves.

Symptomatic treatment of difficulty breathing

Symptomatic remedies play a significant role in the treatment of cough. They suppress the cough reflex and promote sputum separation.

The most popular drugs include:

They are often prescribed as part of general therapy, along with antibacterial drugs. Nebulizers for inhalation, rinsing the nose with salt, saline, furatsilin, aloe juice play a good role in symptomatic treatment.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating respiratory diseases are not always effective. It is better not to resort to them, especially without consulting a doctor.

When treated exclusively with folk remedies, the infection may spread further and antibiotics will be required, and complications may occur.

Consequences if shortness of breath and suffocation are not treated

Swelling of the nasopharynx and cough do not always go away on their own.

They can often lead to complications, such as:

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the symptoms disappear within three to four days. However, for infectious and bacterial infections, doctors advise to “rest” at home for five to seven days to avoid complications. If this is neglected, the diseases take on chronic forms and require longer treatment.

When to see a doctor

You need to make an appointment with a therapist immediately if disturbing symptoms appear.

You can try to humidify the air or do a general cleaning of the apartment if the problem is limited to a dry cough. But if swelling of the nasopharynx, fever, and difficulty breathing are added to it, this means that you should not delay a visit to a specialist.

There are no harmless diseases, and a runny nose with cough, despite their prevalence, is no exception. Only a timely diagnosis and proper treatment will help you quickly forget about the problem.

Helpful video about severe coughing and heavy breathing

Dr. Komarovsky about difficulty breathing and coughing.

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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace qualified medical care. Be sure to consult your doctor!”

The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace qualified medical care. Be sure to consult your doctor!”


A child’s cough as a result of a runny nose: how to treat it correctly depending on the cause

The nature of cough in children is quite diverse. The cause may be a physiological runny nose, when snot, when flowing down the back wall of the throat, causes a cough reflex in the child. Is it always necessary to treat such a cough and how to effectively deal with it?

Why does a cough occur when you have a runny nose?

Coughing may be a reflex reaction of the respiratory tract to copious mucus secretion during a runny nose. Mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx, and the child reflexively coughs it up. This is one of the most common causes of cough in children. The runny nose itself, in turn, can be physiological, allergic or infectious. The main diagnosis determines the treatment regimen for the disease, while eliminating the cough is considered as relieving one of the symptoms.

Cough from snot can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Physiological runny nose as a reaction to dry indoor air. The mucous membrane dries out, and the throat may become sore. Mucus is produced abundantly, flowing down the back wall of the throat. As a result, the child coughs.
  2. Allergic rhinitis.
  3. Teething.
  4. Viral or bacterial infections.

Treatment regimens

In different cases, cough and runny nose manifest themselves in different ways. Recovery depends on how quickly treatment begins.

In dry air

If the cough occurs due to a physiological runny nose, you should rinse the baby’s nose several times a day with a saline solution, for example, saline or preparations based on sea water (Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Physiomer). It is also necessary to maintain comfortable air humidity (from 60%) and regularly ventilate the room.

Video: about coughing in dry air

During teething

As you know, one of the signs of teething in a baby is a runny nose. During teething, blood circulation in the gums and nasal cavity increases. The glands of the nasal mucosa begin to work harder, resulting in the formation of additional mucus. Its excess flows down the back wall of the throat, causing a cough. The discomfort in this situation can be alleviated only by instilling saline solutions into the nose and timely removal of mucus. When there is a lull in the teething period, the child will stop coughing.

If the child is still small and does not know how to blow his nose on his own, then parents need to help him get rid of heavy secretions using a nasal aspirator so that the snot does not provoke a cough.

For allergies

Most likely, the baby has an allergic reaction if the following symptoms accompany a runny nose and cough:

In this case, the general condition of the child, as a rule, is not disturbed.

If the runny nose and cough are of an allergic nature, it is first necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the allergy. This could be dust, hair or saliva from pets, a reaction to an adapted milk formula or some food product, household chemicals and other potential allergens. The basis of drug treatment in this case is taking antihistamines appropriate for the child’s age. To reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and the amount of mucus produced, the pediatrician prescribes vasoconstrictor drops in a pediatric dosage, for example, Nazivin. Air humidification, ventilation and drinking plenty of fluids are also recommended.

It is important to remember that vasoconstrictor drugs are addictive, so it is not recommended to use them for more than three days.

For infectious diseases

First of all, you need to find out what exactly the child is sick with. In most cases, runny nose and cough are the result of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).

The infection can be identified by a set of symptoms:

  • runny nose and nasal congestion;
  • cough;
  • increased body temperature;
  • red irritated throat.

ARVI, as a rule, goes away in 5 days and requires only symptomatic treatment: rinsing the nose with saline solution, lowering the temperature if necessary, drinking plenty of fluids, removing excess mucus. Frequent ventilation and humidification of the indoor air is also necessary.

If the snot is yellow or green, this may indicate the development of a bacterial infection. The diagnosis is made based on tests from the throat. As a result, antibiotics may be prescribed.

A dry cough may change to a wet cough within a few days. Treatment of such a cough is carried out comprehensively, with the help of mucolytics, expectorants and physiotherapy (inhalations). Washing alone is no longer enough, because the main goal is to stop the infection and prevent it from spreading to the lower respiratory tract.

If your runny nose and cough worsen, it is very important to consult a doctor in time.

Since children under two years of age are contraindicated from using phlegm thinners, it is enough to give the baby warm, generous drinks, inhalations and percussion massage to help him cough up.

If a runny nose with cough persists and there is no treatment, then this is fraught with the appearance of sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, and sinusitis. If infection enters the lower respiratory tract, bronchitis or pneumonia may develop.

Cough preparations

Depending on the cause of the runny nose and cough, the doctor will decide whether there is a need to take specific medications. The most popular means are described in the table

Table: medications for cough caused by a runny nose

Mucolytics and expectorants

Expectoration and thinning of mucus

  • Sucrase/isomaltase deficiency;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption (lack of absorption of glucose and galactose).

Nausea, gastritis, dyspepsia

  • Impaired liver and kidney function;
  • heart failure.

Disorders of the central nervous and digestive system.

Different cough medications have different effects. Medicines that thin sputum and provoke expectoration are contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, as they reduce its viscosity and make coughing difficult. Moreover, with an upper respiratory tract infection (common ARVI) and excessive sputum, taking mucolytics can worsen the cough.

Drugs that suppress the cough reflex (“turn off” the cough center) are very dangerous for “wet” coughs, since phlegm will begin to accumulate in the lungs, which can, in turn, cause pneumonia. These are, for example, medications based on libexin (Libexin muco), glaucine (Bronchocin), Sinecod syrup.

Video: what medications should not be used to treat cough in children

Non-drug treatment

Cough from snot can also be successfully treated through inhalation, massage and herbal medicine (folk remedies).


The most common physiotherapeutic method for treating cough is inhalation. They can be carried out by inhaling warm steam (not hot!), as well as using nebulizers and steam inhalers. If the cough is due to an upper respiratory tract disease, it is enough to use a steam inhaler. The device allows you to moisten accumulated mucus and provoke its rapid coughing. But the use of steam inhalers also has its risks.

Parents should remember that the process of moistening dried mucus is accompanied by an increase in its volume. Therefore, steam inhalations in children can provoke airway obstruction, and the risk is higher the younger the child.

The doctor may also prescribe electrophoresis or UVB (ultraviolet radiation treatment) for the child. These procedures are carried out in the physiotherapy room of a children's clinic, usually the course includes 10 sessions.


If the child does not yet know how to cough on his own, then he needs to be helped with this by doing percussion massage 2 times a day. We place the child on his stomach. In this case, it is necessary that the head is lower than the butt (you can put a pillow under the stomach), and the arms are extended forward. Then lightly tap your fingers on the back between the shoulder blades from bottom to top. This massage lasts several minutes.

Video: how to do percussion massage

Folk recipes

The use of herbal remedies for coughs and runny noses must be agreed with your pediatrician, because it must comply with the general treatment regimen and be safe for the child. Here are some popular recipes.

  1. A decoction of plantain, linden flowers and St. John's wort herb. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 6 hours. Drink 1/4-1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals, warm. Used as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant. Contraindicated for children under 2 years of age.
  2. Kalanchoe juice. Place 3-5 drops into each nostril daily.
  3. Aloe juice. Squeeze the juice from two aloe leaves and mix with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Place 3-4 drops into the nose 3-5 times a day.

Such a seemingly harmless symptom as a cough from snot can turn into bronchitis or pneumonia when the infection spreads through the respiratory tract. Therefore, for any type of runny nose, take frequent walks, moisturize the nasal mucosa, give your child plenty to drink and listen to his well-being, do not neglect the treatment prescribed by your pediatrician.
