Nasal and ear congestion due to sinusitis
Nasal congestion is a fairly common problem, which in most cases is a consequence of viral infections. However, sometimes it can indicate more serious disorders in the human body, one of which is sinusitis.
Table of contents:
- Nasal and ear congestion due to sinusitis
- How to deal with nasal congestion due to sinusitis?
- Nasal congestion does not go away after sinusitis
- Why does my ear get blocked with sinusitis?
- A type of sinusitis without a runny nose
- Is there sinusitis without a runny nose?
- Symptoms of sinusitis without discharge
- Treatment methods
- Features of treatment in children
- What not to do
- Disease prevention
- Are you one of those millions who want to strengthen their immune system?
- How to relieve nasal congestion due to sinusitis
- What should you do if your ear is blocked due to sinusitis?
- brief information
- How is this problem solved?
- Nasal congestion and sinusitis
- How to help a patient at home?
- Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays
- Rinse the nose with saline solution
- Stuffy nose after illness
- Can the disease occur without a feeling of congestion?
- For sinusitis
- Swelling with sinusitis: how to treat?
- Swelling of the mucous membrane as a symptom of sinusitis
- Consequences of sinusitis in the form of swelling
- How to relieve swelling
- Does the nose breathe with sinusitis?
- Reasons for the development of the disease
- Nasal congestion due to sinusitis
- Sinusitis without runny nose
- How to solve the problem of nasal congestion
- Herbal medicine and traditional medicine for nasal congestion
- Stuffy nose? How to distinguish a runny nose from sinusitis?
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If this disease is not treated promptly, it can lead to negative health consequences.
One of the main signs of sinusitis is nasal congestion, which causes breathing problems and a nasal voice. As a rule, with the development of this disease, the nose is blocked at the site of localization of the inflammatory process. If a person develops bilateral sinusitis, then two halves of the nose are blocked at once.
In addition, this condition is accompanied by a partial or complete loss of smell, which causes serious discomfort in a person, especially when eating. Often, in addition to congestion, profuse nasal discharge appears, having a yellow or greenish color and a rather unpleasant odor.
If sinusitis is accompanied by severe congestion and the anastomosis of the maxillary sinus is blocked, purulent masses do not leave the boundaries of the maxillary sinuses. In this case, suppuration occurs inside the closed bone cavity, which is very dangerous due to the likelihood of developing inflammation of the brain.
How to deal with nasal congestion due to sinusitis?
Many people try to restore nasal breathing with the help of vasoconstrictor drugs. It should be borne in mind that it will not be possible to cure sinusitis in this way - such remedies will only help achieve a short-term effect.
Drops such as naphthyzin or galazolin reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and improve the outflow of sinus contents. And here is a list of names of nasal sprays, with instructions for use and a description of the benefits of each.
However, they can be used no longer than five to seven days. Long-term use of vasoconstrictors is addictive. Washing using the “cuckoo” method.
To relieve nasal congestion due to sinusitis, the doctor may prescribe a procedure called “cuckoo”. It involves rinsing the nose with a special medicinal solution. Using this procedure, it is possible to clear the nasal passages and cavities of mucus and pus.
If this method turns out to be ineffective, a puncture is performed, which allows you to pump out pus from the sinus, rinse it and administer antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Antifungal and antiallergic drugs.
To cope with nasal congestion due to sinusitis, local treatment is not enough. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the disease. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe:
- Antifungal;
- Antibacterial;
- Antiallergic;
- Antiseptics.
It is very important to eliminate foci of infection from which the inflammatory process has spread to the maxillary sinuses.
At home, you can relieve nasal congestion using dry or infrared heat. However, it is worth considering that such procedures cannot be carried out during an exacerbation of sinusitis.
Nasal congestion does not go away after sinusitis
Sometimes situations arise when, after treatment of sinusitis, nasal congestion persists. This situation is typical for people with reduced immunity.
After an illness, the functioning of the nasal mucosa is not restored immediately, but gradually, and the recovery period can take from a week to a month. But sometimes such a long recovery period can trigger the re-development of the disease.
Moreover, sometimes this condition can be accompanied by pain in the area of the maxillary sinuses, headaches, and a nasal voice. When such symptoms appear, we can confidently say that the acute form of sinusitis has become chronic.
To avoid such troubles, you should carefully listen to the sensations in your nose after an illness and be sure to carry out home procedures to restore breathing.
To cope with congestion, treatment of chronic sinusitis must be comprehensive. During remission of the disease, the sinuses should be washed with saline or saline solutions.
To prepare an effective remedy, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a liter of warm water. You can also use the following recipes:
Pour a teaspoon of crushed root into a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for an hour and a half. Strain the product and use it to rinse your nose several times a day.
To relieve nasal congestion, you need to drop 2-3 drops of this product into each nostril. Before using the drops, be sure to rinse your nose.
You need to prepare juice from half an onion and mix it in equal parts with warm water. Use for nasal instillation 4-5 times a day.
To combat nasal congestion, fresh juice of this plant should be instilled into each nostril every 3-4 hours. Single dose – 2-3 drops. And other aloe recipes for the treatment of sinusitis.
Why does my ear get blocked with sinusitis?
In some cases, with sinusitis, a person develops ear congestion. This is a fairly serious complication that requires medical attention. The fact is that the pharynx communicates with the middle ear through the Eustachian tube.
An infection from the maxillary sinuses can easily spread to the pharynx and then to the middle ear.
This disorder often provokes nose blowing, during which high pressure is created in the nasopharynx. As a result, microbes, along with mucous secretions, penetrate the auditory tube and otitis media develops.
Initially, ear congestion occurs, after which pain appears in it, which gradually intensifies. This process is often accompanied by purulent discharge from the ear canal.
To prevent the development of such complications, it is necessary:
- Carry out proper hygiene procedures for sinusitis;
- Under no circumstances should you blow your nose sharply or intensely. In this case, it is recommended to open your mouth - this will help prevent mucus from entering the auditory tube;
- In addition, it is worth carrying out general strengthening measures - eating right, taking vitamins and immunostimulants.
Only through timely and adequate treatment will it be possible to prevent the occurrence of a chronic form of the disease and other negative health consequences.
What operations are there for sinusitis?
Antibiotics as a treatment for sinusitis
How to avoid a puncture if you are very scared?
Technique for performing acupressure massage for sinusitis
How to treat sinusitis for pregnant women?
Traditional recipes for the treatment of sinusitis
How is sinusitis pierced, and what is the danger?
Drops and sprays effective for sinusitis and runny nose
A type of sinusitis without a runny nose
Sinusitis is not only a complex, but also an insidious disease. It can develop in different forms and be accompanied by a different “set” of symptoms, so sometimes it is almost impossible to make a diagnosis on your own or even assume it. For example, there may be sinusitis without a runny nose, which is no less dangerous and requires similar treatment, but manifests itself atypically, which casts doubt on the fact of its existence.
Is there sinusitis without a runny nose?
Sinusitis, or maxillary sinusitis, is one of the types of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, when pathological processes occur in the maxillary sinuses. Inflammatory phenomena cover the mucous membrane of the walls of the sinus (or both sinuses), spreading to the anastomosis, which leads to severe swelling, disruption of air exchange and drainage of the cavity. Learn more about treating sinus swelling
Sinusitis usually begins with nasal discharge, and a runny nose is often considered the main symptom of this disease. When the inflammation is catarrhal in nature, the discharge is mucous, transparent or white. If yellow or green discharge flows from the patient’s nose, this means that purulent sinusitis is developing, and bacterial microflora is actively multiplying in the paranasal sinus. But is acute sinusitis always preceded by rhinorrhea? No, this is not true, moreover, the absence of mucus or pus from the nose can be an alarming sign.
When a patient has all the main symptoms of sinusitis, the nose is stuffy, but there is no discharge from the nasal passages, the reasons may be the following:
- The swelling of the anastomosis is too strong, or it is anatomically narrow, so the sinus is completely clogged, and mucus cannot flow out of the nose. Such a serious disruption of communication with the nasal cavity leads to the very rapid appearance of pus and, if untreated, to its release through other communication channels and even to the destruction of the thin wall of the sinus and infection of the soft tissues.
- Some anomalies in the structure of the nose, for example, severe deformation or curvature of the nasal septum, disturbances in the structure of the nasal turbinates, as well as postoperative scars and synechiae, can lead to changes in the outflow of fluid from the sinuses and create the appearance of a lack of discharge.
- With allergic reactions of the body, sinusitis without snot often appears if the swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is very pronounced, as a result of which the drainage of the sinuses is also disrupted.
- Polyps growing in it, formed cysts that mechanically clog the maxillary sinus can also close the sinus anastomosis. There are also more dangerous variants of hyperplastic processes - malignant tumors, the presence of which can provoke similar symptoms.
- Sinusitis without a runny nose can exist at its very initial stage, when it becomes a complication of a viral disease. For example, after a severe flu, a visible recovery may occur, and after the symptoms subside, the infectious process develops again - inflammation of the maxillary sinus occurs. In the first 1-2 days there may be no runny nose, but then it immediately appears accompanied by purulent snot discharge.
Thus, if unpleasant symptoms occur in the nasal area in the absence of rhinorrhea, sinusitis should not be ruled out. Only a doctor will be able to accurately diagnose and select therapy, because otherwise complications of the disease can develop very quickly.
Symptoms of sinusitis without discharge
During acute sinusitis, in the absence of snot from the nose, other components of the clinical picture can be even more pronounced, because pressure from stagnant fluid quickly increases in the sinus and bacteria multiply at a high speed. The main symptoms of sinusitis without a runny nose are:
- pain in the bridge of the nose, under the eyes, inside the orbit;
- pain in the forehead, temple, often radiating to the teeth and cheekbones;
- pressure in the bridge of the nose, increasing when the head is tilted down;
- discomfort when chewing, talking, changing head position;
- increase in body temperature to 37.5-39 degrees (depending on the severity of the process). If the immune system is weak, the temperature is low-grade or absent;
- swelling of the cheeks, eyelids;
- swelling of the nose and impaired nasal breathing in combination with the absence of discharge. Sometimes they do not flow out of the nose, but flow down the back wall of the throat;
- cough or slight coughing;
- nasal voice;
- impaired sense of smell;
- photophobia;
- malaise, decreased appetite, decreased performance, insomnia.
The lack of nasal discharge often becomes the reason for delaying a visit to the doctor and difficulties in diagnosis. But the presence of at least a few of the symptoms described above should suspect sinusitis, visit a doctor, establish a diagnosis and start therapy on time.
Treatment methods
Sinusitis without a runny nose should be treated without fail, because the non-existence of this symptom does not at all mean that the disease is not serious, but sometimes, on the contrary, confirms the severity of its course. To confirm the diagnosis, radiography of the paranasal sinuses should be performed, which in recent years has often been replaced by CT. With sinusitis, the sinus will be visualized in the image as a dark spot. Other methods for diagnosing the disease are diaphanoscopy, nasal smear for bacterial culture, general blood test, endoscopic rhinoscopy.
Usually, with acute viral sinusitis, the swelling of the sinus anastomosis is not too pronounced, so clear or white snot still occurs. Blockage of the anastomosis is possible only with a more severe inflammatory process, which is caused by bacterial infections, and therefore treatment of the pathology should be carried out with the use of antibiotics. Most often, the first-line drugs are macrolides or penicillins in tablets (Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Erythromycin, Rovamycin, Azithromycin), and if the results are insufficient or the sinusitis is severe, the patient is admitted to a hospital and the latest generation injectable cephalosporins (Cefalexin, Cefaclor) are used.
To relieve swelling from the paranasal sinuses, the patient is required to be prescribed vasoconstrictor sprays or drops (Nazivin, Xymelin) and frequent rinsing of the nose with saline solutions. When the outflow of pus is restored, the following local therapy regimen is recommended to liquefy mucus and pus and remove them from the nose, followed by disinfection of the cavity:
- rinsing the nose with a hypertonic sea salt solution (Aqualor Strong);
- irrigation of the nasal passages with Rinofluimucil;
- after 3 minutes - rinse the nose with an isotonic solution of sea salt (Aqualor soft shower);
- nasal irrigation with antiseptics, local antibiotics (Miramistin, Isofra, Polydexa).
Since sinusitis without a runny nose occurs mainly due to severe swelling of the nose, taking antihistamines (Erius, Claritin), anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Nise), as well as the use of nasal glucocorticosteroids (Nasonex) will help cope with inflammation and reduce congestion. Also, swelling is well eliminated after nasal rinsing sessions using the Kukushka apparatus using the Yamik sinus catheter. In the absence of high temperature and subacute course of the disease, laser therapy and UHF can cope with inflammation.
In some cases (with severe symptoms of the disease and serious intoxication), sinusitis without a runny nose may mean the need for urgent surgical treatment - a puncture. As a rule, such a development of events is possible if a person has chronic purulent sinusitis, and its next exacerbation occurs. A patient with severe congestion in the sinus area is punctured, drainage is installed, and the sinus is regularly washed with antiseptic (antibiotic) solutions. After 4-5 days, the drainage is removed, and the patient is discharged from the hospital.
To complement conservative therapy, you can also use folk remedies for maxillary sinusitis:
- Grate the horseradish root (peeled), take 1/3 cup of this mass. Combine with the juice of 2 lemons, add 50 g of honey. Take half a teaspoon in the mornings and evenings half an hour after meals until recovery.
- Dilute a teaspoon of propolis tincture in a glass of water, rinse the nose three times a day for 5-8 days. See more recipes with propolis for sinusitis
- Combine aloe and Kalanchoe juices, drip 3 drops into the nose three times a day for 5 days.
Features of treatment in children
In childhood, sinusitis most often occurs after 5-7 years, and its chronicity sometimes occurs by adolescence. The disease without nasal discharge in most cases occurs in children prone to severe allergic edema and suffering from general allergization of the body and frequent respiratory diseases.
Treatment of sinusitis in children should begin with the removal of swelling and maximum opening of the sinuses. For this purpose, vasoconstrictor drops are used, which, if necessary, are supplemented with sprays with antiallergic effects. Antibiotics for sinusitis in childhood are always prescribed, mainly in the form of suspensions or dispersible tablets. Check out the list of effective antibiotics for sinusitis
The course of antibacterial therapy is 7-10 days, no less. A child with sinusitis is prescribed a course of antihistamines for approximately the same duration. It is effective to treat sinusitis in children by pumping out pus and mucus from the sinuses using a vacuum method (sinus catheter). It is mandatory to simultaneously treat other inflammatory pathologies of the ENT organs, and after recovery, the nose and throat are sanitized, and all diseased teeth are treated.
What not to do
The following actions can greatly harm the patient if he has inflammation of the maxillary sinuses:
- Warming the nose with eggs, salt, vodka lotions and other folk methods. This can increase swelling, which will not leave room for the outflow of pus and mucus, which will provoke serious consequences.
- Visiting a bathhouse or sauna is for the same reason.
- Instillation of questionable products into the nose that do not have an antibacterial effect. For example, introducing honey into the nose of allergy sufferers can cause even more severe sinusitis, which will be accompanied by allergic rhinitis with swelling of the nose.
- Abuse of drugs that dry out and cauterize the nasal mucosa, which can cause its atrophy.
- Consumption of fatty, heavy, unhealthy foods, which further weakens the immune system and prevents the body from fighting infection.
Disease prevention
To prevent sinusitis, you just need to prevent the influence of factors that provoke this disease. Do not overcool and allow ARVI and flu to develop (wear a mask, rinse your nose more often). You should pay attention to strengthening your immunity - eat right, exercise, take vitamins and immunomodulators (if necessary). Allergy sufferers need to regularly take courses of antihistamines and prevent contact with allergens. It is also recommended to eliminate all foci of chronic infection from the throat and nose and correct defects in the structure of the ENT organs.
In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what sinusitis actually is and its special case of sinusitis and how to avoid getting it.
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Therefore, we recommend reading Elena Malysheva’s article on how to strengthen your body before the autumn cold. Read the article >>
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How to relieve nasal congestion due to sinusitis
What should you do if your ear is blocked due to sinusitis?
My ear was blocked due to sinusitis. what to do? This disease can bother many people. Periodically, the condition may worsen, especially after a sharp onset of cold weather. What causes ear congestion? What can you do? What recommendations can you highlight? Answers to these and more questions can be found below.
brief information
If the nose is blocked, the patient may face a number of other problems. Quite often, sinusitis can be accompanied by otitis media, which often becomes a complication. Before discussing specific steps to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of development of the disease.
To quickly overcome pneumonia, you need to be treated correctly from the very beginning! There is a proven and effective method - the recipe is simple, you need to brew it every day. Read more
Everyone knows that diseases of the ears, nose and throat are diagnosed by an otolaryngologist. If the condition of one of them deteriorates, the work of the others may also deteriorate. Against the background of sinusitis, you can notice the development of pain in the ears.
The beginning of the auditory system is the ear canals. It gradually passes into the auditory canal, where it ends in a thin membrane - the eardrum. On the other side of the membrane there is a cavity that is filled only with air. It is very important that the same pressure is maintained.
This pressure can stabilize the Eustachian tube, an organ that connects the air cavity to the human throat. Air can move from the nose and can move inside the pipe in several directions. With pronounced sinusitis, it is often possible to diagnose a narrowing of the Eustachian tube, and sometimes complete blockage. In this case, discomfort and congestion appear in the ear. When your ear is blocked due to sinusitis, you need to pay special attention to the condition of your nose.
How is this problem solved?
Modern medicine is developing every year, and updated tools are coming to the rescue that can help treat this problem. First of all, it should be noted that if your ears are blocked due to sinusitis, you must immediately begin treatment.
Doctors highlight a number of recommendations, the implementation of which will significantly improve the current condition.
If your ear is blocked due to sinusitis, doctors recommend using special drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. Nasal drops cannot have a full effect and cannot be a medicine. They can only relieve the primary symptoms, without eliminating the underlying cause of the disease. But, in this case, this type of drops is simply necessary, since with their help the patient can relieve the swelling of the Eustachian tube in a short period of time. In addition, pharmaceutical drops help improve ear patency and minimize the risk of developing inflammation in the ear, which can become more active during sinusitis.
Among a wide range of pharmaceutical drugs, a self-made alcohol compress can help. the preparation of which does not require large expenses. To do this, take pharmaceutical alcohol and mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio. After this, you need to take a cotton swab or soft gauze and put it on the blocked ear. The sink itself must be open; for this, a small hole is first made in the gauze. A second layer is applied to the first alcohol layer, which consists of cling film or polyethylene. On the second you need to apply a third layer - sterilized cotton wool. This compress is best left overnight.
A folk method of fighting pneumonia! A proven, effective method is to write down the recipe. Read more
If the presented remedies do not have the desired effect, you can use a simple massage. If your nose is blocked, you should press your nostrils tightly with your fingers and try to exhale through your nose at the same time. You need to do this exercise until you hear a pop in your ear. This process can be repeated about 6-7 times. If you do everything correctly, the congestion will quickly disappear. If there is no result, you can wait a minute.
If your nose is stuffy, you should try to get rid of the accumulation of mucus as soon as possible. To do this, blow your nose well and rinse each nostril with a pre-prepared solution. It’s easy to make, just add 1 teaspoon of salt and stir in 1 liter of warm water. For comfortable administration of the solution, you can use a syringe or bulb.
The simplest option, which is recommended by otolaryngologists, involves simple manipulations. To do this, you need to take a rubber ball and try to inflate it through a straw. Some patients use the following method:
- the nostrils are completely closed;
- applying considerable effort, it is necessary to blow out the accumulated air.
It should absolutely not be used, since infection and pathogenic bacteria, which are activated during sinusitis, can get into the internal passages. This can only make the current situation worse. You can only blow out your ears by closing your nose and swallowing water. If primary symptoms appear, you should urgently contact an otolaryngologist, who, during the examination, will prescribe an effective treatment regimen. By using the recommendations presented, you can significantly speed up the healing process. Be healthy!
Nasal congestion and sinusitis
Nasal congestion is one of the first symptoms of sinusitis. This is not surprising since the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses, in which the inflammatory process develops, are directly connected to the nasal cavity.
Moreover, it is prolonged nasal congestion and runny nose that can provoke the development of sinusitis. That is why these pathological conditions should be taken seriously.
Remember, if your nose is stuffy for more than two weeks and the usual remedies are not able to cope with it, you need to seek qualified help from an otolaryngologist. After all, if the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses can be caught at the earliest stage of its development, then curing the disease will not be difficult.
How to help a patient at home?
There are two main solutions that can effectively combat nasal congestion due to sinusitis. They are:
- use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
- rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solution.
Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays
Other names for these drugs are adrenergic agonists or decongestants. The mechanism of action of vasoconstrictor nasal drops and sprays is simple. Due to the active substances included in their composition, they are able to very quickly eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, thereby eliminating the cause of nasal congestion.
Decongestants have both obvious advantages and no less obvious disadvantages. Positive points include:
- rapid recovery of breathing;
- high efficiency;
- long lasting effect up to 12 hours.
The main disadvantage of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays is that they cannot be used continuously for more than 3-7 days. The permitted duration of use should be checked in the instructions for use of the specific drug. Failure to follow this recommendation can lead to drug dependence.
Also note that these medications do not treat sinusitis. The purpose of taking them is to make the patient feel better.
We recommend choosing nasal sprays for use. Compared to drops, they show higher efficiency.
In any pharmacy you can find a huge number of vasoconstrictors. We present to your attention a small list:
Rinse the nose with saline solution
Rinsing the nose with saline solution for sinusitis is a simple and safe procedure. Each person can carry it out independently at home.
First of all, it allows you to very efficiently clean the nasal cavity from mucous secretions that accumulate in it.
To carry it out, you can use saline solution prepared at home. To make it, just completely dissolve one quarter of a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm clean water.
In addition, at any pharmacy you can buy ready-made saline solution or choose one of its analogues. Moreover, it makes no sense to overpay for expensive brands, because all the listed products have the same effect. Nevertheless, here is a short list of medications for nasal rinsing:
Stuffy nose after illness
In some cases, nasal congestion may occur after sinusitis. This pathological condition can arise for several reasons.
Firstly, it may be due to the fact that the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses was not completely cured. In this situation, there is a high risk of the disease moving into the chronic phase. Treatment of chronic sinusitis is a much more difficult task.
Secondly, the symptom can be caused by the abuse of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. If this is the reason, then it is easier to solve the problem. It is enough to stop using these medications. Unfortunately, if the situation is advanced, then this is not at all easy to do.
Can the disease occur without a feeling of congestion?
Nasal congestion is a mandatory symptom for sinusitis. There is only one relative exception to the rule. It is noted if inflammation affects one of the two maxillary sinuses: left or right. In such a situation, a diagnosis of unilateral sinusitis is made. With this disease, the nose will often be blocked only on the side of the inflamed sinus.
For sinusitis
Each person, in addition to the maxillary sinuses, has frontal, sphenoid and ethmoid paranasal sinuses or sinuses. Inflammation can occur in each of them. All these diseases have the common name sinusitis. It also includes frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis.
Everything that is said in this article about nasal congestion and sinusitis will also be true for each of these diseases.
Swelling with sinusitis: how to treat?
Symptoms of sinusitis include some characteristic signs, one of which is swelling of the nasal mucosa. In general, the mucous membrane performs a barrier function, preventing infections from entering the body.
Swelling of the mucous membrane as a symptom of sinusitis
Swelling of the nasal mucosa with sinusitis appears in response to certain irritants. They can be:
- respiratory infections, in which swelling prevents foreign substances from spreading to other organs,
- hypothermia (due to low temperature, the ciliated cilia in the nose stop performing their functions, which provokes inflammation and swelling),
- allergens and certain medications (for example, sprays), which initially lead to an increase in nasal secretion, which provokes swelling.
Also, with sinusitis, swelling can be caused by features of the structure of the nose, for example, a deviated septum, the presence of adenoids or polyps in the nose. Violations of the integrity of the mucous membrane also act as a cause of edema, since even minor mechanical effects during a common runny nose can lead to rupture of the membrane and its inflammation.
Swelling of the nasal mucosa leads to the appearance of some unpleasant symptoms:
- redness,
- swelling,
- nasal congestion,
- difficulty breathing,
- nasal discharge,
- headache,
- frequent sneezing,
- voice distortion.
It is important to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, since the possible consequences of these symptoms during sinusitis can be much more severe and dangerous than just discomfort. The sooner treatment is started, the more effective it will be.
Consequences of sinusitis in the form of swelling
Usually, treatment for sinusitis begins before any other changes in appearance appear, for example, swelling of the face. But swelling of the face with sinusitis is not uncommon. If sinusitis is unilateral, i.e. If the inflammation has affected the maxillary sinus on one side, then swelling can appear only on this side of the face - on the cheek, near the eye and near the nose. If sinusitis affects both sinuses, then swelling can affect both sides of the face.
Separately, you can consider the situation when the eyes swell. This is a fairly rare, but still possible complication of sinusitis. It can appear for several reasons:
- constant mechanical impact, for example, with lacrimation (a situation where conjunctivitis develops due to the close proximity of the sinuses and ducts of the eye),
- obstructed fluid outflow,
- general intoxication of the body,
- Impaired kidney function due to antibiotics.
With sinusitis, swelling of the eye is usually presented in the form of a bag under it. Sometimes the upper or lower eyelid may become inflamed separately. Due to the enlargement of the maxillary sinuses, intraocular pressure increases. As the tear ducts of the eye are compressed, tear production increases. The eyes adapt to such processes by increasing blood flow, which is why the swelling area also turns red. Redness in this case means that the body is trying to fight an infection. Swelling under the eyes is especially noticeable with sinusitis after sleep.
How to relieve swelling
The swelling of the face subsides as the sinusitis is treated comprehensively. To determine the necessary treatment measures, you need to contact an otolaryngologist, who will select the necessary medications or procedures depending on the specific symptoms. In the initial stages, sinusitis can be dealt with exclusively with the help of medications; in more complex cases - with purulent sinusitis - the procedure of puncture or rinsing of the nasal sinuses will help; in the most advanced cases, treatment is carried out in a hospital. Unpleasant symptoms, including swelling, will begin to go away as treatment progresses.
The following remedies are used directly to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa during sinusitis:
- Antihistamines. The specific medicine is prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the condition. Typically, these remedies are used once a day in the evening in order to normalize sleep and allow the body and immune system to recover as much as possible.
- Vasoconstrictors. The choice of such drugs is now huge, but all of these drugs have one feature: they cannot be used too often. The fact is that nasal drops, which have a vasoconstrictor effect, cause addiction to the mucous membrane, due to which the nasal vessels will become unable to contract on their own. They can be used for no longer than a week, 3-4 times a day. Be sure to use these products before bed, which will effectively cleanse the nose and sinuses of pus and mucus, which will improve nasal breathing. This will ensure healthy sleep and better recovery of the body.
The following are considered more gentle methods of getting rid of swelling of the mucous membrane:
- the use of solutions that relieve inflammation (furacilin, boric acid solution, oil and saline solutions),
- warming the sides of the nose and bridge of the nose (salt or any cereal is wrapped in cloth and heated to a tolerable temperature, then these bags are used as compresses),
- carrying out inhalations with decoctions of various herbs (calendula, sage, chamomile), an alternative could be taking a shower, since warm (but not hot) and moist air is beneficial,
- a light massage of swollen areas on the face, which disperses blood stagnation (at the same time, metabolism increases and swelling begins to subside).
If your eyes are very swollen due to sinusitis, you can use special ointments or drops; they also have a vasoconstrictor effect and accelerate blood flow. Lotions and rubbing with warm water also help relieve swelling of the eyes.
If treatment for sinusitis does not help to cope with the problem of facial swelling, you should visit the doctor again: perhaps the problem is not only sinusitis.
How to cope with annoying sinusitis, how to properly carry out treatment so that complications do not arise - more on this in the next video:
Does the nose breathe with sinusitis?
Sinusitis is one of the most common diseases of the nasal system. According to researchers, up to 10% of the world's population suffers from it, regardless of race, age and gender. This is one of the types of sinusitis, the essence of which is inflammation of the internal mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses due to blockage of the connective anastomosis and deterioration of the outflow of mucus up to stagnation. In this case, problems with nasal breathing are observed. Next, we will consider in more detail the question of whether the nose breathes during sinusitis.
Reasons for the development of the disease
The presence or absence of nasal breathing during sinusitis largely depends on the cause of the disease. The most common are:
- infections: viruses and bacteria (staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci, mycoplasma and chlamydia);
- complication from untreated or suffered acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
- chronic tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils) or pharyngitis;
- spread of infection from the oral cavity from diseased teeth of the upper jaw;
- development of allergic rhinitis with improper therapy;
- anatomical individual characteristics of a person (narrowed nasal passages, deformation of the nasal septum, consequences of injuries or operations);
- significant pressure changes (during diving or air travel).
The development of sinusitis mainly occurs against the background of a respiratory disease, so the patient may not even suspect that his air pockets are inflamed until the symptoms become pronounced. Anyone with a weakened immune system can become a victim of the disease.
Nasal congestion due to sinusitis
Nasal breathing in respiratory diseases and sinusitis is most often difficult. This is explained by the specific structure of the air sinuses, which are hollow pockets inside, which are connected to the nasal cavity by special canals (osti). A distinctive feature is that the relatively large sinuses (average volume of pericubic centimeters) are connected to the nasal cavity by very thin canals (1-3 mm in diameter depending on the physiology of each person).
Pathogens entering the sinus lead to swelling of the mucous membranes of the anastomosis, which become even narrower or completely overlap. Because of this, the drainage of the cavity worsens or stops, stagnation and accumulation of secretions with purulent discharge occur. A favorable environment for the proliferation of viruses and bacteria is formed, all mucous membranes swell, and for this reason it becomes difficult to breathe through the nose. The severity of the swelling determines whether he breathes at all.
Added to the swelling is the presence of a large volume of secretions, which further blocks the respiratory process.
Snot is released from the maxillary sinuses during inflammation of the mucous membranes, when the cilia of the ciliated epithelium work with maximum load, trying to evacuate the accumulating exudate. By the color of the snot, you can determine the stage and severity of the inflammatory process in the sinuses:
- White or transparent. They characterize the initial stage of the disease and do not contain pus. The thick consistency of white discharge and a gradual decrease in its quantity indicate the stage of recovery. Clear secretion is usually a sign of allergic sinusitis. Such discharge is also typical for rhinitis, so inflammation of the accessory cavities can be quite difficult to “see” at an early stage and differentiate it from a common cold or runny nose.
- Yellow or greenish tint. They have a thick consistency and often come out in clumps. They indicate the addition of a bacterial infection and an acute form of the disease. The presence of pus in the discharge gives a yellow tint to the discharge.
- Gray-green. A sign of an advanced stage of the disease, in which swelling of the anastomosis has almost completely stopped the drainage of the sinus. The mucus mixed with pus stagnates and acquires an unpleasant odor; there may be blood streaks and clots.
Sinusitis without runny nose
As a rule, a runny nose accompanies inflammation of the maxillary sinuses throughout the entire period of the disease and is one of its distinctive features. However, there are often cases when all the signs of sinusitis are present, the nose is stuffy and does not breathe properly, but there is no discharge. There are several reasons for this development of the situation:
- Anomalies of the anatomical structure of the nose, consisting of a significant curvature of the septum, disturbances in the anatomy of the nasal turbinates, synechiae or postoperative scars that impede the outflow of fluid or greatly change it, for example, removing secretions closer to the nasopharynx, which creates the appearance of the absence of snot.
- Too much inflammation, which leads to complete closure of the anastomosis due to swelling. Also, the output duct may be congenitally too narrow and therefore susceptible to blockage. When drainage completely stops, pus accumulates very quickly. Without immediate medical attention, the exudate can even destroy the chamber wall and break into the surrounding tissue, causing serious consequences.
- Allergic reactions of the body can also, due to hyperemia and edema, disrupt the drainage of voids and lead to the development of the disease.
- A complication after improperly treated viral infections (rubella, measles and especially influenza). The mechanism of the problem is as follows. Against the background of the underlying disease, the mucous membrane swells and blocks the chamber, where exudate begins to accumulate. Under the influence of antiviral drugs, the patient's condition improves significantly, visible symptoms disappear, and there is a feeling of complete recovery. However, soon signs of inflammation of the maxillary cavities appear, in the first 1-2 days without the presence of snot, and then immediately with purulent contents.
- Overgrown tissues (cysts and polyps), malignant tumors, bone fragments or foreign objects that have gotten inside can also mechanically block the connecting canal.
- In the case of infection spreading from diseased teeth with periodontitis, caries, pulpitis, osteomyelitis, the direction of development of sinusitis changes: inflammation moves from the wall of the sinus to the anastomosis.
- Atrophic course of the disease. It consists of disruption of the ciliated epithelial cells from performing their main functions - heating and purifying the air, secreting mucus and evacuating it into the nasal passages.
How to solve the problem of nasal congestion
Taking into account the complexity of the symptoms of the disease, significant relief of nasal breathing on an ongoing basis is only possible when the pathogen is suppressed and the symptoms are eliminated. To correctly diagnose and determine the full clinical picture of the disease, the otolaryngologist prescribes an x-ray or computed tomography of the air sinuses, a general blood test and a smear of the mucous membrane for bacterial culture to determine the pathogen. Endoscopic rhinoscopy is also mandatory.
Based on the results of the study, the ENT doctor determines the treatment strategy for the disease. There are two types of treatment for sinusitis: medication and surgery.
Conservative therapy consists of counteracting swelling of the mucous membranes, ensuring timely drainage of secretions, restoring nasal breathing, and fighting pathogens. It includes taking the following medications:
- Antibiotics for bacterial infections. The most commonly used tablets are penicillins and macrolides (Amoxiclav, Erythromycin, Augmentin). New generation drugs have proven themselves well (Flemoxil Solutab, Macropen, Zitrolide). In severe cases of the disease, injectable cephalosporin antibiotics (Cefaclor, Cephalexin) are used.
- Decongestants. They reduce blood flow to affected tissues, constrict blood vessels and reduce congestion, and are used for all types of sinusitis. The most common are Nazivin, Oxymetazoline, Rinazoline. However, it is not advisable to use these drugs for more than 7 days.
- Mucolytics. By actively influencing the secretion, its viscosity is reduced and evacuation from the accessory chamber is facilitated. Available in the form of syrups and drops (Fluditec, Mucodin), they speed up recovery and have no side effects.
- Analgesics. High temperature and severe pain are indispensable companions of sinusitis. You can fight them with painkillers with an anti-inflammatory effect (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin). Due to the presence of certain contraindications, they can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.
- Corticosteroids. They help well with bacterial, viral and allergic forms of sinusitis. Effective for severe inflammation, affects the immune system. The most commonly used nasal spray is Nasonex, but due to side effects, its dosage must be determined by a doctor.
To restore nasal breathing, local therapy is used, which consists of liquefying the secretion, removing it and subsequent disinfection of the nasal cavity. An approximate diagram looks like this:
- the nasal passages are washed with hypertonic saline solution (Aqualor Strong);
- irrigation with Rinofluimucin;
- after a few minutes, rinsing with an isotonic saline solution (Aqualor soft shower or other remedy);
- irrigation with local antibiotics and antiseptics (Polydex, Isofra, Miramistin).
In a hospital setting, rinsing is carried out using two methods:
- Using the Yamik sinus catheter. The device consists of two cylinders with valves on a rigid base and a syringe attachment. The posterior balloon is inserted into the nasopharynx, and the anterior balloon into the nasal passage. The air is pumped out from the nasal cavity with a syringe, as a result of which the resulting vacuum opens the anastomosis, and the accumulated exudate enters the nasal cavity, from where it is removed with the same syringe. The manipulation is used from the age of 5 and is carried out under local anesthesia.
- Using the Cuckoo device. An aspirator-suction inserted into the nostril creates negative pressure in the nasal cavity. The doctor injects a solution (saline with added medications) into the other nostril with a syringe. Low pressure accelerates the circulation of fluid, liquefied mucus flows through the other nostril into the suction.
Surgery is used in the most severe cases, as well as when conservative therapy is ineffective. The surgical method consists of making a puncture (puncture) in the thinnest place of the medial wall of the sinus by an otolaryngologist with a special syringe. After this, the sinus is washed through the needle and medications are administered. The puncture greatly alleviates the patient’s condition, including improving the patency of the nose. It is possible to repeat the operation within 2-3 days.
Herbal medicine and traditional medicine for nasal congestion
Naturally based drugs have become very popular in recent decades. There is a wide selection in pharmacies. Unlike pharmacological agents, they have virtually no side effects, except for individual intolerance to the ingredients. The most famous are:
- Sinupret. It is based on extracts of black elderberry, verbena, primrose, and sorrel. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, stimulates the immune system.
- Sinuforte. Based on cyclamen root extract. Irritates the receptors of the mucous membrane, promotes increased secretion, liquefaction of mucus and its removal from the chambers. You should consult your doctor before taking the medicine to avoid causing pain.
Treatment of sinusitis with traditional methods is aimed at reducing swelling of the mucous membrane and ensuring the outflow of secretions from the accessory pouches. The three main methods are inhalation, rinsing and instillation.
- One teaspoon of propolis tincture is diluted in a glass of water. The nose is washed with the solution three times a day for a week.
- Combine callanchoe and aloe juice in a 1:1 ratio and instill 3 drops into each nostril for 5 days.
- Make a medicinal mixture of 2 g of St. John's wort, 5 g of yarrow, 2 g of celandine and 3 g of chamomile flowers. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, bring to a boil and set aside. Perform steam inhalation for 5-10 minutes.
- Add 5-6 bay leaves to 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, then breathe over the steam.
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Stuffy nose? How to distinguish a runny nose from sinusitis?
Here you go. runny nose again. Oh, just sniffle for a week and everything will go away on its own. It’s strange, it doesn’t go away, and some headaches have started. And the person goes to see an otolaryngologist. The doctor, having carried out the necessary manipulations, makes a diagnosis: you have sinusitis.
During a runny nose, an infection settles in the nasal passages, pathogenic bacteria cause swelling of the nasal mucosa, and the nose “stuffs up.” Mucus appears, first transparent (“snot flows”), and then thick, green. This is where you need to be careful.
The appearance of green mucus is a sign of severe inflammation. When we have a runny nose, we often blow our nose, trying our best to clear our nose. And we often forget that the nasal passages are closely connected with the auditory tubes. Inflammation of the middle ear may begin.
With prolonged runny nose, the function of the mucous membrane is impaired, which leads to sinusitis. But an accurate diagnosis can only be made based on X-ray data. This method is very informative. In the picture you can see cysts, osteomas, oncology, inflammation of the sinuses. If there is sinusitis, the area under the eyes and in the upper jaw will be opaque and white. You can determine sinusitis yourself: stand up and slowly lean forward. With sinusitis, you will feel a nagging pain in the area of the maxillary sinuses and forehead. Sometimes it happens that the roots of the upper teeth are very close to the maxillary sinuses, and then pain is constantly felt in the entire upper jaw.
Acute sinusitis manifests itself with a constant headache, thick mucous discharge from the nose, and a feeling of pressure and fullness from the inside. The patient feels weak and overwhelmed. If sinusitis is not treated, it becomes chronic. The pain gradually disappears, but nasal congestion and periodic headaches remain. With chronic sinusitis, there is always a source of infection in the nose, so any hypothermia leads to a prolonged runny nose.
Doctors do not recommend using vasoconstrictors too much to make your nose breathe. But many people often use such drugs.
If it is sinusitis, then this method cannot cure it, but can only cause addiction to the medications used.
Only a doctor can determine how to treat sinusitis. First of all, we use therapeutic methods of treatment and physiotherapy to prevent puncture and surgery. As a rule, conservative treatment of sinusitis most often only alleviates the course of the disease. The aggravation is relieved, the condition becomes better, and everything seems to be fine. But after some time the disease appears again. The slightest infection or hypothermia - and again an exacerbation. If all efforts are useless or there is a threat of complications of the disease, we resort to emergency measures to treat acute advanced sinusitis.
A “puncture-free” treatment method is rinsing the nose with liquid (“cuckoo”). The rinsing procedure clears the nasal passages and nasal cavities of pus and mucus. The course is designed for 5-7 procedures. After the first treatment, patients see a significant improvement in their condition.
It also happens that you cannot do without a puncture. In this case, you don’t need to wait for miracles and test your body’s strength. The puncture is done both for chronic and acute sinusitis.
Delay can often lead to serious complications. The puncture is done in order to pump out pus from the sinus, rinse the sinus, and then administer antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
This procedure is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but its effectiveness is very high. Unfortunately, there is a misconception that after a puncture, sinusitis goes into a chronic stage. If sinusitis occurs again, it happens for other reasons.
It is impossible not to treat sinusitis: it will not heal on its own, it will only become chronic. A chronic infection, “dormant” in the paranasal sinuses, can cause a serious illness at any time. The nose is such a “central” place on the face, from where infection can easily spread to surrounding structures. Therefore, the most common complications of sinusitis are meningitis.
Perhaps the most dangerous thing that chronic purulent sinusitis can lead to is meningitis (inflammation of the meninges).
The tissues of the eye also react acutely to the infection: gradually increasing swelling of the eyelids appears, they turn red, and phlegmon of the orbit of the eye may develop. The purulent process can destroy the walls of the maxillary sinus and penetrate into the bone tissue. Inflammation of the upper jaw bone develops - osteomyelitis.
It is necessary to eliminate the reasons that may cause it. That is, treat a cold if you have a cold; treat a runny nose if it appears; cure caries; straighten the nasal septum if it provokes the disease; remove polyps, adenoids (in a child).
And, of course, work on strengthening your immune system.
These recommendations are well known, but many do not attach importance to them:
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