Inflammation of the uvula in the throat: how to treat if it is inflamed and swollen?
Why is there a tongue in the throat? Maybe nature made a mistake and supplied the body with an unnecessary element, which becomes inflamed from time to time, leading to pain and discomfort in the throat?
Table of contents:
- Inflammation of the uvula in the throat: how to treat if it is inflamed and swollen?
- What function does the tongue perform?
- Disease of the uvula
- How to diagnose inflammation
- Causes of swelling of a little appendage
- How to treat uvulitis
- Treatment of an enlarged uvula in the throat, causes of uvulitis
- Reasons for uvula enlargement
- Inflammatory diseases
- Oncological pathology
- Tongue burn
- Allergic reaction
- Adverse effects on medications
- Other causes of uvulitis
- Diagnosis of pathologies of the uvula in the throat
- Treatment of an inflamed tongue in the throat
- General recommendations for the treatment of uvula
- Why does the tongue in the throat become inflamed and what treatment is required?
- Why is uvulitis dangerous?
- Types and causes of uvulitis
- Signs of uvulitis
- Treatment of uvulitis
- Conclusion
- Read more on the topic:
- Swollen uvula in the throat
- A little bit of anatomy
- Causes and mechanisms of development
- Symptoms
- Treatment
- Inflamed tongue in the throat - how to treat it
- Swollen uvula in the throat
- A little bit of anatomy
- Causes and mechanisms of development
- Symptoms
- Treatment
- Swelling, swelling, inflamed tongue in the throat (uvulitis): causes, treatment
- Etiology
- Symptoms
- Treatment
- Traditional medicine
- ethnoscience
- Video: manifestation of the disease uvulitis
- Treatment methods for inflammation of the tongue in the throat
- Anatomy of the throat
- Problems with the uvula
- Causes of swelling of the uvula
- Treatment methods
- Conclusion
To correctly understand the essence of the problem, you need to understand the anatomy of the tongue and find out what functions are assigned to it. The oral cavity is divided into two components - the hard and soft palate.
Anatomically, the hard palate is represented by a bone formation, covered with a dense mucous membrane and performing protective functions. Accordingly, the soft palate is a soft formation that performs the functions of moving food through the oropharynx.
Outwardly, it resembles a constriction hanging from the edge of the hard palate and separating the oropharynx from the nasopharynx. The uvula is the outermost extension of the soft palate and hangs freely in the oral cavity.
Since the appendage contains a rather dense cluster of blood vessels, the color of the tongue is bright red. And it is for this reason that this small organ often becomes inflamed.
What function does the tongue perform?
To understand the reasons that provoke inflammation of the uvula, you need to know what function the palatine process performs. Nothing is created in the human body just like that; each organ is responsible for the task assigned to it.
The uvula performs several functions at once:
- Separation of air flow and its further redirection.
- Preventing foreign objects from entering the respiratory tract and pharynx.
- Separation of food flows.
- Invoking the vomiting reflex, which is required, for example, in case of poisoning.
- Preventing the spread of infection.
- Warming the air entering through the mouth during nasal congestion.
- Participation in the formation of voice and speech.
That's how many different functions a small tongue performs. Therefore, if it becomes inflamed, treatment should be started immediately.
Disease of the uvula
Disease of the palatine process is called uvulitis. As a rule, inflammation occurs suddenly. A person can fall asleep completely healthy, and the next morning feel a severe pain in the throat.
In addition to pain, there is also discomfort, a sensation of a lump that cannot be swallowed. Nausea may be present. If you look into your mouth at this moment, you will see that the throat is red, the uvula is swollen and increased in size.
In such a situation, your feelings should be compared with the following symptoms:
- Feeling of a foreign body or lump in the throat.
- Vomiting.
- Pain and difficulty swallowing.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Speech problems.
- Profuse salivation.
If the patient has at least three of these points, he needs to urgently consult a doctor. Otherwise, the palatine process may swell so much that it blocks the airway and causes asphyxia.
Such reasons can lead to the death of the patient or to oxygen starvation of the brain, with tissue ischemia.
How to diagnose inflammation
At the first signs of inflammation of the uvula, the patient should go to the clinic, and not to a therapist, but straight to an otolaryngologist.
In this case, there is no time to waste, otherwise the infection may spread deep into the throat and below. The cause of inflammation of the uvula is most often an infection.
During the examination, the doctor pays great attention to the throat, sinuses, ears and only after that makes a diagnosis. But the causes of inflammation may have nothing to do with ENT diseases, then the otolaryngologist gives the patient a referral to another doctor.
In most cases, urgent treatment is required and the patient may even be admitted to the hospital. In case of sudden asphyxia, medical personnel will be able to quickly provide first aid to the patient and prevent the development of serious complications.
Causes of swelling of a little appendage
Many patients are interested in the question: why does the tongue in the throat swell. There are several reasons for this phenomenon, here are the most common:
- An infection has entered the throat (sore throat, laryngitis). Despite the fact that the palatine process becomes a barrier to infection, over time the microbes still find a loophole. And when the infection spreads, the tongue itself suffers.
- A very common cause of sore throat is a runny nose. This is due to the fact that the infection goes down.
- With sinusitis, pathogenic bacteria penetrate the human body. Their reproduction occurs so quickly that the infection instantly spreads to the pharyngeal mucosa.
- With a sore throat, the entire throat swells. The bacterium that causes tonsillitis is able to adapt to any conditions.
- Carious teeth also cause inflammation of the palatine process.
- Injuries to the throat or the tongue itself will certainly provoke inflammation.
- Tumors of the nasopharynx are the most common causes of swelling and inflammation of the throat tissue.
- Uvulitis due to allergies is recorded extremely rarely in medical practice, but still occurs.
- Chemical or thermal burn of the larynx.
- Alcohol abuse.
- Swelling in the throat, which provokes treatment with certain medications.
And these are not all the reasons that can cause swelling and inflammation of the uvula. This pathology is even inherited, but such cases are recorded very rarely.
How to treat uvulitis
Treatment for uvulitis should occur as soon as possible. It is very important that the therapy is adequate, since if the disease is treated incorrectly, the problem can significantly worsen. Swallowing becomes more painful and breathing becomes even more difficult.
If uvulitis is caused by allergies, treatment consists of prescribing antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids and diuretics.
If a sore throat is severe, the doctor may prescribe a non-aggressive pain reliever to the patient. If the treatment is carried out strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor, the swelling will very soon decrease, and after it the other symptoms of inflammation will disappear.
But most often the cause of inflammation in the throat is ARVI. In this case, the disease should be treated with antiviral and antibacterial drugs. Most often, treatment is local. The doctor prescribes sprays and aerosols for the patient to relieve inflammation.
If the doctor prescribed the correct treatment, and the patient strictly followed all the doctor’s recommendations, recovery will come very quickly and the patient will soon forget about such a problem as pain when swallowing.
By the way, if the disease is caused by the penetration of a virus into the body, after the main swelling is eliminated, the patient is recommended to drink large quantities of warm tea with honey and lemon. With the help of this folk remedy you can not only relieve a sore throat, but also increase your immunity.
In addition, during the treatment process it is important to exclude spicy, salty foods and alcohol from the diet. Doctors strongly advise patients to quit smoking, at least for the duration of treatment, since tobacco smoke greatly irritates the mucous membrane of the throat.
The video in this article will introduce the reader to how inflammation of the larynx can be treated.
Treatment of an enlarged uvula in the throat, causes of uvulitis
Discomfortable sensations, the feeling of a foreign object in the throat, the urge to vomit, difficulty swallowing - these are the symptoms that can be very frightening. This difficulty is most often encountered after a night's rest. When examining the oral cavity, you can see an enlarged and reddened uvula in the throat. Why does it increase in size and what should the patient do?
Reasons for uvula enlargement
Many people are scared when the tongue in the throat gets bigger. Indeed, the problem is unpleasant. But why is it needed at all? The uvula is the posterior part of the soft palate. It is called the velum palatine because it hangs down at the front of the throat.
In its normal state, it is small in size and has a pinkish tint. A person rarely feels it, since it does not interfere with our speaking and swallowing food.
But in practice, a phenomenon occurs when the tongue swells greatly. The reason for this is pathological processes in the throat. What are they and how to overcome redness?
Inflammatory diseases
Inflammation of the tongue in the throat is observed extremely rarely, only when the process is very serious. This phenomenon is observed only when there are a lot of bacteria in the oral cavity, and the immune system cannot cope with them.
If the tongue in the throat is swollen, the cause may be:
- inflammation in the tonsils in the form of sore throat or chronic tonsillitis;
- inflammatory processes in the nasal and pharyngeal region simultaneously in the form of nasopharyngitis or adenoiditis;
- development of a retropharyngeal or paratonsillar abscess;
- damage to the pharyngeal region in the form of pharyngitis;
- development of purulent infections in the dental system;
- inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa in the form of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;
- diphtheria infection;
- the appearance of infectious mononucleosis;
- inflammatory process in the salivary glands;
- infection with tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV.
Usually in such cases the tongue swells suddenly. At the same time, it swells simultaneously with neighboring tissue structures. As a result of this process, the patient complains of deterioration in swallowing function, severe pain, and swelling in the throat.
Oncological pathology
If the tongue is inflamed in the throat, what else could cause an unpleasant illness? Recently, doctors are increasingly diagnosing cancer of the mucous membrane in the throat. But according to statistics, only two percent of patients have oncological pathology of the uvula.
In this case, the symptoms observed are exactly the same as those of viral, bacterial and fungal infections. It all starts with a painful feeling in the throat and difficulties in swallowing functions.
Tongue burn
If the tongue is very swollen, then the cause may be a chemical or thermal burn. Strong hot foods, drinks, and alcohol consumption can lead to this process. Then the patient complains of dry mouth and damage to the mucous membranes. A formation appears in the throat, the pattern of which consists of blood vessels. When exposed to factors, severe irritation, blood flow and swelling of the palate are observed.
Much less often, a tongue burn occurs as a result of exposure to alkali or acid. This process can happen accidentally when consuming vinegar, essence, or gargling with a highly concentrated soda solution.
Allergic reaction
When the tongue in the throat is swollen, the cause is an allergic reaction to external irritants. This phenomenon can occur when consuming preservatives, dyes, food products in the form of honey or strawberries, inhaling chemicals and household chemicals.
Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to insure against such a problem, because an allergic reaction can appear quite suddenly.
Nowadays, allergies are becoming an increasingly pressing problem. This process is primarily observed in those who, at least once in their lives, have suffered from increased sensitivity to the components of drugs or products, Quincke's edema, urticaria, dermatitis, and bronchial asthma.
Swelling of the tongue in the throat occurs suddenly. But the unpleasant feeling intensifies each time an irritant arrives.
Adverse effects on medications
The functioning of the immune system may be impaired due to prolonged use of the medication. In practice, it is customary to identify side effects in the form of swelling of the uvula, rashes on the skin and difficulties in performing respiratory function.
A reaction to the drug may occur after ingestion of tablets and syrups, injection or topical application. Then the side symptoms are not associated with allergic reactions at all.
Ulceration and swelling in the oral cavity can occur as a response to chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer.
Quincke's edema is considered the most dangerous. It often occurs due to the use of drugs in the form of Captopril, Enalapril. A reaction also occurs when taking muscle relaxants, antibiotics and anesthetics.
Other causes of uvulitis
An inflamed uvula is also observed in other pathological processes in the form of:
- injury to the mucous membrane from hard food or bones;
- performing dental procedures, pharyngoscopy and probing of the gastric organ;
- prolonged and repeated vomiting;
- snoring;
- consumption of cold foods and drinks;
- having a bad habit such as smoking;
- hereditary predisposition to edema;
- development of Franklin syndrome.
In some cases, pain when swallowing will be observed only in the morning and will go away within hours of waking up. In others, the pain may be constant. Then you need to consult a doctor for advice.
Diagnosis of pathologies of the uvula in the throat
Swelling of the tongue is not particularly difficult to diagnose. It is enough for the doctor to find out the patient’s complaints, take an anamnesis and examine the oropharyngeal area.
Additional diagnostic methods are used only to clarify the diagnosis. These include:
- donating blood for analysis. If the disease is infectious in nature, then the level of leukocytes in the blood and ESR increases. This process is called leukocytosis. During allergic reactions, the number of eosinophils in the blood rises;
- taking a smear from the mucous membrane in case of bacterial infection. This will identify the pathogen and its susceptibility to antibiotics;
- carrying out immunograms and specific allergy diagnostics;
- performing pharyngoscopy and posterior rhinoscopy;
- carrying out X-ray examination, tomography and histological examination of biopsy material.
When the cause is identified, treatment measures can begin.
Treatment of an inflamed tongue in the throat
What to do if the tongue is swollen and red? Don't panic. The first thing you need to do is assess the situation, and then seek help from a specialist.
If there is a small tongue in the throat and it does not exceed the maximum size, then it is enough to examine the oral cavity yourself. If it is severely swollen, and respiratory dysfunction occurs, then you need to urgently call an ambulance. Perhaps uvulitis is starting.
The doctor will listen to the patient’s complaints and try to identify the cause of what is happening.
If a patient has problems with the dental system, he will be referred to a dentist. They will conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. Treatment or tooth extraction may be required.
How to treat such a pathology? To eliminate tissue swelling, you may be advised to gargle with a slightly salted solution. Treatment also involves taking antihistamines and eliminating the irritant. If it is difficult to identify the allergen yourself, then the patient is given test samples.
If your throat hurts with an inflamed tongue, it means there is an inflammatory process.
Then the treatment is:
- gargling with herbal infusions, soda and saline solutions, furatsilin;
- rinsing the nasal passages with a solution based on sea salt;
- lubricating the affected areas with Lugol, Chlorophyllipt, streptocide;
- irrigating the throat with medications in the form of Miramistin, Hexoral, Tantum Verde;
- taking antibacterial, fungal and antiviral agents.
The duration of treatment depends on the form of the disease. But usually the course ranges from seven to twenty days.
The most dangerous thing is when the cause lies in oncological pathology. Then the patient needs to contact an oncologist and undergo a thorough examination. A course of chemotherapy and physiotherapy may be prescribed. For large tumors, surgery is performed.
General recommendations for the treatment of uvula
No matter what caused the inflammation of the uvula, there are general recommendations that should be followed during the treatment process.
- Maintain drinking regime. In the first days, it is better to refuse food, but the body should receive two to three liters of fluid per day.
- Maintain bed rest. This will allow the body to recover faster and fight off infectious agents.
- Maintain a gentle diet. Food should be soft and warm. It is best to give preference to grated porridge and vegetable puree. No hard, sour, spicy or sweet foods. This all leads to even greater irritation.
If all recommendations are followed, the patient will be able to recover quickly.
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Why does the tongue in the throat become inflamed and what treatment is required?
The diagnosis of “Uvulitis” means inflammation of the tongue in the throat, which hangs in the middle of the pharynx between the tonsils and is a continuation of the soft palate. During the pathological process, not only the tissues of the small appendix are damaged, but all its functions are disrupted, causing acute pain. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can be fatal.
Why is uvulitis dangerous?
The uvula consists of muscle, mucous membrane, connective tissue, penetrated by blood vessels. It protects food from entering the respiratory tract, distributes and warms the air flow, is involved in processes associated with the gag and cough reflex, and participates in the formation of sounds, since it belongs to the articulatory department of the speech apparatus. The secondary function is to block a foreign body on its way to the larynx.
Acute inflammation of the uvula is accompanied by severe swelling and pain, which affects the mobility and size of the process. As a result, obstruction of the respiratory tract is possible, that is, the hyperemic tissue blocks the access of air to the lungs and death from suffocation. But this happens if the disease is not treated or the wrong therapeutic technique is used.
Types and causes of uvulitis
Inflammation of the uvula has acute and chronic clinical forms. The first occurs suddenly due to the body’s reaction to the causes that provoked the pathology, in which the process develops rapidly and can occur with complications. Chronic uvulitis is rarely accompanied by acute symptoms. It occurs periodically or is a secondary disease due to the presence of a pathological focus in the oral, nasal cavity or pharynx.
Types of inflammation of the uvula:
The disease received these names because of the cause that provoked it. Infectious uvulitis develops as a result of infection of the body with a virus or pathogenic microbe. The pathogen penetrates inside the appendix with the blood stream or enters the mucous membrane with saliva, sputum, and nasopharyngeal mucus from nearby foci of the disease. That is, inflammation of the uvula develops against the background of pathologies of the ENT organs, mouth, esophagus, bronchi and adjacent tissues.
The culprit of the disease can be sinusitis, rhinitis, caries, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis, blood poisoning, lymphadenitis, abscess or phlegmon in the larynx.
Drug-induced uvulitis occurs due to the action of substances included in the drug. The instructions for the medication warn about this in the contraindications and side effects section, for example, hypersensitivity, Quincke's edema (angioedema).
The uvula can also become inflamed due to the body’s reaction to any type of allergen: household, food, from the environment - pollen, waste products of mites, etc. As a consequence, fluid accumulates in the tissues of the appendix and the person experiences discomfort, and also exhibits other symptoms of pathology.
Causes of traumatic uvulitis:
- operations in the throat, nose (adenotomy, tonsillectomy, tumor removal);
- a disease that provoked a violation of the integrity of the tissue and blood network of the uvula (cyst, polyps);
- snoring during sleep;
- injury by a foreign body (bone, hard object);
- shell burn from hot food;
- hypothermia of the mucous membrane with cold air, food, water and other drinks;
- tissue damage due to exposure to aggressive substances (salt, acids, spices, alcohol, smoke, toxic agents).
That is, traumatic uvulitis occurs as a result of pathological, mechanical, chemical or thermal damage to the appendix. Inflammation of the uvula can begin even if it is not the uvula itself that is affected, but a nearby area - the tongue or the root of an organ, the wall of the larynx, or another part of the soft palate.
Signs of uvulitis
Despite the types of pathology, the symptoms vary little. The first thing a person feels during acute inflammation is a lump in the throat, pain in the pharynx, impaired breathing quality - the air seems to be stuck in the throat. Upon examination, an enlarged swollen tongue is visible. It can be bluish, red or covered with a white coating and erosion.
Due to inflammation of the palatine process, a person may vomit or want to cough, excessive salivation and lacrimation, runny nose, itching in the pharynx, and inability to pronounce a sound (dysphonia). With infectious uvulitis, the temperature rises, general weakness, migraine, muscle and joint pain (myalgia, arthralgia), and skin rash occur.
Treatment of uvulitis
It is recommended to consult an ENT specialist at the first symptoms of the disease to discover the true cause of the inflammation. This is important, since the selection of medication depends on the type of pathology. Treatment and prevention of uvulitis includes compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards - oral care, frequent ventilation of the room, daily wet cleaning, etc. This will eliminate the factors that cause inflammation of the tongue tissue.
- frequent rinsing;
- inhalation and throat irrigation with antiseptic solutions, sprays, herbal decoctions;
- maintaining a drinking regime and a gentle diet;
- ban on smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
- air humidification;
- use of individual utensils and their regular disinfection;
- the use of folk remedies only in combination with the methods of official medicine.
For infectious uvulitis, antibacterial (Amoxiclav) or antiviral (Arbidol) drugs are prescribed, and for allergic uvulitis, antihistamines (Claritin, Diazolin, Tavegil, Cetrin). Antibiotics (Ceftazidime, Azithromycin) are used only if a mixed form of infection is confirmed or inflammation of the uvula is accompanied by a complication.
Symptomatic treatment includes the use of diuretics for edema (Furosemide, Hypothiazide), and in case of respiratory problems - glucocorticosteroids (Betamethasone, Medrol, Prednisolone). It is allowed to take antipyretic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and painkillers. A radical method when there is a threat of asphyxia is tracheotomy.
Local therapy for uvulitis includes physiotherapy with quartz, ultraviolet radiation, as well as inhalations with the addition of thyme, St. John's wort, pine buds, eucalyptus oil, and fir. Inflammation with plaque is well relieved by rinsing with a decoction of kirkazon, chamomile and sage. However, pus is sometimes removed surgically.
Whatever causes the inflammation of the uvula, treatment should be carried out immediately. This will help prevent asphyxia or tissue necrosis if bacterial flora is connected to the pathological focus. Compliance with medical recommendations, as well as correctly selected methods of official and traditional medicine contribute to a rapid recovery.
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Swollen uvula in the throat
The division of medicine into narrow profiles and sections was not invented in vain. After all, the quality of medical care for certain specific diseases depends on this. These include inflammation of the uvula in the throat, which is specifically treated by otolaryngologists. But it happens that this condition becomes only the tip of the iceberg, which is some serious disease. And it’s good if an experienced ENT doctor remembers one of the postulates of medicine - it is not the disease that needs to be treated, but the patient. This case fits into this category.
A little bit of anatomy
To understand what the essence of the condition is when the uvula in the throat is swollen, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basics of the anatomical and physiological features of this area. The cavity of the oropharynx and nasopharynx is separated from each other by the hard and soft palates. The first is a bone membrane covered with a mucous membrane. It is dense and fixed. The soft palate is a soft tissue formation that has the ability to move due to the muscles of the pharynx associated with it. It is a constriction hanging from the hard palate, continuing the separation of the nasal and oral cavities. The extreme process of the soft palate is the uvula, which looks like a small club-shaped process, and hangs freely in the oropharynx. This area has a very good blood supply with massive arterial and venous plexuses, which is important when inflammation of the uvula in the throat develops, as the extreme point of the soft palate.
- Separation and direction of air and food flows;
- Partial prevention of foreign objects entering the upper respiratory tract;
- Trigger zone for gag and cough reflexes;
- Separation of the right and left halves of the pharynx, which prevents the spread of infection;
- Warming the air during difficult nasal breathing;
- Participation in the formation of sounds and speech.
Causes and mechanisms of development
A disease whose pathogenesis involves inflammatory or edematous lesions of the uvula of the soft palate is called uvulitis (lat. uvula). In this case, migration of leukocytes occurs with infiltration of its tissues, which leads to impaired vascular permeability and congestion. Against this background, a red tongue appears in the throat with disruption of the normal functioning of the entire soft palate.
Causal factors in the development of this condition may be:
- Infections of the oral and nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and laryngopharynx of viral and bacterial origin (rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis);
- Acute and chronic tonsillitis;
- Angina;
- Peritonsillar abscess;
- Purulent diseases of the dentofacial apparatus; mechanical damage to the uvula by hard or sharp objects;
- Thermal effects of low and high temperatures, or chemicals leading to burns;
- Allergic conditions;
- Vegetative-vascular reactions and angioedema;
- Neoplasms of the ENT organs are the most common causes of inflammation of the uvula in the throat;
- Long-term use of antihypertensive drugs from the group of ACE inhibitors (enalapril, captopril, etc.)
In almost half of the patients, inflammation of the uvula begins suddenly, manifested by its swelling. The main complaint is a sensation of a foreign body or a lump in the throat. Depending on the size of the enlarged tongue, other signs appear. These include difficulty breathing and swallowing, shortness of breath, impaired speech and phonation, drooling, and retching. Upon examination, a more or less enlarged tongue is determined, which can occupy the entire pharyngeal cavity. The mucous membrane may not be changed. But often with inflammatory-traumatic injuries, a red tongue is detected in the throat.
Inflammation with moderate enlargement of the uvula is not dangerous. But, if it reaches a large size, there is a threat of obstruction of the respiratory tract, which can lead to asphyxia and death. Therefore, it is necessary to note some caution regarding this condition in terms of providing therapeutic measures.
Clinical manifestations in which the uvula in the throat is swollen depend on the rate of progression of symptoms. The faster they develop, the greater the likelihood of complications. There are two possible options here. Either there are pronounced inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane, or swelling of the entire uvula. Inflammation develops gradually, also gradually disappearing over several days. The swelling is lightning fast and life-threatening. Its self-resolution occurs spontaneously, even without the use of any medications.
The issue of carrying out therapeutic measures must be approached with special care and responsibility. This is due to the dangers and complications described above. If they are present, first of all, it is necessary to take urgent measures aimed at reducing swelling and treating inflammation of the uvula in the throat. This kind of complications are more typical for allergic and angioedema lesions. Therefore, the complex of treatment measures must include antiallergic drugs:
- Antihistamines - suprastin, tavegil, claritin;
- Glucocorticosteroids – dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone;
- Diuretic and decongestant drugs – furosemide, tripas, L-lysine escinate.
If they are ineffective and asphyxia develops, resuscitation interventions are indicated to restore the lumen of the airways. In extreme cases, a tracheostomy (insertion of a tube into the trachea to pass air) is performed. But, fortunately, this is rare. The vast majority of inflammation of the uvula is caused by local inflammatory processes in the ENT organs.
The most important thing when treating inflammation of the tongue in the throat is to determine its cause. Treatment tactics will fully depend on this. The presence of damage does not require special interventions; they are limited to simple observation with hygiene procedures and oral care. After a couple of days, the swelling and inflammation go away on their own.
In case of viral and bacterial infections, antibacterial and antiviral drugs are prescribed (amoxiclav, azithromycin, arbidol). The throat is irrigated with sprays that have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties (Givalex, Gorlospas, Ingalipt). Angioedema is more difficult to treat. He appears suddenly and disappears suddenly. To prevent this condition, psychotherapy and hypnosis, acupuncture and physiotherapy are indicated. The causes of inflammation of the uvula in the throat with paratonsillar abscesses and ulcers of the dentofacial apparatus are eliminated through surgical treatment. At the same time, they are opened and drained.
Summing up the consideration of the causes, clinical picture and treatment of inflammation of the uvula in the throat, it is worth noting that a small symptom can become a huge or even fatal problem.
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Inflamed tongue in the throat - how to treat it
Swollen uvula in the throat
The division of medicine into narrow profiles and sections was not invented in vain. After all, the quality of medical care for certain specific diseases depends on this. These include inflammation of the uvula in the throat, which is specifically treated by otolaryngologists. But it happens that this condition becomes only the tip of the iceberg, which is some serious disease. And it’s good if an experienced ENT doctor remembers one of the postulates of medicine - it is not the disease that needs to be treated, but the patient. This case fits into this category.
A little bit of anatomy
To understand what the essence of the condition is when the uvula in the throat is swollen, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basics of the anatomical and physiological features of this area. The cavity of the oropharynx and nasopharynx is separated from each other by the hard and soft palates. The first is a bone membrane covered with a mucous membrane. It is dense and fixed. The soft palate is a soft tissue formation that has the ability to move due to the muscles of the pharynx associated with it. It is a constriction hanging from the hard palate, continuing the separation of the nasal and oral cavities. The extreme process of the soft palate is the uvula, which looks like a small club-shaped process, and hangs freely in the oropharynx. This area has a very good blood supply with massive arterial and venous plexuses, which is important when inflammation of the uvula in the throat develops, as the extreme point of the soft palate.
- Separation and direction of air and food flows;
- Partial prevention of foreign objects entering the upper respiratory tract;
- Trigger zone for gag and cough reflexes;
- Separation of the right and left halves of the pharynx, which prevents the spread of infection;
- Warming the air during difficult nasal breathing;
- Participation in the formation of sounds and speech.
Causes and mechanisms of development
A disease whose pathogenesis involves inflammatory or edematous lesions of the uvula of the soft palate is called uvulitis (lat. uvula). In this case, migration of leukocytes occurs with infiltration of its tissues, which leads to impaired vascular permeability and congestion. Against this background, a red tongue appears in the throat with disruption of the normal functioning of the entire soft palate.
Causal factors in the development of this condition may be:
- Infections of the oral and nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and laryngopharynx of viral and bacterial origin (rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis);
- Acute and chronic tonsillitis;
- Angina;
- Peritonsillar abscess;
- Purulent diseases of the dentofacial apparatus; mechanical damage to the uvula by hard or sharp objects;
- Thermal effects of low and high temperatures, or chemicals leading to burns;
- Allergic conditions;
- Vegetative-vascular reactions and angioedema;
- Neoplasms of the ENT organs are the most common causes of inflammation of the uvula in the throat;
- Long-term use of antihypertensive drugs from the group of ACE inhibitors (enalapril, captopril, etc.)
In almost half of the patients, inflammation of the uvula begins suddenly, manifested by its swelling. The main complaint is a sensation of a foreign body or a lump in the throat. Depending on the size of the enlarged tongue, other signs appear. These include difficulty breathing and swallowing, shortness of breath, impaired speech and phonation, drooling, and retching. Upon examination, a more or less enlarged tongue is determined, which can occupy the entire pharyngeal cavity. The mucous membrane may not be changed. But often with inflammatory-traumatic injuries, a red tongue is detected in the throat.
Inflammation with moderate enlargement of the uvula is not dangerous. But, if it reaches a large size, there is a threat of obstruction of the respiratory tract, which can lead to asphyxia and death. Therefore, it is necessary to note some caution regarding this condition in terms of providing therapeutic measures.
Clinical manifestations in which the uvula in the throat is swollen depend on the rate of progression of symptoms. The faster they develop, the greater the likelihood of complications. There are two possible options here. Either there are pronounced inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane, or swelling of the entire uvula. Inflammation develops gradually, also gradually disappearing over several days. The swelling is lightning fast and life-threatening. Its self-resolution occurs spontaneously, even without the use of any medications.
The issue of carrying out therapeutic measures must be approached with special care and responsibility. This is due to the dangers and complications described above. If they are present, first of all, it is necessary to take urgent measures aimed at reducing swelling and treating inflammation of the uvula in the throat. This kind of complications are more typical for allergic and angioedema lesions. Therefore, the complex of treatment measures must include antiallergic drugs:
- Antihistamines - suprastin, tavegil, claritin;
- Glucocorticosteroids – dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone;
- Diuretic and decongestant drugs – furosemide, tripas, L-lysine escinate.
If they are ineffective and asphyxia develops, resuscitation interventions are indicated to restore the lumen of the airways. In extreme cases, a tracheostomy (insertion of a tube into the trachea to pass air) is performed. But, fortunately, this is rare. The vast majority of inflammation of the uvula is caused by local inflammatory processes in the ENT organs.
The most important thing when treating inflammation of the tongue in the throat is to determine its cause. Treatment tactics will fully depend on this. The presence of damage does not require special interventions; they are limited to simple observation with hygiene procedures and oral care. After a couple of days, the swelling and inflammation go away on their own.
In case of viral and bacterial infections, antibacterial and antiviral drugs are prescribed (amoxiclav, azithromycin, arbidol). The throat is irrigated with sprays that have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties (Givalex, Gorlospas, Ingalipt). Angioedema is more difficult to treat. He appears suddenly and disappears suddenly. To prevent this condition, psychotherapy and hypnosis, acupuncture and physiotherapy are indicated. The causes of inflammation of the uvula in the throat with paratonsillar abscesses and ulcers of the dentofacial apparatus are eliminated through surgical treatment. At the same time, they are opened and drained.
Summing up the consideration of the causes, clinical picture and treatment of inflammation of the uvula in the throat, it is worth noting that a small symptom can become a huge or even fatal problem.
Swelling, swelling, inflamed tongue in the throat (uvulitis): causes, treatment
Uvulitis is an acute inflammatory pathology of the uvula of infectious-allergic etiology, occurring suddenly and manifested by painful sensations, the feeling of a foreign object in the throat, and respiratory dysfunction. Cough does not bring relief, but only worsens the well-being of patients. They develop dysphonia, dysphagia, and severe pain when moving the tongue.
With this pathology, the uvula swells, increases in size, hurts, swells, becomes red or bluish, and becomes covered with a film. Often light spots or plaque appear on its surface. It hangs down to the root of the tongue, interferes and causes vomiting.
The uvula is a fairly small organ that cannot become a source of serious problems. In severe cases, inflammation develops so severely that patients have difficulty breathing.
The uvula is the final part of the soft palate, located in the basal part of the tongue. It is a smooth muscle organ, covered on top with a mucous membrane and penetrated by many capillaries, arterioles and venules. Swelling of the tongue in the throat and its redness develops with infectious tonsillitis. pharyngitis. stomatitis.
The uvula performs a number of specific functions:
- Participates in sound production
- Prevents pieces of food from entering the larynx,
- Provides redistribution of air flows,
- Participates in the process of vomiting and coughing,
- Warms the atmospheric air.
Inflammation of the uvula in the throat can lead to disruption of any of these functions.
The most common cause of uvulitis is infection. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, penetrating into the body from the external environment or from chronic foci present in the body, lead to the development of a pathological process, manifested by 5 signs: pain, swelling, hyperemia, hyperthermia, dysfunction.
- Infectious diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx,
- Dental diseases,
- Acute or chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis,
- Purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the neck,
- Injuries and burns of the oral cavity,
- Allergy,
- Benign and malignant tumors of the soft palate.
The uvula becomes inflamed due to the following provoking factors: excessive alcohol consumption, long-term use of certain medications, local hypothermia, snoring, rupture of blood vessels in the uvula, smoking.
At the initial stage of the disease, swelling and other signs of inflammation are insignificant. Respiratory dysfunction does not develop in patients. Clinically, uvulitis is manifested by a feeling of a foreign object in the throat, a change in voice, and discomfort when swallowing and speaking. The tongue in the throat enlarges and swells slightly. The general condition of the patients remains satisfactory.
Moderate and severe uvulitis manifests itself with more pronounced clinical symptoms. The patient experiences:
- Hyperemia and swelling of the uvula,
- Hanging it to the root of the tongue,
- Swelling and tenderness of the soft palate,
- Fever,
- Weakness, myalgia, arthralgia,
- Dysphonia,
- Hypersalivation,
- The urge to vomit
- Rhinitis.
photo of an inflamed tongue in the throat
Symptoms of uvulitis occur when eating food, coughing or sneezing. Persons who have undergone adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy are most susceptible to developing the disease.
The inflamed uvula swells in the throat, becomes red and increases significantly in size. The uvula appears white when coated. In the absence of timely medical care, it can block the airways, which will lead to the development of asphyxia.
Diagnosis of uvulitis involves conducting a pharyngoscopy examination. In patients, the uvula is enlarged, swollen, and hyperemic. If it reaches the root of the tongue, a gag reflex occurs. In severe cases, the tip of the tongue becomes bluish, becomes covered with a false film, or becomes ulcerated.
Treatment of uvulitis consists of eliminating the underlying disease, which directly caused it. Complex therapy of pathology will help get rid of the main clinical signs and restore the condition of patients.
General recommendations from specialists that should be followed when treating uvulitis:
- Sufficient drinking regimen, restoring water and electrolyte balance,
- Maintaining personal hygiene rules
- Airing the room
- Wet cleaning,
- Air humidification,
- Using separate utensils
- Eliminating foods that irritate the throat from the diet
- Rejection of bad habits.
Traditional medicine
Uvulitis is usually treated by otolaryngologists. The infectious form of the pathology requires a course of antibiotic therapy, as well as local exposure - rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile and sage, and using an antiseptic spray.
Antibiotics are prescribed after analyzing the oral fluid for microflora, determining the type of pathogen and its sensitivity. A positive therapeutic effect is exerted by broad-spectrum drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, macrolides #8212; "Ciprofloxacin", "Azithromycin", "Ceftazidime".
Treatment of allergic uvulitis involves the use of:
- Antihistamines #8212; "Diazolin", "Suprastin", "Cetrin".
- Diuretics #8212; "Furosemide", "Veroshpiron", "Hypothiazide".
- Glucocorticosteroids for difficulty breathing #8212; "Prednisolone", "Hydrocortisone", "Betamethasone".
Swelling of the uvula and soft palate in advanced cases requires tracheostomy.
Among the most effective physiotherapeutic procedures used to treat uveitis are: UHF therapy, phototherapy, electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, galvanotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, quartz.
To treat uvulitis, mouth rinses with decoctions of medicinal herbs, inhalations, and infusions for oral administration are used.
The following products are used to rinse your mouth:
- Viburnum decoction is obtained from dried fruits, which are boiled in a water bath for half an hour.
- Garlic infusion is prepared by chopping garlic and adding boiled water to the resulting mass. Leave the product for 5 hours and use it as directed.
- Raspberry leaves and stems are brewed for half an hour in a glass of boiling water.
- St. John's wort, sage and thyme are infused in vodka for 7 days and taken forty drops orally.
- Pour boiling water over the onion peel and leave for 4 hours, then gargle.
Inhalations are made using essential oils of eucalyptus, cedar, and fir. A decoction of pine buds and thyme infusion are combined, eucalyptus oil is added and inhalation is carried out with the resulting product.
Rosehip infusion has a pronounced diuretic effect. Anise infusion and linden tea are suitable for oral use for uvulitis.
Video: manifestation of the disease uvulitis
Treatment methods for inflammation of the tongue in the throat
We all go through a period in childhood when everything in this world seems extremely interesting, fascinating and requires attention. One of these things is our own body, which we explore as we grow older. But when it comes to the oral cavity, every child has a question: what is that little tongue in the throat?
Having received the answer, we continue to live and perceive its presence as it should. However, it happens that the uvula becomes inflamed, swelling appears and this small “appendix” hurts a lot. You will find out what to do in such cases and what causes the pain right now.
Anatomy of the throat
In order to better understand the essence of the problem, it is necessary to understand what the tongue actually is and what functions it performs. Most people know that the oral cavity in the oropharynx is divided into two components: the hard and soft palate.
In this case, the first component in the anatomical sense looks like a solid bone formation that performs protective functions and is covered with a dense mucous membrane. As for the soft palate, it is a much softer formation that performs the functions of movement. It looks like a constriction hanging from the end of the hard palate, separating the compartment of the oral cavity and nose.
The uvula, on the other hand, is the outermost extension of the soft palate; it hangs freely in the oral cavity and has excellent blood supply properties (for this reason, when inflamed, it becomes bright red). The last factor also greatly influences inflammation, because there is a rather dense network of blood vessels.
Problems with the uvula
The main thing that anyone who has encountered problems of this nature needs to know is that the disease of the uvula is called uvulitis. Inflammation of the uvula most often begins very suddenly. You can literally go to bed seemingly completely healthy, and in the morning feel something wrong in your throat.
Something is bothering the person, trying to swallow this “something” does not work, and there is also a constant feeling of nausea. Going into the bath and looking into your mouth, panic begins, you see that the uvula has become enlarged, swollen, and also hurts.
However, there is no need to panic here; first of all, you need to check your sensations and check to what extent they fall under the following symptoms:
If at least a few of the points listed above fit your feelings, and you visually clearly see that the tongue in your throat is swollen, you should urgently consult a doctor.
Causes of swelling of the uvula
- Infectious diseases in the nasal and oral cavity;
- Allergic reactions (seasonal or food allergies);
- All kinds of tonsillitis designs;
- Angina;
- Damage to the tongue from chemical or thermal elements;
- Taking certain medications to treat your throat. their abuse.
As you can see, the most common causes of uvulitis are either viral manifestations due to vulnerability of the immune system, or an allergic reaction. In any case, both the first and second factors should be carefully monitored, and at the time of such trouble as swelling of the uvula, the first step is to establish what exactly was the causative agent and where exactly it hurts.
Treatment methods
As mentioned above, the treatment of this disease should be approached extremely responsibly. Increased caution is associated with the fact that if the wrong treatment is prescribed, the inflammation may not only not stop, but, on the contrary, the swelling may begin to worsen, making it even more painful to swallow, harder to breathe, and so on.
In the case of allergies, both food and seasonal, it is enough to simply consult with several doctors who will prescribe you medications aimed at relieving swelling (antihistamines), the complex will also include glucocorticosteroids and diuretics.
If you are very worried about pain when swallowing, you can also ask for a weak painkiller, it will not be unnecessary. Ultimately, if you properly adhere to the medication regimen, the swelling will begin to decrease, thanks to this, nausea will disappear and soon everything will return to normal, the main thing is to complete the course of treatment.
If it hurts you to swallow and there is serious swelling, but a visit to an allergist did not bring any results, most likely problems associated with an allergic reaction are excluded. In this case, the most likely causes are the viral diseases listed in the paragraphs above.
Also, depending on the disease, you will have to take a course of pills aimed at fighting the virus itself, and in some cases even antibiotics. If the correct treatment is prescribed, you will notice improvements very quickly, since the swelling will decrease quite soon, and you will soon forget about the words “painful to swallow.”
By the way, at the time of inflammation due to a viral disease, after treatment is started and the swelling decreases, it would not hurt to try drinking warm tea with lemon and honey. This folk remedy will relieve a sore throat, and also promote warming and a speedy recovery.
Based on everything that has been written, we can conclude that as soon as there is reason to believe that you have problems with the uvula (it is extremely difficult to ignore them), you should immediately go to the hospital.
Experienced specialists will quickly understand the essence of your problem and prescribe treatment that will quickly eliminate all harmful manifestations of the disease, such as swelling, pain, nausea, and will also help your body get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time.