Russian analogues of ergoferon

Ergoferon and its generics against viruses

Antiviral drugs are not cheap, one of the expensive drugs is Ergoferon, analogues of which are no less effective. To save money and get health benefits, you need to understand the mechanism of action of antiviral drugs.

Table of contents:

Double action

Modern medications against viral infections not only support the immune system, but also have additional positive effects from use.

Ergoferon suppresses the activity of histamine receptors in children, which helps reduce the manifestations of allergies:

  • swelling of the face;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • skin rashes, itching and irritation.

Toxic substances appear as a by-product of the activity of viruses. They are what lead to the development of intoxication in children. Typical manifestations of intoxication:

  • headache, heaviness in the head;
  • symptoms resembling poisoning: loose stools, nausea, abdominal discomfort;
  • muscle pain and weakness;
  • moodiness, decreased concentration, fatigue.

In children prone to allergies, the entry of toxins into the circulatory system turns out to be a trigger, a trigger for starting a typical clinical picture for an allergy sufferer:

  • if a child suffers from diathesis, atopic dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis, a rash and redness of the skin will appear;
  • if the child has more bronchial asthma, either an attack or prolonged bronchitis will occur;
  • if a child has a food allergy, reactions may occur to foods that the body previously easily absorbed (new allergens will appear), or the reaction to already known allergens may worsen.

To figure out what to replace Ergoferon with, which category of medicines to choose, you need to understand what the drug’s action is directed against. This medicine:

  • has a relatively weak antihistamine effect;
  • stimulates the production of interferon, contains antibodies to interferon gamma;
  • the primary task of the remedy is to stop the spread of the viral infection at the very beginning of the disease;
  • reception is effective in the first 36 hours.

Thus, it turns out that Ergoferon is not a special remedy for allergies. What more powerful and cheaper medications can be chosen for a child to be included in a comprehensive treatment for the virus? These could be:

  • for skin and food allergies - Claritin;
  • for respiratory allergies - Eufillin.

Claritin is a new generation drug that is devoid of the typical side effects of antihistamines. This medicine does not cause drowsiness, apathy, or fatigue in a child. There are several forms of release for children:

  • in the form of syrup - suitable for children under 1 year of age;
  • in tablet form - suitable for children over 2 years of age.

To select the dosage, you need to contact your pediatrician. Eufillin is used in children only under the supervision of a physician. Children under 3 months should not be given tablets.

Antiviral effect

For parents who want to manage their financial resources wisely, it will be useful to know that any antiviral drug is, first and foremost, a brand. If more than 36 hours have passed since the first symptoms, then it is not necessary to take an antiviral at all. The effectiveness of the drug compared to its cost tends to zero. Pharmaceutical companies and then hospitals maintain the illusion that there is a cure for the virus, but in practice these drugs have very little benefit.

Medicines such as Anaferon do not have reliable clinical trials, despite the fact that, with the patronage of the leadership (Ministry of Health), they were included in the list recommended for use in hospitals. Other drugs, for example, Viferon, do have a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, but their effect on the course of the disease will depend on the severity of the case. What viruses is Ergoferon directed against:

  • coronavirus and RS virus;
  • adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza;
  • herpes types 1 and 2;
  • herpes zoster (varicella zoster virus, herpes type 3);
  • Epstein-Barr virus, leading to mononucleosis in children;
  • rotavirus, enterovirus.

The manufacturer claims that Ergoferon will also help against some bacterial infections:

What parents need to know in order to choose the right analogues:

  • the effect of one drug can be divided into 2 different drugs, the total may still be cheaper;
  • many diseases can be easily treated without antiviral drugs, at least without such weak ones as Anaferon and Ergoferon.

There is no complete analogue of Ergoferon, but if you want to get both antihistamine and antiviral effects at the same time, you need to purchase Claritin for children and one of the following products:

Of the entire list, the most powerful and beneficial for the immune system is Viferon.

This medicine is prescribed even to premature babies and people after major operations to urgently support immunity. The composition includes interferon-alpha, used against a whole range of viral infections. The scope of application of Viferon is much wider than that of Ergoferon. However, the price of Viferon cannot be called very low. But at least you can be sure that the money spent will benefit the child, and not just create the appearance of treatment, as is the case with the cheap and useless Russian Anaferon.

How to enhance the effect of drugs

Interferon, which is part of Viferon, has a positive effect on the immune system:

  • prevents the proliferation of viral agents;
  • improves the quality of work of T-lymphocytes and T-helpers;
  • increases the activity of phagocytes - cells that swallow the virus and die along with it;
  • promotes the removal of decay products and toxic substances from the body due to the good activity of immune blood cells.

It is important to know that the effectiveness of the antiviral drug Viferon is influenced by 2 factors:

  • large-scale damage to cell membranes, which inevitably develops during the inflammatory process, reduces the benefit of the drug;
  • consuming regular vitamin E and ascorbic acid greatly increases the benefits of the medicine.

For parents, this means that they additionally need to purchase regular fish oil and ascorbic acid from the pharmacy. These are two simple remedies that increase the elasticity of cell membranes and protect cells from virus penetration. The manufacturer includes tocopherol (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid in Viferon, but increasing the concentration of these substances through additional intake will enhance the therapeutic effect of Viferon.

What information to pay attention to

In the treatment of a viral infection, the absorption time of the drug is an important factor. Until the virus colony reaches a certain threshold value, you can simply support the immune system, and it will independently cope with the invasion of microorganisms. After this value is exceeded, the disease will develop powerfully, severely and with complications, because the immune system will no longer have enough of its own resources.

The absorption time of Viferon in the form of rectal suppositories is considered (officially, according to the European project EMPRO) to be as fast as with intramuscular administration. As for Ergoferon, the tablet is absorbed in minutes and binds to blood plasma proteins in an amount of only 24%. That is, only one quarter of Ergoferon taken will benefit the child. While Viferon is absorbed by more than 98%. The mechanisms of action of these two drugs on the immune system are different, but it is important for the child to quickly cope with the virus in one way or another.

Why take antiviral drugs?

There are no drugs that are directed specifically against the virus, like antibiotics. The impact on viral infection occurs in two directions:

  • prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • protect healthy cells from penetration agents.

The child’s own immunity copes best with a viral infection. Parents should not succumb to the advertising and propaganda of pharmaceutical companies, but should think independently and carefully study the instructions. If the drug contains interferon, as in Viferon, or an antigen to interferon, as in Ergoferon, this means:

  • that the medicine will be effective against a wide range of viruses, from hepatitis to herpes, from ARVI to Epstein-Barr;
  • the medicine is not directed against any specific virus, it simply helps the immune system recognize and destroy viral agents.

The information published on this site is for reference only. Before using it in practice, be sure to consult your doctor.

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Ergoferon® - analogues are cheaper, the price of Russian and imported substitutes

A selection of inexpensive but effective substitutes for Ergoferon

Ergoferon® is a high-quality, homeopathic drug that has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. It provides a protective function for the immune system. You can buy the product by going to any pharmacy. However, the cost of the drug may force the buyer to consider similar drugs that are more affordable.

Pharmacological effect

The pharmaceutical product in question provides an antiviral and antihistamine effect. In addition, it is a powerful immunomodulator.

The homeopathic set of components of the product increases the activity of the CD4 receptor, interferon gamma, and histamine.

When is the remedy prescribed?

Indications for use:

  • Preventive measures and treatment of influenza, including “swine” and “bird”;
  • Prevention of the occurrence and overcoming of various acute respiratory viral infections;
  • Prevention and treatment of herpes of various origins, including chickenpox;
  • Combating acute intestinal infections caused by viruses;
  • Resistance to meningitis;
  • Treatment of tick-borne encephalitis;
  • Use in complex therapy of various bacterial infections - pneumonia of various origins, whooping cough, and pseudotuberculosis.

Are there any contraindications

The medication is quite safe. It should not be taken only by those patients who are intolerant to certain components.

Can pregnant and lactating women use the medication?

No special studies have been conducted regarding the harmful effects on the fetus or child during breastfeeding. Doctors recommend taking it only in cases where the risks to the fetus and child are significantly lower than the possible benefits for the sick woman.

Associated reactions

In very rare cases, the patient may develop a mild allergy with manifestations on the skin of the body.

Special conditions of admission

It is worth knowing that the composition of the medication in question includes lactose. Thus, the prescription is not recommended for those who have galactosemia or lactase deficiency from birth. This also applies to patients with problems with normal glucose absorption.

This pharmaceutical product does not have a negative impact on the human body, which controls difficult-to-control mechanisms and units, as well as vehicle drivers.

How to use? Treatment regimen

— The medicine must be taken orally. The pill should be dissolved in the mouth until it is completely dissolved.

— Children under 3 years of age should dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water. It is important that it is at room temperature. For consumption, it is recommended to use a tablespoon.

— If acute symptoms of an infectious disease occur, you must adhere to the following regimen: for the first 2 hours you should take the drug every half hour, and then you need to include 3 doses per day at a clearly established time interval. The next day, it is recommended to take 1 pill 3 times a day until recovery.

— In order to prevent viral and infectious diseases, you should take no more than 2 tablets per day.

— The duration of the course to prevent the development of diseases is most often determined on an individual basis. Usually this is no less than 1 and no more than 6 months.

— Combination with other antiviral medications is allowed.

Manifestation of overdose symptoms

If the recommended and prescribed regimen is followed by the attending doctor, exceeding the dose is unattainable. However, in certain, rare cases, there may be an excessive amount of medication taken. It can cause dyspepsia, namely a craving for vomiting, digestive system disorders in the form of constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn.

How much does Ergoferon cost - price at the pharmacy

You can buy this medication not only in every city pharmacy, but also via the Internet. Thus, on the pharmaceutical sales website (Moscow), Ergoferon is sold for 344 rubles. The package contains 20 lozenges.

List of inexpensive generics produced in Russia and abroad

Having examined the most popular online platforms for selling medicines, we were able to compile a sufficient number of accessible and inexpensive generics into a single comparative table.

Naturcoxinum – (Canada)

The competence of this North American generic includes the treatment and prevention of influenza and other respiratory diseases.

Prohibitions of use include problems with tolerability of a certain component that is part of this pharmaceutical product.

In the form of harmful parallel actions, skin rashes may occur.

Aflubin – (Austria)

This European analogue is intended for the complex treatment and prevention of influenza and other respiratory ailments. In addition, Aflubin is able to treat rheumatic diseases with accompanying joint pain.

It should not be taken by women who are pregnant or during lactation, as well as by patients with individual intolerance to the composition of the drug.

It is worth noting that the Austrian substitute does not cause any serious adverse reactions.

Russian analogues


Has a comprehensive list of indications. The drug copes with acute viral respiratory infections, including influenza and pneumonia, without any problems. In addition, it is prescribed to combat meningitis, both bacterial and viral, as well as sepsis, herpes, chlamydia, candidiasis and vaginosis. Viferon is effective against hepatitis groups B, C, D. Another feature of this pharmaceutical product is the treatment of various infections of the skin and mucous membranes of the primary stage.

It is not intended for therapy for people with hypersensitivity to any substance that is an integral part of the drug. It is worth noting that the introduction of suppositories during breastfeeding is not prohibited. At the same time, pregnant women are allowed to use them only from the 14th week.

The patient may experience minor rashes and skin irritation during treatment. Typically, these rare events resolve within two days after the use of suppositories is stopped.


Effective in the treatment of ARVI, influenza, herpes, chickenpox.

Contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the composition of the product, as well as in minor patients. Children are prescribed Anaferon for children. It is not recommended for women who are expecting a baby or are breastfeeding.

It is worth noting that when used in the recommended dose, Anaferon does not cause harmful effects on the body. In some cases, the occurrence of mild allergies cannot be ruled out.


Indicated for carrying out preventive measures against ARVI and other acute infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, including those caused by the influenza virus. It is also recommended against herpes in adults.

The ban on the use of Kagocel applies to pregnant women, children under 3 years of age, as well as those with an allergy to a component of this synonym.

The most common side effects are minor allergic reactions - rash and hives on the skin of the body.


It shows itself well in the fight against acute as well as respiratory diseases, with accompanying chronic cough. His competence also includes acute pharyngitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and bronchitis.

Hypersensitive patients should not take Rengalin. In addition, it is not recommended for children under 3 years of age. This is due to the lack of data regarding safety and effectiveness. The same can be said about taking Rengalin to women who are expecting a child or to mothers who are breastfeeding.

Parallel reactions include allergies.


It is recommended for use against various respiratory ailments, including bronchitis, pneumonia, and herpes infections. In addition, Arbidol can be prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of acute intestinal disorder caused by infection. This inexpensive Russian analogue is also used to prevent complications, the risk of which is high after surgical interventions.

Children under 2 years of age and hypersensitive patients should not take Arbidol.

During the therapeutic period, a patient cannot exclude a rare side effect - the occurrence of a rash.


This inexpensive domestic analogue can effectively increase the level of immunity. This is especially true for those people who are prone to frequent colds. Echinacea-P is often recommended by doctors for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and also as a concomitant medication during antibiotic therapy for other diseases that occur in parallel.

Contraindications include sensitivity to the composition of the product, pregnancy and lactation period.

A parallel undesirable effect may be an allergy. If large doses are taken - vomiting, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, problems with bowel movements, sleep, as well as emotional overexcitation.


Acts as the cheapest homeopathic medicine. It shows itself well in the treatment and prevention of influenza, including groups A and B, acute respiratory viral infections, as well as their complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, it helps to compensate for immune deficiency. Arpeflu also provides a favorable period of rehabilitation after major operations.

Contraindications – children under 3 years of age, lack of lactase, sensitivity to galactose and other auxiliary and active substances of the drug.

In most cases, side effects are unlikely. Skin manifestations of allergies are rare.

Conclusion on substitutes for the drug Ergoferon

The medication discussed in the article is, although not very expensive, but on the Russian pharmaceutical market you can find more affordable analogues. These substitutes have a similar composition, as well as a list of ailments against which they effectively fight. It is worth noting that the alternatives studied do not have negative aspects in the form of severe side effects. However, this does not mean that you can neglect consulting your doctor.


Analogs of tablets Ergoferon

Ergoferon (lozenges) Rating: 231

Manufacturer: Materia Medica (Russia)

Inexpensive analogues of Ergoferon

Amizon (tablets) → substitute Rating: 260

Analogue is cheaper from 88 rubles.

Manufacturer: Farmak OJSC (Ukraine)

Analogue is cheaper from 81 rubles.

Manufacturer: Pharmstandard (Russia)

Release forms:

  • Capsules 100 mg, 10 pcs.; Price from 208 rubles
  • Capsules 100 mg, 20 pcs.; Price from 426 rubles
  • Capsules 100 mg, 40 pcs.; Price from 790 rubles

Prices for Arbidol in online pharmacies


How to replace Ergoferon - list of cheap analogues, comparison of effectiveness

Ergoferon is an effective antiviral and antihistamine drug. Thanks to its use, it is possible to cope with the virus, allergies and activate the body's protective functions. The drug is often used during epidemics for preventive purposes. The main disadvantage of the drug is its high cost. That’s why many people try to find analogues that are cheaper than Ergoferon.

Characteristics of the drug

Ergoferon is produced in 2 main forms - tablets and oral solution. The active ingredients of the product are considered to be antibodies to histamine, interferon gamma and CD4. The drug also contains a number of additional ingredients.

Indications for use of the product include the following:

  • flu;
  • herpetic infection;
  • acute respiratory viral diseases;
  • meningitis;
  • tick-borne encephalitis.

In combination with other drugs, ergoferon is often used to fight bacterial infections. These include whooping cough, pneumonia and other anomalies. The drug can be used not only for treatment, but also for preventive purposes.

The product can be given to children starting from 6 months. The medicine has pronounced antiviral properties and produces an antihistamine effect. Thanks to this, even allergy sufferers can use it.

The active ingredients of ergoferon help reduce the duration of symptoms of viral infections. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate nasal discharge, cope with swelling, coughing and sneezing.

For therapy to be as effective as possible, it should be started as early as possible. In the first 2 hours you need to take 1 tablet twice an hour. Then the drug must be taken 3 more times on the first day of illness. After which a course of 1 tablet 3 times a day is prescribed. The medicine is taken until complete recovery. For prevention, 1-2 tablets are recommended for 1-6 months.

Review of effective analogues

Despite the high effectiveness of the product, many people try to find other products with a similar effect. This is due to the rather high cost of the medicine - 20 tablets of the drug can be bought in rubles.

Below is a list of ergoferon analogues that are suitable for children and adults:

  1. Kagocel - the drug can be used by children over 3 years old, its cost is 240 rubles.
  2. Amizon - the product can only be used after 18 years, its price is 250 rubles.
  3. Laripront - age restrictions are not indicated in the instructions, so it is better to obtain this information from a doctor. The product costs approximately 250 rubles.
  4. Anaferon - you can find adult and children's release forms on sale. The children's drug can be used from 1 month. The product costs about 220 rubles.
  5. Arbidol is a drug that can be taken from 3 years of age. Its cost is rubles.
  6. Remantadine is a medicine that can be used from 7 years of age. Its cost is 250 rubles.
  7. Viferon is available in the form of rectal suppositories that can be used from birth. The cost of the medicine is 220 rubles.
  8. Orvirem - the drug can be purchased in the form of syrup and used starting from 1 year. The medicine costs 220 rubles.
  9. Antigrippin - this substance is a homeopathic pea that is given to children from infancy. The cost of the medicine is 90 rubles.

There are also more expensive analogues of ergoferon, which are highly effective. These include the following drugs:

A good analogue of ergoferon for children is influenza. This substance can be used from birth. Oscillococcinum is also classified as a similar remedy.


For the treatment and prevention of runny nose, sore throat, ARVI and influenza in children and adults, Elena Malysheva recommends the effective drug Immunity from Russian scientists. Thanks to its unique, and most importantly 100% natural composition, the drug is extremely effective in treating sore throats, colds and strengthening the immune system.

Ergoferon or Kagocel

Kagocel or ergoferon – which is better? This question worries many people. If you compare the price of these drugs, Kagocel will be in a more advantageous position, since it costs rubles less.

If we talk about age, the advantage will remain with ergoferon, since it can be used from six months, while Kagocel can only be used from 3 years. During pregnancy and lactation, both drugs are not recommended - this is due to a lack of clinical data.

When choosing ergoferon or kagocel, it is worth considering that the drugs have different active ingredients. Moreover, both drugs differ in their antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. However, ergoferon also helps to suppress the activity of allergens, which makes it possible to cope with the manifestations of viral infections much faster.

It should also be taken into account that ergoferon has a wider range of indications than Kagocel. At the same time, the contraindications for these drugs are the same. Limitations include only individual reactions to the composition of drugs.

Thanks to the use of these substances, it is possible to activate the immune system. They stimulate the production of the required volume of protective elements - in particular, interferon. Both medications have a fairly mild effect, so they can be used from an early age.

Ergoferon or Anaferon - which is better?

Anaferon or Ergoferon – which is better? This question is relevant for many patients. Both products are produced in Russia and belong to the category of interferon inducers. The substances cannot be called structural analogues, since they include different active components. The children's form of Anaferon can be used as early as 1 month of the baby's life, while Ergoferon can be used only from 6 months.

An important advantage of Anaferon is the cost - the drug will cost about 120 rubles less. At the same time, ergoferon has a more convenient method of use. Both drugs do not have a toxic effect, which is why they are actively used in pediatrics.

Anaferon does not have an antihistamine effect, so the anti-inflammatory properties of the drug are not so pronounced. With the help of ergoferon, it is possible to cope much faster with the manifestations of rhinorrhea, coughing and sneezing. This remedy also helps prevent the development of bronchospasm.

Ergoferon has a stronger antiviral effect, since it is involved in the activation of specific protection. In addition, this substance can be used in the development of bacterial complications.

Ergoferon or Ingavirin - what to choose

When choosing ingavirin or ergoferon, it is worth considering the properties of these drugs. The principle of action of ingavirin is based on the suppression of viral reproduction. At the same time, ergoferon works differently - it stimulates the defenses and eliminates allergic reactions. Ingavirin should be taken orally, while ergoferon tablets should be dissolved under the tongue.

Indications for the use of ingavirin include exclusively viral pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, ergoferon can also be used for other types of viruses. Age restrictions are also important. Ingavirin can only be used by adult patients, while ergoferon is actively used in pediatrics, starting from 6 months. Taking Ingavirin is much more convenient. A full course of therapy will require only 7 tablets.

Ergoferon or arbidol

Ergoferon or Arbidol – which is better? To choose an effective remedy, you need to analyze the composition of the drugs. Thus, the active ingredient of arbidol is umifenovir, while ergoferon is made on the basis of vitaglutam. Despite the differences in composition, the drugs have antiviral activity.

When choosing arbidol or ergoferon, many people take into account the cost of the drugs. So, arbidol will cost a little less - 30 rubles. The activity spectrum of the substance is slightly lower than that of ergoferon. The latter has more noticeable anti-inflammatory properties and has an antihistamine effect, which is absent in arbidol.

Medicines should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. The list of contraindications also includes individual reactions to the components. At the same time, ergoferon copes much better with the manifestations of influenza and viral infections, helping to minimize the threat of complications.

Ergoferon or cytovir

When choosing cytovir or ergoferon, it is worth considering the composition features. These substances have different active components. Thus, cytovir includes sodium thymogen and bendazole. In addition, the drug includes ascorbic acid and additional ingredients.

This remedy is an effective immunomodulator that helps cope with influenza and viral infections. Quite often the substance is used for preventive purposes. Moreover, the medicine, unlike ergoferon, does not have an antihistamine effect.

Cytovir has several forms of release - syrup, capsules, powder for making a solution. The medicine has certain age restrictions. Thus, the product in capsule form is prohibited from being given to children under 6 years of age. The medicine in the form of syrup can be used from 1 year. In this case, ergoferon is given starting from 6 months.

Ergoferon or cycloferon

Ergoferon or cycloferon - which is better? This question is relevant for many patients. To choose the right product, you need to perform a comparative analysis. Cycloferon belongs to the category of immunomodulators, the active ingredient of which is meglumine acridone acetate.

This substance is a low molecular weight interferon inducer. Thanks to this, the drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. It also successfully copes with inflammatory processes.

When choosing cycloferon or ergoferon, it is worth considering the release form. The first drug has several types - tablets, solution for injection and ointment. Cycloferon is used as part of the complex treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, viral hepatitis, and herpetic infections. It is important to take into account that this analogue of ergoferon tablets is prohibited for use for up to 4 years.

Ergoferon is considered a very effective antiviral agent that helps cope with a number of pathologies. However, in some cases there is a need to use analogues. The choice of drugs with a similar effect should be selected exclusively by the doctor, taking into account the clinical picture of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body. In this case, the instructions for ergoferon analogues must be strictly followed.

And a little about secrets.

If you or your child are often sick and are treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

So you simply “spare” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often.

STOP! Stop feeding someone you don't know. You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it’s like to be sick!

There is a way for this! Confirmed by E. Malysheva, A. Myasnikov and our readers! Read more.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to select a replacement drug. . What cheap drugs can replace Ingavirin

We found 7 cheap analogues of Arbidol to replace the drug and. . When choosing ergoferon or arbidol, it is important to consider the characteristics of these agents.

What drugs can replace Ingavirin. This replacement and analogue of Avamis is included in the category of artificial corticosteroids.

My husband's sister has a one and a half year old child. With a temperature like it is outside our window, it’s not clear whether the sun is shining or it’s raining, which is the result of the child getting sick. The pediatrician said to give ergoferon to the child. The instructions say that children should be diluted and given in a little water. You know how children don’t like medicine, but she drank this one with pleasure. And the most important thing is that the child felt better and endured the process of illness and recovery much easier.

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Cheap analogues and substitutes for the drug ergoferon for children and adults

Ergoferon is an antiviral drug with homeopathic action. The effectiveness of the medicine lies in the content of the active substance human interferon. The scope of application of ergoferon is preventive and therapeutic procedures for infectious diseases of various etiologies.

Russian-made analogues

Among domestic manufacturers, you can choose ergoferon analogs that are cheaper. They have a relative advantage compared to other drugs and are low in cost. Table of close substitutes for the original.

Ukrainian substitutes

Ergoferon analogues produced in Ukraine are similar to the original in terms of pharmacological group and general effect.

Several substitutes similar in composition to the main drug are described in the list below:

  • Amizon. The main component enisamium iodide is an antiviral analgesic in nature. The drug is effectively used to treat viral pathologies of an infectious nature.

Belarusian generics

Medicines produced in Belarus stand out noticeably when selecting appropriate analogues of ergoferon. They are presented in a sufficient range and comply with regulatory standards on all counts. Table of main generics.

Other analogues of foreign production

Cheap analogues of the drug ergoferon can be purchased by studying the drugs of modern pharmaceutical companies.

Below is a list of similar, cheaper substitutes:

  • Aflubin. A high-quality analogue of ergoferon based on natural ingredients. The complex of active substances has an antiviral, antipyretic, and immunomodulatory effect.

Available form of medicine: homeopathic drops, nasal spray, sublingual tablets. Effective for viral pathologies of various etiologies.

Allergic manifestations and children under 12 years of age are contraindications. Price category 330–350 rubles.

  • Bronchomunal. An effective substitute for the main drug. The composition of the medicine is based on a complex of bacteria that have an anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effect.

    Used for acute respiratory inflammation. Not recommended during an allergic reaction to the active substance. Price category 350–400 rubles.

  • Viferon. The best analogue of ergoferon for children, imported. The active substance human interferon ensures the effectiveness of the drug. The drug is available for sale in the form of suppositories, gel, and ointment.

    The main indications for use are prevention and treatment of adults and children with infectious viral diseases of various origins. Prohibited for allergies. Price category 430–440 rubles.

  • Groprinosin. The main component is inosine pranobex, which has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. A high-quality analogue of ergoferon, which has an increased pricing policy.

    It is actively used for infectious pathologies of the following type: influenza, adenoviral infections, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, herpes virus.

    Contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, gout, arrhythmia, gallstones, and children under 3 years of age. Price category 980–1000 rubles.

  • The high quality and effectiveness of the selected drug will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient and will not cause additional side effects!

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    Effective antiviral analogues of Ergoferon

    Viral and infectious diseases often affect the human body. To prevent infection, as well as during treatment, doctors recommend taking medications from the appropriate group of medications. One of the popular modern drugs is Ergoferon.

    Reviews about the medicine are mostly positive, but sometimes, due to the cost of the medicine, the presence of contraindications or the occurrence of side effects, it is necessary to select an analogue of Ergoferon.

    Features of Ergoferon

    The drug has immunostimulating, antihistamine and antiviral properties. The composition of the drug is active against many viral and bacterial infections.

    • affinity-purified antibodies to gamma interferon, histamine and CD4;
    • Excipients.

    The medicine is released in the form of:

    • tablets (dissolving);
    • solution (for internal use);

    Instructions for use include treatment and prevention of pathologies:

    • influenza (types A and B);
    • ARVI;
    • herpes viral infectious diseases;
    • intestinal infections;
    • meningitis;
    • hemorrhagic fever;
    • encephalitis;
    • pulmonary and ENT infections.

    Contraindications include:

    • pregnancy;
    • diabetes;
    • lactation;
    • sensitivity to the composition.

    The medication can be used to treat a child aged six months (tablets) and three years old (solution). Feedback from pediatricians about the drug indicates the effectiveness of the drug, especially during the epidemic of influenza and ARVI.

    Side effects occur extremely rarely - when reacting to the constituent components. The average price for the drug in rubles is 300.

    Replacing Ergoferon with an analogue, given the large selection of antiviral drugs in the pharmacy, is quite simple. However, it should be borne in mind that all analogues of Ergoferon have a similar effect on the body, but cannot completely replace the original.

    The most common reason for looking for a replacement medication is cost. Before purchasing a cheaper analogue, you should consult with a specialist about its effectiveness for certain indications.

    The following have a higher cost:

    Each Ergoferon substitute has specific instructions for its use, so it is not recommended to carry out treatment or use medications for preventive purposes without first consulting a doctor.


    The antiviral drug Kagocel is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes against viral and bacterial infections. The drug can be used as an inexpensive analogue of Ergoferon.

    The active ingredient of the drug, gamma globulin, has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect, strengthening the immune system and enhancing the body's protective properties.

    List of indications for use:

    • chlamydia (urogenital or respiratory);
    • types of herpes;
    • rotavirus or cytomegelovirus infection;
    • influenza virus;
    • infectious processes of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs;
    • acute respiratory diseases.

    The use of the medicine is not advisable during pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under three years of age.

    Despite the fact that Kagocel is a fairly new product, there are many positive reviews about it.

    The price of inexpensive Kagocel tablets is from 200 rubles.


    When replacing Ergoferon with a cheap analogue, you should pay attention to Anaferon. The product has properties that can increase the resistance of the immune system to viruses and infections.

    Anaferon is available in two forms: for children (drops and tablets) and adults (tablets). The drug is considered the best analogue of Ergoferon for children.

    The active components of Anaferon are antibodies sensitive to human interferon. Additional composition (lactose, magnesium stearate, etc.) enhances the effect of the main substances.

    The Russian manufacturer warns about the effectiveness of the medicine when taken for prevention or at the initial stage of eliminating the virus:

    Anaferon is also used for risks of complications of acute respiratory and pulmonary diseases.

    A separate form of Anaferon has been developed for adults and children, so contraindications for use do not include age restrictions. It is not recommended to use the product only if you are allergic to the existing composition. During pregnancy/lactation, the medication is taken with caution.

    The inexpensive analogue Anaferon has an average cost (depending on the form of release) - 200 rubles.


    Another cheap substitute for the original is Arbidol. The medicine refers to medications that have antiviral properties. The main effect of Arbidol is to strengthen the functions of the immune system. By taking the pills in a timely manner, it is possible to shorten the period of disease development and reduce symptoms.

    The active substance of Arbidol is umifenovir. The medicine is available in the form of tablets, powder for suspension and capsules. The product in the form of a suspension is a substitute for the original for children, and is recommended for the treatment of children over two years of age.

    Indications for use:

    • acute rotavirus infection and its syndrome;
    • influenza types A and B;
    • pneumonia;
    • intestinal infections;
    • bronchial viral infection.

    Reviews of Arbidol indicate the effectiveness of the drug during the seasonal period of epidemics of viral diseases.

    The product is contraindicated in children under three years of age and in the presence of an allergic reaction to the constituent components.

    Arbidol tablets are quite cheap. The price for them in rubles is from 150 rubles, the cost of syrup is higher – 350 rubles.


    When considering cheaper analogues of Ergoferon, you should pay attention to the effective remedy Viferon. Just like the original, the substitute is produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company and has antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. The main effect of the drug is aimed at eliminating the virus at the initial stage of disease therapy.

    Viferon contains an active component - interferon alpha 2, which can effectively fight different types of viruses and infections.

    Viferon is available in three forms:

    The drug is not produced in tablets. Depending on the form of release, the medicine has distinctive indications for use.

    The ointment is recommended for the treatment of children from one year of age with the development of:

    Gel (for children and adults):

    • flu;
    • laryngotracheobronchitis;
    • ARVI;
    • herpetic virus of various etiologies.

    Rectal suspensions (for adults/children):

    • hepatitis (C, B and D);
    • flu;
    • viral infection of the skin or mucous membranes;
    • ARVI;
    • inflammation of the urogenital area against the background of the development of an inflammatory and infectious process (in adults);
    • pulmonary infectious diseases (for example, pneumonia).

    Children are most often prescribed Viferon suppositories, since they are allowed to be taken from birth. Indications for treatment of newborns include: meningitis, sepsis and intrauterine infection acquired from the mother.

    A contraindication to the use of gel or ointment is the age of children under one year. Any type of drug is not recommended if the patient is allergic to the components of the drug composition.

    You can buy Viferon at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Prices for different forms of release differ. The average cost is 200 rubles.


    You can replace Ergoferon with Ingaverin. Medicines have similar pharmacological properties, however, their composition is different. At the same time, the cost of Ingaverin is higher, so this medicine cannot be classified as analogues that cost less. However, reviews of the medication indicate that the price is justified by the effectiveness of the product.

    Ingaverin is a modern antiviral medicine, the use of which is recommended in the first two days of the activity of the pathological process. When taken in a timely manner, the period of the disease is shortened and its severity is reduced, and the likelihood of complications is also significantly reduced.

    Ingaverin is available in capsules with a dosage of 30/60/90 mg. Each tablet contains a unique active ingredient - pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide (vitaglutam). Among the effective medications of this group of drugs, Ingaverin is considered the most effective.

    Take the medication for treatment and prevention purposes, subject to dosage and age restrictions:

    • pregnancy period;
    • intolerance to one or more substances in the composition;
    • lactation period.

    Side effects from Ingaverin occur only if there is an allergic reaction to the composition. There were no cases of overdose.

    The average cost of the drug is 400 rubles.

    What's better?

    When comparing Ergoferon and its analogs, it is quite difficult to determine which drug is better. The individual reaction of the body to the active substance, as well as the complexity of the disease, should be taken into account.

    According to expert reviews, effective medications include Kagocel and Ingaverin, since the positive effect of these drugs is observed even in severe forms of viral infection.

    Among the medications used to treat children, Anaferon and Viferon are distinguished. However, the disadvantage of Anaferon is its directed action in eliminating the symptoms of the disease, while Viferon is active directly against infection.

    You should not find inexpensive analogues of Ergoferon on your own. Depending on the indications, the drug may be ineffective or cause side effects. It is better to entrust the choice of a substitute to a specialist.

    I used to take different pills for prevention, but now I decided to try Ergoferon. They were recommended to me at the pharmacy. It’s a pleasure to drink, or rather not to drink, but to dissolve it. It seems to me that with them the disease is easier to bear. At least I felt better.

    And I was prescribed Arbidol for ARVI, the course of treatment was 5 days. But to be honest, I didn’t follow the recommendations, I took it for 2 days, by the second I felt generally fine, so I stopped. I did the same thing when I caught a cold. So I'll say

    It is clear that the drug helps and works. But I don’t recommend repeating after me, it’s better to ask a doctor, I just rarely get sick on my own.

    I liked Arbidol, I used to drink Oscillococcinum and didn’t feel such a positive effect from it, and then I actually found out that this is homeopathy and it doesn’t work, and I finally switched to Arbidol, which is clinically confirmed and always helps me.

    I once cured a severe cold with Arbidol. I drank 4 capsules on the first day, and then the same amount the next day. And then I felt that there was nothing left of the cold, it was all gone. So I was glad. Now I always buy and drink it.


    Cheap analogues of Ergoferon - list with prices in rubles

    The Russian drug ergoferon belongs to modern complex antiviral agents that have immunostimulating and antihistamine effects. This composition of ergoferon allows not only to destroy dangerous viruses, but also to effectively eliminate the painful symptoms of ARVI and influenza.

    But this drug is quite expensive and is often beyond the means of ordinary residents of the outback. We will look at cheap analogues of Ergoferon and compare their effectiveness in this article.

    The drug also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to cope with the disease in a shorter time. An important feature of ergoferon is its ability to penetrate cells, thereby helping the body develop resistance to allergens and viruses.

    If a person with the flu decides to treat themselves, although this is unacceptable, then they will have to deal with a large selection of antiviral drugs at the pharmacy. It is difficult to say whether ergoferon or its analogues, which are more expensive or cheaper, will suit him. Rather yes than no.

    It’s just that in most cases the doctor knows better which drug will be more effective for a particular virus and in a given region. During epidemics, the pandemic is always monitored, and special studies are carried out to identify the virus. On TV screens you can hear that, for example, swine flu is rampant in Moscow, and adenoviruses are rampant in Krasnoyarsk.

    This is what we should proceed from - choose the right antiviral drug that will be more effective. Can an ordinary person solve this problem? Of course not.

    Instructions for use of ergoferon

    The instructions for use of this product recommend taking the drug for the following conditions:

    • influenza of various strains, mainly types A and B;
    • parainfluenza;
    • coronaviruses;
    • calicivirus;
    • adenoviruses;
    • herpesvirus infections of various organs (genital herpes, ophthalmological, infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox, herpes zoster);
    • rotaviruses.

    Ergoferon is also used to treat:

    • enteroviral infections;
    • encephalitis;
    • pseudotuberculosis;
    • meningococcal infection;
    • hemorrhagic fever affecting the kidneys;
    • whooping cough;
    • yersiniosis (zoonotic infection caused by Escherichia coli of the genus Yersinia enterocolitica);
    • pneumonia.


    Ergoferon is not prescribed to children under 6 months of age with intolerance to the composition of the drug and pathological impairment of lactose absorption. Use with caution in patients at high risk of allergic reactions to various substances. Ergoferon is also not recommended for pregnant and lactating women (no studies have been conducted on this matter, so the drug cannot be called safe).

    Side effects and overdose

    The manufacturer of ergoferon claims that there are no adverse reactions as such. In extremely rare cases, skin rashes may occur. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should select an analogue and replace Ergoferon.

    In case of an overdose of the drug, dyspepsia, vomiting, and epigastric pain are possible. After stopping taking ergoferon, all negative symptoms disappear. It is recommended to give the patient activated carbon and increase the drinking regime with clean water.

    Composition, release form, storage, price

    The active substance of ergoferon (antibodies to human interferon gamma) is contained in lozenges, which are sealed in blisters. One pack contains 20 tablets. The blister may contain 4, 10 or 20 tablets.

    The drug is stored for three years, maintaining normal air humidity, temperature up to 25 degrees (no need to store in the refrigerator), and avoiding direct sunlight on the blisters.

    The price for ergoferon is in the range of 290–350 rubles, but if the patient is not satisfied with the cost, you can choose a cheaper analogue. The drug has no structural analogues, so the search should be carried out among drugs with similar therapeutic effects.

    How to take Ergoferon?

    First of all, you need to know that these are tablets that dissolve like candy; you do not need to swallow them or wash them down with water. For young patients, the tablet is dissolved in boiled water (20 ml) and allowed to drink the dissolved mixture from a spoon.

    For ARVI and influenza, the drug is prescribed according to the following scheme:

    • first day – 1 tablet every 30 minutes (no more than 5 tablets per day);
    • subsequent days - three tablets per day (morning, afternoon and evening).

    Therapy lasts until all symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

    To prevent respiratory infections, ergoferon is used for a long time (up to 6 months). Children take 1 tablet per day, adults take two.

    The treatment regimen with ergoferon for other diseases is determined by a specialist for each patient individually.

    Does ergoferon always help?

    Many patients are distrustful of lozenges, believing that taking medications orally is a more effective and fast-acting way to combat the virus. Reviews indicate that on the second or third day of treatment, a considerable percentage of patients stop dissolving the tablets, considering them ineffective, and also not very cheap.

    A pack of tablets (20 pieces) is enough for 6 days of treatment, and the symptoms of the disease often remain for up to two weeks (according to the instructions, it is recommended to take the drug until all symptoms disappear), so it turns out that in most cases the course will require at least several packs of ergoferon, hence high price.

    Often, price plays an important role in the choice of an antiviral drug, and a sick person begins an active search for an analogue that will be cheaper than ergoferon.

    Cheaper analogues of Ergoferon for children and adults

    Jumps in drug prices have recently become much more noticeable, so immediately before purchasing, check the cost of ergoferon and its analogues in city pharmacies.

    If you want to buy cheaper analogues of Ergoferon for children, also pay attention not only to the price, but also to the age permissibility according to the instructions. Today, the following drugs can be offered as analogues of ergoferon, which will cost less, they are suitable for both adults and children, here is a list of them:

    • Kagocel – 240 rub. (for children from three years old);
    • laripront – 250 rub. (there is no clear information about age in the instructions, check with your doctor to take the product);
    • Amizon - 250 rub. (after 18 years);
    • Anaferon (adults and children) – 220 rubles. (from one month);
    • Viferon (candles) – 220 rub. (from birth);
    • arbidol – 260–300 rub. (from 3 years old);
    • remantadine – 250 rub. (from 7 years old);
    • orvirem (in syrup) – 220 rub. (recommended from one year of age);
    • antigrippin (homeopathic peas) – 90 rub. (used from infancy).

    There are also analogues of ergoferon for children and adults, which are not cheaper, but more expensive, but are also effective for respiratory viral diseases during epidemics, they are as follows:

    When choosing analogs, the question always arises: “What is better to choose, for example, ergoferon or kagocel?” Let's figure it out.

    Effective treatment for influenza


    For the treatment and prevention of runny nose, sore throat, ARVI and influenza in children and adults, Elena Malysheva recommends the effective drug Immunity from Russian scientists. Thanks to its unique, and most importantly 100% natural composition, the drug is extremely effective in treating sore throats, colds and strengthening the immune system.

    What is better – Kagocel or Ergoferon?

    If we consider the cost of drugs, then Kagocel has an advantage; it is 50–100 rubles cheaper. Ergoferon is the leader in the age category; it can be given to children from 6 months, and Kagocel only from three months. These drugs are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women due to insufficient study.

    The active ingredients of Kagocel and Ergoferon are different, but both drugs have an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. Ergoferon also exhibits antiallergic activity, which helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of ARVI and influenza.

    The list of indications for use for ergoferon is much longer than for Kagocel. Contraindications are identical - individual intolerance to the composition of the active substance and auxiliary components.

    Ergoferon and Kagocel stimulate the immune system, causing the body to produce the required amount of protective substances, such as interferon. It should be noted that both drugs act mildly, which is why they are used in children from an early age.

    The main advantage of Kagocel is its effect in case of delayed treatment, which is not the case with many antiviral drugs. The advantage of ergoferon is its pronounced anti-inflammatory and antihistamine activity, which is important in the first days of the disease, when the symptoms of a viral infection bother the patient the most.

    Read the instructions for using Kagocel and its cheap analogues here.

    Ergoferon or Anaferon – what to choose?

    These antiviral agents are produced in Russia and are interferon inducers. The drugs cannot be called structural analogues; their active ingredients are different. Children's anaferon is used from one month of a child's life, ergoferon only from six months of age.

    Anaferon is cheaper, about 100–130 rubles. The method of taking the drug is more convenient with Ergoferon.

    Anaferon does not have an antiallergic effect, and therefore its anti-inflammatory effect is weaker. Ergoferon quickly suppresses the symptoms of rhinorrhea, eliminates coughing, obsessive sneezing, and prevents bronchospasm.

    Antiviral activity is stronger in ergoferon, because it influences the activation of specific protection. Ergoferon is also prescribed for bacterial complications.

    Both drugs are non-toxic, therefore they are widely used in pediatrics. Ergoferon and anaferon are often referred to as homeopathy, but this is not so. The technology for obtaining the active ingredients of these drugs is different; it is more related to nanotechnology. In medical articles, the drugs in question are often referred to as immunopharmacological drugs.

    Prophylactic use of ergoferon is longer and more expensive. For therapeutic purposes, it is preferable to prescribe ergoferon to people prone to allergies and bronchospasms. According to the indications for use, the drugs are similar.

    Ingavirin or ergoferon – which is more effective?

    The antiviral mechanism of ingavirin is aimed at suppressing virus reproduction. Ergoferon acts differently, it activates immune defense and eliminates chains of allergic reactions. Ingavirin is taken orally, ergoferon is dissolved under the tongue.

    The spectrum of action of ingavirin is limited only to viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract; ergoferon is also used for other viral infections that affect other organs and systems.

    Ingavirin is used to treat only adults, while ergoferon is widely used in pediatrics from the age of six months. Taking Ingavirin is much more convenient; you only need 7 tablets per course.

    Both drugs are non-toxic and do not affect reproductive health, although they are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

    The price of Ingavirin is approximately 150 rubles higher, so Ergoferon has a clear advantage in this parameter.

    Let the doctor decide which drug is better. The only thing patients should know is that ingavirin is the drug of choice for adults, and ergoferon is suitable for everyone.

    Arbidol or ergoferon – which is better?

    The active substance of arbidol is umifenovir, and that of ergoferon is vitaglutam. But, despite the different active components, both drugs have an antiviral effect.

    Arbidol is a little cheaper, about 30 rubles. Its activity spectrum is lower than that of ergoferon. The latter has a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and has an antihistamine effect, which arbidol does not have.

    Arbidol is prescribed from three years of age, and ergoferon from 6 months. Both drugs are used for prevention and treatment; their effectiveness depends on timely treatment started (from the first days of illness).

    The drugs are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for those with individual intolerance to the active substances.

    Ergoferon eliminates the symptoms of influenza and ARVI much better, accelerating the recovery process and reducing the risk of complications.

    The choice of drug must be made taking into account the general condition of the patient. If the patient has a weak immune system and is susceptible to bacterial complications, it is better to choose ergoferon.

    If you are not sure what to choose, read this material. It describes all the advantages and disadvantages of both drugs.

    Analyzing reviews of ergoferon, we can conclude that the drug acts differently. In one group of people, their general condition normalizes already on the first day, while in another group there is no effect of treatment at all. Most likely, such an opposite reaction to therapy depends on the individual susceptibility of the body.

    Analogs of ergoferon cannot clearly replicate its action, because The composition of the drugs is completely different. Therefore, when choosing a replacement, you need to be guided by the search for safe and effective means, be sure to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Be healthy!

    How to quickly cure a cold

    And a little about secrets.

    If you or your child are often sick and are treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

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