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Proposol spray is an effective drug for the treatment of throat diseases

To eliminate colds, medications are used that have an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on the patient’s body.

Table of contents:

Throat spray Proposol is a beekeeping product and its main ingredient is propolis. Bee glue is an antibacterial agent of natural origin and its main difference from artificial drugs is the absence of side effects and a wide range of effects on the patient’s body.

Proposol: properties of the drug

Spray Proposol - an effective drug for the throat

Proposol contains various components that give the drug many medicinal properties.

The active ingredients of the drug are:

If a patient is diagnosed with tonsillar diseases, it is recommended that treatment be carried out using a drug in the form of an aerosol. This allows the drug to be evenly applied to pathological areas of the oral mucosa and thereby achieve maximum therapeutic effect.

Propolis is considered one of the healing substances of natural origin, which contains vitamins of various groups, flavones, resins, organic acids, amino acids and mineral salts. Medical practice shows that propolis has increased bactericidal activity against pathogenic microorganisms and even those that are considered resistant to antibacterial drugs. The main difference between this natural substance and artificial antibiotics is the fact that its use is not accompanied by the development of side effects.

Propolis can have the following therapeutic effects on the human body:

  • helps to increase the protective functions of the human body
  • improves metabolic processes
  • takes an active part in tissue regeneration
  • helps reduce vascular fragility and also improves their permeability
  • has an anesthetic effect on the affected areas of the mucosa

Useful video - How to properly treat a sore throat.

The presence of glycerin in Proposol helps the drug to moisturize the tissues of the oral cavity and pharynx well. Thanks to this property, it is possible to avoid severe irritation of the mucous membranes and increased dryness of epithelial tissues. Ethyl alcohol in Proposol has an antiseptic effect on the affected tissue and accelerates the healing process.

Proposol can be used for drug therapy both at the very beginning of the development of pathology and during the formation of purulent-necrotic foci of inflammation.

During local treatment, such a drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream, so any systemic effect on the human body is completely excluded. Another advantage of this remedy is the fact that using Proposol for a long time does not cause addiction to it.

It is important to remember that Proposol is a medicinal product and treatment with it is necessary only after visiting a specialist. In addition, propolis is a beekeeping product, so it can provoke an allergic reaction in the patient.

Indications for use

Purpose of spray Proposol

Proposol is widely used in the treatment of pathologies of the oral cavity and eyes, as well as to eliminate the following diseases:

In addition, Proposol is widely used as part of drug therapy for the treatment of nasal pathologies:

You can hear positive reviews about Proposol in the treatment of various skin pathologies, among which are:

In addition, such a drug is considered highly effective for the treatment of infected and non-healing wounds, as well as for the healing of microtraumas and injuries of various types.

Side effects

If the drug is used incorrectly, side effects may occur

The use of Proposol spray for the treatment of throat may be accompanied by the appearance of some side effects:

  • an unpleasant burning sensation in the area where the drug was applied
  • increased dryness of the oral mucosa
  • attacks of nausea
  • development of lacrimation

Most often, the occurrence of side effects is not an indication to stop treatment with such a drug. Despite the fact that Proposol has various therapeutic effects on the body and is considered a highly effective drug in the treatment of tonsillar diseases, its use will have to be abandoned in the following cases:

  • children's age up to 12 years
  • patients prone to developing an allergic reaction
  • patients who suffer from intolerance to certain components of the drug

If there is a need to use the drug during pregnancy, a specialist will carefully assess the possible risks to the fetus. Proposol is prescribed only when the effect of treatment is much higher than the potential risks for the developing fetus. Please note that during pregnancy, the duration of use of Proposol is reduced to 7 days, and minimal doses of the drug are taken.

Features of the drug use

Spray Proposol: use and dosage of the drug

When diagnosing a patient with any form of angina, it is recommended to treat with Proposol in the form of an aerosol.

The irrigation procedure is carried out as follows:
  • it is necessary to remove the protective cap from the bottle of liquid and put on the sprayer
  • Be sure to shake the bottle several times to ensure uniformity of the sprayed medicine
  • the irrigation procedure is performed during the inhalation phase and lasts approximately two seconds
  • You can spray the drug directly into the oral cavity onto pathological lesions
  • After the spraying procedure, it is necessary to rinse the sprayer in water and close the bottle with the medicine with a protective cap.

Proposol is a medicine, so treatment with it is carried out as prescribed by a doctor. It is the specialist who determines the duration of therapy after studying the severity of the disease and the manifestation of local acute symptoms.

Treatment with Proposol for angina lasts 7-10 days.

Other uses of the drug Proposol are also possible:

  • when treating various wounds, it is necessary to moisten tampons in the medicine and apply them to the affected areas of tissue
  • if the patient is diagnosed with otitis, then to eliminate the disease, a turunda moistened with the drug is injected into the ear
  • for pathologies such as periodontitis, turunda is moistened in Proposol and injected into the affected sinus

Analogues of the drug

The following analogues of the drug Proposol can be purchased in the pharmacy chain:

  • Proposol N differs from Proposol in that it contains a much higher concentration of the main component, propolis. This medicine allows you to obtain a more pronounced therapeutic effect, is available in convenient packaging and is affordable.
  • Stomatofit is a medicinal solution containing various medicinal herbs and ethyl alcohol. This medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect on the human body and is widely used in the treatment of pathologies of the nose, throat and oral cavity. Therapy with Stomatofit can be combined with other anti-inflammatory drugs, and it can also be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Hexoral is an antibacterial and antifungal agent that is recommended for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory cavity diseases. The main ingredient of Hexoral is hexetidine, which has a powerful effect on the affected areas of the mucosa. Despite this, this drug is allowed to be used in childhood, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Inhalipt is available in aerosol form and the main components are peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil and sulfonamide. This drug rarely causes side effects and helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms of the disease in a short time.

special instructions

Spray Proposol: instructions for use and storage rules for the drug

Proposol contains ethanol, therefore, during the period of treatment of the disease with the help of this medicine, it is necessary to refrain from performing those types of work that require increased attention and require rapid psychomotor reactions.

Before carrying out the irrigation procedure using Proposol spray, you must thoroughly rinse the oral cavity with warm boiled water. In addition, after injecting the drug into the oral cavity, it is recommended to refrain from eating food for half an hour.

When using the drug, you should carefully ensure that it does not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. The medicine package should be stored away from sunlight and protected from falls.

Proposol is considered an effective drug that is widely used to eliminate pathologies of the oral cavity, nose and pharynx.

There are some contraindications to the use of this drug, so only a specialist should prescribe it.

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Comments (1)


05/28/2016 at 23:31 | #

To be honest, “Proposol” did not live up to my expectations, it got even worse. Apparently, it just didn’t suit me, but it really helped my mother with a sore throat. Once again I was convinced that everything is individual.

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Proposol - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (spray for the mouth and throat Vial and N) of a medicinal product for the treatment of sore throat, tonsillitis and pharyngitis in adults, children and pregnancy. Compound

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Proposol. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Proposol in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Proposol in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of sore throat, tonsillitis and pharyngitis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the drug.

Proposol is a preparation of natural origin based on the waste product of bees - propolis. It has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic properties, and stimulates regeneration processes.

Proposol N is a combination drug for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, does not have a local irritant or general toxic effect.

Propolis + excipients.

Glycerol + Propolis + excipients (Proposol N).

The effect of the drug is the combined effect of its components, so kinetic studies are not possible.

Inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa:

  • aphthous stomatitis;
  • ulcerative stomatitis;
  • catarrhal gingivitis;
  • sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  • glossitis;
  • periodontal disease.

Spray for topical use (for irrigation of the mouth and throat) (Vial and Proposol N).

Instructions for use and method of use

Spray into the oral cavity during the inhalation phase. Spray duration up to 2 seconds. Before use, remove the safety cap from the cylinder and put a sprayer with a tip on the valve stem. The tip is directed into the oral cavity and pressed on the sprayer 3-4 times, evenly irrigating the inflammatory area. In the acute period of the inflammatory process, irrigation is performed 2-3 times a day, when the inflammatory process decreases, 1-2 times a day until complete recovery (usually within 3-7 days).

Spray Proposol N

The drug is used 2 to 6 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Before use, you must attach the spray nozzle to the aerosol can. The affected area of ​​the oral mucosa is irrigated evenly by pressing the nozzle all the way.

The patient should be informed that after irrigation of the oral cavity it is advisable not to eat food for a few minutes.

  • increased sensitivity to bee products;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • eczema.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug can be prescribed by the attending physician during pregnancy if the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risks to the fetus. During pregnancy, it is recommended to use the drug in minimal effective doses for no more than 7 days in a row.

Before using the drug during lactation, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

Proposol N is used with caution in children, because it contains ethyl alcohol.

The drug Proposol and Proposol N contain 95% ethanol (alcohol), therefore, during the period of use of the drug, you should refrain from performing potentially dangerous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with machinery).

The content of ethyl alcohol in the maximum single dose is 0.28 g, in the maximum daily dose - 0.84 g (in terms of absolute alcohol).

Before using the drug, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with warm boiled water. After irrigating the oral cavity, it is advisable not to eat food for a period of minutes.

The packaging should be protected from impacts, falls, and direct sunlight. Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the eyes.

No drug interactions have been described.

Analogues of the drug Proposol

Structural analogues of the active substance:

Analogs for therapeutic effect (drugs for the treatment of periodontal disease):


Spray "Proposol": reviews from patients and doctors, instructions for use

"Proposol" is a combined antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory medicine for local use. It contains propolis, glycerin and ethyl alcohol. The medicine has wound-healing, bactericidal, fungicidal, virostatic and anti-inflammatory effects. Reviews about “Proposol” abound. The impact of a drug and its pharmacological effects is based on the characteristics of the elements included in it.

Since ancient times, humans have been using bee waste products to treat various diseases. Propolis is famous for its healing properties even more than honey.

About propolis

Propolis is a beekeeping product produced by bees during the processing of sticky materials collected from various flowers. Propolis contains:

- biologically active substances with antimicrobial activity.

Bactericidal effect of propolis

The bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect of propolis is due to elements of physiological origin that are included in its composition. Resins, flavones, cinnamic and benzoic acids, and aromatic elements have a particularly bactericidal and virostatic effect. During the use of propolis, the development of resistance of microorganism strains was not detected. This is due to the huge number of different elements and the varying composition of propolis, which is determined by the season, the location of the hives and plants used to collect sticky substances. The main trees that bees prefer are birch, aspen and poplar. The bactericidal effect of propolis is noted in the location of all harmful microorganisms, the addition of strains resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, when using “Proposol-spray” (according to reviews), no changes in the natural microflora and the appearance of dysbacteriosis were noticed in patients.

Immunostimulating effect

In addition to a clear antimicrobial effect, propolis increases overall immunity, improves metabolism, and enhances the ability of tissues to regenerate. Phenols, which are part of propolis, strengthen blood vessels, reduce their unnaturally increased permeability and fragility, have an astringent effect and anti-inflammatory activity.

It is also characterized by a pronounced antioxidant effect to protect tissue from the effects of peroxidation. Propolis has an anesthetic effect, which helps reduce pain in inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.

Composition of the drug "Proposol-spray"

The instructions and reviews confirm that the composition contains propolis. Also contains:

There are other substances that make up Proposol.

Glycerol (glycerol) is a polyhydric methanol that helps moisturize the mucous membranes of the mouth and upper respiratory passages due to the ability of the glycerol atom to retain water, reduce irritation and eliminate drying of the mucous membranes, which ensures good reviews of “Proposol”.

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) - represents a group of monohydric methanols, has a pronounced antiseptic effect. The pharmacological effect of this substance depends on its strength. 96% methanol, which is part of Proposol, has an astringent and antiseptic effect, but it practically does not irritate fabrics (when compared with 40% ethyl alcohol). The effect system is due to changes in the quaternary, tertiary and secondary structure of the protein under the influence of ethanol. The antiseptic result of the substance is based on the ability of ethanol to denature the cytoplasmic and membrane proteins of microorganism cells. When using high concentrations of ethanol, its effect on tissue structures and the appearance of astringent properties were noted. Local application of the drug does not absorb it into the bloodstream and does not cause a single effect.

Since the drug contains 96% ethanol, you should avoid performing dangerous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reaction (for example, driving a car). This is confirmed by reviews of “Proposol”.

The maximum single dose of methanol content should be 0.28 g, and the maximum daily dose should be 0.84 g.

Indications for use

“Proposol” is a spray, reviews of which confirm the effectiveness of this drug. It is used for local treatment of inflammatory diseases associated with otolaryngological and dental practices. The medicine can be used for monotherapy and complex treatment of patients with the following diseases:

  • Stomatitis (aphthous, ulcerative, catarrhal).
  • Catarrhal gingivitis.
  • Glossitis.
  • Tonsillitis.

How exactly to apply the spray?

The instructions for use for the drug “Proposol-spray” (there are reviews on this matter) confirm that the aerosol is intended for rinsing the oral cavity. Before using the aerosol, remove the cap from the container and attach the sprayer to the valve. The can is brought to the mouth and lightly pressed on the spray head for 1-2 seconds. The spray is used not only for washing the center of inflammation. You can also spray the medicine while inhaling through your mouth, thus irrigating the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. After use, the sprayer is removed and washed with warm running water, and the bottle is closed with a lid. The bottle of medicine should not be exposed to high temperatures or stored near an open fire. It should also be protected from impacts, falls, and direct sunlight.

Before use, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with warm boiled water. After spraying, you should refrain from eating food for 30 minutes.

The duration of therapy and the volume of the drug are prescribed by the doctor personally for the patient, having studied the nature of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed this medicine for oral irrigation 2-3 times a day until acute symptoms disappear. As soon as improvement appears, the use of the medicine is reduced to 1-2 times a day. The duration of use of the drug in this case reaches 3-7 days.

Reviews of the drug "Proposol" (throat spray) indicate that patients usually tolerate it well. But there is still a possibility of adverse reactions, for example, a burning sensation in the area where the medicine is sprayed, dry mouth, allergies. Nausea rarely occurred.

Actions in case of adverse reactions

If, however, adverse reactions occur after using Proposol, you must stop using the medicine and tell your doctor about it.

The drug should not be taken by patients who have increased intolerance to any component or beekeeping product, or who are at risk of an allergic reaction. Children under 12 years of age should also not use it. Why? Let's try to figure it out:

  • The preparation contains a large volume fraction of alcohol.
  • The product is highly allergenic. Propolis contains up to two hundred fermented compounds, which can cause allergies.
  • There are no studies on treatment for young children.
  • This is an irritating throat spray. According to reviews, “Proposol” burns strongly after application.

Use of the drug during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe Proposol if the benefit to the pregnant woman is greater than the likely risk to the fetus. In this case, it is necessary to use the drug in minimal quantities and for no more than 7 days. But it is still not recommended to use Proposol during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. Reviews confirm this.

Use of the drug with other drugs

“Proposol” cannot be used in parallel with other antiseptics and beekeeping products.

No dangerous reactions have been identified in case of an overdose of this drug, but if the patient took excessive doses of the drug, side effects are likely. It is worth rinsing the oral cavity with a large volume of warm water. If necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment.

Reviews about "Proposol"

Mostly they are positive. Many were able to cure stomatitis, tonsillitis and other diseases with its help. Some patients consider “Proposol” to be a product with an unpleasant taste, compare it with “Lugol” and propolis extract, but still talk about its effectiveness! For some, only Proposol spray helps with sore throat. Reviews confirm this.

It contains no unknown chemicals, so it can be used not only by pregnant women, but also by children.

What are the children's reviews of “Proposol”? Children try to avoid treatment with this drug, because some even experience a vomiting reaction. Allergic reactions to bee products often develop, so the spray should be used with extreme caution, especially for children.

For many, the drug is a must in the home medicine cabinet. The main period for using aerosol is considered to be the period of colds, autumn-spring.

There are also negative reviews about Proposol. For stomatitis, for example, it is not always effective. In addition, it is called a remedy for lovers of terrible pain. During treatment, patients experienced sensations of skin being torn off in the throat, a burning sensation, coughing with gagging, and difficulty breathing.

"Proposol" is a fairly effective drug for the treatment of otorhinolaryngic diseases. It is based on natural ingredients. No chemicals. But not all people with colds can tolerate treatment with natural substances; therefore, such patients experience side effects.

Drug analogues

Structural analogues with the same active ingredient are: “Propolis”; "Proposol N"; "Propoceum", "Proposol Vial".

It is possible to carry out therapy with analogues with the same therapeutic effect (these drugs are usually used to treat periodontal disease) - we are talking about “Abisil”, “Bacteriobalance”, “Grammidin”, “Grammidin neo”, “Dentamet”, “Imudon”, “Coenzyme Q10 with Ginkgo” , “Maraslavine”, “Metrogile Denta”, “Sodium nucleinate”, “Ribonuclease”, “Stomatophyte”, “Tantum Verde”, “Chymotrypsin”, “Erbisol”.

A doctor should select the drug, but in some cases, if the drug is poorly tolerated, it is possible to independently replace it with a better analogue from the above.



Description current as of 09/12/2014

  • Latin name: Proposol
  • ATX code: A01AD11
  • Active ingredient: Propolis (Propolis)
  • Manufacturer: JSC Stoma, Ukraine; ZAO Altaivitaminy, Russia; Microfarm, Ukraine


Some manufacturers use a dosage of 3 grams of propolis per bottle (50 grams).

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of a spray for local use in bottles of 25 or 50 grams. The bottles are made of glass or plastic. The liquid has a characteristic smell and taste of propolis, and the color is dark yellow.

pharmachologic effect

A natural preparation with a pronounced analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Thanks to glycerin, propolis and ethyl alcohol, the drug has a bacteriostatic, fungicidal, anti-inflammatory effect. The product accelerates the healing process of wounds.

Depending on the time of year and the location of the bee hive, the quantitative composition of propolis varies significantly. In this regard, bacteria do not produce strains resistant to the substance. The component has a very wide spectrum of action; propolis is active even against some microorganisms that are not affected by antibiotics.

It does not cause dysbacteriosis or disruption of mucosal microflora.

Phenols strengthen blood vessels, protect tissues from the effects of free radicals, and inhibit unnecessary oxidation processes. Propolis improves immunity, improves metabolism, and accelerates regeneration. The substance is also a good pain reliever (locally).

Glycerin moisturizes the oral mucosa and respiratory tract and prevents it from drying out. Alcohol molecules retain water in tissues against the background of severe dehydration during the inflammatory process.

Ethanol is a monohydric alcohol and a strong antiseptic. Proposol contains 96% alcohol, which slightly irritates tissues, but has an astringent effect and disinfects. The component leads to protein denaturation in the cytoplasm and on the membranes of pathogenic organisms.

The medicine is intended exclusively for topical use, and therefore its systemic absorption is small and insignificant.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for complex treatment or as monotherapy:


The drug is not prescribed to patients with allergies to any of the components of the drug.

It is not recommended to take the product for eczema or bleeding on the mucous membrane.

The use of the product by children is recommended after 12 years.

Side effects

As a rule, the drug is very well tolerated.

If any of the effects appear, you should stop using the drug.

Instructions for use, Proposol spray (Method and dosage)

The aerosol is used exclusively locally. Before use, put a special spray nozzle on the bottle and make several injections onto the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane of the throat or mouth.

After use, the cap should be removed and rinsed with warm water and left to dry. Do not expose the bottle and cap to high temperatures.

According to the instructions for Proposol, the frequency of use is 2-3 times a day.

For sore throat, the frequency of use of the spray can be increased to 4 times a day. After you feel better, you can reduce it to 1-2 times a day.

The duration of use of the medicine ranges from 3 days to a week.

As a rule, the drug is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age. In any case, you should consult a specialist before starting to take the drug.


In case of overdose, severe allergic reactions are observed, including burning and drying of the mucous membrane. The affected areas should be washed with boiled water; in severe cases, antihistamines may be prescribed.


You should not use other antiseptics during treatment with Proposol.

Combination with other bee products is not recommended.

Terms of sale

No prescription needed.

Storage conditions

Store in a cool place, at a temperature from 0 to 30 degrees. Avoid exposure to fire or high temperatures.

Best before date


Close analogues are products containing propolis: Proposol-N, Propolisa, Propolis, Proposol-Zdorovye.

Proposol during pregnancy and lactation

The question of taking the drug during pregnancy should be decided after consultation with a doctor. If the drug has been prescribed, it should be used in the minimum active dosage.

Whether to use the spray for nursing women should be decided by the attending physician.

Reviews about Proposol

There are many reviews about Proposol on the forums, both positive and negative. For some, the drug helps with the first symptoms of a sore throat and cold, and quickly and permanently relieves stomatitis. The medicine is natural and does not contain fragrances or preservatives. Others found the product too expensive, did not like the specific taste, did not like the strong burning sensation in the throat, and felt nauseated.

Proposol price, where to buy

The price of Proposol spray is approximately 140 rubles per 25 ml.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan






I don’t know who doesn’t like it. But the thing is excellent and inexpensive. Yes. It doesn’t taste like pineapple or strawberry. But for your own good, you can wait a couple of seconds. And regarding the quality, contact the pharmacy. I treated my 7-year-old son’s sore throat with Proposol. Everything is fine.

An excellent tool. I am 68 years old and I have been using this medicine for about 20 years and so has my entire family. As for the negative aspects, as leftist taxi drivers in Odessa say: “Do you need to go or checkers?”

Some reviews are such nonsense! My first pregnancy I got sick at the very beginning! I suffered from such pain in my throat, nothing helped, and as a result there was a threat of miscarriage. They barely saved my pregnancy! I had to go through so much! No doctor has ever described this remedy. Just some expensive rubbish. The second pregnancy at the beginning is the same. My throat was weak, no matter how careful I was, a breeze blew on me and I was already suffering from a sore throat. This has been happening since childhood. I went online in desperation and began looking for drugs that were harmless for pregnant women. I found a review from one woman, I thank her for this, she wrote there that you want to get rid of your throat in one day, the spray is disgusting, but effective and without side effects for pregnant women. My husband bought me this product. I sprayed it on my throat once, it felt as if I had swallowed vinegar, I thought I’d spit it out, but 5 minutes passed and I felt the burning sensation go away along with the signs of a sore throat. Fever, body aches, sore throat... everything went away in minutes! Moreover, throughout my pregnancy I didn’t even have a runny nose after it. How long after the birth of my HEALTHY baby I still had the risk of getting sick, but this did not happen. After so many years of suffering, everything changed after just one use of this remedy. I told everyone about it. Nobody believed it. Especially who wants to experience such sensations. Personally, just the thought of the taste of this drug makes me nauseous. Somehow my husband got sick. sore throat. He didn’t take any kind of miracle medicine, he didn’t follow all the doctors’ recommendations. Didn't believe in my favorite medicine. Then a week later! When he was already threatened with hospitalization, he said, “Give me your ambassador.” My husband was shocked! He felt relief, as did I, immediately. He used it 2-3 times during the day, and in the morning there were no signs of illness. And, by the way, for some reason the taste does not cause any unpleasant sensations, as he says. That's why some people tolerate it. I think that very “wise people” will throw stones at me now, but I don’t care. This review is for those who suddenly find themselves in a situation where nothing helps and my advice will be very necessary. And lastly, let me clarify a moment. After the first use, when I wrote that my throat allegedly burned, after that it turned out to be just a false sensation.

It doesn't taste like the most pleasant medicine. But the result is excellent! I suffered from severe pain in my throat, nothing helped, and after 1.5 days with Proposol I forgot what and where it hurt! I recommend it.

In my Proposol, from 50 grams of the drug there is 40g of 98% ethyl alcohol. It really burned my throat.

The taste is terrible. I don’t know how an ordinary person can stand this. In addition, the dispenser does not work; the liquid simply drips onto the tongue, instantly causing nausea. Quality is a big question: 1. The price is low. 2. There are huge dark spots on the plastic parts. 3. Instructions are only on the cardboard box. 4. The above-mentioned dispenser is simply lying around in the box without any film or the like. After the first use I immediately threw it in the trash. So don't take it unless you're a masochist.

A very good drug. The kids had a sore throat, they sprayed them with proposol spray, and on the third day the kids felt much better!

German: prescribed by a proctologist. After a course (15 tablets), weeping appeared on the legs along the toes.

Ekaterina: Since childhood, when I worry, my stomach shrinks and becomes a lump, and then it hurts.

Svetlana: I constantly go on diets, and because of this I have problems with stool. Girlfriend for me.

Lily: And if it’s a thorn, can you drip some drops?

All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a treatment method prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.

The site administration and the authors of the articles are not responsible for any losses and consequences that may arise when using the site materials.


Proposol spray - instructions for use (Proposol for sore throat and pharyngitis), analogues (Proposol N, Hexoral, etc.)

Latin name: Proposol

Active ingredient: Propolis

Manufacturer: Altaivitamins, Russia

Condition for dispensing from the pharmacy: Without a prescription

Based on beekeeping products, various preparations are produced in different forms. “Proposol” is one of these. This is a spray whose main component is propolis. Bee glue is a natural antibiotic. It differs from an artificial antibiotic in that it has no side effects and is endowed with a wider spectrum of action.

Composition of the drug

The basis of the drug “Proposl” is propolis. The excipients are ethyl alcohol and glycerin.

The composition of propolis itself is very rich:

  • Amino acids
  • Mineral salts
  • Essential oils
  • Organic acids
  • BAS (biologically active substances) - they are endowed with a powerful antimicrobial effect
  • Vitamins.

Medicinal properties

The spectrum of action of this spray is very wide. It is due to its composition and properties of each component.

Medicinal properties of propolis:

  • Bactericidal
  • Has a detrimental effect on strains. When using the drug, there is no resistance to the latter, because the composition of propolis is inconsistent
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anesthetic
  • Painkiller
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Increases local immunity
  • Promotes tissue regeneration
  • Strengthens blood vessels, reducing their fragility and permeability
  • Improves local metabolism.

Glycerin contained in the drug has a softening and moisturizing effect and relieves irritation.

Ethanol is an antiseptic with an astringent effect. Its irritant effect in this drug is negligible.

Indications for use

“Proposol” is widely used for diseases of the oral cavity and throat, laryngitis, tonsillitis (including chronic), tonsillitis, glossitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis.

Actively used in dentistry.
Diseases of the nose can also be treated with proposol, such as sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. Please note that sinusitis can occur without a runny nose; read about this in the article: absence of a runny nose with sinusitis.

It is also used in the treatment of wounds of various etiologies.

Average price from 120 to 190 rubles.

Release forms

The drug is available in aerosol cans with a spray nozzle. Available in 50 ml bottles.

Appearance: a clear liquid with a pleasant balsamic odor and a yellow tint.

Mode of application

The main use is spraying the spray into the oral cavity. Irrigation is carried out up to 2 times a day for 10 - 14 days. Irrigate the oral cavity for no more than 2 seconds. This treatment is carried out for diseases of the mucous membranes and throat.

Other methods of using “Proposol” are also possible:

  • Externally for wounds, apply tampons moistened with “Proposol” to the damaged surface
  • For otitis, a turunda soaked in the product is inserted into the ear.
  • For sinusitis, you can prepare a solution of 1:10 based on the “Proposol” emulsion and 0.9% solution of table salt. The sinuses are washed with this solution 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • The sinuses can also be irrigated directly with the spray.
  • For tonsillitis, diseases of the throat and oral cavity, you can use rinses by preparing the following solution: “Prosol” 15 ml, boiled water ½ cup. This rinse is used 3 times a day.
  • For periodontitis, turunda moistened with the substance is injected into the diseased sinus.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

In this case, the drug has no special contraindications, although caution is necessary. A reduction in dose and duration of administration to 7 days is required. Consultation with a doctor is required. Use with caution during breastfeeding.


This drug is contraindicated if there is an intolerance to bee products, this is when an allergic reaction to them occurs. It is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. This is due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

It is undesirable to use the drug with similar products; side effects may increase.

Side effects

You may experience a burning sensation, irritation and dry mouth, an allergic reaction, and a feeling of nausea. In case of such phenomena, the use of the drug must be discontinued.


In case of overdose, increased side effects are observed. To avoid unwanted consequences, you need to rinse your mouth with plenty of warm water.

Conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of the drug “Proposol” is 2 years. The cylinder must be protected from shock and heat. Storage temperature – no more than 35 degrees. Exposure to direct sunlight is unacceptable.


“Proposol N”

Micropharm LLC, Ukraine

The spray from “Proposol” is distinguished by a higher concentration of the main active ingredient – ​​propolis. Thanks to this, it has more pronounced medicinal properties. Available in 20 and 60 ml capacities.

  • More effective action
  • Available and inexpensive
  • Convenient packaging
  • Should be given carefully to children even after 12 years of age
  • Do not use the spray while driving.


KrasnogorskLekSredstva, Russia / Klenka, Poland

A solution created on the basis of extracts of medicinal plants: arnica, chamomile, thyme, mint, etc. The solution also contains up to 70% ethyl alcohol. Has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Used for glossitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, inflammation of the oral cavity, as well as for rinsing the nose.

  • Can be used by pregnant and lactating women and children
  • Compatible with other anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Possibility of allergic reactions
  • During use, the enamel of the teeth darkens.

“Tantum Verde”

A.K.R.A.F. S.p.A, Italy

A spray whose main active ingredient is benzydamine; one of the excipients is aspartame. The spray contains 96% ethanol. Has antiseptic and analgesic properties. It is used for glossitis, gingivitis, candidiasis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, and other inflammatory diseases of the mouth.

  • Can be used by children 6-12 years old, women during pregnancy and lactation
  • Available without a prescription
  • Does not lose effectiveness during 4 years of storage
  • It has a number of contraindications, incl. – allergic reactions, consultation with a doctor is required
  • High ethanol content


Soldan Holding, Germany

Available in the form of a solution or aerosol. The main active ingredient is hexetidine, excipients are anise, peppermint, eucalyptus, and clove oils. This is an antifungal, antibacterial drug. Used for many diseases of the oral cavity of an infectious and inflammatory nature.

  • Has a powerful effect
  • Applicable from 3 years
  • Can be used by pregnant and lactating women
  • Cases of high sensitivity to the drug have been observed
  • Strict care should be taken when using it by children - the solution must be completely spat out by the child.
  • There is an unpleasant taste.


Moskhimfarmpreparaty/Pharmstandard, Russia, etc.

An aerosol containing eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, sulfanilamide, sodium sulfathiazole. Used for sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

  • Side effects are extremely rare
  • Relieves symptoms well
  • Low price of the drug
  • Not recommended for nursing and pregnant women.



Instructions for use:

Prices in online pharmacies:

Proposol is a biostimulant used for tissue healing.

pharmachologic effect

Proposol has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antimicrobial effects. Use the drug only externally.

The active ingredients of Proposol are propolis, ethyl alcohol and glycerin.

Propolis is valuable because it contains vitamins A, E, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, amino acids, mineral salts, organic acids, resins, flavones. It has been noted that the bactericidal activity of propolis manifests itself against all representatives of pathogenic microflora, even those that are resistant to antibiotics. Moreover, unlike antibacterial drugs, propolis does not cause serious side effects. In addition, propolis helps improve immunity, tissue healing, improves metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, and relieves pain that occurs with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and oral mucosa.

Ethyl alcohol is included in Proposol because has a pronounced antiseptic effect.

Glycerin softens the skin well, moisturizes the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and mouth, and is effective against irritation that occurs due to excessive dryness of the mucous membranes.

Release form

Proposol is produced in the form of an ointment, tincture and aerosol for external use, as an emulsion for inhalation, and local use.

Indications for use of Proposol

Proposol according to the instructions is used in dentistry for the treatment of periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis; in otolaryngology – for the treatment of tonsillitis, glossitis, otitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis.

There are good reviews about Proposol, used for neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, pruritic dermatosis, for the treatment of non-healing and infected wounds, healing of microtraumas, damage to mucous membranes and skin.

Directions for use and doses

To treat lesions of the oral mucosa, spray Proposol from an aerosol - while inhaling for 2 seconds, no more than three times a day for 10 days. When using the tincture, it is applied to a tampon and applied to the affected area for a few minutes, no more than 3 times a day.

Externally, for skin diseases, the drug is used no more than twice a day, every other day or every day. Treatment lasts two or three weeks. Proposol products for external use can be applied under a bandage.

According to the instructions for the treatment of otitis, Proposol tincture is instilled 3-4 times a day, 1-2 drops, or a swab is moistened with it, which is placed in the ear for one or two minutes.

If the tonsils are inflamed, they are lubricated with the tincture for 7-10 days, once or twice a day. For chronic sinusitis, wash the nasal cavities with Proposol tincture mixed with sodium chloride solution. Treatment lasts 2 weeks, washing is done 2 times a day.

Rinsing is carried out to treat wounds on the oral mucosa - 15 ml of tincture is mixed with half a glass of water, rinse the mouth about 5 times a day, 3-4 days. There are good reviews about Proposol emulsion, which can also be used for rinsing - add 30 drops to half a glass of water. It is recommended to rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day, for at least 1-2 weeks.

For inhalation, Proposol emulsion is mixed with boiled water (1:3). Inhalations are done once or twice a day, one procedure lasts 10 minutes.

Side effects

Judging by the reviews, Proposol is well tolerated, but in some cases you may experience dry mouth and a burning sensation at the site of application. Sometimes patients complain of nausea.

If such side effects or an allergic reaction occur, you must stop the drug and consult a doctor.

An overdose of the drug is unlikely, but the use of Proposol in high doses can lead to an increase in the described side effects. If necessary, carry out standard symptomatic therapy.

Contraindications to the use of Proposol

The use of Proposol is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, patients suffering from eczema and those who do not tolerate propolis, alcohol or glycerin.

It is recommended for allergy sufferers to use Proposol with caution.

It is not advisable to prescribe Proposol simultaneously with other beekeeping products and antiseptics.

It is not practiced to prescribe the product to nursing mothers. Pregnant women are prescribed Proposol in exceptional cases; they can use the drug for no longer than a week and in minimal doses.

Proposol spray 25g

Proposol aerosol. 50g

Proposol spray 50 g

Proposol spray 50g

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

We read in the article: “Pregnant women are prescribed Proposol in exceptional cases; they can use the drug for no longer than a week and in minimal doses.” And in the absence of allergies to bee products.

And not only this. Alcohol solution cannot be stored in an aluminum container.

since the aluminum itself dissolves.

The medicine becomes poisonous. But before, proambasin was produced in glass containers covered with a thick blue film. Then suddenly they started making them in aluminum.

It is necessary to conduct research into what the concentration of toxic aluminum is in the solution. It is advisable to return to the previous form of release.

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Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. This is one of the common diseases of the genitourinary system in men. How .
