Cough with shortness of breath in an adult

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Cough and shortness of breath

Pathological shortness of breath appears with various diseases of the respiratory system. The main symptom is progressive shortness of breath. Shortness of breath in children with bronchitis is characterized by a lack of air in the lungs.

Table of contents:

Shortness of breath in a child with bronchitis may indicate that an acute form of the disease is developing.

The cough can be periodic or constant. A persistent cough is observed less frequently (mainly with laryngitis, bronchitis, especially in the presence of bronchiectasis, or with compression of the mediastinal lymph nodes).

With a wet cough, the characteristics of the sputum discharge are of great diagnostic importance, the quantity and quality of which differ sharply for various lesions of the tracheobronchial tree.

7) “Foamy” - may be due to pulmonary edema. Shortness of breath is also common in patients with respiratory diseases.

Shortness of breath in a child: the most common causes

By its nature, shortness of breath can be inspiratory, expiratory and mixed. It is necessary to distinguish between shortness of breath and its origin (physiological and pathological). Physiological shortness of breath occurs during physical exertion and psycho-emotional arousal.

Why does shortness of breath occur after eating?

Inspiratory dyspnea occurs in the presence of a mechanical obstruction in the upper respiratory tract (larynx, trachea). The narrowing of small bronchi and bronchioles due to spasm of their smooth muscles and edematous-inflammatory changes makes it difficult to exhale, i.e., expiratory shortness of breath appears (bronchial asthma).

Other diseases of the lungs and chest that cause shortness of breath

Dyspnea is rapid, difficult breathing, which, along with edema, very often accompanies heart disease. Dyspnea in these cases has characteristic features that make it possible to distinguish it from breathing disorders due to diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

Causes of shortness of breath during pregnancy

With lung diseases, it is often the other way around: it is difficult to exhale or there is mixed shortness of breath - it is not clear what is more difficult.

Another respiratory symptom that often occurs with heart disease is coughing.

Shortness of breath accompanied by cough: causes and tips

The mucus is thick, viscous, and may contain a small amount of blood, which turns the sputum tan or red. • The cough increases sharply when moving to a horizontal position.

Cough caused by heart failure is practically not treatable with any expectorants, pharmaceutical or folk.

The danger of a heart cough is that an infection can quickly develop in lungs that are swollen and clogged with mucus, and then severe pneumonia can develop. If a cough is accompanied by shortness of breath, swelling, or chest pain, you should immediately consult a cardiologist and not self-medicate!

If the disease began with progressive shortness of breath against the background of bronchial asthma, especially in a non-smoker, chronic asthmatic bronchitis is likely. Shortness of breath is a periodically recurring condition that a person may initially simply not notice.

The fact is, people tend to believe that severe shortness of breath during physical effort is normal, especially if it goes away after a few minutes.

Therefore, if a person experiences severe shortness of breath when walking quickly or during relatively moderate exercise, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Shortness of breath - nature, causes, diagnosis and treatment

At the same time, the person feels that he does not have enough air. If we are not talking about violations of the nervous regulation of breathing, then in the process of shortness of breath the lack of oxygen in the body is restored. Shortness of breath can be either a consequence of heavy physical exertion or a symptom indicating the development of serious diseases.

Shortness of breath with bronchitis occurs due to the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the lungs.


Choking cough

A suffocating cough in people means the onset of a serious illness. It is this symptom that manifests itself at the moment when the pathology enters a complicated stage.


A suffocating cough is formed in the human body under the influence of such ailments:

These are the most common causes of symptom formation that clinicians have identified.

Children may develop an unpleasant symptom much more often than adults, since their body is not yet adapted to the effects of the environment. Various viral diseases are accompanied by choking and coughing in childhood.

At night, the symptom manifests itself from bronchial asthma. In 10% of patients, the only sign of the development of the disease is a severe coughing attack with suffocation. The symptom appears because the opening of the bronchi decreases and breathing becomes difficult when exhaling. At this moment the cough occurs.

A strong manifestation of a dry symptom with slightly noticeable sputum indicates laryngitis. With this disease, the patient is overcome by high fever. But with bronchial asthma, the patient develops shortness of breath.

When the body is affected by cancer, the cough becomes more intense, more painful and stronger. It is this symptom that informs about lung cancer. Also, a suffocating sign can appear from the use of certain drugs.


Dry suffocating cough progresses in various forms. Clinicians have discovered that there is a symptom that manifests itself without sputum. It was called unproductive, and it is divided into two more types:

  • physiological - provoked by the chemical or mechanical effect of irritants on the mucous membrane;
  • pathological – associated with the formation of a negative process in the respiratory system.

Based on the duration and nature of the cough, it can manifest itself in the following varieties:

  • acute – manifests itself within a few hours during respiratory or viral infections;
  • protracted – lasts about 2 weeks;
  • recurrent – ​​lasts more than a month and has a paroxysmal nature;
  • chronic - goes away only after the etiological factor is eliminated.

The chronic stage of the symptom occurs, as a rule, in people who abuse nicotine or in those who are constantly in contact with chemical irritants.


A suffocating cough in an adult often manifests itself with the development of pathologies of varying severity. In this case, the clinical picture will be full of additional signs that, during diagnosis, will help the doctor accurately determine the disease:

  • in heavy smokers, the symptom manifests itself in a dry form without sputum;
  • in the morning, a coughing attack can develop along with suffocation and indicate a chronic manifestation of bronchitis;
  • Signs of laryngitis include a cough with little sputum, a hoarse voice and fever;
  • bronchial asthma manifests itself in severe paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, small sticky discharge;
  • Night coughing attacks affect those people who have developed heart failure, tuberculosis, cancer, emphysema, whooping cough;
  • A persistent cough throughout the day occurs in people suffering from acute infectious inflammation in the respiratory tract, acute tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchitis.


Doctors do not recommend taking any medications or taking preventive measures without consulting a specialist.

Asphyxia and cough in some cases can be eliminated by steam or cold inhalations, the use of antitussive medications, softening the mucous membranes with lollipops, gargling and various folk remedies.

If the cause of the symptom is a foreign body, then you cannot do without the help of a physician. The patient needs to carefully remove the object that has entered the respiratory tract and provokes a sore throat and cough. In an emergency, a neighbor can independently provide assistance to the patient. To do this, you need to grab it from behind with both hands and sharply press it in the area of ​​the ribs. At the moment of reflex exhalation, a sharp stream of air will come out and with it a foreign body.

Quite often, a cough is accompanied by other symptoms that cause significant inconvenience to a person and interfere with normal life activities. Therefore, doctors try to eliminate the cause of the symptoms as effectively and quickly as possible. During the period of drug therapy, the patient is prescribed drugs that suppress and weaken the manifestation of cough. They have a beneficial effect on the regeneration of the throat mucosa. Doctors also use the following medications at different stages of the disease:

  • antibiotics;
  • antihistamines;
  • nasal drops;
  • homeopathic remedies.

A suffocating cough in a child and an adult can also be eliminated with folk remedies. Doctors advise taking a decoction that helps with expectoration and relieves inflammation. Alternative medicine products can be made from the following ingredients:

To effectively relieve symptoms, you can use all methods of therapy at once. In this case, treatment will be as fast and effective as possible.

Most often, asthma manifests itself with a strong suffocating cough under the influence of allergens. In this case, the person needs to move away from the irritating substance or object.


As part of preventive measures, doctors advise cleaning your living space and increasing air humidity. It is recommended to take vitamins regularly, stop smoking and drink the daily fluid intake.

A “suffocating cough” is observed in diseases:

Cardiac asthma is a syndrome of acute left ventricular failure, which manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath and irregular heart rhythm. Often this pathology can lead to pulmonary edema and, as a consequence, death. The disease affects both men and women equally. The main risk group is people over 60 years of age.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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Coughing attacks with suffocation treatment

Choking cough in an adult: what to do if the cough is choking

The appearance of this type of cough has various reasons. Quite often it occurs as a result of foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract or active irritation of the mucous membranes by allergens.

However, usually such a cough should be considered as a signal of the development of diseases that are dangerous to health and life.

Causes of suffocating cough

An annoying suffocating cough occurs in heavy smokers. Systematic inhalation of nicotine tars irritates the mucous membranes of the bronchi and larynx.

If there is also a history of chronic bronchitis. A sore throat only bothers a person in the morning. The inflammatory process in the bronchi in an adult lasts quite a long time, and can soon develop into secondary tuberculosis on its own.

A suffocating cough with little sputum production will indicate laryngitis. With this disease, the patient experiences:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. hoarseness of voice;
  3. a sore throat.

The same symptom with severe shortness of breath is characteristic of bronchial asthma. Additionally, the patient may suffer from acute pain in the chest, and bronchial secretions are released in a small volume and very rarely.

When a strong cough begins after penetration of a foreign object, it will go away immediately after removing the body from the respiratory tract. The use of medications in this case will bring absolutely no benefit.

It is possible that a dry and suffocating cough arose due to cancer. As the pathology develops, the symptom will become more intense, painful, and painful.

Often the causes lie in lung cancer. It happens that dry dandruff in the throat of an adult occurs after taking certain medications.

Morning, afternoon or night?

The appearance of attacks of suffocating cough only at certain times of the day is a very eloquent symptom of a certain disease. If a person coughs throughout the day, the doctor will detect acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, tracheitis, and laryngitis.

This symptom in the morning will indicate:

A suffocating type of cough at night indicates heart failure, lung cancer, and tuberculosis. The causes of cough and sore throat also lie in bronchial asthma. In approximately 10 percent of cases, this symptom will be the main one. During an attack:

  • the lumen in the bronchi narrows;
  • breathing becomes difficult when exhaling.

As a result, coughing, wheezing, and suffocation develop. These same symptoms occur only at night with emphysema, whooping cough and other pulmonary pathologies. In some cases, the cause is dusty, dry air.

It is generally accepted that whooping cough occurs in pediatric patients, but this is far from the case. Adult patients also suffer from this disease, and their symptoms are quite severe.

What to do?

It is possible to treat a dry suffocating cough only if you strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions and follow all his recommendations.

Treatment begins with a complete diagnosis of the body and tests to determine the cause of the disease.

As a rule, the doctor recommends the patient to use medications:

It is very important to create certain conditions that will have a positive effect on the condition of the mucous membranes and help them recover. An important role is played by the transition of a non-productive (dry) cough to a productive (wet) one. This will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up the recovery process.

To relieve a sore throat and coughing, it is recommended to treat with various lozenges and lozenges that will soften the mucous membrane. Physiotherapy procedures will be very effective:

The basis for such procedures will be decoctions of medicinal plants, salt and soda solutions. It is useful to inhale with alkaline mineral waters and milk. Naturally, the proposed methods are not capable of having a lasting effect, but they will at least improve the condition of an adult patient for some time.

Highly effective treatment of dry cough involves the use of drugs that work in a complex manner: they coat the mucous membranes and stop the inflammatory process.

If the problem is treated promptly, such drugs will become powerful antibacterial drugs.

Unconventional treatment and prevention

If the doctor allows it, treatment with folk remedies is completely justified. Medicinal herbs can cope with attacks of dry suffocating cough in an adult. They are used both externally and internally.

Warm milk and soda will help alleviate the condition and speed up treatment if coughing attacks are associated with a cold. This simple remedy will help soften the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation and sore throat.

It is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. It will help prevent the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity from drying out, relieving the patient of a dry cough.

Additionally, it won’t hurt to drink a decoction:

In order not to suffer from a suffocating cough, you should do everything possible in advance to prevent it. In winter, you need to frequently ventilate the room and humidify the dry air. If the cough has already begun, these measures will help relieve it and turn it into a wet one. When the causes of the underlying disease are eliminated, the suffocating type of cough will go away fairly quickly.

It should be said that timely vaccination saves you from some of the listed ailments, which are accompanied by a suffocating cough. Therefore, this preventive measure should not be neglected either. The educational video in this article will help you understand how to treat a suffocating type of cough.

Help for choking and choking coughs

A suffocating cough is a dangerous symptom of many serious diseases (whooping cough, bronchitis, tuberculosis, heart failure and even oncology), often indicating the transition of the disease to a more advanced stage. The reasons for such a reflex reaction in adults and children are different: from a foreign object getting stuck in the throat, to viral and other infections, to exposure to toxins. In addition, such a cough may be allergic in nature.

Unlike other types of cough. which often do not require special treatment, even short-term attacks in which suffocation occurs are a compelling reason to consult a doctor.

And if a foreign object, a piece of food, gets into the respiratory tract, you need to be able to provide first aid to the person.


There are many reasons for this type of cough:

  • smoking;
  • bronchial asthma, bronchitis;
  • heart failure;
  • malignant tumor;
  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • tracheitis, laryngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • allergies (often the cause of such cough in children);
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • mechanical closure of the airways, for example, if a person chokes;
  • occupational diseases.


  1. For example, smokers have a dry cough, without phlegm (occurs in the morning and after physical exertion). It is a sign of excessive use of tobacco products and does not indicate any disease. The same applies to a cough that occurs if a person chokes on something or simply breathes dry, dusty air for a long time.
  2. Coughing attacks with suffocation in the morning can torment a patient with chronic bronchitis or lung abscess.
  3. A cough with suffocation, which produces a little sputum and a rise in temperature, is often a symptom of laryngitis.
  4. Severe coughing attacks (usually at night), during which it is difficult to breathe and suffer from shortness of breath, and sometimes chest pain, slight mucous sticky discharge, usually characterize bronchial asthma (a dry cough with suffocation is most often a sign of this particular disease).
  5. Night coughing attacks also occur with heart failure, tuberculosis, oncology, emphysema in the lung, and whooping cough. Moreover, patients with malignant neoplasms (for example, lung cancer) suffer from severe chest pain during such attacks.
  6. In case of acute infectious processes in the respiratory tract, acute tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, a cough with suffocation can bother a person all day.

First aid

If you have a cough with choking, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

But you can try placing your hands in hot water to dilate the bronchi and make breathing easier.

Inhalations (steam and cold), taking antitussive medications, softening and moisturizing the mucous membranes by sucking lozenges, gargling, and folk remedies: honey with milk, sea buckthorn oil can help temporarily.

If a person inhales a foreign body or chokes and begins to cough and suffocate, then you need to call an ambulance, where the foreign object will be carefully removed from the respiratory system. But if the situation is critical, grab the victim from behind and sharply squeeze his ribs with both hands (the main thing here is not to overdo it). If a reflex exhalation occurs, a foreign body will be released along with the air flow.


The method of treating cough with choking depends on the diagnosis of the disease, symptoms, and individual characteristics of the patient. These can be local medications: antiseptics, antibiotics, expectorants, anti-inflammatory drugs, medications that dilate the bronchi or suppress the cough reflex at the brain level, as well as complex drugs (for example, Lazolvan, Gerbion, Doctor Mom, Bronchicum, Codelac).

Cough with suffocation in bronchial asthma has its own treatment characteristics. For this symptom, antibiotics are indicated, as well as local treatment in the form of inhalations (including using pocket inhalers) with the addition of corticosteroids. The product effectively relieves spasms in the bronchi, stopping choking and coughing.

If there is sputum, you can drink cough syrups as an expectorant.

In case of heart failure, accompanied by suffocating cough spasms, the doctor can also prescribe expectorants, phlegm-thinning medications (for a wet cough), or, conversely, antitussives, as well as vasodilators and antispasmodics. For such patients, pumping out accumulated fluid from the respiratory passages and organs can be effective.

In oncology, cough with suffocation can be accompanied by various infections, colds against the background of weakened immunity. Treatment should include in such cases not only antitussive and bronchial dilator drugs, but also anti-inflammatory and anti-cold drugs.

If a cough with signs of suffocation was caused only by an overgrown tumor, accumulation of fluid in the bronchi, etc. local symptomatic therapy will not help. More effective will be medications that regulate the brain center responsible for the cough reflex.

Cough with attacks of suffocation in smokers can be completely cured only if they quit cigarettes. The above preventive methods will help relieve symptoms.

For acute respiratory infections, colds and diseases, cough with suffocation is treated with medication, as well as by inhalation, heating, compresses, herbal medicine, traditional medicines or massage, but only after communicating with a specialist, since improper treatment of cough with suffocation is fraught with complications.


If you have a frequent cough with suffocation, it is advisable to eliminate any provoking, allergenic factors at home and at work: dust, mold, cigarette smoke, animal hair. Regularly ventilate the room, do wet cleaning, drink more fluids.

Author: Pugachenko Anastasia

Causes and treatment of choking cough

A symptom of many diseases is a dry cough. But the most difficult clinical picture is a cough that leads to vomiting, causing discomfort and certain inconvenience to adults and children.

Every person has experienced cough syndrome at least once in their life. It torments both old and young, adult or child. A choking cough can be a sign of lobar pneumonia, causing pain in the chest in the area of ​​the inflamed lung.

Types of cough

The cough reflex is caused in the body in response to the entry of a foreign body, harmful substance, bacteria, or dust into the larynx. If such a reaction drags on for a long time, the cough causes excruciating pain in the throat and radiates into the abdominal cavity. A prolonged suffocating cough indicates that the disease is becoming serious, requiring immediate treatment.

  • dry or with mucus;
  • acute, lasting for 21 days;
  • prolonged, up to 90 days;
  • in a chronic form.

At night, with laryngitis or pharyngitis, a child or adult begins to have a painful suffocating cough. Poor treatment and inhalation of cold air lead to chronic tracheitis.

At night, nasal mucus enters, provoked by a runny nose. Mucus flows down the wall of the pharynx and irritates the cough receptors located in the pharynx.


A dry cough is caused in a sick person by various factors. It could be:

  • infection;
  • viral disease;
  • a foreign body that has entered the respiratory tract;
  • allergens;
  • toxins.

Spasmodic coughing attacks cause suffocation, especially at night. This symptom accompanies such dangerous diseases as whooping cough syndrome, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, heart failure, and some cancers.


The signs are inherent to any disease, diagnosing which, the doctor prescribes treatment.

  1. A suffocating cough often torments experienced smokers. To the question of what to do in this case, there is only one answer: quit this bad habit forever.
  2. With chronic bronchitis, an adult or child suffers from a suffocating cough in the morning after sleep. Lack of appropriate treatment can transform bronchitis into a form of tuberculosis.
  3. Laryngitis is accompanied by a dry, persistent cough with some sputum production and an increase in body temperature.
  4. A severe attack of coughing suffocation is caused by bronchial asthma. It becomes difficult to breathe, shortness of breath is caused, and the patient complains of chest pain. There is slight sputum production. Attacks of dry cough are more common at night.
  5. Tumor-like diseases affecting the lung and bronchi are accompanied by severe debilitating attacks of suffocating cough. The patient feels as if it is tearing his lungs and giving him severe chest pain.


The main direction of treatment is to relieve a coughing attack. But a positive outcome depends on quickly identifying the cause of this symptom. There are also some peculiarities in the therapeutic process:

  • compliance with the bed and drinking routine is mandatory; the sick person should drink a lot of fluids - warm tea, water;
  • medications are prescribed in combination with vitamins;
  • If necessary and if there is an infectious disease, a course of antibiotics is used.

Remember! Self-medication helps to prolong the painful process and can lead to unpleasant complications.

First of all, the doctor prescribes medications that will help relieve an attack of the cough reflex. Antitussives that directly affect the relief of an attack include Codelac, Bronchicum syrup, Codeine, Terpinkod. But not all products are suitable for use by children.

Folk remedies

Traditional treatment methods have been successfully used as an addition to the healing process. If the cause of the cough is an acute respiratory viral infection, you should definitely give warm milk with soda. Drinking will soften and reduce an attack of dry cough, and protect the mucous membrane in the throat from irritation.

  1. It is advisable to make decoctions of medicinal herbs: coltsfoot, elecampane, plantain, black radish. You can buy breast milk at the pharmacy.
  2. One of the accessible and simple home recipes for relieving a severe cough attack that leads to vomiting is inhalation of warm steam from soda dissolved in mineral water. This inhalation is especially effective for a child.
  3. Cups, mustard plasters, iodine mesh, and warm compresses on the chest and throat will ease breathing, help improve expectoration of phlegm, and relieve sore throat.

As a preventive measure, do not forget to ventilate the room even in winter. This will help avoid infectious diseases such as ARVI.

Humidified air in the room where the patient is lying will relieve a child or adult from an attack of suffocation.


Shortness of breath and cough - what does this symptom mean?

Shortness of breath, cough and weakness can be symptoms of several diseases. It’s worth noting right away that their appearance is a serious cause for concern and contact a specialist.

Cough, shortness of breath due to pulmonary edema and pneumonia

Pulmonary edema is a disease that in some cases is characterized by a rapid course and threatens human life, therefore requiring urgent intervention and medical care. It is not difficult for specialists to diagnose it by visual inspection. Pulmonary edema can occur during physical exertion, an emotional outburst, or a sudden change in body position. The first signs of the disease are the sudden onset of shortness of breath, wheezing and frequent mild coughing. The presence of pulmonary edema is indicated by pain in the chest and a feeling of squeezing, while shortness of breath tends to increase, a lack of air occurs, and a rapid heartbeat can be clearly heard. From the very beginning, the cough is weak and dry, but gradually it becomes more severe with copious discharge of pink sputum. In this case, shortness of breath does not allow the patient to clear his throat and he begins to panic and fear of suffocating.

Pneumonia is a disease no less serious, but it allows for a detailed examination. The disease itself occurs due to viruses, fungi or bacteria entering the lungs; it can develop as a complication against a cold or flu. Recently, the onset of the disease has been asymptomatic: the temperature does not rise and there is no cough or shortness of breath. This type of pneumonia is considered the most dangerous form, since it has to be treated late in most cases. In the normal course, the main signs of the disease are shortness of breath, cough with sputum and an increase in body temperature up to several degrees. One of the sure signs of pneumonia is pain in the chest when trying to take a deep breath. These manifestations most often indicate the location of the source of inflammation.

The appearance of these symptoms in allergic and bronchial asthma

Allergic asthma is one of the most common forms of this disease and occurs against a background of strong sensitivity of the respiratory system to allergens, resulting in bronchospasms and muscle inflammation. The main symptoms of allergic asthma are cough, shortness of breath, weakness and rapid breathing with a characteristic whistling sound. There is a feeling of tightness in the chest area, accompanied by pain.

In bronchial asthma, cough and shortness of breath are manifested by attacks that occur most often at night and in the evening, when a person takes a horizontal position.

All of the above diseases are quite dangerous to health, and asthma is most often chronic. Therefore, it is necessary to take timely measures to treat them, especially when shortness of breath and weakness appear.


Do you know why shortness of breath when coughing is dangerous?

Dyspnea is difficulty breathing, which is accompanied by a lack of oxygen and an increase in breathing rate. In most cases it occurs when coughing. When these symptoms appear, a feeling of tightness in the chest appears, and the level of carbon dioxide in the blood rises.

Dyspnea is difficulty breathing, which is accompanied by a lack of oxygen and an increase in breathing rate

Important! Shortness of breath when coughing is a sign of serious illness, so such manifestations should not be ignored.

Irregular breathing occurs not only in adults, but also in children. There are a number of reasons for the occurrence of pathology.

In a healthy person, shortness of breath occurs due to physical exertion, when walking quickly, however, after 5–7 minutes the condition returns to normal. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood provokes activation of the respiratory center, which is located in the brain. Oversaturation with CO 2 leads to negative consequences for human health, so the body turns on compensatory hyperventilation to normalize the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Causes and symptoms of shortness of breath when coughing

Doctors name the following causes of shortness of breath and cough:

  • diseases of the respiratory system: pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma;
  • heart disease: angina pectoris, heart failure;
  • psychogenic neuroses;
  • smoking;
  • allergy;
  • age-related changes—in old age, a cough often occurs, accompanied by difficulty breathing, during walking or active work.

Shortness of breath when coughing in a child occurs with asthma

Shortness of breath when coughing in a child occurs with asthma. The narrowing of the bronchi provokes insufficient oxygen supply and causes a disruption in the respiratory rhythm. To alleviate the condition, patients need to take a sitting position.

With obstructive pulmonary disease, there is a cough with sputum with shortness of breath. Mucus is of a different nature in certain diseases. Mucous and mucopurulent discharge appears in bronchopulmonary diseases, purulent sputum with bloody discharge appears in infectious diseases of the lungs, in particular emphysema.

In most cases, shortness of breath and cough appear in heart failure. In this case, the breathing rhythm is disrupted. It becomes deep and frequent, and there is difficulty breathing. The heart cannot cope with the load, shortness of breath not only does not go away, but increases in a horizontal position. This occurs due to the venous return of blood to the heart.

The patient should pay attention to unpleasant symptoms. If there is pain in the heart area when coughing, the pain is accompanied during the day and at night. There is no sputum discharge, as with bronchial diseases.

The cause of shortness of breath and lack of oxygen can be caused by obesity. The layer of fat that covers the lungs and heart prevents them from functioning normally.


To clarify the nature of the breathing disorder with cough and prescribe adequate therapy, it is necessary to undergo an accurate diagnosis.

Important! Without a complete examination, it is impossible to begin treatment, since the condition can be aggravated and health worsened.

The doctor prescribes the following tests:

  1. Chest X-ray.
  2. Echocardiography.
  3. ECG.
  4. Spirography.
  5. Peak flowmetry is a method of monitoring external respiration. Used to control asthma.

It must be remembered that shortness of breath and cough are not independent diseases, they are only symptoms of serious illnesses. Therefore, it is important to direct therapy to eliminate the underlying disease that caused such symptoms.

It must be remembered that shortness of breath and cough are not independent diseases, they are only symptoms of serious illnesses

Treatment of cough with shortness of breath in an adult with cardiac pathology involves strictly following the doctor’s instructions. The patient is advised to change his diet. Salty, spicy, fatty foods are excluded from the diet.

Treatment of shortness of breath in cardiovascular diseases is impossible without medications. After diagnosis, antitussives with anesthetic effects, diuretics, and vasodilators are prescribed.

In order to get results from therapy, the patient should stop smoking and, if possible, avoid stressful situations.

If a patient is diagnosed with a disease of the bronchopulmonary system, the first step is to improve pulmonary ventilation. Treatment of shortness of breath during bronchitis will not be complete until the patient himself makes an effort. Giving up bad habits will lower the level of carboxyhemoglobin and normalize the breathing rhythm.

Patients with bronchial asthma undergo immunotherapy sessions with ultrasonic inhalation sanitation. In addition, therapy includes:

  • sanitation of the bronchi;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, lymphatic and vascular systems;
  • increasing immune defense

If it is impossible to completely eliminate cough and shortness of breath, maintenance therapy is prescribed.

Breathing exercises

Traditional medicine offers equally effective treatment methods. One of these methods is called a unique set of breathing exercises according to Strelnikova. Exercises do not affect any specific organ, but the entire body. While performing gymnastics, blood flow increases and regeneration processes in tissues are activated. When inhaling, during strong compression of the chest, the lower parts of the lungs expand and are saturated with oxygen. At this time, the trachea and bronchi are cleared of dust, which helps remove allergen particles that could provoke shortness of breath.

Breathing gymnastics Strelnikov set of exercises to relieve shortness of breath

The essence of gymnastics is breathing with short breaths during various exercises. Exhalation occurs on its own, smoothly.

Regular implementation of the complex activates immune processes in the body, improves blood supply to organs, and suppresses allergic manifestations. As a result, ventilation is normalized and shortness of breath is reduced.

Medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory, expectorant effects also have a strengthening effect on the body and help cope with the symptoms of cough and respiratory rhythm disturbances.

Shortness of breath when coughing is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of a more serious disease. Without establishing the cause that caused breathing problems, you cannot begin treatment. When choosing treatment, it is necessary to rely on an accurate diagnosis. Only in this case is it possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and complete recovery.


Cough with shortness of breath

Causes of cough and shortness of breath

Dyspnea refers to breathing difficulties that manifest as attacks. Often the patient's shortness of breath is accompanied by a cough. The situation is fraught with oxygen starvation, which can cause great harm to the body and cause the death of its tissues. The combination of cough and shortness of breath is accompanied by chest pain, pressing sensations in it, as well as bluish skin on the chest.

The following possible causes of cough in combination with shortness of breath:

  • acute and chronic forms of diseases of human organs and respiratory systems, these include bronchial asthma, pneumonia, chronic forms of bronchitis, as well as other diseases;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • often the reasons for what is happening are hidden in mental illnesses, which include a reactive form of psychosis, sepsis, claustrophobia, as well as other conditions observed in both a child and an adult;
  • exposure to external factors, such as allergic diseases, smoking, drug use;
  • advanced age of a person, due to which shortness of breath combined with cough is a natural reaction of the body.

Very often, drug use and smoking cause shortness of breath in young people. Unfortunately, even children are susceptible to this. When treating in this case, attention should be paid to eliminating the cause of what is happening. Only a competent doctor can fully understand such a situation.

Shortness of breath, cough with sputum

The combination of shortness of breath and cough with sputum is typical for people over 50 years of age who have previously smoked or are currently smoking. Very often, shortness of breath progresses; a cough may appear at the same time as it, or may occur after some time. The color of the sputum is pale gray, it appears in the morning or comes out throughout the day.

Shortness of breath combined with cough can also occur in a child. In most cases, the cause of this combination is the occurrence of a serious illness. This is exactly what happens in children; shortness of breath in a child is a sign of a chronic illness. The combination of shortness of breath and cough with sputum in a child should not be ignored.

Dry cough with shortness of breath

A dry cough with shortness of breath is characteristic of acute bronchitis. It manifests itself in viral diseases such as whooping cough, influenza, measles. A dry cough with shortness of breath is accompanied by a burning, scratching sensation in the chest area. Some sticky sputum appears three days after these symptoms appear. A sick person feels general malaise, weakness, severe chills, increased body temperature, as well as migraines and muscle pain. Examination of the lung cavity shows the presence of scattered dry wheezing and harsh breathing.

If a dry cough continues for several days, while it occurs in attacks and is accompanied by sputum with mucus and pus, an increase in body temperature, rapid breathing and an increase in pulse, the acute form of bronchitis should be distinguished from bronchial pneumonia. It is characterized by dry wheezing, combined with moist, fine-bubble wheezing. In this case, cases of bronchial obstruction are common.

A dry cough with shortness of breath in a child indicates the need for urgent medical care. It is characteristic of many painful conditions, such as common diseases of the respiratory systems: asthma, pneumonia. This can also happen with congenital heart defects, deficiencies, lung function, or poor airway patency. If a child suddenly develops shortness of breath with a dry cough for no apparent reason, emergency medical care is necessary.

Paroxysmal cough with shortness of breath

Paroxysmal cough combined with shortness of breath in most cases is caused by inflammatory reactions, as well as chemical, mechanical and thermal factors. It can be caused by pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleurisy, as well as the presence of foreign bodies in the trachea and bronchi. Various forms of pneumonia require separate consideration.

With lobar pneumonia, a paroxysmal cough during the first three days is painful and dry, then sputum with a rusty tint may be produced. At the same time, the body temperature increases, and the person suffers from severe chills. Rashes are possible on the skin, sharp pain occurs in the chest when breathing, breathing becomes rapid and the person’s heartbeat quickens. A laboratory examination reveals a dullness of percussion sounds and increased trembling of the voice. At the same time, breathing acquires rigidity, which was absent before.

With influenza pneumonia, a paroxysmal cough in combination with shortness of breath may first be dry, then it is accompanied by the release of mucopurulent sputum. From time to time there are inclusions of blood in it. Influenza pneumonia is characterized by intoxication, which causes an increase in body temperature. The patient's general condition deteriorates sharply, and he experiences severe pain in the chest area. In clinical cases, leukocytosis is observed, pulmonary edema develops, hemoptysis begins, and the patient’s breathing becomes heavy.

How to treat cough with shortness of breath

To carry out high-quality treatment of cough accompanied by shortness of breath, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the combination of these two factors. It is imperative to find out exactly what caused these symptoms. Full treatment without this is impossible; moreover, rash actions will only harm the patient and aggravate his already difficult condition.

It is also not advisable to take traditional medicine for treatment at your own peril and risk without the approval of such a measure with your doctor. They will not show proper effectiveness; at best, the effect of their use will be minimal.

If the cause of cough with shortness of breath is bronchial asthma, to correct the general situation, the inflammatory process in the bronchi should be eliminated. This can be done through regular use of anti-inflammatory drugs, inhalants, and cromoglycic acids.

If a child has a cough with shortness of breath, this is often due to the immaturity of the child’s respiratory system. The cause may also be asthma and respiratory diseases. Successful treatment involves identifying the exact cause of the disease. Eliminating the disease itself, which caused the cough with shortness of breath, will relieve the child of unpleasant sensations. General relief of the sick child’s condition is also important. Cough with shortness of breath during bronchitis can be effectively eliminated by using means to dilate the bronchi. These include Bronholitin. If difficulties arise with the removal of sputum from the respiratory system, it is recommended to take mucolytic drugs, which include Mucaltin. If a child’s breathing is difficult due to asthma, it can be alleviated by taking Eufillin.

If a child’s cough with shortness of breath appears suddenly and its course is quite intense, it is advisable to call an ambulance for the child. Before her arrival, the child must be calmed down, placed on a flat surface, and the room ventilated. You should also empty his stomach and chest.


How to treat cough with shortness of breath

A severe cough and shortness of breath in an adult are symptoms that cause severe discomfort. Unfortunately, these signs occur quite often. The reason for the appearance of these symptoms lies in a viral, infectious or bacterial infection of the respiratory system. Unpleasant syndromes cannot go away on their own, therefore, at the first attacks and general ill health, the patient must undergo drug treatment.

Therapy for inflammation of the respiratory tract is carried out in accordance with the nature of the inflammation. In case of serious pathology, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. If the cause of shortness of breath and cough lies in the viral nature of the disease, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs. Other types of inflammation can be eliminated with the help of anti-inflammatory and restorative medications.

Why does cough and shortness of breath occur?

The most common phenomenon during the season of intensification of acute respiratory illnesses is a dry cough. This unpleasant syndrome is accompanied by increased body temperature, shortness of breath, hoarseness in the throat, pain in the sternum and a number of other symptoms.

Why chest pain and how to cure it can be found in this article.

A severe and debilitating cough causes sleep disturbances, loss of appetite and other manifestations that interfere with the quality of life. If a cough is not paid attention to in time, it can develop into pneumonia, tuberculosis, acute or chronic bronchitis.

In addition, an annoying cough only indicates the beginning of a serious pathology that occurs in the body. The reason for the formation of the inflammatory process lies in an infectious lesion of the respiratory system. In addition, a cough can occur due to viral or bacterial proliferation in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, lungs or bronchi.

In addition to a banal viral infection, the causes of shortness of breath and cough may lie in an allergic reaction. The most common irritants are pet hair, flowers, dust, dirt, perfumes, and chemicals. Treatment of allergic cough begins with eliminating the allergen itself. After which the patient is prescribed drug therapy, details of which can be found here.

Any of the listed signs should be a reason to contact a qualified doctor. Otherwise, there is a risk of dangerous development of the disease.

Features of treatment

Dry cough and shortness of breath appear against the background of many inflammations, but most often the cause of the disease lies in an infectious lesion. As a rule, an unproductive process causes pain in the sternum and lungs. But with proper drug therapy, after a week the cough becomes milder and less debilitating.

To relieve attacks and reduce inflammation in the respiratory system, it is important to know how to treat a cough with shortness of breath. After a series of laboratory tests, the adult patient is prescribed the following therapy:

  1. If the cough is caused by a respiratory infection or influenza, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs - Grippferon, Viferon, Tiloron, Amiksin, Lavomax, Arbidol, Arpeflu, Arbivir, Immusstat.
  2. The risk of developing complications on the respiratory system can be eliminated with the help of anti-inflammatory medications - Metamizole sodium, Abisil, Alflutop, Naprobene, Acetaminophen, Bekloforte, Nifrulil.
  3. When bacterial growth occurs on the mucous membrane, you cannot do without powerful broad-spectrum drugs - Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Ticarcyclin.
  4. To influence the cough center and eliminate severe attacks of dry cough, narcotic medications are needed. The most famous drug from this group is “Sinekod”.
  5. Other agents that have peripheral effects are Libexin and Bithiodine. Drugs in this category are necessary to relieve attacks and soften a hacking cough. In addition, they have an analgesic effect and also significantly reduce the duration of treatment.
  6. To calm irritated tissue in the area of ​​the bronchi and lungs, Pertussin, Mukobene, Trypsin, Ambrohexal, Mucodin are prescribed.
  7. At the initial stage of inflammation, it is important to transform a dry cough into a wet one. Therefore, the next step on the path to recovery will be the dilution of sputum that has accumulated in the lungs and bronchi. The following mucolytics will help improve its outflow - “Mukaltin”, “Ambrobene”, “Lazolvan”, “ACC”, “Gerbion”.
  8. As a complex therapy, many experts prescribe the use of combined drugs. They not only have a mucolytic and expectorant effect, but are also able to stop the development of the inflammatory process. To do this, use the following drugs - “Sinupret”, “Glyciram”, “Ascoril”, “Evkabal”, “Suprima-broncho”.
  9. If the patient suffers from severe coughing attacks, but there is no discharge, drugs with a narcotic effect are needed. These drugs include Hydrocodone, Codipront, Codeine, Ethylmorphine hydrochloride or Morphine hydrochloride.
  10. To provide peripheral effects to an adult patient, local agents are prescribed - Levopront, Libexin or Gelitsidin. They will relieve irritation of the throat mucosa and improve the general condition of the patient.
  11. You can eliminate the symptoms of an allergic cough with the help of Zyrtec, Erius, Cetrin, Suprastin, Zodak and other antihistamines.

During treatment, it is very important to follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor. If it is not possible to consult a specialist, adhere to the rules described in the annotation for the medicine. If any adverse symptom occurs, treatment should be reconsidered and the drug that provoked the adverse reaction to the analogue should be replaced.

In addition to traditional methods, cough can be eliminated using traditional medicine. You can find out how to make decoctions and apply a compress here.

For children

If treatment for an adult patient takes place within two or three weeks, then getting rid of cough in children is much more difficult. The thing is that the child’s immune system is weak in itself, so many drugs for inflammation can cause serious side symptoms.

Let's determine what to do if a child has shortness of breath and cough. Read more:

  1. In case of acute infectious nature of the cough, the child is prescribed drugs such as Albendazole, Levamisole, Mebendazole, Niclosamide.
  2. You can soften attacks of coughing and shortness of breath with the help of combined drugs - “Gerbion”, “Ambrobene”, “Gedelix”, “Ambroxol”. They will help eliminate phlegm and improve the breathing of the little patient.
  3. Medications to dilate the bronchi will help stop shortness of breath. The best drugs in this group are considered to be “Berodual” or “Eufillin”.
  4. You can stop the development of inflammation with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs Praziquantel, Pyrantel, Ivermectin, Diethylcarbamazine.
  5. Drugs with narcotic effects are not suitable for treating children. Therefore, doctors prescribe the following drugs - “Sedotussin”, “Glauvent”, “Sinekod”, “Tusuprex”, “Pakseladin”.
  6. Attacks of viral cough can be stopped with complex treatment using coughing tablets "ACC", "Hexal", "ACC Long", "Vicks Active", "Fluimucil".
  7. To eliminate mucus accumulations that can clog the airways, thereby causing shortness of breath, use Bromhexine, Pectussin or Solutan.
  8. For bacterial flora, topical agents are necessary, since broad-spectrum drugs are not suitable for treating children. In this case, use cephalosporin antibiotics - Cefatoxime or Cefazolin, as well as Azithromycin.
  9. The allergic nature of the cough can be stopped with the help of “Cetrina”, “Suprastin”, “Telfast”, “Zodak”, “Allertek”.
  10. If your child complains of severe bouts of chest pain, give your baby any ibuprofen-based pain reliever.

Some parents prefer traditional recipes instead of medications. You can find out how to treat a cough in a baby using recipes from grandmothers here.


Having eliminated the cough, the patient should continue treatment. It should be aimed at eliminating not only the symptoms of the disease, but also the source of inflammation. To do this, it is advisable to undergo an examination by a qualified doctor and listen to all the advice of your doctor.

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!
