How to cure cough during pregnancy with folk remedies

What folk remedies can treat cough in pregnant women?

Our ancestors knew everything about herbs and treated all diseases with them. For coughs during pregnancy, folk remedies have been used since then, when there was no talk even of penicillin.

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Of course, today herbs have given way to powerful drugs, but not all of them are suitable for pregnant women.

Moreover, taking many medications can affect, if not the mother’s health, then the condition of her unborn child. That is why expectant mothers try to be treated with proven means. How to treat cough with folk remedies during pregnancy? Let's take a closer look.

Are folk remedies effective for coughs in pregnant women?

In fact, traditional medicine acts similarly to medications, they simply contain natural ingredients rather than chemically produced ones and in smaller volumes. Their effectiveness is lower, but it cannot be denied. Folk remedies for coughs for pregnant women are often prescribed by doctors themselves, as they are recognized as a good alternative to classical drug treatment in the initial stages of the disease.

The effect of folk remedies is dictated by the high content of C, B, A and E, flavonoids, macro- and microelements. In different combinations, they not only increase immunity, but can also have expectorant, wound-healing, antiseptic and other effects.

Methods for treating cough during pregnancy with folk remedies

And yet, what to do if you have a severe cough? Treatment with folk remedies during pregnancy is based on infusions and decoctions of herbs and inhalations. Which method to choose is up to you: proceed from the form that is convenient for you and your liking for the recipe. As reviews show, inhalations are more effective and help you recover faster, but it is best to combine different recipes together with each other.

Infusions and decoctions

During an acute respiratory viral infection, you need to drink a lot of both plain water and infusions, fruit drinks, and teas that are beneficial to the body. The main thing is that the drink is hypoallergenic, so any herbs must be selected carefully, starting with small doses.

It is important to understand that the reaction to treatment of cough with folk remedies during pregnancy will be individual for an individual, that is, any of the remedies may be ineffective for you due to the characteristics of the body. This is a normal reaction, you should try further and look for something effective.

A few examples of decoctions and infusions useful for pregnant women with ARVI:

  1. Figs 4 dried figs pour 3 cups. milk and simmer until the mixture begins to brown. Drink 0.5 cups while hot. 3 times a day.
  2. Onion. Chop half a kilogram of onions and mix with 2 tablespoons. l. honey and 400 grams of granulated sugar, add a liter of water and simmer over low heat for 3 hours. Let the mixture cool, strain it, pour it into a container and hide it in the refrigerator. Drink 1 table. l. up to 6 times, preheat.
  3. Bran. Brew half a kilogram of bran with a liter of water, let it cool, separate the mass from the liquid and throw it away, drink it hot throughout the day.
  4. Raisin. 50 grams of raisins pour 1 cup. boiling water, cover, leave for half an hour and strain. Add 3 tablespoons to the resulting infusion. onions and stir. Drink this at night, in one dose. You can drink every 2 days.
  5. Birch buds. Ceiling birch buds, table 3. l. mix with 100 gr. butter, melt for 60 minutes. Strain the resulting mixture; the cake can be used for a compress. Add 200 grams of honey to the composition. Drink 4 r. per day.

You can also be treated with decoctions of medicinal herbs in their pure form.


Inhalations are considered the most effective method, as they help calm coughs and quickly relieve spasms, dilate blood vessels, and promote active blood flow, which stimulates the immune system. For procedures, it is better to use inhalers and nebulizers, but if they are not available, you can take a teapot or a saucepan, but you will only have to do inhalations.

Solutions can be prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. 20 grams of sage herb per 250 ml mountains. water.
  2. Mix 10 grams of eucalyptus leaves with 2 chopped cloves of garlic and dilute with 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. 50 grams of soda per liter of boiled water.
  4. 10 grams of honey per 250 ml of warm water.

It is important to remember that inhalation at high temperatures is prohibited, as this will significantly worsen the condition. You need to breathe over the inhaler for about 5-8 minutes, then take a short break. There should be no more than 6 such visits during one procedure. The temperature of the solution itself must be maintained at 40 degrees. It is better if at least half an hour passes between meals and inhalation.


Often women do not like to treat coughs during pregnancy with folk remedies for rinsing, since this can increase toxicosis and even cause a gag reflex. However, these procedures are the best option in cases where medications cannot be taken, but treatment needs to be done quickly.

As rinsing agents you can use:

  • saline;
  • soda and salt (half a teaspoon each), diluted with a glass of water;
  • decoctions of any herbs, for example. linden, clover;
  • apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon), diluted with a glass of water.

Gargling procedures are especially effective for dry coughs, as they relieve pain in the throat area and relieve irritation of the mucous membrane. It is better to gargle after eating and during exacerbation of the condition, no more than 8 r. per day.

Expectorant folk remedies for cough during pregnancy

If you have a wet cough, expectorant folk remedies for cough will help. For example, these:

  1. Onions with budra promote expectoration and thin mucus. Chop 10 medium onions and 1 garlic, boil in 1 liter of milk until softened, separate the mass and discard. Mix with budra juice (literally a couple of spoons) and 2 tablespoons. l. honey Drink 1 table. l. every hour throughout the day.
  2. Leek. Remove the leek rhizomes (2 pieces) along with the white pulp, chop the rest, mix with half a glass of granulated sugar and 250 ml of water, boil until the mixture thickens, separate and discard the cake. Drink 1 table. l. every 90 minutes.
  3. Leeks with milk. Chop the rhizomes and the white part of 1 leek, brew 250 ml of milk, cover with a towel and leave for 240 minutes. Drink 1 table. spoon every 2 hours.
  4. Hazelnuts with honey. Mix chopped hazelnuts and honey in equal parts. Take 1 teaspoon. l. up to 6 times, washed down with warmed milk.
  5. Honey and horseradish. Mix honey and horseradish juice in a 3:1 ratio. Drink 1 teaspoon. l. every 3-4 hours, washed down with herbal tea.

Compresses, for example, based on honey, will help relieve cough. To do this, you need to smear a cabbage leaf with honey and press it to your chest.

Herbs for coughs during pregnancy

Herbs are usually prescribed in the form of tea, infusion or decoction. The following herbs are safe and effective:

In pharmacies you can also find infusions, for example, infusions based on herbs that are safe to take.

Plantain for cough during pregnancy

Plantain, a remedy for cough during pregnancy, is used carefully, since it can slightly increase the tone of the uterus. By itself, it is highly effective due to the flavonoids and vitamins it contains, and has a wound-healing effect.

The plant is used in the form of an infusion, which relieves pain in the throat and reduces the rate of development of the inflammatory process. 4 table. l. Brew 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take 1 table. l. up to 5 times a day.

Linden for cough during pregnancy

Traditional medicine has long recognized linden as an effective remedy for treating a number of viral and chronic diseases. Together with honey, the plant increases its antiseptic qualities, which helps cure ARVI. Its flowers contain:

These substances increase immunity and relieve inflammation.

Thanks to its antipyretic and diaphoretic effects, the plant helps to expel pathogenic microflora and strengthens the immune system. Linden is also often used for coughs during pregnancy, as it has an expectorant effect.

The recipe for taking linden is quite simple; you can use it in the form of:

  1. Tea. Mix 2 table. l. linden with a glass of water, leave for 15 minutes. It is advisable to drink no more than 4 cups.
  2. Infusion. Mix 3 table. l. linden with 400 ml of water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Use when rinsing, preheat.
  3. Decoction. 1 table. l. pour a glass of water and cook for 10 minutes. You are allowed to drink no more than half a liter of decoction per day.

It is allowed to make compresses with linden blossom.

Ginger for cough during pregnancy

Ginger has been shown to be highly effective in relieving coughs. The recipe during pregnancy is mainly focused on teas, since during cooking the beneficial substances in the plant are broken down.

The maximum benefit when taking ginger can be achieved only by using fresh root, since it contains a large amount of vitamins, microelements and other compounds. Dried and crushed ginger can be used as a seasoning, but in small quantities, since spicy food increases the tone of the uterus and increases nervousness. It is not recommended to consume pickled ginger.

Fresh ginger can be brewed in boiling water, adjusting the volume of raw materials to taste, adding lemon and honey. It is advisable to drink no more than 1 liter per 24 hours. For ARVI, you can also take capsules with ginger, which are sold in pharmacies.

Badger fat for cough for pregnant women. Is it worth eating?

Badger fat for coughs during pregnancy has been used since ancient times, so its effect has been tested for generations. The product contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and E, as well as more than 20 useful compounds. That is why fat is not only safe, but also promotes health due to:

  • improving the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • unloading of the cardiovascular system;
  • improving immunity;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Badger fat can quickly cure both the common cold and tracheitis, bronchitis and other diseases.

For treatment, it is better to take real badger fat, which is usually sold in glass containers.

You need to eat it 3 times. per day in about 60 minutes. before eating in this volume:

  • 1 dessert. l., if weight is less than 60 kg;
  • 1 table. l., if the weight is around kg;
  • 1.5-2 table. l., if the weight is more than 100 kg.

You can eat honey, but it is advisable not to drink it. Continue the course until symptoms disappear.

If you cannot take fat internally, you can use rubbing, massaging the lung area in front and on the back, neck. Fat has a warming effect, which makes coughing easier.

What folk remedies should not be taken by pregnant women?

It’s worth making a reservation right away: even a cough compress during pregnancy must be approved by a doctor in advance, not to mention any serious traditional medicine. To understand what is not allowed, follow these recommendations:

  1. It is forbidden to drink vodka and alcohol tinctures.
  2. Drinking too hot can damage the mucous membrane.
  3. Honey and citrus fruits are allowed in minimal quantities, since the products are highly allergenic.
  4. It is not recommended to drink herbal teas more than 5 times a day.
  5. You should not drink infusions of nettle, comfrey, hemlock and other plants, which are poisonous in any way, increase muscle tone and can cause bleeding.
  6. Do not overuse compresses.
  7. Compresses are prohibited from being applied to the abdomen, including its upper part.

It is worth adhering to moderation in treatment and starting any new product with small doses to reduce the risk of allergies.


Like medications, cough herbs during pregnancy must be used with caution, preferably in consultation with a doctor. The variety of such methods allows you to choose the most comfortable one, so it is not necessary to force-feed yourself badger fat. Listen to your body, try different folk methods, be careful and you will definitely get better.

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For a dry cough, the doctor prescribed Prospan syrup. I was 32 weeks pregnant and I can take it calmly. It's herbal and I liked the taste. The main thing is that the cough improved in 3 days.

Irina, the clinic also prescribed me Prospan syrup and, of course, herbal teas. I like to make it with sea buckthorn or raspberry jam.


How to cure cough during pregnancy

Pregnant women are advised not to develop bronchitis. With a strong cough, the abdominal muscles contract, the tone of the uterus increases and the risk of miscarriage increases. The functioning of the respiratory organs deteriorates, the expectant mother and fetus suffer from hypoxia. In women carrying a child, immunity decreases, so a neglected cough can turn into pneumonia. They try to treat the symptoms of colds and bronchitis with home remedies, and if they do not help, then they use medications.

Drinking regime

When inflammation occurs, phlegm accumulates in the lungs. To prevent it from stagnating and interfering with breathing, a pregnant woman is advised to drink clean water. Fruit drinks, vegetable and fruit juices, warm milk and green tea are also suitable. The more fluid the expectant mother’s body receives, the easier it is for it to remove purulent discharge. If a woman drinks from 500 to 1000 ml of water per day, the sputum becomes thick and viscous. Envelops the alveoli and intensifies coughing attacks.

Warm drinks and light chicken broths restore fluid balance in a pregnant woman’s body, stimulate sweating and help with fever. Thanks to water and fruit drinks, the body is cleansed of toxins, so the health of the expectant mother gradually improves.

Fruit drinks and decoctions not only thin the mucus in the lungs, but also supply vitamins that are necessary to strengthen the immune system. But a woman must carefully choose herbs, because some plants increase the tone of the uterus and harm the fetus.

Pregnant women are allowed infusions, which include:

  • Linden;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • sage leaves;
  • currant twigs and berries;
  • dried rose hips.

In order for herbal drinks to bring only the pose, you need to take no more than 30 g of dry component per 1 glass of water. If the brew for medicinal tea consists of several ingredients, then the plants are first mixed, ground in a coffee grinder, and only then the aromatic powder is used to prepare an antitussive.

The workpiece is placed in a steam bath. This method allows you to retain more nutrients in the drink. Herbal tea is simmered for 10–20 minutes after heating. When the medicine has cooled to 40–45 degrees, a little sugar or honey is added to it, if the pregnant woman is not allergic to the bee product.

In the first trimester, when immunity decreases due to hormonal changes, natural teas made from rose hips and currant berries are especially useful. The fruits of these plants contain a lot of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps fight colds, bronchitis and tracheitis. A pregnant woman can eat fresh currants and raspberries, as well as citrus fruits. You need to be careful with oranges and lemons, because some women become allergic to exotic fruits during pregnancy. But if the expectant mother previously tolerated citrus fruits normally, then nothing bad will happen from one slice.

For a dry cough, light chicken broth is introduced into the pregnant woman's diet. The medicinal dish is prepared from skinned breast or drumstick. Add pieces of carrots and onions, some spices and salt. It is better to avoid potatoes and pasta. It is difficult for a sick body to digest carbohydrate foods. Chicken broth normalizes intestinal function, activates sweating and reduces temperature.

Cough is treated with warm milk. The classic remedy, which is suitable even for small children, includes honey, natural butter and a pinch of soda. For a glass of boiled milk, take 30–40 g of the first and second components, as well as 4–5 g of the third. Stir the drink and drink in small sips before going to bed. A tasty medicine relieves itching, copes with bronchitis and the initial symptoms of a cold.

Severe coughing attacks can be relieved with milk infused with dried figs. A glass of cow product is heated in a water bath to 80–90 degrees. Place half a fruit in the hot base and simmer for 20 minutes. The strained medicine is drunk with or without honey. The swollen figs can be eaten or mashed with a fork and whisked with milk. The composition supplies the pregnant woman's body with anti-inflammatory components, and also thins phlegm and soothes a sore throat.

If a cough is a symptom of a cold, then a vitamin cocktail will help the expectant mother. You will need 2-3 large carrots. The juice is squeezed out of root vegetables and mixed with boiled milk in a ratio of 1 to 1. A woman drinks from 250 to 500 ml of vegetable medicine per day. The product speeds up recovery, soothes inflamed mucous membranes and clears mucus from the lungs. If a pregnant woman does not like the taste of a carrot drink, it is recommended to add 30 g of honey to it. If you are allergic to a bee product, replace it with currant or raspberry jam.

If the expectant mother has problems with the kidneys or heart, or severe swelling constantly appears, then the amount of fluid consumed is reduced to 1–1.5 liters. Otherwise, the patient's condition may worsen and she will have to be hospitalized.


A woman should not only drink water regularly, but also monitor the humidity level in the room. When the air is too hot and dry, a lot of fluid evaporates from the body, and the phlegm in the lungs becomes thick. Bowls of cool water are placed around the apartment. Cover the batteries with damp towels or rags.

You can add antiseptic essential oils to the containers. For example, tea tree or eucalyptus. Pine, chamomile, fir and rosemary are also suitable. It is better to use lavender before bed, because it not only removes inflammation, but also relaxes the nervous system and normalizes sleep. And good rest is the key to quick recovery and recovery.

Ether fumes enter the respiratory tract along with water droplets. Antiseptic oils inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause coughs and help the body fight inflammation. But disinfectants must be used carefully so that they do not provoke an allergic reaction.

If the expectant mother is intolerant to essential oils, they are replaced with regular onion or garlic. Spicy preparations are finely chopped and added to water. The mixtures release phytoncides, which destroy microbes and support the immune system. Change the water with onions every 3-4 hours, because the natural antiseptic quickly loses its beneficial properties. The only drawback of this method is the unpleasant smell, but for the sake of a quick recovery, you can be patient a little.

Pregnant women who continue to go to work even with a cold and cough are recommended to lubricate their nose with a mixture of essential and vegetable oils. Add 2-3 drops of the aromatic component to the sunflower or olive base. The product is rubbed into the mucous membrane before leaving the house, as well as during the lunch break. The composition will protect the woman from additional microbes and complications.


Patients expecting a baby are prohibited from steaming their feet and taking hot baths. Warming procedures increase blood flow to the uterus, so the pregnant woman may experience increased tone, placental abruption, or premature labor. For coughs caused by a cold or bronchitis, steam inhalations are allowed.

The simplest one is potato. In a small saucepan, boil several medium or large tubers along with the peel. Knead the workpiece with a fork, cool to 50–60 degrees, and then begin to inhale the fumes.

Severe coughs are treated with herbal inhalations. If sputum is not coughed up, mixtures of sage, St. John's wort, marshmallow, chamomile, thyme and linden blossom are suitable for a pregnant woman. With abundant purulent discharge and discomfort in the bronchial area, string and wild rosemary, snakeweed, lingonberry and eucalyptus leaves, as well as yarrow branches help. Plants for inhalation are not boiled, but simply steamed in boiling water and left covered for 20 minutes.

Coughs and colds are relieved with an infusion of pine or pine needles. If you are unable to obtain raw materials for the medicine, you can replace it with essential oil. Pour 2-3 drops of the aromatic component into 1 liter of water. The liquid is heated to 60–65 degrees, a few cloves of garlic are added, be sure to finely chop or grind into a paste. Fill the inhalation composition with eucalyptus leaves, literally 30–40 g. If there are no problems with the heart or blood pressure, dissolve a Validol tablet in hot water. It will make the evaporation more concentrated.

Women prone to allergies are advised to replace pine and thyme inhalations with soda varieties. The nutritional supplement reduces cramps, makes breathing easier and is suitable for almost all pregnant women. Prepare a solution from 1 liter of hot water and 1–2 tsp. powder. The workpiece is stirred; the antiseptic properties can be enhanced with a pinch of sea or iodized salt. It is recommended not to pour out the composition, which has cooled to room temperature, but to use it for gargling and gargling.

Expectant mothers who decide to treat a cough with inhalations are advised to adhere to several rules:

  1. Cover the container with the hot solution with a paper cap. Slowly inhale the vapor through your mouth. Do not hide under terry towels and blankets. Thick capes create the effect of a steam bath, which can cause a pregnant woman to feel dizzy and increase the pressure and tone of the uterus.
  2. Inhalations are not carried out when the body temperature is more than 37.2, as well as when there is a strong cough with copious sputum.
  3. If a woman feels ill, she should immediately stop the procedure and lie down on the bed or sofa. If your health worsens, a pregnant woman should immediately call an ambulance and follow all doctor’s recommendations.

Dry inhalations are much simpler and safer. They are suitable for patients who do not have intolerance to essential oils. You will need 500 g of salt or buckwheat, as well as a frying pan. The workpiece is heated and 3-4 drops of any essential oil with antiseptic properties are added to the hot base. The ingredients are mixed, the pregnant woman leans over the frying pan and inhales the fumes with her mouth. Dry inhalations help with tracheitis, bronchitis and colds. They soothe spasms and relieve coughs.

Compresses and rinses

For wheezing in the chest and stagnation of phlegm, an ordinary cabbage leaf can help. It is washed under running water, dried and beaten with a meat hammer. When the juice comes out, the workpiece is smeared with a thick layer of honey and applied to the chest. The compress is wrapped with cling film and a woolen scarf and left for 2–3 hours. Cabbage leaf can also be applied before bedtime. The product improves blood circulation in the respiratory organs, so sputum is better separated and removed. Vodka and alcohol compresses are contraindicated during pregnancy, as are cups, mustard plasters and other aggressive devices.

Expectant mothers treat a cough with regular mashed potatoes, but make the dish very liquid, similar in consistency to soup. Add a piece of real butter, a little boiled milk, and 10–20 g of crushed garlic to it. The last component is sometimes replaced with onion gruel. Puree is eaten twice a day. This treatment is not suitable for patients who complain of heartburn and stomach discomfort.

If the cough appears due to a sore throat, you can prepare gargling solutions. Herbal decoctions that contain:

Inflammation is removed with saline solutions. The drugs are sold at the pharmacy. Homemade medicine is prepared from 1 tsp. spices and cups of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. If the cough is accompanied by a sore throat and runny nose, add 3-4 drops of iodine and a pinch of soda on the tip of a knife to the solution.

Freshly squeezed beet juice helps with bronchitis and pharyngitis. Part of the drink is diluted with 3 parts of distilled water, seasoned with 20 g of honey. Gargle when you have a sore throat. Beetroot composition also helps with runny nose and sore throat. Instead of vegetable juice, use apple cider vinegar, which is diluted in the same proportions and mixed with honey.

Radish syrup is allowed for pregnant women. The top of a large root crop is cut off. Make a deep hole in the pulp with a spoon or knife. The hole is filled with honey. Cover with the cut top and wait 6 hours. Radish juice mixed with honey is taken three times a day. A woman is recommended to start with 10 ml and gradually increase the dose to 20–30 ml.

Ordinary horseradish can strengthen the immune system of the expectant mother. The peeled root vegetable is finely grated and mixed in the same proportion with sugar. The mass is infused in a warm place for 12 hours. Sweet horseradish is taken 10–12 times a day. Eat 1 tsp at a time. medications. The break between doses is 1–1.5 hours.

A pregnant woman is prohibited from taking:

Tinctures and decoctions based on these plants increase the tone of the uterus and blood pressure, cause mutations in the fetus, impair blood clotting and provoke miscarriage.

If home remedies do not reduce the cough and do not improve the patient's well-being, the pregnant woman should consult a doctor. The specialist will select syrups and tablets that will remove both the symptoms and the cause of bronchitis. You should not buy medications on your own, because if treated incorrectly, the life of the woman and her child is at risk.

Video: how to treat cough during pregnancy

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Treatment of cough with folk remedies during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's load on the body increases and her immunity decreases. During this period, it is not easy to avoid various diseases. Cough is one of the common symptoms of many ailments - bronchitis, viral infections, pneumonia, laryngitis. By nature it can be dry, moist, spastic, chronic. As you know, during this period it is strictly forbidden to take synthetic cough medicines uncontrollably, as there are too many contraindications and side effects. It is better to take advantage of the inexhaustible healing powers of nature - folk remedies for coughs. Recipes based on plants and honey are effective and safe when taken correctly. They act gently on the body, are well tolerated and have virtually no adverse reactions. They are distinguished by their rich chemical composition and extensive medicinal properties.

Herbs for coughs during pregnancy

Not all herbs can be used during pregnancy. For example, oregano is contraindicated. Thermopsis lanceolata is a reliable cough remedy, but it is poisonous and cannot be used in recipes for preparing tinctures. Among the known plants, the following expectorant herbs are safe:

  • The plantain is big.
  • Lungwort is the softest.
  • Coltsfoot.
  • Linden blossom.
  • Chamomile officinalis.
  • Creeping thyme or thyme.
  • Red clover.
  • Primrose large-scaled.
  • Liquorice root.

Herbalists do not recommend getting carried away with polysyllabic compounds when preparing recipes for coughs during pregnancy. It is enough to use 2 - 4 plants. Chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, and calendula have anti-inflammatory properties to a greater extent. They are best used in inhalations for dry coughs and as an addition to expectorant preparations.

Of course, it is impossible to cure a cough with folk remedies in 1–2 days. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and lasts at least 10–14 days. It is worth noting that taking one folk remedy for cough for too long during pregnancy is also undesirable. Addiction occurs and allergic reactions may develop.

Recipes for cough during pregnancy

There are many folk recipes for coughs using onions written on the forums. Decoctions, infusions, and rubs are prepared with it. With a strong reflex act in pregnant women, the following composition will help:

Simmer the mixture for about 3 hours, strain, cool, and store in the refrigerator. Drink a tablespoon 4 – 6 times during the day.

A cocktail made from milk and Borjomi is considered an excellent folk remedy for strong reflex effects.

An old, proven folk remedy for coughs during pregnancy is black radish with honey. Freshly squeezed radish juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions. Take 4 – 6 times a day.

A medicine made from figs boiled in milk, healthy and pleasant to the taste. Prepare from 2 tablespoons of chopped figs and a glass of milk. Cook until the berries soften. Take half a glass twice a day.

Cough inhalations during pregnancy

During inhalation, medicinal components penetrate directly into the respiratory tract. The therapeutic effect occurs faster. With a dry reflex act, it is useful for pregnant women to breathe on potatoes boiled in their jackets. The sputum is well liquefied and removed from the trachea and bronchi.

For herbal inhalation, take a teaspoon of linden, eucalyptus, chamomile, and sage flowers. Pour a liter of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes and inhale for the same amount. Other combinations of expectorants and anti-inflammatory herbs can be used to treat illness in pregnant women.

Cough compresses during pregnancy

For the compress you will need the usual available ingredients:

  • 3 – 5 potatoes boiled in their jackets.
  • 1 – 2 tbsp. spoons of any vegetable oil.
  • 3 - 4 drops of iodine (if you have allergies, you can do without it).

Crush the potatoes, mix with oil and iodine. Apply the composition in a layer on the fabric and place it on the chest to the throat, wrap it up. Keep until the compress cools down. It could be easier. Cut the boiled potatoes in half. Place it tightly on your chest or back and cover it with a blanket. Pregnant women should do both procedures before bed.

Some folk remedies, including herbs, vegetables, plants, and decoctions are contraindicated during pregnancy. To ensure their safety, you should definitely consult a doctor.

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I only drank raspberry tea for coughs and ate a teaspoon of honey before going to bed. But such treatment is ineffective, to be honest. As a result, the doctor prescribed Prospan syrup. I took it according to the instructions and the cough went away.

I gargled with herbs, but folk remedies did not help me. The pharmacy recommended Prospan syrup, which is safe and suitable for children. The cough began to subside on the third day.

I didn’t dare use traditional methods without a doctor’s permission. You never know. They prescribed me inhalations with Prospan drops for cough. Immediately after them it became easier to breathe and the mucus cleared up. It's all gone in 5 days


How to treat a cough during pregnancy so as not to harm the baby

Every person tries to protect himself as best as possible from diseases and colds that lie in wait for us at every step, and if he is not protected, then to be cured as soon as possible by any means. One of the manifestations of viral diseases is coughing, a symptom that causes a lot of discomfort to all people, not to mention women who are preparing to become mothers.

The presence of a cough during pregnancy requires contacting a specialist

What are the causes of cough in pregnant women?

A cold or acute respiratory viral infection can appear at any time, since the immunity of pregnant women is weakened, and it does not matter whether it is the 1st trimester, 2nd, or 3rd. To prevent this from happening, a woman who is expecting a baby should have less contact with sick people, avoid hypothermia and lead a lifestyle that suits her.

You should definitely contact your local physician and find out the cause of the cough, as it may also be a consequence of some kind of allergic or reflex reaction. The first thing to treat is not the cough, but the disease itself with which it is associated.

The dangers of cough and its treatment

Cough is a consequence of viral or bacterial diseases that settle in the respiratory tract. This is dangerous because it is impossible to treat cough in pregnant women in an adequate way - this is fraught with consequences for the child. In addition, a cough can cause a chronic form of bronchitis in the mother, resulting in a risk of intrauterine infections, premature birth, miscarriages or fetal malformations.

Also, coughing can increase the tone of the uterus, and this is very dangerous because it carries the threat of fetal hypoxia and bleeding in the uterus. With a strong cough, you may begin to feel sick, toxicosis will worsen, gestosis and other undesirable consequences will occur.

How to treat a cough during pregnancy is a fairly common question, because many expectant mothers do not want to harm their baby, because ordinary cough tablets are very harmful, the same can be said about antibiotics and other medications.

It is best if these are syrups, mixtures, lollipops or tablets that are intended for pregnant women; special attention should be paid to the timing - early or late.

Inhalations for cough

Inhalation is now an effective way to combat cough, especially for pregnant women. In this case, you can use modern nebulizer devices, or you can use the old ancient method - breathe in the vapor from boiled potatoes or infusion of herbs. Mandatory conditions for inhalations:

If you have a cough, you should consult a doctor

  1. No fever;
  2. The temperature of the solutions is not higher than degrees;
  3. Application no more than 5 times per 24 hours;
  4. Do not eat or talk after the procedure.

Medicines: syrups

If a woman is in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, which is the most important, the main thing is not to provoke any serious fetal defects with any medications, so Alteyka syrup is best. It is best to protect yourself from colds during these periods. Treatment for cough in pregnant women may depend on whether it is wet or dry.

With a wet cough, bronchitis may occur, in which the sputum is usually clear and without any color. If you cough up mucus with rust, you should prepare to be admitted to the hospital, because it could be pneumonia. A wet cough during pregnancy can be treated with medications that will thin the mucus; Doctor Mom cough medicine can help with this.

Important: This drug can only be taken after the approval of a physician and gynecologist, since there are no clinical data on this drug during pregnancy.

Drugs such as Gedelix, Pectusin, licorice root in syrup and other drugs will help treat a dry cough in a pregnant woman. Bronchikum cough syrup and Prospan cough syrup can also cope well with the problem.

Important: the use of this medicine is possible only after permission from the attending physicians, since the drug also has some warnings and prohibitions, it all depends on the general condition of the woman and the duration of pregnancy.

To treat a severe cough in a pregnant woman, you will need stronger, but not harmful, drugs, which is exactly what Eufilin is for cough. The drug is able to dilate blood vessels in case of impaired blood circulation in tissues, change blood flow during gestosis, as well as other equally important processes for healing. It is also worth paying attention to cough mixtures for pregnant women; they are good at removing mucus from a wet cough, as well as fighting a dry cough.


Sometimes, when the disease is not pronounced and is in the initial stages, treatment of cough in pregnant women is possible with such a remedy as cough drops. This is a completely harmless drug that can be flavored with eucalyptus, mint and others, but it is best to use those without any sugar at all. Such medicinal sweets have a low concentration of herbs and are not harmful at all. Cough drops during pregnancy help produce saliva and moisturize areas such as the pharynx and larynx - where coughing occurs most often. Such throat lozenges can be taken by pregnant women - these are Doctor Mom, Strepsils, Doctor Tice and Travisil, they are completely harmless.

Some lozenges can be used to treat a sore throat.

Important: After sucking the lollipops, you should not drink or eat for about an hour, this will help to act on the cough faster and get rid of it faster.

Homemade lollipops. Preparation

If you don’t trust pharmaceutical drugs, then here is a recipe for cough drops at home:

  • Half a glass of water;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • Collection of herbs for cough, third part of a glass.

Pour water over all the herbs and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, then strain everything, add honey and sugar, and put it back on the fire. When the mixture is thick, it should be poured in small quantities into cold water with a spoon, and the resulting caramel candies should be completely dissolved.


A cough compress is indispensable for those who during pregnancy do not want to hear about traditional medicine, so as not to harm the health of the child. Previously, compresses were used to treat a huge number of ailments; fortunately, they are still indispensable today.

A compress on the chest for coughing will be effective using grated potatoes, as well as cabbage leaves with honey. Both of them help cleanse the bronchi and have a warming effect.

Mustard compresses and mustard plasters are good warming agents, but under no circumstances should they be used by pregnant women in any trimester.

Traditional medicines

Not every woman who is waiting for the birth of her long-awaited baby will want to take pharmaceutical medications, so treating cough in pregnant women with folk remedies is extremely popular. Preferring traditional medicine, they choose the following herbs: plantain, linden, sage, chamomile and others, which will help get rid of unwanted dry cough. Ledum, string, yarrow, lingonberry leaves and snake knotweed have all the properties to treat wet cough.

Honey is another medicinal folk remedy that can be taken internally without worrying about anyone’s health.

Important: Honey is an allergenic product. Even if you do not have an allergy, this does not mean that the unborn baby does not have one, so you should not abuse this product.

Milk is also a product that helps relieve sore throat and fight cough. It can be mixed with honey (for 1 glass of hot milk, 1 tablespoon of honey), and with Borjomi mineral water (50/50).

Pregnancy is always joy and happy days in anticipation of your unborn baby. Every woman is incredibly worried about her health and tries to protect herself from colds and other diseases. If this happens, you should immediately contact your local physician, who will examine you and prescribe the necessary medications. Sore throat, cough, fever - all this is treatable. The main thing is to take the necessary medications, eat right, dress warmly, and also ventilate the room in which you sleep.

Remember, your health is in your hands!


How to treat cough during pregnancy with folk remedies

Sometimes it is not possible to avoid colds during pregnancy. The first sign of a cold is a cough. How can women in an interesting position deal with it? After all, synthetic drugs cannot be taken during pregnancy. How to cure the disease without harming the child?

First of all, you need to consult a doctor. He can suggest several effective methods for treating cough with herbal decoctions and alternative medicine.

Home therapy for cough in pregnant women

You can prepare a solution for gargling at home. To prepare it, you need to take boiled water and beetroot or onion juice in equal parts. You need to gargle every two hours.

Herbal infusion. To prepare it, take medicinal calendula flowers, eucalyptus herb and medicinal sage herb in equal parts. Flowers and herbs need to be chopped. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water and heat for ten minutes in a water bath. Do not bring the herbal infusion to a boil. After preparation, the mixture is strained. Apply the infusion warm. It is worth noting that the beneficial qualities are retained for only 4 hours.

Pregnant women are advised to limit the intake of any synthetic medications to avoid their negative effects on the fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers have to treat coughs and colds with folk remedies.

Viburnum infusions and decoctions not only help thin mucus, but also reduce the severity of inflammatory reactions, lower body temperature, and activate the immune system. Honey, milk and alkaline mineral water stimulate the removal of phlegm, and they also act directly on it as a non-aggressive inhalation.

By taking decoctions of other medicinal plants - calendula, chamomile, figs - you will reduce inflammation and give your body strength to fight the disease.

Take equal parts of meadow clover flowers, narrow-leaved fireweed leaves, pine buds, marshmallow root, chamomile flowers, peppermint herb, coltsfoot leaves, and raspberry leaves. All ingredients must be crushed and poured with one glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 15 minutes under a lid in a water bath. After this, the infusion is poured into a thermos and simmers for another two hours. Before use, the folk remedy should be strained.

To prepare the solution you will need baking soda and warm water. You need to dilute baking soda in a glass of heated water. Just half a teaspoon is enough.

Warm drink from folk remedies

1. Probably many people remember grandma’s drink for a bad cough: hot milk with butter, a pinch of soda and honey. You can drink this drink up to four times a day. Warm milk can also be mixed with medicinal mineral water. This drink will significantly improve your condition during illness.

2. If you don’t like boiled milk, you can replace it with black tea. It is enough to drink tea mixed with butter several times a day. Tea with honey and lemon is also suitable.

3. A drink made from milk and figs is an excellent remedy for colds. To prepare it, you need to boil two dried ginger fruits in a glass of milk for twenty minutes. This drink should be consumed before bed and always warm.

4. In equal parts you need to mix hawthorn fruits, raspberries, rose hips, seedless raisins, dried apples and apple leaves. The ingredients must be crushed. Brew 4 tablespoons of the resulting mixture in two glasses of boiling water.

5. The infusion is heated over low heat in a water bath for 20 minutes. After this, you need to leave the herbal tea covered for another half hour. You can add honey to the infusion. You need to take this folk remedy 4 times a day, half a glass.

6. To prepare the decoction you will need half a glass of dried viburnum. The fruits are brewed in two glasses of boiling water and cooked for 10 minutes. After straining, add a tablespoon of honey to the infusion. The medicine is taken three times a day, half a glass.

7. Honey syrup or milk should be mixed with freshly prepared carrot juice. Products are taken in equal parts. Take this drink up to six times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

8. Two bananas are crushed and filled with one liter of milk. The resulting mixture must be simmered in the oven for two hours. The drink is consumed six times a day, one dessert spoon. It perfectly helps to overcome coughs due to colds and bronchitis. In addition, such a medicinal dessert can replace an expectorant and enveloping synthetic drug.

9. You can replace expectorant synthetic syrup with grapes. It perfectly removes phlegm and speeds up the healing process.

10. Onion juice with honey. You can make many cough remedies based on onions. However, many pregnant women simply cannot tolerate this vegetable. Therefore, there is no point in thinking about onion decoctions. The juice of this vegetable can be an excellent remedy. You need to chop the onion and let it stand for a while, adding a little honey to it. The juice is taken three times a day, a teaspoon.

11. Cabbage juice. For hoarseness and cough, cabbage juice mixed with sugar can be an excellent expectorant. Take a teaspoon of this juice several times a day.

During illness, you should not be upset or panic. The main thing is to find out exactly the cause of the unpleasant cough. A great mood and confidence in recovery will allow you to cure the disease much faster.

I drank Prospan syrup. Helped me very well. In addition, teas with chamomile, lemon and honey. And frozen raspberries helped a lot. I brewed it as tea and drank it with honey.

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Treatment of cough during pregnancy with folk remedies

The process of bearing and giving birth to a child is a very responsible and important period in the life of any woman. It is during pregnancy that the body is extremely exposed to various viruses, which is why infectious and colds very often develop. It is extremely important to supplement treatment with traditional methods and remedies.

The dangers and consequences of cough during pregnancy

As you know, a pregnant woman’s body is very vulnerable, which makes it even more susceptible to infections, viruses and pathogens. Since many medications are prohibited, folk cough remedies for pregnant women will be an excellent solution to the problem. But it is important to remember that in any case, an individual consultation with your doctor is required. And the use of folk remedies is recommended only as additional therapy.

Causes of cough during pregnancy.

Cough and runny nose are frequent companions of all colds. The mucus produced as a result of infection enters from the nasopharynx directly into the larynx. As a result, the airways become irritated and a reflex cough occurs.

In addition, the following pathological processes can be the causes of cough:

  • neurotic disorders;
  • dysfunction of the diaphragm;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid disease.

The dangers of coughing during pregnancy.

Expectant mothers constantly wonder whether coughing during pregnancy is dangerous, and what the consequences may be? Can a cough affect a child's development?

If the cough during pregnancy is superficial and the cold has not developed into a severe form, the child is not in any danger. Only the expectant mother may experience unpleasant or painful sensations.

Wet or dry cough in severe form, including bronchitis or pleurisy, is characterized by deep penetration of infectious microorganisms into the respiratory tract. In addition to the fact that such a cough causes discomfort, it can also lead to a number of negative consequences:

  • increase the tone of the uterus;
  • cause disruption of the blood supply, resulting in a decrease in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus;
  • increase blood pressure;
  • cause a miscarriage, if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy or a number of other pathologies.

A wet cough, characterized by expectoration of sputum, is not as dangerous as a dry cough. An unproductive (dry) cough due to constant contractions of the peritoneal muscles can provoke vomiting and cause uterine tone.

The tone of the uterus, in turn, in the last stages of pregnancy causes premature birth, and in the early stages, with existing pathology, placental abruption.

All of the above complications are given as examples as special cases. In any case, a consultation with a treating specialist is necessary, during which treatment for cough during pregnancy is prescribed individually.

Treatment of cough in the first trimester

The first 12 weeks, i.e. 1st trimester, is the most important period of a child’s intrauterine development. It is at this time that all vital organs begin to form in a small organism.

This time of pregnancy is also characterized by weakened immunity in the mother. There are several reasons for this:

  • toxicosis;
  • changes within the body;
  • greater need for nutrients.

That is why it is necessary to carefully monitor your health and prevent the development of viral and infectious diseases. Since you need to be extremely careful with medications in the first trimester of pregnancy, treating cough during pregnancy with folk remedies is the best way to solve problems. It is important to remember that only the attending physician prescribes the necessary medications and remedies.

There are several types of treatment that are strictly prohibited by doctors in the first weeks of pregnancy:

  • hot foot baths;
  • visiting a sauna or taking a hot bath;
  • use of mustard plasters;
  • physiotherapy.

With the help of compresses, rinses, inhalations and tinctures, you can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease and get rid of cough during pregnancy.

To relieve irritation in the throat that causes coughing, you can use the method of regular gargling. To do this, you need to gargle 15 minutes after each meal, at least 5-7 times a day.

  • Sage decoction. Pour a tablespoon of chopped and dried sage into a glass of boiling water. Allow the healing infusion to cool, and then add about 1 tablespoon of soda.
  • Decoctions of plantain and chamomile. Mix one teaspoon of each dried plant, pour 250 ml of very hot water and add 2-3 drops of apple cider vinegar or a pinch of salt. Let it brew and cool, then gargle with the broth throughout the day after each meal.
  • Calendula decoction. You need to take two teaspoons of dried calendula flowers, pour 240 ml of hot water over them, and then add about 2 drops of apple cider vinegar.

If you don’t have a special inhalation device at home, you can use a saucepan and a thick terry towel. It is important to remember that after inhalation, you should not go outside, drink cold drinks, or talk for 40-60 minutes. Inhalations are not done at high body temperatures. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes, the number of repetitions is no more than 4 - 5 per day.

The most suitable plants for inhalation for dry cough are:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • sage;
  • plantain;
For wet (productive) coughs, the following are most often used:

If you have a cough in the first trimester of pregnancy, you can drink warm teas, milk or fruit drinks. To enhance the healing effect, you can add jam, honey, lemon, etc. to drinks.

  • Milk with radish juice. Get juice from one small radish, mix it with the same volume of natural honey. Take one tablespoon of this remedy every time a coughing attack occurs.
  • A mixture of onions and honey. Grate two onions, add 2 - 3 tablespoons of honey and stir. Take this mixture three or four times a day, half an hour after meals.
  • Chamomile decoction with sugar. Pour one tablespoon of chamomile flowers into a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse, and then take 50 - 60 ml three times a day.

As mentioned earlier, the use of mustard plasters during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. But homemade compresses can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

  • Cabbage and honey compress. To do this, spread one large cabbage leaf on one side with natural honey. Place it on the chest with the honey side down and wrap it in cling film and on top with a warm stole or woolen scarf.
  • Compress of honey and onion. Grate about 3 - 4 small onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Rub the resulting mixture into the chest, wrap the top with cling film and insulate with woolen items.

How to treat a cough in the second trimester

Despite the fact that the 2nd trimester is significantly different from the first, and the baby is well protected by the placenta from pathogens and viruses, we should not forget that severe colds can cause a number of negative consequences. That is why it is important to promptly and correctly prevent further development of symptoms.

So, how to cure cough during pregnancy in the second trimester?

Rye bran decoction. Pour one kg of bran into 4 - 5 liters of water and cook for 10 - 15 minutes. Then strain the broth and take it only warm. If the drink tastes too bitter, you can add a little honey for sweetness.

Decoction of pine buds. Pour two tablespoons of pine buds into 500 ml of boiling water. Wrap the jar with the broth in a thick cloth and leave for an hour. For each coughing attack, drink one tablespoon of warm broth.

Decoction of marshmallow root. Grind the marshmallow roots and add a liter of cold water. Let the broth brew for 12 hours, and then strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Take half a glass 3 or 4 times a day.

Warm milk. This is a very effective folk remedy that has been popular for centuries. Warm milk helps remove mucus from the respiratory tract, thereby speeding up the healing process. You can add honey or various types of jam to milk.

In addition, there is an option for preparing milk with figs. To do this, 5 - 6 medium-sized figs are boiled in 1 liter of milk for 15 minutes. After which the decoction is infused and then taken 150 ml four times a day.

You can also use all the above-mentioned recipes for folk remedies that are recommended for the treatment of cough in the first trimester of pregnancy.

How to cure a cough in the last months of pregnancy

After six months of pregnancy, the 3rd trimester begins. During this period, the baby is reliably protected from the outside world by the placenta and, after some time, will be ready to be born. But despite this, pregnant women are also susceptible to developing colds.

Doctors do not recommend drinking a lot of fluids or using diuretic decoctions in the third trimester. This is explained by the fact that it becomes increasingly difficult for the kidneys to work, as a result of which fluid is retained in the body and swelling appears. It is also recommended to significantly preserve the amount of sugar in decoctions, since these substances contribute to water retention in the body.

Compresses and inhalations should be avoided as this may cause bleeding. The temperature of all such treatment methods should not exceed 40°C. In any case, an individual consultation with your doctor is necessary.

You can quickly get rid of a cough by gargling with soda, using fruit drinks or warm milk with honey. You can also cure a cough with the help of decoctions and juices.

Black radish juice.

This recipe is great for dry coughs. It is necessary to cut off the top and remove all the pulp from one medium-sized radish. Place it in a glass, fill the cavity of the vegetable with two tablespoons of natural honey, and then fill the glass with water. Before each meal, drink 1 tablespoon of this juice with honey.

Sage decoction with milk.

Mix one tablespoon of chopped sage with a glass of milk and boil. Then remove from heat, pour into a jar and wrap in warm cloth. Leave to infuse for three hours. It is best to consume milk decoction warm before bed.

Milk with carrots.

Mix warm milk, fresh carrot juice and one teaspoon of honey in equal proportions. Mix everything thoroughly and consume at night.

There are herbs whose use is strictly prohibited during the third trimester of pregnancy:

  1. Oregano contained in breast collection No. 1 can lead to sudden allergic reactions or internal bleeding, including uterine bleeding.
  2. Licorice root in breast collections No. 2 and 4 is also not recommended for use in the last stages.
  3. Anise can also cause uterine bleeding.
  4. Comfrey can increase the tone of the uterus.
  5. High lumbago, or as it is popularly called - sleep-grass, can cause premature birth.

Undoubtedly, folk methods and remedies for treating cough during pregnancy are one of the best types of therapy, since many drugs are simply prohibited during this period of life. But it is important to remember that there are a number of recipes that can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the expectant mother and child. Therefore, in each individual case, a woman needs to consult a doctor, who will prescribe further treatment.
