Isofra for children reviews
Sometimes, when choosing a medicine, we turn to doctors as the last thing. We use the advice of those who have been helped by this or that medicine during illness. But this definitely cannot be done when it concerns the health of a child.
For example, if you take Isofra nasal spray, which is prescribed for rhinitis, sinusitis, nasopharyngitis, and read the instructions for Isofra for children, you will immediately see that this drug contains an antibiotic.
Naturally, antibiotics must be taken very carefully. The instructions for Isofra for children can give us information on how to use this drug, but a doctor must prescribe the medicine.
Isofra for children reviews
Isofra helped us, and quite quickly to my surprise. But! After using the drops for two days, once a day, the child (3 years old) became red in the wings of his nose and began to complain of pain in the nose. Therefore, the dripping stopped, but my nose began to breathe. Otherwise I had severe sinusitis - everything was in my nose, wheezing, nothing was blowing my nose. Augmentin was prescribed to us, but it didn’t help completely, it just lifted the temperature. We had to resort to Isofra. Our pediatrician recommended it to us, and then she forgot and said let’s use Protargol. I read about these 2 medications and decided Isofra. We are breathing, thank God! And since we went to kindergarten at 2.6 years old, we still suffer from a runny nose. Anaferon also helped us a lot against colds, but this time it didn’t save us - the child ran around so much, sweated, and then the wind rose, and he inhaled cold air. In general, Isofra helped. But, we must be very careful, we need to monitor the child, and not blindly follow the instructions or the pediatrician. Like, it says to give 5 days, that means 5 days. No, not at all. Watch how events develop further.
I bought Isofra (without a prescription) but I don’t use it, my husband uses it when he has a runny nose, Derinat helps my eldest. They also say that a prolonged runny nose and cough can be cured with an inhaler, so I’m already thinking about purchasing one, and I also advise you to read Komarovsky’s books on ARVI and acute respiratory infections. For children, I would start using Isofra from at least 3 years old.
Isofra is an antibiotic. There is no need to use it for ordinary ARVI. Isofra once helped us with a prolonged runny nose, when the snot was green.
We are only a month and a half old and have already been prescribed Isofra. I’ve been taking the drops for five days now, but the runny nose still doesn’t go away. I pull out the snot with a straw, but she screams like crazy (((I don’t even know what to do anymore
We used ISOFRA, my daughter and I - it helps well. But it’s harmful, like an antibiotic or something. It is not recommended to use it often and for a long time. And it cures a runny nose quickly!
When the case is severe, Isofra can and should be used. Our baby got very sick at 4 months, we didn’t treat him with anything, it’s scary to remember, we used both folk and non-folk remedies and those that were easier (so as not to kill the newborn), but when a child suffers from a runny nose for 3-4 weeks and his nose is completely he’s not breathing and all sorts of medications don’t help at all, and he, poor thing, couldn’t even suckle, because... I can't breathe. As a result, with all this treatment, we accidentally found out about Kokareva from different ENT specialists and went there. and we already had 2-sided rhinoethmonditis. In such cases, Isofra should be used, there was an improvement on the 3rd day. It’s clear that you shouldn’t take it at the first sniffles.
Use of Isofra for children
It should be remembered that the mucous membrane of the child’s upper respiratory tract is constantly exposed to pathogenic agents that cause an inflammatory reaction on its surface. In this case, the mucous membrane swells, mucous or mucopurulent discharge appears.
In severe cases of the disease, drug therapy is necessary. Since many medications used in adults are not suitable for children, the choice of drug should be discussed with your doctor. One of these drugs is Isofra for children. Isofra for children is prescribed by a doctor in case of rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis.
This drug is a topical antibiotic that comes in the form of a nasal spray. Since the use of systemic antibiotics for the treatment of children in the first years of life leads to such negative consequences as dysbiosis and allergies, local antibiotic therapy is more preferable.
Isofra, thanks to injection, ensures uniform distribution of the drug in the nasal cavity; the drug is characterized by low absorption, while it is active against most pathogens of upper respiratory tract infections. When studying the effectiveness of this drug, in the majority of patients, complete recovery occurred on the 5-6th day of treatment, the rest recovered on the 7-8th day of treatment.
Isofra for children instructions
The drug is administered 3 times a day into each nasal passage, 1 injection. Before use, the bottle must be placed in a vertical position. The course of treatment is usually 1 week.
special instructions
The drug is not used to cleanse the paranasal sinuses. If there is no pronounced positive effect, after 7 days of therapy, the drug is discontinued. If Isofra is used for a longer period, then there is a high probability of the emergence of resistant strains of bacteria.
The drug is not prescribed to children under 1 year of age or if the child has hypersensitivity to framycetin and other antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group.
Sometimes when using the spray, allergic skin manifestations may occur, in the form of rash and itching.
Isofra instructions for use have a wide spectrum of antibacterial action. Effective against a number of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Resistance to framycetin develops slowly and to a small extent.
Table of contents:
- Isofra for children reviews
- Isofra for children reviews
- Use of Isofra for children
- Isofra for children instructions
- special instructions
- Contraindications
- Isofra for children: instructions for use
- Release form
- Compound
- Operating principle
- Indications
- At what age is it allowed to take it?
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use and dosage
- Overdose
- Interaction with other drugs
- Terms of sale
- Storage
- Reviews
- Analogs
- Isofra for ARVI
- Who's at the conference now?
- Antibiotic Isofra Framycetin - review
- When should Isofra be used?
- How to cure snot with otitis media. Isofra is my salvation
- In the initial stages of green snot, the drug is simply excellent + two stories of positive and negative use of these drops! + photo.
- If you want your runny nose to go away quickly. (photo)
- Take your time to use
- Is it worth using Isofra for ARVI?
- Popular questions!
- They're reading now!
- Charity!
- For what kind of runny nose isofra
- isofra for what kind of runny nose
- Adenoids: isophra, protargol
- Forum Sections:
- Review of the drug Isofra
- Pharmacological properties of isofra and mechanism of action
- Indications for use of isofra
- Protargol for a runny nose - use carefully
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Isofra for children: instructions for use
During the flu season and other acute respiratory viral infections, the entry point for pathogens is the upper respiratory tract. It is the mucous membrane of the nose and paranasal sinuses that viruses are the first to attack and often remain on it, causing inflammation.
They are often accompanied by harmful bacteria, which cause purulent runny nose, sinusitis, otitis media and other diseases. In such situations, local antibiotic preparations, which include Isofra, are in demand. Is this medicine approved for children and how to use it correctly?
Release form
The medication is available in the form of a nasal spray with a concentration of the active ingredient of 1.25%. Inside one plastic bottle of Isofra there is 15 milliliters of clear liquid. The bottle has a screw cap made of polyethylene. It is sold in a cardboard box along with instructions and a spray nozzle.
The main component of the drug, responsible for its therapeutic effect, is represented by framycetin sulfate. Its dosage per 100 milliliters of solution is 800 thousand international units or 1.25 grams, that is, one milliliter of the drug contains 12.5 mg of framycetin. To keep the medicine liquid and not spoil, purified water, citric acid, sodium citrate, methylparaben and sodium chloride are added to it.
Operating principle
Framycetin in the spray is an antibiotic representing the group of aminoglycosides. It has a local bactericidal effect against both gram-positive flora and many gram-negative microorganisms.
- Staphylococcus aureus;
- Some strains of streptococci;
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
- E. coli;
- Klebsiella;
- Shigella;
- Haemophilus influenzae;
- Salmonella;
- Enterobacter;
- Proteus.
By damaging the cytoplasmic membranes in the cells of microorganisms, the medicine affects metabolic processes, which is why the pathogen quickly dies. However, Isofra does not affect some bacteria, for example, anaerobic microbes or pneumococci. Do not use the drug in case of viral infection of the nasopharynx, for example, with ARVI or influenza.
It should also be noted that those bacteria on which framycetin usually acts may also be insensitive to the drug. This is indicated by the lack of improvement after several days of treatment with the spray. If after 4-5 days from the start of using the product, the discharge does not decrease, and the nose is still stuffy, you should consult a doctor.
The drug Isofra is most in demand for infectious processes that are localized in the upper respiratory tract, since most pathogens of such pathologies are sensitive to framycetin.
- For rhinitis, when harmful bacteria cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa, manifested by thick yellow-green discharge.
- With rhinopharyngitis, when an inflammatory process in the pharynx is added to a runny nose of a bacterial nature.
- For sinusitis, if pathogens enter the paranasal sinuses and provoke sinusitis, sphenoiditis, frontal sinusitis or ethmoiditis. Such pathologies are most often diagnosed in children under 15 years of age. The disease often develops as a complication of rhinitis, when in a small patient the symptoms of a runny nose first go away, and then the body temperature rises, and a thick purulent secretion begins to be released from the nose.
The spray is also prescribed by ENT doctors for prophylactic purposes after operations in the nasal area to prevent inflammation and bacterial infection in the postoperative period.
In addition, Isofra is used for adenoiditis, since clinical trials have shown that the use of this spray helps with nasal congestion, making breathing easier, and after a course of treatment for third-degree adenoids, many patients experience improvement (the degree decreases to second).
At what age is it allowed to take it?
According to the manufacturer's recommendation, Isofra spray should be used in children aged 1 year and older.
However, there are clinical studies showing that the medication is safe for children under one year of age. They confirmed the possibility of using the medicine in babies older than one month, but only a doctor should prescribe it to infants.
The spray form allows for uniform treatment of the nasal mucosa, and the active substance enters the blood of infants in such a small amount that it does not provoke any harmful effects. Therefore, you should not be alarmed that such young children are prescribed antibiotics into the nose. Using this medication in children, you can avoid the use of antibiotics orally, which is often accompanied by side effects, promotes allergization and disrupts the balance of the natural flora in the child’s body.
Isofra should not be used if you are intolerant not only to framycetin, but also to any other aminoglycoside antibiotic, for example, streptomycin or gentamicin. In addition, the medicine should not be used to rinse the paranasal sinuses. If a child with sinusitis has septal damage, treatment with Isofra is also not recommended.
Side effects
The body of some young patients reacts to the injection of Isofra with an allergy. If it appears, further use of the spray should be stopped. Other side effects do not appear during treatment with this drug, but the annotation for the medicine notes the likelihood of resistance to such an antibiotic in the microorganisms against which it is used. In this case, the drug must be replaced with another antibacterial agent, taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen.
Instructions for use and dosage
- Isofra is used only intranasally, and the drug must be injected rather than instilled, since the use of a spray will create the desired concentration of the drug and distribute the antibiotic evenly inside the nasal passages.
- Before treating the nasal cavity with the medicine, it should be cleared of excess secretions and crusts. When administering the medication, the bottle should be held vertically, trying not to tilt it to the side.
- In childhood, the drug is used three times a day, one injection into each nasal passage. In this case, the duration of treatment with the spray should not exceed one week.
Since the Isofra solution applied to the mucous membrane acts only at the site of application, and it does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream, there have been no cases of overdose of such a medication with a single injection of a large dose. If treatment with Isofra, even in the dosage prescribed by the doctor, continues for longer than 7-10 days, this threatens to disrupt the composition of the microflora of the nasopharynx (provokes dysbacteriosis).
Interaction with other drugs
Since the medicine is used topically, the manufacturer does not mention any incompatibility with other drugs. Isofra can be prescribed together with Rinofluimucil, Vibrocil and other medications that have anti-inflammatory, decongestant and vasoconstrictor effects. However, these drugs cannot be administered into the nasal cavity at the same time, so as not to reduce the antibacterial effect.
Terms of sale
Isofra, like many other antibacterial agents, is a prescription drug. Therefore, before you go to the pharmacy for such medicine, you should consult a doctor and get a prescription from him. The average price of one bottle of spray is rubles.
Since Isofra is available in light-proof packaging, there are no special requirements for storing the bottle. It is important that a small child does not have access to the place where the medicine will be placed. The manufacturer's recommended storage temperature is less than 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the product is 3 years and is indicated on the packaging. If the marking has been erased or the end date has passed, it is unacceptable to spray the drug into the child’s nose.
There are quite a lot of positive reviews about the use of Isofra spray in children. Doctors praise the drug for its wide range of effects on bacteria, rare cases of resistance to its active substance, and a convenient dosage form, thanks to which the antibiotic reaches the nasopharyngeal mucosa in a sufficiently high concentration. Another advantage of the drug is its exclusively local effect.
Mothers note that the medicine helps to cope with a long-term runny nose, the symptom of which is purulent, thick discharge. The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed for sinusitis and complications of a runny nose with otitis media.
An allergic reaction during treatment is very rare.
The price of the spray is considered affordable by many parents, so they rarely look for cheaper drugs. The disadvantage of the drug is its unpleasant taste, which children do not like. In addition, mothers note that the injection occurs with quite a lot of force, which causes them concern. Some mothers are afraid of side effects, because Isofra is an antibiotic, but the experience of many parents and doctors shows that children generally tolerate the medicine well, and the bacterial infection goes away quickly.
If used incorrectly, the medicine will not have the desired effect and may even lead to addiction, which is why in the future you will have to use stronger drugs or use antibiotics systemically in the treatment of bacterial sinusitis or rhinitis.
No other drugs based on framycetin are produced, so if it is necessary to replace Isofra, doctors prescribe drugs with a similar therapeutic effect, but with a different composition:
- Protargol. These drops based on silver proteinate have an antiseptic and astringent effect, and also reduce the severity of inflammation during the runny nose, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, otitis media and other diseases. Children are prescribed medication from birth.
- Dioxidine. This antimicrobial agent is produced in the form of a solution, which is sometimes recommended to be dripped for a runny nose or otitis media. In some cases, the doctor prescribes complex drops with this component.
- Polydexa. The composition of this nasal spray includes two antibiotics of different groups, supplemented with phenylephrine and glucocorticoid. In children, this medication is used at the age of 2.5 years and older.
You will learn everything about childhood runny nose and its treatment from Dr. Komarovsky’s program in the next video.
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Isofra for ARVI
I really hope to get help on this forum once again)
Son, 3 years 2 months, normal pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding until 3 years old, has been going to kindergarten since September last year. I still get sick from ARVI and very often once a month. The first ARVI was worse and there were complications - otitis media (November 2011), thanks to the forum specialists - I learned how to treat it: saline solution, compote and walks.
What worries me now: for about 2 months the same situation has been repeating itself - a typical picture of ARVI - clear snot flowing, capriciousness, poor appetite, after a day or two everything except the snot returns to normal. The snot becomes yellowish and thick. I fly according to Komarovsky, wait a week, nothing changes, I take the more difficult one and everything goes away without a trace. Then for 7-10 days the child goes to kindergarten and everything starts again. Again, only isofra saves. It turns out that I use it approximately 3-5 days every 10 days.
I suspect this is not normal. ((Is it harmful??
Questions: maybe it’s not ARVI? Allergy? I have never observed any allergies in my son, either food or medicinal (maybe this is not relevant, but even a bee at the dacha recently bit me on the lip - no traces, nothing swollen at all).
The ENT specialist found that the adenoids were normal.
There is a suspicion that for some reason there is much more snot only in the right nostril.
It seemed that the quartz tube helped. I bought a lamp for home, and it’s been warming my nose for two days now. Isofra began to drip again. I've been sick for 4 days.
I'm really looking forward to your comments. Thank you. Sorry for the confusion, I'm worried.
The effect of using an antibiotic indicates the bacterial nature of the runny nose.
It seemed that the quartz tube helped.
Confirms the bacterial nature of snot.
The suspicions are correct, because bacteria will soon become resistant to Isofra and another antibiotic will have to be selected.
Could you be a little more specific about the treatment at this stage?
I understood about the bacterial nature of the runny nose. What should we do about it? This means that local immunity is weak. All sorts of “viferons” and homeopathy, I don’t use oils.
Yes, I understand that it can be addictive. But it’s been helping for almost a year now. By the way, I tried Polydex and it didn’t help.
What to do with such a bacterial runny nose. It’s bad that every time ARVI turns into such a bacterial runny nose, yes.
And “Isofroy”, including, although not only.
So if the snot gets thicker, it means the Komarovsky treatment has failed.
The essence of the treatment is that the snot should not thicken.
The local immunity has thickened and turned off - hello microbes.
This is called addiction.
So in “Polydex”, in addition to 2 antibiotics, there is also a hormone and a vasoconstrictor.
Such artillery is used in the complete absence of snot and swelling of the nose to the point of obstruction. This is not your case at all.
Bacterial runny nose should not be allowed.
When it has developed, there is nothing left to do; its own local immunity has given up, which means Isofra will work for it.
So, the main thing is not to allow the snot to thicken.
Mine has the same problem. In our case, the reason is a deviated nasal septum - in one nostril, even moderate snot completely blocks breathing. We can only save ourselves by washing (saline solution from a syringe without a needle). Moreover (again, in our case) you need to start rinsing at the “snot is running” stage, because as soon as you stop running, that’s it, hello, the runny nose is thick and lingering.
So what to do. It seems like I’m really trying to do it according to Komarovsky: I constantly fill it with saline, keep it moisturized, and go for walks often. True, we sleep with the window closed, but during the day it’s always good and I have plenty of ventilation..
I’m currently reading materials on strengthening local immunity. And I walk with him a lot, wash my face with cold water, and drink milk from the refrigerator. True, I’m still ripe for dousing (unfortunately, I don’t like it at all).
Maybe you can recommend something else for local immunity?
So a night without moisturizing your nose is quite enough.
If the snot thickens quickly, you can use a saline solution of a different concentration of 0.65%
Sorry for the impudent question, but maybe you see some other mistakes in my treatment according to Komarovsky? Sooooo grateful to you for your prompt and to-the-point answers.
These are not mistakes, but an individual approach.
At your age, it is quite possible to rinse your nose, especially the problematic nostril.
There are also a lot of nasal rinses on sale.
It's not about the window.
An open window will dry out all your efforts.
What is the temperature in the room at night?
And on which side does the child prefer to sleep?
There are also a lot of nasal rinses on sale.
Six months ago I “washed myself” with Aqualor until I had otitis (that’s what they explained to me on this forum), now I’m afraid to wash under pressure, I just spray saline solution from a spray bottle. But in my childhood I was taught to rinse my nose like this: just put warm salt water in a cup and “inhale” it through your nose (pinch one nostril) and it pours out through your mouth. How do you like this method? It seems that in this case it should not get into the ear.
But I still can’t teach my son to do this (((
It will lead to otitis media.
I think the safest is the teapot method.
Look at AquaMaris for nasal rinsing.
Children under three years old should not have their nose washed.
The physiological need for fluid is 6 ml/kg/hour, that is, you should normally drink 93 ml per hour, and drinking plenty of fluids is 1.5-2 times more, that is, ml per hour. You have to count, since the snot gets thicker.
MamaDasha, in your case this also needs to be checked.
ENT and radiography of the nose.
In short, the means are as follows (in order of decreasing effectiveness):
-breathing exercises for the nose
-massage of biologically active points of the face
- UFO courses for nasopharynx
I think the safest is the teapot method.
Look at AquaMaris for nasal rinsing.
Children under three years old should not have their nose washed.
I looked at Aquamaris for washing, I’ll look in pharmacies, I didn’t catch my eye. And it cannot cause otitis media. How is it different from rinsing from a cup?
My son is 3.2 years old. You can wash it, right?
ENT and radiography of the nose.
-massage of biologically active points of the face
Can you read about this on the Internet or do you have a special technique here?
I consider it the safest, since the pressure is minimal - only a column of liquid presses. By rinsing with a suction from a cup or with a syringe or spray or “Dolphin”, we create pressure everywhere, which contributes to otitis media.
The “from the teapot” method is possible.
As I already wrote, this is a consequence of thickening of the snot.
But they can thicken precisely because of the curvature of the nasal septum.
It can be found.
Personally, my knowledge comes from manuals for kindergarten health workers.
1. deep inhale and exhale through the nose while pronouncing the sound “mm-mm” (mouth closed)
2. exhale through the nose in short bursts (mouth closed)
3. Pinch your nose with your fingers - count loudly and slowly to 10, then take a deep breath and exhale through your nose, closing your mouth.
4. the nose is pinched with the fingers - hold the breath for a count (up to 10) and exhale through the nose - inhale completely through the nose
5. exhale in turn through the right and left nostrils (the other is pressed with a finger, the mouth is closed)
6. put a light piece of paper on your palm and blow it off, exhaling alternately through the left and right nostrils (the mouth is closed and the nostril is closed with a finger)
This child needs to be taught and given some kind of “reminder” in kindergarten.
Of course, reward for fulfillment, and do not scold for non-compliance.
After the holidays I will go to the ENT specialist and ask for a referral for an x-ray.
Is the fact that the septum is curved clearly visible on an x-ray? I ask because our local ENT specialist is an old woman of about 70 years old; I'm worried whether she'll be able to accurately see this curvature.
There are other reasons for thickening of snot, besides insufficiently fresh and humid air, drinking and problems with the septum.
Thank you!! I saved it for myself, tried it with my son, not everything worked out, of course, but at least he does it))) I read about massage, we’ll try it tomorrow.
This way you can show the picture to another doctor.
They do happen, but we need to rule out the most common ones first.
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Antibiotic Isofra Framycetin - review
When should Isofra be used?
Isofra is a nasal spray that contains an antibiotic. Therefore, its use should be strictly as prescribed by a doctor. In many foreign countries you cannot buy a single antibiotic in a pharmacy without a prescription, but in Russia any antibiotic is sold freely, which is why people are poisoned to no avail.
My sister is a doctor and she told me about Isofra, so I will write from her words. Isofra should be used not only when you have a runny nose and a clear discharge is running from your nose (usually a runny nose like this during ARVI), but after 4-5 days, when the nasal discharge is already thick and green (this means that a viral infection has been complicated by a bacterial one) . Isofra will not help if you have ARVI, since Isofra only acts on bacteria, not viruses. For ARVI, these nasal drops will help .
Isofra will not help with allergic rhinitis. For allergic rhinitis, this drug will help well. .
Only a good ENT doctor can determine what type of runny nose you have.
If your doctor has diagnosed you with bacterial rhinitis, then Isofra is a very effective drug in this case. By the way, Isofra has no analogues yet, so don’t look for a cheaper spray with Framycetin (this is an antibiotic that is part of Isofra).
I hope my review will be useful to someone.
Added November 2013:
I myself had to use Isofra for thick green nasal discharge. Within a day I felt better, and after 5 days I completely cured my runny nose.
I also sprayed Isofra on my daughter, which also helped quickly and well.
So, Isofra really helps (tested!).
Happy mother recommends Antibiotic Isofra Framycetin
How to cure snot with otitis media. Isofra is my salvation
The youngest son can be classified as a frequently ill child. Once again, not even a week had passed before the snot reappeared, and after a nap, I woke up and started pointing at my ear, crying and screaming. As a result, we immediately went with him to the hospital for an examination by an ENT specialist.
In the initial stages of green snot, the drug is simply excellent + two stories of positive and negative use of these drops! + photo.
Many people are prescribed this drug when their snot turns green and doesn’t go away! So we got this drug in our house after another child’s illness, when the snot was green and lingering. The drug helped in just two days! I was really surprised by the effect!
If you want your runny nose to go away quickly. (photo)
My daughter, unfortunately, is not in excellent health; she often gets sick. As a rule, it’s nothing serious, just a runny nose and a red throat, without fever, but it’s still difficult for a child to walk with a stuffy nose. Previously, they could walk around with a runny nose for 7 or even 10 days!
Take your time to use
Isofra was recommended by a doctor for a persistent runny nose in her youngest son. He was one and a half years old at the time. After a week of use, we did not feel any special effect. Although many people praise her. But it helps older children (9 and 13 years old); on the second day there is noticeable relief from a runny nose.
Is it worth using Isofra for ARVI?
- Thank you 3
This drug also helps, especially with adenoids, when mucus flows down the back wall or lingers in the nose. Rinofluimucil makes the snot seem to come out. But, according to our ENT doctor, isofra has a different effect, aimed specifically at combating cancer. infection.
- Thank you 2
This is probably individual intolerance. Although any antibiotic must be used wisely, they may well cause complications, addiction, etc. Some are suitable, some are not. There are also special tests to find out which antibiotics are suitable for a person, and which ones he is insensitive to or may be allergic to.
We had terrible green thick snot, it went away in 5 days
Well, everything is correct, adequate treatment aimed at quick results. We used to wash it with salt water several times a day; of course, we treated it longer, but without drugs. Nowadays it’s difficult to persuade people to undergo such execution; sometimes we add medications to the treatment regimen.
I will try isofra, my last hope.
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For what kind of runny nose isofra
The immune system protects against runny nose at many points, including at the entrance to the body (the mucous membrane of the nasal passages). But viruses, allergens and bacteria parasitize the secretions of the nasal mucosa. Therefore, the body needs prompt and effective help in the fight against a runny nose. Isofra spray can significantly alleviate such conditions.
Isofra is an antibiotic that eliminates bacteria that cause a runny nose.
The active substance is framycetin sulfate (an antibiotic), which locally effectively counteracts a group of bacteria that settle on the mucous membrane of the nasal canals. The aerosol additionally contains citric acid, salt, a preservative and, of course, prepared water.
Isofra for a runny nose is used by spraying onto the mucous membrane. Form - aerosol. The body is equipped with a precise dispenser, which ensures that the substance effectively reaches hard-to-reach places and prevents an overdose of Isofra.
In Isofra, framycetin, a powerful antibiotic substance, is responsible for the treatment of runny nose. It “breaks through” the protective membranes of pathogenic bacteria (microorganisms) and interferes with the process of protein synthesis in them, which leads to the death of the latter. The purpose of the drug in treatment is the bacteria that cause rhinitis and parasitize the mucous membrane of a runny nose. The aerosol acts locally on the mucous membrane during pharyngitis and sinusitis of a certain etymology.
At the same time, it does not penetrate deeply into the tissue, leaving the source of infection unaffected. The composition copes well with E. coli, Shigella, staphylococci, Klebsiella, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria, which are often the causes of the disease. The same cannot be said about the inhibition of, for example, S. maltophilia, Clostridium spp, S. pneumoniae, pneumococci, B. cepacia, Bacteroides spp and others, which are resistant to it and rarely cause rhinitis.
However, the effect of an aerosol against runny noses can lead to a powerful surge of infection, which will become monopoly after the destruction of the primary pathogen. This outcome is possible when the effect of the prescribed drug does not hit the mark (first we treat one thing, and then another). Exact exposure according to the type of bacterial infection (according to test results) leads to complete and fairly rapid disposal of thick yellow, green snot with pus (bacteria with waste products).
Thus, Isofra sprays prevent the spread of infection throughout the body. If the bacterial infection is one that the drug has no effect on, then it cannot harm itself. Common causes of a runny nose are hypothermia and viral infection, which is usually accompanied by high temperature and the formation of clear, fluid discharge.
At this stage, it makes no sense to use Isofra. Bacteria that are not resistant to it are activated at the subsequent stage of development of such a disease, with complications that are a continuation of the viral disease. When bacterial infection is autonomous, the temperature usually does not rise.
The adequacy of the prescription and use for children and adults based on the results of the tests guarantees the effectiveness and safety of the composition. It is indicated for:
the bacterial nature of acute chronic rhinitis; the integrity of the nasal septum and the walls of the paranasal sinuses during sinusitis; a runny nose of non-allergic etymology in a chronic form; postoperative restoration of the nasal cavities (prevention of infection); rhinopharyngitis.
You should make sure that there is no intolerance or allergy to substances in Isofra, since the use of the drug inhibits the normal microflora of the mucous membrane and can cause dysbacteriosis (despite poor absorption into the blood) of the nasopharynx.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should, together with their doctor, weigh the risks of harm from using/non-using the aerosol (in general, it is not recommended to take it). Indications for injecting an aerosol into a child over 2 years of age require consideration, keeping in mind the possibility of allergies and dysbacteriosis. Medicinal, vasomotor, allergic, traumatic types of runny nose go away better in the presence of normal (not oppressed) microflora in the nose, which maintains the normal activity of the mucous membrane.
Against this background, as a side effect of using Isofra, streptococcal superinfections and allergies may develop. The composition should not be used to rinse inflamed sinuses during sinusitis. It is incompatible with antifungal substances that reduce the effectiveness of the antibiotic.
The availability of the product is limited by prescription, which is especially important when purchasing it for a child. It is advisable to take the composition based on test results. The maximum period of use is 10 days (for a runny nose - up to 7 days). Before use, the nose is washed and cleansed. For adults, the drug is injected with one click (one dose) on a dispenser into each nostril with a repetition frequency of three to four hours.
Children under 12 years old do the same, but not more than three times a day. The design of the dispenser accurately measures the antibiotic. The body is held vertically, inserted into the nasal passage, and the dispenser in its upper part is pressed. The use of an aerosol should be accompanied by: room temperature of about 21 degrees, humidity of about 70% (ventilation, wet cleaning), plenty of warm drink for the patient.
These measures prevent bacteria from persisting in the nasal passages. The absence of positive dynamics within five to six days of taking the medicine is a signal to stop using it and reconsider the diagnosis. The reasons may be bacterial resistance to the active substance or another etymology of the runny nose.
Isofra is available in pharmacies with a prescription. The price of the drug is low according to the “efficiency-cost” criterion, taking into account the relatively short period of its use. Using the Internet, you can choose the nearest pharmacy that has the drug at the lowest price. It may vary, but it ranges from 160 to 180 rubles. Isofra on online resources may have an increased selling price (intermediary markup).
The ineffectiveness of Isofra aerosol is a reason to look for analogues that will give the expected result. For example, you can replace it with Framinazine. The latter has an antibacterial effect that helps destroy foreign microbes that form nasopharyngitis, sinusitis or runny nose.
Another analogue is the antibiotic Bioparox, used to treat the throat, penetrating into more distant parts of the respiratory system. But Protargol has a different composition of medicinal substances, but with a similar pharmacological mechanism of action on the runny nose and sinusitis.
The use of Vibrocil has a list of contraindications. It is not indicated for: atrophy of the nasal mucosa, glaucoma (angle-closure), diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, etc. At the same time, the drug effectively fights rhinitis of various natures.
A relative analogue is Polydex. It contains two antibiotics (neomycin and polymyxin B). Each one is aggressive towards its own group of bacteria. The combination of their actions provides an enhanced effect of eliminating infectious runny nose. Polydex is equipped with components that constrict blood vessels (anticongestant - phenylephrine) and have simultaneous antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects (dexamethosone - hormone). Therefore, the drug is prescribed for allergies to substances in other medications. However, only a doctor can determine the medicine with the required effectiveness in a particular case.
The effectiveness of the aerosol is maximum when it is used according to test results, and when the patient’s characteristics are taken into account (there is no individual intolerance). Then, even after two or three days of taking it, the thick, colored runny nose goes away (even in cases of incurable rhinitis one or two weeks ago), but there may be pain in the nose (restoration of the mucous membrane is necessary). However, relapses of the disease with discharge and deterioration of the condition (edema) are possible. There was also a lack of therapeutic effect when used independently. The drug does not treat allergic rhinitis and problems associated with a deviated nasal septum.
Manufacturer: Laboratory of Dr. Bouchard, France
The cost of Isofra at the beginning of 2015: 270 rubles per 15 ml bottle.
The antibacterial drug Isofra for a runny nose is ineffective, even in cases where the runny nose itself is caused by a bacterial infection. There have been no serious studies that would confirm its effectiveness, and the postulated principle of its action does not stand up to criticism from the standpoint of modern medicine. At the same time, Isofra can have a certain effect on a runny nose, in particular, preventing the pathogen from spreading in the body. But such an effect is possible only in isolated cases of purulent bacterial rhinitis.
The fact is that the active substance of Isofra is the local antibiotic framycetin. Modern adequate medicine is skeptical about the possibility of combating bacterial infection with local antibacterial therapy, including framycetin. Theoretically, it has not been shown how this substance can affect bacteria at the site of infection, and practically no one has proven that using Isofra accelerates the treatment of bacterial runny noses or alleviates the patient’s condition.
But this is a theory. In practice, Isofra is prescribed by doctors for almost any hint of bacteria in the nose, and by and large, it cannot do any harm. Therefore, there is no crime in using it. It is important for patients themselves to know several features of using this remedy.
In the vast majority of situations, the causes of a runny nose are viral infections and hypothermia, and due to microbial activity in the nasal mucosa, the disease develops either as a complication and continuation of a viral disease, or in rare cases, previously unfamiliar strains of bacteria enter the child’s nose.
Staphylococcus aureus in nasal mucus, processed photo under an electron microscope
As a result, taking into account the indications for a runny nose, Isofra is not always prescribed, and in order to take the drug, the patient must have the corresponding symptoms.
“Isofra cold drops gave me a very mixed impression. The product is expensive and does not provide quick results. An antibiotic, that is, potentially dangerous (I am generally wary of antibiotics). But the main thing is that it is only available with a prescription. I don’t really understand why - it’s not a painkiller at all. The doctor prescribed it to me when I had a prolonged runny nose after the flu, I sprayed it on myself, it helped - the runny nose went away in two days. And then the drops were given to my husband without a doctor’s prescription, and there was no sense at all. Although, perhaps, Isofra only works in severe forms of the disease.”
This is exactly the moment when you need to start using Isofra
For a runny nose, it makes sense to use Isofra only if the patient has thick green or yellow snot with clots of pus. The mucus can thicken to such an extent that it gets stuck in the nose, sometimes quite deep, it feels like in the throat itself, and its amount is constantly increasing. It is in the presence of such symptoms that Isofra can theoretically manifest itself and help get rid of a runny nose.
These are signs that a bacterial infection is actively multiplying in the mucosa. Pus, in fact, represents the bacteria themselves and their metabolic products.
With a bacterial rhinitis, the patient usually has a normal body temperature and feels well. Very often, a bacterial runny nose develops after a viral one when the local protective forces in the nose are weakened, and therefore, over time, the patient is already recovering from an acute respiratory viral infection with a high fever and malaise and feels as if completely recovered.
Isofra is a prescription drug and is prescribed only by a doctor if the patient has indications. This reduces the risks of using the drug in the absence of indications for it.
To prescribe Isofra, the doctor must have compelling reasons
But for a viral runny nose, accompanied by a high fever and the release of clear transparent snot, or an allergic one, when the nose itches and the eyes water, Isofra is absolutely useless. Isofra will also not help with a runny nose in pregnant women and rhinitis caused by a deviated nasal septum or trauma to the nose.
Moreover, if prescribed incorrectly for a runny nose, Isofra can even complicate the course of the disease.
For any chronic runny nose, using Isofra is useless and even harmful. By destroying bacteria that are constantly present in nasal mucus, the drug disrupts the functioning of the mucous membrane in an already difficult situation for it.
The active ingredient Isofra is framycetin sulfate, a powerful antibiotic that destroys the main types of bacteria on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. In particular, when treated with it, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, common pathogens of bacterial rhinitis, die in the mucous membrane.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the types of opportunistic bacteria in nasal mucus
But pneumococci are resistant to framycetin and are not destroyed by Isofra. Therefore, a possible consequence of the use of Isofra is superinfection, in which, after elimination of the primary causative agent of the bacterial rhinitis, rhinitis caused by pneumococci develops.
In this case, the drug disinfects only the surface of the mucous membrane. It does not penetrate into the deep layers of it and does not affect bacteria in the source of their reproduction. Consequently, Isofra will help localize the infection, but is not able to suppress it.
Additional components of the drug - water, citric acid, salt and preservative - are used only to obtain the optimal consistency of the product.
In simpler words, as a result of its work with a runny nose, Isofra reduces the amount of thick green mucus until it completely disappears. If there is no such mucus, then there is no need to use Isofra.
“I want to share my opinion about the use of Isofra for runny nose in children. The product is good, it should be used when the child’s fever has already subsided, and the snot begins to thicken and turn green. It helps very quickly - the last time Pasha went away within one day after starting to take Isofra. Although he had a runny nose and flu for almost two weeks. The most important thing is to constantly drip your nose with water and salt. I bought Aquamaris and constantly made sure that Pasha’s mucous membrane did not dry out. That’s probably the only reason why Isofra worked so well.”
Rinsing the nose with saline will be useful in any treatment of a runny nose.
It is simple to use Isofra: the spray is injected once into each nostril every 3-4 hours, up to 5-6 times a day in adults. Isofra for a runny nose in a child under 12 years of age is used no more than 3 times a day.
The bottle should not be tilted when injecting the product into the nose - it should be in a vertical position with the cap facing up.
If a runny nose is caused by an allergy to animal fur, it is pointless to treat it with Isofra
The duration of use of Isofra for a runny nose is no more than 7 days. If the product is used correctly, but the runny nose does not go away, it means that either the cause of the runny nose is not bacteria, or the bacteria themselves are resistant to the current antibiotic of the drug. In both cases, it is pointless to continue treatment with the drug.
From the practice of lore
“Some patients believe that if a runny nose persists for a long time - more than two weeks - then simple traditional remedies are not suitable, and it needs to be removed with heavy artillery - antibiotics. They come to me and ask me to prescribe Isofra for them. I look at a person - he has obvious allergic rhinitis or, for example, a crooked nasal septum, I explain, but the patient still insists - write him out, I’ll try. For some reason, antibiotics are treated not only in ENT practice as quite dangerous drugs that will definitely cure any disease. And it is very difficult to explain to a person that his runny nose needs to be treated by moving away from allergens or, for example, by surgery if we are talking about a deviated septum. Everyone wants to get well quickly. It’s the same with pregnant women - their runny nose cannot be treated at all, and they wonder if they can take antibiotics and Isofra.”
Galina Mikhailovna, Kyiv
If the nasal septum is deviated, a person will constantly suffer from a runny nose, and Isofra will not help him
Additionally, when using Isofra, it is necessary to maintain the humidity in the room at 50-70% and the temperature at about 21°C. The patient needs to drink as much tea, water, juices or compotes as possible. All these measures will ensure that the mucous membrane is kept moist and protected from drying out and the preservation of the bacteria themselves.
Isofra has practically no clear contraindications: it is not advisable to use it only if you are sensitive to the antibiotic itself or related substances from the group of aminoglycosides.
The product itself is very poorly absorbed into the blood and therefore the risk of its components affecting the internal organ systems is extremely low. However, it is strictly not recommended to use Isofra for a runny nose in pregnant and nursing mothers: no studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on the fetus or the body of an infant.
For children over 2 years old, Isofra can be prescribed by a doctor if indicated.
Also, Isofra should not be used for allergic, vasomotor, traumatic or drug-induced types of runny nose. In these cases, the presence of normal microflora in the mucous membrane supports the normal generation of mucus itself and the functioning of the upper respiratory tract. Destroying bacteria in these cases will only lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the mucous membrane, aggravation of symptoms and a delay in recovery.
Side effects when using Isofra include, in exceptional cases, allergic reactions and the development of streptococcal superinfections.
“Isofra is a very good remedy, but it doesn’t always help. I even noticed that the worse the runny nose, the better Isofra works. For example, when the disease is just beginning, spray it, don’t spray it, there’s no point. But when it comes to such green snot, it cleans everything up in two days.”
The whole truth about using antibiotic sprays for the runny nose Does Isofra help against the flu What other sprays are used in the treatment of rhinitis
isofra for what kind of runny nose
Adenoids: isophra, protargol
Submitted by Nelson on Mon, 08/10/:47
The doctor diagnosed purulent adenoidid (that’s how it’s spelled). This is the first time we have received such a diagnosis. Prescribes protargol for the nose, isofra.
I'm looking for information on the Internet:
So, protargol is banned as a dangerous drug, banned abroad, and used in Russia. Komarovsky DOES NOT recommend using it.
Isofra, I quote from Komarovsky’s website
Antibiotics in the nose?
Published 10/17/2008 | Treatment and medications
Tell us, for what type of runny nose should an antibiotic solution be instilled into the nose, how to do it correctly, and which antibiotic is preferable?
You can't put antibiotics in your nose! None! Never! Not with any runny nose or in any form! Locally administered antibiotics cannot create a high concentration of the drug in the nasal passages, which leads to bacteria very quickly developing resistance to this antibiotic. Again, allergization of the body occurs. As a result, the use of this antibiotic in the future may not only be ineffective, but also lead to general and local allergic reactions.
Do I still want to go to an ENT specialist with my child, or will he prescribe the same thing?
It’s interesting to know your opinion/experience, girls. Who to believe?
We already had a runny nose, yellow-green snot, the pediatrician prescribed the same thing, but we recovered in 2 weeks without these medications (saline in the nose, a humidifier).
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Offline Amber Mon, 08/10/:49 #
I gave protargol to my son, when the snot was green, he stopped breathing through his nose after it, because... swelling has begun. It stopped dripping, the snot began to flow again, but it’s better to flow than to have swelling and all this pus remaining there.
Offline Nelson Mon, 08/10/:02 #
My thought was inserted into Komarovsky’s quote, I apologize, I created the topic from my phone.
And 2 neighbors told me that protargol helps them. If it is harmful, why is it allowed for use? Maybe there is an alternative and it’s better not to prescribe it?
I'll go to Laura and ask a lot of questions.
Offline Yulenka Mon, 08/10/:06 #
Isofra is a nasal spray that contains an antibiotic. Therefore, its use should be strictly as prescribed by a doctor. In many foreign countries you cannot buy a single antibiotic in a pharmacy without a prescription, but in Russia any antibiotic is sold freely, which is why people are poisoned to no avail.
My sister is a doctor and she told me about Isofra, so I will write from her words. Isofra should be used not only when you have a runny nose and a clear discharge is running from your nose (usually a runny nose like this during ARVI), but after 4-5 days, when the nasal discharge is already thick and green (this means that a viral infection has been complicated by a bacterial one) . Isofra will not help if you have ARVI, since Isofra only acts on bacteria, not viruses. For ARVI, these nasal drops will help
Isofra will not help with allergic rhinitis. For allergic rhinitis, this drug will help well. .
Only a good ENT doctor can determine what type of runny nose you have.
If your doctor has diagnosed you with bacterial rhinitis, then Isofra is a very effective drug in this case. By the way, Isofra has no analogues yet, so don’t look for a cheaper spray with Framycetin (this is an antibiotic that is part of Isofra).
I hope my review will be useful to someone.
Added November 2013:
I myself had to use Isofra for thick green nasal discharge. Within a day I felt better, and after 5 days I completely cured my runny nose.
I also sprayed Isofra on my daughter, which also helped quickly and well.
So, Isofra really helps (tested!).
I would deprive such advisory pharmacists of their diploma. They have no right to give medical advice.
Never treat clear mucus with topical antibiotics (isophra).
In a good way, if the runny nose does not go away for 2 weeks, you should go to the ENT clinic, maybe the child has allergic rhinitis - the doctor will see.
Definitely, if Nazivin has been dripped for more than 5 days, it must be replaced with Vibrocil, for example. Vibrocil can be used for a longer period of time, while all other vasoconstrictors can be used for 5 days.
She always gave us the right advice and then it was agreed that the doctor prescribed it. I explained it to her for a long time, then she recommended it to me. I understand I won’t drip with Isofra. And our snot is definitely not allergic, the doctor looked at it.
You shouldn't use it without a doctor's prescription. However, you already understood this. Health to you and your child!
A couple of ENT specialists have already recommended euphorbium compositum to us. There was an effect for lingering transparent snot.
I would show it to a good lore. Any advice from a pharmacist in general? This is not a choice of vitamins!
If you need contacts of an excellent ENT specialist, write in a personal message.
Be sure to go to an ENT specialist, our ENT specialist, for example, in addition to drops, sucks out the snot with a special device for several days in a row, prescribes physiotherapy, which immediately helps, since the child does not yet know how to properly blow his nose and everything is clogged inside.
Thank you very much, girls, for all the advice.
They prescribed it to us for clear snot, but it didn’t help. Helped (catching slippers:001:) albucid. The snot persisted for 2 weeks and did not go away, but only got worse. The doctors watched. One prescribed Isofra, the other Albucid.
Maybe it's better to warm up your nose? We warm ourselves at home with a blue lamp; if we don’t have one, they will warm you up at the clinic. Antibiotics did not drip even with green snot; they methodically washed and warmed the nose.
Tell us, for what type of runny nose should an antibiotic solution be instilled into the nose, how to do it correctly, and which antibiotic is preferable?
Review of the drug Isofra
Isofra is an antibacterial drug that is intended for the treatment of local inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and its paranasal sinuses. It contains framycetin, which is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, in the molecule of which two or more amino sugar compounds are connected by a glycosidic bond with its aglycone fragment and this ensures its bactericidal effect on the microbial cell and, in connection with this, provides effective treatment of inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx, frontal and maxillary sinuses.
Pharmacological properties of isofra and mechanism of action
The mechanism of action of isofra is associated with the bactericidal effect of antibacterial drugs of this group. Penetrating through the membrane into the cell of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, the framycetin molecule inhibits protein synthesis at the ribosome level. By irreversibly binding to ribosomes in bacterial cells, they first lead to the synthesis of defective proteins, complete inhibition of protein synthesis and, as a consequence, destruction of microbial cells that cause inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. Framycetin is also characterized by a rather slow increase in resistance.
Indications for use of isofra
Indications for the use of this drug are infectious and inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, as well as inflammation of the Eustachian tubes. Isofra is prescribed more often as part of combination therapy in the treatment of bacterial inflammatory processes caused by - Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Haemophileus influenza in the form of rhinitis, laryngitis, rhinopharyngitis, eustachitis and sinusitis, provided there is no damage to the nasal septum and walls of the paranasal sinuses, as well as for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes after surgical interventions. The drug is not used for washing the maxillary sinuses during puncture. It is also ineffective, like most aminoglycosides, in the treatment of infections caused by S. pneumoniae, B. cepacia, S. maltopilia.
Protargol for a runny nose - use carefully
December 17, 2011
Anyone who has ever used protargol for a runny nose knows that it is a very effective drug. Under the influence of protargol, a runny nose can end even earlier than a week - this is how long it most often lasts, despite any treatment.
Use of protargol for acute runny nose
An acute runny nose begins with nasal congestion, which is caused by swelling. Prevention and treatment of swelling - it is important to understand the root cause of the mucous membrane. After a few hours, copious liquid discharge appears from the nose - the exudative phase of the inflammatory process. The last phase of the disease lasts the longest - this is thick mucous discharge. Mucus discharge - what is the norm for a healthy woman and constant nasal congestion due to swelling of the soft tissues of the nasal cavity. With viral infections, the discharge is clear; with bacterial infections (and bacterial infections are often combined with viral ones), the discharge becomes mucopurulent.
In case of acute runny nose, vasoconstrictors in the form of nasal drops (for example, naphthyzine) usually help - they relieve swelling for a while. But this is not a remedy; such drops simply temporarily improve a person’s condition. You cannot use such drops for more than three to five days - such constant stimulation of the muscles of the walls of blood vessels can lead to their paresis and persistent dilation, which cannot be treated for a long time.
Unlike purely vasoconstrictor drops, protargol is a therapeutic agent, as it suppresses the vital activity of infectious agents and reduces the inflammatory process. Its vasoconstrictor effect is milder and does not cause complications from blood vessels, so it can be used for quite a long time.
For acute runny nose, use 2% protargol drops. They are instilled into the nose, three to five drops, two to three times a day. For children, protargol is instilled one or two drops twice a day. Usually, a week's course of treatment with protargol is sufficient. Protargol is a long-lived pharmaceutical drug.