What is better to choose for a child - Isofra or Polydex?
In the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases, topical agents in the form of drops or sprays, the ingredients of which directly affect the affected areas of the upper respiratory tract, are very popular.
Table of contents:
- What is better to choose for a child - Isofra or Polydex?
- How are the drugs similar?
- Differences
- Which medication is best for a child?
- Choosing the best for children: Isofra or Polydexa
- Features of the drug Isofra
- Features of the drug Polydex
- Similarities between Isofra and Polydex
- Differences between Isofra and Polydexa drugs
- Which product to choose for a child
- Isofra or Polydex for sinusitis
- Does anyone know how Isofra differs from Polydex? =)
- Answers:
- IzoLda Venediktovna)))
- Rusalina
- eleonora
- Nastena
- Alexandra Miller
- "Isofra" or "Polydex" - which is better and what is the difference?
- Antibiotics for sinusitis
- Similarity of medications
- Differences
- Dissimilarities in the composition of medications
- Difference in the order of drug administration
- Application area
- Contraindications in the use of medications
- What is better to use for a child?
- Which is better - Isofra or Polydex?
- Names and descriptions of nasal drops with antibiotics
- Bioparox
- Isofra
- Sofradex
- Tsipromed, Garazon
- Polydexa
- Recipes for complex drops
- “Isofra” or “Polydex” - which is better for sinusitis?
- What does Isofra contain?
- What does Isofra treat?
- Composition of "Polidex"
- When is Polydex used?
- What are the similarities between these drugs?
- The difference between the drugs "Isofra" and "Polydex"
- Peculiarities
- What to choose?
- Possible consequences
- Isofra or Polydex - which is better for a child?
- What do these drugs have in common?
- Isofra
- Polydexa
- What schemes do doctors often use when prescribing drugs?
- Comments
- Read also
- Video of the day
- Children's horoscope
- Isofra or Polydex, which is better for children with a prolonged runny nose
- Antibiotics for sinusitis
- Differences between Polydexa and Isofra
- Similarities of drugs
- Contraindications
- Indications
- Dosage
- Overdose
- Isofra: instructions for use
- Polydexa: instructions for use
Among them, children are often prescribed Polydex with phenylephrine and Isofra.
To determine which medicine is best for a sick child, it is worth understanding what the difference is between these medications, when they are in demand and how they are used in childhood.
How are the drugs similar?
The drugs are similar in the following:
- Both Isofra and Polydexa with phenylephrine are products from the same manufacturer - the French company Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati. The medicines from this pharmaceutical factory are called high-quality, since they have long proven themselves (the company is part of the European Recordati group, founded in 1926 and also produces such popular products as Hexasprey, Otofa, Hexalize and Terzhinan).
- Both medications are available in the form of a spray used intranasally. After pressing the nozzle, the solution evenly falls on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and acts locally. The components of Isofra and Polydex are absorbed into the bloodstream in minute quantities, which do not cause any harmful effects.
- The packaging of the drugs is similar and is an opaque plastic bottle equipped with a sprayer and a screw cap. Inside one bottle there is 15 ml of solution.
- The composition of both medications contains an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group. In Izofra it is framycetin sulfate at a dose of 8000 units, and in Polydex it is neomycin sulfate at a dose of 6500 units. Such compounds make the spray effective against E. coli, Shigella, Klebsiella and some other microbes. However, both drugs do not act on streptococci.
- Neither Isofra nor Polydex is recommended to be injected into children with a viral infection, since such drugs are used only for bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis or nasopharyngitis.
- A possible side effect of both drugs is called an allergic reaction. If allergy symptoms occur after the first use or after injecting several doses, use of the spray should be discontinued and the child should be examined by a doctor.
- Since both Isofra and Polydex act only at the site of treatment, an overdose of such drugs does not occur. If a child accidentally swallows the solution, it is recommended to rinse his stomach and give him some kind of sorbent.
- Both medications are sold in pharmacies with a prescription, so before purchasing any of these sprays, you should show your baby to the doctor. As for the cost of the drugs, it is approximately the same and amounts to about rubles per bottle.
- It is recommended to keep both Polydexa in a spray and Isofra at home at a temperature no higher than +25 degrees. Both medications have a shelf life of 3 years. If the marking has worn off or the date marked on the package has passed, spraying any of these products into the nose is unacceptable.
- Both medications receive a lot of positive feedback from parents and doctors, as they have an effective effect on bacteria, practically do not cause side effects, are approved for children and are quite convenient to use.
- Among the disadvantages of both Isofra and Polydex, many cite high cost and high injection force.
Although Isofra and Polydexa have many similar characteristics, there are also many differences between them. Firstly, their composition is significantly different. Compared to Isofra, which includes only one ingredient, Polydexa is a multicomponent drug and contains 4 active compounds at once.
Unlike ear drops, Polydex spray also contains another active substance, which is classified as an adrenergic agonist - phenylephrine. Due to its presence, the solution can cause constriction of small vessels in the nose.
Secondly, the age range for using these drugs is different. According to the manufacturer's recommendation, Isofra is safe for children over 1 year of age, but sometimes the doctor prescribes this remedy for infants. As for Polydexa with phenylephrine, this medicine is not prescribed to children under two and a half years of age.
Thirdly, contraindications for each of the sprays are different. If the reason not to prescribe Isofra is only intolerance to the components of the solution or an allergy to other aminoglycosides, then spraying Polydexa is additionally prohibited in case of kidney disease and closed-angle glaucoma, and if the child has high blood pressure or hyperthyroidism, treatment is carried out with caution.
The use of each medicine also has its own nuances. Below is a table that highlights all the important details:
Polydexa with phenylephrine
Frequency of use in children
3 times a day, but children over 15 years old can spray 4-5 times a day
no longer than 7 days
from 5 to 10 days
one injection (one press on the sprayer)
Which medication is best for a child?
If a child develops symptoms of a purulent runny nose or sinusitis, without a doubt, the baby should be immediately shown to a doctor. Going to the pharmacy, buying a local antibiotic yourself, be it Polydex or Isofra, and then spraying it in the child’s nose is not allowed. Such treatment can improve the baby’s condition, but it is possible that the drug will not work or, on the contrary, will worsen the infection.
In order not to make a mistake about which drug is suitable in each specific situation, it is better to entrust this choice to a qualified specialist. Doctors call both medications effective and efficient, but they emphasize to parents that they should not be used without indications.
According to doctors, Isofra is a more narrowly targeted medicine, containing only one antibiotic, and Polydexa in the nose is a stronger medicine, because it is a combined remedy that affects bacteria, the inflammatory process, and allergic manifestations.
In the practice of ENT specialists, they often begin treatment of bacterial rhinitis with the use of Isofra, and if such a spray is ineffective or the disease is more serious, they resort to Polydex.
In any case, it is up to the attending physician to decide which product to spray on a baby with a runny nose or sinusitis. A competent doctor will determine the cause of the disease and take into account the presence of contraindications, and also explain how to use the spray correctly.
If, after 3-4 days from the start of treatment, no improvements are noted, the child should be re-seen by an ENT specialist or pediatrician to change the medicine. You cannot buy Polydexa if Isofra is ineffective on your own.
In addition, if the therapeutic effect is weak, the doctor may also recommend analogues of such drugs, for example, other nasal sprays based on phenylephrine (Nazol Baby, Vibrocil), sea water preparations (Otrivin More, Morenazal, Aqua-Maris, etc.) or hormonal drugs (Nasonex).
There are reasons for the use of such drugs, therefore, they cannot be administered into the nasal passages of children without a doctor’s prescription.
To learn about what other medications are best to use for children to treat a runny nose, see the following video.
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Source: http://www.o-krohe.ru/sosudosuzhivayushchie-preparaty/izofra-ili-polideksa/
Choosing the best for children: Isofra or Polydexa
Features of the drug Isofra
Features of the drug Polydex
Polydexa is a complex drug, thanks to which it treats a number of diseases. The composition contains not one, but several active substances:
This allows the medicine to be classified as antibiotics, antihistamines and vasoconstrictors at the same time. It can be prescribed to children prone to allergic reactions.
Polydexa contains two antibiotics at once, which significantly expands the possibilities of therapy. The drug can be produced as a spray or drops.
However, the composition is different. The drops do not contain a vasoconstrictor component. This allows the medicine to be used to treat ear infections in children. Polydexa can also be used after otolaryngology operations to prevent complications. Polydex is produced by the French company Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati.
Similarities between Isofra and Polydex
The drugs have very little similarity. The main thing is that they belong to the class of antibiotics and, accordingly, have a limited period of use of up to 10 days. After all, if you are treated with drugs of this class for a long time, disruptions in the immune system are possible, which will be unable to fight diseases on its own. Another similarity can be considered the release of both drugs in the form of a spray, which simplifies their use.
Differences between Isofra and Polydexa drugs
Medicines contain different active substances. This is the reason for the difference in their operating principles. Polydexa, unlike Isofra, has a more saturated composition, which expands the range of its use. He treats various diseases of the ENT organs, including the ears.
The next difference is the difference in terms of contraindications. Since Polydexa is a drug with several types of antibiotics in its composition, it is prohibited for children under 2.5 years of age, as the development of side effects is high. It is better for the youngest patients to use Isofra. It is used from the second year of life. It is worth remembering that the latter is contraindicated for pregnant women.
Differences in drugs can also be observed in terms of their use. Before using Polydex, the child needs to clear the “green snot” from his nose. When using Isofra, it is necessary to do this with a saline solution immediately after using the drug. Such manipulations will allow better removal of the remaining active substances. Polydex should be warmed in your hands before use. For Isofra, it is enough to simply shake the spray before use.
Which product to choose for a child
If a child has sinusitis or another similar disease, both drugs may be suitable for treatment. Here it is worth paying attention to the nuances in the differences between these drugs. Polydexa contains an antihistamine, which means it can be used for children prone to allergies. But it contains a large range of active substances, which does not have the best effect on the natural defenses of the child’s body. Isofra does not contain an antihistamine component. But in the case of “green snot”, it is also able to cure the baby, without causing damage to his immune system and this drug is better tolerated.
Of course, if the diagnosis is otitis media, then preference is given to the drug Polydexa, since it is available not only in the form of a spray, but also in the form of drops that are specifically designed for this purpose.
In any case, the choice in favor of one drug or another should be made by the attending physician. He assesses the condition of the sick child and decides which medicine to prescribe for the little patient. This is the only way to avoid complications and side effects. It is quite possible that the doctor will limit himself to drugs that are not antibiotics (Albucid, Rinofluimucil, Protargol), prescribe completely different antibacterial medications, for example, Bioparox, or give preference to alternative therapy.
Source: http://lekhar.ru/lekarstva/lor-sredstva/izofra-ili-polideksa-chto-luchshe-dlja-detej/
Isofra or Polydex for sinusitis
Does anyone know how Isofra differs from Polydex? =)
Isofra nasal spray is a solution of the antibiotic framycetin, used for the local treatment of a runny nose of a bacterial nature and its complications: pharyngitis and sinusitis.
Source: http://cc-t1.ru/preparaty/izofra.html Website about respiratory diseases
Polydex drops are used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the outer and middle ear and paranasal sinuses. But for this it is necessary to distinguish between two drugs - nasal and ear drops of Polydex, the scope of which is different. The official instructions for Polydex with phenylephrine (nasal drops or spray) provide for the following area of application - infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx: purulent rhinitis, chronic and acute; rhinopharyngitis, acute and chronic form; sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis; purulent rhinitis, which was the result of prolonged intubation using the nasotracheal method in children; chronic adenoiditis; treatment and prevention after surgery in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses. Polydex ear drops are used very often in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the outer and middle ear: otitis media of the outer and middle ear with an intact eardrum; infectious eczema of the external auditory canal; some outer ear infections.
Source: http://cc-t1.ru/preparaty/polideksa.html Website about respiratory diseases
IzoLda Venediktovna)))
Isofra is a nasal spray, Polydexa is a spray and drops for the nose and ears.
Isofra is a solution of the antibiotic framycetin; Polidexa contains three active substances: dexamethasone, neomycin and polymyxin B.
Unlike Isofra, Polydexa is considered a combination drug, since it consists of several medicinal substances and combines various pharmacological effects.
isofra has a narrower antibacterial spectrum
Difference between Isofra and Polydexa
Alexandra Miller
If the doctor prescribed Isofra, it is better not to change to Polydex, despite the fact that it has an extended spectrum of action. Isofra will put less strain on the immune system, is less allergenic and has fewer side effects. Remember: Don't shoot sparrows with a cannon.
"Isofra" or "Polydex" - which is better and what is the difference?
Often people who come to the pharmacy ask the question: “Which remedy for the treatment of sinusitis or rhinitis should I choose: Isofra spray or Polidexa? It seems that these are two identical medications, because their indications for use are similar. It is not difficult for many to even make a choice in favor of one remedy or another, but in fact only an experienced specialist can say which drug is suitable for a particular person. Therefore, today we will look at what are the differences between the drugs “Isofra” and “Polydex” and do they have any similarities?
Antibiotics for sinusitis
Headache, mucous and purulent discharge from the nose, decreased sense of smell, general weakness, malaise - these are all signs of an illness such as sinusitis. Simply put, this is sinusitis. This disease is treated with various methods, depending on what stage the disease is at. If the problem has been bothering the patient for a long time, then the patient is prescribed antibacterial agents. Among such drugs are the following sprays: “Bioparox”, “Isofra”, “Polidexa”. All three medications must be prescribed strictly by an otolaryngologist; self-treatment with these medications is not allowed. Today we will talk about only two drugs: Isofra and Polydex sprays. The thing is that many people consider these funds interchangeable. But now we’ll find out whether this is really so.
Similarity of medications
The drugs have few similarities. So, what is considered the same among them is that they both belong to the group of antibiotics. Another similarity is especially in use, because both drugs are available in the form of sprays. And the last common feature of these medications is that both drugs cannot be used for more than 10 days, because they are antibiotics. Otherwise, a person’s immunity will simply be undermined, and his body will no longer be able to fight harmful microorganisms on its own. This is where the similarity of these medications ends, and then there are only differences.
- Compound.
- Application area.
- The procedure for administering the medicine.
- Contraindications and side effects.
Dissimilarities in the composition of medications
What is the difference between Isofra and Polydex, if both drugs are often prescribed for the same diseases? The most important difference is the composition of the drugs. Thus, Isofra spray contains the main active ingredient - framycetin sulfate. It is thanks to this component that the medicine can be prescribed by otolaryngologists for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, and acute nasopharyngitis.
The drug "Polydex" contains neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B sulfate and dexamethasone metasulfobenzoate. A trio of these components ensures an expansion of the spectrum of antibacterial action of the drug against most microorganisms that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs.
Now, knowing the composition of the drugs, we can guess which one is preferable, Isofra or Polydex. What is better: to use a drug with one active substance or a product with three components? Of course, if we compare the composition, the Polydex medication, in comparison with the Isofra spray, has a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, so from this point of view it is better to purchase it.
Difference in the order of drug administration
All readers of this article should know that any topical antibacterial agents should be prescribed only with the permission of a doctor. This rule was no exception in relation to the medications “Polydex” or “Isofra”. For a child, such medications should be prescribed by a pediatrician, or best of all, by an otolaryngologist. Therefore, after going to the pediatrician, it is advisable for mother and baby to see a specialist so that he can prescribe the right medication to treat problems with the respiratory organs.
So, before using Polydex spray, the nasal mucosa should be cleaned and then the medicine should be administered directly. And if the doctor prescribed the medication “Isofra”, then after cleansing the olfactory organ and injecting the product, you should then rinse your nose with sea water again. This is done in order to remove excess medication.
In addition, before using Polydex spray, you should hold it in your palms for a while so that the medication warms up slightly. In the case of the drug “Isofra”, such manipulation should not be carried out. Simply shake the bottle and inject the product into each nasal passage.
Application area
Which medication to choose: Isofra or Polydex? Which is better and more effective of these two drugs? If we are talking about a disease such as otitis media, then there is no point in thinking about it. After all, the remedy “Isofra” does not at all imply the treatment of this disease. But the drug "Polidexa", on the contrary, is often used in the treatment of otitis media. The fact is that this medication is available not only in the form of a spray, but also in the form of drops. And they are the ones that need to be purchased at the pharmacy for the treatment of otitis media. And in the form of a spray, this remedy is used in the treatment of rhinitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis. The drug "Isofra" is prescribed as part of complex therapy for infectious and inflammatory ENT diseases, such as:
— Sinusitis, including sinusitis (under one condition: if the patient’s nasal septum is not damaged).
- Non-allergic chronic runny nose.
— Infectious rhinitis of a bacterial nature.
— Prevention and treatment of the nasal cavity after surgical intervention in the olfactory organ.
Thus, it became clear that, although the drug “Isofra” copes with various diseases of the ENT organs, the drug “Polydex” is still a more complex drug, aimed not only at treating the organ of smell, but also the organ of hearing. But at the same time, this medicine can be prescribed to people with a runny nose caused by exposure to allergens. But Isofra is not suitable for this case. Therefore, it is stupid to answer questions about which drug is preferable - Isofra or Polydex? What is better to buy at the pharmacy? After all, everything depends on the patient’s diagnosis.
Contraindications in the use of medications
When comparing both drugs, you should also pay attention to the number of restrictions in the use of one or another drug. Thus, the least number of contraindications is observed for the drug “Isofra”. It should not be used by people who have hypersensitivity to the components of the product. But Polydex nasal spray has many more contraindications. Thus, this drug cannot be prescribed to persons if they have ailments such as glaucoma, hypertension, coronary heart disease, thyroid problems, viral diseases (such as herpes, chickenpox, etc.). The presence of such a large number of restrictions in the use of Polydex is understandable, since its composition contains not one active substance, as is the case with the drug Isofra, but three active components.
What is better to use for a child?
If the doctor has diagnosed your son or daughter with sinusitis, then both drugs may be suitable. But now it’s worth deciding for yourself what is better: to protect your baby from such consequences of using a medication as an allergy, or to fully load the child’s body without fear of the appearance of a rash and hives all over the body? After all, if you use Isofra spray, there is no guarantee that the child will not be allergic to this medication. And if you use the drug "Polydex", which contains an antihistamine component, due to which the likelihood of allergic reactions will disappear, then the parent will not know how the immunity of their son or daughter will react to the medicine. After all, it is better to use a drug with one active ingredient rather than three. Then the immune system will suffer less. The choice remains only with the treating doctor: to prescribe the drug “Isofra” or “Polydex”. For sinusitis, both remedies can be prescribed by a specialist.
Now you know the similarities and differences between the drugs that this article is devoted to. Surely, having an idea about the properties of one and the second remedy, any parent will now be aware of which medication is suitable for their son or daughter: Isofra or Polydex. What is better: to choose a narrowly targeted drug or a complex medication with antibacterial, antihistamine and vasoconstrictor effects? Only a doctor should answer this question by examining a child or adult and making an accurate diagnosis.
Which is better - Isofra or Polydex?
A runny nose is a fairly common symptom in many diseases in children and adults. The pharmaceutical market is replete with various drugs for nasal use. In this article we will compare the drugs Isofra and Polydex and find out how they differ from each other.
Despite the fact that both of these drugs are antibiotics for topical use, the compositions of Isofra and Polydex are different.
The composition of the drug Isofra includes the main active ingredient, framycetin, which belongs to one of the very first groups of antibiotics - aminoglycosides. It has a wide range of antibacterial effects, and also has an antibacterial and antibacterial effect on bacteria that provoke the emergence and development of infectious diseases in otolaryngology.
Excipients contained in Isofra spray are:
- sodium chloride;
- lemon acid;
- methyl parahydroxybenzonate (preservative and antiseptic).
The main active ingredient in Polydex nasal spray is a combination of several components:
- dexamethosone - a glucocorticoid - has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antibacterial effects;
- neomysin is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group;
- polymyxin B is an antibiotic that acts on bacteria resistant to aminoglycosides;
- phenylephrine is a substance that has a vasoconstrictor effect.
- lemon acid;
- macrogol 4000;
- lithium chloride;
- polysorbate;
- methyl parahydroxybenzonate.
Comparing the compositions of these drugs, one can note the fact that neither Polydexa nor Isofra are analogues of each other.
Indications for use of Isofra and Polydex
The properties of the drug Isofra allow it to be used for such diagnoses as:
The drug Polydex, having broader medicinal properties, can be prescribed for the following diseases:
- runny nose (acute nasopharyngitis);
- chronic inflammatory processes of the nasal sinuses (sinusitis);
- acute sinusitis and pharyngitis.
Possessing antiallergic properties, Polydexa can be prescribed for a runny nose caused by exposure to allergens.
Contraindications and side effects of medications
When comparing drugs, you should pay attention to the number of contraindications for their use. The smallest number of them is observed in the drug Isofra. It should not be used for treatment in persons with hypersensitivity to aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin, neomycin, canthamicin, etc.). An undesirable effect when using this drug may be a local allergic skin reaction. You should also remember about the possible disruption of the natural nasopharyngeal microflora if Isofra is used for treatment for more than 10 days.
Polydex nasal spray has a much larger number of contraindications, because... is a combination drug. It should be used with caution when:
- glaucoma;
- viral diseases (herpes, chickenpox, etc.);
- diseases of the thyroid gland;
- hypertension;
- coronary heart disease.
When choosing a remedy for the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases in young children, between Isofra or Polydex, please note that Polydex spray can only be used in children over 2.5 years of age.
Features of the use of drugs
I would like to especially note that these drugs should not be used for self-treatment without consulting a medical specialist, especially for unspecified diagnoses.
When prescribed by a doctor, both Isofra and Polydexa can be used up to 5-6 times a day in adults and 2-3 times in children's treatment.
Names and descriptions of nasal drops with antibiotics
Since sinusitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease, it is simply impossible to get rid of it without antibacterial drugs. Although many people refuse this treatment due to side effects, it is very difficult to get rid of unpleasant symptoms without antibiotics. In addition, side effects occur if the dosage is not followed or the drugs are used for a long time. For this reason, it is necessary to treat sinusitis very carefully, and choose drops taking into account the symptoms that arise. The names of nasal drops with antibiotics will best be indicated only by a doctor after diagnosis. Here are the signs and treatment of sinusitis in adults. Here are the symptoms of acute sinusitis.
If there is minor purulent or mucous discharge from the nose, then the effectiveness of Bioprox begins to decline. This indicates that the medication has a safe effect. Bioparox is actively involved in the process for long-term sinusitis, which is not characterized by significant discharge. Apart from local irritation, this aerosol cannot cause other side effects. However, this negative effect is enough to cancel the use of medications for patients under 2.5 years of age. Cost - 440 rubles.
This antibiotic for the treatment of sinusitis is sold in the form of a spray or drops. It is based on a component such as framycetin. It belongs to the gentamicin group. The medication quickly eliminates pathogenic microorganisms that provoke purulent rhinitis. The drug must be used as part of a complex treatment, and antibiotics administered orally or in the form of injections. Thanks to the polymer base of the drug, it has a safe effect on the body not only in adults, but also in children. The cost of the drug is 300 rubles.
Many doctors prescribe a drug such as Sofradex to their patients. Its composition, just like Isofra, contains a main component called framycetin. But thanks to its water base, it is not absorbed into the blood. You can buy it at a pharmacy for 250 rubles.
Tsipromed, Garazon
These medications can replace Isofra. They are made on a polymer base. The main component is a substance that does not cause side effects. Their names are fipromed and garazon. Cost - 120 rubles.
This antibiotic-based spray is very often used in the treatment of sinusitis. The main components are polymyxin and neomycin, and the hormone dexamethasone is also present. Thanks to this unique composition, it is possible to achieve anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antibacterial and vasoconstrictor effects.
The basis of Polydex is polyethylene glycol, so the drug is not absorbed into the blood. But the spray is not without side effects. They manifest themselves in the form of vasospasm and headache. The price of the spray is 200 rubles.
Find out how to get rid of a runny nose using folk remedies.
Symptoms of sinusitis in children 4 years old: http://prolor.ru/n/detskoe-zdorove/gajmorit-4-let-simptomy.html.
Here's how to treat tonsillitis at home.
Recipes for complex drops
Very often, to eliminate sinusitis, medications are used that are based on the use of two or more components (complex drops). They are called complex. They are allowed to be used not only by adults, but also by children, but only after the approval of a doctor. The drug may contain ingredients that have a certain effect. Thanks to some, it is possible to neutralize inflammation, others fight inflammation, and still others effectively eliminate bacteria that caused sinusitis.
Complex drops are considered a universal means of combating sinusitis. Anyone can prepare it at home. As a rule, the prescription is given by the attending physician, taking into account the course of the disease. You should not self-medicate, otherwise you may develop serious complications. Most often, the doctor prescribes complex drops in cases where a runny nose does not go away for a long time, and the patient has health problems. The following recipes are considered the most effective:
- The first recipe is one of the most effective and popular. To prepare it, you need to take naphthyzin and Dioxidine in a 1:1 ratio. Combine these components in a bottle of Naphthyzin. It is necessary to use this medicine for the treatment of sinusitis not only in children, but also in adults. There is an opinion that only Dioxidin can be used in treatment, since Naphthyzin does not have the required effect.
- The following recipe is also based on the use of Dioxidine. It must be taken in the amount of ½ ampoule, and then combined into ½ bottle of Naphthisin, 1 ampoule of Dexamethasone and an ampoule of Diphenhydramine.
- Very often, doctors prescribe complex drops to their patients, which are sold ready-made in pharmacies. For these purposes, Dioxidin with Hydrocortisone and Adrenaline is used.
- Another option for complex drops that are prepared at the pharmacy: Dioxidin - 5 ml, 2.5% hydrocortisone solution - 2 ml, Metazone - 1 ml, Lincomycin - 2 ml.
- You can take 10 ml of Dexmamethasone, 10 ml of Albucid, 1 ml of Adrenaline and 2 ml of Tavegil. A component such as Albucin is actively used for the treatment of eye diseases, but very often doctors use it to prepare complex drops for the treatment of sinusitis.
- To eliminate childhood sinusitis, you should use the following ingredients: a bottle of penicillin, an ampoule of Hydrocortisone, water - 0.3 ml, Naphthyzin - 7 ml.
- You can prepare complex drops containing a large number of elements. Diphenhydramine, dexamethasone, Naphthyzin, Cefazolin can be used here. But many doctors note that the same component in some cases gives a positive effect, and in others, vice versa. For this reason, the selection of components should be carried out by a doctor on an individual basis. Here he must be guided by the symptoms of the disease.
Today, a variety of drugs can be used to treat sinusitis. As practice shows, it is impossible to eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease without antibiotics. When treating sinusitis, effective sprays and drops are used, which are based on antibacterial components. If you strictly follow the dosage and rules of use, then no side effects should occur. You may also find useful information on how to treat purulent sinusitis at home. The Yamik method is also used to treat sinusitis. Also read about treating sinusitis with antibiotics.
Source: http://neb0ley.ru/gajmorit/izofra-ili-polideksa-pri-gajmorite.html
“Isofra” or “Polydex” - which is better for sinusitis?
A runny nose is a very common disease among patients of any age. In itself, it is not dangerous, but it can lead to pathological changes in the mucous membrane, which, in turn, causes complications such as sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis and others. Therefore, it is very important to receive appropriate treatment on time. The pharmacy sells a lot of nasal medications with similar effects, so choosing is often difficult. For example, “Isofra” or “Polydex” - which is better for treating diseases of the nasal cavity? To understand this, you should do a little comparative analysis.
What does Isofra contain?
The main component of the nasal remedy "Isofra" is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group, framycetin. It is used exclusively for topical use for various ailments of the upper respiratory tract.
1 ml of this drug contains 800 thousand units of the main component, which is several times lower than the maximum dose. The active component of the drug destroys the following types of bacteria:
- Staphylococcus aureus;
- hemophilus influenzae;
- coli;
- Klebsiella
Treatment with Isofra gives good results, since these microorganisms are the cause of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
What does Isofra treat?
If the question arises, “Isofra” or “Polydex” - which is better, you should carefully study the instructions for both drugs. “Isofra” has a pronounced antimicrobial property, it is prescribed for the bacterial nature of the runny nose, in cases where nasal discharge has an unpleasant odor and color. In particular, it is assigned:
- for complicated rhinitis due to viral infections;
- for acute and chronic sinusitis;
- for sinusitis;
- to prevent bacterial rhinitis after surgery.
Special attention should be paid to the contraindications of this drug; it is prohibited:
- children under one year old;
- patients who are allergic to antibacterial drugs;
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- persons with individual intolerance to the main component.
Although side effects from this drug are rare, the following may occur after using it:
After stopping taking Isofra, these symptoms disappear.
Composition of "Polidex"
Many who have had to treat sinusitis, when asked “Isofra” or “Polydex” - which is better for sinusitis, prefer the latter drug. Is Polydex really the best treatment for sinusitis? This medicine is multicomponent, it includes:
- dexamethasone is a glucocorticosteroid hormone;
- phenylephrine is a vasoconstrictor substance;
- neomycin - aminoglycoside antibiotic;
- Polymyxin B is a polypeptide antibiotic.
Research has proven that the combination of these components affects different areas of the pathogenetic chain involved in the development of inflammatory processes in the upper organs of the respiratory system.
When is Polydex used?
The drug "Polidexa" has the following properties:
- antibacterial;
- decongestant;
- anti-inflammatory;
- vasoconstrictor.
Thanks to its complex effects, Polidexa can be used instead of several drugs. It is prescribed for:
- sinusitis of varying degrees;
- vasomotor rhinitis;
- acute and chronic nasopharyngitis.
This drug is prohibited for use:
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- for kidney diseases;
- with closed glaucoma;
- with antidepressant therapy;
- for viral diseases.
It cannot be used to treat children under 2.5 years old; with great caution, “Polydex” can be used for hypertension and ischemic disease, and thyroid dysfunction.
What are the similarities between these drugs?
“Isofra” or “Polydex” - which is better to choose, what are the similarities between them? These drugs have very few identical qualities. The main thing is that both of them belong to the group of antibiotics, therefore, they can be used for no more than 10 days, and the drugs are also prohibited for pregnant and nursing mothers. Both products were released by the same company, their pricing policy is also almost the same, there is nothing else similar in these two products. Therefore, if the question arises, “Polydex” with phenylephrine or “Isofra” - which is better, you still need to find out how they differ.
The difference between the drugs "Isofra" and "Polydex"
The difference between these two drugs is very significant, because “Isofra” contains one active substance, and “Polydex” is a multicomponent product that includes two antibiotics. That is why, unlike Isofra, Polydex not only eliminates pathogenic bacteria, but also helps get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory system.
The differences also include differences in contraindications. "Polydex" is prohibited for children under 2.5 years of age, since due to its composition it can cause severe side effects. But Isofra can be used starting from the second year of life. Preparation for use also differs - before using the Polydex medication, you need to clear the nasal cavity of secretions and slightly warm the bottle with the drug in your hands. “Isofra” requires more thorough preparation - before the procedure, the nose must be properly rinsed with warm water and salt.
To decide which is better for adenoids - Isofra or Polydex, as well as in the treatment of other ailments of the upper respiratory tract, you need to understand what is unique about each of them.
Isofra has established itself as a fairly safe remedy for children and adults, which can provide high-quality treatment for bacterial diseases of the nose. "Polydex", in addition to its antibacterial properties, also has an antihistamine, so it is often prescribed to children susceptible to allergic reactions. The two antibiotics included in the composition make the spectrum of action of this drug much wider, so it is prescribed even after surgery. So, what is better - Isofra or Polydex? Reviews about these two remedies indicate that each of them is effective; you need to choose based on symptoms.
What to choose?
“Isofra” or “Polydex” - which is better to use, especially when it comes to treating a child? At the very beginning of the disease, when the symptoms are not yet so eloquent, it is better to prefer Isofra. This drug has a minimum of side effects and can help cure uncomplicated diseases in record time. During treatment, it is necessary to take into account such an important aspect as allergies. If the baby is prone to such reactions, it is better to use the medicine "Polydex", but you need to be guided by the age of the child.
- child's age;
- accompanying illnesses;
- condition of the upper respiratory system;
- form and severity of the disease.
If the disease is advanced, it is unlikely that nasal spray alone will be sufficient; long-term complex treatment will be required.
Possible consequences
Any of these drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication with such potent drugs can be fraught with serious pathologies. The human body is individual, so the reaction can be unpredictable. In some cases, extensive skin rashes, problems with the vestibular system, and possible hearing impairment were observed. You should not use these drugs to treat other diseases, since both of them are designed specifically to get rid of specific ailments. If adverse reactions are observed that are not taken into account in the instructions for use, you must immediately exclude the drug from therapy and seek help from a doctor.
Source: http://www.syl.ru/article/294289/izofra-ili-polideksa—chto-luchshe-pri-gaymorite
Isofra or Polydex - which is better for a child?
When Isofra and Polydex are used in children, the expert says.
Inflammatory diseases of the nose are a common phenomenon in childhood. And recently, doctors often prescribe Isofra and Polydex. Of course, the decision regarding the choice of drug treatment is made only by the doctor. But so that parents understand what the doctor is guided by when prescribing these medications, Letidor turned to SIA Health&Tourism otolaryngologist Andris Berzins.
What do these drugs have in common?
Both medications are produced in France by the Bouchard-Recordati Laboratory. The release form is very similar - a nasal spray with a spray tip. The cost is approximately the same, varies in regions: from 250 to 350 rubles per 15 ml.
Both drugs are antibiotics, but Polydexa also has antihistamine and vasoconstrictor properties.
The differences between Isofra and Polydex are significant, so we will consider them separately.
This drug is a simpler composition: the main active ingredient is the antibiotic framycetin sulfate from the group of aminoglycosides.
Effectively used for:
rhinitis (contraindicated in allergic rhinitis),
sinusitis (sinusitis, adenoiditis),
after surgical interventions in the nasopharynx.
Actively affects staphylococci, E. coli, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, but is useless against streptococci and anaerobic infections.
Isofra is prescribed even to infants from 1 month.
breastfeeding (only as prescribed by a doctor),
allergic reactions to the components of the solution.
Active ingredients: polymyxin, neomycytin, dexamethasone.
Effectively used for:
acute or chronic rhinitis,
sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, ecmoiditis),
with severe nasopharyngitis,
for the prevention or treatment of infectious and inflammatory complications after surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and after tonsillectomy.
The drug effectively constricts the vessels of the nasal mucosa, reduces the allergic reaction, and also has antimicrobial, bactericidal and pronounced anti-inflammatory effects.
Thanks to neomycitin, Polydexa is effective against aerobic and some anaerobic microorganisms, but is practically useless against pneumococci and streptococci.
Polymyxin allows you to effectively combat complications in otolaryngology, causing purulent complications in the paranasal sinuses, middle and outer ear.
The hormonal drug dexamethasone has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and hyposensitizing effects.
age up to 2.5 years,
cardiac ischemia,
thyroid diseases,
pregnancy at any stage.
Not recommended for use by athletes.
What schemes do doctors often use when prescribing drugs?
Thus, Isofra is a narrowly targeted drug with one antibiotic, and Polydexa is a more powerful combination drug that can also protect against possible allergic rashes. At the same time, Isofra is prescribed even to children of the first year of life, and Polydexa is permissible for use only from 2.5 years of age and is strictly not prescribed to pregnant women. However, if there are no acute indications, it is better to avoid using Polydexa.
Frequent use of antibiotics causes the body to become addicted, and they may not work when it is really necessary.
Both new generation drugs have proven themselves very well, but only a doctor can prescribe treatment, taking all the necessary tests and making an accurate diagnosis.
From the practice of ENT specialists: first they prescribe a simpler drug - Isofra, and if it is ineffective, they switch to Polydexa. If there is no improvement on the 4th day of the chosen treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor; perhaps the drug is simply not suitable.
The antibiotic should not be used for more than 10 days.
Attention! The drugs are used only as prescribed by the attending physician and under his strict supervision.
Photo: Depositphotos, Shutterstock
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Source: http://letidor.ru/zdorove/a0-izofra-ili-polideksa-chto-luchshe-dlya-rebenka-15737.shtml
Isofra or Polydex, which is better for children with a prolonged runny nose
Often faced with colds in our little ones, we try to do everything necessary to cure this illness. And the question arises: which drug Isofra or Polydex is better for children? As always, reviews on the Internet for each drug are contradictory, but we will consider below what to do when treating a baby and what to choose in the end.
Antibiotics for sinusitis
When a child’s cold does not go away for a long time, and is constantly bothered by a runny nose, slight swelling under the eyes and around the nose, you should immediately consult an otolaryngologist. The fact is that these are only minor symptoms that indicate possible purulent inflammation in the maxillary sinuses of the baby, called sinusitis.
- If the diagnosis is confirmed and the baby has sinusitis, then after the necessary bacterial tests, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic tablets or nasal medications, depending on the severity of the infection. Some types of sinusitis can be treated without antibiotic intervention. These include sinusitis caused by allergic rhinitis, as well as chronic and acute sinusitis.
- If the indication does not require drug treatment, then you should not prescribe it yourself. Any antibiotics (oral), while helping to cope with one ailment, simultaneously cause harm to other organs, in particular the gastrointestinal tract, causing dysbiosis.
Indications for the use of antibiotics may arise only in the event of circumstances in which the infection is provoked by a bacterial environment. And in addition to medications, local treatment is carried out by washing the sinuses, as well as in advanced cases. In cases, only after fluoroscopy - puncture of the maxillary sinuses to get rid of pus.
Differences between Polydexa and Isofra
There are many differences between these two drugs. Often, parents of babies are prescribed the drug Isofra in the nose for the treatment of rhinitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. And then, when they come home and read the reviews, young parents do not understand why the doctor prescribed this particular drug and not another, for example, Polydex.
The fact is that doctors prescribe both Polydex and Isofra for sinusitis, adenoids, sinusitis, rhinitis, etc. Although their indications for use are the same, the active ingredients differ significantly. So the doctor who prescribed your baby to spray Isofra drops into the nose was guided by its composition and the age of the child.
- Thus, Isofra spray contains framycetin sulfate, which is a bactericidal antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group. It is active against gram-positive microorganisms that are resistant to penicillins, such as staphylococcus, as well as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Isofra for sinusitis and other upper respiratory tract infections not only inhibits the proliferation of bacteria, but kills them thanks to its aminoglycoside composition.
- If the first spray mainly contains framycetin sulfate, then Polidexa contains the anticongestant (decongestant) phenylephrine hydrochloride, as well as steroid hormones of the corticosteroid class, dexamethasone sodium metasulfobenzoate, which enhance protein catabolism.
- Polydex with phenylephrine effectively eliminates swelling caused by inflammation of the sinuses. Polyomexine B sulfate has a bacteriostatic effect on microorganisms. Polydex is also prescribed as drops in the ears. Polydexa for the ears helps perfectly with external otitis. But it should be instilled into the ear only as prescribed by a doctor and with caution.
Similarities of drugs
Both drugs contain an aminoglycoside antibiotic. Only in the case of the first, the composition contains framycetin sulfate, and in the second, neomycin sulfate. Neomycin is most often used topically to treat skin diseases. In general, both drugs by their nature have a bactericidal effect, which is the reason for its prescription.
A natural contraindication is sensitivity to the components of these drugs. Isofra or Polydex for children with a runny nose is prescribed only after consultation with a doctor.
- The second drug, due to its multicomponent composition, has many more contraindications, especially in children prone to allergic reactions to the neomycin component and if the child suffers from thyroid dysfunction. You need to be especially careful with the last factor and, when prescribing, warn your ENT doctor, since Polydexa is a corticosteroid (hormonal) drug.
- It is possible to give greater preference to Isofra spray only due to the fact that it is allowed to be used by children over one year old. Although no rigorous clinical studies have been conducted on its safety for pregnant and lactating mothers. And Polydex for toddlers is only from 2.5 years old.
The indications are mainly antimicrobial in nature:
- The little ones are prescribed Isofra for green snot with purulent sinusitis;
- Polydex drops for otitis, nasally for chronic rhinopharyngitis;
- Also nasally Isofra for adenoids and chronic adenoiditis;
- Acute rhinitis and sinusitis;
- After surgical interventions, to restore the nasal mucosa;
You should be careful with possible curvature of the nasal septum, as well as with allergic rhinitis.
Isofra nasal spray is recommended to be injected into the nose once into each nostril about 4-6 times a day for adults. For children, such a one-time injection 3 times a day will be enough. Isofra analogues are used according to the same principle, but the course of treatment is carried out for no more than 7 days.
Polydex is used identically for children and adults, only the duration of the course of treatment should not exceed more than 10 days. Corticosteroid drugs are used for up to 5 days; only a doctor can extend the course and only after all tests have been carried out and an accurate diagnosis has been made.
If no positive dynamics are observed during the treatment process (5-10 days), the course of treatment is stopped.
Due to the fact that these drugs have low absorption into the bloodstream, an overdose is practically impossible. Complications can only arise in the form of an allergic reaction to the components of the drugs in the form of skin manifestations. Polydex should also not be used for kidney disease, especially renal failure.
Isofra: instructions for use
As mentioned above, a portion of the drug is injected into the nose of children three times within 24 hours. Isofra instructions for use suggest use only as prescribed by a doctor and only if all rules of use are observed. The drug should not be used in combination with antifungal drugs. They can cause a decrease in the effectiveness of the former.
Before use, the spray bottle should be slightly warmed. To do this, just hold it in your palm for a few minutes. Also be sure to wipe the dispenser sprayer after each injection. This is necessary to prevent the spread of infection if more than one person uses the spray.
Polydexa: instructions for use
With this remedy, the application is similar to the first. The drug is injected nasally (i.e. into the nose) three times a day. It can be used only as prescribed by a doctor and for no more than 10 days, due to its wide range of effects on bacteria.
- Another factor limiting the time of use is that after 10 days, any antibiotic gradually begins to decrease in effectiveness. This is due to the fact that microorganisms begin to develop immunity to bactericidal drugs, and continued treatment becomes inappropriate.
- Before administering the medicine, the nasal cavity should be cleared of mucus by rinsing with salted water. Also, before using the spray, you need to warm and shake the bottle of medicine. It will also be necessary to maintain hygiene when using the bottle.
After reading all the reviews, we can conclude that the prices for these two medications are almost the same (about 300 rubles), but the choice should be made only based on the prescription and severity of the disease. It is also important that both drugs are in the same price category and are prescribed for sinusitis, but the spectrum of action of the second is much wider.
Vasoconstrictor drops – Komarovsky School
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Which expressions do you use most often when communicating with children? Answer “Yes” if you say this to your child and “No” if you do not:
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7-8 points. You live with your child in perfect harmony. He truly loves and respects you. Your relationship contributes to the development of his personality.
9-10 points. You are inconsistent in communicating with your child. He respects you, although he is not always frank with you. Its development is subject to the influence of random circumstances.
11-12 points. You need to be more attentive to your child. You enjoy his authority, but, you must admit, authority is no substitute for love. Your child's development depends more on chance than on you.
13-14 points. You yourself feel that you are going down the wrong path. There is mistrust between you and the child. Before it’s too late, try to pay more attention to him, listen to his words!
Source: http://razvitieiq.ru/zdorove-rebenka/izofra-ili-polideksa-chto-luchshe-dlya-detey-pri-nasmorke.html