Gymnastics for coughs in children

Breathing exercises for coughs in children

Coughing brings not only pain, but also a lot of discomfort. Of course, if a cough occurs, you need treatment based on herbal remedies, but breathing exercises for coughs in children are considered the best remedy.

Table of contents:

What are the benefits of breathing exercises for coughing?

Performing breathing exercises when coughing can make breathing easier by removing phlegm. The technique helps strengthen the immune system. Exercise has long been used for heart problems and to improve the functions of the digestive system. However, in order for cough breathing exercises for children to give excellent results, you should be able to perform them correctly. Cough exercises help to quickly remove phlegm, and regular exercise will improve the child’s general condition.

Let's note the positive aspects when performing breathing exercises:

  • reducing the dosage of medications;
  • improving the patient's health;
  • improving the functioning of the respiratory system by cleaning the respiratory tract;
  • restoration of normal breathing;
  • increased vitality;
  • correction of changes in the chest and spinal column.


Breathing exercises are used less frequently for coughs in adults. Therefore, there is an exercise modified specifically for toddlers and preschoolers. Starting from an early age, parents need to worry about the health of the child. This is precisely why breathing exercises for children were invented, in which you need to teach kids how to breathe correctly in order to eliminate coughing. The most favorable results are achieved by following certain recommendations for performing exercises:

  1. Regularity of classes. Perform the exercises for three weeks, twice a day. Mandatory use of medications to thin the mucus and remove it safely.
  2. Restraint during classes. It is not recommended to open your mouth wide, since sounds need to be pronounced as softly as possible.
  3. Make sure that your throat does not dry out (breathe alternately through your nose and mouth).

If the child is more than 2 years old, then you can use the gymnastic method, which is aimed at eliminating cough in children, because gymnastics is good for health. It is preferable to do gymnastics in the morning before meals or in the evening after dinner a couple of hours later.

Complexes of therapeutic physical education should be carried out for preschool children with prolonged sinusitis, rhinitis, and laryngitis. Gymnastics is considered a good preventive measure for secondary infection with infectious diseases. The training will be useful for both adults and children, and the exercise time is only 10 minutes.

Exercises with quick results

Exercise therapy and breathing exercises for coughs for children not only help eliminate cough, but improve mood, increase mood, promote activity, and have a positive effect on organ activity. A cycle of exercises is especially recommended for obstructive bronchitis; the airways will clear much faster.

There are coughing exercises that effectively affect the respiratory system, strengthening the respiratory muscles. When performing gymnastics, the lungs are filled with the air necessary to stimulate the regeneration of damaged lung tissue. After gymnastics, children are recommended to perform a massage, which will quickly remove phlegm. Let's take a closer look at the complex of breathing exercises for children.

Exercise let's drop the load

Take a standing position, clench your palms into fists. Inhale, open your palms. Exhale - relax your torso. This exercise must be performed up to eight times per approach. Next, you need to relax the muscles as follows: bend your neck forward to the extent possible, and place your hands on your stomach. When a coughing fit begins, there is no need to restrain it.

Exercise figure eight

Using the figure eight exercise, it is possible to significantly increase the removal of sputum from the bronchi. It is carried out like this: bending forward a little, take a rapid breath, hold your breath. During this period, you need to silently count to eight, slowly. After this, you need to exhale calmly.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are considered one of the most famous and help strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of respiratory diseases. At first, this technique was for people who were professional singers. The effectiveness of such procedures was noticed for different organs, so Alexandra Strelnikova slightly changed her own methodology for children of different age categories.

You need to inhale air through your nose, puff out your cheeks, and exhale with your mouth closed.

We perform squats: sit down while inhaling, and stand up as you exhale.

The child is asked simple questions and must answer with sounds.

While reading the poem, children must perform the following movements:

Airplane - airplane (as you inhale, raise your palms to the sides). Heads into flight (slows breathing). “Zhu-zhu-zhu” (turn right). Exhalation with sound. I’ll stand and rest (my hands dropped down). I will fly to the left (head up), then exhale and turn to the left. I'll rest.

Hands to the side. We rise, bend over, clap our knees, voicing: “Ta-ta-ta.” Exhale and straighten up with your arms up, inhaling air.

The child should place his feet wide. While voicing “zu-zu”, wave your arms. Inhale - to the right, exhale - hands to the left. (Sound 2 times). We mowed the grass (repeat sounds).

Squatting on the floor. Hand on the belt, the other on the chest. Inhale - draw in your stomach, exhale (“ffff”) and relax as much as possible, simulating the bubbling of porridge.

Sit down and raise your hands. Slow exhalation is performed, voicing “pf-f.”

No. 9 synchronized march

Children should take a straight position with a special gymnastics stick, move, and raise the stick up. Breathing pace: two steps - inhale, eight - exhale. Duration up to two minutes.

We spread our legs shoulder-width apart and straighten our back. We swing our arms in front of us, saying “tick-tock.”

We place our legs wide, hands first at the bottom, then rise to the side, then clap at the seams, while exhaling we pronounce “ku-ka-re-ku”.

Same position, one hand up, the other to the side. We inhale air through our nose, change the position of our hands, and when we exhale, we sound “r-r-r.”

The child takes a position in which the back is straight, while inhaling, the arms rise to the sides, and when exhaling, they slowly lower.

Children stand straight, legs together, arms down. Bends are performed, and while exhaling, you pronounce “ssss.”

No. 15 swinging pendulum

We spread our legs wide, holding the stick behind our head. The preschooler bends to both sides, exhaling when bending.

Children walk leisurely, raising and lowering their arms to their sides. Hands up - inhale, down - exhale. Duration up to three minutes.

The movement is done simulating skiing (2 minutes).

No. 18 growing big

Hands up, standing on your toes (inhale). Next, lower your arms downwards, standing completely on your foot - exhale.

Complexes of healing exercises should be carried out for up to three months. Breathing exercise courses are prescribed to children suffering from respiratory diseases, persistent sinusitis, rhinitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, vocal cords, and trachea.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

Despite the fact that breathing exercises are so effective and useful, there are a number of contraindications. Let's analyze the main prohibitions of performing breathing exercises:

Breathing exercises are not recommended if you have a history of heart disease. During the procedures, the lungs are cleansed and function faster.

In case of acute lung diseases, breathing exercises should not be performed. When children have bronchitis or acute pneumonia, they should not further burden their lungs.

The use of various complexes for colds during exacerbation is contraindicated. This can cause a significant deterioration in the child’s condition.

Consult your doctor before using any of these tips or treatments.


Breathing exercises for children

With the help of these exercises, not only will your child become healthier, be in a good mood and breathe deeply, but you and him will also breathe a sigh of relief. If you regularly perform such gymnastics, colds will bypass your child!

Breathing exercises - these exercises are simply necessary for children who often suffer from colds, bronchitis, those recovering from pneumonia, and children suffering from bronchial asthma. Breathing exercises perfectly complement any treatment (drug, homeopathic, physiotherapeutic), develop the child’s still imperfect respiratory system, and strengthen the body’s defenses.

Correct breathing.

Another necessary condition for proper development and good growth is the ability to breathe correctly. A child can easily be taught proper breathing. Nine out of ten children breathe incorrectly and feel unwell for this reason. A child who does not know how to breathe correctly can be recognized immediately: narrow shoulders, weak chest, open mouth, nervous movements.

The essence of breathing is to let air into the lungs and oxygenate the blood in the pulmonary alveoli. Breathing is divided into two acts: inhalation, during which the chest expands and air enters the lungs; and exhale - the chest returns to its normal volume, the lungs compress and push out the air in them.

Your task is to teach your child to cleanse his lungs well. If he does not exhale completely, then a fair amount of spoiled air remains deep in the lungs, and the blood receives little oxygen. By teaching your child to breathe through his nose, you will help him get rid of frequent runny noses, flu, sore throat, etc.

It is necessary to accustom the child to full breathing so that he expands the chest and develops the abdominal muscles. Show how to draw in your stomach while breathing, making it flat and sunken.

Playing with roses and dandelions will help you understand what breathing is. Let him smell the flower (mouth closed, nostrils turned). Many babies sniff rather than sniff. Help me feel the difference. Then let him blow on the dandelion: first with his mouth so that he can see how the seeds fly away, then with his nose (alternately pressing one nostril to the bridge of his nose, then the other).

You can continue the game: make the paper mill spin, blow out the candle. These exercises are also performed alternately (mouth and nose). Children have a lot of fun with soap bubbles - also a useful activity for developing proper breathing.

While walking in a park, outside the city, in a forest, near a river, show how you can feel the wonderful taste of clean air by slowly inhaling it through your nose. Then force the used air to be completely removed from the lungs. At the same time, develop sensitivity: “What are you feeling? The color, the smell of grass or wet autumn leaves?

Breathing exercises for children.

It would be nice to do “stretching” gymnastics while walking. Throw a small mat on the grass.

Exercise 1. Get on your knees, press your buttocks to your heels, raise your arms up. The child should slowly lower his arms and torso forward until his palms and forehead touch the ground. Without lifting your buttocks from your heels, stretch your arms as far as possible and stretch your back.

Exercise 2. Lie on your back, arms along your body. Extend your right arm and left leg diagonally, stretch; then - left arm and right leg, stretch again. Repeat several times.

Exercise 3. Get on all fours, take your straight right leg back as high as possible, straighten it, stretch. Do the same with the left. Repeat several times. Between repetitions, you can ask the baby to “bend like a cat.”

Exercise 4. Rise up, walk on your toes, raising your arms up. Monitor your baby's breathing. Then ask to alternately raise your arms up, while trying to stretch as high as possible.

Explain to your baby that he not only breathed, but also helped himself to grow. It would be good to make such walks systematic (by the way, breathing exercises will not only not hurt you, but will also return the energy you expended).

How to relieve a child from coughing using breathing exercises

Children have a highly developed cough center, so they often suffer from coughing. To prevent this, you need to strengthen your airways from early childhood and it’s better to do it playfully!

You can blow on dandelions, blow feathers from your palm. A very useful toy for the development of the lungs is a whistle, especially since there are a great many types of whistles, so the child will not get bored. A very fun game to play by blowing through a cocktail straw into a glass of water. The child blows, the water bubbles - it’s fun and useful, not only for strengthening the respiratory tract, but also for the development of the speech apparatus. Older children can inflate balloons. But remember that breathing exercises are very tiring and can cause dizziness, so you should not do them for more than 5 to 10 minutes.

In order to help your child cope with a cough as quickly as possible, I offer you a breathing exercises game complex (for children from 2 years old). This complex develops the respiratory muscles, speech apparatus, coordination of movements, muscles of the arms and spine, promotes correct rhythmic breathing and pronunciation of sounds.

It is better to do it before breakfast or after dinner.

So, ventilate the room and get started.

Let your baby take a deep breath through his nose, puff out his “bubbly cheeks” and slowly exhale through his slightly open mouth. Repeat 2 – 3 times.

The baby puts his hands on his belt, squats slightly - inhale, straightens up - exhale. Gradually the squats become lower, the inhalation and exhalation take longer. Repeat 3 – 4 times.

Exercise 3. SPEAKING.

You ask questions, the baby answers.

How does the train talk? Tu - tu - tu - tu.

How does the machine hum? Bi-bi. Bi-bi.

How does the dough “breathe”? Puff - puff - puff.

You can also sing vowel sounds: o-o-o-o-ooo, o-oo-oo-oooo.

Tell the poem, and let the baby perform movements in the rhythm of the verse:

Airplane - airplane (baby spreads his arms to the sides, palms up, raises his head, inhales)

Takes flight (holds breath)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (makes a right turn)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (exhale, says zh-zh-zh)

I’ll stand and rest (stands up straight, hands down)

I'll fly to the left (raises head, inhales)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (makes a left turn)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (exhale, zh-zhu-zh)

I’ll stand and rest (stands up straight and lowers his hands).

Repeat 2-3 times

You read a poem, the child performs the movements.

The bear has a huge house (straighten up, stand on tiptoes, raise your arms up, stretch, look at your arms, inhale)

The mouse has a very small one (sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, lower your head, exhale while making the sound sh-sh-sh)

The mouse goes to visit the bear (walk on tiptoes)

He won't get to her.

Repeat 3 – 4 times.

I am a strong wind, I am flying,

I fly wherever I want (arms down, legs slightly apart, inhale through the nose)

I want to whistle to the left (turn my head to the left, lips with a straw and blow)

I can blow to the right (head straight, inhale, head to the right, lips like a tube, exhale)

I can go up (head straight, inhale through the nose, exhale through the lips with a tube, inhale)

And into the clouds (lower your head, touch your chin to your chest, calmly exhale through your mouth)

In the meantime, I’m dispersing the clouds (circular movements with my hands).

Repeat 3-4 times.

Do it together with your baby. Stand up, bend over, hang your wings freely and lower your head. We say: “Tak-tak-tak” and at the same time pat our knees. Exhalation. Straighten up, raise your arms up - inhale. Repeat 5 times.

Show your child how to sit: straight, arms crossed and head down.

The bee said: “Zhu-zhu-zhu” (we compress our chest and as we exhale we say: zhu-zhu, then as we inhale we spread our arms to the sides, straighten our shoulders and say...)

I’ll fly and buzz, I’ll bring honey to the children (he gets up and, spreading his arms to the sides, makes a circle around the room and returns to his place).

Repeat 5 times. Make sure that you inhale through your nose and breathe deeply.

Invite your child to “mow the grass”: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. You read a poem, and the child, saying “zu-zu,” waves his hands to the left - exhale, to the right - inhale.

And I'll swing to the left.

Together quickly, very quickly

We will mow all the grass.

Let the child shake his relaxed hands and repeat from the beginning 3 to 4 times.

Stand straight, legs apart, arms down. Swinging your straight arms back and forth, say “tick-tock.” Repeat 10–12 times.

Sit down, fold your hands into a tube, raise them almost up. Exhaling slowly, pronounce “p-f-f” loudly. Repeat 4-5 times.

Stand straight, legs apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides and then slap them on your thighs. As you exhale, say “ku-ka-re-ku.” Repeat 5-6 times.

Sit down, one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. When retracting the abdomen, inhale; when protruding, exhale. As you exhale, say “f-f-f-f-f” loudly. Repeat 3-4 times.

Walk around the room, making alternating swings with your arms bent at the elbows and saying “chuh-chuh-chuh.” Repeat for 20–30 s.

Stand straight, feet together, hold the gymnastic stick with both hands in front of you. Raise the stick up, rise on your toes - inhale, lower the stick back behind your head - long exhale. As you exhale, say “f-f-f-f-f.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Stand up straight, gymnastic stick in your hands. Walk with your knees high. Inhale for 2 steps, exhale for 6–8 steps. As you exhale, say “ti-sh-sh-she.” Repeat for 1.5 minutes.

Stand straight, hands with the ball in front of your chest. Throw the ball forward from your chest. As you exhale, say “u-h-h-h-h.” Repeat 5-6 times.

Stand straight, feet together, arms down. Inhale, then tilt the torso to the side - exhale, hands slide along the body, while saying “s-s-s-s-s.” Do 6-8 bends in each direction.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other to the side. Inhale through your nose, then change the position of your hands and, during an extended exhalation, say “r-r-r-r-r.” Repeat 5-6 times.

Stand straight, feet together, raise your arms up. Stretch well, rise on your toes - inhale, lower your arms down, lower your entire foot - exhale. As you exhale, say “u-h-h-h-h.” Repeat 4-5 times.

Simulation of skiing for 1.5–2 minutes. As you exhale, say “mm-mm-mm.”

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the stick behind your head close to your shoulders. Tilt your torso to the sides. When bending over, exhale and say “t-u-u-u-h-h.” Do 3-4 bends in each direction.

Walk slowly for 1–3 minutes. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, lower them down - exhale, say “g-oo-oo”.

Standing or sitting, back straight. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, slowly lower them down - long exhale, say “s-s-s-s-s”. Repeat 3-4 times.

The complexes must be performed twice a day, no earlier than 1 hour after meals and 1-1.5 hours before bedtime. The total duration of the lesson is minutes.

Before starting the lesson, it is necessary to ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning. Classes are held with the window open.

Walking around the room combined with hand movements. When inhaling, place your arms to the sides; when exhaling, place your arms at your sides. Breathing through the nose. Mouth closed. Walking can turn into slow running. When running, inhale for 3 counts, exhale for 3 counts.

1. “Forward bend.” IP – standing; feet shoulder width apart. Raise your arms up (inhale through your nose), bend your torso low forward (exhale through your mouth). Repeat 6-8 times.

2. “Grow big.” IP – standing; legs together. Raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes (inhale through your nose). Lower your arms down, lower your entire foot (exhale through your mouth). Repeat 5-6 times.

3. “Let’s reach for our heels.” IP - Sitting on a bench. The back is straight, legs together, hands on the belt. Straighten your legs, with the palms of your arms extended forward, reach the back of your feet (inhale through your nose). Return to IP (exhale). Repeat 5-6 times.

4. "Signalman". IP - sitting on a chair, leaning back. Raise your arms to the sides - up, crossing them above your head, as if giving a signal with flags (inhale through your nose). Return to IP (exhale). Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Spring". IP – lying on your back; legs straight, arms along the body. Raise your legs and bend them at the knees, press them to your chest (exhale). Return to IP (inhale). Repeat 6-8 times.

6. "Seal". IP – lying on stomach; arms extended along the body. Place your hands on your belt, raise your upper chest, shoulders and head, stretch (inhale). Return to IP (exhale). Repeat 6-8 times.

7. “Straight back.” IP – sitting on a chair; arms along the body. Take a deep breath, straightening your back. Lower your shoulder blades and shoulders down (exhale smoothly through your nose). Repeat 6-8 times.

8. “Clean nose.” MP - sitting on a chair. Breathing through the nose, first with one nostril, then the other, then both at the same time. Mouth closed.

Walking around the room, accompanied by clapping your hands: in front, above your head and behind your back. The mouth is tightly closed. Breathing is voluntary, through the nose.

Breathing exercises will strengthen the baby’s immunity.

Protecting your child from colds is not an easy task. Microbes and viruses every now and then overwhelm the little man and undermine his still fragile immune system. What to do? Should I run to the doctor and give my baby pills or resort to grandma’s recipes? Neither one nor the other will be needed if you do breathing exercises with your baby. After all, everyone knows that breathing is life.

The validity of this statement is unlikely to be objectionable to anyone. Indeed, if the body can survive without solid food for several months, without water for several days, then without air for only a few minutes.

Since breathing is a priority, it is natural that many people master this process perfectly. This ability, given at birth and developed throughout life, helps to work miracles with your body, including getting rid of diseases, which Indian yogis have long proven.

It is known that when a person breathes through the mouth, the oral mucosa quickly dries out and thirst appears. In addition, it is easier for infections to get into the respiratory tract - the larynx, trachea and bronchi.

In order not to get sick, you need to learn to breathe correctly. There are many types of breathing exercises, including exercises adapted for children. The fun tips below will teach you and your baby respiratory self-defense.

1. Big and small

Standing straight, while inhaling, the child stands on tiptoes, stretches his arms up, showing how big he is. Hold this position for a few seconds. As you exhale, the child should lower his arms down, then squat down, clasping his knees with his hands and at the same time saying “wow”, hiding his head behind his knees - showing how small he is.

Walk around the room, imitating the movements of the wheels of a steam locomotive with bent arms, while pronouncing “choo-choo” and changing the speed of movement, volume and frequency of pronunciation. Repeat with your child five to six times.

Walk slowly and smoothly around the room, flapping your arms like wings. Raise your arms as you inhale, lower them as you exhale, saying “g-oo-oo.” Repeat with your child eight to ten times.

Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides, and bend one leg forward. Hold the position for a few seconds. Keep your balance. As you exhale, lower your leg and arms, quietly saying “sh-sh-sh-sh.” Repeat with your child six to seven times.

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, fold your hands like a hatchet and lift them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, lower your outstretched arms down as you exhale, tilt your body, allowing your hands to “cut through” the space between your legs. Say "bang." Repeat with your child six to eight times.

Stand with your feet together, arms up. Slowly rotate with straight arms, saying “zh-r-r” as you exhale. As the movements speed up, the sounds become louder. Repeat with your child seven to eight times.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind your back, and body tilted forward. Imitating the movements of a speed skater, bend first your left and then your right leg, saying “k-r-r.” Repeat with your child five to six times.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine how a hedgehog curls up into a ball when in danger. Bend down as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, exhaling “p-f-f” - the sound made by an angry hedgehog, then “f-r-r” - and this is a satisfied hedgehog. Repeat with your child three to five times.

Place your feet together. Imagine how the little frog jumps quickly and sharply, and repeat his jumps: squatting slightly, inhaling, jump forward. When you land, “croak.” Repeat three to four times.

Imagine that you are lost in a dense forest. After inhaling, say “ay” as you exhale. Change your intonation and volume and turn left and right. Repeat with your child five to six times.

As you exhale, say “z-z-z.” Imagine that a bee has landed on your nose (direct sound and gaze towards your nose), on your arm, or on your leg. Thus, the child learns to direct attention to a specific area of ​​the body.

Sit on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you, foot to foot. Place your hands on the inner sides of your knees, which are pressed to the floor. Take a full breath of air, straighten your shoulders, raise your head proudly, as you exhale, lower yourself down, press your head to your feet.


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Perform breathing exercises when coughing

A phenomenon such as cough can accompany not only colds, but also signal the presence of tracheitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. This unpleasant symptom causes the patient pain, attacks of suffocation, and discomfort when in public places.

To get rid of it as quickly as possible, various treatment methods are used: traditional methods, medications, physiotherapeutic techniques. But few people use breathing exercises, the benefits of which are much greater than other methods of therapy.

Benefits of breathing exercises for coughs

As part of the complex treatment of pathological conditions of the respiratory system, exercises allow you to:

  • reduce the dosage of medications;
  • improve the general condition of the patient;
  • activate the work of the ciliated epithelium;
  • speed up the process of clearing the respiratory tract of mucus formations;
  • launch respiratory system reserves;
  • restore full breathing;
  • improve blood supply to organs;
  • restore nervous regulation of organs and systems as a result of the progression of pathological processes;
  • increase tone;
  • correct various deformities in the chest and spine;
  • improve lymph circulation.

Breathing exercises for coughs, when performed regularly, significantly improve pulmonary gas exchange, while relieving headaches and alleviating fever. Exercises can also be used if the disease is chronic, which prevents the development of complications.

Recommendations for performing exercises

The maximum positive effect from breathing exercises can be obtained if you adhere to the basic principles of their implementation:

  • Regularity of training. You can feel the positive dynamics after three weeks by exercising twice a day.
  • Taking mucolytic drugs before starting classes for better removal of pathological secretions.
  • Restraint during exercise. It is not recommended to open your mouth wide; it is advisable to pronounce sounds as softly as possible.
  • Do not allow the mucous membrane of the throat to dry out; breathing should be done alternately: through the nose and through the mouth.
  • Be careful when a cough reflex occurs so as not to harm the vocal cords: tilt your head down, press your hands on the abdominal area (on the sides) and cough without straining.

Indications for breathing exercises

Breathing exercises should be prescribed exclusively by the attending doctor, after a preliminary examination and diagnosis.

For information! Exercises to restore free breathing are only an auxiliary tool in the main treatment of the patient.

The necessary diagnostic methods include:

  • breath tests;
  • study of blood composition for the percentage of gases;
  • analysis of pathological secretions.

Only a doctor can decide on the advisability of breathing exercises, taking into account the characteristics of a particular disease, the general condition of the patient and the absence of special contraindications. At the stage of exacerbation of the disease, the patient must undergo a therapeutic course of antibacterial agents. Before starting physical therapy, it is necessary to cough carefully and gently, clearing the airways of mucus formations.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

Alexandra Strelnikova’s unique health exercises, developed several decades ago, show their effectiveness in treating sinusitis, bronchial asthma, and asthma attacks. This is an excellent lung workout that helps clear the airways.

Important! It is necessary to achieve a sharp, active inhalation, but not volumetric, if possible - emotional.

When performing breathing exercises, the room should be fresh and clean - this is the key to good health. Throughout the entire workout, you need to keep your shoulders slightly lowered, your inhalations sharp, and your exhalations relaxed. If you experience unpleasant sensations, in particular dizziness, you should reconsider the correctness of the gymnastics. If it is difficult to maintain a given pace, then it is recommended to choose a uniform workout.

Set of exercises

  • Movement No. 1 “Turn your head left and right.” At the same time, you need to inhale actively so that you feel the retraction of the wings of the nose. Each breath takes 1 second. Number of repetitions 3, stopping time 12 s. For one repetition you need to do 2 sets of 8 breaths.
  • Movement No. 2 “Tilt your head to the sides.” The actions are similar to the previous complex: with your head down, you need to inhale through the nasal passages and exhale freely through the mouth. Number of repetitions 3, stop duration 12 s. For one repetition, 2 sets of 8 breaths are performed.
  • Movement No. 3 “Tilt your head forward and backward.” When lowering your head forward, inhale; when straightening, exhale. The same manipulations must be done when tilting the head back. Number of episodes: 3, stop duration: 12 s. For one repetition, 2 sets of 8 breaths are performed.
  • Movement No. 4 “Hand movements.” Your arms must be raised to shoulder level and bent at the elbow. After which, at chest level they are brought together alternately, then right, then left. When moving, you actively inhale, and when you spread your arms to the sides, you exhale. Number of sets: 3, pause duration: 12 s. For one repetition, 2 sets of 8 breaths are performed.
  • Movement No. 5 “Body tilts.” When bending down, inhale, and when straightening, exhale.
  • Movement No. 6 “Tilts”. The algorithm of actions is similar to movement No. 4, where when bending back, you need to bring your hands together in front of you. Breathing: emotional inhalation through the nasal passages and exhalation through the oral cavity.
  • Movement No. 7 “Squats”. One leg must be brought forward and the other leg must be put back. When performing squats, in the lower position, you need to connect your hands and inhale, and when standing up, exhale.
  • Movement No. 8 “Tilting the body in different directions.” Inhalation during such movements is performed in the lower position. The number of repetitions in movements No. 6 - 8 is 6, stops for 12 seconds.

You will learn how to properly perform Strelnikova’s breathing exercises from the following video:



Every disease has its own cycle - a person gets sick, is treated, then recovers. One of the unpleasant diseases is bronchitis, which, in addition to internal irritants, is filled with external ones and is very noticeable to others. A cough cannot be cured overnight, even using the most modern methods. When treating with medications, we want to shorten the course of the disease so as not to feel unpleasant sensations for a long time, not to cough in public, not to use medications that also harm the body, and also to reduce the treatment budget. As you know, in order to get sick less, you need to supplement treatment with pills with different procedures. Breathing exercises directly affect the bronchi and lungs, helping the body cope with the disease.

General Tips

For effective exercises, you need to move away from the general concept of “cough” and look more specifically at the mechanism of action of breathing exercises for adults and children:

  • breathing exercises reduce inflammation and improve immunity due to better ventilation of the bronchi and lungs;
  • phlegm is better formed under conditions of targeted exercise;
  • mucus from the bronchi is better removed as a result of coughing;
  • the cardiovascular, nervous and even digestive systems work better, the body recovers faster.
  • ventilate the room, especially carefully if classes are held in groups, for example in a kindergarten, otherwise you can expect the opposite effect and an increase in the disease;
  • do wet cleaning in the room to get rid of dust;
  • You can exercise in the fresh air; with simple bronchitis and cough, after recovery, you can only recover through long walks;
  • A certain climate helps to overcome a cough well - if the air is filled with pine resins, especially pine resins, also sea salts or salt from salt industrial developments, a dry warm climate also helps, for example, the southern coast of Crimea in the summer or Egypt all year round;
  • you need to be able to distinguish bronchitis from whooping cough and attacks of bronchial asthma, because the symptoms are similar, but the treatment is radically different;
  • do not self-medicate, you need to pay tribute to the achievements of modern medicine and consult a competent doctor, because bronchitis can be a sign of pneumonia, and this is very dangerous;
  • if you are taking medications, try taking them with a special inhaler - a nebulizer, ask your doctor for details;
  • if you work with children, try to turn the exercises into a fun game;
  • Be careful with various non-traditional health systems, many of them have signs of sects and are even fraudulent, don’t joke with your health, if you want to exercise, do physical exercises and combine them with breathing.

Exercises for seniors

In order to defeat bronchitis, you need moderate physical activity, which is combined with intense breathing, this is called dynamic breathing exercises:

  1. Raising our knees high, we walk in place for three minutes, the pace must be chosen so that at each step we have time to raise our arms up while inhaling, and at the next step exhale with the sound “hoo-oo-oo”.
  2. Inhale the air forcefully, drawing in your stomach with tension in your abs, then stick your stomach out as you exhale, clearing your throat. You can do it lying down, sitting, standing, a good exercise for coughing.
  3. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hug yourself with your arms, exhaling strongly and loudly, trying to reach your shoulder blades with your palms.
  4. Place the palms of your hands together, raise them up, and at the same time, while inhaling, rise on tiptoes, bend sharply and, as you exhale, cut through the space between your legs, like a woodcutter chopping wood.
  5. Twist with straight arms synchronously or discordantly, for example, one hand is up, the other is down, twist forward with one hand, and back with the other.

For babies

For children, classes should be conducted in a playful way:

  1. Exercise for children “beetle in the spring”, performed in a sitting position - while inhaling, turn to the left, move your left arm back, while exhaling we return back with the sound “zh-zh-zh”.
  2. Blow through the straw into the water.
  3. Imitation of a bird - as you inhale, raise your arms up, as you exhale, lower your arms with the sound “oo-oo-oo”, you can make up to ten swings and not necessarily in place, you can slightly run around the room.
  4. Clock pendulum - standing straight, swing your straight arms back and forth, saying “tick-tock” up to ten times. Turn your palms towards the body.

With bronchitis, the child is already weakened, so even if he starts playing, he should not lose extra strength, activities for children should last about ten minutes, they can be done up to three times a day. With bronchitis and pneumonia, you need to walk a lot, especially if the weather allows it, so the disease will go away much faster. In addition, it is more interesting to do gymnastics in nature, on a playground. Of course, you don’t need to cough a lot in the presence of other people, but there is always a place that is deserted and at the same time good for doing health-improving gymnastics.

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Breathing exercise for coughing: 1 comment

Interesting, I'll have to try the exercises. I am probably more conservative in the way I treat coughs and colds. I am treated with Prospan syrup. I like that it is natural and effective.


Breathing exercises for coughing for adults and children

Coughing is such an unpleasant phenomenon that it not only makes you experience pain and discomfort during the next attack, but also confuses you and you have to experience embarrassment in society. Naturally, when a cough appears, every person tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible using all known methods - folk remedies, medications, and physiotherapy are used. And few people know that breathing exercises can provide significant help with coughing.

The need for breathing exercises when coughing

The breathing exercises method is a set of exercises that help clear the airways of mucus and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process. In addition, the technique under consideration helps strengthen the immune system and increase the body's defenses.

According to official data, breathing exercises will help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and help you relax as much as possible and have a good rest.

The only clarification from experts regarding breathing exercises is that all of its positive effects on health will be provided only if the exercises are performed correctly and regularly.

Breathing exercises for dry cough

In principle, exercises aimed at improving the functioning of the respiratory system can be found in any complex of therapeutic exercises. They will contribute to better saturation of oxygen in the body and will serve as the prevention of respiratory diseases. But the technique under consideration will be most useful if a dry cough already occurs. A certain set of exercises will ensure the rapid formation of sputum in the lower and middle sections of the bronchi and its removal to the outside. This, in turn, reduces the number and intensity of coughing attacks, alleviates the patient’s general condition, increases the body’s protective functions and speeds up recovery.

It is especially worth noting the fact that performing a set of exercises using the breathing exercises method is carried out at any time, both at home and at work - this will not cause any inconvenience or discomfort.

Breathing exercises for coughing for adults

There are a number of exercises that can help speed up your recovery. They are suitable for adults, performed regularly and exactly as described.

Breathing exercises for coughing:

  1. Steps in place . You need to walk in place for 2-3 minutes, raising your knees high. At the same time, raising one leg, you need to raise your arms up and take a deep breath through your mouth. When we raise the second leg, lower our hands down, exhale deeply while simultaneously pronouncing the sound “huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
  2. Breathing while lying down . We lie down on our back, take a deep strong breath and at the same time draw in/strain our abdominal muscles. Next, we exhale the same deeply and relax the muscles/push out the stomach. If a rapid contraction of the abdominal muscles occurs, then you need to clear your throat and only then continue the exercise.

Please note: the above exercise can be done not only while lying on your back, but also while sitting/standing.

  1. Hugs . Starting position – standing with your legs wide apart (shoulder width apart). We spread our arms to the sides and then hug ourselves with them, trying to reach our shoulder blades with our fingers. Just at the moment of hugging, we exhale strongly and loudly.
  2. Wood chopping . We place our feet shoulder-width apart, raise our arms above our heads and interlock our fingers. Rising on our toes, we bend back and sharply bend down, making a movement with our hands that imitates chopping wood. When raising your arms up, take a deep breath, when bending down, exhale strongly and loudly.
  3. Helicopter . We stand straight, arms down along the body. We begin to make circular movements with our hands in different directions - for example, the left hand makes circles forward, the right hand makes circles back. During these movements you need to breathe frequently through your nose.

If these exercises from the breathing exercises complex are carried out at home, then you need to carry out wet cleaning beforehand and ensure a constant flow of fresh air into the room.

Breathe correctly and treat coughs in children

During illness, children become capricious and lethargic, and simple breathing exercises will certainly interest the child, and the benefits will be great - the cough will go away faster, breathing will be restored and become full, the night's sleep will be restful without coughing attacks.

Exercises from a complex of breathing exercises for coughing in children:

  1. Bug. The child sits on a chair, turns his body to the right, withdraws his arm and inhales. Returning to the starting position, the baby should exhale and at the same time pronounce the sound “zhzhzhzh”. Do the same in the other direction.
  2. Bubbles . You need to prepare a glass/jar of water and put a cocktail straw in it. The child takes a deep breath through the nose and exhales through the straw - bubbles will appear in the water.
  3. Birdie . The child stands straight, then spreads his arms to the sides and slowly raises them up, taking a deep breath. Then the hands quickly lower down, exhale and pronounce the sound “uuuu”. Such swings need to be done 6-10 in a row.
  4. Watch . The child stands straight, arms are located along the body. You need to make short swings with your arms alternately, your palms should be turned towards your body. During the exercise, you need to say “tick-tock” for each arm swing. You need to repeat the exercise once.

Please note: it is highly undesirable to perform breathing exercises at elevated temperatures, severe weakness and drowsiness. You also need to carefully monitor the child’s well-being during exercises - if the baby coughs heavily, complains of dizziness or general malaise, then you need to stop exercising.

Breathing exercises for coughing are an excellent way to speed up recovery. And this technique in most cases allows you to do without the use of medications.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

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How to help your child cope with a cough. Breathing exercises

The beginning of winter is the time of illness, the season of cough and bronchitis. The baby drank some water on the street on the way home, ran with friends after school or kindergarten - irritation arose on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and a cough began. And a weakened, inflamed throat is very easily susceptible to infections and viruses. With acute respiratory viral infections or influenza, the cough gets worse, complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia may occur...

The cough itself, in addition to the disease of which it becomes a symptom, is not so dangerous, but it exhausts the child’s body and does not allow him to eat or sleep normally at night. How to alleviate the baby's suffering?

What do we expect from a pediatrician?

With bronchitis and other acute diseases of the respiratory tract, the child suffers from acute coughing attacks that he cannot cope with on his own (especially at night), breathing becomes whistling, hoarse and difficult. This means that the child's airways have narrowed. What should a mother do in this situation?

First of all, you need to call a pediatrician, because only a professional can make the correct diagnosis and determine how far the infection has penetrated. The pediatrician usually prescribes:

  • cough syrup (with expectorant and sputum thinning effects);
  • inhalations are most effective if carried out using a special inhaler, saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution) and an inhalation solution, for example, Lazolvan, in a 1:1 ratio;
  • antibiotics - if the infection has descended into the bronchi or lungs, and it is not possible to cope with the disease in any other way. You can start a course of antibiotics only as prescribed by your doctor!
  • a drug for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, if a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Breathing exercises for coughing - why is it needed?

In addition to drug therapy (which cannot be avoided in acute respiratory diseases), there are other ways to help your child cope with the disease. One of the most effective is breathing exercises. Of course, you can only offer it to a child over 3 years old, because... the procedure involves repetitions of clear actions, which is difficult to achieve with small children.

But the method itself is very effective: a specialized set of exercises frees the bronchi from mucus, reduces inflammation and increases the protective properties of the mucous membrane, alleviates the child’s condition and helps him recover faster.

Basics of gymnastics - how to breathe correctly

Let's start the breathing master class!

Here are a few simple rules to help make the exercises as effective as possible:

  • we begin to exercise 3 days after the start of drug therapy;
  • We perform exercises standing, sitting or lying down (depending on the condition of the young patient);
  • we inhale the air strongly, sharply and energetically;
  • we draw in air through the mouth naturally and softly, through the nose - noisily and actively;
  • exhale, on the contrary, slowly and smoothly;
  • Help your baby follow the breathing rhythm by counting.

Breathing exercises “Funny animals”

Have you learned to breathe correctly? Great! Now let's learn the exercises. The baby will probably like this kind of gymnastics - it will help not only cope with a cough, but also have fun (and psychological relief during illness is also extremely important).

Chafer. The baby sits on a chair, hands on his belt. As you inhale, turn your body to the right and move your right arm back. As you exhale, we return to the starting position, imitating the buzzing of a cockchafer: “Zhzhzhzh!” Inhale again and turn left.

Geese-geese, ha-ha-ha! Starting position – sit on a chair, arms raised to your shoulders. We bend towards the floor, inhale, and as we exhale we return to the starting position, accompanying the movement with a loud “Ga-a-a-a!”

Crow . Starting position – sit on a chair, arms along your shoulders. As you inhale, raise both arms (through the sides), as you exhale, lower your arms down, while loudly saying “Carrr!”

Kitty. Invite your son or daughter to imagine themselves as a cat tracking a bird.

It is better to perform the exercise while standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, relaxed. We inhale, while bending our arms and clenching our fingers into fists. We squat, turning our body to the right, exhale and return to the starting position. On the next inhalation, we squat, now turning our body to the left.

Stork. Performed from a standing position, arms along the shoulders. While inhaling, we raise our arms to the sides (as in the “crow”), and raise the leg bent at the knee. As you exhale, lower your arms and legs with the sound “Shhhh!”

Crane. The starting position is the same as in the “stork”. As we inhale, we raise our hands up, and as we exhale, we lower them with a drawn-out sound “Uuuuuu!”

Small bird. It flies very fast. It is better to save this exercise for the end of the “anti-cough exercise”. Let your baby run around the room, rhythmically flapping his arms up and down. You shouldn’t stop suddenly; ask your child to gradually reduce the speed of his “flight”.

We perform all exercises 5 times. We repeat the sounds clearly, loudly, always while exhaling. Do not force your child to do exercises by force; the body itself will tell you when to say “Stop!” Just 10 minutes a day is enough, and the little patient will feel much better.

And again about medications

I would like to note once again that breathing exercises in themselves are not a panacea for all bronchitis-cough problems; it must be combined with modern medications, which, on the one hand, will help relieve cough, and on the other, are well tolerated and not threaten children's fragile immunity. One of these drugs is Lazolvan®. Ambroxol (the active ingredient of the drug) thins difficult to separate mucus and improves its clearance from the respiratory tract. The best effect can be achieved if you simultaneously use cough syrup and inhale with a special solution.

There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required.

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