Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses - located under the eyes and adjacent to the nose. The sputum that accumulates in these cavities, and in some cases pus, puts pressure on their walls, causing irritation and swelling.
Table of contents:
- Sinusitis
- Causes of sinusitis
- Symptoms of sinusitis
- Treatment of sinusitis
- Treatment of sinusitis without puncture
- Nasal rinsing for sinusitis
- Information about similar diseases:
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- Nasal rinsing for sinusitis. Treatment of sinusitis
- Why perform such an event?
- What to clean with?
- How is the procedure done?
- Sinusitis: treatment. Rinsing the nose with furatsilin
- Cheap way to wash
- Application of propolis
- Tandem: iodine and potassium permanganate
- Method used in hospitals
- Important Tips
- Symptoms and treatment of purulent sinusitis at home
- Causes
- Symptoms of purulent inflammation
- Treatment of purulent inflammation
- Drug treatment
- Traditional methods
- To learn more
- Latest publications:
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- Hot Topics
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- 15 Home Remedies to Relieve Sinus Pressure and Smooth Breathing
- Sinusitis in children: symptoms and home treatment with folk remedies
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- Names of injections for sinusitis
- Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics - names of popular drugs
- Colloidal silver - treatment of sinusitis with protargol
- Sinusitis: symptoms of a dangerous disease and the pitfalls of its self-treatment at home
- Why don’t we listen to doctors and look for traditional methods of treating sinusitis?
- So, what is sinusitis and where does it come from?
- Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment of various forms of the disease
- Sinusitis: treatment of acute forms of the disease with antibiotics and a YAMIK catheter
- Acute sinusitis: treatment of odontogenic forms without the participation of specialized specialists is unacceptable
- If the outflow of mucus from the maxillary sinuses is difficult, antibiotics and rinses are not enough
- Chronic sinusitis - treatment without surgery is possible
- Is surgery always indicated for mucosal hypertrophy in chronic sinusitis?
- What should you remember when treating both acute and chronic sinusitis?
- Are there special drugs?
- Cuckoo - a way to eliminate sinusitis from the last century
- Myths about traditional treatment of sinusitis
- Myth 1. Bay leaf will help you avoid antibiotics
- Myth 2. Treatment with honey is indicated for children and pregnant women
- Myth 3. Sinusitis and propolis - this treatment without antibiotics will definitely help
- Myth 4. Chestnut is very effective
- Myth 5. Cyclamen is a folk method unfairly underestimated by doctors
- The main myth. Traditional treatment of sinusitis is safe, but antibiotics or surgery are harmful
- What complications can develop when fighting sinusitis using “old-fashioned methods”?
- Treatment of sinusitis in children and pregnant women: principles, problems, priorities
- Now let's get back to the kids...
- Rules for your health
- In conclusion…
When inflammation of one sinus is noted, we speak of unilateral sinusitis; when both sinuses are inflamed, we speak of bilateral sinusitis.
In the absence of treatment, the disease develops into a chronic form that recurs when favorable conditions occur. Children and people with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to the development of sinusitis.
Causes of sinusitis
In most cases, sinusitis develops as a complication of an upper respiratory tract infection caused by pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses accompanies tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and acute respiratory infections. Among the main causative agents of the disease: streptococcus, adenovirus, staphylococcus, etc.
Often sinusitis occurs for no apparent reason. In fact, the inflammatory process is always a consequence of a source of infection in the body. Such a source can be a tooth destroyed by caries, gum pockets formed under the influence of pathogenic bacteria living in the oral cavity that provoke periodontitis. Theoretically, pathogenic microbes can penetrate the maxillary sinuses even from distant parts of the body through the blood, so determining the cause of the development of the inflammatory process in this case can be quite difficult.
In people prone to allergies, symptoms of sinusitis appear in the spring, during the flowering of some plants. The chronic form of the disease is caused by the presence of an old infection in the body, decreased immunity, a crooked nose, polyps, and bad habits, in particular smoking and drinking alcohol.
Symptoms of sinusitis
The disease can be recognized by a long-lasting runny nose, accompanied by copious discharge of mucus from the nose, sometimes mixed with pus. The following main signs of sinusitis are also distinguished:
- headache;
- general weakness;
- decreased appetite;
- decreased or complete loss of sense of smell;
- pain in the upper part of the nose, under the eyes, sometimes radiating to the upper jaw;
- congestion, swelling of the nasal mucosa.
In addition, inflammation of the maxillary sinus may be accompanied by symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection:
Prolonged lack of treatment for sinusitis can lead to the development of complications, the most dangerous of which are meningitis and osteomyelitis. Decreased vision in the presence of the above symptoms indicates involvement of the optic nerve in the inflammatory process.
Treatment of sinusitis
The presence of the disease is determined by the doctor after conducting some research: interviewing the patient, analyzing his blood, and radiography of the maxillary sinuses.
An ENT specialist knows how to treat sinusitis correctly. Basic medications are prescribed taking into account the cause of the disease and its causative agent. If during diagnosis it is determined that the inflammatory process is caused by the presence of a bacterial infection, antibiotics (tetracyclines, macrolides) are prescribed; if the disease is viral in nature, antiviral agents are prescribed.
In extreme cases, when drug therapy does not bring the desired result, surgical intervention is required. Today, puncture or puncture for sinusitis is carried out only in extreme cases. Modern experts prefer conservative methods of treatment.
A puncture of the nasal septum is carried out to remove the contents accumulated in the maxillary sinuses - pus or exudate. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, during which the cavities are drained with an antibiotic.
Main indications for puncture:
- prolonged course of sinusitis without visible improvements in the patient’s condition, even with drug treatment;
- the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the nose;
- prolonged increase in body temperature;
- suspicion of complications.
Treatment of sinusitis without puncture
Any specialist knows how to cure sinusitis without a puncture, before the disease becomes chronic. For this purpose, general and local therapy is prescribed. The first involves taking medications in tablets, the second involves rinsing the nose with special antibacterial solutions and using nasal sprays, which, as a rule, have vasoconstrictor properties. Physiotherapy procedures – Sollux, UHF – give good results in treatment.
Additional drugs may be prescribed depending on the main manifestations of the disease. At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs (Amidopyrine) are indicated, for headaches - painkillers (Citramon), in case of sinusitis due to an allergic reaction - antihistamines (Loratadine). Upon completion of treatment, it is recommended to take immunostimulants.
Nasal rinsing for sinusitis
Douching or rinsing the nose helps eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, restores respiratory and olfactory function, and allows you to remove the products of pathogenic bacteria, mucus and pus. The procedure is performed by the patient at home independently. For ease of implementation, you can use a syringe without a needle.
How to rinse your nose with sinusitis so that recovery occurs as quickly as possible? The medicine is prescribed by a specialist. This may be an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory drug. Furacilin, potassium permanganate, sea salt-based products, and iodine are used quite successfully in this case.
You should rinse your nose twice a day for a week. This method of treatment is effective only as part of complex therapy and can be used as prophylaxis by people prone to sinusitis.
Information about similar diseases:
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I once got sick with sinusitis, then I didn’t know what kind of disease it was or how it manifested itself. I ended up in the hospital with punctures every day - it was terrible what I had to go through. And now six months pass and I again have sinusitis due to a weakened immune system. The doctor again sent me to the hospital, but this time she did not agree to hospitalization, but decided to try another treatment on the advice of a friend, who took me to a nutritionist, she prescribed treatment and after 2 weeks I am healthy. After this I don’t end up in the hospital, I know how to deal with this scourge.
Nasal rinsing for sinusitis. Treatment of sinusitis
Sinusitis, or inflammation of the sinuses, is a common disease that often becomes chronic. It is difficult to get rid of this disease; it is necessary to carry out a whole range of measures to eliminate it. One of the treatment procedures is nasal rinsing for sinusitis. Thanks to this cleansing method, pus is easily removed from the maxillary sinuses. Today we will find out what means you can use to rinse your nose, and we will also look at how to carry out the procedure correctly so that the infection does not get into the middle ear.
Why perform such an event?
Nasal rinsing for sinusitis is an important process, without which treatment of such a disease would be inappropriate. When carrying out this procedure, the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, the capillary system is toned, and the body begins to fight the disease on its own. The main function of nasal rinsing is the regeneration of the natural process of removing mucus and pus.
What to clean with?
Nasal rinsing for sinusitis can be done using the following means:
- Alternating a solution of potassium permanganate with iodine.
- Strong black or green tea.
- Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, plantain).
- Table or sea salt.
- Treatment with furatsilin.
- Propolis.
- Baking soda.
- Mineral water with calendula.
- Carrot or beet juice.
- Ordinary boiled water.
How is the procedure done?
The process of removing mucus and pus is the same, no matter what solution or liquid you use. So, rinsing the sinuses for sinusitis is as follows:
- Before the procedure, you need to get rid of mucus as much as possible. You can even use vasoconstrictor drugs, for example, Naphthyzin or Rinazolin drops. After 10–15 minutes, you can begin the procedures.
- To rinse, you will need an instrument with which to inject the medicine. A syringe without a needle or a syringe is suitable for this purpose.
- The patient should lean over the bathtub or sink, tilt his head slightly to the side, and use the selected device to pour the desired liquid into the nostril that turns out to be located higher than the second. The solution must be administered slowly and smoothly.
- The person should slowly tilt their head to the other side, and the liquid will come out on its own. Then the patient must repeat this procedure with the other nostril. This activity must be carried out until the liquid runs out. One procedure takes approximately 100–200 ml of the prepared solution.
Sinusitis: treatment. Rinsing the nose with furatsilin
To carry out the procedure for getting rid of pus in the nose, the doctor often prescribes certain medications. Most often, doctors attribute and consider the following remedy to be effective - rinsing the nose with furatsilin for sinusitis. This medicine is available without a prescription, you can find it in any pharmacy, and it is sold at an affordable price. With the help of this remedy, a person can independently remove pus from the maxillary sinuses, resulting mucus and crusts.
To rinse your nose with furatsilin, you must proceed in the following sequence:
- Boil 0.5 liters of water in a saucepan. Cool it to a temperature of approximately 40 degrees.
- Take one furatsilin tablet from the package and divide it in half. Dissolve one half in prepared water.
- Clear your nose of mucus.
- Fill a syringe or syringe (without a needle) with a medicinal solution, bend over and turn your head so that the liquid, when injected into the nose, cannot enter the middle ear.
- This composition must be introduced one by one. If you do everything correctly, the solution poured through one hole will pour out through the other.
- After the procedure, the person should lie down on the bed, put a pillow under his head and rest for half an hour.
Treatment of the nose with furatsilin should be done 4 times a day for a week. The remains of the medicine must be poured out, since before each procedure it is necessary to make a fresh composition.
Cheap way to wash
Now we will learn about an inexpensive method of clearing the nose from a disease called sinusitis. Rinsing your nose with sea salt has the following benefits:
- Low price of the solution.
- Easy to prepare.
Most medicinal solutions used for nasal irrigation are salt-based, so you can make the necessary liquid yourself. To do this, you need to take half a teaspoon of table or sea salt, dissolve it in 250 ml of warm boiled water and use this product. One appointment (rinsing the nose) requires an average of 100–200 ml of liquid. If you have any solution left after the procedure, it is better to throw it away and prepare a fresh portion next time. Rinsing the nose with salt for sinusitis is the most popular method in treating this disease.
Application of propolis
This beekeeping product is very effective in the early stages of sinusitis. In order to carry out the procedure correctly, you need to add 5 g of salt and 15 drops of propolis tincture (purchased at the pharmacy) to 250 ml of boiling water. Mix everything thoroughly and rinse your nose in the usual way, as indicated above. This remedy should be used for about a week three times a day. Thanks to propolis, breathing is significantly easier from the first procedures, and the symptoms of sinusitis are quickly eliminated.
Tandem: iodine and potassium permanganate
An effective, inexpensive means for rinsing the nose is alternating iodine and potassium permanganate. For the procedure you will need boiled water in the amount of 200 ml, you need to add 5 g of salt to it. After this, you need to dissolve potassium permanganate in a glass, throwing in just a couple of crystals so that the liquid turns pink. You need to rinse your nose with this solution. Next time, a different composition is made: 5 g of salt is again dissolved in a glass of water, and then 15 drops of iodine are added. The nose is washed with this solution a second time. And so you can alternate 2 times a day, that is, a liquid with the addition of iodine is made twice, and a medicine with potassium permanganate is made the same amount. Rinsing the nose during sinusitis in this way thins the mucus and also prevents the proliferation of microbes, and this leads to a speedy recovery of the patient.
Method used in hospitals
Very often this method is used in clinics - this is nasal rinsing for cuckoo sinusitis. We will explain why this name is given later, but first we will consider the sequential process of treating the maxillary sinuses using this method:
- The patient lies down on the couch so that his head is at an angle of 45 degrees.
- The doctor irrigates the nose with vasoconstrictor medications in order to minimize the pain associated with the cuckoo procedure.
- The doctor carefully inserts a special equipment called an aspirator into one nostril of a person, using it to deliver medicinal solutions (most often antiseptics and antibacterial drugs are used). Then the specialist turns on the device. As a result of the operation of the device, negative pressure is created in the patient’s nasal cavity, and the liquid comes out of the maxillary passages.
- While receiving the medicine, the person must say the word “ku-ku”. When this sound is pronounced, the person's velum rises, thus blocking the medicine so that it does not go down the throat.
- After the manipulation, the patient is asked to lie down for a while with his head bowed so that the administered medications do not remain in the sinuses.
This procedure lasts approximately 15 minutes. The full course of treatment for sinusitis using the “cuckoo” method is 10 days.
Important Tips
- Sinusitis is a serious disease that, if not treated correctly, can cause the patient to develop meningitis. Therefore, before performing any manipulations yourself, it is better to go to a qualified specialist who will examine, determine at what stage the patient has sinusitis, and then prescribe suitable methods for rinsing the nose for this ailment.
- The amount of solution poured into the nose per application should be 100–200 ml.
- You can do up to 4 washes per day.
- To prevent the liquid from getting into your mouth, you need to pronounce the sound “ee-ee” or say “ku-ku” during the manipulation - in this case the soft palate rises, due to which a barrier is created between the nasopharynx and throat, as a result - the solution does not ends up where it shouldn't.
- The temperature of the medicinal mixture should not be higher than 40 degrees, the optimal is 37–38 degrees.
- The course of treatment of sinusitis with rinsing should be from 7 to 12 days.
- In order to prevent a relapse, for prevention it is necessary to take homeopathic tablets in the fall and spring, for example, “Hymorin”, “Sinupret”, “Tsinabsin”.
Now you know that rinsing the nose for sinusitis is one of the most important procedures for getting rid of this disease. We found out that there are many ways to remove infection, pus, and mucus from the body. However, before trying any of the above methods, you must consult a doctor, who will give his recommendations on what medicine to use for rinsing.
Symptoms and treatment of purulent sinusitis at home
Purulent sinusitis is an acute or chronic bacterial inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses.
The danger of this disease lies in the proximity of vital organs to the source of inflammation. In particular, we are talking about the brain, eyes, and vestibular apparatus. You can avoid this nightmare by contacting a specialist and completing a full course of therapy.
Often acute sinusitis is a complication of ARVI, but there are other reasons:
- Attachment of bacterial flora to chronic runny nose;
- The presence of a focus of chronic inflammation anywhere in the body;
- Allergic edema;
- Deviation of the nasal septum.
All this leads to a predisposition, but for the occurrence of sinusitis itself, certain conditions must also be met - the bacterium must have a favorable environment. She may become:
- Reduced immunity;
- Frequent rhinitis (runny nose);
- Constant exposure to mental stress;
- Lack of comprehensive treatment for viral and bacterial infections.
Knowing the real reasons, it is much easier to cure acute purulent sinusitis. And eliminating each of the factors can make it possible to get rid of chronic forms of the disease for a long time.
Symptoms of purulent inflammation
Purulent sinusitis occurs in two forms - acute and chronic. Symptoms of the acute form are characterized by a sudden and violent onset, while the chronic form is sluggish and the symptoms are less pronounced. The clinical picture of these forms is different.
- Chills;
- Heat;
- Severe headache in the forehead;
- Nasal congestion (swelling);
- Painful sensations when pressing on the sinus area;
- Increased headache and feeling of pressure in the bridge of the nose when bending over or clenching the teeth;
- Medium amount of mucopurulent and purulent discharge from the nose.
Outwardly noticeable, only swelling of the eyelids and swelling in the bridge of the nose. Often the congestion and swelling are so severe that the sick person is forced to breathe through the mouth.
- Malaise and lethargy;
- Constant mild headache;
- Constant nasal congestion and difficult nasal breathing;
- Copious mucous and mucopurulent discharge from the nose during an exacerbation.
The discharge is yellow-green or brown in color and is often difficult to remove. In addition, sick people often feel pressure in the bridge of the nose and headaches with sinusitis are described as pressing. Sometimes, when the sinuses become inflamed, teeth begin to ache.
Treatment of purulent inflammation
Gone are the days when the only solution was to pierce your nose. Today, uncomplicated sinusitis is treated with conventional rinsing and medications. Surgery is indicated only in the most extreme cases, when there is a risk of the infection spreading to the brain or eyes.
Acute and chronic purulent sinusitis occurs in different ways, but the principle of treatment is the same - to eliminate the bacterial agent and restore aeration of the sinuses. There are two groups of methods - medicinal and non-medicinal.
It is better and more reliable, of course, to be treated in a hospital. Indeed, at home it is extremely difficult to carry out some procedures available in a hospital. Each stage of therapy should be monitored by a doctor who can give timely advice and adjust drug doses.
Drug treatment
- Cephalosporins, such as cefazolin;
- Penicillins - augmentin in tablets for adults or syrups for children;
- Macrolides are, for example, Sumamed in tablets and suspensions.
Antibacterial drugs must be taken for the entire prescribed course and the results closely monitored. In parallel with them, it is worth taking probiotics, which will protect healthy intestinal microflora. Vasoconstrictor drugs. In the vast majority of cases, sinusitis is accompanied by severe swelling of the mucous membrane, which complicates the outflow of mucus and pus. In such cases, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictors - naphthyzin, eucazoline, rhinos.
These medications are prescribed 2-3 times a day, but not more often. They are used 15 minutes before washing or disinfecting the nasal cavity and sinuses.
The main role of vasoconstrictor drugs will be to free up space for better penetration of antibacterial and antiseptic agents. Antiallergic drugs. Antiallergic (antihistamine) agents are also used to relieve swelling. Histamine is a substance that provokes the secretion of mucus as a protective mechanism of the respiratory tract. If a person’s purulent sinusitis was caused by stagnation during an allergy, there is too much mucus. The following medications are prescribed:
All these drugs are given in the prescribed dosage. In most of them it is one tablet per day. Nasal rinsing. One of the most effective ways to treat sinusitis is to rinse the nose with antiseptic solutions. The solutions are supplied warm to the nasal cavity. The temperature should be pleasant and almost unnoticeable - 37–38 °C. Rinse the nose with ectericide, furatsilin.
Antibacterial drops and sprays. Local antibacterial agents are used in almost all cases of sinusitis. Because they enhance the antibacterial effect and recovery occurs faster. Typical representatives are isofra, bioparox, polydex. Physiotherapy. Physiotherapeutic procedures are mandatory, along with drug treatment. UHF heating methods, electrophoresis and ultraviolet irradiation are used. These methods alone do not give a pronounced effect, but in combination with washing (“cuckoo”) and drugs, you can achieve amazing results. Operation. Surgical treatment is currently used as a last resort. The most common operation for sinusitis is a nose piercing. Sinus piercing is used if compressed and hardened pus does not come out after a course of antibiotics and multiple rinses. Then it can only be removed by creating an artificial opening with drainage of the maxillary sinus. Antiseptics and antibacterial drugs are also administered through it.
Traditional methods
Treatment of purulent sinusitis is impossible without medications, and this disease cannot be overcome only with folk recipes. Treatment with purely improvised means is fraught with the spread of inflammation to neighboring sinuses, throat or lungs. But at the same time, home remedies are an excellent aid to the main treatment.
In particular, plant extracts, herbal decoctions and ointments have shown high effectiveness. This is how this disease was treated before the advent of full-fledged antibacterial therapy.
After consulting with your doctor, you can try the following:
- Rinse the nose with decoctions of sage and chamomile;
- Turundas with ointment: alcohol, honey, onion juice, vegetable oil and tar soap in equal proportions. Before mixing, heat all this in a water bath and, when cooled, put it in your nose for 15 minutes. The course lasts 10 days;
- Instillation of aloe juice into the nose, diluted with water and honey in equal proportions. 2-3 drops in each nostril.
You need to be able to put any drops in your nose correctly. In the case of purulent sinusitis, drops are needed and not a spray.
The person lies on his left side and puts drops into his left nostril. He lies there for at least 5 minutes. The same is done on the right side. Then the effect of the drug extends not only to the blood vessels, but also performs a disinfectant function in the sinuses and softens their contents.
For some patients, traditional medicine works even better than traditional medicine.
Therapy of this type is longer, but to some extent more gentle. In this regard, you can try to cure chronic purulent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses using the methods described above.
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Sinusitis: symptoms of a dangerous disease and the pitfalls of its self-treatment at home
Before we talk about the treatment of sinusitis, we should briefly discuss what this serious disease is and what causes lead to its occurrence.
Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look at this section of the site after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.
Why briefly? Because there is actually plenty of information on the Internet about this disease. Including competent, useful and highly professional information. And not only about the causes of sinusitis, but also about effective methods of treating it.
However, this information does not always find its way to the minds and souls of readers. And that's why.
Why don’t we listen to doctors and look for traditional methods of treating sinusitis?
Firstly, if a doctor talks about the signs of the disease and methods of treating sinusitis, then, unfortunately, most often only “colleagues” who know professional terminology and understand what is being discussed can understand it correctly and completely.
Secondly, if a professional journalist writes about the signs and treatment of sinusitis, then his very interesting and often quite informative story, unfortunately, almost never covers the entire problem as a whole. And, most importantly, it does not answer specific questions that concern those who are faced with sinusitis “face to face” and strive to get rid of this unpleasant and dangerous disease once and for all.
That is why some people make a completely wrong decision and go looking for “magical” folk or non-traditional methods of treatment, relying on the personal experience of “experts” from their personal environment or relying on reviews from forum visitors, which is completely unacceptable, and sometimes even dangerous.
In our article, we will try to explain as simply as possible what sinusitis is, tell why acute sinusitis is not as terrible as chronic sinusitis, and also once and for all determine the place of traditional methods of treating sinusitis at home.
So, what is sinusitis and where does it come from?
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses of the upper jaw, known as the maxillary sinuses. The role of these sinuses in our body is as simple as it is important. This is where the air we inhale comes from the nose. In winter, this air in the maxillary sinuses is warmed, and in hot summers it is cooled to body temperature before moving to the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.
If everything is in order with the mucous membrane of the nose and maxillary sinuses, that is, it is not thickened, not overdried and reliably performs its functions, then most of the microorganisms we inhale die, remaining along with dust particles in the bactericidal mucus. This medicinal mucus is produced by the mucous membrane and, having worked, is washed out of the sinuses with the help of wave-like movements of special outgrowths of the mucous membrane - cilia.
When the work of the cilia slows down, their movements become asynchronous or almost completely stop, mucus begins to accumulate in the maxillary sinuses. This is actively facilitated by a decrease in the lumen of the anastomosis (openings) between the maxillary sinuses and other cavities - the larynx and nasal turbinates.
Such stagnant mucus very quickly loses its protective properties and turns from a formidable weapon against infection into a warm, moist breeding ground for microbes, in which they feel great and begin to actively multiply. Of course, our white blood cells rush to the rescue and fight the infection.
As a result, viscous green pus is formed with an unpleasant odor, so familiar to everyone who has ever suffered from sinusitis.
Attention! The choice of methods for effective treatment of sinusitis largely depends on how difficult the outflow of mucus from the maxillary sinuses is, as well as on the cause of these difficulties.
Sinusitis: symptoms and treatment of various forms of the disease
The symptoms of acute sinusitis are familiar to at least half of those who have at least once had the flu, complicated by a purulent runny nose.
Complete nasal congestion, headache, a feeling of heaviness in the bridge of the nose, cheekbones, in the frontal part, pressure on the eyes from the inside, intolerance to bright light, discharge of green pus from the nose - all these are characteristic signs of the appearance of an inflammatory process in the maxillary cavities.
Remember: if such an acute form of sinusitis is treated correctly and in a timely manner, it will not turn into chronic.
The symptoms of chronic sinusitis in the acute stage are similar to the symptoms of the acute form of the disease, with the difference that during an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, a purulent runny nose is not observed too often and is not so pronounced. But this is by no means good.
In this case, the pus simply cannot come out; it accumulates in the maxillary cavity, thickens, causes much more harm and is much more difficult to remove. Consequently, the disease itself is more difficult to treat.
Sinusitis: treatment of acute forms of the disease with antibiotics and a YAMIK catheter
If the openings between the maxillary sinuses and other cavities are preserved, then the use of antibiotics simultaneously with washing with solutions based on sea or ordinary table salt (sodium chloride) using a special, safe and very convenient catheter called YAMIK in the early stages of the acute form of the disease gives excellent results.
In this case, antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis are prescribed both locally in solutions for rinsing the nose, and in tablets, powders and syrups, or in injections. Anyone who doubts the need for their use must remember: if an ENT doctor has diagnosed sinusitis, treatment with antibiotics is a prerequisite and cannot be discussed among friends or on forums.
However, all this is true only for those cases when the cause of acute sinusitis was a complication of untreated (or incorrectly treated) rhinitis or specific infections of the upper respiratory tract - measles, scarlet fever, etc.
Acute sinusitis: treatment of odontogenic forms without the participation of specialized specialists is unacceptable
If periodontitis, cysts, purulent pulpitis and other problems of the upper jaw and upper back teeth are to blame for the development of sinusitis, then nasal rinses and antibiotics alone will not do.
This form of the disease, called odontogenic sinusitis, is very severe and is long and difficult to treat.
Uncontrolled treatment of odontogenic sinusitis at home is unacceptable and futile. Not only that: to get rid of the disease, you will need the help of several specialists at once - an ENT doctor and a dentist, an ENT doctor and a periodontist, an ENT doctor and a maxillofacial surgeon, and sometimes all of them combined.
If the outflow of mucus from the maxillary sinuses is difficult, antibiotics and rinses are not enough
If the anastomosis is narrowed or completely blocked by an overgrown mucous membrane, a deviated nasal septum, polyps, etc., then rinsing the sinuses with a catheter and a course of antibacterial therapy will certainly give a certain result.
But any cold can return the picture of the disease in full. Sinusitis will most likely return to you if you simply have a cold.
This indicates that the disease has become chronic.
Chronic sinusitis - treatment without surgery is possible
Treatment of chronic sinusitis very often requires radical measures, that is, surgery. However, a puncture of the upper jaw, which is most feared by those who do not want to see a doctor and are trying to find an effective home treatment for sinusitis using folk remedies, is not necessary for surgery in our time. Operations without puncture are the most common thing today.
Unique endoscopic equipment helps remove a polyp or other obstacle that gets in the way of mucus in the maxillary sinuses in the most bloodless and gentle way possible.
However, even such an operation is still an operation. And in some cases it could have been completely avoided.
After all, if the formation of polyps and the curvature of the nasal septum are troubles that mostly arise without our direct participation, then the pathological growth of the mucous membrane is most often the work of our hands, or rather, of the numerous vasoconstrictors that we use for a runny nose, “so that the nose can breathe faster.” .
Under the influence of such agents, the cilia of the mucous membrane lose their mobility, and some of its secretory cells cease to secrete lysozyme and other natural antiseptics. The growth and enlargement of the nasal mucosa and maxillary sinuses in such conditions is compensatory.
That is, in this way, our body strives to compensate for the lack of protective substances in the secreted mucus.
In addition, the nasal mucosa hypertrophies and deforms during allergic rhinitis, trying to protect itself not from viruses and bacteria, but from allergens that are perceived with hostility by the body - plant pollen, house dust, volatile chemicals, microparticles of animal hair, etc. .
Is surgery always indicated for mucosal hypertrophy in chronic sinusitis?
Not always. In some cases, after properly carried out conservative treatment, normalization of the immune system, and elimination of the causes of allergic rhinitis, the mucous membrane undergoes reverse development, its secretory function and the functioning of the cilia are restored.
Today, reputable clinics often use lasers to remove polyps and perform other operations using an endoscope.
Remember: treatment of sinusitis with a laser is not carried out during exacerbation of a chronic process, and even more so, acute sinusitis is not treated with a laser. Because inflammation in the maxillary sinus itself, as such, cannot be cured with a laser. Removal of polyps or an area of overgrown mucosa using a laser is just one of the methods of surgical intervention, which is carried out in conditions of complete remission, that is, when there are no symptoms of sinusitis.
What should you remember when treating both acute and chronic sinusitis?
The fact that washing the maxillary sinuses is indicated only in the treatment of purulent sinusitis. If the inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is not accompanied by the discharge of pus, sometimes conventional antibiotic treatment is sufficient.
Are there special drugs?
There is also no need to search the Internet for any special drugs. As already mentioned, effective treatment of sinusitis is possible only with the help of antibiotics, which should and can only be selected by a doctor.
Moreover, if the doctor is competent, he will never prescribe antibiotics without first determining the nature of the infection and conducting special tests, during which it is determined which antimicrobial drug will be the most effective.
As for any miraculous sprays - Physiomer, Aquamaris, etc., for sinusitis these medications are indicated only in the form of auxiliary therapy, i.e. in the form of solutions for rinsing using the same YAMIK catheter.
Cuckoo - a way to eliminate sinusitis from the last century
Before the invention of the YAMIK catheter, which without a doubt can be considered one of the most useful innovations of Russian medical science, the washing out of pus from the maxillary sinuses was carried out using the so-called “cuckoo method”.
The method of treatment was as follows: the patient constantly uttered “ku-ku-ku-ku”, while disinfectant liquid was poured into one of his nostrils from a syringe, and the pus washed out by it was sucked out of the second.
The thing is that when you and I pronounce “ku-ku”, the opening between the maxillary sinus and the larynx is blocked. This is a necessary condition for the rinsing solution to work as intended, i.e. dissolved dense pus.
Otherwise, there is little point in rinsing - once it gets into the maxillary sinus, the solution will simply flow into the larynx, practically without disturbing the purulent plug.
That is why you do not need to believe that various sprays can be effective drugs for eliminating purulent sinusitis, since they wash out pus from the maxillary sinuses.
There will certainly be some benefit from such sprays. But it will not be possible to cure sinusitis with their help alone.
Today, the “cuckoo” method of treating sinusitis is sometimes used where doctors do not yet have YAMIK catheters or specialists who know how to use them. But, gradually, this method of treatment becomes history.
Since we are talking about medical procedures, take a look at how they fight sinusitis in the USA. The plot of the program about health with Elena Malysheva:
Myths about traditional treatment of sinusitis
Now let's talk about those myths and misconceptions that underlie the improper treatment of sinusitis, the transition of an acute process to a chronic one, the development of meningitis, arachnoiditis, inflammation of the facial nerve, otitis media, etc.
This question must be raised, since alternative methods of combating sinusitis, unfortunately, are most often tried by pregnant women or mothers, who are sure that an antibiotic is bad for a sick child, and folk remedies are good.
What can you find on the Internet when you go looking for folk remedies for sinusitis?
Myth 1. Bay leaf will help you avoid antibiotics
A very common folk treatment for sinusitis is the use of decoctions and infusions of bay leaves.
We will not describe the method of preparing them here: on the Internet, the method of preparing “grandmother’s medicine” is described in great detail, so it makes no sense to duplicate it again.
You can use a decoction of bay leaves as part of a set of measures to treat sinusitis.
This decoction contains many useful substances that have a detrimental effect on bacteria and few harmful substances that have a detrimental effect on the nasal mucosa (although they are also present).
However, without antibiotics, it will not be possible to get rid of the disease using bay leaves.
Myth 2. Treatment with honey is indicated for children and pregnant women
Let us say right away that treatment of sinusitis with honey, like any other disease, can and should be perceived only as auxiliary. Although good honey has a fairly pronounced immunomodulatory effect, it has no arguments against thick pus full of bacteria in the maxillary sinuses.
Well, as for methods of treating sinusitis with honey, you can find so many of them online that it’s simply dizzying.
Perhaps the most harmless of them is the one where it is suggested to lubricate the nasopharynx with honey, and put hard-boiled eggs on the area of the maxillary sinuses on both sides of the bridge of the nose and warm the nose until the eggs cool down.
Although this harmless method is not at all harmless in complicated cases, which we will discuss below.
Other recipes for sinusitis using honey do not stand up to criticism at all.
So, for example, you should never instill a sticky honey solution into your nose, further complicating the work of the cilia of the mucous membrane.
And if sinusitis is the result of chronic allergic rhinitis with the growth of the mucous membrane of the nasal septum, then treatment with honey in this case may simply be contraindicated, and not only for pregnant women or children.
After all, honey is also a strong allergen, and the consequences of dropping it into the nose can be extremely unpleasant - up to swelling of the larynx (Quincke's edema) and even allergic shock.
Remember: both children and pregnant women suffer from sinusitis just like everyone else. And they need the same full-fledged treatment, the selection of which must be carried out by specialists very carefully, assessing possible risks and choosing the optimal regimen that can cause the least harm.
Myth 3. Sinusitis and propolis - this treatment without antibiotics will definitely help
Propolis, like honey, is not only a fairly strong immunomodulator, but also a strong allergen, and therefore instilling its solution is categorically not recommended for any suspicion of an allergy.
But even if there is no allergy, you should not count on magical propolis if you have purulent sinusitis: treatment with folk remedies of this serious complication of infections of the nasopharynx and upper jaw without the use of antibiotics and special ENT methods is a very big mistake with possible serious consequences .
Myth 4. Chestnut is very effective
Horse chestnuts, which we all collected in childhood simply because of their beauty, actually contain many substances that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms: saponins, tannins, etc.
The effect of chestnut pulp on the nasal mucosa causes severe burning, increased mucus secretion and sneezing.
Thus, turundas made from the pulp of chestnut fruits can really make breathing easier for sinusitis and cause a temporary improvement in the condition. However, such relief does not mean cure.
In addition, irritants cause burns to the already modified and poorly functioning nasal mucosa.
Therefore, treating sinusitis with chestnut can do more harm than good, causing even greater difficulty in the outflow of mucus from the maxillary cavities and provoking the progression of chronic sinusitis.
Myth 5. Cyclamen is a folk method unfairly underestimated by doctors
The healing properties of cyclamen are well known to doctors, as is its high toxicity. And that is why none of the ENT specialists will advise their patient to use an infusion of tubers of this plant with beautiful and delicate flowers to treat sinusitis.
Be careful and do not give in to the temptation to cure sinusitis without a puncture with this “wonderful healing infusion.”
Like horse chestnut pulp, cyclamen medicine is unsafe for the body and cannot completely cure classic sinusitis.
In addition, piercing the nasal septum, which we have already mentioned, today is not at all necessary in the case of an uncomplicated disease, which was treated on time and seriously.
The main myth. Traditional treatment of sinusitis is safe, but antibiotics or surgery are harmful
This myth is truly the main and most harmful. The use of ineffective and sometimes simply harmful drugs can, and most often does, lead to serious and severe complications. Below we will talk about just some of them.
But on the other hand, antibiotics can cause irreparable harm to the human body if they are used uncontrolled and without a doctor’s prescription. Read more about this here.
What complications can develop when fighting sinusitis using “old-fashioned methods”?
The first complication. A complete change in the nasal mucosa with the loss of its protective functions when using instillations of onion and garlic, turunda from horse chestnut pulp, cyclamen infusion and other “safe” folk remedies.
Complication two. Please note that the possibility of infection spreading to other sinuses, including the frontal sinuses (with the occurrence of such an extremely unpleasant and difficult-to-treat complication as sinusitis), when using warming with hard-boiled eggs or heated salt, is very high. The latter, however, has a certain benefit.
When you apply handkerchiefs or specially sewn linen bags with hot salt to the areas of the maxillary sinuses, its microparticles, together with the liquid that evaporates from the crystalline salt under the influence of temperature, penetrate into the skin pores that expand from the heat.
As a result, the normal laws of osmosis begin to work. In mild stages of acute sinusitis with free lumens of the anastomosis, this contributes to the liquefaction and outflow of pus from the maxillary sinuses. However, the effect of such heating is negligible.
And in the later stages of the disease or in the treatment of chronic sinusitis, this method and traditional methods of treatment similar to it in action are generally categorically contraindicated.
Indeed, when heated, the swelling of the nasal sinuses increases even more. And if a dense clot of pus completely fills the maxillary sinus, and the fiber of the eye orbit is involved in the process, for example, a phlegmon (purulent sac) has formed there, then under increasing pressure due to increased edema, this phlegmon may burst.
For the same reason, when heated, pus can get from the maxillary sinuses into other cavities of the skull and even penetrate into the “holy of holies” - the membranes of the brain. If this, God forbid, happens - there is no talk of any further home treatment for sinusitis - give an SOS signal and rush at full speed to the clinic.
The main thing: if such complications occur, it is no longer possible to do without a puncture of the nasal septum, and sometimes a very complex operation may be required.
Complication three. Poisoning by toxic substances contained in “safe” folk remedies.
Complication five. The emergence of such serious problems, the development of eustachitis and purulent otitis media due to infection entering the middle ear along the Eustachian passage connecting the nasal cavity and the ear cavity.
The latter, first of all, is observed when patients try to independently use the “cuckoo” treatment method and other methods of nasal rinsing at home.
The list of problems that await you when you try to cure sinusitis, focusing on reviews and other unverified information on the Internet or printed publications, is far from complete.
But there is no need to continue it. Various “horror stories” about sinusitis and its complications can be found in large quantities on the Internet.
Let's talk better about the features of treating sinusitis in children and pregnant women.
Treatment of sinusitis in children and pregnant women: principles, problems, priorities
Indeed, in the first three months of pregnancy, the use of drugs from this series, as well as other serious drugs, especially orally or intramuscularly, is extremely undesirable.
Therefore, in exceptional cases and only in the initial stages of the acute process, doctors can limit themselves exclusively to local methods of treating sinusitis during pregnancy, including washing the maxillary sinuses using a YAMIK catheter with antibiotic solutions, saline solutions, etc.
Hence the advice. Do not look for traditional methods of treating sinusitis during pregnancy, but at the first signs of the disease, immediately go to an appointment with an ENT doctor and follow his instructions in everything.
Now let's get back to the kids...
Of course, you also really don’t want to burden them with serious medications. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with trying to find gentle ways to treat sinusitis in children on the forum.
The only trouble is that, by doing so, you cause the child much more harm than his professional treatment, started on time and carried out by a competent specialist, will bring.
Of course, the more knowledge you have, the better prepared you will be to deal with the formidable sinusitis, which has become a real scourge for your baby.
To act correctly and avoid trouble where it is within your power, you need to remember:
- In terms of symptoms and treatment, sinusitis in children is no different from sinusitis in adults, with the exception of the very rapid (and sometimes lightning-fast) development of the most serious complications, so under no circumstances should you delay starting antibiotic treatment for sinusitis in a child.
Rules for your health
In general, the topic of treating runny noses, first of all, is the rules for its prevention. In the list below we will list the basics of behavior for a person who really does not want to suffer from sinusitis. Here they are.
- Do not try to immediately stop a runny nose with vasoconstrictor drops. This leads to pathological changes in the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses.
- Do not rinse your child’s nose with a solution of sea salt, physiomer or aquamaris, as is advised to do in reviews on many mother forums. Such rinses, together with harmful microbes and dust, remove beneficial microflora and mucus from the nose, disrupting the natural defenses.
- Take care of the health of your teeth and your baby's teeth.
- Carefully treat chronic runny nose and get rid of chronic sinusitis before pregnancy.
- For complex forms of the disease, look for a good ENT doctor, and not dubious traditional methods.
In conclusion…
Remember: fighting sinusitis at home, without consulting an ENT doctor, exclusively using folk remedies, is not just an activity that is practically doomed to failure. This approach exponentially increases the likelihood of developing serious complications, of which chronic sinusitis is the most harmless.
Attention! Treatment of sinusitis at home is possible only as an auxiliary course of therapy on the recommendation of a doctor! And only under his supervision and regular monitoring of your condition, tests and x-rays!
Never forget about the possible harmful consequences of self-medication and under no circumstances experiment on yourself and your health - and you will be fine.
We highly recommend studying the website about sinusitis and their treatment, You will find a lot of really useful information there!
The article above and comments written by readers are for informational purposes only and do not encourage self-medication. Consult a specialist regarding your own symptoms and illnesses. When taking any medicine, you should always use the instructions that come with the medicine and your doctor's advice as a guide.
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True, on the first day I cooked without vodka and household soap, because... was out of stock. I also added badger fat, which I used to treat my cough the day before. on the second day I added soap, but already on the second day the green pus came out in clumps, or, sorry for the details, but I liked the result. At the same time, I took Cetrin tablet for allergies (to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane). I instilled rhinofluimucil (mucolytic and vasoconstrictor), could only breathe with the help of sanorin, sprayed bioporox. All these medications were prescribed by a doctor, and treatment with folk remedies alone is, in my opinion, not serious. I also washed it with Dolphin, but they need to be very careful, slowly, with their mouth open, so as not to wash the otitis media.
Good luck to everyone, good health to everyone, let’s go get some treatment!
I’m just talking about soap, as one of the options for what it might be there for.
Of course, it’s better to consult a doctor! But if you don't trust modern medicine, then these methods should help.
4 tablets per 0.5-1.0 liters of water). And he started washing again. This time everything turned out much better. He poured half of the teapot into his right nostril, tilting his head so that the solution flowed out of his left nostril. The second half flowed from the left nostril into the right.
Ps if you follow this principle of drinking regime, even if you have a runny nose, don’t doubt it, you will usually get out of it without complications and never karate anything in your nose! Just drink a glass of water every hour all day and that’s it! If you start dripping, the mucous membrane is broken, it is covered with your protective bacteria, don’t kill them, they will do their job themselves, just give the mucous membrane a lot of water and that’s it! Maximum - drop 5 drops of plain water without salts - they dry the mucous membrane and hold it in your nose and blow your nose.
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