Headache due to sinusitis and its treatment
Sinusitis is a disease in which an acute inflammatory process develops in the paranasal sinuses. Headache with sinusitis is, first of all, the appearance of excruciating bursting pain in the bridge of the nose, forehead and temples, a significant increase in temperature and copious nasal discharge of a characteristic color and composition.
Table of contents:
- Headache due to sinusitis and its treatment
- How does a headache with sinusitis hurt: symptoms of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses
- Causes of the disease
- How to get rid of headaches due to sinusitis. Treatment
- Sinusitis after puncture
- Sinusitis and headache: treatment at home
- Types of complications and harm of self-medication
- Headache due to sinusitis
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Diagnostics
- Nature of the head pain
- Clinical picture
- Acute sinusitis
- Chronic sinusitis
- How to distinguish sinusitis from migraine
- Differences
- What else hurts with sinusitis?
- Consequences
- Treatment
- Prevention
- How to relieve a headache with sinusitis?
- Features of pain
- Causes
- Acute sinusitis
- Chronic sinusitis
- Difference between headaches due to sinusitis and migraines
- Treatment
- Headache after recovery
- How does a headache hurt with sinusitis?
- Sinusitis and Headache
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- Headaches after sinusitis, treatment
- Symptoms of headache with sinusitis
- The difference between sinusitis and migraine
- Diagnosis of headache due to sinusitis
- The danger of headaches with sinusitis
- Treatment of headaches with sinusitis
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Sinusitis is dangerous due to complications and serious consequences, so its treatment should begin at the initial stage of the disease. To do this, the doctor prescribes medications and courses of physiotherapy, and in advanced cases, a puncture of the wall of the maxillary sinuses to pump out accumulated pus.
How does a headache with sinusitis hurt: symptoms of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses
One of the most unpleasant and painful symptoms of sinusitis is headache, which is of the following nature:
- bursting, pressing, sometimes turning into intense pulsation in the area of the maxillary sinuses;
- initially covers the area of the bridge of the nose and forehead, subsequently spreading to the temporal lobes;
- localized on the part of the inflammatory process;
- worsens when moving the head, bending forward, in the morning after sleep.
Headache with sinusitis develops against the background of other pathological symptoms:
- Nasal congestion, which makes breathing difficult, the voice becomes rough and nasal.
- Runny nose with mucus characteristic of sinusitis. At the first stage, the patient may have a white or transparent discharge; during the period of acute inflammation, it acquires a green tint. Yellow impurities or blood streaks in the mucous secretions indicate the presence of a large amount of pus and a pronounced inflammatory process in the sinuses.
- Temperature increase. In the acute form of the disease, a high temperature (38-40°C) almost always appears, while chronic sinusitis can occur with a slight increase or within the normal range.
- Chills due to increased temperature.
- A feeling of pain in the eye sockets, nose, cheekbones and gums, as well as when touching the skin of the face.
- Signs of general malaise: decreased or complete loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, decreased mental activity and memory.
- Coughing attacks due to mouth breathing and swelling of the nasopharynx.
Taken together, the described symptoms significantly worsen the patient’s condition. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should contact a therapist or ENT doctor for a detailed examination.
Causes of the disease
The cause of sinusitis is the entry into the nasal cavity through the breath or blood of an infection, which begins to develop under the influence of factors favorable to it. As a result of this, an inflammatory process occurs in the maxillary sinuses, manifested in the form of an accumulation of pus and many other unpleasant and painful symptoms.
The development of sinusitis can be triggered by one of the conditions described below:
- stagnation of mucus in the nasal cavity due to congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum and abnormal functioning of the secretory glands;
- untreated runny nose after a viral infection or cold;
- nasal injuries caused by mechanical damage to the nasal septum, such as a fracture;
- injuries to the mucous membrane resulting from thermal burns or chemical fumes entering the nasopharynx;
- improper use of drops and sprays intended to treat a runny nose;
- dental diseases and non-compliance with oral care rules;
- hypothermia of the body;
- decreased immunity;
- complication after ARVI or influenza;
- swelling of the nasal mucosa caused by an allergic reaction to an irritant (for example, flowering herbs, poplar fluff, animal hair);
- the presence of adenoids and polyps in the nasal cavity;
- fungal diseases of the nasal mucosa;
- exposure to a high dose of radiation (radiation sickness);
- tuberculosis.
Timely treatment of pathologies and conditions that provoke the appearance of sinusitis will significantly reduce or eliminate not only the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process, but also the risks of complications in the future. To do this, at the first signs characteristic of this disease, you should contact an otolaryngologist.
How to get rid of headaches due to sinusitis. Treatment
To relieve headaches caused by sinusitis, it is necessary to stop the development of infection in the maxillary sinuses. For this purpose, complex treatment is prescribed, which includes the following techniques:
- Taking NSAIDs (Nimesil, Nimid, Ibuprofen) at the initial stage of the disease and with mild symptoms.
- Taking antibiotics in the form of sprays used to treat ENT diseases (Bioparox, Isofra).
- The use of penicillin-based antibiotics (Augmentin, Vertsef) in advanced cases, if the drugs described above do not provide relief.
- Taking antihistamines in the form of drops and sprays (Mometasone, Beclomethasone) to relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and ease breathing.
- Taking homeopathic medicines (Tsinabsin, Sinuforte), if chemical preparations are contraindicated for use.
- Using antiseptics (Chrolophyllipt, Dicosidin) to rinse the nasal cavity and destroy bacteria that cause the spread of infection.
- The use of antipyretics (Paracetamol, Aspirin) if the disease is accompanied by high fever.
- Taking a course of physiotherapy - electrophoresis, UHF, inhalations with antibacterial drugs, rinsing with saline solutions.
- Performing a puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinuses to drain pus if drug treatment does not have the expected effect.
- Carrying out surgery when the infection has spread to the brain structure and there is a threat of sepsis.
People who have had sinusitis need to remember that the body becomes vulnerable to the effects of infections, so factors that provoke the disease can cause a relapse and its transition to a chronic form. To prevent this from happening, you need to avoid hypothermia and drafts, if you are prone to allergic reactions, take antihistamines in a timely manner, thereby preventing swelling of the nasopharynx, and also treat colds and viral diseases without waiting for complications to develop.
Sinusitis after puncture
If the effect of drug treatment is insignificant, the headache due to sinusitis does not stop, and pus continues to accumulate in the maxillary sinuses, the doctor decides to prescribe a puncture (puncture) to the patient. To do this, the otolaryngologist, using local anesthesia, punctures the sinus with a thin hollow needle, after inserting it into the nasal passage. After the puncture, the doctor uses a syringe to pump out the purulent contents of the sinuses and rinse them with a medicated antibacterial solution.
After the operation, the patient feels relief: the temperature decreases, the pressing sensations on the face and bridge of the nose, swelling of the mucous membrane and headaches with sinusitis disappear. Despite the significant relief of the condition, the patient still needs to undergo drug treatment to prevent the infection from reactivating. To do this, the patient may be prescribed a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and procedures.
If the puncture is performed by a competent specialist in compliance with the necessary procedures, and after that a full course of treatment is completed, then the disease can be cured completely without passing into the chronic stage. Untreated sinusitis can subsequently lead to relapses and complications affecting other organs.
Sinusitis and headache: treatment at home
Folk remedies are quite often used as a supplement to the main treatment, provided that the appropriateness of such use, formulation, dosage and duration of the course are determined by the doctor. For sinusitis, in consultation with an otolaryngologist, you can use the following manipulations and recipes:
- Sea salt based solution. Purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently, the solution is used for rinsing the nasal cavities or inhalation. In the first case, the solution is in the proportion of 1 tsp. pour a small stream into a glass of boiled water into one nostril, tilting the head to the side so that the water flows out randomly from the other nostril. In the second case, you need to moisten a napkin in the prepared solution, wring it out, apply it to your face for 15 minutes and inhale the fumes in this way.
- Thuja essential oil. Having strong antioxidant properties, thuja oil has a negative effect on infections, viruses and microbes. To treat ENT diseases, it is used in the form of inhalations or nasal drops. The classic treatment regimen for sinusitis is to instill oil three times a day for 2 weeks into each nostril, starting with 1 drop and increasing the dosage to 8 drops. After this period, a one-week break is taken in treatment, after which the course is repeated as necessary.
- Kalanchoe juice. To relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and drainage of secretions, use juice squeezed from the leaves of a houseplant. After instilling the juice three times a day, a patient with sinusitis begins to sneeze intensely, thereby freeing the sinuses from mucus.
- Sea buckthorn oil. Used for nasal instillation and inhalation. In the first case, a few drops are dripped twice a day; in the second, it is added to a container of boiling water and the fumes are inhaled for 15 minutes.
In case of acute sinusitis, it is strictly forbidden to warm the area of the bridge of the nose and nose by applying hot napkins to this place, and also to visit saunas and steam baths. Since the disease is characterized by the presence of a purulent infection, such manipulations can lead to its spread to nearby tissues and organs.
Types of complications and harm of self-medication
If treated improperly, sinusitis can lead to serious complications and consequences. Among mild disorders after suffering an acute form of the disease, the following should be noted:
- swelling of the maxillary sinuses and difficulty breathing through the nose;
- irritation of the mucous membrane and the release of copious accumulations of mucus due to this;
- accumulation of pus in the cavities of the maxillary joints in a favorable environment for this.
The average degree of complications manifested after sinusitis includes:
- transition of the disease to a chronic form, in which the intensity of symptoms is reduced, but longer treatment is required;
- inflammatory processes affecting the organs of the nasopharynx and bronchopulmonary system;
- development of otitis media;
- spread of infection to the teeth and oral cavity.
An advanced stage of the disease can lead to more serious consequences - diseases of the renal, visual, cardiac systems, as well as pathologies of brain structures (for example, meningitis). The most dangerous complication of sinusitis is sepsis, which spreads beyond the nasopharynx and bronchopulmonary system and affects the life-supporting systems of the entire body.
The main reason for complications with sinusitis is failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner, failure to follow his recommendations, and self-medication. Many turn to untested methods of alternative medicine or try to relieve pain with painkillers, while they urgently need to undergo medication. In such cases, wasting time on self-medication threatens the spread of the inflammatory process to nearby organs, a significant deterioration in well-being and the risk of the complications described above.
Choosing a doctor or clinic
©18 The information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a qualified physician.
Source: http://progolovy.ru/zabolevaniya/golovnaya-bol-pri-gajmorite
Headache due to sinusitis
Sinusitis is a type of sinusitis. And it is a fairly common disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus. It can be located in one sinus or have a symmetrical localization. The severity of the process is usually expressed by the acute or chronic form of the disease. The presence of a headache with sinusitis is one of the main clinical signs of pathology, since the inflammatory process covers the initial parts of the respiratory system.
The first stages of sinusitis are characterized by pain, often caused by inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. After this, the mucous membrane swells and the outflow pathways of the sinus contents are blocked, which further complicates the situation. Because stagnation creates excellent conditions for the development of harmful bacteria. In addition, due to the lack of free outflow, accumulations of pus begin to put pressure on the axillary walls. The course of the disease becomes advanced and severe pain appears.
Pain in the head, and in particular in the facial part, is inherent in almost all diseases that are associated with inflammatory processes in the sinuses.
- It should be noted that headaches with sinusitis intensify when bending over. This circumstance is explained by the fact that the inflamed maxillary sinuses, filled with a large volume of pus, in this position of the patient experience increasing pressure.
- The patient may experience some improvement if he is in a lying or sitting position. This becomes possible due to the fact that there is a relatively uniform distribution of the purulent mass in the paranasal sinuses.
In the same case, when the pain intensifies not only when bending, we should talk about the beginning of the acute course of the disease. Pain with sinusitis is an inevitable phenomenon. They are characterized by different localization and severity, and can be symptoms of the disease itself or the formation of its consequences.
With timely diagnosis and effective treatment at the very beginning of the process, good results can be achieved in eliminating the disease.
In many cases, the main trigger for the development of sinusitis is a respiratory infection. For this reason, during the cold season, the number of patients who receive this diagnosis increases significantly. In addition, doctors identify some diseases that can cause the development of sinusitis without timely and effective treatment:
- Dental diseases. In particular, carious lesions of the teeth of the upper jaw can provoke the development of odontogenic sinusitis.
- The presence of a prolonged allergic reaction, which is accompanied by rhinitis;
- Pathology of the nasal septum, the curvature of which leads to a failure of free air circulation and the normal movement of mucous masses.
- The presence of a number of chronic infectious diseases and other pathological manifestations - adenoids, as well as pharyngitis, tonsillitis and others.
Its manifestation depends on the form in which sinusitis occurs:
- Considering that the occurrence of acute sinusitis most often occurs against the background of acute respiratory or viral diseases, its characteristic signs intersect with the general picture of the underlying disease. In addition to the fact that the patient has a runny nose, fever, joint pain, pain appears in the area of the eye sockets, extending to the upper jaw. The pain may become stronger if you palpate the area. Often these symptoms are accompanied by compression headaches.
- The development of chronic sinusitis occurs at a slow pace, so diagnosing it becomes difficult. It is a long-term rhinitis that cannot be cured according to the usual scheme, characterized by conjunctivitis and pain in the orbital area. Often with sinusitis there is a headache.
To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must determine the nature of the headache due to sinusitis. Sometimes this is not easy to do. The fact is that some diseases, such as migraine, vasomotor rhinitis and sinusitis, have similar clinical manifestations. Thus, the early period of development of sinusitis can resemble a migraine, if, in addition, there is no pronounced nasal congestion. And for vasomotor rhinitis, characteristic signs are sinus congestion and unpleasant, discomforting sensations in the head area.
What is usually done in this situation? First, the doctor will refer the patient for an x-ray, as the findings from this examination will help identify the presence of sinusitis. Characteristic signs of vasomotor rhinitis and migraines are temporal headaches, as well as pain in the back of the head and parietal part. While with sinusitis, the front part of the head and the base of the nose are most affected.
To make a final diagnosis, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out. It includes not only x-ray examination, but also a number of other important procedures. The patient must undergo a blood test, mucosal smear and other tests.
Nature of the head pain
This disease has certain characteristics, each patient can independently identify them. As already mentioned, the most important sign when diagnosing sinusitis is an increase in pain when performing certain bends. As a rule, this happens when the patient leans forward or backward. It is these characteristic signs that distinguish sinusitis, for example, from migraine, which is characterized by headaches when bending in different directions. As a result of increased intraocular and intracranial pressure, pain may resemble the same symptoms as with neurological disorders. That is, to be deeper and more pulsating. The patient may feel this condition all day, but in the evening they intensify.
You should know: the presence of severe pain may indicate that the disease is in an advanced state, and if proper measures are not taken, complications may develop in the form of meningitis, pneumonia, otitis media and sepsis.
Often, headaches occur with sinusitis not at all due to bending, but from the influence of external factors, for example, temperature or pressure. In addition, the pain has a different severity and localization. This disease has its own special symptoms that appear when the skin is touched. For example, under the skin it is possible to detect a certain amount of liquid that can migrate. There is swelling in the area under the eyes, the skin becomes softer, and areas with increased turgor appear.
Clinical picture
For a better understanding of the causes of headaches with sinusitis, you need to familiarize yourself with the clinical picture of the course of the disease, characteristic of different periods.
Acute sinusitis
- For this form of the disease, the most characteristic signs are:
- The patient has a high temperature.
- Presence of chills.
- Deterioration in health, loss of strength.
- The patient experiences photophobia.
- Severe lacrimation.
- Formation of nasal congestion with loss of smell.
- The presence of purulent and mucous discharge;
- Formation of edema and swelling on the face.
These symptoms accompany headaches, which are characterized by stinging impulses in the frontal part and root of the nose; even the teeth can be affected. At the moment of palpation of the inflamed sinus, the pain becomes stronger.
The acute form of the disease is characterized by headaches that are constantly present in the patient. They are very intense and in most cases can worsen when the patient tilts and turns the head, as well as during coughing and sneezing. The sensations arise as if there is a rupture of the nasal or frontal sinuses. The duration of the acute period is about fourteen days. If necessary and timely treatment is carried out, the symptoms do not last long.
Chronic sinusitis
Headaches have a completely different character when chronic sinusitis is diagnosed. They bother you during the day, but usually become more intense in the evening. In addition, it is worth noting that periods of exacerbation of the disease are characterized by the same pain sensations as the acute form of the disease.
The clinical picture shows that headaches in the chronic form appear as a result of normal hypothermia of the body. For example, during a cold, when the patient finds himself exposed to a draft, or gets his feet wet. Also, the cause of pain may be the consequences of past diseases, such as measles, rhinitis and other infectious diseases.
How to distinguish sinusitis from migraine
The symptoms of these two diseases have many similarities, and therefore a thorough examination of the patient is necessary to make the correct diagnosis.
It is often possible to observe situations in which a patient, while undergoing treatment for sinusitis, cannot obtain positive results from the prescribed therapy, and sometimes the situation even worsens. To have a better understanding, you need to consider both the similarity of the symptoms of diseases and their differences.
- the presence of bursting pain in the head, which spreads to the upper or lower region of the orbit (typical for migraine) and the nasal or frontal sinus (for sinusitis). In both cases, the patient notes the same area of pain, expressed almost identically;
- formation of nasal congestion, high lacrimation;
- manifestation of photophobia.
In addition, migraine is characterized by the patient being very thirsty, as a result of which he drinks a lot of liquid. What causes swelling of the face, often mistaken for swelling inherent in sinusitis.
In a patient diagnosed with sinusitis, head pain in most cases manifests itself only from the side of the inflamed sinus. Since pain occurs due to the fact that the inflammatory focus is located on the head.
However, according to research, migraine has a hereditary component, that is, it is a genetically determined disease. In addition, the following factors provoke this disease:
- sudden changes in weather;
- living conditions;
- great stress;
- menstruation, nervous overload, sleep disturbances.
Even food and drinks can play a negative role in the development of pathology.
What else hurts with sinusitis?
The main symptom of the disease is headaches. At the very beginning of the inflammatory process, diffuse pain is noted, which is not constant. In most cases, there is no pronounced localization or there is pain in the occipital region, which intensifies in the morning. After this, after some time, the pain goes away on its own.
Then a purulent infection occurs, leading to constant pain. With unilateral sinusitis, it almost always makes itself felt at the location of the inflamed sinus. A characteristic feature of this pain is that it intensifies when the head is tilted forward. In addition, it changes character, becoming pulsating. In addition, the following may hurt:
- Eyes . Since the orbit of the eye and the maxillary sinus border each other anatomically, when the inflammatory process begins, the nerves of the eye may be exposed to bacteria. As a result, they become inflamed, causing the development of conjunctivitis and other eye diseases.
- Teeth . They can become inflamed for the same reason as the eyes. This is explained by the close proximity of the oral cavity and nose, which are separated only by a very thin wall of the palate. In addition, in some patients, due to the anatomical structure, the dental roots extend into the sinus. Under such circumstances, the manifestation of toothache occurs much earlier than other signs. This often causes the patient to have an erroneous opinion about the causes of the disease.
- Ears . Quite often, patients complain of hearing loss with this disease or acute pain in the ears. The fact is that there is a channel in the ears that is specifically designed to maintain normal pressure. It is connected to the pharynx. When you close your nose and try to inhale, air from the canal will enter the membrane and create increased pressure, causing the ears to become blocked. In the same way, bacteria penetrate from the nasal cavity.
- Forehead . When the frontal, or frontal, sinuses are affected, pain appears in the area of the eyebrows and forehead, as well as in the upper areas. However, a reservation should be made here, since in this case we will be talking about frontal sinusitis, and not this disease. If several pairs of sinuses become inflamed, this phenomenon will be called pansinusitis.
- Throat . This organ is almost always attacked by viruses and other infections in any respiratory diseases of this nature. This situation is explained by the fact that during illness, the air that the patient inhales does not undergo purification, but, on the contrary, picks up harmful additional microorganisms that, settling on the lungs and walls of the throat, contribute to the development of the inflammatory process, causing pain, coughing and sneezing.
In addition to severe headaches, sinusitis can cause other undesirable effects in the future. Often patients suffer from unpleasant nasal discharge and nasal sounds. Therefore, it is recommended that when such symptoms appear, not to wait for the situation to worsen even further, but to rush to the doctor so as not to completely trigger the disease when the only way to cure is a puncture.
It often happens that patients do not treat their inflamed sinuses, or for some reason they remain undetected. In such a situation, the disease will step by step and inevitably turn into a chronic form of sinusitis or sinusitis, which will torment you with incessant headaches. In addition, it should be noted that quite often the prognosis is unfavorable. Any form of sinusitis, but most, of course, is chronic, provokes the development of intracranial complications. The patient may develop swelling or a brain abscess. Meningitis and other serious illnesses often occur.
The presence of a chronic form of this disease contributes to the formation of pathological processes in the body, which are expressed in adhesive or cystic lesions of the sinuses, as well as immune distortions. Chronic sinusitis can also contribute to the development of allergies, which later lead to asthma. In addition, this form of the disease often provokes in patients repeated manifestations of diseases such as tonsillitis, laryngitis and many others. The presence of an acute form increases the chances of developing progression of neurological diseases.
There is a huge probability that the pus of the paranasal sinuses will systematically penetrate into the tissues nearby. This can affect the teeth, eye sockets, and even partially damage the lining of the brain.
Severe headaches due to this disease cause a lot of suffering to patients. But today there are many different effective traditional medicines and traditional medicines to quickly eliminate symptoms. However, their choice must be taken responsibly so as not to get a negative result instead of the desired effect. Be sure to consult a doctor before use.
Patients who have dangerous organ damage or various types of complications are placed in the hospital for therapy. If the patient does not have indications for hospitalization, he will be prescribed outpatient treatment. As a rule, in the presence of a headache due to sinusitis, treatment is based on the goal of not only eliminating the consequences of the disease, but also the very causes that led to the disease.
The course of therapy involves the use of:
- antibiotics;
- antihistamines, which can effectively eliminate swelling;
The use of anti-edema agents can cause increased pain; therefore, it is not recommended to use them without the prescription of a specialist. Some products contain components that help eliminate pain. However, they are not always effective in this regard. Therefore, if the pain does not subside after using them, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroids, which will help reduce the inflammatory process.
Also, so-called decongestants are often used against headaches. They help relieve symptoms of sinusitis and eliminate headaches. This effect can be achieved due to the fact that the medicine helps to narrow blood vessels. However, you should not get too carried away with these drugs, as they can be addictive.
If a patient has acute sinusitis, then physiotherapy may be recommended, which includes:
In the chronic form, the doctor may prescribe:
- inhalation;
- electrophoresis;
- mud therapy and other procedures.
When prescribing procedures, medications are also used. If there are no pronounced symptoms of sinusitis, and there are no constant headaches, then another treatment will be prescribed.
Sinusitis is easier to prevent than to treat later. And prevention of this disease is quite simple. It is necessary to regularly visit the dentist, prevent hypothermia of the body, especially the head, and promptly treat any disease of the throat, nose, ears. If you still cannot avoid a runny nose, do not leave it without treatment, contact the clinic. And, of course, strengthen your overall immunity.
Source: http://headache.su/golovnaya-bol-pri-gajmorite.html
How to relieve a headache with sinusitis?
Many of us often do not pay attention to the first symptoms of a cold or a common runny nose. But, if you do not start treating their symptoms in time, various complications may arise, including frontal sinusitis, sinusitis or inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. In this case, the patient is concerned about impaired nasal breathing and headache due to sinusitis. Why do pain occur and how to get rid of it?
Features of pain
Headache with sinusitis has its own characteristics:
- It usually occurs in the morning and is concentrated at the back of the head in the occipital area. This is explained by the fact that during the night mucus accumulates in the maxillary sinuses, which begins to press in the morning. During the day, pain tends to intensify and move to the frontal area of the head.
- Any touch to the face causes pain to a person.
- When you move your head, when you turn or tilt it, the pain intensifies.
- Sensation of pressure near the eyes.
A lecture on the causes of headaches due to sinusitis is given by neurologist Mikhail Moiseevich Shperling:
- The mucus that is released from the nasal passages turns green or yellow.
- The patient becomes sensitive to changes in the environment (air temperature, humidity, etc.).
- The patient suffers from constant fatigue and nasal congestion.
- Soreness occurs during a cold or appears after the main symptoms of a cold have disappeared.
More than others, people suffering from various allergic reactions (read more about why headaches occur with allergies), bronchial asthma, and those who have various formations in the nasal cavity (polyps, cysts, etc.) are susceptible to sinusitis.
Why does my head hurt when I have sinusitis? Sinusitis is always preceded by an acute respiratory disease, which is characterized by fever, headache and nasal congestion. The mucous membranes of the nasal cavity become inflamed and swollen, blocking the passage between the nasal passages and sinuses. As a result, mucus stagnation occurs, which becomes an excellent environment in which pathogenic bacteria will multiply. And they, in turn, provoke the formation of purulent masses in the maxillary sinuses. The increasing pressure inside them causes severe headaches.
Sometimes, if the patient sits or lies, relief occurs due to the fact that the contents of the sinuses are evenly distributed in them. While when you tilt your head, pus begins to put pressure on the inflamed sinuses, which leads to increased headaches.
Acute sinusitis
During an exacerbation, the patient is concerned about:
- Heat.
- General weakness of the body and severe chills.
- Swelling of the face.
Otolaryngologist Natalya Yuryevna Yanova tells more about the symptoms and diagnosis of acute sinusitis:
- Increased lacrimation and photophobia.
- Impaired nasal breathing and loss of smell.
- Discharge from the nasal passages that is mucous or purulent in nature.
- Increased pain when pressing on the area of the maxillary sinuses.
During acute sinusitis, a headache constantly haunts a person. Her character is intense and intensifies with any head movement. The duration of the acute phase is about 2 weeks. If treatment is not started, over time the headache goes away on its own, and sinusitis becomes chronic.
Chronic sinusitis
After sinusitis enters the chronic phase, the nature of the headache changes. At the same time, it has a wave-like character and intensifies in the evening.
Difference between headaches due to sinusitis and migraines
The headache attacks that are characteristic of migraine and sinusitis are very similar, which often complicates diagnosis. Sometimes it happens that a patient undergoes treatment for sinusitis, but the discomfort only intensifies.
Common features of the diseases:
- Photophobia occurs.
- Nasal breathing is difficult.
- The headache is bursting in nature. Moreover, during a migraine it spreads to the temple and orbital area. At the same time, with sinusitis, pain is concentrated in the area of the sinuses and forehead.
Migraine attacks are characterized by a feeling of thirst. In this case, the patient drinks a lot of water, which causes swelling of the face, which is often mistaken for swelling from sinusitis.
During a migraine, the pain is more one-sided, although pain from sinusitis can be on one side if a specific sinus is inflamed.
Treatment of headaches due to sinusitis is carried out simultaneously with treatment of the disease itself. If the patient does not have serious complications, then treatment can be done at home.
The standard treatment regimen is to use:
- Antibacterial drugs.
- Antihistamines that help relieve swelling.
- Decongestant medications.
- Immunomodulators that help improve immunity.
- Vitamin and mineral complexes.
- Mucus thinning drugs.
Only a doctor can prescribe any medicine, since the wrong medicine can further intensify the manifestation of headaches.
Decongestants, which act by constricting blood vessels, help relieve unpleasant symptoms. But they can be used infrequently, as they can be addictive.
To enhance the effect of medications and speed up recovery, it is customary to use other procedures in the treatment of sinusitis:
- Aromatherapy using essential oils.
- Head massage.
- Steam inhalations.
- Physiotherapeutic procedures.
From the video with general practitioner Elena Vasilievna Malysheva, you will learn what saline solutions are used for rinsing the nose:
- Rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solutions.
- Room humidification.
- Following a special diet with low amounts of fatty, spicy and sweet foods.
Additionally, you can use well-known folk remedies that will help not only reduce pain, but also speed up the healing process:
- It is necessary to regularly rinse your nose with a solution of sea salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, etc.). To make this more convenient, you can use a small syringe or a regular syringe without a needle. This procedure should be carried out at least 3 times during the day.
- To prevent drying of the nasal mucosa, it is effective to instill oil drops into it, which are easy to prepare yourself. To do this, you need to infuse the dried St. John's wort herb in olive or corn oil for 24 hours. After this, heat the mixture in a water bath for 2-3 hours. After cooling, strain the broth and can be dropped into the nose, after rinsing it with a solution of sea salt.
- Additionally, you can lubricate the area of the maxillary sinuses with any warming ointment. You can also do it yourself. To do this, a small amount of “Star” balm is mixed with half a teaspoon of heated vegetable oil. It's better to do this at night.
Such procedures help warm up the inflamed maxillary sinuses, improve blood circulation in this area, remove mucus and pus from them, relieve swelling and eliminate headaches. The course of treatment for sinusitis is at least 7 days. You can use oil drops for up to 2 weeks.
Additionally, you can use fresh and juicy cabbage leaves to relieve headaches. It should be washed well and lightly beaten with a kitchen hammer. After this, apply the sheet to your forehead and lie there for at least 30 minutes.
It is important to remember that before using any product, it is important to consult with your doctor. In advanced cases of sinusitis, when a lot of pus accumulates in the sinuses, the doctor can perform a puncture to remove it. This procedure is quite unpleasant, but after the puncture, recovery occurs faster.
Headache after recovery
There are situations when, after sinusitis, the headache does not subside. The reasons for this may be various. Among them:
- Untreated disease. This usually happens if the patient is in no hurry to see a doctor, but prescribes treatment on his own or stops treatment as soon as he notices an improvement.
- A complication has arisen. Sometimes complications of acute sinusitis are not always possible to identify. Therefore, immediately after recovery, the patient begins to develop rhinitis, laryngotracheitis or another disease resulting from sinusitis. People with weak immune systems are especially susceptible to this.
- Low pain threshold in the patient. Sometimes after a puncture, patients with a low pain threshold may experience neurological disorders.
- Damage to nerve endings. If the puncture is performed by an unqualified doctor, he may unintentionally touch the nerve endings, which causes pain.
- Painful sensations in the head area can result from taking certain medications (antibacterial and antihistamines, drops that are used to dilate blood vessels in the nose).
The question of how to get rid of headaches due to sinusitis is pondered by everyone who has encountered this disease. A doctor should answer it, since self-medication can lead to its intensification or the development of serious complications. Therefore, having noticed the first signs of sinusitis, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible and begin proper treatment.
Source: http://golovnayabol.com/vidy/golovnaya-bol-pri-gajmorite.html
How does a headache hurt with sinusitis?
Sinusitis and Headache
Jacob of Wales
damn fast! He's a crazy person with a problem of sitting at home. and if the brain goes KICK NAH!
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus. The paranasal sinuses are formations in the form of small caves that communicate with the nasal cavity. Humans have two maxillary sinuses – the right and the left. Another name for this formation is the maxillary sinus or maxillary sinus. Often, specialists make diagnoses such as maxillary sinusitis. There is no fundamental difference between the latter terms and the term sinusitis.
Sinusitis often occurs during acute runny nose, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases, as well as due to disease of the roots of the four upper back teeth.
Frontitis and ethmoiditis have the same causes as with inflammation of the maxillary sinus. Frontitis is much more severe than inflammation of other paranasal sinuses.
Acute ethmoiditis with damage to the bone walls is observed mainly in scarlet fever. Sphenoiditis is rare and is usually associated with disease of the posterior cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth
With frontal sinusitis, patients are bothered by pain in the forehead, especially in the morning, impaired nasal breathing and discharge from the corresponding half of the nose. The pain is often unbearable. In severe cases, there is pain in the eyes, photophobia and decreased sense of smell. The headache subsides after the sinus is emptied and resumes as the outflow becomes more difficult. In acute influenza frontal sinuses, the body temperature is elevated, sometimes the color of the skin over the sinuses is changed, swelling and swelling in the forehead and upper eyelid are noted.
With ethmoiditis, headaches and pressing pain in the root of the nose and bridge of the nose are bothersome. The discharge is initially serous and then purulent. The sense of smell is sharply reduced, nasal breathing is significantly difficult. Body temperature is increased.
With sphenoiditis, complaints of headache. Most often it is localized in the crown area, deep in the head and back of the head, and in the orbit. With chronic lesions, pain is felt in the crown area, and with large sinuses it can spread to the back of the head. Sometimes patients complain of a rapid decrease in vision.
— Conditions that impair nasal breathing: deviated nasal septum, vasomotor rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis (enlarged nasal turbinates), in children — adenoids, allergic diseases of the nose.
— Immunity disorders, which lead to long-term chronic diseases, parasitosis, allergic conditions, etc.
- Untimely or incorrect treatment of a common cold, acute respiratory infection, rhinitis - and you have to treat sinusitis.
— Bacterial carriage. Many of you are familiar with the honey procedure. examination, when doctors take nasal swabs for bacteriological cultures. Often the patient is diagnosed with so-called staphylococcus, which lives in the human nasopharynx for a long time. The latter, if he had not been examined, would not have known that he carried the bacteria
urgently for a consultation with an ENT specialist, it’s not far from the nose to the brain!!
Olga Kornysheva
It may well be! Contact the duty service of the city hospital. The doctor on duty will help you in the ENT department!
Tell me, can a child (8 years old) have sinusitis and how to treat it? And does it cause a headache?
Salaam Alaikum
1. Dry heat on the sinuses. ONLY ON THE FIRST DAY OF ILLNESS! 2. Take a position in which the pain is less
3. Sinupret or Sinuforte 1 tablet 3 times (this is herbal)
4. Be sure to take nasal drops 3 times a day at equal intervals. Be sure to take nasal drops like Nazivin or similar 3 times a day at equal intervals until nasal breathing becomes free. If you have sinusitis, you can’t do without this. Alternate with step 5
5. Buy 30 ml of camphor oil at the pharmacy, add 10 drops of propolis tincture (also at the pharmacy), drip into the nose 3 times a day, 2-3 drops, lubricate the brow ridges and maxillary sinuses.
6. Rinse your nose with salt water. To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Rinse with a rubber bulb, leaning over the sink so that the liquid flowing from the nose flows there. Having collected the solution, insert the tip of the syringe into the nostril and, squeezing the balloon, direct the stream towards the nasopharynx along the lower wall of the nasal cavity. The other half of the nose is also washed. It is not recommended to direct the stream upward, as there is a sensitive olfactory zone there. Hold your breath while rinsing. After the procedure, it is advisable to breathe calmly for a minute or two so that the viscous mucus has time to dissolve, “soak,” and then you can blow your nose.
Don’t be afraid, it won’t get into the windpipe - it will flow either into the usual swallowing throat (pharynx), or into the other nostril, or will pour out of the same one. You can buy a rubber bulb at a pharmacy.
Drawing in water from the palm, that is, with a stream of air, is unsafe: it can get into the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses and cause inflammation.
7. If all this does not give relief within a day from the start of treatment, you need an antibiotic and, possibly, a puncture.
Maybe the pain can go from the nose to the head. I need to see an ENT specialist, they will order an X-ray, and they will say for sure whether or not my husband did not inject. folk remedies identified
Maria Polyakova
maybe our neighbor had one. And my head, of course, hurts, because phlegm accumulates over the bridge of my nose and festers.
Olga Shepeleva
Maybe! consult a doctor immediately.
Yulia Solovyova
Yes, the head hurts, the pain intensifies when bending forward, buy Vibrocil ointment or gel, put turundas with synthomycin liniment 5% 2-3 times a day, rhinofluimucil 3 times a day, 1 injection, amoxiclav tablets, dosage according to age in the annotation
Olga Kurnushkina
Maybe your head hurts, especially when you bend over, your forehead hurts, it’s better to see a doctor, take a picture and then everything will be clear whether you have sinusitis or not
With sinusitis, the headache hurts terribly, especially in the forehead.
Treatment of sinusitis is usually conservative - mainly ensuring a good outflow of contents from the sinus. If body temperature rises, bed rest and antipyretics are recommended. In case of severe intoxication, antibiotics are prescribed intramuscularly. To reduce edema and swelling of the mucous membrane, vasoconstrictors are instilled into the nose. Physiotherapeutic treatment methods play a significant role. Inhalation of antibiotic aerosols also has a beneficial effect. In persistent cases, they resort to puncturing the sinus and washing it with solutions of antiseptic drugs, followed by the administration of antibiotics.
Natalia Veselova
Of course it can. Headache may be one of the accompanying signs of sinusitis. But my daughter didn’t have this, she just had a stuffy nose almost constantly. We tried to treat it, but it didn’t work, so we had to make a puncture.
Marina Vinichenko
Of course it can. And your head will hurt, because the pus presses on the meninges. and you need to visit an ENT specialist as soon as possible for a consultation. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe washing with the old “Cuckoo” method (I’ll say it’s not painful right away), perhaps he will immediately prescribe a puncture of the maxillary sinus (in a more serious case and so as not to poison the body with antibiotics). So in any case, you need an ENT consultation!! And under no circumstances should you heat the sinuses; pus can go to the brain.
Igor Kuklya
Yes, maybe your head can hurt.
Tell me, have you heard anything about strengthening the immune system with the help of complete, balanced cellular nutrition?
Irina Kobzar
First, take an x-ray. and the treatment will be prescribed by an ENT doctor. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances!
Dasha Kovalenko
urgently need to go to the ENT! take a picture there!! He will say, don’t rush to inject, try traditional medicine, such garbage. it doesn't work! if it doesn’t help (although it should) inject
At this age, sinusitis can occur, and the pain can be extreme. Pay attention to the nature of the discharge. At first they are liquid, watery (experts call them serous), due to constant irritation the skin under the nose becomes inflamed and red. Then the catarrhal stage begins - the baby blows out thicker transparent mucus, and after some time a purulent process may develop - the discharge will become cloudy, yellowish-green, sometimes with an unpleasant odor. This suggests that the inflammatory process may have already established itself in the maxillary sinus. Pay special attention! Usually, instead of blowing out mucus and pus, children “sniff” their nose, drawing the contents into the nasopharynx. This cannot be allowed. You can distinguish a runny nose from sinusitis: If the maxillary sinus is inflamed on only one side, the child will complain that it is difficult for him to breathe through this half of the nose. A runny nose does not have such selectivity - it “turns off” nasal breathing evenly. There is another characteristic sign of sinusitis - a dull pain and a feeling of heaviness in the inflamed sinus (in the forehead, cheekbones), but when the child blows his nose, the unpleasant feeling subsides for a while. If you gently press with your thumb on the points at the inner corner of the eye and in the middle of the cheek, where the so-called canine fossa is located under the bony protrusion of the upper jaw, the child will feel pain. There is a danger of severe complications with sinusitis (spread of the inflammatory process to the tissues of the orbit and membranes of the brain), so a child with acute sinusitis requires constant medical supervision.
Firstly, this is treatment with antibiotics. Usually, the drug to which the microflora is most sensitive is selected, as shown by the results of bacteriological analysis. Sinusitis that lasts more than 3 weeks is called protracted by ENT doctors, and if the disease lasts more than 6 weeks, it is considered that the inflammatory process has already become chronic. Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Get well!
Headaches after sinusitis, treatment
Sinusitis often manifests itself as severe headaches, it occurs near the eyes, forehead, and is similar to a toothache. When a person turns or tilts his head or neck, the pain becomes unbearable, it is deep, throbbing, pressing on the eyes, the anterior part of the face. Headache due to sinusitis occurs in the morning and gets even worse in the evening. It is difficult to see because its symptoms resemble migraines.
Symptoms of headache with sinusitis
1. Presses on the face, especially on the eyes.
2. It hurts to touch the face area.
3. When a person tilts his head to the side, forward, severe pain begins to bother him.
5. With sudden changes in temperature, a person leaves a warm house into the cold, because of this, strong unpleasant sensations arise, the pain is similar to a toothache.
6. Headache after rhinitis, ARVI.
7. Constantly sore throat.
8. Green or brown mucus appears from the nose.
9. It is difficult for a person to breathe through his nose, it is constantly stuffy, the nasal cavity swells and turns red.
10. You feel severe chills, weakness, and fatigue.
11. It is believed that it is the nose that can first resist pathogenic microflora and is the first to signal inflammation. This is how the immune system fights the infectious disease, then gradually the person develops sinusitis.
The difference between sinusitis and migraine
If a person has a migraine, the headache occurs due to the fact that he is exposed to external stimuli, intensified by light and noise. At the same time it makes me very sick. With sinusitis, pain appears when a person turns his head.
Sinusitis appears due to the fact that the nasal sinuses are overloaded, while they become very swollen, and the mucous membrane in the nose becomes inflamed. Due to congestion in the nasal sinuses, severe pain in the forehead first appears, while the person becomes weak, the body temperature rises, and he suffers from hyperemia. In the sinuses of the nose, there is a viscous pain, pus is released, it puts very much pressure on the paranasal sinuses, because of this, pain appears in the ear and face.
When the nasal sinuses are normal, mucus comes out without problems, air circulates fully. In cases of inflammation, a blockage occurs in the nose, the mucus does not fully drain, and the patient has breathing problems. Because of this, bacteria actively begin to multiply.
Most often, people with allergies, patients with bronchial asthma, tumor diseases, those with a cleft palate, and polyps are at risk of getting sinusitis.
Headache due to sinusitis can be triggered by flying at altitude, swimming, diving, and stressful situations.
Diagnosis of headache due to sinusitis
It is very important to distinguish migraine, tension from sinusitis in time. It often occurs due to allergic rhinitis; the ENT doctor immediately sees the inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. When it becomes inflamed, the nose becomes red and swollen. Also, a special flashlight is used for diagnosis; with its help you can immediately see swelling and thickening; they do not allow the mucus to fully drain from the nose.
In cases of chronic sinusitis, dizziness appears, so it is additionally necessary to undergo tomography and x-rays. Often the disease worries allergy sufferers; for this purpose, a special test is performed, then a special course of therapy is selected.
The danger of headaches with sinusitis
It is very important to consult a doctor in time if the pain is sudden and lasts the whole day. The person becomes very ill, he may lose his memory, his consciousness becomes upset, then different parts of the body go numb, stabbing pains arise, problems with vision and speech occur.
Please note that sinusitis often develops into meningitis, which causes high body temperature, vomiting, nausea, and pain in the back of the head. Sinusitis can develop into glaucoma, with the eyes turning red and causing severe pain.
Treatment of headaches with sinusitis
When you are sick, it is very important to eat well and take vitamin complexes, this way you can strengthen your immune system. Before treating a headache due to sinusitis, you need to make sure that it is caused by this particular disease. Then to cure it, most often the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, physiotherapeutic procedures and warming will also help.
Headache due to sinusitis is caused by complications. With non-purulent sinusitis, pain in the head may be accompanied by swelling of the eyelids and tissue. In cases of purulent sinusitis, the tissues of the eyelids become inflamed, and fistulas may appear in the eyelids. The headache that accompanies acute sinusitis is especially dangerous; it can develop into meningitis. It is treated with surgery; to do this, the sinus is opened and the pus is drained. Then they are washed with a special medicinal solution.
Thus, please note that a headache with sinusitis is a dangerous signal; you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible, because there may be various complications inside the skull. Medical scientists have proven that 40% die from this disease. Pain may indicate that the patient’s lining of the brain is inflamed, a purulent process or blood poisoning is developing in it. Sinusitis must be treated when it first begins to develop. Do not delay contacting a doctor; the chronic form cannot be completely cured; it manifests itself after every viral infection and a person experiences a large number of complications; it is especially dangerous if pus goes into the brain; in this case, the person cannot be saved.
Headache due to sinusitis, is it possible to drink no-shpa so that at least the headache goes away?
For headaches you need to take other pills.
You need to drip onions with vegetable oil and a little water overnight. Sinusitis goes away immediately.
Sergey Bondarenko
but you can drink it, but it won’t go away, you need a simple painkiller like ibuprofen (nurofen), ketanov, nise, diclofenac, movalis. Consider contraindications for medications and consult your doctor before use.
Yulia Egorovskaya
It is possible, but it is better directly together with analgin.
Do you treat sinusitis? If not, take Biseptol, 2 tablets. 2 times a day for 5 days, if you feel that this is not enough, you can drink for up to 7 days.
don't rush into pills. To begin, lightly anoint your nasal passages with star balm. You can inhale with it.
If it doesn't help, then that's it. and I don’t take noshpa, but baralgetas.
Sign up for rinsing your maxillary sinuses; don’t poison your body.
be sure to drops like Galazolin, orally, the tablet is better. ketanov.
Anatoly Ivanov.
The fact is that when the maxillary sinuses become inflamed, there is a possibility of inflammation of the frontal sinuses, and they are located just above the eyebrows. If the frontal part of the head hurts, then lightly tap with your fingers just above the eyebrows; if you feel that the pain is intensifying, then this is already frontal sinusitis and headache pills will not help. First, it is imperative that the nose breathes, use drops in the nose, to prevent the growth of polyps, the drops are changed every three days and most importantly, see a doctor for a photo of the frontal sinuses.
I don’t recommend getting carried away with drops like glazolin, they are effective, but later you can get hooked on them and have to keep them. It is better to make a harmless saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water). Rinse your nose with this solution (pinch one nostril, pour the solution into the second (with a spoon or pipette), squeeze it and so that the solution (along with the contents) comes out of the other nostril. Procedure , of course not a pleasant one, it stings...
And about sinusitis, did you diagnose yourself? ? If you consulted a doctor, he should have offered you 2 options for solving the problem:
2) medication (biseptol alone is not enough);
Treatment is determined depending on the severity of the disease. .
From my own experience I can say that I was initially treated with pills, it helped, but not for long. a month later everything happened again, I had to agree to a puncture (it is done several times. I was done 3-4 times with an interval of 1 day, a solution of medicines is used for punctures), but now no problems have arisen for 12 years. and with sinusitis there were very severe headaches. .
I advise you not to delay. is fraught with negative consequences.
Yana Chursina
It’s better to treat sinusitis; I also recently had a severe headache and nose pain. I started putting drops of aloe and Thuja oil into my nose for sinusitis.
Is it possible to take painkillers for sinusitis? I recently became ill with a severe headache.
Vladimir vladimirko
drop vodka into your nose, throw your head back, lying on the bed.
it's possible, but it won't last long... If you have a headache, it is serious, consult a doctor immediately. until it's not too late.. . until it came to a puncture... Can sinusitis be cured with medications?
Andrey Isaenkov
Why not? You should try to get rid of any pain, and even more so with a headache. The only thing you need to do is to use medications carefully and not to overdo it.
LISA Zinchenko
headache is a consequence of sinusitis
It is necessary not only to relieve headaches, but also to treat sinusitis
So see a doctor please
Pharmacies have Sinuforte and many other drugs
You can also try acupressure
Consult an ENT specialist
it is possible and necessary, the question is, is it sinusitis, how did you diagnose yourself? A headache can occur not only due to sinusitis. It is best to visit a doctor.
Hello Evgeniy See for yourself here:
* Unpleasant sensations appear in the nose and paranasal area or bridge of the nose, which gradually increase. The pain is less pronounced in the morning and increases in the evening. Gradually, the pain “loses” a certain place, and the patient begins to have a headache. If the process is unilateral, then pain is noted on one side.
* Difficulty in nasal breathing. The patient has a stuffy nose. The voice takes on a nasal tone. As a rule, both halves of the nose are blocked. Difficulty in nasal breathing is constant or with slight relief. Alternate congestion of the right and left halves of the nose is possible.
* Increase in body temperature to 38° and above. As a rule, this symptom is observed in acute sinusitis. In a chronic process, body temperature rarely rises.
* Malaise. This is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, and their sleep is disturbed.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) paranasal sinus, which occurs as a complication of acute runny nose, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases.
The paranasal sinuses are formations in the form of small caves that communicate with the nasal cavity. Another name for this formation is the maxillary sinus, or maxillary sinus (novolat. sinus Highmori [source not specified 449 days]).
The main cause of sinusitis is infection - bacteria or viruses penetrate the maxillary sinus through the nasal cavity, through the blood, and most often due to pathological processes in the periapical areas of the upper teeth and cause an inflammatory process. When inflammation occurs in the nasal mucosa, the cavity becomes blocked, which causes discharge similar to bloody “raisins.”
The most dangerous complication that chronic purulent sinusitis can cause is meningitis (inflammation of the meninges).
see a doctor for pictures! and antibiotics! and your pain reliever for sinusitis is a dead poultice - you need to remove the inflammation
Tell me what are the symptoms of sinusitis.
Often, sinusitis can be suspected already in the first days of the appearance of a runny nose, if it is difficulty in nasal breathing, which is difficult to relieve with the usual means, accompanied by low-grade fever (i.e., a slight increase in body temperature) or severe hyperthermia, difficulty in releasing thick viscous and, as a rule, purulent mucus from the nose. nasal passages. With severely impaired outflow of mucus and active inflammation, manifested by increasing swelling of the mucous membrane and hypersecretion, already in the first days a headache may appear and especially a feeling of “ache in the jaw”, toothache if it is sinusitis, and bursting pain in the forehead, above the bridge of the nose , if it is frontal sinusitis (but sometimes this is not differentiated, there is simply a headache, which can also be a manifestation of intoxication). Of course, as with banal nasal congestion, the resonator function is disrupted, that is, the already mentioned nasal voice appears, and there may be a feeling of congestion in the ears. Also, due to the fact that purulent secretion flows down the back wall of the pharynx into the respiratory tract, an unpleasant taste may appear in the mouth and the appetite may spoil (although some, on the contrary, try to “eat up” this sensation).
And, of course, one cannot do without symptoms that characterize general intoxication, i.e. the notorious weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, etc. Some people may actually develop diarrhea as a reaction to hyperthermia =)))
If it all started with a regular runny nose, then you should pay attention if it lasts more than 2 weeks and the nose is more stuffy on one side, although this sensation may be alternating or bilateral initially.
However, the diagnosis is confirmed by an x-ray of the sinuses, which also helps to differentiate simple sinusitis from a combination with inflammation of other sinuses and to assess the danger of a “breakthrough,” which is a very serious complication.
captain Nemo
The nose constantly gets wet and there is a feeling of a draft in the nose.
Vitaly Ploskonosov
Headache and purulent nasal discharge
1) Unpleasant sensations appear in the nose and paranasal area, which gradually increase. The pain is less pronounced in the morning and increases in the evening. Gradually, the pain “loses” a certain place and the patient begins to have a headache. If the process is unilateral, then pain is noted on one side.
2) Difficulty in nasal breathing. The patient has a stuffy nose. The voice takes on a nasal tone. As a rule, both halves of the nose are blocked. Difficulty in nasal breathing is constant or with slight relief. Alternate congestion of the right and left halves of the nose is possible.
3) Runny nose. In most cases, the patient experiences mucous (clear) or purulent (yellow, green) nasal discharge. This symptom may not exist if the nose is very stuffy, since the outflow from the sinus is difficult (this was mentioned above).
4) Increase in body temperature to 38 and above. As a rule, this symptom is observed in acute sinusitis. In a chronic process, body temperature rarely rises.
5) Malaise. This is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, and their sleep is disturbed.
Justiniana Imaginario
nasal congestion and severe headaches.
My head hurts, especially when I bend over, there is a bad smell in my nose. Thick snot. There may be swelling around the eye
During sinusitis, the nasal mucosa swells so much that it closes the lumen leading into the nasal cavity, it becomes difficult to breathe, pressure and temperature rise, headaches begin, appetite deteriorates, the patient feels weak, at this time you should be alerted by pain around the eyes and nose. Finally, the main symptom of sinusitis appears - mucus from the nose turns into viscous pus. The hemopotic tablets CINABSIN helped me get rid of it
Maria Sokolova
Pour warmed honey into your nose, only proven natural honey, it will hurt and burn - that means sinusitis. Treat only with it, with honey, and under no circumstances do a puncture, otherwise you will have to do it all the time.
Pain in the nose, nasopharynx, bridge of the nose, unpleasant odor. swelling, difficulty or impossibility of breathing through the nose, often high fever. The disease is dangerous if left untreated. It's better to see a doctor.
Severe headache and not a single pill helps and there is always some kind of discharge from the nose, like water (I had this), and when I pressed on the sinuses it didn’t hurt, only the picture showed.
nasal congestion, swelling, headache in the frontal part. It can be very painful around the eye or both. May cause blocked ears. They speak nasally.
Yaya Yaya
the main symptom is heaviness or pain in the area of the projection of the paranasal sinuses, the forehead between the eyebrows, more often after an acute respiratory viral infection, there may be no temperature or nasal discharge, on X-ray - darkening, decreased airiness of the sinuses and (or) fluid level
Gangster Katipash
Hello! the main symptoms are difficulty breathing, blood pressure and temperature rise, a headache begins, appetite deteriorates, the patient feels weak, at this time you should be alert to pain around the eyes and nose. Finally, the main symptom of sinusitis appears - mucus from the nose turns into viscous pus. If sinusitis is not treated, then the bone may become inflamed along with the mucous membrane, although timely treatment of sinusitis can prevent this. Good luck with your health.
someone has diarrhea))))))))))))
Nurik Shurik
how to treat goymoritis? tried a lot!
Does your head hurt with sinusitis?
The main clinical symptoms are: a feeling of pressure and tension in the area of the affected sinus; in more severe cases, severe pain is added, often localized not only within the maxillary sinus, but also in the forehead, zygomatic region, and less often the temple, affecting the entire half of the face (with unilateral process) or the entire front surface (with a bilateral process). The feeling is terrible, as I remember, my hair stands on end.
Who's here?
Yes. Frontal part. Try tilting your head forward and down. With sinusitis, there is a sharp pain in the forehead, closer to the bridge of the nose.
Goncharova Irina
Butterfly Wings.
Certainly. this is an inflammatory process and it all starts with the maxillary sinuses and then the pain spreads to the entire head. plus nasal congestion and, accordingly, lack of oxygen. The head suffers first.
Mila Novitskaya
Egor Shornikov
Olga Malykhina
hurts. especially if the frontal sinuses have already suffered
Olga Babkina
Yes. And it goes into the bones near the eyes.
it hurts a lot... bending forward hurts. feeling of heaviness in the forehead and nose
Ksyusha Mityai
Totally Summer
It hurts especially when you tilt your head down,
it hurts, lower your head if there is severe pressing pain in the forehead, it means the pain is from sinusitis
Naturally, the frontal and nasal parts of the head are clogged with mucus. Now is the time to clean your maxillary sinuses. ask your doctor how you can do this. Every winter I start cleaning my daughter with a decoction of potatoes (breathe) and chamomile. but here caution is needed so that the vessels can withstand it only once a month.
Source: http://neb0ley.ru/gajmorit/kak-bolit-golova-pri-gajmorite.html