Spray "Derinat" for children
Colds and viral infections happen to any child, so as the cold season approaches, mothers are thinking about strengthening the immune system of their daughter or son, and are also interested in effective antiviral agents that can help quickly overcome ARVI.
Table of contents:
- Spray "Derinat" for children
- Release form
- Compound
- Operating principle
- Indications
- At what age is it allowed?
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Instructions for use
- Overdose
- Interaction with other drugs
- Terms of sale
- Storage Features
- Reviews
- Analogs
- List of immune medications that can replace Derinat
- Composition and properties
- In what cases is it used?
- Mode of application
- Price in Russia
- Derinat's analogs
- In drops
- In spray form
- In injections
- 1 Actovegin: characteristics of the drug and list of cheap analogues
- Leave feedback
- What will help with migraines: analogues of Sumamigraine
- What can replace Hyposart to eliminate cardiac muscle disorders?
- Cheap Russian substitutes for Proflosin
- 5 analogues of Ginkgo Biloba to help the brain during stress
- Grammidin and its analogues are cheaper on the domestic market
- 4 analogues of Taufon eye drops: are there cheaper drugs?
- What drugs can replace Budenofalk?
- Cheap analogues of Akriderm ointment
- Kenalog substitutes in injections and ampoules
- Motilium: instructions for use, analogues for adults and children
- Ursosan: characteristics of the drug and its cheap analogues in Russia
- Fluomizin suppositories: characteristics and review of cheap analogues
- Derinat spray: instructions for use
- Release form and composition
- pharmachologic effect
- Indications for use
- Contraindications for use
- Directions for use and doses
- Side effects
- special instructions
- Overdose
- Analogues of Derinat spray
- Terms and conditions of storage
- Spray Derinat price
- Derinat® - detailed instructions for using drops and spray for children and adults, price, reviews, analogues
- Composition and release form
- Pharmacological properties
- Pharmacokinetics
- What Derinat helps with - indications for use
- Indications for complex therapy
- Contraindications
- How to take Derinat - instructions for use
- Teenagers from 12 years old and adults
- Children from one year and older
- Newborns and infants up to one year old
- Inhalation using a nebulizer
- Adverse reactions
- Overdose
- Drug interactions
- Storage conditions
- Shelf life
- How much does Derinat cost - price at the pharmacy
- List of analogues cheaper than Derinat with an identical active ingredient
- Prices of analogues containing sodium deoxyribonucleate
- Drugs with different active ingredients
- Comparative Cost of Substitutes
- Derinat
- Compound
- Release form
- pharmachologic effect
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications for use
- Contraindications
- Side effects
- Derinat: instructions for use
- Overdose
- Interaction
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Best before date
- special instructions
- Derinat's analogs
- Derinat for children
- Derinat during pregnancy and lactation
- Reviews about Derinat
- Derinat price
- ZdravZone
- Pharmacy IFC
One of the popular drugs is called Derinat. This spray medication is often used by adults to prevent and treat influenza, but can it be used in children and how does it affect the child’s body?
Release form
Spray Derinat is available in bottles with special nozzles for spraying. Inside one such bottle contains a transparent colorless solution in an amount of 10 ml. This liquid has no taste or smell.
The basis of the drug is sodium deoxyribonucleinate, presented in solution at a concentration of 2.5% (per 1 ml - 2.5 mg). This active compound is supplemented only with water for injection and sodium chloride. There are no other components in the drug.
Operating principle
Deoxyribonucleinate has immunomodulatory effects. This substance affects cellular immunity, thereby enhancing the immune response to viruses, fungi or bacteria entering the body. In addition, it activates humoral immunity, facilitating faster elimination of pathogens.
The spray also has a regenerating effect, as it is able to stimulate regenerative processes in the mucous membranes and skin when applied locally. This effect makes Derinat in demand in the practice of surgeons and ophthalmologists. The medication accelerates the healing of even such serious injuries as deep burns and trophic ulcers.
The use of Derinat spray is justified for acute viral infections that cause rhinitis, laryngitis, otitis and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. The medicine is also used prophylactically to prevent influenza infection. In this case, the doctor can prescribe the medication either independently or in combination with other medications, for example, antibiotics. The spray is used locally for inflammatory pathologies of the eyes and mouth, as well as for various skin injuries (frostbite, infected wounds, burns, etc.).
At what age is it allowed?
Derinat has no age restrictions, so this medicine can be used at any age, even in newborns. However, for small children, the droplet form is preferable. The spray is recommended for use at the age of 3 years and older.
The drug is not used in case of intolerance to any of its components. The medicine has no other contraindications.
Side effects
Derinat is not addictive and does not constrict blood vessels, therefore it is considered safer than vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. This drug has no negative effect on the child’s nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. In very rare cases, it can provoke allergies. When treating wounds and burns, the medicine has a positive side effect, which is an analgesic effect.
Instructions for use
Derinat in spray form can be injected into the nose and sprayed onto the wounded surface of the skin. This product can also be used to treat the throat and mucous membranes of the mouth.
- For the purpose of prevention, the medicine is prescribed in courses of 1-2 weeks, 1 spray in each nasal passage two to four times a day. If necessary, Derinat can be used prophylactically throughout the epidemic season.
- If a child has an acute respiratory viral infection, the medication is sprayed into each nostril one or two injections every 1.5-2 hours until the condition improves (in the first 2 days of the disease). Then they move on to using one spray three or four times a day until complete recovery.
- For sinusitis or rhinitis, Derinat can be injected into each nostril 1-2 pumps up to six times a day. This treatment is prescribed for a period of 1 week to 15 days.
- If the baby’s oral mucosa is damaged or inflamed, the spray can be applied directly to the affected area. The product is sprayed onto it with 2-3 pumps, 4 to 6 times a day for 5-10 days.
- To treat skin for ulcers, burns, wounds and other problems, spray 4-5 times a day until complete healing. This treatment can last up to 3 months.
No negative effects of exceeded doses of Derinat were detected.
Interaction with other drugs
The spray combines well with antiviral, antipyretic or antibacterial medications, so it is often prescribed together with them for a comprehensive effect on the cause of the disease and its symptoms. When used locally, the incompatibility of Derinat and fatty ointments, as well as hydrogen peroxide, should be taken into account.
Terms of sale
Spray Derinat is an over-the-counter product, so it can be freely purchased in pharmacies. On average, the price of one bottle of such a drug is rubles.
Storage Features
The medicine should be kept at home in a place hidden from small children, where the temperature will be in the range from +4 to +20 degrees. The refrigerator is considered the best storage option. If the expiration date of 5 years has not yet expired and the bottle itself has not been opened, you can keep the medicine until the date indicated on the package. After the first use of the spray, its storage is reduced to 14 days. 2 weeks after opening the bottle should be thrown away, even if there is still solution inside.
Many parents speak well of Derinat, confirming that the medicine helped their children not get the flu during the cold season or to cope with the infection more easily. The advantages of the drug include its convenient packaging, absence of age restrictions and unpleasant taste.
The medication is often used to treat the throat and various skin lesions. Its disadvantages include the need for storage in the refrigerator and a very short shelf life after opening the spray. Also, in some children the medicine did not have the expected therapeutic effect.
If necessary, Derinat in the form of a spray can be replaced with other drugs used for a runny nose, sore throat and other manifestations of ARVI. For example, instead of such a medicine, the doctor may recommend IRS-19 spray, the immunostimulating effect of which is due to the bacterial lysates in its composition. This medicine can be used to treat or prevent viral diseases from the age of three months.
Grippferon spray can also replace Derinat for a runny nose. This medication contains interferon and therefore stimulates the child's immunity, protecting him from colds and flu. If the baby has a severe runny nose, the doctor may recommend Aqua-Maris, Marimer, Nazol Baby, Vibrocil and other drugs, but they have a completely different composition and have their own contraindications, so you should not use them on your child yourself.
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Source: http://www.o-krohe.ru/immunomodeliruyushchie-preparaty/sprej-derinat/
List of immune medications that can replace Derinat
Drugs that strengthen the human immune system become especially in demand in the autumn-winter period, when there is a need to protect against colds and respiratory diseases.
One of the most popular immunomodulatory drugs is Derinat. It is used not only to treat and prevent colds, but also to eliminate a number of other diseases.
For instructions on using Derinat drops, sprays and injections, and prices for cheap analogues, read below.
Composition and properties
The product is produced in several forms:
1 ml drops contains:
- 2.5 mg of the active component sodium deoxyribonucleate;
- sodium chloride;
- water for infusion.
1 bottle of the drug for intramuscular injection includes:
- 15, 30 or 75 mg sodium deoxyribonucleate;
- sodium chloride;
- water for infusion.
Derinat is presented as a colorless liquid in a dark glass container, available in 10 or 20 ml. The solution for injection is produced in ampoules of 2 or 5 ml.
In what cases is it used?
The drug is suitable for both adults and children of any age. It is prescribed for:
- ailments of the respiratory tract and ENT organs
- treatment and prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
- eye diseases;
- inflammation of the oral mucosa.
Used in conjunction with other medications for:
- inflammatory and other ailments in gynecology;
- non-healing wounds
- gangrene;
- injuries, ulcers;
- hemorrhoids;
- radiation injuries;
- stomach and duodenal ulcers;
- oncological diseases;
- arthritis;
- ischemia.
The inability to be treated with this remedy is often associated only with the personal characteristics of the body.
Mode of application
The solution is used for instillation, irrigation, making tampons, lotions and enemas:
How else to treat inflammation in the oral cavity? Hexoral and analogues.
- for diseases of the oral cavity, rinsing is prescribed - a daily amount of 4-6 times, therapy lasts a day.
- diseases in the field of gynecology are treated by treating the cervix with a solution and tampons soaked in the product. The daily number of sessions is no more than 2 times, the duration of therapy is from 10 days to 2 weeks.
- for hemorrhoids, microenemas are prescribed, the minimum duration of therapy is 4 days, the maximum is 10 days.
- Drops are prescribed for the treatment of eye ailments. You need to apply drops to both eyes 3-4 times a day, the duration of sessions is at least 2 weeks.
- ulcers, burns and other ailments that lead to the death of skin cells are treated with lotions or applications. Derinat solution is applied to sterile gauze or bandage and applied to the damaged area at least 4 times a day. A spray is used as an alternative. The minimum duration of procedures is 1 month, the maximum is 3 months.
Nasal drops are used as follows:
Isofra and spray analogues.
- To get rid of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, you need to drop 2-3 drops into your nose every 1.5 hours for the first 24 hours. Then three times a day for a month;
- To prevent colds, drop into the nose 2-4 times a day. The course lasts 7-14 days;
- Inflammatory processes in the nose are treated by instilling 3 - 5 drops 5 times a day for 14 days.
The spray is usually used to get rid of diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Irrigate the affected area with the product by pressing the sprayer twice 4-6 times a day. The optimal treatment time is 5-10 days.
Injections are used as follows:
- for ischemia, 10 injections are prescribed with a break of 3 days;
- tuberculosis is treated with 10 - 15 ampoules, the break should be no more than 2 days;
- for oncology, 3 to 10 injections are prescribed with an interval of 2 to 3 days;
- For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, 5 injections are required with a break of 2 days.
For children over 10 years old, the largest number of injections is 5 pieces, up to 2 years old the single dosage is 0.5 ml, from 2 to 10 years old the calculation is 0.5 ml per year of life.
Price in Russia
The cost of the drug in pharmacies in the Russian Federation is:
- for external use – 260 – 270 rubles;
- nasal drops – 300 – 350 rubles;
- spray product – 380 – 400 rubles;
- solution for injections – 1900 – 2000 rubles.
The price may vary depending on the region of the country.
Derinat's analogs
In drops
Derinat or a cheap analogue in the form of nasal drops is most often prescribed to children. If you need to choose a remedy that has a similar effect, you can note the following medications.
In spray form
Another form of analogues that is cheaper than Derinat and can be used from an early age for children is a spray.
In injections
Analog drugs of Derinat, produced in injections, include the following.
Each of the immunomodulatory agents has its own characteristics, since it contains various active and additional components. And if the indications for use for most of them are similar, then the contraindications are different for everyone. This should be taken into account when choosing a drug, but the best thing is to seek advice from a specialist.
1 Actovegin: characteristics of the drug and list of cheap analogues
Leave feedback
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All information is presented for informational purposes; before starting treatment, consult a specialist.
Source: http://100lkrstv.com/immunitet/derinat.html
Derinat spray: instructions for use
Spray Derinat is a medicine with immunomodulatory properties. It is used locally in complex therapy of various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat, upper respiratory tract and skin.
Release form and composition
The dosage form of the drug Derinat in the form of a spray is a liquid that is under pressure in a special cylinder. The main active ingredient of the drug is sodium deoxyribonucleinate, its concentration in 1 ml of spray is 2.5 mg. The spray also contains 1 mg of sodium chloride as an auxiliary component.
Derinat spray is available in 10 ml bottles. The cardboard pack contains one bottle, a spray cap and instructions for use of the drug.
pharmachologic effect
Sodium deoxyribonucleinate, which is the main active ingredient of the Derinat spray, has a number of biological effects, due to which its immunomodulatory and reparative effects are realized, these include:
- Improving the drainage function of lymphatic vessels, thereby reducing the level of toxins in the tissues of the area of the inflammatory process.
- Stimulation of the processes of repair of damaged cells and tissue regeneration by improving energy metabolism in them.
- Increasing the number of RNA and DNA molecules inside cells.
- Binding and neutralization of free radicals - fragments of organic molecules with an unpaired electron, which have high chemical activity and damage the membrane structures of cells.
These biological effects are realized after the active substance of the Derinat spray is adsorbed by cells and tissues. After applying the spray to the mucous membranes or skin, sodium deoxyribonucleinate penetrates well into the deeper layers of tissue and into the systemic bloodstream. It is metabolized in the cells of the body with the formation of final breakdown products, which are mostly excreted in the urine, and partly they are excreted from the body in feces. The half-life (the time it takes for half the entire dose of the drug to be eliminated from the body) is about 72 hours.
Indications for use
The use of Derinat spray is indicated for a number of pathological conditions accompanied by a decrease in the functional activity of the immune system or tissue damage. Such indications include:
- Acute respiratory pathology, in which inflammatory damage to the upper respiratory tract occurs.
- Treatment and prevention of infectious processes caused by respiratory viruses.
- Inflammatory and dystrophic processes of the eyes.
- Infectious or inflammatory pathology of the oral mucosa (stomatitis).
- Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system caused by various microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses).
- Diseases of the ENT organs - sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), otitis (inflammation of the middle ear).
- Radiation damage to the skin or mucous membranes, characterized by the development of ulcers that do not heal for a long time.
- In the complex treatment of diseases with impaired blood flow in the arterial bed of the lower extremities - obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis of arterial vessels.
- Gangrene is the death of soft tissues of the lower or upper extremities.
- Hemorrhoids of the rectum.
- Damage to soft tissues of various locations after burns, frostbite.
- Acceleration of postoperative wound regeneration processes during major surgical interventions.
- Trophic tissue ulcers – damage and death of cells due to malnutrition, including in decompensated diabetes mellitus.
For these indications, depending on the severity of the pathological process, Derinat spray can be used alone or in combination therapy with other drugs.
Contraindications for use
The drug has virtually no significant negative effect on the human body. Its use is contraindicated only in cases of hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of Derinat spray.
Directions for use and doses
Spray Derinat is used to treat an area of the body affected by a pathological degenerative or inflammatory process. The use of the drug is possible for children from the first day of life. Depending on the severity and severity of the disease, Derinat spray is applied on average 1-2 times a day to the mucous membranes or skin in the affected area in accordance with the indications for use of the drug.
Side effects
With proper external use of Derinat spray, side effects or negative reactions do not develop.
special instructions
Before you start using Derinat spray, you must carefully read the instructions for the drug. There are several special instructions regarding its use, which include:
- The use of the drug for pregnant women is possible only if the expected benefit to the woman outweighs the possible risk to the developing fetus.
- Spray Derinat potentiates the pharmacological effect of other drugs, in particular antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs.
- If the drug is used together with antiseptics, the period between their applications should be at least several hours.
- When used correctly, Derinat spray does not affect the ability to concentrate and the speed of psychomotor reactions.
In the pharmacy chain, Derinat spray is available without a prescription. If you have any doubts or questions regarding its use, you should consult your doctor.
Cases of significantly exceeding the recommended therapeutic dose of Derinat spray have not been registered to date.
Analogues of Derinat spray
In terms of active substance and therapeutic effect, the drugs Sodium deoxyribonucleinate and Panagen are similar to Derinat spray.
Terms and conditions of storage
The shelf life of Derinat spray is 5 years from the date of its manufacture. The drug must be stored out of the reach of children at an air temperature of +4° to +20° C.
Spray Derinat price
The average cost of Derinat spray in Moscow pharmacies varies within rubles.
Source: http://bezboleznej.ru/derinat-sprey
Derinat® - detailed instructions for using drops and spray for children and adults, price, reviews, analogues
How to take Derinat correctly?
Derinat® has an immunomodulatory effect in viral infectious diseases. Depending on the dosage form, it is used as a spray for irrigating the throat or external damaged areas of the skin, or as nasal and eye drops, which are even suitable for treating newborn babies. The product is available for free sale in Russian pharmacies and does not require a prescription from a doctor. The annotation for Derinat provides instructions for the use of drops and spray for children and adults, background information on the prices of the original drug and its analogues, and reviews of the effectiveness of the drug.
Composition and release form
Drops and spray contain the same active ingredient - sodium deoxyribonucleate, which is extracted from sturgeon fish. The component is a natural stimulant of the immune system.
The nasal preparation additionally contains sodium chloride and water for injection. It is produced in the form of a clear liquid that is colorless and odorless. A ml glass bottle with a dropper-dispenser attachment.
The spray, in addition to the active substance, contains table salt and clean water. It has no pronounced smell or taste. The colorless liquid is contained in 10 ml glass vials equipped with a special nozzle with a spray.
Pharmacological properties
The pharmaceutical product helps to increase cellular and humoral immune status. It increases the reaction rate of the body's defense systems, helps suppress infections caused by fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Increases the rate of tissue regeneration, suppresses the aggressive influence of vascular degenerative processes in organs. It has a positive effect on the dynamics of the condition in case of ulcers and extensive burns. Natural ingredients eliminate the carcinogenic effect of the drug on the body and have virtually no effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus.
It is worth noting that in complex therapy with antiviral and cold medications, Derinat enhances the therapeutic effect of the former and shortens recovery time. Using an aerosol together with antibiotics can reduce the need for aggressive medications by half.
When applied topically, the active substance is completely absorbed into the tissue within minutes. Once it enters the endolymphatic transport system, it is evenly distributed throughout the organs. The body metabolizes the drug, after which it is excreted along with feces and urine.
What Derinat helps with - indications for use
Derinat is a strong immunomodulator that treats most viral and infectious diseases. For monotherapy purposes, it can be used:
- for acute respiratory diseases and their complications (influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis);
- when infected with viruses, both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes;
- to eliminate allergy symptoms manifested by rhinitis, bronchial asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, atopic eczema;
- with acute infectious processes in the laryngeal region and respiratory system;
- to suppress dystrophy and inflammation in the visual organs.
Indications may also include fungal activity in the nasal passages and oral cavity.
Indications for complex therapy
The medication can be prescribed to adults and children for complex treatment. It is prescribed to support and normalize the condition:
- for pathologies of the respiratory tract: purulent inflammation of the nasal, paranasal and frontal sinuses, lesions of the mucous membranes of the nose;
- for chronic obstructive diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
- to activate regenerative mechanisms;
- with cardiac ischemia;
- in ophthalmology for herpetic keratitis, computer myopia, increased fatigue, glaucoma, inflammation of the choroid;
- in gynecology against chronic inflammation (endometritis, salpingoophoritis, tumors, endometriosis) and diseases caused by the activity of fungi or pathogenic bacteria (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis);
- in urology against prostatitis, pathological proliferation of prostate tissue;
- in proctology against inflammatory diseases and hemorrhoids;
- tuberculosis;
- due to impaired hematopoiesis;
- with wound infection, development of diabetic trophic ulcers;
- with tissue necrosis due to decay (gangrene);
- for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, erosive gastroduodenitis;
- during the preoperative and rehabilitation period;
- in secondary conditions accompanied by immunodeficiency;
- for stomatitis caused by a cytostatic therapeutic complex;
- acquired necrosis of the skin and mucous membranes in the post-radiation period with radiation damage.
Also, the list of things that Derinat helps with includes all types of mechanical and thermal injuries - bruises, abrasions, burns, frostbite.
Due to the mild action of the components, the drug has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to any of the components. During pregnancy, an internal aerosol is used in exceptional cases when the benefit to the mother justifies the possible risks to the child. External use is permitted at any stage of pregnancy. During lactation it is rarely prescribed and is used under medical supervision.
How to take Derinat - instructions for use
The domestic drug can be prescribed to children from birth. The dosage depends on the age and pharmaceutical form of the drug.
Teenagers from 12 years old and adults
For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use the pharmaceutical product three times a day, 2 drops in each nasal passage. The maximum effect is observed after 2 weeks of use.
For colds, drop 2-3 drops at intervals of one and a half hours throughout the day. In subsequent days, the interval is increased to 8 hours. Reception continues for a month.
For sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, 4 drops every 4 hours for 2 weeks.
For diseases of the oral cavity and inflammation of the mucous membrane, rinse with medication, dividing the contents of the container into 3 equal parts and diluting with clean water. You need to gargle 4-6 times a day for at least 1.5 weeks.
For gynecological problems, use an aerosol for vaginal irrigation 3 times a day or insert cotton swabs soaked in medication (5 ml for each procedure) twice a day. The procedures take 1.5-2 weeks.
For inflammation and dystrophy of the visual organs, instill 2 drops into each eye three times a day for 0.5-1.5 months.
For any damage to the skin, apply lotions with the medicine for 4 minutes or irrigate the affected areas 5 times a day. Treatment continues for 1-3 months.
Children from one year and older
Drops are often used for preventive purposes. They are prescribed to children who often suffer from ARVI. The main goal of therapy is to increase immunity and suppress inflammatory processes in the secretory epithelium.
- Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. For prevention, it is recommended to administer 2-3 drops into each nasal passage for a month. In case of developing disease, the dose is increased to 5 drops with an interval of 90 minutes during the first day after infection and then 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.
- Complicated sinusitis and adenoids. Cotton swabs are soaked in the immunomodulator and inserted into the nostrils for 10 minutes. The procedure is performed 5-6 times daily. Course duration is 7-14 days.
- Ophthalmic diseases. 1-2 drops are dripped into each eye 3 times a day. If possible, retract the lower eyelid for faster penetration of the active substance into the conjunctival sac.
- Diseases of the throat and mouth. The medication is used for rinsing three times a day, diluting 1/3 of the medicinal liquid in clean water. For babies who are unable to gargle on their own, a gauze swab is soaked in the product, with which it is necessary to treat the upper vault of the palate as deeply as possible.
Newborns and infants up to one year old
The immunostimulant is approved in pediatrics for babies from the first day of life. It is used according to a similar scheme for older children - 2 drops in each nostril up to 4 times a day for colds. From birth, you can irrigate the affected areas of the baby’s skin or make lotions with a medication solution, having first received the doctor’s approval. You should not give your baby medicine internally - this may lead to unforeseen complications.
Inhalation using a nebulizer
Inhalations should be carried out to prevent frequent colds and viral infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drops are diluted with saline in a ratio of 1 to 4. Children and adults need to breathe the vapors for 5 minutes, 2 times a day for 5 days.
Inhalations are indicated for pathologies:
- acute and chronic tonsillitis;
- enlarged adenoids;
- seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis;
- asthmatic attacks.
Before performing inhalations, you must obtain permission from a specialist. Even if a doctor once recommended a medicine for treatment, it cannot be used after a while without repeated consent.
Adverse reactions
If the drug is used for gangrene, spontaneous rejection of necrotic tissue is possible with further skin regeneration. In case of thermal and mechanical damage to the integument, the medicine has a local analgesic effect, so it can replace analgesics or reduce the need for them. With inflammation, swelling and damage to the mucous membranes, side effects may occur - burning and itching after the medicine gets on the membrane.
The drug can have a hypoglycemic effect on patients with diabetes, which must be taken into account when drawing up a treatment regimen and to control glucose levels.
No cases of overdose have been reported.
Drug interactions
The spray should not be applied to the skin together with fat-containing ointments and hydrogen peroxide.
The therapeutic effect is enhanced when combined with antibiotics and antiviral agents. This allows you to speed up the healing process and extend the period of remission of the cold.
With a well-designed treatment regimen, it enhances the work of antitumor drugs, atracyclines and cytostatics.
The drug effectively complements therapy for gastrointestinal ulcers and rheumatoid arthritis.
In case of blood poisoning in the postoperative period, the pharmaceutical drug is included in the therapeutic complex, which, according to reviews from doctors, helps:
- reduce intoxication;
- activate the body's defenses;
- normalize hematopoietic functions;
- improve the operation of internal systems;
- increase the productivity of the spleen and lymph nodes.
Storage conditions
The medicine should be stored in a dark place, out of reach of children, protected from direct sunlight. The optimal storage temperature is from 4 to 20 °C. After opening the bottle of pharmaceutical preparation, it should be used within 2 weeks.
Shelf life
A medicinal product with undamaged packaging can be stored for 5 years from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, use is contraindicated.
How much does Derinat cost - price at the pharmacy
A price comparison table will help you understand where to buy the medicine more profitably - on the Internet or in a regular pharmacy. The statistics indicate the average cost in rubles.
The immunostimulant is quite inexpensive for its medicinal characteristics. Most domestic and foreign analogues have a higher price with the same properties. However, there are also cheaper products containing a similar or different active substance.
List of analogues cheaper than Derinat with an identical active ingredient
There are no analogues in the form of a spray that completely replace the drug in question. Products with a similar operating mechanism, but a different production form, are suitable as substitutes.
- Deoxynate – solution for external use in a 50 ml bottle or solution for intramuscular injections in ampoules of 5 ml in a cardboard pack of 10 units. Dispensed by prescription.
- Panagen is a powder in polymer jars of 50, 100 and 200 g for the preparation of a drink or solution for external or intramuscular administration.
- Pure sodium deoxyribonucleate - amphora powder in dark glass jars or polyethylene bottles of 250, 400 and 1000 g or ampoules for intramuscular administration of 10 pieces per box.
All immunity modulators have an identical effect to Derinat, the only difference is how much each of them costs.
Prices of analogues containing sodium deoxyribonucleate
Substitutes for the drug can be purchased online or in regular pharmacies. The table shows the average price in rubles in Russian pharmaceutical companies.
Drugs with different active ingredients
The group of analogues with a distinctive composition includes immunomodulators and immunostimulants.
- Broncho-Munal (capsules containing lysate of bacteria OM85). For the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system (bronchi, lungs, throat, nose). May cause side effects: diarrhea, headaches, dyspeptic disorders.
- Viusid (powder for diluting a drink containing an extensive list of active ingredients). Prescribed for complex therapy for influenza, acute respiratory infections, cytomegalovirus infections. May provoke allergies and increase the activity of liver transaminases.
- Immunorm (table). It is prescribed for preventive and therapeutic purposes for frequent colds and viral diseases. Can provoke allergic reactions and a drop in blood pressure.
- Lykopid (table). Indicated in the treatment of secondary immunodeficiency and recurrent bronchopulmonary diseases. May cause a short-term increase in temperature to subfebrile levels, muscle and joint pain.
- Lymphomyosot (preoral syrup). Helps with inflammation of various etiologies and places of development, with pathological lesions of the lymphatic system, allergies, intoxication. It has no side effects, so it is often prescribed in pediatrics.
Any analogue cannot be used without the testimony of the treating doctor. You cannot engage in spontaneous treatment without making an accurate diagnosis. Otherwise, irreparable harm to health may be caused.
Comparative Cost of Substitutes
You can find out which of the products you can buy cheaper from the comparative table of prices for Derinat analogues. The average cost at pharmaceutical points in Moscow is indicated in rubles.
Finding cheap and effective synonyms is difficult. Many substitutes cost several times more, and their effectiveness does not always exceed the medicinal properties of the original pharmaceutical.
Derinat helped our twin babies not get sick. First, my husband got sick and came down with a high fever, and then I was very worried about how to protect my girls from this. Of course, I wore a mask, but I understood that this was not a guarantee. I called Mom, and she reminded me that I had been given Derinat as a child. So they decided to give it to the girls too. And my babies didn’t get sick, the drops helped, the main thing is to buy them on time. Now we always have it in our first aid kit and use it as a preventive measure. And the pediatrician said that we did everything right.
Description current as of 11/18/2014
- Latin name: Derinat
- ATX code: L03A
- Active ingredient: Sodium deoxyribonucleate
- Manufacturer: JSC FP Tekhnomedservis, Russia
One milliliter of a 0.25% solution, used as a local and external remedy, contains 2.5 mg of sodium deoxyribonucleate (Sodium deoxyribonucleate) and 1 mg of sodium chloride (Sodium chloride).
One milliliter of 1.5% solution for intramuscular administration contains 15 mg of sodium deoxyribonucleate (Sodium deoxyribonucleate) and 1 mg of sodium chloride (Sodium chloride).
Release form
The solution has the appearance of a transparent liquid without color or foreign inclusions.
Dosage forms of Derinat:
- solution for use as an external and local agent 0.25%;
- solution for intramuscular injection 1.5%.
pharmachologic effect
Derinat is an immunomodulatory drug that accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration and repair, relieves inflammation, stimulates anti-cancer immunity, has an anti-allergic effect, stimulates the natural detoxification of the body with immobilization and reduction of toxin concentrations.
In addition, the drug exhibits lymphotropic, cardioprotective and anti-ischemic properties, antioxidant and membrane stabilizer properties, and has a weak anticoagulant effect.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The action of Derinat is aimed at stimulating cellular and humoral immunity, which in turn optimizes inflammatory reactions and acquired immunity (specific immune response) to foreign substances of bacterial, fungal and viral origin.
The immunomodulatory effect of the drug is determined by its ability to stimulate the activity of T- and B-lymphocytes and activate cells of the monocyte-macrophage series.
Derinat induces intracellular energy metabolism, RNA and DNA synthesis. Due to the activation of the cellular immune response, the ability of natural killer cells (NK cells) to act on cells affected by viruses and bacteria increases.
Against the background of the use of the medicine, reparative and regenerative processes are activated in the body; the condition of tissues and organs is normalized during dystrophic processes caused by vascular disorders; the susceptibility of cells to the damaging effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is reduced; the body's resistance to various types of infections increases; the detoxification function of the lymphatic system is stimulated; indicators of myocardial contractile function improve; the death of heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) is prevented; physical performance increases.
Derinat helps remove free radicals from the body, accelerates the healing of wounds (including purulent and infected wounds), deep burns (while improving the dynamics of regeneration, epithelization and scarring of tissue), trophic ulcers.
Under the influence of the drug, scarless restoration of the mucous membranes occurs during the restoration of ulcerative defects.
Derinat does not cause any disturbances in intrauterine development or morphological abnormalities in the fetus. It also does not have a carcinogenic effect.
When used as a local remedy, it is quickly absorbed. The main route of transport of the active substance in organs and tissues is endolymphatic. At the stage of intensive entry of sodium deoxyribonucleate into the bloodstream, in parallel with metabolism and excretion, redistribution occurs between erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and plasma.
Metabolization occurs in the body. Metabolites are excreted partly with the intestinal contents, and mainly according to a biexponential dependence in the urine.
Indications for use
The solution is indicated as an independent remedy:
- with acute respiratory infections;
- for the prevention and treatment of ARVI;
- for the treatment of inflammatory, purulent-inflammatory and dystrophic ophthalmological diseases;
- for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
In combination with other drugs, Derinat is prescribed for the treatment of:
Derinat is administered intramuscularly:
As an independent remedy, Derinat injections are also used in surgical practice, prescribed to patients both in the pre- and postoperative period.
Injections and drops of Derinat have no other contraindications, except for the patient’s intolerance to the components included in its composition.
Side effects
The use of Derinat in gangrenous processes provokes spontaneous rejection of necrotic tissue in areas of rejection, which is accompanied by restoration of the skin.
In patients with open wounds and burns, the use of the drug can slightly reduce the intensity of pain.
Rapid injection of the solution into the muscle provokes moderate pain at the injection site (such a reaction does not require special treatment).
In some cases, a few hours after the injection, the temperature may briefly rise to 38°C. To reduce it, symptomatic drugs are prescribed, for example, analgin, diphenhydramine, etc.
Patients with diabetes mellitus may experience a hypoglycemic effect of the drug. Therefore, they need to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels.
Derinat: instructions for use
The solution, used as a local and external remedy, is used in the form of eye drops, nasal drops, rinses, microenemas, applications and irrigations.
The drug is intended for the treatment of children (and it can be prescribed to children from the first day of life) and adult patients.
Treatment with Derinat can be combined with taking other medications in the form of tablets, ointments, and injection solutions.
Instructions for use of Derinat in the form of rinses, applications, irrigations and microenemas
Diseases of the oral mucosa are treated by rinsing with Derinat (one bottle of solution is enough for one or two rinses). The frequency of procedures is from 4 to 6 times a day. They must be done within 5-10 days.
For the treatment of chronic forms of inflammatory and infectious diseases in gynecology, intravaginal administration of the drug with irrigation of the cervix or intravaginal administration of tampons with the drug soaked in a solution are prescribed.
One procedure requires 5 ml of Derinat. The frequency of procedures is per day, the course of treatment is from 10 to 14 days.
For hemorrhoids, microenemas into the rectum are indicated. For one procedure, take from 15 to 40 ml of solution. The duration of treatment is from 4 to 10 days.
For ophthalmological diseases accompanied by inflammatory and degenerative processes, Derinat is prescribed to be instilled into the eyes for 2 or 3 times a day, one or two drops.
In case of necrosis of the skin and mucous membranes caused by irradiation, with difficult-to-heal wounds, trophic ulcers of various origins, frostbite, burns, gangrene, a sterile application bandage should be applied to the affected areas (using gauze folded in two layers) with a solution applied to it.
Applications are made 3-4 times during the day. It is also possible to treat lesions using Derinat in the form of a spray. The drug is sprayed 4 or 5 times a day. A single dose varies from 10 to 40 ml. The duration of treatment is from 1 to 3 months.
Derinat nasal drops: instructions for use
To prevent respiratory viral infections, Derinat nasal drops are instilled into each nasal passage, two at a time, with a frequency of use of 2 to 4 times a day. Duration of treatment is from one to two weeks.
When cold symptoms appear on the first day, it is recommended to instill two or three drops into each nasal passage every hour and a half. Then the treatment is continued by instilling two or three drops into each nasal passage for a month. The frequency of instillations is once a day.
Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity involves administering three to five drops into each nasal passage for one to two weeks, 4-6 times a day.
For acute nasal insufficiency, it is recommended to instill one or two drops into each nasal passage 6 times a day for six months.
Derinat injections: instructions for use
The average single dose of Derinat for an adult patient is 5 ml of a 1.5% solution (equivalent to 75 mg). To reduce pain, it is recommended to inject the drug into the muscle over one to two minutes, maintaining intervals of an hour between injections.
The frequency of injections and the interval between injections depend on the patient’s diagnosis. So, for ischemic disease, 10 injections are prescribed once every 2 or 3 days (every other hour). For patients with gastric ulcers or duodenal ulcers, 5 injections are recommended with an interval of 48 hours.
For cancer patients - from 3 to 10 injections with an interval of 1-3 days. In andrology (for example, for prostatitis) and in gynecology (for fibroids, salpingitis, etc.) - 10 injections with an interval of 1-3 days .. Patients with tuberculosis injections with an interval of 1-2 days..
For acute inflammatory diseases, it is recommended to give from 3 to 5 injections with an interval of 1-3 days. For inflammatory diseases occurring in a chronic form, give 5 injections every 24 hours, then another 5 injections every 72 hours.
The instructions for use of Derinat for children indicate that the frequency of intramuscular injections of the solution for a child is the same as for an adult patient.
For children under two years of age, the average single dose of a 1.5% solution is 0.5 ml (corresponding to 7.5 mg). For children from 2 to 10 years old, a single dose is determined at the rate of 0.5 ml of solution for each year of life.
In the form of inhalations, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system: tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, hay fever, adenoids, allergies. For inhalation, the solution in ampoules is mixed with saline in a ratio of 1:4 (or 1 ml of Derinat per 4 ml of saline).
The full course of therapy is 10 procedures lasting 5 minutes each. Treatment should be carried out 2 times a day.
No cases of drug overdose have been recorded.
When applied topically, the drug is not compatible with hydrogen peroxide and fat-based ointments.
The use of the drug in combination with the main therapy increases the therapeutic effect and reduces the duration of treatment. This also makes it possible to reduce the doses of antibiotics and antiviral drugs.
The use of Derinat increases the effectiveness of therapy with antitumor anthracycline antibiotics and cytostatic drugs; the effect of basic therapy prescribed to patients with peptic ulcer is potentiated; The iatrogenicity of drugs prescribed for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis decreases (up to 50-70%, which is also accompanied by an improvement in a number of complex indicators of disease activity).
In cases where a surgical infection provokes the development of sepsis, the introduction of Derinat into combination therapy allows:
- reduce the level of intoxication in the body;
- increase the activity of the immune system;
- normalize hematopoietic function;
- improve the performance of organs involved in removing toxins from the body.
Terms of sale
The topical solution is classified as an over-the-counter medicine. The solution for injection is dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription.
Storage conditions
It is recommended to store the drug in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 4° to 20°C. The contents of an opened bottle should be used within two weeks. Keep away from children.
Best before date
special instructions
Before injecting Derinat, the bottle with the drug must be warmed in your hand to body temperature. To make the injection less painful, the solution is administered slowly (over one to two minutes).
Derinat's analogs
Derinat or Grippferon - which is better?
This question often arises for many mothers who are trying to protect their children from influenza and ARVI. The drugs are incomplete analogues, but at the same time they are very similar in therapeutic effect and indications.
The composition and origin of the drugs vary greatly, but biologically active proteins in both Grippferon and Derinat have immunomodulatory, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.
Some are inclined to consider Derinat to be a slightly more effective medicine than Grippferon; it is a stronger immunomodulator and has a wider spectrum of action. This explains the presence of Derinat in a dosage form for intramuscular injection (Grippferon is available only in the form of drops and nasal spray).
It should be remembered, however, that in cases where health is involved, self-medication is unacceptable, and the final decision on prescribing a particular drug is made by the attending physician, because the same drug can act differently on different patients.
Derinat for children
The action of the drug is aimed at increasing the activity of immune cells. For this reason, it is often prescribed to children prone to frequent colds.
Research and reviews of Derinat drops for children and Derinat injection solution indicate that both of these dosage forms are well tolerated by children, have virtually no contraindications and rarely cause unwanted side reactions.
This allows the drug to be used to treat children of different ages, including newborns from the first days of life.
To treat upper respiratory tract infections, children are prescribed inhalations with Derinat. Nasal drops for children are indicated as a therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for runny nose, sinusitis, ARVI, influenza, etc.
As a rule, for preventive purposes, 1-3 drops are instilled into each nasal passage. If the drug is used to treat a child, the dose is increased to 3-5 drops. The frequency of administration can be every hour or hour and a half.
If there are problems with the adenoids, a runny nose or sinusitis, the most effective method of treatment with Derinat is tamponing the nasal passages with a cotton swab soaked in the solution with a frequency of procedures 6 times a day.
If a child is susceptible to conjunctivitis and other purulent-inflammatory ophthalmological diseases, the instructions recommend instilling the solution into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye, 1-2 drops three times a day.
Inflammation of the oral mucosa or gums can be relieved by rinsing with Derinat. If the child is too small and does not know how to rinse his mouth, the mucous membrane is treated several times a day with gauze soaked in a solution.
In complex therapy, the solution is often prescribed for the treatment of vulvovaginitis in girls, accompanied by perianal itching and intestinal disorders of helminthiasis, wounds, burns and frostbite.
Derinat during pregnancy and lactation
Injections and drops of Derinat during pregnancy and breastfeeding are prescribed according to vital signs and only in cases where it is not possible to find specific alternative methods for treating the disease.
Reviews about Derinat
Reviews about the drug (and, in particular, reviews about Derinat for children) are quite contradictory: some praise it, noting its high efficiency and ease of use, while others call it a rather expensive “dummy”.
Immune boosters are a complex topic. On the one hand, the pharmaceutical market offers a fairly large number of immunomodulators, differing both in strength and in the way they affect the body.
On the other hand, when trying to evaluate the real effectiveness of these drugs, a number of difficulties arise, since it is impossible to know how the body would react to a particular disease without stimulating its own immunity.
The main advantages of the drug are its naturalness, safety and ease of use, which is why it is prescribed even for infants. However, some doctors in reviews of the drug warn that its safety remains not fully studied today.
Reviews of Derinat injections and reviews of Derinat drops left by patients are more optimistic: the vast majority of patients say that the use of both drops and injections allows one to quite quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease and reduce the likelihood of its relapse.
In gynecology, injections are often included in the treatment regimen for inflammatory diseases and tumor processes. Both doctors and patients confirm that in some cases, as a result of therapy, tumors begin to shrink after one or two injections.
Studies show the effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of inflammation and pseudo-erosions of the cervix. In addition, Derinat exhibits the properties of a universal immunocorrector for hormonal-dependent endometrial hyperplasia.
Treatment with them allows one to obtain a fairly high percentage of recoveries from inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system, breast fibroids, fibroids, chlamydia and endometriosis.
Young mothers say that the drug helps children better resist so-called “kindergarten infections”, accelerates the maturation of the immune system and activates the body’s defenses.
They note the effectiveness of Derinat for adenoids, rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma and a number of other diseases to which young children are so susceptible. In cases where nasal drops are used to treat viral infections, their use significantly reduces the severity of symptoms of fever and intoxication of the body, as well as the likelihood of developing disease complications.
At the same time, some parents state that the use of Derinat gives the most pronounced effect only in the early stages of the disease or when using the drug to prevent influenza and ARVI.
Negative reviews are due to the fact that the effect of the treatment was short-lived, as well as the pain of drug injections. Dr. Komarovsky believes that a child’s natural immunity to infection is formed five days after the child “caught” the virus, and a common cold goes away without specific treatment within the same period.
Therefore, in his opinion, to alleviate the course of the disease, the child simply needs to create favorable conditions: humidify the air in the room, provide plenty of fluids and access to fresh air.
Derinat price
Cost of the drug in Ukraine
The price of Derinat drops in Ukrainian pharmacies varies from 134 to 180 UAH per bottle of 0.25% solution of 10 ml. The cost of the solution for external use is UAH. You can buy Derinat injections in Kyiv and other large cities of Ukraine for an average of UAH per pack of 5 ampoules of 5 ml.
Cost of the drug in Russia
The price of nasal drops for children and adults in Russian pharmacies is rubles; the price of Derinat in ampoules starts from 1,670 rubles. The product for external use costs an average of 225 rubles.
The drug is available only in the form of solutions for injection and external use, so it is pointless to look for Derinat tablets in pharmacies.
- Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
- Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
Pharmacy IFC
Personally, I like Derinat because it is harmless and does not cause side effects. Well, the fact that flu prevention needs to be done, I think, is far from a secret for everyone, because it is better to prevent the disease. The drug really works, the whole family has already been convinced of this many times, if we start taking preventive measures on time, then the flu will not take us away.
I used to buy derinat in drops, but after that I tried it in a spray, I liked it better, you can spray it in the throat or nose. It’s a good drug, I noticed that I started to get sick less often, I’ve been using it for half the winter already, and it’s great, there was a widespread virus at work, and I was spared, tfu tfu, I’ll continue to use it, probably until May. I have no desire to get sick at all.
I have never encountered antiviral immunomodulators before; Derinat is my first experience. I bought it for a lingering cold, and it took me a long time to get sick. Drops dripped into the nose often, on average 5-7 times a day. At first I thought that the nose would pierce, but this is not so, derinat cleanses and treats the mucous membrane, restores and improves immunity, so I also used vasoconstrictors for congestion, surprisingly for only 1 day. Recovery with it went quickly, since it has reparative properties, the nasal mucosa recovered quickly; if the dryness did not go away before, then improvement came very quickly. And most importantly, there were no complications!
I tried Derinat in ophthalmology for conjunctivitis as an additional remedy. And for colds and flu, that’s all I’ve been using lately. The spray is convenient, you can take it with you to work. I began to suffer less from sinusitis, I just remove the virus at the initial stage and that’s it, the infection does not spread to the maxillary sinuses. Very satisfied!
Derinat once helped me quickly recover from the flu. I want to say that thanks to him I got rid of sinusitis; the ENT doctor prescribed this drug along with other local treatment. Then I found out that it can also be used to prevent colds, which is what I did. Now I always keep it in my purse and in my home medicine cabinet. I buy it in spray form.
Ostap Suleiman Bender Beevich would be jealous.
In January 2017, I underwent ear surgery (tympanoplasty with restoration of the auditory ossicular chain). After the operation, a month later, pain in the operated ear began to bother me (sometimes aching, sometimes sharp, or even the ear just started shooting). These constant, incessant pains began to bother and bother me very much. Then I read from various sources that pain in the ear after such an operation has a name - disease of the operated ear. And this disease cannot be left to chance. I contacted my operating doctor. She advised me to take drops of Normax and ciprofloxacin (7 days). I dripped it - it's useless. My ear continued to hurt. On the advice of my operating doctor, I took drops of ciprofloxacin, kenologist (and kenologist is injections, I had to break the vampula, pour the solution into a bottle and then drop it into the ear). None of this helped. And the doctor advised me to give Derinat injections. The first thing that surprised and amazed me was the price. 5 ampoules of Derinat (for five days) cost 1,500 rubles. A little expensive. I doubted whether it was worth buying. But then I finally decided. What if it helps? I bought 5 ampoules and plus 5 syringes. Everything cost me about 1600 rubles. I went for injections once every three days, intramuscularly. The injection is painless. True, about half an hour after the injection, it hurts a little and burns in the place where the injection was made. Overall, I tolerated the injections well. And to my surprise I noticed that after the third injection my ear began to ache and ache less. After the fifth injection, the pain stopped altogether. I was very pleased with this drug. I hope that the pain in the operated ear will not return.
Emilia, well, Derinat is a completely non-painful drug. I have tested it on myself and on loved ones many times. You have a very low pain threshold.
I gave Derinat an injection, but it was very painful. Derinat was prescribed to me by gynecologists, I spent two months running to the treatment room, but I managed to avoid surgery.
This winter was hard for us, our first winter in the garden. Children are constantly on sick leave. And my child is not calm, as soon as you turn away, he’s already in a snowdrift. After another such jump into a snowdrift, I came down with a severe flu. While we were being treated, we learned about derinat. He helped us a lot then. The treatment was much faster and easier for the small organism. And the doctor also advised me to do preventive measures with it, which is what I will do now.
In winter, I saved myself by ventilating the apartment and using a humidifier; after a walk with the baby, I washed his and my nose and instilled derinat. And if we talk about the drug, then, as far as I know, it has no analogues. And the effectiveness has already been tested more than once by me and my family. The effect is especially noticeable during prevention and if you drip vigorously at the first symptoms of a cold.
This was three years ago. The end of autumn has come. Here and there, friends began to get sick. I went online to read how to treat the flu. For information. I came across an interesting article, in which I learned about Derinat. Bought. And there was a moment - I felt the first signs. I applied it according to the instructions and there were no problems. Beauty. I read the reviews - you should probably dig it automatically in the fall and spring for prevention - to increase immunity. And then, besides the Influenza virus, there are other viruses. And there you may not have time to feel it.
I also have a weak spot in my nose, even if it’s not infected, but just if I’m hypothermic or after swimming in the pool. Derinat was recommended to me specifically as a mucosal strengthening and antiviral drug. Now after the pool I always drip, it removes irritation and discomfort.
I used Derinat for the first time according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor - 6 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril for the first 2 days, then 4 times a day. On the 2-3rd day it became easier to breathe, the swelling went away. The runny nose even gave me a headache, but it also went away. )) But I kept dripping for another week. Since the doctor warned not to quit, but to drip further, and this will strengthen the immunity of the mucous membrane. During illness, its viruses cause damage, almost like herpes.
You're just out of luck! In our family we use derinat very widely and drops are the first remedy for colds. You can say they always help.
I caught a bad cold and started to have a terrible runny nose. I bought derinat at the pharmacy and drank it all. The runny nose has stopped, but for the second month now I have had a dry nose that does not go away, sores have appeared in the nose, which I remove with blood and constantly apply ointment to get rid of the dryness, it does not help. I don’t know about anyone else, Derinat didn’t suit me. I think you need to be more careful with it.
Derinat works great for stomatitis! It has been tested more than once. Pain relief almost immediately and healing quickly.
Answer to Antonina (using a spray for sore throat in the 1st trimester of pregnancy). Antonina! Feel free to use Derinat if you have a sore throat. Regimen: 1-2 sprays up to 4-6 times a day. very effective. No indications. The effect is local only.
Is it possible to use Derinat spray for pain when swallowing in the first trimester of pregnancy?
After pneumonia, which I suffered from last winter, my immunity was greatly reduced. The runny nose began to cling more often, and the throat began to hurt often. The doctor should prescribe a 2-week course of derinat to tidy up your own immunity and get stronger. It dripped... Surprisingly, the residual runny nose and occasional cough went away unnoticed. I think I’ll take another course in 2-3 weeks and monitor the sensations.
This fall, for now, I’m saving myself by rinsing my nose and derinat. I also got the vaccine and couldn’t resist. And if we talk about the drug, then, as far as I know, it has no analogues. And the effectiveness has already been tested more than once by me and my family.
Derinat injections helped me a lot. In case of an ulcer, they were pierced in the hospital. A bit expensive, of course, but imports are more expensive.
I just started using Derinat spray, which the doctor prescribed, and I’m on sick leave with ARVI. Before I went to the therapist, I overdid it so much with vasoconstrictors that when I blew my nose, I began to bleed. I've been spraying Derinat for almost 5 days now. There is no blood. There is much less snot, the general condition is much better. And it felt so good in the nose))
I read your experience (your nose bleeds after Derinat) - I don’t know, this is the first time I’ve read something like this. I have been using the drug for 15 years now with my whole family. This has never been noted before. Perhaps your child has something wrong with the blood?
When we started going to the garden, we were constantly sick until I found these drops. After them they began to get better immediately. Adenoiditis was cured, greenery stopped flowing from the nose. I started dripping every time I got sick. Now we rarely get sick, at the first sign of a cold I start giving my child Derinat. The only negative is that the nose bleeds for the second time after a week of use. I think because of the derinat.
If a child has problems with blood vessels in the nose, then it is better not to drip Derinat. I came across it through my own example. Two children, the eldest had problems with adenoids, she was often sick, Derinat helped perfectly, when they started dripping for preventive purposes, the child practically did not get sick, and even if she did get sick. then in a milder form and recovered quickly (though the adenoids still had to be removed). But the youngest doesn’t go at all, and we immediately start dripping blood from the nose (our blood vessels are weak, sometimes there is blood from the nose, but Derinat provokes even more). So if you have a problem with nosebleeds, it’s better not to.
Evdokia! Your bad experience with Derinat does not mean that it is useless for others. For example, when I have an acute runny nose, it always helps and very quickly. I don’t know, maybe you don’t have an acute cold, which is what Derinat actually works against, but a chronic disease of the nasopharynx? Then, of course, the effect may not be so clear? For us, it doesn’t lie like a dead weight in the refrigerator, but “runs.” My wife doesn’t have time to buy: both colds and skin (burns, wounds).
I haven’t forgotten about Derinat for about 10 years, about once a year, when I feel my strength is gone, sores come (usually in spring). I give 5 injections every day and another 5 injections every 72 hours. I’m not sick with anything, especially since all colds are avoided. In general, it's great to be with him. I am 56 years old. I don't use any other medications at all.
Guys, don’t hate our drug Derinat! Firstly, it is natural. Secondly, it really helps the immune system! For me it is lowered due to thyroid disease, fever never
Derinat is very helpful for cancer patients, and for various tumors, during radiation therapy, after chemotherapy. There are even cases of cancer cures THIS way. This drug helped me a lot.
But I like Derinat, it’s a very good drug, it cures a lot of things, they write, but I see that often the diseases are almost the same, they just have different names. I buy it for a sore throat, because if my throat hurts, then I’m lost. I will have a fever and will be in bed for two weeks. And so you can take Derinat or inhale it for two or three days and I’m healthy. Honestly, this drug has become a necessity for me; no other medicine has dealt with my throat problems as well as Derinat.
Previously, derinat was given to the child often, and there was an effect, but then I began to slack and drip from time to time, and again I began to get sick often. And this winter there was a severe flu epidemic, I bought derinat again, we took it as a preventive measure, as it should, in full, and we didn’t catch the virus. I think it’s our own fault that we use the medicine incorrectly, and therefore are dissatisfied with it.. But one way or another, I will now be more conscientious, and I will give it to the child seasonally, in the fall and spring, for prevention.
I agree with you 100% in this sense, no drug protects the mucous membrane of small bumps better than Derinat, it creates a protective barrier. I also discovered a new side of it for myself; my son and I started using it in a nebulizer. There was a sore throat, the plaque from the throat had to be removed, but the child began to have a gag reflex, they removed it a little and that was it, and inhalation with a nebulizer further fought the infection and did not allow it to spread. We recovered much faster than usual.
I use these drops for my children when they have a cold. They don’t just cure a runny nose, as many people write, and they don’t pierce the nose. They protect the mucous membrane from viruses, restore it and strengthen it, because with a runny nose, micro-wounds can appear and then it is much easier for the virus to enter the body. That’s why I always buy them, first we dig out the nose with derinat, and then we can use other drugs so that dryness does not occur, the effect is very convenient for us to be treated this way, and for one thing we strengthen the immune system.
lymphogranulomatosis of the mother-in-law. I have already undergone five chemo treatments. how to take derinat in this case
The effectiveness of immunomodulators has not been proven anywhere. Judging by the instructions of Derinat, it cures everything. So treat their heads! We help pharmaceutical manufacturers and pharmacies survive with our stupidity. And temperature reaction, fragility of blood vessels in the nose and allergies are quite real. The choice is yours.
I see someone here is trying very hard to protect these drops, only under different names? Why? Don’t you think that each body has its own reaction, so everyone has their own answer? Derinat was prescribed to us by our pediatrician, 1 drop per day in the morning, for a month for prevention. Although at that time we were suffering from a runny nose, I read the instructions and began to apply them according to them. Three days later, when my son blew his nose, his nose began to bleed with mucus. I decided that it was because of my child’s strong efforts to blow his nose. The capillaries burst. We taught him blow your nose correctly and slowly, but two days later the story repeated itself again. I had to remove the drops, the runny nose of course began to go away, but this blood scared me and my son. The drug may be good, but blood really comes after it. And for those who run to the pharmacy for Derinat every time they have a cold, I want to say that you should NOT use such things often!
Laconic, but the answer feels untrue! Please don’t drip, but why make your particular case a law? It almost always relieves my colds and runny nose.
And after the Derinat drops, my child had severe diarrhea with a pungent odor, and red spots appeared on the face, that is, it caused an allergy immediately after the first use. I didn’t immediately understand that it was from him and continued to give, again diarrhea. And as soon as I canceled it, everything went away.
So so so. Now I’m also wondering what kind of spray this is, I’ve been using the drops for three or four years now, I use it for myself and for my child. Mainly for prevention purposes, although in fact it helps at any stage of a cold. Thanks to Derinat, we get sick less. Is a spray different from drops?
I used Derinat spray for the first time, I’ll be honest - it’s a great product, just like the drops themselves. I had a sore throat. Helped me deal with it quickly. It’s convenient to spray and gets exactly where you need it, the soreness went away quickly and your throat almost didn’t hurt.
This is the first time I've heard of this kind of complication. We use derinat with our whole family, for many years and have not noticed anything like this. M.b. Do you have some peculiarity with the vessels in your nose? Congenital weakness? In general, the review did not convince me that derinat has a bad effect on health.
The pediatrician prescribed it to us after we were in the hospital with laryngitis. To maintain immunity. 5 year old child (kindergarten) She recommended drips of 1k for a month. in each nostril passage once a day. Two weeks later our nose started bleeding. A day or two. I decided that it was because of Derinat. It stopped dripping and everything went away.
Derinat became our savior. I have been suffering with my child’s adenoids for a long time; when I went to kindergarten, I was often sick, which in principle is not surprising, but at school there was one sick leave after another. The child’s snot flowed like a stream and not a single remedy helped. Then we were prescribed these drops, the effect of them was not immediately noticeable, but gradually improvement came. Within a week the baby was healthy, which is super fast for us! And we weren’t sick for two months, but then the attack returned. I then tried to give my son inhalation with a nebulizer using Derinat. I diluted the drops with saline solution in a ratio of 1:4. And this method in our case turned out to be much more effective. After a day, the runny nose became smaller, after two more days it stopped completely, the nose was clear, but we continued to do inhalations, the whole course took 5 days. And we did without a bunch of sprays and tablets. Now I have a faithful assistant in such matters, and the most interesting thing is that we began to get sick much less often. Hooray!
The drug is an excellent derinat. We have been using the drops for 10 years now. Thanks to pediatrician Iraida Borisovna Dyakova. A competent doctor. The child has been very sick since birth. Almost died. Immunity was at zero. The immune system was greatly improved. We are just saving ourselves with derinat when the flu starts. And my son began to get sick less.
For Olga. The composition in the spray, a new dosage form of derinat, is the same as in the drops. But this form of the drug allows you to get with great convenience where drops cannot reach - into the throat and onto the oral mucosa (aphthae, etc.) and + saves the drug when spraying. I tried it myself and recommend it.
I recently read about Derinat spray. Looks like he's treating a sore throat. I wonder if the composition of the substance has been changed?
There are very few funds for newborns, there’s really nothing to choose from, just a runny nose, I don’t care what age you or your child is. It’s good that they started making such drops that children can take it almost from the maternity hospital (from the first day of life), I heard that it’s actually what they need for premature babies!
Olga! Stop scaring us with horror stories about allergies to immunomodulators and, in particular, to derinat. Firstly, there is no allergy at all “to immunomodulators”. There are many of them and they are all different (in structure), so no need. And about derinat, as a consumer with 15 years of experience, I will say this: for drops, I have never seen or heard from friends that there was any kind of temperature reaction. From your “statement” it is not clear what exactly you gave to your child? Drops? Did you get any injections? In principle, the manufacturer notes in the instructions that injections may cause a rise in temperature. But I did it to myself and my loved ones many times - I never got up even for a short time. But to last for many days after a single injection? This is something from the realm of improbability. Maybe this is how the disease manifested itself? More likely. For me, Derinat is a safe and effective drug.
My child had a temperature reaction to Derinat for 5 days at 39.8 degrees. I almost went crazy. It turned out that this is an immunomodulator, and we are allergic to them, only then I read the instructions that in some cases the temperature may rise to 38 degrees. But my child lay in extreme heat, refused to eat, they wanted to hospitalize us and already attributed terrible infections, it’s good that I realized that Derinat was to blame. Be careful when increasing immunity in this way, especially for children.
People here ask about the spray. Where can I buy? As where? At the pharmacy, of course! I bought it there at a price of 308 rubles in July at the height of the heat. Treated a sore throat - it relieves pain very well. And in September it’s already 328 rubles. bought
An excellent drug. Here people write that there is no effect, complete nonsense! It depends on what effect you expected from the drops. Derinat is not a vasoconstrictor, the snot from it will not stop flowing immediately, but after the course of treatment the adenoids are reduced by 2 times and local immunity is restored - this is a fact!!
The drops are great! They were prescribed to my child at the age of 3, they helped a lot, I was left with enough, really worthwhile drops, much better than others! They treat quickly, now there is always a bottle at home, I recommend it to everyone.
Oksana, on the contrary, the doctor highly recommended Derinat to us. We have already learned that as soon as we get sniffly, we immediately run to the pharmacy for Derinat, rinse the child’s nose and then drop some medicine. Usually this helps and the runny nose goes away. The most important thing is that the drug also supports the immune system and prevents the disease from progressing. The only main thing to remember is that an open bottle can be stored for 2 weeks and if the drops have not been used, you will have to throw them away and take new ones next time. But we usually don’t have any left.
But doctors practically don’t prescribe it; it’s beneficial when children are sick. We have our own story, we went to kindergarten at the age of 3.4 and spent a week in kindergarten two at home, plus she also prescribed antibiotics (and if we were sick, our temperature was 39.3 and there was nothing to lower it except with injections. And almost always we left with the baby to the hospital (it all started after I had a rota virus a year ago), I myself thought it couldn’t continue like this, the doctors don’t advise anything. They say get ready to get sick twice a month. We’ll take antibiotics for nothing. But it’s terrible! I myself I have already started to turn the Internet over and read about immunomodulators, Viferon, Anaferon do not help us. There was always one result: we left in an ambulance (although these drugs help my friends). I found this drug (Derinat) and read about the fact that it was developed back in the USSR in 1960 ( roughly), I read the reviews. By the way, in some European countries it is prohibited because ours did not give them permission to certify this drug (thereby protecting their interests). And doctors prescribe us only the most expensive and imported medicine. And with antibiotics, you won’t be able to support any immunity. We’re trying it now, we’re testing it, the positives are 1. our temperature rose to a maximum of 38.7 2. we have very viscous snot, and not washing it helped, except in the hospital with a mechanical aspirator. here the spouts began to flow after the first use and on the second day the nose was almost clean, there was no gurgling, no congestion. So we will continue to use it. They called a doctor today; her reaction to this drug is very interesting).
Very good medicines, spray, drops, and injections. The whole family uses it.
Irina, breathe deeper, you are excited;) it feels like you have never used these drops. I, for example, also have only good things to say about them. We were prescribed them for ARVI in our youngest son. so the disease generally flew by unnoticed, although my son loves to get sick) so now we were advised to take Derinat to prevent colds, since these droplets protect the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, through which viruses enter the body. let's look at the preventative effect again)
Shit, not drops, no effect.
I started having female problems (endometritis) and was prescribed injections. The course of treatment was very difficult, because the injection was very painful, despite the fact that it also had a large volume. I could barely withstand these ten painful injections. The result was not long in coming; after 2 months the endometrium was restored (although I later caught inflammation again, but that’s another story). At the same time, it stimulated my immune system so much that I never got sick all winter, although I usually caught a cold 3-4 times a season.
To be honest, when we went to kindergarten, the pediatrician warned us that now we would often appear at her appointments. But on the advice of my sister, I bought Derinat drops at the pharmacy and began using them for the child as a means of strengthening the immune system (it’s strange why the pediatrician didn’t prescribe them for us). So a year later they came to see Manta, and she was surprised and said it couldn’t be that the child didn’t get sick even once in a year. I told her our secret. By the way, derinat not only strengthens the general immune system, but also the nasal mucosa, which is also very important. After all, viruses enter the body through it if it is weakened.
Konstantin: What I liked about the drug Prostanorm: reasonable price, pronounced effect of taking it.
Valentina: I, too, am all about diet and exercise. I hoped for loads, I thought that my healthy lifestyle.
Nina: I was on pills for a year and a half, then somehow everything calmed down. Mostly climatefit.
Elena: With the onset of menopause, the skin completely deteriorated and became dry. I saw a cream for .
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Source: http://medside.ru/derinat