Star for children

“Zvezdochka” ointment for a runny nose: where to apply it, instructions for use, reviews

Where to apply “Zvezdochka” for a runny nose? Let's take a closer look at this issue. Acute and chronic forms of rhinitis are a common respiratory pathology among adults and children.

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You can find countless vasoconstrictor drugs in pharmacies, but most of them can be addictive, their use for a long time is unsafe, and therefore not recommended. A much better remedy that does not have a negative impact on health is “Zvezdochka” ointment. Instructions for use will be presented in this article. This is a Vietnamese balm that has been used for several decades.

Ingredients of the drug

The name “Zvezdochka” is common among the population, but in pharmacies this product is presented under the name “Golden Star”. It is sold in liquid form in bottles, cream jars, or as an inhaler designed to be inhaled through the nose. The balm includes unique essential oils that have the maximum therapeutic effect on the condition of the nasal mucosa. The main components of this product are:

  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • clove flower oil;
  • cinnamon oil;
  • mint oil.

Mechanism of action of the product

Where to apply “Zvezdochka” for a runny nose is of interest to many. The balm has a locally irritating, antimicrobial and distracting effect. Due to the fact that essential oils are highly volatile, when inhaled through the nose they enter the deeper layers of the nasal passages, exerting a therapeutic effect on them. The herbal composition of the balm without various chemical additives ensures its non-toxicity and safety of use. The only side effect of “Golden Star” may be the occurrence of an allergic reaction, however, such a problem can occur when using any herbal remedies or pharmaceuticals. “Zvezdochka” is often prescribed during pregnancy for a runny nose.

Benefits of the medication

Zvezdochka ointment has certain advantages compared to other widely advertised drugs. Its main advantages are:

  • completely natural ingredients;
  • absence of any contraindications;
  • excellent therapeutic effect;
  • the use of the balm is universal (can also be used to eliminate other respiratory pathologies);
  • Possibility of use for inhalations, baths, and also by application to the skin;
  • low price.

Not everyone knows where to apply “Zvezdochka” for a runny nose.

If someone decides to use a fragrant balm for the first time, then he needs to know the rules of use in order to get a quick healing effect on the body. There are tricks and subtleties that will help you return your body to its usual healthy state much faster. So, let’s find out where to apply “Zvezdochka” for a runny nose.

Proper Use

It was already mentioned above that the Golden Star balm has several forms of release: creamy, pencil for inhalation and liquid. The method of its use is determined by the exact form in which the drug was purchased. It is best to buy both an inhaler pencil and a cream. The solid balm is similar in appearance to lipstick, it has a screw cap that protects essential oils from exhalation. It is very convenient to take a pencil on a trip or carry it to work; inhaling its vapors can quickly eliminate congestion. You can ask your doctor how to use an asterisk when you have a runny nose.

To cure the disease at home, they usually use an ordinary balm in a round box. The product is applied to the wings of the nose, chest and throat area. This should be done several times throughout the day and especially before bed. It is recommended to apply it to the chest even when there are no signs of cough and inflammation of the bronchi, since the vapors of essential oils will rise, enter the nasal passages and have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane.

Acupuncture points on the face

According to the instructions for use, “Zvezdochka” ointment can be used both for colds and for a targeted effect on biological body points. We list the following areas on the head and face that need to be smeared with the product for a runny nose for acupuncture effects on the body:

  • wings of the nose;
  • area between the eyebrows;
  • earlobes;
  • chin;
  • above the upper lip;
  • whiskey.

To correctly determine which point is active, you need to pay attention to the following: when pressing, you feel severe pain in this area compared to those located nearby. Once the acupuncture area is established, balm should be applied to it and massaged with pressing movements. Such manipulations must be carried out up to six times a day.

“Star” for runny nose for children

Small children react much more sensitively to the irritating effects of the balm, so it should be applied to the skin in minimal quantities, especially when using the drug for the first time. “Star” should not be applied to mucous membranes, it is necessary to avoid getting it in the eyes, and when treating children, it is important to ensure that they do not touch the product with their hands. "Golden Star" cannot be used to treat a runny nose in children under two years of age.


Inhalations have excellent therapeutic properties. For this purpose, a small amount of “Star” should be placed in hot water, stirred and breathed over the rising vapors. The beneficial effect will increase even more if you cover yourself with a blanket or towel with your head above the solution. In the inhalation with the balm, you also need to add sea salt and anti-inflammatory herbs. “Star” can be dissolved during water procedures in the bath, and the essential oils released by the drug will have a beneficial effect on the bronchopulmonary system as a whole.

Foot massage

For rhinitis, an excellent positive effect is observed when applying the product to the wings of the nose with simultaneous “Star” massage of the feet. There are a large number of very important biological points on human feet; thanks to a massage with balm, their functioning can be enhanced, thus increasing immunity and triggering protective mechanisms. When rubbing your feet, try to pay special attention to the pads of your big toes, since these places contain biologically active points that are connected to the nasopharynx.

The packaging of the balm always contains instructions that must be read before first use. If all conditions are properly met, it is possible to correctly treat a runny nose with “Zvezdochka” in the shortest possible time.

Nasal patch, spray and drops

Drops are also used to cure a runny nose. This drug softens the crusts that form in the nose. Once they are eliminated, breathing is freed. The patient feels noticeable relief. They are also used for nasal congestion. Apply two drops three times a day.

By moisturizing the mucous membrane, the patient will be able to sleep peacefully at night. The drug “Zvezdochka” has a similar effect to “Pinosol” and eliminates dry nose.

A spray is also intended for the treatment of rhinitis, which contains the same oils, only dissolved in alcohol. Judging by patient reviews, the drug significantly makes breathing easier. It is also used after mosquito bites, spraying the spray on the itchy area three to four times a day. If you use “Star”, then swelling and itching after a mosquito bite are eliminated.

You can also treat a runny nose with a nasal plaster, which has the same composition. It is stuck on the bridge of the nose and causes sneezing, due to which harmful microorganisms are released simultaneously with mucus.

The Vietnamese drug in all its forms is used in the treatment of the common cold, but it is better to use it in combination with other medications.

“Star” for a runny nose - reviews

Reviews are mostly positive. Perhaps everyone who was born in the USSR knows about this balm. It is used for a very long time, since it is required in small quantities, and has a low price. This is a wonderful medicine that is used for various diseases. It is especially popular for runny noses and colds, and also helps get rid of headaches and the consequences of mosquito bites, and warms up the joints. The undoubted advantage of the balm is its completely natural and healthy composition. Therefore, “Zvezdochka” can be safely used during pregnancy for a runny nose. In this case, it is necessary to ensure safety and avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. The ointment has a sharp and persistent odor, but this does not detract from its positive properties.

Disadvantages include pain upon contact with mucous membranes, lack of effectiveness in acute respiratory infections, possible allergies, and difficulties in opening the jar. Also, many people don't like the smell. However, all this is purely individual. This drug still has many more advantages. We found out where to apply “Zvezdochka” for a runny nose.


Star balm (ointment) for a runny nose - how to use

Vietnamese balm, called “Golden Star”, or in the popular version just an asterisk, is an excellent antiseptic with a distracting effect. The asterisk is applicable for complex therapy: combating acute respiratory diseases and various insect bites.

Also, a star for a runny nose helps get rid of:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal sinuses.

Runny nose in various stages, acute or chronic, has long become a global problem, both among adults and children. Most people prefer medications, buying a vasoconstrictor spray or drops at the nearest pharmacy. But not everyone is aware that they can be addictive. That is why asterisk has been considered a safe remedy for health for many years.

What does an asterisk contain?

The asterisk is supplied to the territory of the Russian Federation in several variations:

  1. Cream;
  2. Pencil for inhalation procedures;
  3. Liquid balm. The components of the balm are essential oils that can have a significant healing effect on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages.

The main components that make up the “Golden Star” are:

  • Oil of clove flowers;
  • Eucalyptus wood oil;
  • Peppermint oil;
  • Oil of cinnamon, which grows in China;
  • Camphor laurel oil.

Essential oils have been actively used in homeopathic prevention for quite a long time. They are able to penetrate quite quickly under the skin, exhibiting their healing properties. Due to their volatile effect, oils can evaporate quickly if they enter the respiratory tract. They irritate cells sensitive to this process, which in turn send a call to the human brain, calling for the regulation of the nervous functionality of the entire body.

A well-known fact is information about the ability of the asterisk to have an effect on the human body when using active points. But this step requires special preparation to achieve effective results. Each package comes with instructions for use, but there are still a lot of nuances, tips and recommendations that are not indicated there.

How to properly use an asterisk for a runny nose?

Despite the fact that the consistency of the medicine is different, all three types of asterisk are capable of providing proper comprehensive treatment:

  1. Local irritant effect;
  2. Distracting effect;
  3. Antiseptic result.

If you are sure that rhinitis appeared due to a cold, acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection, using the asterisk at home is especially effective.

To do this, you need to take a pencil or spray and apply a small amount to the chest area. Next, you will need to rub it with light movements, without touching the nipples. It is not recommended to use such procedures more than 3 times a day. You can also smear the back area.

Application of acupressure

Each person has active points that can be influenced:

  • wings of the nose;
  • The area between the upper lip and nose;
  • Chin area;
  • bridge of the nose;
  • Temporal lobes;
  • Earlobe;
  • Distance from thumb to index finger.

A thin layer of cream is also applied to the indicated areas. Next comes work according to the following algorithm: the cream is rubbed in with light massaging movements strictly clockwise for several minutes. The pressure should be increased and then decreased, similar to a contrast shower.

If you suddenly feel that the active point has been found incorrectly, you can easily check it.

To do this, you need to press harder on it; the discomfort or pain from this action will be more pronounced than in other areas of the skin.

The method should be used up to 6 times a day. If the approach is correct, treatment and positive effects will not take long and rhinitis will leave the patient in the first two days.

The main thing to remember is that smearing the mucous membranes of the nasal passages with asterisk is strictly prohibited, as it can cause severe burns.

Carrying out inhalation procedures

If the patient does not have a high temperature, then with the help of star balm, you can get rid of a runny nose by inhalation.

  • A pan of boiled water;
  • Two tablespoons of any salt, depending on what is available;
  • A small amount of the star itself (slightly larger than a match head).

All ingredients are mixed together, and the patient, covering himself with a thick piece of cloth or a towel, begins to slowly breathe in the fumes of essential oils. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes. The vapors will help clear the airways, dilate blood vessels, relieve the development of the inflammatory process and have an overall powerful effect on the body.

If possible, inhalation procedures are carried out in the morning and evening, together with acupressure. If these subtleties are observed, the maximum effect from the treatment process will be achieved.

Using a foot massage technique

During the initial course of the disease, you can try massaging your feet with Golden Star balm. However, there is no need to apply the cream or spray completely. In this case, targeted impact is also important. Therefore, the drug will need to be smeared only on certain areas: the heels, the area of ​​the big toe and the inside of the remaining fingers, the “back” of the toes.

After your feet have been rubbed, you should immediately put on warm socks. To enhance the effect of the drug, it is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime, and leave the socks on your feet all night.

How to use a star for children

Young children have a stronger reaction to all medications, so the star, which helps get rid of a runny nose, should be applied in a minimal dosage.

Young parents should know that using “Golden Star” for children under three years of age is categorically not recommended by medical experts. This is due to the manifestation of a possible allergy to the essential oils included in the composition. Overcoming this process is quite difficult.

The most acceptable way to treat rhinitis in young children is inhalation procedures. In the event of an allergy, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited, and the applied layer of ointment on the body area must be thoroughly washed off with hot water.


Balm Zvezdochka: description and instructions for use for children

Zvezdochka balm is one of the most popular medical products since the times of the USSR. It first appeared in pharmacies back in 1982 and immediately gained a high level of popularity. This fact is determined by the effectiveness and sufficient versatility of the medical product.

general description

Asterisk is a famous balm originally from Vietnam. Experienced and even novice Vietnamese doctors use the medicine in question to treat numerous diseases. However, one of the basic principles is to apply the balm only to active points of the human body, called acupuncture points. For each disease there are different combinations of points.

Asterisk is ideal for the symptomatic treatment of various diseases. This is facilitated by a natural composition that includes various beneficial oils.

Can it be given to children?

The balm can be used for children after 2 - 3 years of age. It is advisable to consult a doctor and clarify the advisability of using the medication, since children are initially more vulnerable to the active components of various drugs.

Indications for use

Asterisk balm is considered a symptomatic remedy. In most cases it is used for the following complaints:

In addition, the manufacturer has provided the possibility of using a special pencil for inhalation.

In this case, the drug has antiseptic properties, making it an ideal complement to the complex therapy recommended for rhinitis. Efficiency is noted with the initial presence of discomfort, which is evidence of the development of a cold or acute respiratory infection.

Forms of release of the drug

Currently, Zvezdochka is available in three forms:

The most popular drug is Zvezdochka, produced in the form of a natural ointment. This remedy is sold in small aluminum jars weighing 4–5 grams. The balm has a solid structure and a yellowish color, but upon contact with the skin, the melting process begins. The drug has a specific smell that not everyone likes.

Instructions for use

The treatment regimen with Zvezdochka is carried out according to the same scheme, since the balm is designed only for external use. The only difference in the treatment of children and adults is the frequency of use, which is also determined by the specific course of the disease.

The balm is applied to certain areas taking into account the existing complaint:

  • Headache – temples and back of head.
  • Colds – back and chest.
  • Runny nose - wings of the nose.
  • Insect bite – affected area.

The ointment may only be applied in a thin layer.

It is also possible to use a medicinal pencil for inhalation. The procedure is carried out 10 - 15 times a day. You are only allowed to take a couple of breaths at one time, which is due to the high level of effectiveness of the Zvezdochka drug.


The composition includes herbal components, so the remedy is considered completely natural.

  1. Camphor oil. A particularly beneficial effect is observed in the treatment of pimples and pustules. In this regard, the drug Zvezdochka is often recommended for those with oily and porous skin.
  2. Eucalyptus oil guarantees effective treatment of acne, herpes, and furunculosis.
  3. Peppermint oil helps improve skin turgor, thereby eliminating allergy symptoms. Also, the vapors of this component reduce nausea and dizziness.
  4. Clove oil has a specific aroma that repels insects.
  5. Cinnamon oil exhibits an antimycotic effect, which helps effectively combat fungi on the skin.

In addition to the above components, one can note the presence of petroleum jelly, beeswax, and menthol. Such substances help enhance the positive properties of Asterisk, providing a local cooling and analgesic effect.

Side effects

In young children, there are increased risks when treated with Zvezdochka, and therefore additional caution is recommended. There is a risk of developing apnea and collapse when applying the ointment to the wings of the nose. At the same time, camphor content can lead to headaches, dizziness and convulsions.

In adults, the greatest risk is associated with bronchospastic reactions and allergies.

If any side effects occur, it is recommended to consult your doctor.


Despite its natural composition, Zvezdochka balm still has its contraindications. This is due to potential sensitivity to the active components.

  • Age up to 2 – 3 years, depending on the characteristics of the child’s body.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Presence of individual intolerance to components.

Ideally, a consultation with a specialist is provided to determine the need to use the Asterisk for medicinal purposes.


Nowadays, the following analogues of Zvezdochka balm are found:

  • Eagle (colds and insect bites).
  • Iricar (skin inflammation, eczema, neurodermatitis).
  • Menovazan and Menovazin (arthralgia, dermatoses, neuralgia).

Analogs can only be prescribed by a doctor as a replacement for Zvezdochka.


  1. Tatyana: “Zvezdochka is one of the most famous drugs since the times of the USSR. My parents and I actively use the medicine. Asterisk never failed, and she adequately demonstrated her capabilities in treating my baby.”
  2. Veronica: “My daughter and I really love an active lifestyle, we try to go on picnics and even small hikes often. In this regard, Zvezdochka is used for insect bites. Never had an allergy!”
  3. Sergey: “My family and I use Zvezdochka balm. Affordable price and high efficiency attract. In addition, Zvezdochka first appeared in pharmacies more than 30 years ago and still remains popular.”

approximate price

The drug Zvezdochka will cost about 170 rubles.

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Use of Zvezdochka balm for runny nose in children and adults

Rhinitis is the most common disease among the rest. It occurs in both adults and children and women during pregnancy. Sometimes vasoconstrictor drops help solve the problem of nasal congestion, but with prolonged use they lead to addiction. Then Zvezdochka will come to the rescue for a runny nose.

Description of the drug Zvezdochka

Asterisk is a well-known medicine that has been produced for a long time. Previously, the drug was sold only in the form of a cream. Nowadays, the star can be purchased in the form of an inhaler and bottles of liquid consistency. There are also other forms in the form of a patch, spray, nasal drops and tablets.

The medication contains essential oils that can open up the nasal passages and restore breathing. These include clove, eucalyptus, mint and cinnamon oils.

Asterisk has an antimicrobial and distracting effect on a runny nose. The thing is that essential oils are volatile, and when inhaled through the nose they are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the mucous membrane.

The drug is absolutely safe and non-toxic due to its herbal composition. But there is one drawback - the medication can cause an allergic reaction.

The asterisk has several advantages in the form of:

  • natural composition;
  • no restrictions;
  • providing a therapeutic effect;
  • versatility of use;
  • low cost and availability;
  • the possibility of not only application, but also use as inhalation and during bathing.

If the patient decides to use the drug for the first time, then he needs to know how to use the asterisk for a runny nose.

Proper use of the medicine Star for a runny nose

As you know, the star is available in several forms: as a cream, inhaler and liquid form, spray and nasal drops. The method of use will depend on what type of product the patient has decided to use.

Star balm for runny nose in the form of an inhaler looks like lipstick, on top of which there is a lid. It protects the product from evaporation of vapors from essential oils. This pencil is very convenient to take with you to work or outside, because it takes up little space.

Most often, treatment of a runny nose with an asterisk at home is carried out using a balm, which has a creamy texture. The ointment is located in a small round container with a lid, which is packed in a box.

Where to smear with an asterisk for a runny nose? This drug should be applied using a fingertip to the wings of the nose, earlobes, throat area and between the eyebrows. It must be remembered that the product will only help if it is applied directly to the location of special points that are responsible for the functioning of a particular organ.

When applied to the throat area, you can get rid of pain and soreness. After the procedure, it is advisable to wear a warm scarf around your neck.

By lubricating the sinus area, between the eyebrows and on the temples, you can overcome unpleasant symptoms in the form of painful sensations in the head, nasal congestion, and swelling in the sinuses.

Star cough balm is prescribed to children with the development of bronchitis, tracheitis or laryngitis. The ointment should be applied to the chest area, and then wrapped in a scarf and covered with a blanket. This procedure acts as a warming procedure, which allows the product to penetrate deep into the tissue.

Often the asterisk is used when the feet are wet or hypothermia occurs. To do this, you need to lubricate the area of ​​your feet and massage your fingertips.

Star balm for colds is best used before bedtime. Do not apply the drug directly in front of the street. This procedure must be carried out one and a half to two hours before leaving.

Recommendations for use of Stars for a runny nose

The asterisk for colds is a great help in overcoming the signs of illness. But the remedy will only be effective if the symptoms have just begun to appear. There are those patients who use it for bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis or tracheitis. But such treatment is only secondary and requires the use of other, vital drugs.

If the drug brings only one benefit, you need to follow several recommendations.

  1. For rhinitis, ointments based on essential oils should not be used to lubricate the inside of the nasal passages. This process will lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and burns, which will worsen the course of the disease.
  2. If the patient has scratches, wounds or abrasions in the area where the product was applied, it is better to refrain from using Gold Star. This process can cause severe burning and redness.
  3. If the patient uses the medication for the first time, it is better to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, you need to apply a little product in the elbow area. If after twenty minutes no redness, burning, rash or itching appears, the drug can be used.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to take the star orally with tea, honey or other means. This process will cause a burn to the gastric mucosa, which will lead to discomfort in the abdominal area. This is especially prohibited for people who have ulcers in the stomach or intestines.

If all recommendations are followed, the balm and pencil can be used by women during pregnancy and feeding. You need to be careful when applying the product to the facial area of ​​a child. When rubbing the ointment with your hands, the star may get on the mucous membranes, which will lead to a strong burning sensation. If this happens, you should immediately rinse your eyes and nose with running water.

This method is often used when the first signs of a cold appear in the form of nasal congestion and runny nose. Steam inhalations with an asterisk allow the product to penetrate deeply. But it is worth noting that this procedure cannot be carried out in the presence of high temperature.

To do this, you will need a deep plate, which is filled with a liter of boiled water. Approximately one gram of the drug and one spoon of sea salt are added to the liquid.

All components must be thoroughly mixed together. Then bend over the plate and cover yourself with a towel. The procedure must be carried out within fifteen minutes.

Analogues of Zvezdochka

Asterisk is an excellent remedy for colds. But in children and people with hypersensitivity, this remedy often causes severe burning and burning. Therefore, doctors recommend either completely abandoning this method of treatment, or replacing it with an analogue.

The most popular analogue is Doctor Mom. It does not cause a strong burning sensation, is gently applied to the skin and does not have such a strong odor.

It consists of several components. Camphor acts as an analgesic, irritant and antipruritic substance.

Levomenthol has a vasodilating effect. A component from the phenol group in the form of thymol has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

To ease breathing and relieve inflammation, eucalyptus and turpentine oils are used. And nutmeg oil has the ability to negatively affect the production of prostaglandins, which are responsible for inflammatory processes.

Doctor Mom is prescribed not only for nasal congestion and runny nose, but also for the treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, and the elimination of pain in the throat and head. It can be applied as a preventive measure to the feet.

This medication has no restrictions, so it can be used to treat children and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The product perfectly relieves the feeling of physical stress. Helps overcome stressful situations and the development of colds.

If the patient uses the drug for the first time, it is better to test for an allergic reaction. If after twenty minutes no redness, burning, itching or rash appears, the medication can be used further.

Avoid contact of the ointment with the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. Although the drug is not so hot, it can cause discomfort.

Asterisk is a good treatment, but acts only as an additional therapy. Therefore, do not forget about the main method of treatment.

The content of all content presented on the site is for educational and informational purposes only, aimed at giving visitors to the resource a clearer understanding of the prevention, symptoms and methods of treating colds. Be sure to consult your doctor.


Balm (ointment) star for a runny nose: how to use, instructions for use

Star ointment for runny nose

Rhinitis in acute and chronic stages is a common respiratory problem among children and adults. You can find a huge variety of vasoconstrictor drops in pharmacies, but many of them are addictive, and they are not recommended and safe to use for a long period of time. Asterisk from runny nose - Vietnamese balsam, which has been used for several decades, is safer for health.

Main components and properties of “Star”

Asterisk is a name common among the population; in pharmacies the product is presented under the trade name “Golden Star”, it is sold as a cream in jars, in liquid form in bottles, or as an inhaler for inhalation through the nose. The balm contains unique essential oils that have the maximum healing effect on the condition of the nasal mucosa. The most basic components of the product include:

  • Clove flower oil.
  • Eucalyptus oil.
  • Peppermint oil.
  • Cinnamon oil.
Star balm for a runny nose has an antimicrobial, local irritating and distracting effect. Due to the fact that essential oils are highly volatile, when inhaled through the nose they penetrate into the deep layers of the nasal passages and have a healing effect on them. The safety and non-toxicity of using the balm is ensured by its herbal composition, without various chemical additives. The only negative effect of “Golden Star” is the possibility of developing an allergic reaction, but such a problem can develop when using any pharmaceuticals or herbal remedies.

Star ointment for a runny nose has a number of advantages compared to other advertised products. The most important of them include:

  • Completely natural composition of the drug.
  • No contraindications.
  • Excellent healing effect.
  • Versatility of use (the asterisk can also be used to eliminate other respiratory problems).
  • Low price.
  • Can be used for application to the skin, inhalations and baths.

For those who have decided to resort to using a fragrant balm for the first time, the most important thing you need to know is how to use an asterisk for a runny nose to get a quick healing effect on the body. When using the “golden star” there are some nuances and tricks that will help you feel like a healthy person within two to three days of using the balm.

Correct use of an asterisk for a runny nose

As already mentioned, Golden Star balm is sold in creamy, liquid form or in a pencil for inhalation. The method of application will depend on the form in which you purchased the drug; ideally, you need to buy both a cream and a pencil - an inhaler. The solid balm is similar in appearance to lipstick; its design includes a screw cap that protects essential oils from exhalation. The pencil is convenient to carry with you to work or take on a trip; inhaling the vapors of the inhaler relieves nasal congestion and prevents the appearance of discharge.

Treatment of a runny nose with an asterisk at home is carried out with ordinary balm in a small round box. The drug is applied to the wings of the nose, throat and chest. This can be done several times during the day and always before bed. Application to the chest is necessary even if there are no signs of inflammation of the bronchi and cough - the vapors of essential oils will rise upward, penetrate the nasal passages and treat the mucous membrane.

“Golden Star” can be used for colds and for targeted effects on biological points of the body. Places on the face and head where smearing with an asterisk for a runny nose is necessary for acupuncture effects on the body are written below.

where to put a star

how to use an asterisk for a runny nose

You can correctly determine the active point by the following signs - when pressing, you feel more pain in this place than in nearby areas. Having determined the place for acupuncture, apply balm to it and begin to massage with pressing movements. Such manipulations are carried out up to 6 times a day.

How to treat star runny nose in young children?

Children react more sharply to the irritating effects of the balm, so a minimal amount of product should be applied to the skin, especially if the drug is used for the first time. The asterisk is not applied to the mucous membranes and is not allowed to get into the eyes; when treating children, it is necessary to ensure that they do not touch the balm with their hands. "Golden Star" is not used to treat runny nose in children under two years of age.

Inhalations with an asterisk have a good therapeutic effect on the inflamed mucous membrane. To do this, place a small amount of the product in hot water, stir and breathe over the released vapors. The positive effect will be enhanced if you cover your head over the container with the solution with a towel or blanket. In inhalations with balm, you can add mixtures of anti-inflammatory herbs and sea salt. Starfish for a runny nose can also be dissolved in a bath during water procedures; the released essential oils have a beneficial effect on the entire broncho-pulmonary system.

A greater positive effect for rhinitis is observed when combining the application of an asterisk on the wings of the nose and when using it to massage the feet. There are many most important biological points on a person’s feet; massage with balm enhances their work, thereby increasing immunity and triggering protective mechanisms. When performing foot rubbing, it is necessary to pay special attention to the pads of the big toes - they contain biologically active points associated with the nasopharynx.

Each package of star balm contains instructions, which should always be read before first use. Following the instructions in the instructions will allow all treatment to be carried out correctly, which will help to cope with a runny nose in a minimum period of time.


Asterisk for a runny nose and sinusitis: how to use wisely

Golden Star or simply Zvezdochka has been used for a runny nose for a long time, but in recent years this medicine has become undeservedly forgotten.

But it is highly safe and effective, which makes the drug an excellent assistant in the fight against rhinitis, sinusitis and other similar diseases.

Description of the drug: medicinal properties and action

Gold Star is a registered drug, which means that it has undergone many tests and has been proven to be effective and safe. The drug is available in four dosage forms:

  1. pencil;
  2. ointment (balm) - a creamy product packaged in small flat tin jars;
  3. liquid balm;
  4. spray.

Therefore, you can choose a tool that will be convenient to use in each individual case. But whatever the form of release, the healing effect of the medicine is due to the presence of essential oils in it:

  • carnation flowers;
  • eucalyptus leaves;
  • peppermint leaves;
  • laurel;
  • leaves, shoots and stems of Chinese cinnamon.

These oils are widely used in medicine as they have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Also, depending on its form, the composition of the product may include auxiliary substances such as petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly, beeswax, lanolin or paraffin.

But levomenthol and camphor give the medicine a specific, incomparable smell. Their presence determines the main effect of the drug, that is, local irritation. This explains its high effectiveness against nasal congestion.

Indications for use: when is the medicine prescribed?

Traditionally, Vietnamese Asterisk is used for colds, that is, for any respiratory diseases and flu. But it is only a remedy that eliminates symptoms and does not affect the course of the disease.

In case of severe infections, especially bacterial ones, you should not hope for a complete recovery only through the use of the balm.

In addition to acute respiratory infections, the drug can be used for:

But the medicine can be used not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for prevention. For example, you can gently lubricate the area above your upper lip during the day and your chest at night.

Essential oils, evaporating, will rise to the top and enter the nose, providing a slight antiseptic effect.


Since the drug is based on natural essential oils, individual intolerance to any of its components may be a contraindication to its use. It is also not used to treat children under 2 years of age or in the presence of skin diseases.

It is extremely important to avoid contact with mucous membranes, especially the nose and eyes, as well as open wounds.

Its use should be stopped immediately if, after application, signs of an allergic reaction appear on the treated area of ​​skin, that is:

To avoid the development of allergies, it is worth testing the tolerability of the drug before the first use.

To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the inner bend of the elbow and evaluate the reaction immediately and after half an hour. If there are no visible changes, you can continue to use the balm.

Balm Zvezdochka for a runny nose: instructions for use

There are several ways to treat a runny nose with Asterisk:

Steam inhalations. The Golden Star liquid balm for the nose is optimal for the procedure. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a liter of boiling water. l. salt and 2-4 drops of medicine. The patient bends over a container with liquid and covers himself with a towel.

You should breathe the same way as always, avoiding deep breaths. The duration of one inhalation is 15–20 minutes, and they are carried out in the morning and evening.

If there is a need to inhale children, for example, for a cold, then it is better to do it using a special steam inhaler.

Any inhalations, including those containing balm, are contraindicated at fever.

Therefore, after the procedure, be sure to put woolen socks on your feet and go to bed under a warm blanket. That is, it is better to carry out rubbing at night.

At the same time, when massaging your feet, you should pay special attention to your big toes, since they contain a large number of biologically active points responsible for the functioning of the nose. Spot application. Ointment is best suited for the procedure. And in order to recover as quickly as possible, the instructions recommend combining it with steam inhalations. Aromatherapy. Essential oils evaporate easily when heated. Once in the air, they neutralize the viruses and bacteria contained in it, thereby reducing the risk of infecting other people.

But the patient himself inhales air rich in healing vapors, which has a beneficial effect on his condition and helps him recover. A drop of liquid balm is usually added to the aroma lamp.

Since the medicine is based on highly volatile essential oils, it must be packaged in tightly sealed jars. This, accordingly, causes difficulties when opening them.

To remove the lid from a tin can, you can try rolling it edgewise on the table, twist it left and right, and the easiest way is to pry it off with a knife with a thin blade.

Where and how to apply Zvezdochka for a runny nose

Acupressure is the easiest way to use Zvezdochka ointment. To do this you need:

  1. apply the product to active points;
  2. lightly press on the skin;
  3. rub the ointment in a circular motion for 1–3 minutes.

Pay special attention to where to apply the product, since Zvezdochka medicine is not injected directly into the nose against a runny nose. Contact with mucous membranes can cause irritation and even tissue burns.

However, if self-medication does not produce positive results for a week or longer, you should definitely consult a therapist to avoid the development of complications.

Asterisk during pregnancy from a runny nose

In general, the medicine is highly safe and theoretically cannot harm a pregnant woman if she is not allergic to the components of the drug, bronchial asthma or other severe pathologies.

But it’s worth deciding whether pregnant women can use it to fight rhinitis together with a therapist, since there have been no studies on the safety of using the Golden Star by expectant mothers.

You can use the balm while breastfeeding. The main thing is to wash your hands thoroughly after application so that it does not get on the baby’s skin. After all, in babies it is very delicate, so even a small amount of the product can cause severe irritation and burns.

Asterisk nasal spray and drops: how to use?

The active ingredient of Asterisk NOZ is xylometazoline hydrochloride, which is a vasoconstrictor. Therefore, this spray is a complete analogue of such popular drugs as:

The drug can be used for various diseases accompanied by nasal congestion, in particular, rhinitis, otitis and sinusitis of any origin.

Because it provokes a constriction of the vessels of the mucous membrane and thereby eliminates swelling and congestion provoked by it. It is administered into each nasal passage 1-2 injections three times a day.

You can only be treated with this medication for 5–7 days.

If this period is exceeded, addiction and drug-induced rhinitis may develop, that is, the blood vessels will stop contracting on their own and the introduction of new, constantly increasing doses of xylometazoline will be required to eliminate swelling.

The instructions prohibit the use of Zvezdochka spray or drops during pregnancy, lactation and children under 6 years of age.

It is also recommended to stop using the product if an allergic reaction occurs and develops, manifested by lacrimation, burning in the nose, sneezing attacks, etc.

Sometimes the use of the medicine is accompanied by the development of side effects:

  • tachycardia;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • depression;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • visual impairment.

Asterisk for sinusitis: how effective? Instructions

With sinusitis, a pronounced inflammatory process is observed in the mucous membrane of the maxillary paranasal sinuses (sinuses).

Since they are located near the meninges, treatment of the pathology must be carried out by an otolaryngologist, especially if it is required for a child.

Self-medication can provoke the progression of the disease and the development of complications, such as brain abscess, meningitis, etc.

The balm, like the Zvezdochka spray, can be used to combat this disease. The method of their use is the same as described above. Rubbing the chest at night helps especially well with sinusitis.

This helps to facilitate nasal breathing during sleep, normalize the outflow of contents from inflamed sinuses and eliminate headaches.

But if rubbing is allowed without prior consultation with an ENT specialist, then whether it is possible to smear the nose with an asterisk must be agreed with the doctor, since this procedure is one of the warming ones.

In an acute purulent process, local heat can cause a sharp deterioration in the condition and progression of the disease.

Sometimes you can find recommendations to apply a thin layer of balm to the mucous membranes of the nose. This is strictly forbidden, as this will lead to tissue burns and will bring absolutely no benefit.

To eliminate swelling, it is recommended to alternate drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect, that is, first use xylometazoline-based products, then naphazoline or oxymetazoline.

But in any case, treatment of sinusitis should be carried out only in strict accordance with the instructions of the treating ENT specialist.


It's cheap and works well. I think the only drawback of the medicine is that sometimes difficulties arise in how to open a jar of Zvezdochka balm. Katya, 31 years old

It is small so it is easy to carry. And during the cold season, I regularly smear Zvezda ointment under my nose, it protects me from viruses and helps me almost never get sick. Diana, 29 years old

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Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 12 years

Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 8 years


Asterisk ointment: instructions for use for colds, coughs, runny nose. Price

A popular drug, “Zvezdochka” ointment, has been known since the 70s of the 20th century. Then it was considered almost a panacea for all diseases. She was treated for a simple cold, a headache, and joint diseases. And she successfully coped with all ailments. Only over time it disappeared from sale and returned to the shelves not so long ago.

  • Quick navigation through the article:
  • Star ointment - composition and properties
  • What does asterisk ointment help with?
  • How much does it cost and where to buy an asterisk?
  • Instructions for use for colds and flu
  • Star ointment for coughs
  • Star ointment for a runny nose
  • Star ointment for flu
  • Instructions for using star ointment for sore throat
  • Use for pain (in muscles, bruises, sprains, headaches)
  • Instructions for use for children
  • Application of an asterisk in cosmetology
  • Use as a sedative
  • Contraindications to the use of asterisk ointment
  • Reviews

The legendary Vietnamese star... She is recognized not only here, but throughout the world. Is it as simple as it seems? It's worth looking into this.

Star ointment - composition and properties

The Vietnamese “Golden Star” is produced by the Danafa company. The composition of the ointment was developed thanks to deep knowledge of oriental medicine. It was here that the medicinal properties of plants and the healing powers of nature were always fully used.

For some, the composition of the ointment is still a secret, but there is nothing secret there. It consists entirely of medicinal plants and does not contain chemicals. The composition of essential oils is selected so carefully that it has no harmful effects on the body. And the effect is truly magical.

Balm ointment is not recommended for pregnant women due to the large amount of essential oils that can have unpredictable effects on the body.

The star has the following effects and properties:

  • painkiller;
  • antiviral,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antiseptic,
  • cooling,
  • calming.

In addition, the ointment contains camphor oil, menthol, beeswax and petroleum jelly. Now a few words about the medicinal properties of the essential oils included in the composition.

Clove oil

It has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere, has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and general strengthening properties. Used to treat colds and viral diseases, and joint diseases.

Relieves toothache, improves blood circulation. Can have a beneficial effect on the skin with furunculosis and acne.

Cinnamon oil

Helps get rid of depressive disorders and instills optimism. It has a calming, antispasmodic effect, treats skin diseases, and in combination with other oils is used to treat colds.

Peppermint oil

Has tonic, relaxing, calming effects. Peppermint oil relieves tension, eliminates anxiety and negative emotions, and relieves emotional stress. Used for pain in the heart and muscles, to relieve toothache. Peppermint oil soothes skin irritations, including acne.

Rosehip oil

It has regenerative, restorative, and immunostimulating properties. Used to treat cracks in the skin, dermatoses, irritation and peeling, and colds.

Eucalyptus oil

Effectively relieves fatigue and drowsiness, promotes composure and active thinking. It is very helpful for colds as an expectorant, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and immunological agent. Eliminates headaches and swelling. Used for inflammatory skin diseases.]

What does asterisk ointment help with?

Due to the fact that the “Zvezdochka” ointment contains oils with multidirectional effects, it can be used to treat diseases with completely different symptoms.

  1. First of all, of course, the asterisk is used for colds, including viral ones: runny nose, cough, flu, sore throat. For example, when you have a runny nose, the ointment makes breathing easier and relieves swelling.
  2. It is widely used for pain relief in various situations: sprains, headaches, toothaches, rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis, bruises, muscle pain caused by any injuries.
  3. Knowledgeable people advise using ointment for mosquito bites. They say that it, like no other remedy, relieves itching and soothes the skin.
  4. Can be used for burns.
  5. The refreshing, invigorating scent puts thoughts in order and helps cope with depression and fatigue.
  6. According to numerous reviews, the star relieves inflammation due to acne and boils.
  7. Reduces swelling of the limbs.
  8. Helps remove dry calluses when applied to problem areas after a steam bath.
  9. Relieves seasickness.
  10. Used in aroma lamps.

[box type=”info” ]Please note! The balm should be applied in a thin layer to avoid burns.[/box]

Where to buy asterisk (ointment)

Asterisk ointment can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. All you have to do is come to any of them and ask the pharmacist about the availability of ointment. In addition to the ointment, produced in a small tin package of 4 g, you can purchase the star in other forms of release: in the form of a pencil for inhalation and in liquid form. However, it is the ointment that is most popular.

How much does star ointment cost - price at the pharmacy

The price of ointment in Russia varies slightly depending on the region. The ointment is quite affordable for the average buyer. The cost of the star ointment will be about 100 rubles.

Instructions for using asterisk ointment for colds and flu

Asterisk is used to treat colds and is also used for prevention. It is lubricated on the skin, rubbed with massage movements or inhaled with it. Acupressure is effective, in which the ointment is applied to biologically active points.

Star ointment for coughs

The asterisk is used to lubricate the places where the respiratory tract passes: the chest, neck, top of the back, and is also applied under the collarbones. Rub in circular movements.

It acts on the principle of mustard plasters, that is, it gives a distracting, warming and irritating effect. After applying the ointment, you need to cover yourself with a blanket. And for some time, while the ointment is working, remain covered. It is better to carry out such a procedure before going to bed.

Star ointment for a runny nose

The asterisk will help reduce nasal congestion, a feeling of fullness and improve your overall condition. The ointment is applied to the wings of the nose, bridge of the nose, earlobes, active points on the hands, located between the index and thumb, in a thin layer, rubbed in a little.

[box type=”info” ]Important to know! To find active points, you need to click on the expected location. There should be noticeable but tolerable pain.[/box]

Another way is to breathe in the vapors of the composition by simply opening the lid and bringing the product to your nose.

Another option is inhalation. They are made like this:

1. Pour 1 liter of water into an enamel container.

2. Place on the fire and wait until the water boils.

3. Add a small amount of star on the tip of the knife (about the size of a pea) and 1 tbsp. l. salt (regular or sea).

At home, you can simply place the container on the table, cover your head with a towel or blanket and inhale the healing vapors. It is recommended to do inhalations in the morning and evening.

A foot massage with an asterisk has a positive effect on a runny nose. Nasal congestion, as is known, is determined by swelling of the mucous membrane, which in turn is caused by blood flow. The ointment causes blood to flow to the legs, i.e. The redistribution of blood in the body begins, and the nose begins to breathe freely.

[box type=”info” ]Important to remember! It is forbidden to apply ointment to the feet if you have high blood pressure.[/box]

As a preventive measure, to prevent infection from entering the body through the nose, apply the product to the area above the upper lip. The vapors of the product enter directly into the nose when breathing and have an antimicrobial effect.

Star ointment for flu

The ointment has the greatest effect at the very beginning of the disease. At the first signs of the flu, apply the product to the temples, wings of the nose, and on the back between the shoulder blades.

It helps to apply the ointment to active points located on the hands: on the middle phalanx of the thumb, between the thumb and index finger, on the wrist. The ointment is rubbed, pressing on the active points.

Instructions for using star ointment for sore throat

The ointment is applied to the indentation area at the base of the neck. In addition, rub the active points on the hands. Massaging the active points on the legs helps well - in front of the ankle in the center, at the base of the middle toe.

Using asterisk ointment for pain (in muscles, bruises, sprains, headaches)

Thanks to the local irritating effect, the asterisk distracts from pain, including in muscles and joints:

  1. If the pain is localized in the spine, the ointment is rubbed on both sides of the spinal column.
  2. If your knee or elbow joint hurts, rub the joints along the contour with an asterisk twice a day. Then a warming bandage is applied.
  3. For toothache, distribute the product in the area of ​​the chin and lower jaw, and the occipital region of the head.
  4. Headaches are calmed by applying a star to the temples, crown, back of the head and the active point on the hand between the index and thumb using rubbing movements.

Asterisk ointment instructions for use for children

It must be remembered that the skin of children is more delicate than that of adults, so the sensations in the child will be more pronounced. In addition, you can easily get burned.

If the star is still used, you must first apply it to a small area of ​​the body to determine if there is an allergy.

In addition, it is applied in minimal quantities.

[box type=”warning” ]Be careful! The asterisk cannot be used to treat very young children.[/box]

Instructions for using asterisk (ointment) in cosmetology

It is known that star ointment is also used in cosmetology. It is used to tighten facial contours, eliminate bags under the eyes and smooth out wrinkles. When applying, precautions must be taken:

1. To prevent product vapors from getting into your eyes and causing irritation, you must apply the ointment in a lying position with your eyes closed and lie down during the procedure (about 20 minutes).

2. Applying a thin layer of cream first as a layer will help to avoid irritation of sensitive skin.

Using starfish as a sedative

A massage with a star helps relieve stress and fatigue. The ointment is applied to the ear area, to the back of the neck, temples and rubbed in a circular motion.

This method of using an asterisk also helps with depression and generally has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Contraindications to the use of asterisk ointment

Despite its versatility and numerous positive reviews, asterisk ointment is still a drug, which means it has contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation are limiting factors in the use of star balm.
  • It is not recommended to use the star for children under 2 years of age.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug is possible, which manifests itself in the form of allergies.
  • It should not be applied to damaged skin, as there is a risk of irritation, so all kinds of skin diseases cannot be treated with the asterisk.
  • Do not apply to mucous membranes - it will burn.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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Useful video about “Star” ointment


I have fond memories of the star. She was often treated in childhood. And now I am treating my child with her, and my husband and I are also being treated. The “big child”, however, has to be forced. He believes that everything will go away on its own. I do inhalations at the first sign of a cold. I boil water in a small saucepan, add a little ointment there, stir until it dissolves, and hug the saucepan under the blanket. It helps a lot!

Recently I was sorting out things in my old apartment and came across jars of this balm. Previously, everything was bought with a reserve, so there was some lying around. My mother saved herself from headaches with this remedy; she often had headaches, and they treated me for a cold. It was a good product, I thought they were no longer making it, but the other day I went to the pharmacy and the woman in front of me bought this ointment. I don’t know how it is now, but then I really liked her. Especially its aroma, for some reason it was associated with winter and the New Year, maybe because in winter I was often sick...

Whether in Soviet times or now, the asterisk is popular and it is unlikely that people will stop buying it anytime soon, and all because it is an affordable remedy, proven by many generations. And it helps from many, many problems. It is very useful to have it in your first aid kit.

I've been using the star since childhood. My mother always smeared my nose when I was sick... She said that it was a useful thing that cleared up my nose and made my runny nose go away. At first I really didn’t like how it burned, I remember I resisted, but it helped me with my runny nose. Then I somehow forgot about it... I remembered it recently when I started having problems with my joints. I read on the Internet about all sorts of treatment methods, and suddenly it flashed - “Vietnamese asterisk”. I remembered its pleasant smell and decided to try it, especially since it was inexpensive. And you know, it helped. After some time I felt improvement, the pain was almost gone. Just some kind of miraculous ointment for everything!

An excellent tool. The whole family uses it for colds.
