Nasal congestion in a nursing mother

How to treat a runny nose in a nursing mother?

Breast milk not only provides the baby with the ideal combination of nutrients, but also, after absorption, takes on some of the functions of the immune system, which is still poorly developed in the baby.

Table of contents:

During the period of breastfeeding, a woman should especially monitor her lifestyle, avoiding bad habits, poor-quality food and being careful with medications. All this is reflected in the composition of the milk produced.

If during lactation a mother suddenly develops an infectious disease that requires treatment with medications, it is necessary to take a particularly responsible approach to their choice.

At this time, you can transfer the child to artificial feeding or continue breastfeeding, taking into account the time of the highest concentration of drugs in the blood and milk, in order to avoid feeding at this moment. In order to treat a runny nose in a nursing mother, there is a relatively wide selection of remedies.

How to bring down the temperature and make breathing easier?

In many cases, women choose not to have any medication during breastfeeding. However, sometimes this cannot be avoided. For example, when a very high temperature rises during a cold.

In this case, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are suitable. With severe swelling of the nasal mucosa, when breathing becomes almost impossible, unfortunately, you cannot do without vasoconstrictor drugs.

In such cases, some women resort to means that are familiar to them, which have no contraindications during lactation. It could be:

Safe and effective drugs

Nasal drops or sprays made from vegetable oils are completely safe for treating nursing mothers. But since women are more prone to allergic reactions during this period, such drugs may not be suitable for them.

Pinosol and Vitaon oil drops are popular among nursing mothers. You can try using the star, smearing it on the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose, or using it for cold inhalations.

You can moisturize the dry nasal mucosa and cleanse it well of stagnant mucus using products based on sea water. Aqualor, Aquamaris or Salin are suitable for this purpose. You can drip or rinse your nose with ordinary saline solution.

Home remedies for a nursing mother to combat a runny nose

Traditional medicine knows quite well how to treat a runny nose in a nursing mother. Aloe juice is good at relieving inflammation. It should be instilled into the nose immediately after squeezing.

A good remedy for a runny nose is obtained by mixing this juice with honey. Honey can also be mixed with boiled water, onion or beet juice. Kalanchoe juice, which eases breathing, will not harm either the mother or the baby.

Some women during lactation choose a method of treating a runny nose, which involves breathing in the vapors of chopped onions and garlic for several minutes.

Instillation of drops prepared from any vegetable oil with the addition of eucalyptus, mint or tea tree essential oils can have a positive effect on inflamed nasal mucous membranes.

Antibacterial nasal drops can be obtained by infusing a mixture of chopped medium-sized onion with 7 tbsp overnight. spoons of vegetable oil.

It is good to rinse your nose with infusions of chamomile, thyme, sage or coltsfoot. Washing the respiratory tract with a saline solution is especially effective, for the preparation of which a teaspoon of salt is dissolved in a liter of boiled water. This homemade saline solution promotes the outflow of mucus.

Warming will help speed up a woman's recovery during breastfeeding without harming her baby. To do this, you can apply a bag of warm salt to the bridge of your nose or warm your nose with a blue lamp.

Steaming your feet in water at 38–40°C with the addition of mustard can also help. However, heat treatment is most effective at the very first signs of a cold.

If a woman during lactation catches a cold and develops a runny nose, she should not panic.

First, with milk, her baby receives antibodies produced by her body, so he has little chance of becoming infected.

Secondly, there are many folk ways to alleviate the condition and speed up recovery. And finally, you can use medications that have no contraindications during lactation.

How to eliminate a runny nose at home

How to warm your nose with a runny nose without causing harm

What and how to rinse your nose: 3 types of cleansing solutions

Acupressure for a runny nose

Propolis for the common cold: basic methods of preparation


Proper treatment of a runny nose in a nursing mother

A runny nose in a nursing mother is a common occurrence, in most cases associated with ARVI or a cold. The main thing with it is to pay attention to other symptoms in time and correctly recognize the cause of the disease. In this case, it will be much easier for a nursing mother to treat a runny nose, and the treatment itself will take less time. At the same time, feeding during a runny nose is a natural and completely normal thing, and only in some cases it should be interrupted.

A runny nose in itself is not dangerous for a nursing mother, but the consequences and complications of an unrecognized and untreated illness that caused the runny nose to develop are dangerous. For a baby, a mother’s runny nose is dangerous due to the possibility of infection, as well as the fact that, along with milk, he can receive dangerous substances that are contained in medications (including some nasal drops and sprays).

Before treating a nursing mother’s runny nose, you should definitely consult an ENT specialist. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment and medications that will have the desired effect without harming the mother and baby.

Causes of runny nose in nursing mothers

The process of treating a runny nose in a nursing mother depends on what exactly caused it:

  • ARVI and bacterial infection;
  • allergy;
  • violation of sanitary conditions and dry indoor air;
  • nasal injury;
  • immediately after childbirth - pregnant women's runny nose, which has persisted since the gestation period.

Hay fever is a common cause of allergic rhinitis in nursing mothers.

It is not always possible to independently determine the cause if there were no obvious injuries, contact with people with ARVI, or hypothermia. In order to properly treat a runny nose for a nursing mother, sometimes it is necessary to undergo allergy tests on the skin or take a blood test.

Definitely, if a mother, in addition to a runny nose, develops a cough, fever, general malaise, pain in the head and muscles, these are signs of ARVI. Which, by the way, also does not require the use of medications for treatment.

However, if your nose is stuffy, breathing is difficult, and a visit to the doctor is impossible in the near future, you can use nasal rinsing solutions or safe folk remedies. They will relieve congestion, moisturize the nasopharynx and make you feel comfortable.

Home remedies for runny nose

Any home remedy for a runny nose for nursing mothers does not eliminate the cause, but slightly clears the nasal passages and temporarily relieves swelling. In other words, home treatment for a runny nose is always a fight against the symptoms of the disease. You can completely get rid of swelling in the nose only by identifying and eliminating its cause.

Chamomile decoction is used for instillation into the nose. It is useless to inhale with it when you have a runny nose.

When choosing products, you need to pay attention to their safety for the child.

The most common folk methods for treating a runny nose while breastfeeding:

  • rinsing the nose with water and salt;
  • instillation of aloe or Kalanchoe juice;
  • instillation of chamomile tincture.

To rinse with water and salt, simply prepare a solution by mixing the ingredients in a ratio of 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. The washing procedure is very simple. The head is turned one side down, the upper nostril is dripped generously using a syringe or a small teapot until the solution flows from the other nostril, then the nose is blown. The same is repeated for the second nostril. If necessary, the procedure is repeated up to 5-6 times a day.

Aloe and Kalanchoe juice has a moisturizing and antiseptic effect. If any of these plants grows at home, you need to break off the bottom leaf and squeeze out all the juice from it. The resulting liquid should be diluted with water in the proportion of 1 part juice to 5 parts water and drop the mixture 3-4 drops into one nostril no more than 3 times a day.

Aloe and Kalanchoe juice has beneficial properties only within 24 hours after squeezing. They should be dripped only if there is green purulent snot with a runny nose.

Chamomile infusion has similar properties, so it is used to treat a runny nose, which causes green snot mixed with pus. To prepare such an infusion, just pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dried inflorescences, cover with a lid, and let it brew for half an hour. You need to drip 3-5 drops up to 4 times a day. It is usually used for a runny nose caused by a bacterial infection.

Similar to chamomile, succession grass, thyme, and coltsfoot are used.

Thyme flowers are a component of many recipes for the common cold.

If you have an allergic rhinitis, you must first find out what you are allergic to and eliminate the allergen. If this cannot be done, you need to go to the doctor to take skin tests - they will determine what substance the mother is sensitive to.

If a runny nose is caused by allergic rhinitis, you should not use medications or do inhalations with essential oils and herbal decoctions. This may worsen the symptoms of the disease.

Most antihistamines are contraindicated during breastfeeding

Antihistamines are mostly contraindicated during lactation, and therefore the only way to get rid of allergic rhinitis during this period is to eliminate the allergen. Self-administration of drugs such as Diazolin, Tavegil, Suprastin can be dangerous for a child. Sometimes doctors prescribe medications such as Nazaval, Altsedin, Nasonex, Beconase for allergic rhinitis, but they give only a temporary effect, relieve symptoms and do not cure the runny nose itself.

When the nose is stuffy, sleep becomes more disturbing and uncomfortable, since in a lying position the nasopharynx swells more. Therefore, while sleeping, you should raise the head of the bed by 20-30°. This will help reduce blood flow to the head and swelling.

Pharmacological drugs for the common cold

Any pharmacy has pharmacological drugs that can be used to treat a runny nose in a nursing mother:

  • sprays and drops based on sea water;
  • drops and sprays with essential oils;
  • vasoconstrictor drops and sprays.

Preparations based on sea water, such as Aquamaris, Salin, Aqualor, are absolutely safe, they help to rinse the nose well and free it from mucus.

Homeopathic drops Euphorbium or EDAS-131 are useless in the treatment of a runny nose and only have a placebo effect.

Preparations with essential oils, such as Pinosol, contain extracts of eucalyptus, mint, and pine. They soften the mucous membrane and relieve swelling, but sometimes they can cause allergic reactions, and therefore it is better to replace them with plain salt water - it moisturizes the nose no less effectively.

Before treating a nursing mother’s runny nose with vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the side effects. Although there are no such restrictions as for pregnant women, Nazivin, Tizin, Galazolin and similar drugs are contraindicated during breastfeeding, and doctors prescribe them to mothers only if the disease is too severe. If a runny nose can be tolerated, and folk remedies can slightly ease its symptoms, you should not use nasal drops.

Under no circumstances should you begin self-treatment of a runny nose in a nursing mother with drops and sprays that contain antibiotics. They can lead to allergies and the inability to cure a runny nose in the future.

Is it possible to continue feeding if you have a runny nose during lactation?

By following the necessary safety rules, even a mother with acute respiratory infections can feed her infant

Yes, you can feed when you have a runny nose, and it will not harm the baby. The main thing here is to exclude the possibility of infection of the child when feeding from a mother infected with ARVI. At a minimum, the mother should carry out all procedures with the child in a gauze bandage and, if possible, not be in the same room with him for a long time.

With the right approach, a few days on formula milk will not disrupt your feeding schedule.

But if a nursing mother has to treat a runny nose with antibiotics, or other drugs that are dangerous to the baby’s body are prescribed, breastfeeding is suspended until recovery. In this case, the mother needs to express milk 2-4 times a day so that its production does not stop, but give the child artificial milk formula. More precise instructions in each specific case are given by the doctor.

If the mother does not take medications contraindicated during lactation, you should not stop breastfeeding if you have a runny nose.

Protecting an infant when a nursing mother has a runny nose

When learning how to treat a runny nose while feeding, you should not forget about protecting the baby. To prevent it from becoming infected (if we are talking about an infection), you need to:

  • feed with a mask;
  • will take care of air humidity at 65-75%;
  • ventilate the room and maintain the temperature in it at about 21-23°C;
  • change clothes often.

When a mother has an acute respiratory viral infection, feeding and caring for the child in a gauze bandage is her direct responsibility

By following these rules, you can cure a nursing mother’s runny nose without infecting the child.

Prevention of runny nose in nursing mothers

It is within the power of a nursing mother to protect herself and her baby from a runny nose. To do this you need:

  • protect yourself from hypothermia;
  • do not visit public places during epidemics, do not communicate with people with signs of acute respiratory infections;
  • at home you need to take care of maintaining a temperature of 21-23°C and air humidity of 60-75%;
  • avoid contact with known allergens;
  • ventilate the premises.

If you fail to protect yourself, treatment for a runny nose should begin with a visit to the doctor. He will help solve the problem as quickly and safely as possible.

Video: ARVI and colds in pregnant women

Most of the usual nasal drops are prohibited during lactation. However, among the variety of such remedies, there are those that, according to the doctor’s indications, can be used.

According to statistics, every third pregnant woman in the world has a runny nose. Often, a runny nose occurs precisely in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and is often accompanied by.

In the third trimester, pregnant women can use the following drops for a runny nose: Hormonal drops and sprays based on mometasone, fluticasone, beclome.

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Nasal congestion in a nursing mother

Many women wonder: how to treat a runny nose while breastfeeding? After childbirth, you need to be careful when using medications. Many of them are prohibited during breastfeeding. In this article we will talk about what drugs can be used for breastfeeding and what folk remedies will help cure snot and nasal congestion in a nursing mother.

After the appearance of a runny nose, other symptoms of ARVI usually appear. And sometimes normal nasal congestion may occur. But there are times when a runny nose is accompanied by fever, chills, and sore throat.

If a nursing mother’s runny nose is mild and uncomplicated, then she does not need to see a doctor. In such cases, you can use an already proven medicine or resort to traditional medicine. If the condition does not improve within two to three days, then it is better to visit a doctor who will prescribe effective treatment for a runny nose.

Special symptoms

ARVI or acute respiratory infections are caused by various viruses that “love” to invade different parts of the body. Rhinoviruses “settle” on the mucous membrane of the sinuses. This causes swelling, itching and nasal congestion.

Rhinitis is the body's natural defense. Mucus forms in the nose, which helps fight viruses by eliminating them from the nose. Drops for a runny nose do not provide treatment for rhinitis. They help relieve congestion and reduce the amount of snot. You can completely get rid of these symptoms only after complete recovery.

There are several stages of a runny nose:

liquid discharge in large quantities. They indicate that the sinuses are infected with a virus. Most often, frequent sneezing, red eyes and tearing appear first; thick mucus. Such discharge appears approximately on the third day after the onset of the disease. The snot becomes thick with a white or yellowish tint. This means that the immune system "works" in the nasal mucosa.

You can often hear that a runny nose lasts for a week, regardless of whether it is treated or not. In essence, this is how it is. During this time, the body fights the infection. But if a nursing mother’s runny nose does not go away after a week, then you need to consult a specialist.

Treatment of rhinitis while breastfeeding

A runny nose during lactation cannot be considered as a separate symptom; treatment must be carried out comprehensively, using medications for acute viral infections.

When treating a runny nose, you need to adhere to the following therapeutic actions:

Bed rest will help you cope with the disease faster and avoid complications; humid air with a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees. During the period of illness, you need to ventilate the room more often and moisten it. The nasal mucosa should not be allowed to dry out and crusts form; Drinking plenty of fluids will help remove toxins from the body that viruses feed on. A nursing mother can drink both plain water and warm tea, compote, milk; If it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs, you must be careful about their use. It is advisable not to lower the temperature below 38.5 degrees. With this indicator, the body itself fights the infection by forming antibodies. But if necessary, a nursing mother can take paracetamol or ibuprofen, which will not only reduce the high temperature, but also relieve pain.

There is no need to stop lactation during a runny nose or flu: breast milk will contain antibodies that will be passed on to the baby.

Medicines for rhinitis with hepatitis B

The use of certain medications to treat a runny nose should be according to indications. To relieve nasal congestion, you can use vasoconstrictors. If you have difficulty breathing, it is not necessary to take them.

Drops that have antimicrobial, moisturizing and vasoconstricting effects will help cure a runny nose.

How to treat a runny nose for a nursing mother

Doctors often prescribe drops for a runny nose to women after childbirth, such as:

Naphthyzin; Nazivin; Gapazoline; Tizin.

Vasoconstrictor drugs help a young mother during pregnancy to cope with nasal swelling. They will also help free your breathing, improve sleep and overall well-being.

It is worth noting that in the international directory, Naphthyzin drops are at the second level of danger during lactation. This product has not been carefully studied for its effect on breast milk. There is evidence that indicates that if these drops are used, side effects often occur in children. These include:

vascular tone; irritation; disruptions in the functioning of the heart.

It is also noted that Naphthyzin can reduce the production of breast milk. Therefore, if it is possible for a woman to breastfeed, it is better to treat a runny nose with other, less dangerous drugs. It can be:

Nazivin; Nazol; Knoxray; Azelastine; Allergodil; Fluticasone; Mometasone.


Plant-based medicines will help cope with harmful microbes and reduce inflammation. Pinosol drops will help a nursing mother cope with rhinitis after childbirth. They are allowed during breastfeeding, but there is a risk of an allergic reaction.

It is not recommended to use folk remedies for the treatment of a runny nose using essential oils of tea tree, anise or cumin if you are allergic to them. If there is no negative reaction, then you can use them for inhalation.

It is better not to use inhalations using onions and garlic. They can lead to dry nasal mucosa. This reduces the productivity of mucus, which means it slows down recovery.


Saline solutions will help moisten your sinuses. Products made from sea water are often used to moisturize the nose and thin out sticky mucus. So, when breastfeeding, Salin, Nosol, Aqualor or Aquamaris can help.

You can make your own saline solution at home. You need to add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. The drops need to be dripped carefully so that otitis media does not develop.

Folk remedies

The main remedy that will help cure a runny nose for a nursing mother is inhalation. It uses eucalyptus oil, pine buds, and oregano. You can also put three drops of menthol oil into your nose. Some mothers use beet juice, instilling 2-3 drops of it twice a day. A bag of heated salt placed on the bridge of the nose will help relieve nasal swelling.

Regular onions are also used as a folk remedy for the common cold. It is cut into small cubes and infused in vegetable oil. The resulting infusion is smeared on the nasal sinuses.

Prevention of rhinitis

To avoid a runny nose, a nursing mother can follow these recommendations:

Hypothermia must be avoided. It can provoke weakening of the immune system and the development of infections. It is advisable to avoid contact with a person who is sneezing or coughing. When you sneeze or cough, viruses can spread several meters. A sick person can simultaneously infect more than 20 people who are close to him. When communicating, it is better to cover your nose and mouth with a scarf or turn away to the side. You should avoid traveling on public transport during an epidemic of influenza and ARVI. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system, since high immunity can prevent the onset of the disease or cope with it in a shorter period of time. When caring for a sick person, a nursing mother should wear a gauze bandage, frequently ventilate the room, and humidify the air. You can also apply oxolinic ointment under the nose every 4 hours.

All these simple tips will help a young mother avoid illness. Well, if a runny nose does appear, then it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct and effective treatment for this ailment.

A mother’s runny nose while breastfeeding – is it dangerous? If you do not start treatment at the first unpleasant symptoms, then you risk developing a respiratory disease, simply put, ARVI. The danger here is that feeding the baby will need to be temporarily stopped due to taking antiviral and other drugs that may be contraindicated during lactation. However, this is possible, but far from necessary.

The first symptoms of a runny nose: take action

How to treat a runny nose for a nursing mother? Nasal rinsing. This is one of the main preventive measures if a nursing mother has just developed a runny nose. Since I don’t want to immediately resort to radical measures, we start with gentle ones. The main thing is to do this as early as possible.

The simplest remedy is to rinse the nose with hypertonic saline (also known as saline or 0.9% sodium chloride solution). The option is quite effective and safe for both mother and child. Today it is widely used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of viral infections, when the risk of catching a runny nose is quite high.

You can buy saline solution at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt in a liter of boiled water. You need to rinse your nose 3-4 times a day.

For the washing procedure itself, you can use a syringe or a 20-cc syringe.

To rinse the nose with a runny nose, a nursing mother can also use a furatsilin solution. To prepare the solution you will need a glass of water and two tablets of the drug. It is better to pour water hot enough so that the hard tablet dissolves better and faster.

In ENT practice, this procedure also uses solutions of Metrogyl, Miramistin and some others diluted with saline 1:1.

When you rinse your nose, your head should be positioned so that one nostril is above the other. The mouth should be kept open so that any liquid that accidentally gets into it can spill out.

It is important to know: rinsing the nose at the first symptoms of a runny nose in a nursing mother should be combined with gargling.

To do this, you can also use saline solution or a solution of soda and salt (the latter is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of soda plus 3 drops of iodine per glass - 250 g - of water).

Gargling is necessary to prevent the infection from spreading down the respiratory tract. You can do this as often as possible – 5–7 times a day.

We mentioned the most accessible and budget-friendly means that can be used to stop a runny nose in a nursing mother at the initial stage. They are also good because they are almost always available in pharmacies or can be prepared at home (if, for example, you feel a runny nose coming on late in the evening).

Aqua Maris, Marimer, Salin, Humer and other isotonic solutions have almost the same properties, but are somewhat more convenient to use. Perhaps their biggest drawback is the price.

Nazoferon spray or regular drops of interferon (you dilute the dry substance in the ampoule yourself with boiled water at room temperature) will also help protect your mucous membranes from the penetration of viruses and bacteria.

These drugs are safe during breastfeeding and their use on the first day of the disease usually has a good effect.

If you didn’t manage to “catch” a runny nose at the first symptoms?

If you did not pay attention to the first symptoms, then the question of how to treat a woman’s runny nose while breastfeeding should be approached more thoroughly.

What nasal drops can a mother use during breastfeeding? First of all, we note that not all vasoconstrictors can be used during breastfeeding. Therefore, in this case, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

Today, an otorhinolaryngologist can prescribe Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Tizin, Nazivin, Rinonorm, Glazolin, Otrivin and others to nursing mothers.

These drugs do not cure a runny nose, but only relieve its symptoms for a while. This

a) makes it easier for the body to fight the disease;

b) makes concomitant treatment methods more effective.

Vasoconstrictor drugs must be taken with great care, in doses and at times determined by the doctor. These drugs are taken for a limited period of time, usually no more than 6 days. For chronic rhinitis they are not effective.

Drops that help get rid of a runny nose

If the mucus in the nose is too viscous or thick, the drug Rinofluimucil (a combination of acetylcysteine ​​and thauminoheptane) can be added. The instructions for the drug contain no contraindications as such for use during lactation, but it is said that when prescribing, you need to weigh the benefits and harms that rhinofluimucil can bring to the nursing mother and the baby.

Okomistin (Oftamirin) is an excellent, inexpensive antiseptic that is used not only in ophthalmology, but also in ENT practice and copes with rhinitis quite well. In the descriptions of the drug from different years, there are different instructions regarding the possibility of using the drug by the mother during breastfeeding.

In general, it is considered safe, BUT! If you really care about your health and that of your baby, then consult a doctor before using it.

Sulfacyl sodium 20% (Albucid) is also widely used today in the treatment of runny nose in nursing mothers and young children. Doctors, as a rule, prescribe it to “dry” the nose if the snot is liquid and transparent.

The use of the listed nasal drops during breastfeeding is quite common today. However, in each specific case, you should entrust the choice of the most effective option to your ENT specialist.

Folk remedies

Aloe or Kalanchoe juice. It is used in dilution: 1 part juice and 5 parts water. Instill 3-4 times a day, 3-4 drops. It is advisable to use if the nasal discharge is green or brownish-yellow.

Chamomile infusion (flowers in boiling water) is also used for purulent snot. In addition to chamomile, you can use string, coltsfoot, and thyme.

A decoction of horsetail is a good remedy for rinsing the nose with residual swelling of the mucous membrane.

However, remember that herbs are not always safe either. Before you prepare nasal drops for a nursing mother, you should know for sure that there will be no allergies to them.

Homeopathic remedies for runny nose

If a nursing mother has a runny nose, treatment should be prescribed very carefully, with minimal risks for both her and the baby. This is where homeopathic remedies come to the rescue, many of which are harmless in this case.

The well-known Sinupret has proven itself in the treatment of runny nose in nursing mothers.

Since the drops contain alcohol, it is prescribed to a nursing mother in tablets.

The medicine has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, secretolytic and anti-edematous effects and works well in complex therapy.

Euphorbium Compositum is a complex homeopathic medicine that is often prescribed to mothers during breastfeeding as an antiallergic and anti-inflammatory agent. There are no contraindications for use in this case.

Delufen is a plant-based drug intended for the local treatment of rhinitis of various etiologies (including allergic, viral, bacterial). Quite quickly clears the nasal passages, relieving swelling and eliminating the feeling of dryness and itching. It can be taken for a long time because it is not addictive.

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A runny nose occurs for various reasons. As a rule, this is a symptom of a cold or acute respiratory viral infection. However, the disease can appear due to allergies, infections, nasal trauma and dry indoor air. It is important to correctly recognize the cause and, if necessary, begin treatment.

To minimize the consequences and risk of infection for your baby, it is better to consult a doctor. He will prescribe the correct treatment and select medications. This will allow you to quickly get rid of the disease.

Runny nose and breastfeeding

A runny nose while breastfeeding is normal, and there is no need to stop breastfeeding at this time! But if a nursing mother has a cold or bacterial infection, there is a risk of infecting the baby. To avoid trouble, you must take the following precautions:

Wear a mask during feeding and prolonged contact with the baby; Maintain a normal level of air humidity in the room, which is 65-75%; Ventilate the room regularly; Maintain the room temperature around zero degrees; Change your clothes regularly.

It is necessary to stop breastfeeding only when a nursing mother needs to take antibiotics that are prohibited during lactation. Only a doctor can prescribe such drugs! Treatment with spray and drops is carried out immediately after breastfeeding. This will reduce the risk of drug contents passing into breast milk to a minimum.

Folk remedies for runny nose

Please note that home methods only clear the nasal passages and temporarily relieve congestion, but do not eliminate the cause of the runny nose. The most common methods of folk treatment include instillation of chamomile and aloe juice into the nose, as well as rinsing with water and salt.

Rinse the nose with salt water 4-6 times a day using a syringe or a small kettle. To prepare the solution, mix one teaspoon of salt with a liter of water. A nursing mother should use the syringe very carefully and not exceed the permissible volume of salt water, otherwise it will pass into breast milk.

Aloe juice is squeezed from one of the lower leaves of the plant and diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5 (one part of juice is five parts of water). The product is instilled into the nose, 3-4 drops two to three times a day. The juice of these plants moisturizes the nasal passages and relieves swelling. But keep in mind that the solution only has a beneficial effect within 24 hours of receipt.

Chamomile infusion is prepared from one teaspoon of dried flowers, which is poured with a glass of boiling water and left under the lid for one hour. You need to instill 3-4 drops three to four times a day. By the way, in addition to chamomile, you can use coltsfoot, thyme and string.

Drug treatment for runny nose

Before treating a runny nose with pharmaceuticals, carefully study the instructions and composition of the drug, find out about the consequences and side effects, the effect on lactation and the effect during breastfeeding. Consult your physician before use. There are various sprays and nasal drops:

based on sea water; with essential oils; constricting blood vessels.

Vasoconstrictor drops are among the most popular due to their low cost. However, when breastfeeding, such drugs should be used with caution, as they can be addictive if used frequently or for a long time. And some drugs, like Navizin and Tizin, are contraindicated during lactation.

Plant-based drops with essential oils are thick and are great for eliminating a runny nose. However, some components can cause an allergic reaction in a nursing mother and baby.

Seawater drops are safe for breastfeeding. They rinse well and free the nose from mucus, wash the mucous membrane and resist viral infection.

If a runny nose is treated intensively and correctly, it goes away in 4-6 days. If the illness bothers you longer, consult a doctor!

Which drops to choose

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, you need to determine the cause of this reaction and eliminate the allergen. If you have allergies, you should not take medications or inhale herbal decoctions and essential oils. Such components can only enhance the reaction.

To treat allergic rhinitis, you must consult a doctor. Many anti-allergenic drugs are contraindicated for a nursing mother. Taking such well-known drugs as Tavegil and Suprastin is harmful to lactation and the infant.

Your doctor may recommend taking Nazaval or Nasonex drops. However, such drugs act temporarily and localize symptoms, but do not cure a runny nose. What to do for a nursing mother if she has allergies, read the link

Prevention is always better than cure. Follow the recommendations and you will avoid a runny nose while breastfeeding:

Don't get too cold; During outbreaks of infections, avoid public places, wear a protective mask; Avoid contact with common allergens (dust, wool, flowers, etc.); Maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room; Ventilate the premises regularly, but avoid drafts.

If a runny nose is a symptom of a cold, comprehensive treatment should be used. Do not rush to take antiviral drugs, try folk remedies first. However, do not forget here that some components of the decoctions cause allergies in infants. To find out what will help a nursing mother with viral diseases, read the article “How and with what to treat a cold while breastfeeding.”


Runny nose in a nursing mother

Treatment of runny nose while breastfeeding

A cold in a nursing mother often occurs with a runny nose, what should you do to avoid infecting your child and recover quickly? In fact, a runny nose is not a big problem at all. And in the vast majority of cases there is no need for treatment at all. This way our nose simply cleans itself. And when immunity begins to develop, antibodies against the disease, and this happens approximately on the fifth day of illness, then a runny nose in a nursing mother goes away on its own. But still, how can you improve your well-being, which suffers greatly with this symptom?

It is better to do this in the most natural ways possible. Thus, a runny nose during breastfeeding can be greatly alleviated by rinsing the nose, instilling or injecting saline or sea water into the nostrils. For this purpose, you can purchase the drugs “Aquamaris”, “Aqualor”, “Nazol Aqua” and the like at the pharmacy. And if you want to save money, you can even buy just a bottle of saline solution, it will cost about 30 rubles. And drop the saline solution into your nose with a pipette. As a last resort, you can even simply use clean water with a little salt for this purpose. This is a well-known remedy for the common cold for nursing mothers - cheap and cheerful. Moisturizing the nose helps to quickly remove all excess from it. Breathing is restored.

Very often, women experience breathing problems before going to bed when they take a horizontal position, and then such hydration is a very good way to improve their well-being. Well, to prevent your nose from getting stuffy again at night, take care of good air humidification. For example, in winter, when the radiators in our apartments are hot, you can put wet diapers on them, or even better, terry towels. They will dry throughout the night, releasing moisture into the air. Of course, clean indoor air is equally important. It's better to sleep with the window open. By the way, when air moves, pathogenic microorganisms die very quickly. And this is important not so much for a nursing mother against a cold, but for her baby, so as not to get infected.

If saline solutions do not help, many women decide to switch to the usual means - vasoconstrictor drugs. They are not recommended for expectant mothers, as they increase blood pressure and, when used in large quantities, can worsen the blood supply to the placenta (vasoconstriction), but such drops for the common cold are quite acceptable for nursing mothers. You just need to take into account that with frequent use and for a long time (more than 3-5 days), they only worsen the runny nose and do not allow you to get rid of nasal congestion. Thus, the woman begins to use the drops more and more often, but this no longer brings relief. In this case, the best treatment is not to overcome a runny nose during lactation with medications, but to leave this work directly to the body, the immune system. Of course, it’s a completely different matter if a headache appears or the temperature rises - then an in-person examination by an ENT doctor is necessary.

How else can a nursing mother treat a runny nose? For example, various inhalations. But you just don’t need to breathe over hot potatoes or conduct similar experiments - there is a risk of burning your respiratory tract. It is better to use a pencil inhaler. It will not speed up recovery, but it will be able to “pierce” your nose. You can use it up to 20 times a day. The main thing is that there are no allergies.

Is there any treatment for a runny nose while breastfeeding with folk remedies that can be dropped into the nose? There are quite a lot of funds. For example, carrot or beet juice. Aloe juice is quite a powerful remedy. It really stings a lot. In general, when you have a runny nose, the nasal mucosa is very inflamed and it is better not to experiment with such remedies. A good folk remedy for a nursing mother’s runny nose is eucalyptus or menthol oil. It penetrates the nose well. But nevertheless, you don’t have to hope that everything will be fine with your nose in 1-2 days. Usually this symptom lasts 3-4 days.

The period is short. But is it possible to continue breastfeeding if you have a cold with a runny nose or is it not worth risking the baby’s health? If the baby is less than 6-7 months old and breast milk is the only food, then, of course, it is impossible to deprive him of nutrition. Expressing and breastfeeding is also very inconvenient. It’s better to just wash your hands more often, wear a medical mask, ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. This is an effective prevention of the spread of viral infection.


How can a nursing mother treat a runny nose?

How to treat a runny nose for a nursing mother? This question often arises among young mothers. After all, the child’s health is at risk.

A runny nose is quite common. Most often, its appearance is caused by a common cold or acute respiratory viral infection. As you know, a runny nose can be treated quite easily with medications, the main thing is that the measures are timely. But how can a nursing mother treat a runny nose? After all, the use of most medications is contraindicated during breastfeeding.

The need to interrupt breastfeeding with a runny nose occurs in extremely rare cases. In general, the appearance of a runny nose does not pose any danger to nursing mothers, but finding out the cause that caused it is of great importance. Otherwise, complications may develop, but they are dangerous in their consequences.

The main reason why experts prohibit the use of medications during breastfeeding (they also include sprays and nasal drops) lies in the possible exposure of dangerous substances contained in their composition, which is undesirable for the baby. Treatment of a runny nose while breastfeeding requires special responsibility on the part of the mother. That is why you cannot do without the help of a specialist: having found out the cause, he will prescribe safe treatment and give his recommendations.

A little about the reasons

As has already been described, before treating a runny nose, it is important to find out the real reason for its occurrence; only the attending physician can do this.

So, a runny nose most often results from:

  • ARVI, bacterial infection;
  • nasal injury;
  • allergies (for example, hay fever), etc.

Very often, when selecting medications for nursing mothers, attending physicians prescribe special allergy tests and blood tests. If a young mother complains that a runny nose is accompanied by a cough, general malaise, headaches and muscle pain, and fever, the cause is most likely ARVI. In this case, medications are necessary, otherwise the disease may prolong significantly.

If, with symptoms such as nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, a young mother for some reason does not have the opportunity to visit a specialist, you can get by with nasal rinsing solutions and other remedies prepared according to traditional medicine recipes. Similar methods are widely used by nursing mothers. Most of them are quite effective in combating congestion, helping to moisturize the nasopharynx and at the same time are distinguished by their absolute safety.

Preparing remedies at home

It is immediately worth noting that the use of self-prepared remedies for nasal congestion is not able to relieve a nursing mother of the real cause of this symptom. But you can relieve swelling and cleanse your nasal passages with the help of self-prepared products. So, you can instill a decoction into the nose, for the preparation of which chamomile is used.

Some medicinal plants can be allergens, so the choice of traditional medicine methods should be treated with care and caution. Only a few methods of treating a runny nose are considered the safest for both the nursing mother and the baby. For example, you can use salt water to rinse the nose; it is recommended to instill the juices of plants such as Kalanchoe or aloe into the nose; a regular infusion of chamomile is also not capable of harm.

The use of Kalanchoe and aloe juice provides not only a moisturizing, but also an antiseptic effect. Before use, the squeezed juice is diluted with water (5 parts water to 1 part juice). It should be borne in mind that after just a day the squeezed juice loses its beneficial properties.

Chamomile decoction has similar properties. To prepare it you will need 1 tablespoon of the ingredient. Pour boiling water (1 cup) over the dry inflorescences and let it brew for an hour. This remedy is especially useful if a runny nose is caused by a bacterial infection. Chamomile can be replaced with coltsfoot, thyme or string.

If the cause of nasal congestion is an allergy, finding out the cause of this reaction is important. This may require skin testing. For a runny nose that has caused allergic rhinitis, herbal infusions and essential oils (often used for inhalation) are contraindicated.

The use of many antihistamines during lactation is not permitted. In such cases, there is only one way to eliminate an allergic runny nose: by getting rid of the allergen. The use of Diazolin, Suprastin or Tavegil without the approval of the attending physician may pose a danger to the baby. Taking Alcedin, Beconase, Alcedin or Nazaval for allergic nasal congestion can provide only a temporary effect.

All about treatment with medications

Today, almost every pharmacy can provide a fairly wide selection of drugs for the common cold, the use of which is permitted during breastfeeding. Particular preference is given to sprays and drops, the main component of which is sea water. The use of sprays and drops containing essential oils or those that have a vasoconstrictor effect is very effective. With the help of Aqualor, Aquamaris, Salina and other preparations based on sea water, you can ensure good nasal rinsing.

The use of Pinosol containing essential oils helps soften the mucous membrane and relieve swelling. It is important not to forget that mint, eucalyptus and pine, the extracts of which are contained in this preparation, can cause an allergic reaction. It is for this reason that such products can only be used after receiving the approval of a specialist.

If, during the period of the illness that caused the runny nose, a woman continues to breastfeed, the choice of vasoconstrictor sprays and drops must be taken carefully. For example, the use of Galazolin, Tizin, Nazivin and other similar drugs during breastfeeding is extremely undesirable.

An absolute contraindication for nursing mothers are medications that relieve nasal congestion and contain antibiotics.

additional information

It is not necessary to refuse breastfeeding if you have a runny nose (even if the cause is an acute respiratory infection). The main thing is that the young mother does not forget to follow a number of rules. First of all, it is important to protect the baby from the possibility of infection. To do this, it is recommended to use a gauze bandage when contacting a child.

In extreme cases, if a nursing mother feels very ill and there is a need for antibiotics, formula milk can be used to feed the baby. The main thing is to ensure the right approach, and a specialist will help with this.

In order to protect the child from possible infection, the young mother should use a special mask and ensure that the air in the room is sufficiently humid. Also, do not forget about regularly ventilating the room and maintaining the optimal temperature in it. It is recommended to change clothes more often. Following all the advice will allow the young mother not only to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom as a runny nose, but also to avoid infecting the baby.


How and what to treat a runny nose while breastfeeding

A runny nose occurs for various reasons. As a rule, this is a symptom of a cold or acute respiratory viral infection. However, the disease can appear due to allergies, infections, nasal trauma and dry indoor air. It is important to correctly recognize the cause and, if necessary, begin treatment.

To minimize the consequences and risk of infection for your baby, it is better to consult a doctor. He will prescribe the correct treatment and select medications. This will allow you to quickly get rid of the disease.

Runny nose and breastfeeding

A runny nose while breastfeeding is normal, and there is no need to stop breastfeeding at this time! But if a nursing mother has a cold or bacterial infection, there is a risk of infecting the baby. To avoid trouble, you must take the following precautions:

  • Wear a mask during feeding and prolonged contact with the baby;
  • Maintain a normal level of air humidity in the room, which is 65-75%;
  • Ventilate the room regularly;
  • Maintain the room temperature around zero degrees;
  • Change your clothes regularly.

It is necessary to stop breastfeeding only when a nursing mother needs to take antibiotics that are prohibited during lactation. Only a doctor can prescribe such drugs! Treatment with spray and drops is carried out immediately after breastfeeding. This will reduce the risk of drug contents passing into breast milk to a minimum.

Folk remedies for runny nose

Please note that home methods only clear the nasal passages and temporarily relieve congestion, but do not eliminate the cause of the runny nose. The most common methods of folk treatment include instillation of chamomile and aloe juice into the nose, as well as rinsing with water and salt.

Rinse the nose with salt water 4-6 times a day using a syringe or a small kettle. To prepare the solution, mix one teaspoon of salt with a liter of water. A nursing mother should use the syringe very carefully and not exceed the permissible volume of salt water, otherwise it will pass into breast milk.

Aloe juice is squeezed from one of the lower leaves of the plant and diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5 (one part of juice is five parts of water). The product is instilled into the nose, 3-4 drops two to three times a day. The juice of these plants moisturizes the nasal passages and relieves swelling. But keep in mind that the solution only has a beneficial effect within 24 hours of receipt.

Chamomile infusion is prepared from one teaspoon of dried flowers, which is poured with a glass of boiling water and left under the lid for one hour. You need to instill 3-4 drops three to four times a day. By the way, in addition to chamomile, you can use coltsfoot, thyme and string.

Drug treatment for runny nose

Before treating a runny nose with pharmaceuticals, carefully study the instructions and composition of the drug, find out about the consequences and side effects, the effect on lactation and the effect during breastfeeding. Consult your physician before use. There are various sprays and nasal drops:

  • based on sea water;
  • with essential oils;
  • constricting blood vessels.

Vasoconstrictor drops are among the most popular due to their low cost. However, when breastfeeding, such drugs should be used with caution, as they can be addictive if used frequently or for a long time. And some drugs, like Navizin and Tizin, are contraindicated during lactation.

Plant-based drops with essential oils are thick and are great for eliminating a runny nose. However, some components can cause an allergic reaction in a nursing mother and baby.

Seawater drops are safe for breastfeeding. They rinse well and free the nose from mucus, wash the mucous membrane and resist viral infection.

If a runny nose is treated intensively and correctly, it goes away in 4-6 days. If the illness bothers you longer, consult a doctor!

Which drops to choose

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

If the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, you need to determine the cause of this reaction and eliminate the allergen. If you have allergies, you should not take medications or inhale herbal decoctions and essential oils. Such components can only enhance the reaction.

To treat allergic rhinitis, you must consult a doctor. Many anti-allergenic drugs are contraindicated for a nursing mother. Taking such well-known drugs as Tavegil and Suprastin is harmful to lactation and the infant.

Your doctor may recommend taking Nazaval or Nasonex drops. However, such drugs act temporarily and localize symptoms, but do not cure a runny nose. What should a nursing mother do if she has allergies? Read the link

Prevention of a runny nose

Prevention is always better than cure. Follow the recommendations and you will avoid a runny nose while breastfeeding:

  • Don't get too cold;
  • During outbreaks of infections, avoid public places, wear a protective mask;
  • Avoid contact with common allergens (dust, wool, flowers, etc.);
  • Maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room;
  • Ventilate the premises regularly, but avoid drafts.

If a runny nose is a symptom of a cold, comprehensive treatment should be used. Do not rush to take antiviral drugs, try folk remedies first. However, do not forget here that some components of the decoctions cause allergies in infants. To find out what will help a nursing mother with viral diseases, read the article “How and with what to treat a cold while breastfeeding.”
