Antiviral in the nose

Antiviral nasal drops for children, adults and pregnant women

Viral diseases are considered the most common on earth. Most people get respiratory infections several times a year. The difficulty of prevention lies in the fact that there are a huge number of viruses, they are diverse and can mutate.

Table of contents:

The best means of treatment and prevention is to strengthen the immune system. This is also facilitated by antiviral nasal drops, as well as various oral medications and folk remedies.

Action and purpose of local antiviral drugs

Antiviral drops must be used in the first three days from the onset of the first symptoms

As a rule, antiviral drugs are aimed at destroying viruses that cause various diseases. Local antiviral drugs (drops, sprays, ointments) fight pathogens directly on the nasal mucosa.

However, doctors differ regarding their effectiveness. This is due to the principle of their operation. There are a huge number of virus strains that are found in the environment. But antiviral drugs cannot be considered universal. For them to be truly effective, it is necessary to clarify what kind of virus it is.

Antiviral nasal drops act more like an immunostimulant. The drug does not penetrate into the blood and does not improve general immunity. It acts directly on the mucous membrane and those viruses that have not yet entered the blood. They are effective as a preventive measure or in the first couple of days after the onset of the disease.

Drops with an antiviral effect are prescribed in the following cases:

  • ARVI. Acute respiratory viral infections are very common. A person can get sick with them several times a year. It is very difficult to fight rhinitis when it has already gained momentum, and antiviral drugs will be ineffective. But in the first days of illness, this will help speed up recovery.
  • Flu. The flu virus also tends to mutate, but at a slower rate, which is why there are vaccines. Antiviral drops are used as prophylaxis.
  • Herpetic lesions. Herpes is localized mainly on the lips and wings of the nose, but there is also herpetic rhinitis, which is treated with antiviral drugs.
  • Decreased immunity. When general immunity decreases, antiviral drugs are prescribed for prevention.
  • Long-term rhinitis. If rhinitis does not go away for a long time due to low immunity, antiviral drops can be prescribed as maintenance therapy.

It is worth considering that the drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. Long-term use of antiviral drugs leads to a decrease in the body's own immunity. As a result, a person begins to get sick even more often. The choice of drug and duration of use must be agreed with your doctor.

The best antiviral drops for adults

The simultaneous use of vasoconstrictor and antiviral drops can cause dryness of the nasal mucosa

The choice of antiviral drops in pharmacies is very wide. They may differ in composition, price, and effect. It is worth remembering that the effectiveness of treatment with these drugs is high only during the first 3 days of illness.

Starting from day 4, antiviral drugs are useless. For treatment to be effective, it must be started as early as possible, when the first symptoms appear.

The list of effective antiviral nasal drops includes:

  • Human interferon. Interferon is obtained from donor blood. It is sold in ampoules in powder form. The drug must be dissolved with boiled water and instilled into each nostril every 2-3 hours. The diluted drug can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours, after which you need to open a new ampoule. This is the most famous and popular antiviral drug. At the very beginning of the disease, Interferon helps to inhibit the reproduction of viruses.
  • Grippferon. This is a drug based on synthetic interferon, which is available in the form of drops, ointments and rectal suppositories. It can be used to treat both adults and infants. Grippferon has virtually no contraindications or side effects.
  • Derinat. This is one of the few antiviral drugs that does not contain interferon. It contains a component of animal origin (milk extract). Nevertheless, the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.
  • Ingaron. An interferon-based drug that comes in the form of a white powder. Before use, it must be dissolved in water. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is used for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections both as treatment and as prevention.
  • Nazoferon. The drug is an analogue of Grippferon, but the concentration of interferon in it is much higher. Drops can be used by both adults and children from the first days. The drug is instilled into the nose up to 5 times a day.

Most often, treatment is combined with folk remedies. When fighting rhinitis, rinsing the nose with herbs, a solution of soda and salt is effective. You should not use antiviral drops often, as in this case your own immunity is reduced.

Features of treatment for children

The main task of antiviral drops is to strengthen the strength of local immunity

Antiviral nasal drops are no different for children and adults. The same drugs are used to treat children: Grippferon, Derinat, Interferon, etc. The treatment regimen and dosage may change.

Interferon is considered an inexpensive and effective drug for treating a child. It is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. However, before using the medicine, you should consult your pediatrician. If rhinitis is not caused by viruses, but is of an allergic nature, such drugs can only increase swelling.

When treating a child with local antiviral drugs, it is necessary to remember some of its features:

  1. When treating infants, the drug can only be used in the form of drops. Sprays are contraindicated for newborns. The drug is injected under pressure, which can lead to otitis media in a child.
  2. Treatment with antiviral drops can be carried out only 2 times a year. If you use the drugs constantly, your child will develop immune system disorders. Immunity decreases, and the child begins to get sick even more often.
  3. Most drugs contain protein (interferon-based products), so they can cause severe allergies. They are not recommended for children who are allergic to eggs.
  4. Interferon, which is included in most antiviral drugs, can cause a number of side effects: headache, nausea, fever. If these symptoms appear, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor.
  5. During treatment, drops must be used every 2 hours throughout the day. If the drug is prescribed as a preventive measure, it is enough to instill it into the nose 2 times a day.
  6. It is worth remembering that not all drugs are combined with each other. For example, Derinat is not combined with other antiviral or vasoconstrictor drugs. Derinat should be used until complete recovery. Its active substance enters the bloodstream through the mucous membrane, having a strengthening effect on the entire immune system.

Antiviral nasal drops can be prescribed for ARVI, influenza, laryngitis, sinusitis and other diseases. However, treatment in this case must be comprehensive.

The use of antiviral drops during pregnancy

If you have thyroid dysfunction, the drug should not be used!

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity is especially weakened. Not all pregnant women can avoid viral infections. Since taking oral medications is not acceptable in all trimesters, folk remedies and topical medications are often used.

Most interferon-based drops are safe for the fetus. They are not absorbed into the blood and help fight viruses at the local level, so they can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

However, treatment of pregnant women with local antiviral drugs has its own characteristics:

  • First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of rhinitis. It is advisable to use antiviral drops only for viral infections. However, allergic reactions may occur during pregnancy, even if they did not exist before. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the nature of the disease. Allergic rhinitis can only be treated with antihistamines.
  • Antiviral drugs can be combined with isotonic sea salt solutions for nasal rinsing. These solutions are safe, have no side effects or contraindications, and clean and moisturize the mucous membrane.
  • Viral diseases during pregnancy can be dangerous for the fetus. You cannot start treatment on your own without consulting a doctor. It is imperative to seek help if, in addition to rhinitis, hyperthermia, headaches, and purulent nasal discharge appear.
  • While pregnant, oral administration of antiviral drugs is not always possible, so drops can be prescribed during a flu epidemic as a means of prevention.

You can learn more about antiviral drugs from the video:

You need to remember about the phenomenon of rhinitis in pregnant women. This is a condition in which the nasal mucosa becomes swollen due to hormonal reasons. This type of runny nose goes away only after childbirth. His treatment with antiviral drugs will be useless. Frequent use of these drugs will also lead to a decrease in immunity.

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Antiviral nasal drops for children

A runny nose in a baby is not such a rare occurrence. But rhinitis is different from rhinitis, and treating a child with drops of onion or beet juice every time is not the best solution. After all, nasal congestion and snot can be caused by various reasons - the active proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, allergic reactions, mechanical damage, and so on.

That’s why specialists prescribe nasal drops only after they understand the origin of the ailment they are dealing with.

A bacterial runny nose requires treatment with antibiotic drops, and an allergic rhinitis will require antihistamines. Today we will talk about drops with an antiviral effect. They are used to treat rhinitis caused by viral infections.

Operating principle

Nasal drops with antiviral action contain a certain amount of substances that are active against certain viruses, usually the most common ones - influenza A and B viruses, herpes simplex, etc.

It is no secret that viruses enter a child’s body most often through the nose and throat. Therefore, the drops help to stop the “invader” in time almost at the point of its penetration.

Nasal medications have a direct effect on viruses, that is, they suppress their ability to reproduce, to release a copy of the virus from the affected cell of the child’s body. In addition, such medications have a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, in other words, after instillation, the active substances activate the child’s immunity to fight a foreign organism that has not come with the best intentions.

Some nasal antiviral products contain interferon, a protein identical to the compound of the same name, which is produced by the body during the immune response.


The question of which drops are most effective is quite difficult to answer, since the clinical effectiveness of most antiviral agents has not been proven to date. Many doctors believe that a cure for ARVI and influenza, along with their unpleasant symptoms, is possible without antiviral drugs, only with the help of the immune system’s own efforts.

We invite you to read the release of Doctor Komarovsky about children's runny nose and antiviral drops.

Increasingly, doctors are talking about immune disorders that occur in a child’s body if he is often given antiviral drugs. After all, artificially stimulating natural defenses is a kind of violence against nature.

The immune system must independently learn to recognize viruses and resist them. And from the regular use of medications that affect the functioning of the immune system, the defense becomes weaker and “lazier.” As a result, parents get the opposite effect - the child seems to be treated properly, but he begins to get sick more and more often, and each time the illness becomes more and more difficult.

It is for this reason that you should not give your child antiviral drops without a doctor’s prescription.

Antiviral drops are often used as a means of preventing influenza and ARVI. Doctors recommend starting instillations at the first symptoms of a viral infection. The fact is that most drugs created to counter viruses provide a certain effect only in the first 36 hours after infection. It is believed that then the medications of this group do not give any results at all.

Advantages of the form

Nasal drops are a dosage form that is especially convenient to use for children. Moreover, the age of the children practically does not matter. Nasal agents are equally well tolerated by both newborns and adolescents.

Antiviral drops are not always sold in pharmacies in the form we are familiar with, ready for instillation. Often drugs are found in the form of powders that need to be diluted at home in precise concentrations for subsequent nasal use. Pharmacists may also offer solutions.

Popular children's nasal drops against viruses


This is the most popular drug in the family of antiviral interferon drugs. It consists of human leukocyte interferon, obtained in the laboratory by artificially “collising” the virus with donor blood cells. The second way to obtain interferon is by adding a human gene to the DNA of the virus using genetic engineering. As a result, protein begins to be produced. This interferon does not have a direct effect on viruses, but activates the baby’s own immunity almost immediately after contact with the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. The spread of viral infection slows down as a result.

And here is a small fragment about interferon as interpreted by Doctor Komarovsky.

The drug can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription. Pharmacists offer it in the form of a powder, which parents can easily dilute with cooled boiled or distilled water. In addition, the medicine exists in the form of a spray with a convenient dispenser.

Manufacturers recommend using Interferon for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections at the height of the seasonal increase in incidence, and also use it for medicinal purposes at the first signs of an onset of illness. The therapeutic dose in this case will be 2 times higher than the prophylactic dose.

The drug is prescribed to children from birth. When the disease begins, it is necessary to bury it in each nostril intensively - every hour. After dissolving the powder, the resulting pinkish liquid is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day; expired drops are ineffective.

The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days. Prevention can last 2 weeks, during which Interferon will need to be instilled 5 drops twice a day into each nostril.

The drug has contraindications, and parents should definitely learn about them before starting use. Interferon is not recommended for children with diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels, or a strong tendency to allergies.

Grippferon and Nazoferon

These drops are based on recombinant interferon protein, obtained by genetic engineers using the method described above. On pharmacy shelves, the medicine is also presented in two versions - drops and spray. Moreover, both forms are completely ready for use, and the packaging is equipped with convenient plastic dispensers. “Grippferon” and “Nazoferon” can be instilled even in infants. But consultation with a doctor is required, since the drugs can cause significant allergic reactions.

Manufacturers claim that Nazoferon and Grippferon are able to stop the development of a viral infection in 45% of cases, provided that treatment begins in the first hours of the disease.

The course of drug treatment is 5 days. Infants are prescribed five doses, 1 dose at a time. Children from 1 to 3 years old are instilled with 2 doses 3 times a day, children over three years old, schoolchildren and teenagers can be instilled five times a day with 2 doses. 1 dose = 1 drop.

To prevent respiratory viral infections, it is recommended to use the medicine in the same doses, but once every two days.


A very popular remedy that can hardly be called exclusively antiviral. The drug does not contain interferon; it contains salts, including DNA, and purified water. "Derinat" resists not only viruses, but also some bacteria and a number of fungi. The immunomodulator drug helps the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx recover from damage, as it has a regenerating effect.

Parents need to take into account that in rare cases the drug causes severe allergies, including urticaria with swelling, which require urgent medical attention for life-saving reasons.

"Derinat" is sold in a special 10 ml dropper bottle with a convenient dispenser. The 0.25% solution is completely ready for use. Derinat spray is not intended for nasal use; it is used only for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the throat.

The product can be instilled into babies up to one year old, but only as prescribed by a doctor in the personal dosage established by him. For babies over 1 year of age, the therapeutic dose is 3 to 5 drops in each nostril up to 6 times a day.

We also suggest listening to an annotation about Derinat drops from a specialist on the Healthy Topic portal.


This interferon-based drug is not intended for small children; it can be given to a child after 7 years of age. The undoubted advantage of this medication is that it can be used at almost any stage of the disease, and not just at the very beginning, like most other antiviral agents.

The drug is sold in the form of powders, which should be diluted independently with distilled water in the concentration specified in the instructions. In the package you will find a pipette cap, which will allow you to avoid mistakes with the dosage.

In the acute phase of a viral infection, a child can instill 2-3 drops into the nostrils up to 5 times a day. The average course of treatment is about a week.

General recommendations

Antiviral nasal drops for children should not be used more than twice a year, as this is fraught with negative changes in the child’s immune system. Frequent use of interferons can lead to a significant decrease in the production of a child’s own interferon, causing immunodeficiency.

Interferon drops cannot be used simultaneously with drugs for the common cold, which have a vasoconstrictor effect. This drug “duet” can lead to excessive dryness of the mucous membranes.

Antiviral nasal drops for children most often do not act as an independent treatment. Usually the doctor prescribes it as part of complex therapy. Therefore, you should not rely on the miraculous effect of drops if they are taken “alone”.

Before instillation, warm the bottle in your hand; the drops should be warm. In case of a severe runny nose, it is advisable to first rinse the sinuses with saline or furatsilin solution.

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Antiviral nasal drops - inexpensive but effective

Pharmacies for adults and children have a large assortment of various antiviral drugs, among which nasal drops have become popular. Many patients find that antiviral drops are easy to use and are always at hand, even if they had to go to work.

Among medical luminaries, there is much debate about the effectiveness of this form of antiviral drugs, in particular about the ability of drops to instantly kill viruses. And here we can agree.

Not many patients can boast that after using antiviral drops in the nose, their runny nose quickly stopped, and after two days no signs of rhinitis were detected. It is not without reason that they say that it is useless to treat a runny nose, and only after a week the nasal mucosa will return to normal.

Advertising drops is a good thing, but the principle of their work is to stimulate local immunity, which should resist infection. And to restore protective forces so quickly is something out of science fiction. Therefore, the virus is killed not by drops, but by immune cells. This is why opponents of the use of nasal drops scientifically substantiate their ineffectiveness in the treatment of viral infections.

There are a huge number of viruses in nature, and antiviral drops alone cannot destroy all strains in a row. It turns out that the drops should be prepared directly for a specific virus, i.e. based on the principle of antibiotics. The bacterium is known, a bacterial culture is performed, and a drug is selected to destroy the microbe.

The conclusion arises that people without any particular health problems do not need antiviral drops at all. For the category of patients whose illnesses last a long time, recovery comes with obstacles, antiviral drugs in drops can be beneficial by restoring local immunity. It turns out that antiviral drops are more likely to be immunostimulants than virus fighters.

There are also opposing opinions that drops designed to fight viruses quickly relieve symptoms, and a runny nose is easier to tolerate. Maybe this is self-hypnosis, or did the drops really match a certain virus?

Let's not guess for a long time or take sides, because... A lot of scientific research is still being carried out, and this problem has not been fully studied. Let's move on to a review of existing antiviral drops and determine their features, according to the instructions for use.

Review of antiviral nasal drops

The following nasal forms of antiviral agents boast dominant sales:

Let's look at some of the remedies and select the necessary drug for viral snot, which will completely satisfy not only the price, but also other parameters.

Interferon (Russia)

For the treatment of viral rhinitis, this drug is presented in the form of a solution for administration into the nasal cavity, as well as inhalation. The medicine belongs to the group of cytokines and contains alpha interferon (1000 IU), which is produced from donor blood.

The main effect of the solution is antiviral and immunostimulating. Interferon also has a pronounced immunomodeling, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Interferon does not have a direct effect on viruses; its main task is to provide protection mechanisms in cells not affected by viruses.


The solution is used for influenza conditions, ARVI, suspected viral infection of the nasopharynx.


The solution has no special contraindications for use through the nose. Patients with pronounced allergic reactions, especially to medications and foods of protein origin, should be careful.

How to use the solution correctly?

Before administering the drug into the nose, you should prepare. The bottle with the solution is opened immediately before instilling the drops. The opened solution is stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 24 hours. The dosage is universal for everyone, except for children under 3 years of age. For children of this age, antiviral nasal drops are dosed only by a pediatrician.

For all other age categories, interferon is instilled 5 drops into the nasal passages 6-8 times a day, for example, in the morning and evening. Continue this treatment regimen for three days.

Interferon can be inhaled, then the nebulizer container is filled with a solution (you need to take 3 ampoules + 5 ml of water). The temperature of the solution for inhalation should be about 37 degrees. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

Important! To improve the effect of using the drug, treatment begins immediately after the first symptoms of influenza and ARVI appear.

The price for liquid human leukocyte interferon (5 ml) produced by Biomed Mechnikov (Russia) is 130 rubles.


For the treatment and prevention of runny nose, sore throat, ARVI and influenza in children and adults, Elena Malysheva recommends the effective drug Immunity from Russian scientists. Thanks to its unique, and most importantly 100% natural composition, the drug is extremely effective in treating sore throats, colds and strengthening the immune system.

Grippferon (Russia)

Antiviral drops for children and adults Gripferon are especially popular because... they can be used by everyone without exception. Babies from birth can already receive influenza therapy. In addition to suppressing viruses, influenzaferon restores local immunity.

The active ingredient is human recombinant interferon-2b.


Therapy and prevention of respiratory infections in all age categories.


These include: aggravated allergy history in patients, as well as intolerance to the main composition of influenza, including all additional components.

According to the instructions for use, influenza is used to treat viral rhinitis in pregnant women, as well as during lactation.

Important! Grippferon is not recommended for use with vasoconstrictor solutions, because the combination of these drops contributes to dry mucous membranes.

How is influenza dosed?

An important point in treatment is its timely initiation, especially with antiviral agents. The course of treatment with influenzaferon is 5 days, drops are instilled 4 to 6 times a day.

For children under one year of age, only one drop is instilled into each nasal passage per procedure. A group of children from 1 to 3 years old is instilled with 2 drops three times a day. After three years and up to 14 years, a dose of 2 drops is also used, only the frequency of administration is increased to 5 times a day. For everyone else, instill three drops up to 6 times a day.

For infants, a single dose should not exceed 1000 IU, and for all other children - 2000 IU. After 14 years, the maximum single dose is 3000 IU.

Grippferon is also used prophylactically, for example, if you have had contact with a sick person, or just thought you were getting sick. Then start instilling influenza feron twice a day for 5 days.

During the epidemic season, influenza drops are instilled once in the morning until the epidemiological situation in the region improves.

After using the drops, be sure to massage the wings of the nose so that the medicine is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the nasal mucosa.

GripferonME/ml drops (5ml) from Firn M (Russia) cost 240 rubles.

Nazoferon (Ukraine)

Many patients want to find antiviral drops that are inexpensive but effective, such as nazoferon. The drug is produced by Farmak (Ukraine), so its availability in pharmacies today should be checked.

Nazoferon exhibits not only an antiviral and immunomodulating effect, but also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antimicrobial effect.

The active substance of nazoferon is interferon alpha 2-b, the release form is nasal drops.


Nazoferon is used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, acute respiratory infections, and other similar conditions. It is suitable for use by all age groups, including newborns. It is also used during pregnancy and lactation.

Good results were observed when using nazoferon during epidemics in people who were not yet sick. Studies have shown that preventive instillations reduce the risk of viral infection several times.


Mostly, unwanted reactions in the form of a rash can occur in allergy sufferers if any of the components of the product are not suitable. Such cases are quite rare and are more the exception than the rule.


A single dose for infants (up to 12 months) is 8000 IU, from one year to 14 years - IU, from 14 years - IU. The drop instillation regimen is the same as for influenza.

An open bottle of drops is suitable for use for 10 days, provided the bottle is stored in the refrigerator.

The price for nazoferon (5 ml bottle) starts from 170 rubles; availability in pharmacies must be checked.

Derinat – antiviral drops (solution)

The drug is classified as a corrective and stimulating agent that affects immune processes. Derinat is used not only as antiviral nasal drops, it is also used for other pathologies.

The solution is produced in bottles of 10 and 20 ml, which contain sodium deoxyribonucleate (25 mg). An opened bottle can be stored for no more than 14 days.

The active substance (sodium deoxyribonucleate) affects regeneration processes, stabilizes reparative processes, and also blocks the development of bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

Derinat has a high degree of safety, despite the fact that it penetrates into the systemic circulation. It does not have a teratogenic effect, therefore it is approved for use in obstetrics.


Derinat nasal drops are widely used for all types of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as conditions complicated by bacterial and fungal microflora against a background of viruses. Drops are instilled for a runny nose, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, and inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.


Derinat is well tolerated, and according to clinical studies, the percentage of negative reactions is practically reduced to zero. It is extremely rare that individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary composition of derinat may occur.

Mode of application

Drops are used not only for treatment, but also for preventive therapy of viral infections. The course of preventive therapy is usually long, up to two weeks, i.e. The epidemiological situation in the region remains unstable. Drops are instilled up to four times a day in the usual dosage (2 drops in each nostril).

Therapy for acute viral infections is different. As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, the drops begin to drip frequently, maintaining an interval of 1–2 hours. The next day, instillations are carried out up to four times a day (2-3 drops in each nasal passage). The course of treatment is 14 days.

Complicated runny nose, when the sinuses are affected and the snot acquires a thick consistency, turns yellow or green, is treated by instilling drops up to 5 times a day. Instead of instillation, you can perform procedures with moistened turundas in a derinat solution. Treatment is long, sometimes up to 30 days.

Derinat solution (0.25% 10 ml) in Russian pharmacies costs 260 rubles.

Full article about the use of Derinat drops.

Ingaron (Russia)

The drug is produced by the Pharmaklon company (Russia). Ingaron is a representative of interferon gamma, the action of which is aimed at fully activating all defense mechanisms of the cellular immune system. Unlike drugs from the alpha interferon group, ingaron exhibits a more powerful effect, which was clinically proven during the swine flu pandemic.

When using ingaron, the accompanying symptoms of ARVI are noticeably eliminated, intoxication from influenza disappears, and the duration of the disease is reduced.

The drug is available in ME dosage; the bottle contains a powdery substance (human interferon-gamma lyophilisate), which must be diluted. An isotonic sodium chloride solution or special water for injection is used as a solvent. After dilution, the drug is stored for 10 days in the refrigerator.

The advantage of ingaron is its speed of action; literally from the first minutes of drops entering the nose, viruses are blocked and rejected from the mucous membrane. At the same time, the level of immune defense increases sharply.


All forms of acute viral infections (treatment and prevention), including the most dangerous strains of swine and bird flu.


The drug is not used in children under 7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. If the patient has a history of autoimmune disorders, especially severe ones, the drug will most likely also be rejected. Sometimes individual intolerance to the composition of ingron occurs, in which case the drops are also canceled.

Mode of application

The correct instructions will help you get the maximum effect from Ingaron:

  • rinse your nose with any saline solution (saline, saline, aquamaris, humer);
  • after 5 minutes, blow your nose well;
  • If there is no effect from rinsing, some doctors advise drips of Kalanchoe juice into your nose (2 drops in each nostril). The patient begins to sneeze intensely, and the nasal cavity is perfectly cleared of snot;
  • then inject 2-3 drops of ingaron into each nostril.

To treat a viral infection, instillations are carried out up to five times a day, for 5–7 days in a row. For the purpose of prevention, the drug is instilled every other day (only in the morning). The duration of preventive and therapeutic infusions into the nasal passages is determined by the doctor.

Before using Ingaron, the contents of the bottle should be dissolved in water for injection; you will need only 5 ml of solvent. The mixture is shaken and the nose is immediately instilled. The wings of the nose are lightly massaged, no more than 10 seconds, and remain in a position with the head thrown back for about a minute. These manipulations will help the medicinal substance to be evenly distributed over all areas of the mucosa.

For nasal instillation, only ingaronME is used. The cost of one bottle is around 280 rubles, and a whole package (5 pieces) can be purchased for 1,500 rubles. CME bottles are strictly not suitable for intranasal use.

What antiviral agents are best to use?

The choice of antiviral solutions should only be made by a specialist, because All these drops affect the immune system. Therefore, independent dosages and treatment regimens are not always beneficial, and sometimes even harmful.

Many practicing doctors believe that antiviral drops are ineffective and their effect resembles a placebo. They justify this statement by the low therapeutic effect in the first days of the disease.

Of course, having tested antiviral drugs on themselves, only patients can clearly say whether the drug suited them or not. In any case, follow your doctor's recommendations. Be healthy!

And a little about secrets.

If you or your child are often sick and are treated with antibiotics alone, know that you are only treating the effect, not the cause.

So you simply “spare” money to pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies and get sick more often.

STOP! Stop feeding someone you don't know. You just need to boost your immunity and you will forget what it’s like to be sick!

There is a way for this! Confirmed by E. Malysheva, A. Myasnikov and our readers! Read more.


Antiviral nasal drops: for children and adults

The vast majority of so-called colds are caused by viruses.

But, unfortunately, there is not yet a single drug that can specifically destroy these tiny pathogenic microorganisms.

What then are antiviral nasal drops? Are they worth using and do they even work?

What are antiviral drugs?

Every day, each of us comes into contact with a lot of different viruses, but we only get sick under a certain set of circumstances, in particular, when:

  • deterioration of general or local immunity;
  • encounters with particularly active viruses;
  • dysfunction of the nasal mucosa, etc.

When viral particles land on the surface of the nasal mucosa, they penetrate intracellular structures, destroying them and using the resulting decay products for reproduction.

This period takes from 2 to 5 days, during which no external signs are observed. Therefore, it is called incubation.

All this time, interferons, compounds of protein origin, arrive at the site of penetration of microorganisms, helping to reduce the susceptibility of cells to the negative effects of viruses.

Humanity has learned to isolate them and synthesize them artificially. They formed the basis for the creation of most modern antiviral agents, the local use of which helps to increase the body’s natural defenses and prevent the development of diseases.

Intranasal administration of interferons of various biological activities is practiced only in the countries of the former CIS.

Antiviral drugs in the nose: indications for use

Interferon, which is part of 90% of them, can be of synthetic or natural origin. Therefore, such nasal preparations have a protein base, and therefore can cause the development of allergies, especially if a person suffers from chicken egg intolerance, although this is not so common.

It is advisable to use any antiviral agent either for preventive purposes, or exclusively in the first three days from the onset of symptoms of illness.

Thus, drugs in this group should be used for treatment and prevention:

  • ARVI, especially in the autumn-spring season;
  • flu;
  • herpetic infection.

You can take such medications no more than twice a year, since their regular use reduces the production of your own interferon.

This entails an inevitable decline in immunity and, as a result, without the introduction of new doses, a person will get sick more often.

Here is a list of the most popular nasal pharmaceuticals that have antiviral activity:


These antiviral drops are inexpensive but effective. Essentially, the medication is a sealed ampoule containing white powder, which should be diluted with water immediately before instillation.

It is better to choose sterile water for injection as a solvent, especially since it costs a penny. In the absence of such powder, it is diluted with boiled water.

The solvent is poured to the mark to make 2 ml of liquid. When properly diluted, it contains 1000 IU of α-interferon. The solution can be stored on the refrigerator door for no more than 24 hours.

Adults are recommended to instill in each nasal passage:

  • For treatment: 5 drops 5 times a day, that is, approximately every two hours.
  • For prevention: 2 drops. twice a day.

For children, the dosage and frequency of administration is determined by the doctor purely individually based on the patient’s age and the degree of impairment of his well-being.

Nevertheless, it is when taking interferon that the following side effects are most often observed:

This is explained by the fact that the pharmaceutical preparation includes human leukocyte interferon, that is, obtained from donor blood. Therefore, it may contain insignificant amounts of foreign impurities that are foreign to the patient’s body.


This drug is one of the few antiviral drugs that can be used at any stage of the course of ARVI.

Its main component is a special form of interferon - gamma, to which viruses do not develop resistance.

The medicine is prepared immediately before instillation. To do this, pour a solvent (water) into a bottle of powder and shake thoroughly.

The solution is administered 2-3 drops 3-5 times a day for a week. Since the bottle is equipped with a special dropper cap, as a rule, there are no difficulties with dosing accuracy and storage.

The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 7 years of age.


The mechanism of action of Ergoferon is based on the ability of the antibodies it contains to γ-interferon and histamine to provoke the active release of these compounds by the body.

This increases overall immunity and resistance to allergens.

It comes in the form of tablets for resorption in the oral cavity. In addition to the treatment and prevention of all kinds of viral pathologies of the ENT organs, Ergoferon is often prescribed to combat:

  • acute viral intestinal diseases;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • hemorrhagic fever, etc.

It is also successfully used to reduce the risk of complications when treating the following bacterial infections:

The first tablet should be taken when the slightest hint of a respiratory infection appears. And within 2 hours you need to dissolve 5 pieces at intervals of half an hour. The next day and thereafter, it is enough to take three tablets daily.

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to dissolve 1-2 tablets daily throughout the cold season. According to the annotation, this can be done without fear for six months.


This drug is fundamentally different from other similar medications because it does not contain any form of interferon.

The main substance in it is sodium deoxyribonucleate. As excipients it contains water for injection and sodium chloride, which acts as a preservative.

Since the sodium salt of DNA obtained from sturgeon milk has a detrimental effect not only on viral particles, but also on numerous bacteria and fungi, Derinat is widely used in otolaryngology for the treatment of:

In addition to the fact that the drug exhibits an immunostimulating effect, it promotes the rapid restoration of areas of the mucous membranes damaged by microorganisms. But its use is prohibited in combination with other antiviral and vasoconstrictor drugs.

Since the sodium salt of deoxyribonucleic acid is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body along with the lymph, it not only has a local effect, like all the drugs described above, but also affects the entire body, strengthening the immune system as a whole.

Therefore, the use of Derinat is indicated until complete recovery.

For therapeutic purposes, the medication is instilled every two hours, 2 drops into each nostril on the 1st and 2nd days. Starting from the 3rd day, it is enough to carry out only 3-4 procedures, adhering to this regimen until complete recovery. For prevention, it is allowed to administer 2 drops 3-4 times a day throughout the cold season.

The drug is often prescribed as part of complex therapy for sinusitis, as it complements nasal drops with an antibiotic, vasoconstrictors, etc. well.

Antiviral nasal sprays

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces several drugs with immunostimulating properties in the form of sprays. This:

Grippferon and Nazoferon. The main substance of the medicine is recombinant α-interferon. In the first of them, each milliliter of solution contains ME, and Nazoferon contains ME.

According to the annotation, for viral infections they are recommended to be prescribed to adults for 5 days, 2-3 injections 4-6 times a day for 3-5 days. For preventive purposes, one dose of the pharmaceutical is administered once a day.

Antiviral ointment for the nose

In some cases, it is better to give preference to special nasal ointments designed to fight infections. They remain on the surface of the mucous membranes longer, due to which they are able to provide the necessary therapeutic effect for the maximum amount of time.

Available in this form:

Antiviral nasal drops for children

What is the best choice for children should be decided together with their pediatrician. After all, only a qualified specialist will be able to adequately assess the severity of the child’s ill health and select appropriate therapy for the situation.

The cheapest children's drops for the common cold with antiviral action are prepared from interferon in ampoules. As a rule, it is recommended to inject 4-5 drops of the diluted pharmaceutical into each nostril twice a day.

The spray can be used to treat children older than one year, since the introduction of liquid under pressure can provoke the spread of viruses to other parts of the ENT organs and cause complications, for example, otitis media.

For infants you can choose:

For children over one year old, you can choose any antiviral agents except Ingaron and Genferon. The frequency of administration and dose are described in detail in the instructions for children of all ages.

Use for pregnant women

To prevent the development of ARVI and combat them, it is recommended that pregnant women purchase:

But before starting use, expectant mothers should definitely consult a doctor.


  • individual hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis;
  • renal failure;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • epilepsy;
  • thyroid dysfunction.

All other drugs cannot be used only if you are allergic to their components.

But when taking vasoconstrictors, it is necessary to maintain a break between their administration and instillation of antiviral drugs, since their combination can cause dry mucous membranes.

Also, α-interferon does not combine well with sedatives (sedatives), hypnotics and opioid (narcotic) analgesics.

Thus, anyone can prevent the development of an unloved ARVI or prevent it in the bud when the first symptoms appear, regardless of the size of the family budget.

However, if the disease does occur and the patient’s condition worsens, we recommend not to self-medicate and consult a doctor.

Reviews about the drugs

But once I performed the usual manipulations only on the third day, when snot was already flowing in streams and the congestion was severe. So, the drops were no longer of any use.

It’s probably not for nothing that they write that you need to use them in the first three days. I also had to fork out more for Ingaron, otherwise I had already forgotten what fever and aches were. Ruslan, 27 years old

Related video: use of antiviral agents

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Antiviral nasal drops, nasal sprays and ointments Interferon Grippferon Nazoferon Genferon Viferon Derinat Oxolinic ointment

Antiviral nasal drops are a very convenient remedy for influenza and ARVI. How effective are they? Read below.

Antiviral nasal drops Interferons

The largest group of antiviral drugs used in the form of drops, sprays and ointments on the nasal mucosa are interferons. The active substance in all of them is interferon, a polypeptide that has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

When used intranasally, that is, when the medicine is applied to the nasal mucosa in any form, interferon is not absorbed, but acts locally - on the mucous membrane, on viruses that have not yet penetrated into the blood.

Therefore, drugs for intranasal use are effective against viral infections as a prophylactic agent. And also as a remedy in the first 3 days from the onset of the disease. Moreover, the earlier treatment is started, the better the result.

Starting from the fourth day from the onset of the disease, interferons for intranasal use are useless and there is no point in using them. The concentrations of the active substance in recommended doses of different nasal interferons differ by tens, hundreds and even thousands of times.

Interferon intranasal drugs include Russian: Interferon, Gripferon, Viferon gel, Viferon ointment, Genferon light spray and Ukrainian: Nazoferon and Laferon Nasal. Outside the countries of the former CIS, intranasal use of interferons is not practiced.

The indications for use for all drugs are similar: prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and herpetic infections.

Interferon human leukocyte dry

Produced by JSC Biomed Moscow region. The only drug in this group obtained from the blood of donors under the influence of viruses. All other drugs are recombinant interferons.

The active ingredient is interferon alpha-2b. One ampoule contains 1000 IU of interferon, 1 mlIU, and 1 drop contains approximately 20 IU of the active substance. The most famous and oldest of the “interferons”. Available in the form of a dry powder in ampoules, used endonasally (in nasal drops) or inhalations (via a nebulizer).

Injecting medication is strictly prohibited!

At the beginning of the disease, interferon can greatly alleviate and even interrupt its further development. It is also effective for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

The ampoule is opened immediately before use. Boiled water at room temperature is poured into it up to the mark. The diluted drug is stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Allowed for children from birth and adults in the same dose.

Prevention regimen: 2 drops in each nasal passage 2 times a day or one inhalation 2 times a day from ten days to one month. Treatment regimen: 5 drops in each nasal passage after 2 hours at least five times a day or inhalations every two hours 3-4 times a day during the first 3 days of illness.

Grippferon Antiviral nasal drops

First appeared in 1999, Russian development, produced by Firn M CJSC, Moscow. It differs from the previous one in that the interferon in it is recombinant (similar to human interferon alpha-2 B, but obtained by genetic engineering) and is in the form of a ready-made solution and does not require special preparation before use. Forms of release of the drug: nasal drops and nasal spray. In influenza, interferon is in a concentration 20 times higher than in the previous medicine: IU of interferon - in 1 ml, 400 IU - in 1 drop. Allowed from birth.

Preventive regimen: 1 drop or 1 injection into each nostril 1-2 times a day for 2 to 4 weeks.

Treatment regimen: for children from birth to one year, 1 drop or injection into each nostril, 3 to 4 times a day. Children from one to three years old, two drops from 3 to 4 times a day. Children over 3 years old and adults, two drops in each nostril from 4 to 6 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 days. There is no point in using the medicine further.

Nazoferon Antiviral nasal drops

Produced by PJSC Farmak Kyiv. The drug is similar to the previous two, it is especially similar to influenza, it also contains recombinant interferon alpha-2B, but in a concentration 10 times higher than in influenza, namely: IU - in 1 ml and IU - in 1 drop. Available in the form of drops and spray. Drops are allowed from birth, spray - from 1 year.

Treatment regimen: children from birth to one year - 1 drop in each nostril 5 times a day, from 1 to 3 years a day, 2 drops or 2 spray injections in each nostril, children from 3 to 14 years old - 4-5 times per day, 2 drops or 2 spray injections into each nostril, adults - 5-6 times per day, three spray injections or 3 drops into each nostril. Course of treatment (according to instructions) 3-5 days

For the purpose of prevention, it is prescribed in an age-specific dosage 1 time per day in the morning every other day.

Laferon nasal Antiviral nasal drops

Produced by Scientific and Production Company Infarmbiotek LLC, Kiev. The medicine is produced in the form of a dry powder, packaged in sealed bottles and requires dilution before use with boiled water at room temperature, like the first drug. The bottle comes with a special dropper cap, which makes it much more convenient than the first drug described in this article, for which you had to look for a pipette. It contains the same recombinant interferon, twice the concentration of nazoferon: ME - in 1 ml, IME - in 1 drop.

Treatment regimen: Children from birth to 1 year - 1 drop in each nasal passage eight times a day, children from 1 to 7 years - 2-3 drops in each nasal passage eight times a day, children from 7 - children up to 14 years old, 4 drops in each nasal passage eight times a day, adults 5-6 drops 8-10 times a day in each nasal passage. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take 1-2 drops 4 times a day.

Genferon light spray

Contains the same recombinant interferon. Recommended for adults and children over 14 years of age, since this medicine has not yet undergone clinical trials on children. Contains IU interferon in 1 dose, which is 2500 times more than in 1 drop (dose) of dry human leukocyte interferon.

Treatment regimen: 1 dose in each nostril three times a day. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.

Prophylactic regimen: the instructions recommend only emergency prophylaxis upon contact with a patient according to the same regimen as for treatment, but for 5-7 days.


Also recombinant interferon, which can be used intranasally. Viferon gel and ointment are intended for application to the mucous membrane of the nose and tonsils for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, and for treatment in the first days of the disease, as well as as a local treatment for herpes infection.

Gel and ointment remain on the surface longer than drops, thereby increasing the duration of action of the medicine. But at the same time, the medicine still acts locally, only at the site of application. Concentration of interferon in 1 g ointment ME, in 1 g gel ME.

For the purpose of treatment, the ointment or gel is applied to the previously dried nasal mucosa or the surface of the tonsils from 3 to 5 times a day for five days.

For the purpose of prevention - two daily doses for 2-4 weeks.

Other nasal antivirals

Oxolinic ointment

Antiviral agent for external use. One of the oldest antiviral agents. Appeared in the USSR in 1970, and is not recognized or registered outside the former CIS.

It is applied to the mucous membranes or skin and acts directly on viruses located on the mucous membrane before they penetrate into the blood. Oxolinic ointment is partially absorbed from the surface of the nasal mucosa and skin, but has no effect on viruses that have already entered the bloodstream. It also does not have any toxic, locally irritating or other harmful effects on the human body.

For the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI, 0.25% nasal ointment is intended; it is applied to the mucous membrane 3-4 times a day, both for the purpose of prevention during the period of increased incidence, and for treatment in the first days of the disease. 3% oxolinic ointment is intended for the treatment of viral skin diseases: warts, molluscum contagiosum, herpes.

Derinat Antiviral nasal drops

Refers to immunomodulators, inducers of endogenous interferon. First released in 1996 by CJSC FP Tekhnomedservice, Moscow. Derinat - sodium deoxyribonucleate - a medicine of animal origin (extract from sturgeon milt). Increases antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral immunity, and also activates the processes of restoration of damaged tissues.

Derinat stimulates T and B lymphocytes and macrophages (accelerates the metabolism inside these cells, resulting in increased activity, including accelerated synthesis of interferons and immunoglobulins).

Available in solution for intramuscular administration. It is used intramuscularly for severe diseases (tuberculosis, endometritis) as well as for rehabilitation therapy for burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers, and stomach ulcers.

For the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI, a 0.25% solution is used. For endonasal use, derinat is available in a dropper bottle.

Derinat, unlike interferons, is absorbed from the surface of the nasal mucosa and distributed along the lymphatic tract. That is, when used endonasally, this drug gives not only a local (at the site of application) systemic effect on the entire body. It can be used not only in the first days of illness, but at a later date: it restores immunity and promotes the restoration of damaged tissues. Allowed from birth.

For the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, derinat is used for children of any age, starting from birth, and for adults according to the following scheme: the first two days, h/w every two hours, two drops in each nostril, 5-6 times a day, from the third day, two drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day until symptoms disappear completely.

For prevention: two drops 3-4 times a day throughout the entire epidemic. season. It is successfully used as a rinse for stomatitis, as eye drops for conjunctivitis and degenerative eye diseases. Derinat is also used for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and prolonged bronchitis and pneumonia in inhalation through a nebulizer. For inhalation take 0.25% derinat and saline. solution in equal proportions. Inhalations are carried out twice a day for 5 to 10 days. Nebulizer therapy has the greatest effect when the spray particle size is more than 5 microns. I hope

You have chosen antiviral nasal drops for your child. Stay healthy!

8 comments: Antiviral nasal drops, nasal sprays and ointments Interferon Grippferon Nazoferon Genferon Viferon Derinat Oxolinic ointment

Read the instructions carefully. Derinat injections should not be given to patients with diabetes mellitus. Most likely there will be hypoglycemia. And if derinat is prescribed, then after its injection you need to eat 2 pieces of sugar.

Nastena! Do you finally have any idea what hypoglycemia will be like? Nope, you have no idea. That’s why you’re rolling a barrel towards Derinat. I think that at one time the manufacturer made a mistake by focusing on this very hypoglycemia. There, the maximum you can get after an injection is a decrease in sugar by 0.5-1.0 mmol/l. And any baby will tell you: “super hypoglycemia!” Well, if we seriously analyze this property of the drug, then we must say that it is one of the few effective means of pathogenetic therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Because it has a positive effect on almost all significant targets of diabetes complications: the vessels of the eyes, brain, heart, lower extremities, strengthening them (in simple terms) and increasing resistance to various negative factors that can lead to dire consequences. Of course, not a panacea, no, not a panacea! But not the worst and most useless drug recommended by doctors.

And finally, finally, this very hypoglycemia. When Derinat enters the body, it breaks down into small fragments, the so-called. nucleotides, and they clearly change the uptake of glucose by cells for the better, hence the small but very desirable decrease in blood sugar for every patient. but in general there are a lot of works on this issue, incl. and there are dissertations, etc. and so on. And none of the specialists at all excludes the use of derinat even in cases of severe disease.

Nasten? I apologize for a little bumping into you! Well, you think you understand that out of the best intentions, out of a very great desire to dispel the fog that you have spun here, or you can spew, and thereby scare the living hell out of some poor fellow.

Best wishes!

Derinat spray is a good medicine. Helps with a runny nose, you just need to spray a lot.

Does the spray have the same indications for use?

Derinat spray? This is the first time I've heard about this. Interesting. ... We need to see.

@Ekaterina Used it when children were sick. Convenient shape for them. You can spray it in your nose or throat.

I read the article with interest; in the derinat section, in my opinion, there is not enough of a new dosage form of the drug - a spray. I recently used it for a cold. I really liked the ease of use. In my opinion, it should be added to your article.
