Why does mucus collect in the throat and how to get rid of it?
Accumulation of mucus in the throat is a common reason for patients to visit an otolaryngologist or therapist. This symptom is inconvenient and can appear for various reasons.
Table of contents:
- Why does mucus collect in the throat and how to get rid of it?
- Causes and possible diseases
- Drug treatment
- Folk recipes
- Inhalations and gargling
- Prevention
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- Throat diseases
- We recommend reading:
- Our pages
- Discussions
- Mucus in the throat: a symptom of many serious diseases. Determining the causes of mucus in the throat is the key to successful treatment
- Excessive mucus production: non-infectious and infectious causes
- Mucus in the throat: symptoms of a pathological condition
- Mucus in the throat: when medical help is needed
- Diagnosing Excessive Mucus Production
- Basic methods for treating mucus in the throat
- Mucus in a child's throat
- Mucus in the throat: traditional medicine recipes
- Preventing the formation of mucus in the throat
- Mucus in the throat: why it accumulates, connection with diseases, how to treat
- The main causes of mucus in the throat
- Procedure for detecting mucus in the throat
- Getting rid of phlegm
- Folk remedies to combat phlegm
- Synthetic pharmaceutical drugs
- Preventing excessive mucus production
- How to get snot out of your throat if you can't cough it up
- Why does mucus accumulate in the throat?
- Signs of mucus accumulation in the nasopharynx
- What to do if mucus accumulates in the throat?
- How to cure mucus congestion in the throat
- How to rinse correctly: step-by-step instructions
- Folk recipes
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You can get rid of it only after eliminating the cause that provoked it.
Causes and possible diseases
Mucus in the throat can be a sign of a number of diseases
Mucus is an accumulation of cells that are represented by the end products of metabolism in the form of dead bacteria, viruses and immune cells. It must be removed from the body along with all harmful substances and microorganisms.
The production of mucous secretion is the body’s protective reaction to injury, damage, infection, allergies, etc.
If bacteria, viruses, allergens and other irritants enter the nasopharynx, the production of mucus increases in volume and any person has the desire to cough it up.
The main reasons why mucus accumulates in the throat:
- Secretion can be observed with prolonged use of vasoconstrictors, against the background of hormonal changes, and congenital anatomical features of the nasopharynx.
- Mucus is often found with seasonal hay fever. Many people are susceptible to contact with certain plants, fluff, etc. This symptom in this case has a constant relapsing course.
- If glassy mucus is produced in large quantities and is accompanied by coughing and shortness of breath, then these are characteristic symptoms of bronchial asthma.
- In diseases such as stomach ulcers, reflux esophagitis, esophageal diverticulum, the acidic contents of the stomach are released into the esophagus. This is accompanied by a feeling of a lump and accumulation of mucus in the throat.
- The secretion of mucus can be caused by poor diet and eating too cold or hot foods.
- If a person lives in a polluted environment and constantly inhales air that is contaminated with exhaust gases, dust, sand, then the secretion can also accumulate in the throat.
In addition to the accumulation of mucus, other symptoms of varying severity may be observed. Usually there is a sore throat, a burning sensation, and a feeling of a lump in the throat.
The patient will constantly try to cough, but this does not bring relief. In addition, there is pain when swallowing, bad breath, attacks of nausea, malaise, and weakness.
If the mucus is streaked with blood, its color and consistency changes, then this indicates a serious pathology - tuberculosis or throat cancer.
Therefore, you should not hesitate and let things take their course, as this is very dangerous and can lead to serious consequences.
Drug treatment
Correct diagnosis means effective treatment!
If other symptoms are present along with mucus, you should consult an otolaryngologist. Then the doctor will determine the cause of the mucus and prescribe the necessary treatment.
- If there is a focus of inflammation in the throat, then gargling is done using ready-made pharmaceutical solutions. You can also use sprays, aerosols and use absorbable lozenges: Orasept, Ingalipt, Septolete, Tonsilotren, etc.
- For rhinitis, it is advisable to use vasoconstrictor drops: Nazivin, Vibrocil, etc. If the runny nose is prolonged, then the use of nasal glucocorticosteroids is indicated: Tafen nasal, Flix, etc. It is also recommended to moisturize the nasal mucosa with such agents as Aqualor, Aqua Maris, Humer, etc.
- If the cause of mucus in the throat is an allergic reaction, then antihistamines are prescribed: Claritin, Suprastin, Telfast, etc.
- For bacterial infections, local and systemic antibiotics are prescribed.
- If the appearance of mucus is associated with bronchitis or pneumonia, then mucolytic and expectorant medications are used. They stimulate the removal of mucus from the lungs.
All medications should be used only after a doctor has prescribed it and the reason why mucus has begun to accumulate has been established.
Folk recipes
Aloe with honey will help get rid of mucus in the throat
To reduce the formation of sputum and mucus discharge, you can use medications orally.
Popular recipes for eliminating mucus in the throat:
- Aloe with honey. Grind the aloe leaf and mix with honey. Eat in the morning and evening.
- Calendula with honey. Mix dried calendula petals with honey and consume between each meal.
- Onions with horseradish and honey. Grate a small onion, add grated horseradish and a little honey. Mix the mixture well and consume a tablespoon 3 times a day.
- Infusion of licorice and plantain. Take an equal amount (2 tablespoons) of dry raw materials. Pour a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse. Take 260 ml orally three times a day.
- A healing drink based on ginger. To prepare the drink, you need to take 250 ml of milk, grams of turmeric and ginger. Add the ingredients to the milk and boil. Then cool and add about 40 g of honey. Consume internally in small sips.
- Radish with honey. Grate the root vegetable and squeeze out the juice. Add 10 g of honey to it and wait until it completely dissolves. Then you can eat the radish.
- Mineral water with honey. Dilute honey in warm mineral water and take the drink throughout the day.
More information about the causes of mucus in the throat can be found in the video:
It is useful to apply compresses to the throat; such procedures thin the mucus and improve discharge:
- You can buy Zvezdochka balm at the pharmacy. Apply this product to your neck and tie a warm scarf. It is recommended to do the procedure at night. From available means, you can use potatoes or cottage cheese.
- Boil potatoes and mash with a fork. After this, wrap it in gauze or thin cloth and apply it to the throat.
- A cottage cheese compress is made as follows: squeeze the cottage cheese well, wrap it in gauze and apply it to the neck. Next, apply plastic wrap and wrap a warm scarf around your neck.
When using traditional methods of treatment, you should consult your doctor. Some plants can cause an allergic reaction. It should be remembered that alternative medicine methods are auxiliary and help reduce the symptoms, but do not eliminate the causes of their occurrence.
Inhalations and gargling
At elevated body temperatures, inhalation is prohibited!
To get rid of mucus in the throat that has arisen against the background of acute respiratory diseases or pathologies of the respiratory tract, it is recommended to perform inhalations.
For this purpose, you can use a nebulizer or improvised means. If you don’t have a nebulizer, then you can resort to “grandmother’s method” - breathe over the steam:
- To do this, boil peeled potatoes in a saucepan, mash and add a pinch of soda. Lean your head over the pan and inhale the vapors.
- You can breathe over the steam of medicinal herbs: a decoction of chamomile, calendula, etc. During the procedure, you should follow safety precautions and not get burned by the hot steam.
It is useful to rinse when there is accumulated mucus. For the procedure you can use:
- Medicines (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Yox, etc.), herbal decoctions and infusions.
- From plants you should choose sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, oak or pine bark, etc. You can take plants either individually or in combination with other herbs.
To prepare the decoction, pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon and leave to steep in a thermos for 2-3 hours. After the specified time, strain and use for rinsing. You can add honey or a little lemon juice.
It is useful to gargle with a soda-salt solution, which has an antiseptic effect.
You need to mix the ingredients in equal quantities, one teaspoon at a time, and add a glass of boiled water. It is important that all components are completely dissolved in water. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add a few drops of iodine. Gargling is carried out at least 3-4 times a day. Any solution should be prepared immediately before use so that the therapeutic effect does not decrease.
Diseases of the ENT organs are easier to prevent than to treat!
Accumulating mucus in the throat is a sign of a certain pathology, but not an independent disease. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the prognosis is favorable.
There are no specific preventative measures, but you can reduce the risk of mucus in the throat by following these recommendations:
- Treat infectious and inflammatory diseases in a timely manner.
- Give up bad habits - smoking and alcoholic beverages.
- Maintain the required humidity in the room.
- Lead a healthy lifestyle.
- Avoid hypothermia.
- Visit an otolaryngologist regularly.
- Avoid the source of the allergy.
If mucus begins to accumulate and irritate the throat, it is recommended to perform preventive rinses as often as possible. Then it will be possible to eliminate the inflammatory process in a short time and avoid the appearance of other symptoms.
You should adhere to a proper and balanced diet and drink more fluids. If symptoms begin, you should immediately consult a doctor.
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Comments (1)
09.09.2017 at 02:52 | #
I try to treat similar phenomena in the nasopharynx and throat with folk remedies, I use decoctions and infusions of herbs for rinsing and inhalation - sage, chamomile, calendula, and I do inhalations with Zvezdochka balm.
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Throat diseases
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The medical information published on this page is strictly not recommended for self-medication. If you feel negative changes in your health, immediately contact an ENT specialist. All articles published on our resource are for informational purposes only. If you use this material or a fragment of it on your website, an active link to the source is required.
Source: http://tvojlor.com/lor/throat/sobiraetsya-sliz-v-gorle.html
Mucus in the throat: a symptom of many serious diseases. Determining the causes of mucus in the throat is the key to successful treatment
Mucus in the throat is a viscous secretion produced by the epithelium of the nasopharynx. With its help, the shells are protected from the penetration of viruses and the effects of irritating factors.
Persons who have excessive accumulation of mucus (postnasal drip syndrome) in the throat area should be observed by an ENT doctor, since treatment and identification of the causes of the pathology is a rather complex process. Self-medication in many cases leads to a worsening of the condition. Patients begin to experience intestinal disorders and the proliferation of pathogenic microflora throughout the body.
Excessive mucus production: non-infectious and infectious causes
Mucus in the throat can come from the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, or be produced by the glandular cells of the pharynx itself. Among the main reasons for the excessive formation of viscous secretions are:
1) Various external stimuli. Excess sputum can act as a protective reaction to smoking, consumption of excessive doses of alcohol or carbonated drinks, unfavorable environmental situation in the region, and spicy food. In this case, negative symptoms are observed after waking up in the morning.
2) Inflammation localized in the nasopharynx area. These include sinusitis, sinusitis, chronic pharyngitis, and adenoiditis.
3) Severe hypothermia of the body, being outside with wet feet.
4) Allergic reactions, manifestations of bronchial asthma. In this case, a person may experience lacrimation, rhinitis, redness of the eyes, skin rashes, and swelling of the mucous membranes. If possible, it is necessary to completely limit contact with irritating factors. Allergens include: dust, plant pollen, animal hair, food, mold. The basis of treatment is an allergy test of the patient’s blood.
5) Various pulmonary pathologies.
6) Gastrointestinal diseases. The esophagus has a close relationship with the throat. In some diseases, acidic intestinal contents enter the respiratory tract. Accumulation of mucous secretion is observed in pancreatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis. Mucus formation occurs after eating. This condition is characterized by heartburn and belching.
7) Lack of water in the body. Drying of the mucous membranes often leads to changes in the characteristics of sputum. It becomes more viscous and thick. Dry air makes the condition worse.
8) Long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops. As a result, swelling and drying of the mucous membrane are observed, and mucus begins to flow down the nasopharynx.
The amount of secretion produced increases sharply in cases of penetration of a foreign object into the throat. The body thus tries to get rid of the irritant. In some cases, the help of a doctor is required to remove trapped elements. Until the foreign object is removed, there will be no improvement in the condition.
The production of viscous secretion may be associated with pregnancy, hormonal changes, old age and congenital anatomical features of the nasopharynx. The normal process of cleansing the body can be disrupted due to a stroke or various muscle diseases.
Mucus in the throat: symptoms of a pathological condition
The accumulation of mucus in the throat is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms of varying severity. These include:
• Constant feeling of burning, soreness.
• A lump in the throat that won't go away.
• Constant desire to cough, while the cough will not bring any relief.
• Painful sensations when swallowing, severe discomfort when eating solid foods.
• Runny nose, frequent sneezing.
• Unpleasant sour breath, associated with the active proliferation of pyogenic bacteria.
• Attacks of nausea, vomiting.
• Enlarged cervical lymph nodes, headaches, general weakness.
If the above symptoms appear, you should make an appointment with an otolaryngologist or try to relieve inflammation using traditional medicine recipes. If, when coughing up, streaks of blood are noted in the sputum, it is necessary to urgently conduct additional tests for the presence of a tumor.
A prerequisite for effective treatment is a change in the daily diet. Coffee, spicy foods, alcohol, full-fat milk, and soy are excluded for a while. Preference should be given to warm soups, rosehip decoctions, and foods high in vitamin C. Chicken broth helps remove mucus. An important rule for patients is not to eat before bed.
Mucus in the throat: when medical help is needed
Many patients try to cope with mucus in the throat with unpleasant symptoms on their own. If certain symptoms occur, delay can cause serious complications. A doctor's help is necessary in the following cases:
1) An increase in body temperature above 37.5 degrees may indicate an infectious process.
2) Feeling of body aches, chills.
3) Mucus, tickling and cough do not go away for more than 2 weeks.
4) The sputum contains streaks of pus and blood.
5) The presence of a sour taste in the mouth, discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
6) Infancy of the patient.
7) Against the background of excessive mucus formation, there is pain behind the sternum. This factor may indicate the presence of pneumonia.
8) Severe headaches.
Diagnosing Excessive Mucus Production
When the first signs of excessive mucus formation in the throat appear, you need to pay close attention to its consistency. Sticky dark-colored formations indicate a serious illness. Making an accurate diagnosis is the key to effective treatment.
The doctor must carry out a number of procedures:
• A thorough analysis of the patient's complaints and a general examination of the neck, lymph nodes, thyroid gland, and abdomen.
• Pharyngoscopy. Visual examination of the mucous membrane of the throat does not require special preparation of the patient or the use of complex equipment.
• Laryngoscopy. Before the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking to reduce the manifestations of the gag reflex.
• Biochemical and general blood test.
• To exclude pathologies of the paranasal sinuses, radiography may be required.
• Bacterial analysis of sputum.
In some cases, to make an accurate diagnosis, consultation with a gastroenterologist, neurologist, or endocrinologist is required.
Basic methods for treating mucus in the throat
The main task of treating the formation of mucus in the throat is to influence the cause of the disease and completely eliminate the discomfort. For moderate and severe pathology, antibacterial agents are used. Preference is given to cephalosporins. ENT doctors may also offer the following techniques:
1) Use of synthetic pharmaceutical drugs. There are many effective and safe drugs available on the modern market. Directly affects sputum Ambroxol, Carbocesteine, Mesna, Bromhexine. As a result, it liquefies.
2) Rinsing, as well as washing the nose and throat. The procedure is allowed to be carried out starting from 3 years. A solution of furatsilin and potassium permanganate has become widespread. Gargling is possible with Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. Yox.
3) Prescribing a complex of antihistamines (Loratadine, Suprastin) when determining the allergic component.
4) Rubbing is permissible only in the absence of fever. It is acceptable to use honey with alcohol and goat fat.
5) Use of immunomodulators. Stimulating the body's own defenses allows you to cope with the problem in a shorter time.
7) To consolidate the results obtained, a course of physiotherapy is carried out in a clinic.
Mucus in a child's throat
When diagnosing excessive viscous secretion in the nasopharynx in a child, the treatment provided is complex and more careful. The accumulation of mucus in breastfeeding patients is especially dangerous. Most often in children, negative manifestations are caused by adenoids.
The baby's mucous membranes are extremely sensitive, so all products used must be gentle. Aggressive drugs can damage tissue. Doctors pay attention to the dosage of medications and the frequency of their use.
A colloidal silver solution, Protargol, is highly effective for treating mucus in a child’s throat. Thanks to its use, bacteria are destroyed, the secretion of viscous secretions is reduced, and a drying effect is produced. Breathing exercises will help reduce the amount of mucus.
If there is mucus in the child’s throat, the throat is irrigated with solutions of sea salt with the addition of herbal ingredients. As a result, there is an acceleration of tissue regeneration and hydration of mucous membranes.
As an expectorant, children can be offered: radish juice with honey, licorice syrup, pine cone jam. In some cases, adenoid removal may be necessary to eliminate negative symptoms. Surgery is a last resort in cases where conservative treatment fails.
Prescribing antibiotics is advisable when diagnosing the bacterial nature of the pathology. Preference is given to the drug in the form of a suspension with a pleasant taste, which reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract.
It may be normal for children to have mucus buildup. In infants, viscous secretions flow down due to the narrow lumen of the nasal passages and the inability to blow their nose.
Mucus in the throat: traditional medicine recipes
In some cases, it is possible to overcome the disease without resorting to medications. Before using any product, you should consult a specialist. Accumulation of mucus in the throat area can be treated with:
1) Gargling. The most affordable way is to use salt, soda and iodine. To achieve maximum effect, rinse every three hours. When preparing the solution, you will need a teaspoon of salt and soda, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. Before use, add a few drops of iodine to the resulting product. Rinsing can also be done using a decoction of chamomile and calendula.
2) Inhalations. A proven method for treating mucus in the throat is potatoes. The vegetable is peeled and cooked until fully cooked. Then mash the potatoes, and it is recommended to add a little soda. The sick person should sit in front of the pan, covered with a blanket. You need to breathe warm air for about 10 minutes. It is important not to get burned, as the steam is very hot in the first minutes.
3) Compresses that help in liquefying and removing sputum. The effect is complex on the entire nasopharynx. To do this, you need to squeeze your cottage cheese well, wrap it in cloth and wrap it around your neck. The compress is fixed on top with polyethylene and a warm scarf. The procedure should be carried out at night.
4) Use of natural vegetable oils. Eucalyptus oil has long been used in the treatment of mucus, but it is strictly forbidden to ingest it. The most effective way is to add funds to a spray bottle.
5) Lubricating the throat with alcohol tincture of propolis.
6) Rubbing the front surface of the neck with high-quality unrefined oil and salt.
To reduce the formation of mucous secretions, three-year-old aloe leaves, ground and mixed with honey, are often used. Take a tablespoon after each meal. Drinking heated mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki) with honey will help alleviate the condition.
Important: even time-tested folk recipes can cause harm to the body. If after several days there is no improvement in the condition, self-medication should be stopped and seek help from the nearest medical institution.
Preventing the formation of mucus in the throat
Prevention of excessive mucus formation in the throat consists of following basic rules:
• Drink as much fluid as possible every day to avoid suffering from thickened mucus. You should start the day with a glass of warm water with the addition of natural honey.
• Try to maintain a normal level of humidity in the apartment or work area.
• Regularly carry out water procedures and observe the rules of personal hygiene.
• Give up existing bad habits.
• Hum various melodies with your mouth closed as often as possible, the vibrations of your voice will help with the discharge of phlegm.
• During the peak of colds, use pharmaceutical oxolinic ointment.
• Physical activity, improving immunity with vitamins.
• Stay away from dyes, household chemicals and toxic fumes.
• Visit an ENT doctor at least once a year.
• Raise the head of the bed a little.
• Avoid stressful conditions, unnecessary worries and worries.
The accumulation of secretions in the nasopharynx in most cases indicates the presence of a disease or allergy. It is necessary to find out the causes as quickly as possible and begin treatment.
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Chief editor of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova
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Mucus in the throat: why it accumulates, connection with diseases, how to treat
Mucus in the throat is completely normal. The cells of the epithelium lining the internal cavities constantly produce liquid secretions. This is the key to good functioning of the mucous membrane and the working state of local immunity.
With certain infectious and allergic diseases, hyperfunction of epithelial cells is observed, as a result of which excess mucus can accumulate in the throat and respiratory tract. It provokes a cough, runny nose, and sometimes may contain impurities of pus or blood. Sputum discharged from the throat is an important diagnostic sign. It appears in a number of diseases and requires treatment. Green and white mucus may indicate a pyogenic process. Thick mucus indicates inflammation.
The main causes of mucus in the throat
Excess sputum is produced as a reaction to an agent foreign to the human body. It is designed to protect the mucous membrane and remove the pathogen from its surface. With increased activity of the epithelial cells of the oropharynx or bronchi, mucus collects in the throat. It can also drain from the sinuses during inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and irritate the larynx, causing a cough that gets worse in the morning.
The main factors that provoke an increase in sputum production may be:
- Microorganisms. Virus, bacteria or yeast-like fungus. They cause respiratory tract infections - laryngitis, bronchitis, sore throat, etc. In this case, a wet cough and runny nose with sputum may stop a few days after healing.
- Allergens. When the immune system is overactive, some inhaled substances are perceived by the human body as infectious carriers. These most often include plant pollen, indoor dust, insect feces, etc.
- Malignant or benign tumor. An increase in the secretory activity of mucosal cells is not the main diagnostic sign, but often accompanies the disease.
- Indigestion. In some disorders (reflux, gastritis, etc.), acidic intestinal contents can enter the esophagus or respiratory tract. In such cases, mucosal cells begin to produce more liquid secretion.
Some foods may also slightly increase the amount of phlegm, such as pepper or full-fat milk. The volume of secretions increases in heavy smokers and in people who work for a long time in a gas-filled or smoky room.
Procedure for detecting mucus in the throat
Often patients try to get rid of an unpleasant symptom on their own. The cough is usually preceded by a feeling of mucus, and home treatment is most effective at this stage. Since we are usually talking about a common cold, a doctor’s consultation is not always required. However, if the following symptoms are detected, a doctor’s examination is required:
- Temperature above 37.5°. A high temperature indicates an infectious process that can be stopped with antibiotics and antiviral drugs. The appropriateness of their prescription and the choice of a specific drug should be made by a doctor.
- The patient's age is up to 1 year. Accumulations of mucus in the respiratory tract of an infant are very dangerous. In infancy, any treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.
- The cough lasts more than 2 weeks. A prolonged course of the disease may indicate bronchitis, tuberculosis or throat cancer. A simple examination and listening to the lungs will help determine the cause.
- There is blood or pus in the sputum. Some pyogenic bacteria can cause serious harm to the body. The presence of pus can be determined by the presence of a dense lump of mucus in the sputum, which is not swallowed or is difficult to swallow. The difficulty of treatment is that microorganisms often develop defense mechanisms against popular antibiotics. The resistance spectrum may vary depending on the area. In some cases, it is necessary to isolate the pathogen from sputum and determine its sensitivity to drugs. Only a practicing doctor can prescribe an effective drug, sometimes only after laboratory testing.
- The patient is bothered by severe pain in the throat, aggravated by swallowing and accompanied by a disturbance in voice tones. This clinical picture is typical for both non-dangerous diseases, such as laryngitis and tracheitis, and for a growing tumor. In the latter case, the severity of the symptoms will gradually increase: at first, patients complain that something seems to be bothering them; in the final stages, it becomes difficult to swallow even liquid food. The doctor will examine the back of the throat using a pharyngoscope and determine the cause of the discomfort.
- Pain behind the sternum. X-rays and listening to the lungs using a phonendoscope are required for this symptom. They help rule out pneumonia.
- Preceding the cough is a runny nose, headache. This may be signs of sinusitis, in which case therapeutic measures aimed at the throat will be useless.
- Increased sputum production is accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth, pain in the stomach, most pronounced after eating food, especially spicy or smoked food. Then it is necessary to examine the stomach cavity using an endoscope. This will help confirm or exclude a connection between hyperproduction of mucus and problems in the digestive system.
Getting rid of phlegm
Along with curing the source of the disease or eliminating the provoking factor, it is recommended to act on the symptom itself. This treatment is especially recommended for dry coughs when sputum is not coughed up. The appropriate measures can be taken at home:
- Rinsing. This method allows you to remove mucus from the throat. You can gargle from the age of 3 years. It is difficult for young children to explain the sequence of actions; they swallow the solution, which can often be dangerous.
- Inhalation. The procedure can be carried out in two ways - dry and wet (using steam). The second type of method includes the therapeutic effect of heating. Important! It should not be used at high temperatures, or if there are ulcers or erosions in the throat and mouth. Inhalation can be carried out without special devices, by inhaling steam over a pan, or using a nebulizer, which is much safer since there is no risk of burns.
- Taking secretolytics and mucolytics. If the phlegm in the throat is too thick, it may have problems clearing it away. In this case, symptoms such as a sore throat, unproductive cough, soreness and pain when swallowing are possible. The doctor may prescribe agents that dilute sputum, increasing its production or acting directly on the secretion, as well as compounds that accelerate mucocytic transport.
Folk remedies to combat phlegm
Often, it is possible to facilitate the removal of mucus without going to the pharmacy for expensive synthetic medications.
The following herbal infusions and preparations will help cope with excess phlegm:
- Sage, chamomile, calendula. Herbs will be especially useful for those who suffer from bacterial inflammation. They soothe a sore throat and promote mucus removal. In addition, the decoction has a bactericidal effect.
- Liquorice root. It can be purchased in syrup or tincture form. Its pleasant taste makes it an optimal drug for children. It reduces the frequency of coughing attacks, but increases the amount of sputum produced.
- Althea, elecampane. Important! The collection is recommended for use only in adults due to the high content of substances in the plants that resemble human sex hormones in structure. It serves to enhance expectoration.
- Coltsfoot, thermopsis. Both plants can have a toxic effect if taken over a long period of time, but they are excellent for helping with difficulties with sputum production. They dilute the secretion due to the saponins and alkaloids they contain.
Synthetic pharmaceutical drugs
Serious problems or reluctance to tinker with decoctions and tinctures lead patients to the decision to buy a ready-made, highly effective product. On the modern market of pharmacological drugs there are a lot of affordable and safe drugs suitable for use by adults and children:
- Bromhexine. The drug is produced without contraindications. Side effects are rare and include indigestion and allergic reactions. Bromhexine acts on the bronchial glands and increases their production of liquid secretion, due to which it becomes less viscous.
- Ambroxol. The mechanism of operation of the drug is similar to the previous remedy. It is somewhat better tolerated and causes less side effects. Ambroxol is recommended for use in premature babies and babies with respiratory failure.
- Carbocesteine. The drug acts directly on sputum, activating enzymes that help liquefy it. It also enhances mucolytic transport, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, stimulating the processes of regeneration and healing. It is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in some cases of damage to the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. It is not recommended to use carbocesteine together with antitussive drugs, since they weaken each other's activity.
- Mesna. The drug thins mucus and has an expectorant effect. Used as an inhalation solution or nasal aerosol. The drug can cause side effects from the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs, including bronchospasm. It should be taken with caution by the elderly and newborn infants. Ampoules with drug residues should be thrown away, since it quickly oxidizes in air.
Preventing excessive mucus production
Since mucus in the throat is a symptom and not an independent disease, there are no specific preventive measures. However, you can significantly reduce the risk of sputum hyperproduction if you follow these rules:
- Maintain sufficient air humidity in work and rest areas.
- Give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol.
- During the peak of colds, use oxolinic ointment or gauze bandages.
- At least once a year, visit an ENT doctor and have a fluorography done.
- If you have a persistent cough, do not delay consulting a specialist.
Source: http://uhonos.ru/gorlo/simptomy-gorla/sliz/
How to get snot out of your throat if you can't cough it up
Snot in the throat can occur as a symptom of various diseases of the respiratory, gastrointestinal tract, allergies, or be present as a physiological condition of the body. A specialist can determine the causes of mucus accumulation in the throat after a series of examinations. To suggest the cause of the condition, it is important to pay attention to other symptoms.
Why does mucus accumulate in the throat?
The sensation of a lump in the throat may appear due to exposure to local irritating factors or general pathological conditions. An accumulation of snot on the back of a child’s throat may be normal. In infants, mucus flows into the throat due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the nasal passages (narrow lumen) and the inability to blow the nose or expectorate it.
Mucus often flows into the throat from the nasal cavity
The main reasons for the accumulation of mucus on the back wall of the throat in adults and children over one year old include:
- Irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and oropharynx by polluted air, smoking, spicy hot foods, alcoholic drinks, local medications (sprays, lozenges). When exposed to these factors, the mucous membrane is “protected” by increased production of mucus and its accumulation at the site of irritation. The sensation of a lump between the nose and throat continues until the irritating factor is eliminated.
- Respiratory tract diseases - chronic bronchitis, sore throat, pneumonia, rhinitis. In this case, the secretion may be released in the form of green snot or clots if the process has a bacterial etiology. In chronic rhinitis, snot accumulates in the throat constantly.
- Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sinusitis). The inflammatory process is characterized by increased mucus production and impaired elimination, which provokes the accumulation of thick snot between the nose and throat.
- Diseases of the digestive tract. Stagnation of mucus in the throat is more typical for problems with the esophagus.
- Allergy. Most often, snot accumulates in the throat due to local exposure to an allergen (dust, fur, pollen) inhaled in the air.
- Drug-induced rhinitis. It is caused by long-term use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, which lead to hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa. In this condition, snot is practically not coughed up, and nasal breathing is difficult.
- Hormonal changes. Overproduction and accumulation of mucus can occur against the background of endocrine diseases, during hormonal changes in adolescence and pregnancy.
- Neoplasms of the nasopharynx (polyps, tumors), deviated nasal septum. The patient is tormented by constant snot, which makes it difficult or completely blocks nasal breathing.
Chronic sinusitis often causes mucus to accumulate in the nasopharynx
Signs of mucus accumulation in the nasopharynx
The following signs indicate a violation of mucus transport:
- feeling of a lump in the throat;
- sore or burning throat;
- discomfort in the throat area;
- constant desire to cough;
- difficulty swallowing.
Clots of snot cause a lot of inconvenience, in particular:
- interfere with normal breathing;
- interfere with food intake;
- cause bad breath or a specific taste.
If mucus stagnation is caused by non-infectious factors, but by local mechanical or chemical irritants, the accumulated mucus is transparent, expectorated, and has a thin consistency. The general condition of the patient does not change.
You can suspect the infectious origin of snot in the throat by the following signs:
- violation of the general condition (fever, weakness, chills, malaise);
- change in consistency and smell of secreted secretions.
What to do if mucus accumulates in the throat?
If you have the above symptoms, you should consult an otolaryngologist. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations, consultations, or immediately prescribe treatment.
- general blood analysis;
- blood test for antibodies to viruses;
- bacterial culture and microscopy of a nasopharyngeal smear;
- allergy tests;
- rhinoscopy;
- endoscopy of the nasopharynx.
The first person to visit if you have symptoms of mucus accumulation in the throat is an ENT doctor
How to cure mucus congestion in the throat
The treatment strategy depends on the cause of mucus stagnation in the nasopharynx. To get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to adhere to an integrated approach. First of all, patients are shown etiotropic treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.
Etiotropic therapy medications include:
- Antibacterial agents. Used to treat snot of bacterial origin. Systemic drugs – Co-trimoxazole, Flemoxin Solutab, Amoxiclav; local action - nasal drops Protargol, Collargol.
- Antiviral drugs. Used for the treatment of snot that occurs against the background of ARVI or after it: Anaferon, Immunal, Resistol.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptics: Orasept spray, Lugol spray, Ingalipt aerosol.
- Antihistamines. Used for allergic diseases: Suprastin, Fenistil, Eden, Loratadine.
Drug treatment depends entirely on the cause of the discomfort.
Simultaneously with the main treatment, symptomatic treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating the signs of the disease. You can remove a lump in your throat by rinsing. The procedure allows you not only to liquefy and remove snot that is stuck in the throat, but also to dry out the mucous membrane
To prepare the solution you can use:
How to rinse correctly: step-by-step instructions
- Take a syringe without a needle or a syringe and fill it with rinsing solution.
- Insert the tip into one nostril.
- Lean over the sink.
- Inject the contents of the syringe into the nostril under pressure.
- If done correctly, the solution will wash through the nasopharynx and exit from the other nostril.
- Repeat the manipulation 2-3 times.
Instructions for rinsing the nasal cavity
To rinse the nose, you can use ready-made saline solutions (Humer, Aquamaris), which are available in the form of a spray.
Folk recipes
- Drink plenty of fluids. 8 glasses of water per day is enough fluid to remove toxins from the body and thin phlegm.
- Inhalations with eucalyptus oil will help get rid of snot that collects in the throat.
- Drink a paste of crushed aloe leaves with honey in the morning and evening.
- A mixture of dried calendula flowers with honey inside.
The accumulation of secretions in the nasopharynx in most cases indicates various diseases or allergies. If you feel discomfort or a lump in your throat, you should consult a doctor. Due to the polyetiology of the symptom, self-medication may be ineffective.
Lyubov Grigorievna 12/29/15
Excellent answer, we will treat it, I think it will help, thank you.
Fatkulena Guzel 03/07/16
I have a month-old baby, the snot in his throat just won’t come out, sometimes he can’t breathe, it’s like he’s choking, he doesn’t sleep well. No fever, no cough either. I feel normal, but this is the only thing that bothers me. I don’t know what to do, how to help the baby.
Try using an aspirator; it works well to remove mucus from the nasopharynx.
Contact your pediatrician
Good afternoon, we have the same thing, how did you get it out?
Thanks for the complete answer. It turned out unexpectedly that gastrointestinal diseases can cause a lump. The doctor said that the husband was not amenable to treatment, although he faithfully followed the instructions. There was a temporary improvement.
I have snot in my throat, it bothers me, I can’t help but swallow it and spit it out! My dears, what should I do?
I suffered for a long time with a snot in my throat and a lump for almost a year and nothing helped me. I bought pharmacy chamomile, 1 tbsp per 150 ml of boiling water, stood for 10 minutes, gargled and drank, everything went away
Strip 3-6 times a day, drank 3 times. I suffered more.
What exactly did you rinse with?
I suffered for 10 years and couldn’t swallow. Sometimes I couldn’t drink water. It’s been 3 years since I’ve been dripping my nose and either blowing it out through my nose or going down into my throat on its own.
Lyudmila 01.22..01.18
I, too, have been suffering for 10 years, mucus flows from the left side of the nasopharynx into the throat. What are you using? At the beginning, I also went to doctors, even went to see a professor, did everything that was recommended, spent a lot of money, but to no avail, I don’t know what to do, I suffer a lot, especially during the exacerbation process.
Angela Koshechka 01/31/18
Drink tea with raspberry and you'll be a cucumber
Go to a gastroenterologist and ENT specialist.
There was a similar problem. The mucus in the throat does not clear, leading to a gag reflex. There is a solution - serrata tablets, take 1t/3 times a day. Liquefies snot and makes it easy to cough up. The second is mandatory rinsing of the nose with a solution of sea salt.
I treated nasopharynx for 2 years. There was a nasty sensation of snot accumulating in the throat. They treated me for everything, including allergies. They treated me until one smart woman, an ENT specialist, suggested checking my thyroid gland. The result is a node, an operation. Thank you, we found it not too late.
Please help me, I have snot in my throat, some kind of lump is preventing me from breathing, I can, but something is stopping me. We have tried many, many medications, but it doesn’t help. I read on the Internet that you can rinse your nose. Tell me what I should use to relieve my discomfort in my throat.
The smell from the mouth is bothersome. The feeling is this: lump and snot. Sometimes cough.
Cervical osteochondrosis, get an MRI.
Very straight forward. If osteochondrosis is detected, only Shishonin charging. Do it 3 times a day and 110% will go away in about a month, but the improvement will be little by little right away.
Angela kitty 01/31/18
I need to cough up my throat, but I feel uncomfortable. Please help me, I hate coughing up! Well, we're friends, aren't we?
Please, help! Cough, mucus in the throat and nasopharynx, exhausted! There is no peace day or night! I did everything I could - antibiotics, rinses, sprays, antihistamines - nothing helped!
There is a lump on the right side of the nasopharynx. It is impossible to clear the nose completely and does not cough up. Coughing leads to a strong cough, a condition that interferes with a film in the throat. With a strong cough, saliva with snot comes out, but the lump is still there in the nasopharynx.
There is a constant lump in my throat. I have to clear my throat. I breathe normally through my nose. The mucus is light. How to get rid of it?
I had the same thing, I had a lump in my throat, I was treated by an endocrinologist, an ENT specialist, and a therapist. I had an appointment with a gastroenterologist, had an endoscopy, was diagnosed with reflux esophagitis, and took omeprozole, Almagel, and Creon. Be sure to check with a gastroenterologist, you may have heartburn or an upset stomach.
Who did you go through? I've been flying for half a year, but I haven't gotten over it yet. I take pantoprazole and eat small portions. That's all the treatment. Transparent convex stripes are visible on the mucous membrane of the pharynx. They give the feeling of a coma. Does anyone know how to get rid of them?
After a prolonged acute respiratory viral infection, mucus began to collect in my throat. My nose was constantly stuffy and I had headaches. I went to see an ENT specialist, and it turned out that I had started to develop sinusitis. The doctor prescribed me to rinse my nose with an antibiotic solution. To remove phlegm, I prescribed Sinor capsules. I agree with rinsing my nose, but I don’t agree with stuffing my body with antibiotics. Before taking the capsules, I read the ingredients. The drug is based on natural herbs, so I decided to be treated with it. In addition, I gargled with a solution of furatsilin. After 2-3 days, I felt better. Lumps of mucus were coughed up from the throat, and the nose began to breathe. About five days later, I took a repeat x-ray. Sinusitis was cured. This treatment helped me and there was no need for a puncture. So you can try this treatment too!
Victoria, hello! Thank you very much for the advice, I’m suffering from a runny nose in my nasopharynx! I will definitely try to buy your Sinor. I think it will help.
The capsules are called sinorm, not sinor.
I cough up snot day and night, can you tell me how to get rid of it?
For many years I have had snot collecting between my nasopharynx in the morning, I often had a sore throat, and now my thyroid gland is thickened.
I was tormented by phlegm in the morning. Until you cough it up, it’s somehow hard to breathe. I contacted an ENT specialist, a pulmonologist, and an endocrinologist. Whatever was prescribed to me, I did everything in good faith, but to no avail.
I started having a sore throat, I rinsed it with baking soda, there was no snot as such, and my nose was constantly stuffy and I couldn’t live without drops at all. Now there is mucus in my throat, I can’t cough it all up, it keeps coming back and forth, so I started taking antibiotics. .
Since July 2017, I noticed discomfort in the nasopharynx in the absence of obvious signs of a runny nose or sore throat. The mucus was coughed up (you usually hear it on the street somewhere, as men smoking or drinking do) or expelled through the nose. However, before this, for 1.5 months in February-March, I had tracheobronchitis (soreness, coughing every minute), and sore throat this summer. In July 2017, I met a woman who had forgotten what sinusitis was. Thanks Riciniol! Natural product. And another woman told how she treated sinusitis, and at the same time the nodes on the thyroid gland disappeared (someone here called this one of the reasons). This is how everything in the body is interconnected. So I bought riciniol for myself today, I believed that I would get rid of it, and it was not in vain - the mucus seemed to become thinner and began to come off easier, now there is no constant annoying “cough-cough” to those around me. By the way, for children to prevent colds, especially those who attend kindergarten, this is worth a lot. I apply drops to my 3-year-old daughter and lubricate her throat at the first sign of a cold. tripoli1776@yandex.by
What kind of riciniol for the nose? Are there many types of them?
I have bronchitis and it's hard for me to breathe.
VERY GOOD INSTRUCTION! Viburnum honey and vodka
My nose is running, sometimes green, sometimes light, sometimes snot like water, and now it’s flowing down my throat, a lot, I’ve done treatment, nothing helps, we don’t have normal ENT doctors in Dagestan, please help.
I got a cold in the bronchi, a small cough, but as soon as you lay down there was a squeak and a whistle, in short an orchestra, and I don’t smoke, then the mucus tormented me, I decided to treat the whole body, that is, to remove as much as possible the ballast that prevents it from working, if there is a large stomach, that means I need that too, and then I started drinking goat’s milk and birch tar, instead of an antibiotic, and drowned out the wheezing and mucus, that’s how it goes.
Mucus in the throat does not give rest either day or night. I had an MRI, visited a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist, Laura, everyone says that everything is fine, but I feel bad. What to do?
It's like an allergy. Find out what you are allergic to.
I read what people write and was once again convinced that we have no medicine, we don’t have good specialists. I also suffer from an accumulation of mucus in my throat and have been to three doctors, each of them treated me, but there was no benefit, only my health was affected well, but the problem remained for more than 5 years. I have been suffering.
Oh Lord have mercy. Brought me here for a similar problem! I got sick, at the appointment the therapist diagnosed acute tracheitis, a few days later I felt worse and the treatment was ineffective, I took an x-ray of the sinuses, went to the ENT specialist - they diagnosed acute purulent left-sided sinusitis. The ENT specialist decided to immediately make a puncture; as a result, there was so much pus that even the ENT specialist did not expect (these accumulations were not even visible in the picture, which is already strange). They immediately prescribed the antibiotic Ceftriaxone intravenously and Sinupret 2 t 3 r. I was at the day hospital. I went for injections every day. Then, on the 3rd day of the injection, I felt sick from the antibiotic itself and the dose was divided into morning/evening intramuscularly. They did a rinse (cuckoo), then on the 6th day of treatment they changed the antibiotics to Sumamed 1 t per day. And they did another rinse. Before sumamed, I complained of dizziness and absent-mindedness, general weakness and pain in the frontal part of my head, although the upper part also ached. Sumamed and washing made me feel better. The temperature finally went away, but something was wrong with my head. The runny nose comes back after washing. I was terrified! Then, for another 3 days, the ENT doctor prescribed Azithromycin (Russian analogue of Sumamed). The last flush was difficult (the left sinus was very congested, the ENT specialist suggested a puncture again, but I categorically refused, since I urgently needed to go to work and my body could no longer tolerate these antibiotics. It’s so scary. The treatment is incomprehensible, there are no examinations. I don’t even have blood I took antibiotics before taking such doses. It’s scary to get sick when there is no extra money, there’s no point in free. I go to work and don’t know what will happen next. I just hope for God’s mercy. And I’ll try the rinsing from your advice.
Good health to everyone.
There was also a problem, you were given a puncture (puncture) incorrectly, washing alone is not enough, after the first puncture a catheter is left in the nose through which the medicine is administered, and so on until there is no pus at all, then it is taken out and that’s it, that is, everyone there is no need to pierce the cartilages in the nasopharynx. Contact another lore and everything will be fine.
I also suffer from this problem, and the doctors also say that everything is fine, but the snot in my throat bothers me. I also hope for reviews on the Internet.
As I understand you. I saw four ENT specialists, a gastroenterologist, a therapist, a neurologist and a psychiatrist. All they could do was write me down as “crazy”, that I was kind of imagining everything. And the snot in my throat also bothers me.
Go to a psychotherapist.
There are so many of us who suffer from mucus in the throat. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one. I've been suffering for over a year now. Nerves are on edge. Maybe someone knows an effective way to combat this disease?
I’ve had this for 5 years now, and I don’t know what to do, I haven’t been to the doctors.
There is mucus in my throat, I can’t clear my throat, it’s in the way, maybe there’s something wrong with my stomach, I had an FGS.
Hello, I have the same problem, a lump in my throat, I checked it, was treated by an ENT specialist, but to no avail. I realized one thing: you don’t need to eat fried foods, especially sweet ones, and then it’s a little easier.
I have snot in my throat + a freaking cough, not strong, not frequent, but sometimes. This bullshit started after a severe flu, and since October last year I’ve been trying to get rid of snot in my throat and cough. I never thought it would be so hard. The food is dietary. Herbal teas, various. I have been doing nasal rinsing and Strelnikov breathing exercises for half a year now. Nothing changes. I'm going to fast on fresh juices, I don't know what to do anymore. Has anyone gotten rid of this crap?
I fasted for 10 days in January. While I was starving I didn’t clear my throat. After fasting everything came back. I did an analysis of the pharynx and nose, went to an immunologist, and took tests. While I'm recovering, we'll see.
Alexey, you write that you are still undergoing treatment. How are you treated, and what did the immunologist find? The second day I am fasting, I do inhalations with potatoes and eucalyptus oil, even more mucus comes out, but it seems like it should be - I hope the body is cleansing.
Sachet. According to the analysis of the nose - staphylococcus confluent growth. Deviated nasal septum (I’m thinking about whether to have surgery or not, since I already had it 10 years ago).
Treatment: Vibrocil, Aqualor, chloramphenicol drops, desrinitis, bacteriophage, UFO, lykopid, sinupret, montelukast. I’m coughing less, but I’m not cured yet.
I've had the same problem for five years now. I went everywhere, tried everything. One of the ENT specialists said that the reason for the formation of snot and flow down the wall of the pharynx is the curvature of the nasal septum, and it needs to be corrected, i.e. hammer. Is it possible? Got a cough. When you drink alcohol, it stops.
I’ve been suffering from snot for years now, and as I see, there are a lot of us here. I also went to Laura and was treated for something stupid, then they discovered a deviated nasal septum. We decided to break it. From my personal experience I say that it is very painful and the rehabilitation is not pleasant; at first you cannot breathe at all. And why am I all this, that the operation did not change anything, I continue to suffer, therefore, if your septum does not specifically make it difficult for you to breathe, then you should not go there again
It’s also very strange, as soon as you drink a particularly strong drink, you immediately start coughing everything up.
I also noticed that if you drink on holiday, everything goes away.
They chiseled my nasal septum and it was distorted. I suffered too. I was a year old. After that everything was fine, nothing bothered me. But 10 years later it all started again. Mucus accumulates in the throat again. It turns out that you need to constantly break through the partition?
And they pounded me 3 years ago and I started to grimace again, there’s no point in enduring this, but there was no mucus, I just couldn’t breathe. And now I’m sick of the mucus and no one can help, I decided to have a second rhinoplasty (they decided that the mucus was due to swelling on the shells) and what do you think, it’s only gotten worse, although my nose is still breathing..
The sore throat left me with a slight runny nose and a lump in my throat. I drank both for a runny nose and expectorants, went to both free and paid hospitals to see ENT specialists. no use. Sometimes when I try to induce vomiting, a little snot-like fluid comes out. After this it gets a little easier, but not for long. This lump in my throat really bothers me. And he doesn’t seem to have a runny nose, but he seems to have one. I can breathe through my nose. I have been suffering for more than 2 years. I’m thinking about going to the salt chamber, maybe it will help.
Guys, has anyone tried rinsing your nose and throat, following the advice of Professor Neumyvaikin, with hydrogen peroxide? It would be interesting to know. He claims that in 3 weeks it should help.
Country of idiots. The president forces three children to be given birth, but there is no one to treat ordinary people. Our climate is cold and viral diseases are the main scourge, as well as all ailments associated with the ears, throat, and nose. For 20 years, not a single doctor has been able to even suggest anything useful for the treatment of chronic sinusitis. Doctors often do not specifically make a diagnosis (they write that there is nothing), avoiding responsibility, because... they do not know how to treat and do not want to be responsible for incorrectly prescribed treatment.
Yes, medicine in our country is in a deplorable state. I have the same problem, a lump in my throat, constant mucus in my throat does not clear up. I've been going to hospitals for a year now, to no avail. GRBE - treated. MRI - I also had an x-ray to check for osteochondrosis. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland is normal. An ultrasound of the lymphatic vessels was also performed. Tested for fungi and flora. The doctor just runs through tests and doesn’t know what to do.
My daughter has the same problem - mucus, does not clear her throat, she was treated by an ENT specialist for half a year, everything was fine, she had a laser throat cleansing. Now she is suffering again. We saw an endocrinologist, she found no problems. I feel sorry for my daughter, she snorts all the time. I don’t know what to do anymore.
I have had mucus in my throat for almost 3 years now. I visited 5 ENT specialists, a gastroenterologist, 2 therapists, did an endoscopy, CT scan, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and blood tests for hormones, Ig E, analysis for EBV, cytomegalovirus, worms, a bunch of nasopharyngeal bacterial cultures, FGDS, 10 courses of antibiotics and a bunch of other treatments. And now I’ve practically given up. Because A lot of time, money and effort were spent, but things are still there. It feels like some new virus unknown to doctors.
I spend hours reading information on the topic of mucus on the Internet. I get the feeling at a doctor’s appointment that I know more about draining mucus than they do, because... Almost all examinations were carried out on my initiative. They just look in surprise and with misunderstanding.
How did it end? Our whole family is like this.
Only in the morning I cough up green clots from my throat. There is also green snot from the nose. What is this? This is the second week like this. Which doctor should I go to? Or do it?
Hello, Ivan, I have a similar situation, I noticed that I stopped eating bread and other cereal products, there was much less mucus. try eliminating bread.
Bread is not the reason, believe me
There are no such doctors, I’ve been running for 2 years, I’ve spent a lot of money on drugs and there’s no point. I used to think that I was the only one who was so sick, but now I know a lot of us. Let's wait until science can figure out how to get rid of this, just to wait and not choke on snot to death.
Today at 4 am I woke up with my nose completely stuffed up, although I wasn’t blowing anything out, but I couldn’t breathe. She swallowed air with her mouth like a fish, and when swallowing air, the snot-like liquid seemed to glue the passage of her throat. It was so scary. I was suffocating and couldn’t help myself. I started doing everything in a row - rinsing my nose, taking Suprastin just in case of allergies, keeping my head down. I tried to somehow make a hole for breathing. Then a plug of snot popped out (since I was breathing through my throat, it had apparently dried up) and one of my sinuses broke through. Now I'm just terribly afraid of this condition. Doctors, as they agreed, everyone prescribes their own medicines according to the scheme of whoever is more expensive, but to no avail. What to do?
This is a complication after an illness. The doctor will cure - time. Rinse your nose with salt water.
Hello, my granddaughter clears her throat every morning and spits out snot every evening. I do not know what to do! We went to the ENT specialist, he said to take a picture. Help!
This disease is incurable! I myself suffer from this problem, especially when I go to bed. The dryness in the nose is terrible, snot comes through the nose, I constantly swallow this mucus, because it bothers me. Doctors don’t really treat this scourge, there is only temporary relief, then it starts again and I’ve been suffering for 8 years. Nerves are already at their limit; rinsing the nose and throat with chamomile or sea salt helps to remove a little mucus. It’s also better not to eat at night; fatty and fried foods also have a bad effect. It’s just terrible, I don’t have the strength to fight anymore.
Victoria, I, too, preferentially swallow all my snot, because if it’s thick, it’s easier to swallow it than to blow your nose, and if you’re with someone, it’s all the more clear that there’s no option other than swallowing, but I have experience( and therefore the experience of the disease and its consequences) of chronic runny nose is less than yours, for now. I’m writing, and at the same time I wanted to ask you, and those who still suffer from similar diseases, if you swallow mucus (snot), then there is no significant harm from this?
When swallowed, the infection enters the stomach, nothing good. I read this.
Since July 2017, I noticed discomfort in the nasopharynx in the absence of obvious signs of a runny nose or sore throat. The mucus was coughed up (you usually hear it on the street somewhere, as men smoking or drinking do) or expelled through the nose. However, before this, for 1.5 months in February-March, I had tracheobronchitis (soreness, coughing every minute), and sore throat this summer. In July 2017, I met a woman who had forgotten what sinusitis was. Thanks Riciniol! And another woman told how she treated sinusitis, and at the same time the nodes on the thyroid gland disappeared (someone here called this one of the reasons). This is how everything in the body is interconnected. So I bought riciniol for myself today and I believe that I will get rid of this scourge forever. By the way, for children to prevent colds, especially those who attend kindergarten, this is worth a lot. Contact Yulia Kiseleva, Minsk (vkontakte)
I thought I was the only one suffering. I've had it for over half a year now. Was at the ENT. They washed out, he says, a deviated nasal septum. I washed it with a solution of salt and peroxide (Neumyvakin). Nothing helped, the only thing I noticed was when I was hospitalized with food poisoning, this torment stopped. As I understand it, this is due to the gastrointestinal tract. I tried drinking omez, but diet makes it easier. I'll try everything I find and post it later.
From my experience, when I drink more water, it becomes easier. Washing also helps, but only temporarily. I started getting mucus and coughing for about three weeks after a severe sore throat.
Since July 2017, I noticed discomfort in the nasopharynx in the absence of obvious signs of a runny nose or sore throat. The mucus was coughed up (you usually hear it on the street somewhere, as men smoking or drinking do) or expelled through the nose. However, before this, for 1.5 months in February-March, I had tracheobronchitis (soreness, coughing every minute), and sore throat this summer. In July 2017, I met a woman who had forgotten what sinusitis was. Thanks Riciniol! And another woman told how she treated sinusitis, and at the same time the nodes on the thyroid gland disappeared (someone here called this one of the reasons). This is how everything in the body is interconnected. So I bought riciniol for myself today and I believe that I will get rid of this scourge forever. By the way, for children to prevent colds, especially those who attend kindergarten, this is worth a lot. tripoli1776@yandex.by
For six months now, mucus from the nasopharynx has not been coughed up, but is difficult to swallow. There is no sniffle in the nose, it seems to be dry. The nostrils take turns breathing halfway. It all started a month after I quit smoking. The smoking period is very long. I haven't smoked for 8 months.
I haven't smoked for four months and still have the same problem. What can you do about it!? Tell!
For 4 months in a row I had tracheobranchitis, pharyngitis, and bronchitis. I was cured only with antibiotics; apart from them, neither rinsing nor anything else helped. Today my throat is again sharply red, burning, snot flowing down the wall of my throat. And the nose breathes normally.
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ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!
Source: http://superlor.ru/lechenie/chto-delat-gorle-sobirayutsya-sopli