There was blood coming from my ear

Bleeding from the ears: causes, how to treat

Bleeding from the ear is a dangerous symptom that occurs as a result of injury or a number of diseases. Ear bleeding signals a pathology in the body.

Table of contents:

This phenomenon is a serious reason to contact an otolaryngologist, who will determine the cause of the blood and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The special structure of the auditory analyzer and earwax, which has a bactericidal effect, protect the inner ear and brain from infection from the external environment. When exposed to unfavorable factors, sulfur loses its beneficial properties, liquefies, and ceases to protect the human body from microbes, making the ears most vulnerable.

The causes of ear bleeding are varied and very serious. Bleeding from the ear is an alarming sign that should not be ignored.


Mechanical damage

  • Scratches and abrasions form on the skin of the ear canal as a result of cleaning the ears with cotton swabs. This is the most common cause of ear bleeding, which is minor and ends in crusting. Dried blood must be removed. Scratches and abrasions of the ear canal heal on their own and do not require treatment or observation.
  • When cleaning the ear canal with a stick, it is possible to push the person under the elbow. This causes pain and blood appears on the stick. At the appointment, the doctor discovers a blood clot in the ear and an intact eardrum.
  • Injury to the eardrum leads to minor bleeding from the ear. Cleaning the ears with improvised objects damages the ear canal, the membrane ruptures, blood is released in small quantities and quickly stops.
  • Skull injuries are almost always accompanied by bleeding from the ears, which is life-threatening. When the bones of the skull are fractured, the temporal region and the tympanic cavity are injured, the eardrum is ruptured, the great vessels and mucous membrane of the middle ear are damaged, and bleeding occurs. A skull fracture is a fairly rare occurrence that occurs as a result of severe trauma. The cranial bone is considered one of the strongest structures of the human body, which is associated with its main function - protecting the brain from damage. A skull fracture causes severe bleeding from the ears, which can lead to deafness. Treatment of a fracture of the base of the skull is carried out in the traumatology or neurosurgical department of a medical institution.
  • When the ear is injured, ear bleeding often occurs. The impact damages the blood vessels, they rupture, and blood flows out of the ear. Ear bleeding in this case is prolonged, but not severe. It is almost impossible to stop it on your own; you need the help of a specialist.
  • In children, a common cause of bleeding from the ear is a foreign body - small parts of toys, coins, buttons. It is not always possible to detect these objects in a child’s ear in time. A foreign object in the ear leads to the development of inflammation and bleeding, which requires contacting a specialist.


Infectious and inflammatory pathology of the eardrum - myringitis develops as a result of infection from the external environment or the tympanic cavity. Patients are concerned about pain, intoxication, and tinnitus. If left untreated, a severe form of inflammation develops, which is accompanied by ear bleeding. In children, myringitis is manifested by the appearance of blood and blisters with serous contents.

Another etiological factor for bleeding from the ear is a boil of the external auditory canal. Injuries and abrasions on the skin are an entry point for viruses and bacteria that enter the wound and cause limited purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. With a decrease in the general resistance of the body, saprophytic and epidermal staphylococci penetrate the hair follicle and cause the development of a pathological process. A boil can reach enormous sizes and look like a giant pimple or neoplasm. In addition to local symptoms - throbbing pain and swelling in the ear, patients develop signs of general intoxication - fever, chills, weakness. After maturation, the boil bursts, pus is released along with blood, and the patient’s condition returns to normal. Only a specialist has the right to open an abscess. He makes an incision, removes purulent contents and treats the wound with antiseptics.

Ear candidiasis is an opportunistic mycosis that affects the skin and mucous membranes. The causative agent of the pathology is yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The walls of inflamed blood vessels lose their elasticity, become thinner and break. This is how ear bleeding develops. The pathology is manifested by itching in the ears, the appearance of copious discharge, maceration of the skin and often leads to deafness. Bleeding from the ear is a severe complication of candidiasis, developing only in advanced cases in the absence of adequate treatment.

Ear bleeding sometimes occurs with acute otitis media. Usually its appearance is preceded by fever, ear pain, and purulent discharge. Blood drains from the ear along with purulent contents.


  • A tumor in the tympanic cavity often causes bleeding from the ear. Depending on the size and location, a neoplasm can be detected with the naked eye in the ear canal. It may protrude beyond the outer ear or be located in the tympanic cavity. Patients experience ear pain, dizziness, and hearing loss.
  • A polyp in the ear canal is a local complication of chronic purulent otitis media that develops in the absence of timely treatment. This is a pathological growth of tissue in the ear canal that periodically bleeds. Polyps are attached to the mucous membrane using a wide base or thin stalk. Purulent and bloody discharge are symptoms of polyps in the ears. They can only be removed surgically.
  • Ear carcinoma is a malignant tumor growing from the epithelial cells of the middle ear. Reaching significant sizes, it puts pressure on blood vessels, which are damaged. This is how ear bleeding occurs.

Pressure change

  1. In people with hypertension, ear bleeding is a result of high blood pressure. Patients are worried about headache, dizziness, nausea, pulsation in the head, pain in the back of the head, spots before the eyes, redness of the face. When the pressure rises sharply, blood flows from the nose and ears simultaneously. An antihypertensive drug will help normalize blood pressure. Since nosebleeds are a dangerous symptom, you must call an ambulance.
  2. Divers are most susceptible to bleeding from the ears. This is due to a sharp dive to depth and rise to the surface. Sudden pressure surges lead to rupture of the eardrum, which is often accompanied by the appearance of bloody discharge from the ear.


Treatment for bleeding from the ears depends on the cause. To determine it, you need to contact a specialist who will examine the ear and provide qualified medical care.

At home, the patient must be seated and his head tilted down and to the side. This will allow the blood to flow out freely. It is forbidden to cover the ear canal with tampons. Once you are sure that the bleeding has stopped, you should treat the lesion with an antiseptic solution and apply a bandage. Ice will help stop ear bleeding.

  • Scratches and abrasions of the auricle and ear canal are usually accompanied by minor bleeding. The blood stops on its own, forming a crust on the surface. In this case, the ear must be rinsed with warm water and the scratch lubricated with any antiseptic.
  • If the cause of ear bleeding is a foreign body, then you should not pull it out yourself. This can lead to the object being pushed in and worsening the patient's condition. Sharp objects in a child's ear can damage delicate internal structures.
  • To treat bacterial otitis, antibiotics are used, while fungal otitis is treated with antimycotic ointments and drops. At home, you can rinse the auricle with warm saline solution and drop warmed olive oil into the ear. If there is bleeding from the ear during acute otitis, this indicates damage to deep-lying tissues and the development of purulent inflammation and even meningitis. Treatment for this condition is more serious, including antimicrobial agents, painkillers, camphor oil, and badger lard.
  • General treatment for a boil in the ear canal is strengthening the immune system, relieving pain and using antibiotics; local treatment is treating the abscess during its maturation with boric acid, and after opening it, removing the exudate with warm saline.
  • Damage and rupture of the eardrum are always accompanied by bleeding from the ear. Typically, patients clean their ears and find blood on a cotton swab. Damage to the eardrum is possible when cleaning the ears with improvised means, careless children's games, or sudden immersion under water or rising to the surface. A patient with a damaged eardrum and ear bleeding needs rest. A swab moistened with an antiseptic is inserted into the sore ear.
  • With skull injuries, blood flows profusely from the ear. The condition of the patients is critical and they require qualified medical care. A hematoma forms in the skull cavity, which eventually ruptures and blood flows out. It is necessary to lay the patient down, ensure unimpeded blood flow and call an ambulance. Stopping bleeding or treating the ear on your own is prohibited.
  • Treatment of ear candidiasis is carried out with antimycotic agents. For this, the patient is prescribed Candibiotic drops, Clotrimazole ointment, and in advanced cases, Intraconazole, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, and Nystatin oral tablets.


Bleeding from the ear: want to know the causes and treatments?

Ear bleeding is a serious symptom that occurs in a number of diseases. The problem is rare, but is a signal for an early visit to an otolaryngologist. Occurs due to various reasons and at any age.

The girl holds her hand on her ear

Thanks to the structure of the auditory analyzer and sulfur, which has protective properties, the human brain is reliably protected from infection. The ears themselves do not require special care or protection. The only thing that is necessary is daily cleaning and protecting them from cold and loud noises.

Children most often bleed from the ears due to visible damage in the form of a scratch. Such a wound can be easily treated without the participation of a doctor. But, if blood appears from the ear canal, you should go to the clinic as soon as possible.

Why is blood flowing from my ear?

Bleeding from the ear is caused by the following factors:

  1. mechanical damage;
  2. infectious pathology;
  3. tumor;
  4. pressure surges.

Mechanical damage occurs for various reasons:

  • Cleaning with cotton swabs may cause scratches. This is a fairly common cause of the formation of a small accumulation of blood in the ear opening or shell. Such a wound is treated independently using a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution.
  • Rupture of the eardrum associated with cleaning the ears with objects not intended for this purpose: matches, pins.
  • Entry of a foreign object. In this case, the tympanic membrane may be damaged, followed by bleeding. In addition, dizziness, pain, and hearing loss additionally appear.
  • Trauma to the skull is often accompanied by loss of blood, which is life-threatening. When a bone is hit or broken, the temporal region and blood vessels are injured, and the tympanic membrane breaks. This causes blood to leak out of the ear canal.

Skull trauma may be linked to ear bleeding

The cause of bleeding may be infectious and inflammatory processes:

  • Candidiasis caused by yeast fungi. They affect the mucous membrane and skin of the ear, which leads to loss of elasticity and breakage of blood vessels. Itching in the ears, strong sulfur discharge, and swelling of the skin appear. In advanced cases, bleeding and deafness occur. The disease occurs as a result of long-term treatment with antibiotics.
  • Inflammation of the hair follicle provokes the appearance of boils. When the immune system is weakened, the ear canal is damaged and Staphylococcus aureus gets into it, an abscess develops. Additional other symptoms of the disease appear: throbbing pain in the ear opening, fever. Relief occurs after the boil breaks out, causing blood to flow from the ear.
  • The most common cause of discharge is otitis media. Inflammation of the middle ear is caused by infection, fungi or viruses. Bacteria enter the passage through the Eustachian tube, blood, or due to a rupture of the tympanum. The disease is accompanied by fever, pain and congestion in the ear. With purulent or influenza inflammation, severe intoxication of the body occurs. If there is bleeding from the ear due to otitis media in a child, you should definitely consult a doctor. Otherwise, this can provoke loss of consciousness, hearing, and the development of meningitis.

Important! Bloody discharge from the ear during otitis with purulent discharge is a serious symptom of the disease, which indicates the destruction of deep tissues.

  • Changes in pressure also cause bleeding. With a sharp jump, dizziness, the appearance of white dots before the eyes, and pain in the back of the head are observed. A rush of fluid to the head manifests itself in the form of ear or nosebleeds. Divers are most prone to the appearance of such discharge.

The cause of bleeding from the ear is cancer. As the tumor grows, it causes bleeding.

  • Neoplasm in the auditory canal. It can be seen with the naked eye. As the tumor grows, it extends beyond the edges of the outer ear. Patients complain of pain and hearing loss.
  • Paraganglioma, a benign neoplasm that forms in the internal jugular vein. During growth, it compresses the tympanic membrane, which manifests itself in hearing loss, pain, dizziness, and bleeding.
  • Polyps appear as a complication after purulent otitis media. As the mucous membrane increases, the growth protrudes, and discharge appears in the form of pus and blood with an unpleasant odor.

Treatment of ear bleeding

Therapy depends on the factor that caused the bleeding. What to do if fluid is leaking from your ear?

Important! The patient is positioned so that the blood flows freely from the ear. It is strictly forbidden to cover the ear canal with a tampon.

With light scratches, the bleeding is scanty and heals quickly. The ear is washed with clean water and lubricated with an antiseptic.

If blood is flowing from a child’s ear due to a foreign object getting into it, you should not remove it yourself. Such actions lead to the opposite effect (pushing it further) and worsening the condition. All manipulations are carried out only in the clinic by a specialist.

Treatment of otitis media is carried out after visiting an otolaryngologist. For the bacterial form, antibiotics are prescribed; for the fungal form, drops and cream are prescribed. If blood appears from the ear during otitis, it means that deep tissues have been damaged. Then complex therapy is required.

In case of a boil, local treatment of the ear canal with antiseptics is carried out, and after that the abscess is opened, the pus is removed, and the wound is lubricated with a special solution.

Damage to the eardrum is often accompanied by bleeding. After examination, the doctor treats the ear and inserts a swab soaked in the drug into the ear canal.

Traumatic brain injury requires urgent medical attention. A bruise forms in the skull, which bursts and blood comes out of the ear. The patient is laid down and the fluid is allowed to calmly drain from the wound. Ear candidiasis is treated with Candibiotic drops and Clotrimazole ointment. In some cases, the patient is prescribed tablets.

If you experience any bleeding, you should immediately seek medical help. It is forbidden to stop bleeding on your own; this can lead to irreversible consequences.


Bleeding from the ear: what are the reasons and what to do

Sometimes you can observe in yourself or in a child such an unpleasant and naturally concerning symptom as bleeding from the ear. There can be several reasons for this phenomenon: from simple and quickly removable to quite serious. In this article we will look at this issue and find out why bleeding from the ears occurs. We will also learn how to eliminate this dangerous symptom in an adult and a child.

In adults

Let's find out why bleeding from the ear can occur in an adult.

Otitis media in the acute phase is a common cause. Please note that if this is indeed otitis media, then the released blood will certainly contain an admixture of pus. In this case, bleeding will be accompanied by acute shooting pain, ear congestion, and possibly fever.

A ruptured eardrum also results in bleeding from the ear. As a rule, perforation of the membrane occurs as a result of purulent otitis, and is accompanied by severe pain.

  • Myringitis. This is called inflammation of the eardrum. Myringitis leads to severe pain, and as a result of bursting small capillaries on the membrane, it leads to the release of blood mixed with serous fluid. It is impossible to make this diagnosis on your own, since the symptoms of myringitis are similar to the symptoms of otitis media.
  • Injury. The possibility of injury to the ear canal cannot be ruled out: scratches or abrasions. Sometimes even careless ear cleaning can lead to such an injury, since the skin inside the ear canals is very delicate and thin. If the cause is a minor injury, then the blood will be released in very scanty quantities and will soon stop. In case of a more serious injury, a visit to the doctor is required: examination, ear rinsing, antiseptic treatment, and other measures to relieve possible complications are required.
  • Perforation of the eardrum. Although rare, membrane rupture does occur. Most often this occurs as a result of purulent otitis media, or a foreign body entering the ear cavity. Perforation is accompanied by severe pain and a noticeable decrease in hearing levels.
  • Sometimes benign formations may appear in the ear canals. They burst, causing exudate and blood to flow out of the ear. Often such discharge has an unpleasant putrid odor. Headache and dizziness are also associated with this pathology.
  • A boil in the ear canal is a likely cause of bleeding from the ear. This happens when a boil breaks through: pus with blood comes out. Very strong and sharp pain will accompany the appearance of discharge from the ear in this case.
  • Carcinoma is a malignant tumor located in the ear. This reason does not happen often, but nevertheless, to complete the picture, it is necessary to talk about it. In this case, bleeding will be frequent, but there will be no pain. With advanced carcinoma, hearing deteriorates greatly, and an unpleasant odor appears from the ear.

All of the listed reasons for the appearance of blood from the ears may well be the causes of this disease in a pregnant woman. In this case, special requirements are placed on health, so a visit to the doctor is necessary.

In the video, what are the reasons for bleeding from the ear and what to do about it:

In children

What reasons can cause blood to appear from a child’s ear.

  • A traumatic brain injury that a child can receive “out of the blue” during active play leads to ear bleeding. Even if the injury was so minor that it caused only a minor bruise, blood may still bleed. And in any case, an examination by a doctor is necessary to exclude serious consequences of the injury.
  • Perforation of the eardrum due to external circumstances. Children can place both a pencil and a stick in the ear to, for example, relieve itching. Sometimes such actions lead to a rupture of the membrane, and, naturally, blood flows. Along with bleeding, in this case the level of auditory perception will also drop significantly.
  • Sometimes a child may develop a boil in the ear, after which it ruptures and releases pus and blood from the ear canals. If the cause is a boil, the child will complain of ear pain, and the area around it will become very inflamed and red.
  • A disease such as myringitis can also cause bleeding from the ears. Myringitis is an inflammation of the eardrum, characterized by severe pain, high fever, and the formation of a bubble with serous fluid in the ear. After the bubble bursts, blood and exudate begin to flow out of it through the ear canals.
  • Ear candidiasis is a likely cause of bleeding from the ears. Many factors lead to the occurrence of fungal disease in the ear canals. The most common is long-term use of antibiotics, which suppress the normal microflora of the body and weaken the immune system.
  • Well, the most common cause of ear bleeding in children is various types of otitis media. Otitis media mainly leads to the appearance of blood. This disease is also accompanied by severe ear pain, weakness, dizziness, and other unpleasant and alarming symptoms. Immediate medical attention is required, as advanced otitis develops into purulent, and then meningitis is possible.

Sometimes, although not often, the appearance of blood is associated with oncological problems. Various tumors that arise in the ear area, in the head, can put pressure on the blood vessels. Small vessels cannot withstand the pressure and burst. As a result of this, blood can be observed from the child’s ear. To exclude the possibility of this terrible cause, be sure to visit a doctor and carry out all the prescribed examinations.

What drops are used to treat external otitis, and which of them are the most effective, is described in this article.

But this article will help you understand which ear drops for otitis media with antibiotics are the most popular:

This article will help you understand what to do when your throat itches from the inside and coughs.

Urgent Care

If blood flows from the ear, before the doctor arrives, you can take some measures that will help alleviate the patient’s condition and, at the same time, will not harm.

Fold a sterile bandage in several layers and apply it to the bleeding ear. If bleeding from the ear is caused by an injury, and the latter is clearly noticeable, you can treat the wound with peroxide. You can also make a turunda out of gauze, soak it in peroxide, and insert it into the bleeding ear to eliminate the infection.

If the blood is caused by a boil located near the ear opening, the burst neoplasm should be treated with boric alcohol, and the remaining pus should be removed with a gauze swab.

If the causes of bleeding are unclear, it is better to wait for a doctor, removing only the stains from outside the ear.

Drug therapy

Let's find out which medications can be useful to eliminate various causes of ear bleeding.

If bleeding is caused by a fungal infection, antifungal agents are needed:

To carry out antiseptic treatment of the ear, the following drugs are needed:

  • Chlorhexidine (this article will help you understand how to rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine for a sore throat);

They will be useful, including for injuries, boils, and otitis externa.

If the bleeding is caused by otitis, you will need ear drops containing an antibiotic:

If the blood is caused by an inflammatory process, antipyretic drugs may also be needed:

  • Nurofen;

Antibiotics of targeted, pronounced action are necessary for purulent otitis media. Tools such as:

How to treat

Let's find out what methods will help cope with the elimination of ear bleeding.

If bleeding from the ear is due to some external damage to the soft tissues, then the external auditory organs are usually washed. After this, cotton wool with an anti-inflammatory agent is placed in the ear canals, and the abrasions are lubricated with brilliant green to eliminate the possibility of suppuration. If the bruise is of sufficient size, then a cold compress to relieve swelling will not hurt.

In the event of an injury that leads to the appearance of blood from the ear, the patient must be ensured rest and immobility in order to eliminate the possibility of damage to internal organs before a medical examination.

Until the bleeding stops completely, the doctor provides the patient with appropriate assistance, which consists of administering vasoconstrictors and medications that improve blood clotting. In case of severe trauma, the help of a neurosurgeon and neurologist is necessary. And if a rapidly growing internal hematoma is detected, urgent surgery is prescribed. Also, if bleeding from the ear is caused by injury, the patient must take antibiotics to eliminate the possibility of developing a bacterial infection and inflammation.

In the video, what to do if blood appears in the ear:

If bleeding from the ear is the result of otitis media, treatment will be appropriate for the disease. The patient is prescribed antibiotics, antifungals and antihistamines to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. Most often, for this disease, the main form of drug therapy is ear drops, which have all the properties described above.

If bleeding is accompanied by ear pain, local painkillers are prescribed. Many ear drops, for example, contain a component such as lidocaine, which can quickly relieve pain.

Otitis media in the chronic phase can be easily treated with physiotherapy. At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate foci of infection that led to the development of a chronic disease.

Physiotherapy for the ear

If bleeding from the ear is caused by a foreign body that has entered the ear canal, it must be removed, but only in a medical office. If a small object is deep enough and cannot be reached from the outside by any means, an operation is prescribed under general anesthesia. The presence of a foreign body in the ear canal not only causes bleeding and affects auditory perception, but also leads to inflammatory processes, purulent otitis, and other serious consequences.

If bleeding from the ear is caused by tumors, an oncologist will treat the patient and eliminate this problem. Surgery may also be necessary.

It is necessary to pay as much attention to this problem as possible. The close location of the auditory organs to the brain makes the latter very vulnerable in this case. If purulent otitis or other inflammatory process is not treated, the infection can spread to the lining of the brain, causing meningitis. Seek medical help if you notice blood from your ear: the sooner adequate treatment is provided, the sooner you will forget about this problem.


Why is there bleeding from my ears? — Causes and danger signs

One of the serious symptoms that occurs with various ear diseases is bleeding, often accompanied by pus. Bleeding from the ear can be a symptom of a serious illness, so you should urgently consult an otolaryngologist.

Causes of bleeding from the ears

Bleeding from the ears is a warning sign that may indicate a serious illness.

The causes of bloody discharge from the hearing organs can be very different: mechanical damage, infectious-inflammatory and oncological processes.

The appearance of blood from the ear may indicate the following diseases:

  • Injuries. Bleeding from the ear can occur when the outer structure of the ear is damaged by a sharp object. In this case, the skin may be affected or an open wound may appear against the background of the damage. In the second case, if the infection gets inside, serious complications may develop. Blood not only from the ears, but also from the nose with a severe headache can be observed due to a traumatic brain injury.
  • Candidiasis of the ear. Ear candidiasis, which is caused by a fungus, can also cause bleeding from the ear. In this case, itching appears and deafness may develop.
  • Myringitis. One of the complications of otitis media is myringitis. This disease is characterized by the appearance of blood bubbles in the eardrum. When they begin to burst, the result is bleeding from the ear.
  • Otitis media Otitis media may also cause bleeding from the ear. Against the background of inflammation of the middle ear, pus is released along with blood.
  • Furuncle. A boil in the ear canal may appear due to a weakened immune system and a staphylococcal infection.
  • Neoplasm. A tumor in the ear is one of the causes of bleeding from the ears. They can be of different nature, so it is necessary to undergo an examination, after which treatment is prescribed.
  • This symptom may appear when pressure changes. This often occurs in people with hypertension when pressure surges are noted. A sharp drop in pressure can also be observed when immersed in water to great depths. In this case, the eardrum may burst, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor.

Danger signs

Bleeding from the ears can be accompanied by various symptoms, depending on the cause that triggered its occurrence:

  • If blood from the ear appears against the background of otitis, then the patient is bothered by throbbing and acute pain and ear congestion. In addition, the body temperature rises and pus mixed with blood is released.
  • When a boil forms in the ear canal, severe pain in the ear, hyperemia and swelling of the ear canal appears. When the boil opens, pus flows out along with blood.
  • Myringitis, inflammation of the eardrum, is characterized by symptoms similar to otitis externa: itching, burning, pain, discharge of serous exudate along with blood.
  • If bleeding from the ear occurs due to candidiasis, then a cheesy, white coating, itching, and discomfort are also noted in the ear canal.
  • Frequent bleeding from the ear without pain poses a great danger. This indicates a malignant process. In severe cases, the patient experiences severe hearing loss and an unpleasant odor.

It is necessary to take timely measures to eliminate not only this symptom, but also its accompanying symptoms, in order to avoid the development of possible complications.


If you do not take measures to eliminate bleeding from the ear, it can cause a number of serious consequences.

In advanced cases, the following complications often occur:

With complications of purulent-inflammatory processes in the ear, the development of otogenic meningitis is possible. The patient's body temperature rises, symptoms of intoxication, headache, vomiting and nausea, Kernig's and Brudzinski's symptoms appear.

Hearing loss is characterized by weakening of hearing and at the same time speech communication becomes difficult. A more serious complication is an abscess of the outer ear. This pathology is characterized by filling the cavity with pus in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Develops after infection penetrates into soft tissue.

If otitis media in chronic form is accompanied by bloody discharge, then the inflammatory process passes through contact to the facial nerve.

With parotid lymphadenitis, the lymph node increases in size and becomes painful. The pain radiates to the ear and jaw. With purulent lymphadenitis, a lump appears behind the ear against the background of bleeding. The patient complains of severe headache, increased body temperature, decreased appetite, and poor sleep.

More information about otitis media can be found in the video:

To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations.

Treatment method

Only after examination and diagnosis can a doctor prescribe effective treatment

If a patient complains of blood from the ear, the otolaryngologist, after establishing the cause of this symptom, prescribes drug treatment. In severe cases, the doctor may refer you to the hospital.

If dizziness, vomiting, nausea, ringing and bleeding from the ears occur, you should call an ambulance. Before medical workers arrive, you should fold the bandage several times and apply it to your ear. In case of injury, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and insert it into the ear canal.

If the boil has burst, then treat it near the external opening with boric alcohol, carefully removing the remaining pus with a cotton swab.

After identifying the cause of bleeding, the otolaryngologist prescribes a comprehensive treatment that is aimed not only at eliminating the disease, but also the symptoms:

  • For ear candidiasis, the following drugs are used for treatment: Miramidez, Pimafucin, Candibiotic, Clotrimazole, etc.
  • For otitis media, antiseptic solutions are prescribed: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, etc. Special antibacterial drops are also used: Otofa, Otinum, Anauran, Dexona, Polydexa, etc.
  • To reduce the temperature, anti-inflammatory drugs are used: Nurofen, Ibuprofen, etc.
  • If bleeding from the ear is accompanied by purulent discharge, then systemic antibiotics are used: Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Amoxiclav, etc. The dosage for children and adults is determined solely by the doctor. It is important to take antibiotics for 7 days and not stop treatment as soon as there is improvement.
  • If cancer is detected, surgery is performed to remove the tumor. Bleeding usually stops once the cause of the pathology is eliminated.

Treatment with folk remedies

Non-traditional methods should be used to eliminate bleeding and other symptoms of ear diseases only after consultation and under the supervision of an otolaryngologist. Traditional recipes can only be used for external and otitis media, which are accompanied by bleeding from the ear.

Some recipes for the treatment of otitis media and bleeding from the ear:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Dilute hydrogen peroxide in water to 0.3% concentration and instill 5 drops into the ear three times a day.
  • Garlic drops. Take a few cloves of garlic and chop finely until you get a paste. Next, add a tablespoon of boiling vegetable oil and leave to infuse. Instill 3 drops into each ear canal 3 times a day.
  • Onion juice. Take a small onion, peel and squeeze out the juice. Next, add 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt and 50 ml of olive oil. Put on fire for 5 minutes. After it has cooled, drop 2 drops into each ear 3 times a day.
  • Bay leaf decoction. Take a few small bay leaves and boil for about 3 hours. Next, cool and instill 10 drops into the ear and take 3 tablespoons of the decoction orally. Perform 3 times a day.
  • Walnut leaf juice. Squeeze the juice out of fresh walnut leaves and instill 5-7 drops into the sore ear 3 times a day for a week.

Using traditional medicine methods without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. This can lead to serious consequences.

It is important to know that warming procedures are prohibited, as this can worsen the condition.

In order to prevent bleeding from the ears, you must pay close attention to your health:

  • The ear canals should be regularly cleaned of wax buildup. The procedure should be carried out carefully, especially in children.
  • It is recommended to clean with cotton swabs no more than once a week. It is strictly forbidden to use matches, toothpicks, pins, etc. for cleaning.
  • You need to wash your ears thoroughly while bathing.
  • When signs of a cold appear, it is necessary to begin treatment in time to prevent the development of complications such as otitis media, etc.

By following these simple rules, you can prevent the development of ear diseases and the appearance of bleeding against them.

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Ear diseases

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Bleeding from the ear: how dangerous is it?

Bleeding from the ear is a very serious and most often dangerous symptom that appears as a result of injury or some disease. In any case, remember that any discharge from the ear canal requires immediate medical attention.

As already mentioned, ear bleeding can occur for completely different reasons. But do not forget that this is a very dangerous sign and self-medication is inappropriate here. So why does my ear bleed?

  • Acute or purulent otitis media is the most common cause. This is an inflammation of the middle ear, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and unbearable, shooting pain. This disease is accompanied by the release of pus mixed with blood. If you have such symptoms, you should immediately contact an ENT specialist.
  • Blood from the ear can appear as a result of fractures of the skull bones - in such cases there is a severe headache, partial loss of vision, as well as tissue swelling, concussion, and sometimes nosebleeds. Remember that if left untreated, a fracture of the temporal bones can lead to complete hearing loss and even more serious problems.
  • A ruptured eardrum is also accompanied by bleeding. As a rule, such an injury is caused by the penetration of foreign objects into the auditory canal. For example, children often harm themselves while playing, or when cleaning their ears with improvised, sharp objects. A rupture can also be caused by a sudden change in pressure, for example, in divers who dive or ascend too quickly.
  • In some cases, blood from the ear may be a symptom of a well-known fungal disease called candidiasis. Of course, fungi of the genus Candida relatively rarely affect the ear cavity, but, nevertheless, with a strong decrease in immunity, this is quite possible. The disease is accompanied by pain, itching in the ear canal, hearing loss and bleeding. For treatment, special antifungal agents are used.
  • Another reason is a boil that occurs as a result of damage to the hair follicle by Staphylococcus aureus. By the way, a similar disease also occurs when the immune system is weakened. As a rule, a boil grows on the walls of the ear canal or in close proximity to the eardrum. The disease is accompanied by pain, swelling and redness of the external tissues. After a few days, the boil bursts, resulting in the release of pus with bloody impurities.
  • Sometimes bleeding from the ear can be caused by damage to the outer tissues of the auricle and ear canal. As a rule, wounds and scratches appear after penetration by a foreign, sharp object. This is the only case when you can do without medical help - you just need to treat the damaged areas of the skin with an antiseptic solution. But if the injury is accompanied by severe, prolonged pain, you need to seek medical help - the eardrum may be damaged.

In fact, blood from the ear can be a symptom of other problems - only the most common causes are listed above. For example, bleeding can be caused by the growth of polyps, the development of a malignant or benign tumor, etc. It is almost impossible to diagnose the disease on your own, so be sure to consult an otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.


What to do if there is bleeding from the ear

Ear bleeding is a dangerous phenomenon that can occur as a result of various diseases or as a result of injury. If there is bleeding from one or both ears, this indicates the possible presence of pathology in the human body. This phenomenon is a serious reason for promptly contacting an ENT specialist.


If bleeding has started from the ear (blood from the ear), then in order to effectively eliminate this rather unpleasant syndrome, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its occurrence. There may be several reasons:

  • Mechanical damage;
  • Infection; inflammatory diseases;
  • The appearance of neoplasms;
  • High blood pressure;
  • The presence of a boil in the ear canal.

Blood may flow from the ear as a result of injury from a blow or mechanical damage. This rather unpleasant situation can arise from a blow to the skull of the head or ear. Mechanical damage may occur when cleaning the ears.

The reasons why blood sometimes bleeds from the ear can be infectious or inflammatory in nature. Against the background of an infiltrated infection, myringitis may develop or a boil may form.

Often the cause of ear bleeding is an advanced form of ear candidiasis, which is fungal in nature. Candidiasis affects the skin and mucous membranes. The walls of blood vessels lose elasticity, they become thin and break. The acute form of otitis ear can also be one of the main causes of bleeding.

Neoplasms are also causes of ear bleeding. Such neoplasms include various tumors in the eardrum, polyps in the ear canal, and ear carcinoma.

When to see a doctor

Seeing a doctor in case of ear bleeding (blood from the ear) is necessary in any case. Whatever the reasons for this phenomenon, the best solution would be to call a doctor or go to him immediately.

If this phenomenon occurs against the background of injury, then the patient needs complete rest, and delivery to the hospital must be ensured in a supine position.

Traditional treatment

Therapeutic measures if bleeding is:

  • Hemostatic complex therapy;
  • Taking antibiotics (for viral causes);
  • Taking antifungal drugs (for fungal causes);
  • Removal of a foreign body (with this factor);
  • Examination by an oncologist and prescription of treatment (in case of neoplasms).

Hemostatic therapy is carried out on the basis of drugs that improve blood clotting and constrict blood vessels.

Antibiotics relieve inflammation and help treat viral diseases. Analgesics are prescribed to relieve pain.

Removal of a foreign body should only be carried out by specialists who use special instruments and anesthesia for this.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies, if there is bleeding from one or both ears, can be effectively used only in one single case, if the causes of its occurrence lie in the presence of external otitis or catarrhal otitis media.

Such means include:

Hydrogen peroxide is dripped into the ear 2, maximum 3 approaches of 5 drops. The peroxide concentration should not exceed 0.3%.

Grate one small clove of garlic on a not very coarse grater, mix with one spoon of boiling vegetable or olive oil. Instill the resulting juice no more than three times a day, 2-3 drops.

One spoon of onion juice is mixed with 50 ml of olive oil + 0.5 tsp of sea salt. Apply 2 drops no more than twice a day.


As a preventative measure to prevent bleeding from the ear, it is necessary to carefully monitor inflammatory processes in the body and treat them in a timely manner. Do not insert foreign objects deeply into the ear when cleaning them.

You should absolutely not use sharp objects when cleaning your ears, as they can puncture your eardrum. One of the main preventive measures is compliance with hygiene rules.

At the slightest sign of blood appearing from the ear canals, you need to see a specialist for an initial examination and prescribe a set of measures to eliminate this unpleasant syndrome.


Important: The site administration reminds: all materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Don't self-medicate! If you suspect a serious illness, consult a doctor immediately.


Why does my ears bleed?

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What to do if blood is flowing from the ear, what consequences this can lead to

Bleeding from the ear signals that a person has a serious problem that must be resolved promptly and without delay. The fact is that the appearance of bloody discharge indicates that the situation is getting out of control, which means that the person’s existing inflammation, rupture, or tumor has acquired forms that can no longer be left without attention and proper treatment. Otherwise, it may endanger human life.

Why is blood flowing from my ear?

Despite the fact that blood from the ear is a fairly rare symptom, it still occurs. The main feature of this type of discharge is its danger.

After all, most likely, the problem now sits so deep that it has affected many important components of the auditory system, be it the middle or inner ear. The severity of the symptom also includes possible hearing impairment or complete loss.

Bloody discharge is nothing more than the loss of blood from the circulatory system. These discharges can appear both from the vessels inside the ear and from damaged areas of tissue.

Blood does not always indicate injury. Thus, the hope that a scratch or a small boil has formed inside the sink should not stop you from going to a specialist.

Types of ear bleeding


The formation of blood in the ear canal and its systematic leakage can occur for several reasons. Most often, these reasons are associated with trauma to the ear canal, but usually such manifestations are easily removable and are noticed by a person almost immediately, as soon as they form.

There are other reasons that can cause the appearance of blood, which is so frightening to an uninformed victim who discovers clots of fluid near the ear.


The first cause of bleeding is mechanical damage. Most often, they become the culprits in the appearance of this symptom. This usually happens under the following circumstances:

  • A blow to the head, an accident, a head injury - a small amount of blood appears from the ear, which passes quickly enough. Slight headache, dizziness, nausea are possible.
  • Improper cleaning with ear sticks is a common phenomenon that causes injury to the eardrum. In this regard, blood or ichor appears mixed with spotting.
  • Injury to the eardrum can occur due to a sudden increase in pressure inside. Most often this happens when traveling on a train, on an airplane, as well as during music concerts, and during artillery shelling. In this case, timely assistance from a doctor will be required, as hearing loss is likely.
  • Skull trauma - with fractures of the skull bones or trauma in the temporal region, a significant amount of blood is always released.


Blood discharge from the ear is also possible during infectious and inflammatory processes. The thing is that in an advanced state, the virus or infection in the body progresses and spreads quite quickly. Therefore, it is not surprising that if you have ear pain, fever and malaise, you will soon find purulent discharge with blood.

Often blood appears with otitis media of the middle and inner ear, which is of fungal and viral origin. However, the appearance of bloody discharge is an alarming signal indicating the extreme neglect of the disease.

Also, blood inside the ear canal can form due to polyps. Most often, a sick person does not even suspect that he has this problem, so the area of ​​infection immediately spreads.


Various neoplasms can also make themselves felt by the appearance of blood from the ear canal. This does not necessarily indicate that the tumor is malignant, but the symptom indicates that it is growing and doing so more than rapidly.

Additionally, a person may seriously suffer from headaches, the eyes become blurred, sharpness disappears, weakness and dizziness appear.

For diseases not related to ENT

Quite rarely, but sometimes it happens that blood appears due to a foreign object entering the ear cavity. Due to tissue injury, blood formation occurs, which does not go away unless the object is removed and the necessary assistance is provided to the victim.

Blood may also appear due to the formation of a boil on the outer part of the auricle. When it is opened or carelessly bursts, blood appears, and pain and burning are also felt.

Candidiasis of the ear is also possible, in which bleeding from the ear is not uncommon. This pathology is provoked by special Candida fungi. They lead to inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, thinning them and thus causing the release of blood.

First aid at home

You can't take anything drastic at home. That is, no self-administered medications or medications.

There is also no need to try to find out what caused the blood by carefully examining the cavity of the auricle and using handy objects for this.

The blood needs to be wiped off. It is advisable to do this with a sterile bandage using hydrogen peroxide or warm water. If the bleeding continues to flow and does not stop, insert a sterile swab into the ear; it is not necessary to moisten it with anything.

After these simple procedures, you should go to the doctor or call an ambulance if additional symptoms include headache or nausea.


Diagnosis takes place directly in the office of your treating ENT specialist. He examines the outer covers of the ear, assesses the degree of discharge and palpates the parotid area.

The problem may not always have an ENT origin. Therefore, if after conducting a series of studies, collecting anamnesis and taking tests, the doctor does not find the cause, the surgeon gets involved.

However, in most cases, research conducted by a doctor is sufficient. Together with the surgeon, they can prescribe objective treatment and physical therapy that will stop the bleeding and bring the patient’s condition back to normal.


The type of treatment is prescribed by doctors depending on the type of problem present. Thus, in the presence of an inflammatory process and infection, the patient is almost always prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy, a number of physical procedures and auxiliary drugs that will promote the speedy healing of damaged tissues.

If the problem is caused by injury, the surgeon prescribes treatment. The patient is recommended to remain completely at rest; droppers, restorative medications and dressings are also prescribed in case the discharge does not stop for a while.


The following pathologies are treated with the help of drugs:

  • ear candidiasis - antifungal agents are used for treatment. The most commonly prescribed ointments and drops are Candibiotic and Clotrimazole. In more serious cases, antibiotics may be necessary.
  • otitis is purulent and acute - antibiotics, antimycotic ointments, and drops are used. To improve the condition, folk remedies are used to rinse the ear canal.
  • furunculosis of the ear canal - treatment of the abscesses with special means will be required, antibiotics in the presence of a serious inflammatory process, after a breakthrough, treatment of the area after the abscess with a solution of boric acid.


Surgical assistance is necessary for serious injuries to the skull, when suppuration occurs in the immediate vicinity of the brain. Surgery is also necessary when neoplasms are detected.

Often resorting to surgical intervention for purulent otitis media, when it is possible to relieve the patient from unbearable suffering only through manual cleaning and elimination of the lesion.

What is possible and what is not

The first thing a person who has bleeding from the ear needs to remember is that the problem cannot be ignored by eliminating only its initial manifestation. You should not try to clean out the blood using ear swabs; it is better to use soft, sterile swabs.

About the causes of bleeding from the ear in our video:

Recovery and prevention

With correctly prescribed professional treatment, recovery occurs relatively quickly. However, to prevent the problem from returning again, it is better to follow some tips:

  • consult a doctor in a timely manner;
  • be careful when flying on an airplane and traveling on a train;
  • beware of skull injuries;
  • monitor your health;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Caution and respect for your body will allow you to maintain your health for many years, as well as protect you from all sorts of troubles associated with various diseases.
