Teething, cough and snot

Does coughing occur during teething, what does it mean and is there anything you can do: important recommendations

When a baby is teething, parents can observe a full set of symptoms characteristic of colds and viral infections: high fever, runny nose, cough.

Table of contents:

Can there be a cough during teething and what to do about it? Instill drops, treat a throat, measure out a mixture with spoons? Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, however, it is also useful for parents to understand the nature of the same cough in order to competently help the baby cope with problems.

Further in the article, read about whether coughing is possible in children during teething and what a mother should do if she has a dry, wet, night or daytime cough at such an important time for the child.

Can it appear and why?

If adults treat teething as a difficult but natural process, then coughing definitely causes anxiety. Adults fear for the baby’s health and do not always associate a dangerous symptom with the appearance of teeth. In fact, this happens quite often and is caused by increased salivation.

It is not difficult to verify that children are coughing from drool during teething.

Look carefully at the skin around the baby's mouth and at his chin: drool gets to them, the surfaces become irritated and reddened.

If the cough is caused by sputum formed as a result of colds and infectious diseases, then such a picture is not observed.

Sore throat symptoms caused by teething usually last two to three days. If they do not go away and are accompanied by shortness of breath and wheezing in the chest, this may mean the onset of respiratory diseases.

Causes of appearance in children

The blood supply to the gums and nose is so interconnected that its increase in the oral cavity (associated with the appearance of teeth) activates processes in the nasal cavity.

In babies, who spend most of their lives in the “lying down” position, mucus moves freely through the nasopharynx into the depths, and this makes soreness almost inevitable.

Types of coughing in infants

A “dental” cough can be dry or wet, strong or weak, but it is especially important to be able to distinguish it from a viral, respiratory one. The latter can also be wet or dry, but it is distinguished by prolonged attacks.

It is also worth paying attention to nasal discharge. If there are no infections, they are watery and transparent (this, by the way, also happens with ARVI), but if there is any bacterial infection in the body, the snot becomes thick, its color is green or yellow.

Dry or wet

A cough associated with teeth is initially dry, since the snot has not yet had time to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract. Sometimes at this stage problems can end safely if the spout is regularly cleaned, not allowing mucus to make its way into the body.

By the way, there is another reason for this type of ailment: a child who is teething becomes anxious, cries a lot, as a result, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx become irritated and a cough appears. If you manage to calm the baby down and redirect his attention, his well-being will improve significantly.

The cause of a wet cough during teething in children is strong salivation, in which saliva is present almost all the time in the throat, causing irritation.

A pediatrician will tell you whether teething can be accompanied by a cough, and why it is wet:

Night or day

There are more reasons for night cough than for daytime cough, since the child lies down all the time, and mucus easily penetrates into the upper respiratory tract.

Doctors recommend solving the problem in two ways:

  • clean the child’s nose with a bactericidal solution before going to bed;
  • place a small pillow under his head to prevent mucus from flowing towards the respiratory tract.
  • Strong or weak

    Parents should also pay attention to what kind of cough a child develops during teething and its intensity. Weak, infrequent, and clearly not of a viral nature should not cause alarm.

    However, if from a weak child it begins to turn into a strong one, barking, and other suspicious symptoms (wheezing, shortness of breath) are added to it, then it is imperative to show the baby to the doctor.

    Is it necessary to treat and how?

    If the cough is caused by dental problems, then they need to be addressed in order to bring relief to the baby. This can be done by regularly clearing mucus from your nose. The baby himself cannot blow his nose yet, so you need to use a nasal aspirator or a blower.

    In addition, it is recommended to rinse the nasal mucosa with saline solution or special drops prepared using sea water (“Aquamaris”, for example); this should be done 3-4 times a day.

    Rinsing the nose with chamomile decoction will ease the baby’s condition - the liquid will not only cleanse the passages, but also soothe irritated tissues.

    But you will have to refuse medications, for example, mucolytics (sputum thinners and against dry cough) - they will not give the expected effect.

    What Doctor Komarovsky says

    Authoritative pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the fact that the appearance of teeth coincides in time with the moment when the protection received by the baby from the mother exhausts itself.

    This means that the little person becomes especially vulnerable, and the risk of viral infections becomes real. Therefore, it is very important not to confuse the natural process of teething with a disease. Here are some recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky:

    • if the child suffered any infection before teething, ask the pediatrician to prescribe immunostimulating drugs for the baby to strengthen his body before the new test;
  • You can’t blame your teeth for everything if a cough is accompanied by a high (more than 38 degrees) temperature - in this case, we are most likely talking about an infection;
  • focus on the traditional dates for the appearance of teeth and add six months to them (this may be a deviation “from the standard”), thanks to this you will know whether you can “suspect” the baby’s teeth for poor health or not;
  • in order to save the baby from a cough that torments him, do not replace the pediatrician with yourself, strictly follow the instructions given by him;
  • Children under 3 years of age should not be given drugs with an expectorant effect, because they do not yet know how to spit out mucus;
  • If the cough is associated with teething, the doctor usually does not prescribe medications at all.
  • Now that you know whether your baby can cough while teething, we want to remind you that coughing is one of the controversial symptoms that can indicate a serious illness or accompany the natural process of teething. Don't trust your feelings, consult your pediatrician.

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    Source: http://malutka.pro/zdorove/prorezyvanie-zubov/byvaet-li-kashel.html

    Can there be a cough during teething and how can I help my child?

    Baby teeth growth is an exciting time for parents. The symptoms are familiar to many, but often mothers get scared if a cough appears during teething in children. Could this be the case or is this a sign of a viral disease?

    The causes of its occurrence are usually not associated with infection or respiratory diseases, but it is important to correctly determine its nature. In this article we will give advice on this issue and teach you how to cope with this symptom.

    Can children have a teething cough?

    Temperature in a child during teething is a very common occurrence. For a mother, this period is considered one of the most difficult, because it is not easy to calm the baby down, and it is not always possible to help him. At night and during the day throughout this period, the child sleeps poorly, is capricious, and has snot.

    All these symptoms are known, but when the baby develops a cough, it makes parents worry. It’s good if some people prefer to see a pediatrician, but sometimes mothers begin to treat it using medications.

    The doctor can confirm that the cough that occurs due to the appearance of baby teeth is not dangerous for the child, because it is just a natural reaction of the body. Any drug treatment in this case will only harm the condition. It is quite easy to determine when a cough is associated with teething and does not require therapy:

    1. The child salivates profusely.
    2. Sputum appears.
    3. In the area of ​​the chin and mouth, irritation and redness of the skin are noticeable.

    Reasons for appearance

    At one year of age, the baby begins to actively grow teeth, so he feels unwell and becomes more capricious. Some parents do not associate coughing with teething, but the relationship is direct.

    In fact, it occurs due to a runny nose, which also accompanies the process of the appearance of a tooth. At this stage, blood circulation in the area of ​​its appearance increases significantly, and swelling may be noted.

    The nasal cavity is located next to the gums, so in this place the blood flow becomes more voluminous. The production of large amounts of mucus begins, which is the body’s reaction to inflammation in the sinuses.

    Heavy discharge irritates the nasopharynx and provokes a cough. The mucus may continue to flow for several weeks, but in this case it is better to visit a doctor and make sure that the runny nose is non-infectious.

    Teething is accompanied by other signs:

    If these symptoms are present, then the cough is a consequence of tooth growth. In other cases, you need to see a pediatrician.

    How to help a child with a cough?

    What to do and how to treat a child’s teething cough? It is necessary to fight a runny nose, because it is what provokes a dry or wet cough. You can reduce its intensity if you promptly remove the mucus that accumulates in the nose and moisturize it regularly.

    For the purpose of moisturizing, Aquamaris or homemade saline solution are well suited. It is, of course, advisable to use drops based on sea water, as they will additionally relieve swelling and eliminate irritation.

    Fangs (eye teeth) erupt in slightly older children who are able to blow their nose, but caring for the baby lies entirely with the mother. To get rid of mucus efficiently, it is better to purchase a syringe or nasal aspirator at the pharmacy. The cleansing procedure is as follows:

    1. The air is squeezed out of the aspirator bulb.
    2. The tip of the bulb is carefully inserted into the nostril; the second one must be covered with a finger.
    3. Next, you should open your palm so that the bulb sucks up the mucus from the child’s nose.
    4. The procedure is repeated with the other nostril.

    Such measures will significantly help reduce the intensity of coughing during teething. If the mucus has already dried out, this will create discomfort for the baby. It would be best to moisten it with saline solution, and then use an aspirator.

    Runny nose during teething

    A runny nose during teething occurs due to the following reasons:

    • The gums and nose are close together;
    • immunity is reduced;
    • inflammation occurs.

    It is the development of inflammation that causes the active production of mucus to begin, because the gums and nose have the same blood supply system. Inflammation always precedes teething, so it is rarely possible to avoid a runny nose.

    Clear mucus flows from the baby's nose, and this continues for several days. At this stage, they monitor his well-being very carefully, because a runny nose also indicates infectious diseases. If the color of the mucus has changed and taken on a white or greenish tint, this indicates a virus.

    Video: Doctor Komarovsky about the causes of cough.

    Additional questions

    ► What is the cough during teething in children?

    In most cases, a child’s cough is wet, it is accompanied by increased salivation, phlegm, irritation of the mucous membrane, and dry mouth. A dry cough is usually observed in children at the initial stage of teething, when mucus has not yet had time to accumulate in the lungs. At this stage, regular cleaning of the nose will be enough to prevent it from developing into a wet one.

    Manifestations of cough disappear within 2-3 days. If it lasts longer, and in addition to it there is wheezing and shortness of breath, then a doctor’s examination is required to exclude the possibility of a respiratory illness.

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    Hello, I am the mother of a 9 month old baby. Of course, like everyone else, I was looking forward to the appearance of my first teeth. Well, a miracle happened, we got our first teeth at 6 months, they erupted without any pain for the child. Now our upper teeth are coming through, I do everything, rinse the nose, remove the mucus, we were examined by the pediatrician, but the child constantly coughs due to snot and sleeps very poorly at night. How else can I help him? Tell me?

    Hello. Visit an ENT specialist. Let him examine the mucous membrane of the nose, the baby’s septum itself. and will teach you how to properly remove mucus. Ask to prescribe drops to increase the resistance of the nasal mucosa.

    Hello! My seven-month-old daughter is coming out with her upper teeth, but the process of teething is accompanied by a cough with phlegm, clear mucus from the nose, salivation, and against this background we are diagnosed with bronchitis, since the child has wheezing (but when the child succeeds when I clear my throat, the wheezing disappears, but not completely), we were treated for bronchitis with amoxiclav for 7 days, and ascoril for the same amount of time. Now our cough is very rare, but the wheezing remains. They suggest that we go to the hospital and be injected with the antibiotic cephalotriaxone (if I’m not mistaken, that’s what it’s called). The child begins to have dysbacteriosis. The regional hospital did not give us a referral to a pulmonologist, explaining that we have a viral infection. infection. Please tell us what to do, how to get rid of wheezing. The child’s blood and urine were not taken for analysis

    Hello. How can you take antibiotics without having your blood and urine tested? Look for a good pediatrician. Find it, get tested. Get an x-ray of your lungs. And get treated effectively.

    At the age of 6 months, 2 lower teeth erupted, now I don’t know if the upper ones are erupting, since transparent sniffles, drooling and a cough have started for the third day... it worries me, I don’t have a fever, I should see a doctor or is it because of the teeth? and how to treat the cough.. Thank you

    Hello. A cough is possible due to mucus getting from the nose into the lungs. and it is a protective mechanism for “cleaning up” mucus from the lungs. Therefore, remove mucus from the nose as necessary, and rinse with saline solution. You can visit your pediatrician to have your lungs listened to.

    Hello! Our 5th tooth is cutting at the top, as a result of which a runny nose and a rare dry cough began. This is our second day. The snot was clear at first, but this morning it became slightly cloudy and began to thicken. There is no temperature, the maximum rises to 37.2. What could this be from? Thank you in advance!

    Hello. There are a lot of processes going on in a baby’s body, and it is not always possible to establish the cause of a particular condition. Therefore, treat your baby’s nose on the advice of your pediatrician and monitor the temperature. When teething, the immune system decreases slightly, all forces are spent on the inflammatory reaction, so a bacterial infection may occur in the nose and other parts. and, as a consequence, cloudiness of the mucus discharge.

    Hello, the child is one year old, teeth have erupted, three below and six above, but two molars have just emerged. We have had a wet cough, we have been to three pediatricians and everyone says that it’s on the teeth because the throat is fine, there is no temperature, the child starts coughing and when he clears his throat and the snot can flow clear. We’ve had a short break for two months now. During the day he’s a normal child, but at night he coughs and starts crying, we have sleepless nights because he’s coughing and crying. What should we do? We were simply prescribed inhalations with saline solution, bromine hexine Berlin chemi drank, gedelix, bromhexine, lazolvan, sprayed the nose and throat with miramistin.

    When teething, you can expect anything. The child's immunity weakens and as a result the child may get sick. Therefore, during this period you need to be as attentive as possible to the baby.

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    they are not a substitute for qualified medical care.

    Source: http://infozuby.ru/kashel-pri-prorezyvanii-zubov.html

    How to cope with “cough” during teething

    Teething cough can be scary for any mom. However, this symptom happens quite often. And it is very important to be able to recognize whether the cough is caused by a virus or is it a normal reaction to tooth growth.

    Cough - should you sound the alarm?

    The baby started teething. As a rule, in children this occurs in the sixth month. And this is a truly joyful and exciting event. But parents will only be able to rejoice a little later.

    Cough during teething can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms:

    • the baby wants to chew on all the objects that come his way;
    • his salivation increases;
    • perhaps the baby will lose his appetite and refuse food;
    • the baby will have trouble sleeping;
    • During this period, the baby is capricious and cries a lot, and may be irritable and even angry.

    But, who would have thought that children can also have a cough and runny nose when teething.

    What could a cough be like?

    During this period, the baby’s body is very susceptible to various microbes. Therefore, parents should monitor how the child feels. After all, the baby can catch an infection.

    But, first of all, it is worth finding out what a child’s cough may be like when teething. The most common causes of cough are:

    When a baby is teething, he becomes capricious, sleeps poorly and cries a lot. As a result, phlegm and snot accumulate in the nasopharynx. They become the cause of cough and runny nose.

    With a wet cough, there is an excess of saliva, which can flow not only down the larynx, thereby provoking a cough. Saliva can also irritate the skin on your cheeks, chin, and around your mouth.

    More than once, mothers may have noticed that their baby seemed to be trying to clear his throat. The reason may be that the child cried for a long time or the nose was clogged. Because of this, the throat became dry and irritation appeared, which provoked a cough.

    Typically, a teething cough goes away within a couple of days. If the symptoms do not go away and, in addition to coughing, the child has a runny nose, wheezing and shortness of breath, then it is necessary to consult a specialist. After all, such symptoms may be a sign of respiratory diseases.

    What to do?

    There is an exit. For each cut, before putting your child to bed, rinse his nasal passage with a bactericidal agent. To do this, just drop the product into his nose using a pipette.

    Not only a saline or bactericidal solution is suitable for this procedure. You can also prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs. This simple procedure will not only prevent the accumulation of sputum, but will also prevent the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx from drying out.

    In addition, your baby can:

    • let the teether chew after cooling it, or
    • massage your gums. By the way, this method turns out to be quite effective.

    There are a couple more simple rules that will help both parents and baby cope with cough and runny nose during teething:

    • Be sure to pay attention to how your baby lies in his crib. His head needs to be raised a little. This way, drool and phlegm will flow down the larynx, and the child will not choke on them.
    • Ventilate the room as often as possible.
    • Give your baby more of his favorite drinks. The sputum will not have time to dry out, which means that inflammatory processes will not begin to develop.
    • Additionally, you can give your baby immunostimulating drugs. Since the child’s body is weakened, they will help increase its protective functions.

    Runny nose during teething

    In addition to the fact that babies may have a cough during teething, they may also develop a runny nose.

    As a rule, a runny nose in children during this period appears due to:

    • reduced immunity;
    • close proximity of the nose and gums.

    When teething, inflammation of the gums occurs, which subsequently develops in the nasal cavity. This is due to the fact that they share a common blood supply. Inflammation serves as a signal, after which the active secretion of mucus by the glands begins.

    The clear mucus that comes out of the nose has a liquid consistency. As a rule, a runny nose goes away in 3-4 days.

    However, we should not forget that a runny nose in children is the main symptom of infectious diseases. Therefore, it is not worth attributing a runny nose solely to the growth of teeth. After all, if the baby is really sick, you need to start therapy as quickly as possible.

    It is worth paying attention to the following points:

    • runny nose lasts more than five days;
    • The color of the secreted mucus has changed - it has become slightly white or green.

    Coping with a runny nose in infants and older children is quite simple. It is enough to treat the baby’s nasal sinuses with special solutions. With their help, you can not only remove excess mucus, but also rinse the nasal cavity.

    Crusts may also form in the nose, which will prevent the baby from breathing normally and cause irritation. In this case, special solutions will help moisten the nasal cavity.

    Knowing that teething babies experience runny noses and coughs can help parents deal with these symptoms more quickly.

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    Source: http://okashel.ru/kashel-u-rebenka/kashel-pri-prorezyvanii-zubov.html

    Cough and runny nose during teething

    Home » Cough » Cough and runny nose during teething

    Cough during teething: normal or pathological

    Teething in infants can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, among which parents most often complain of a runny nose, fever and cough. Such symptoms do not require treatment, but the baby’s condition can be alleviated by giving an antipyretic or rinsing the nose with saline. Cough during teething does not require treatment, but you need to be able to identify it, because at this time the child’s body is weakened, so it cannot always resist the penetration of viruses and bacteria.

    What is the difference between a cough when teeth appear?

    If a child coughs and this is associated with the appearance of baby teeth, this is a completely natural reaction of the body. In this case, it is not recommended to give your baby medications, because such actions can only harm him. This symptom occurs in two cases - with excessive salivation or sputum production. If you hear your baby coughing but can't tell if it's actually teething, look at the skin around the mouth. Saliva, produced in large quantities, not only flows down the throat, but also causes irritation around the mouth and on the chin, so the skin often becomes red and inflamed in infants during this period.

    In addition, do not forget that serious changes are occurring in the baby’s body. This process causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, so infants often cry and are capricious, as a result of which mucus is produced in the nasopharynx. It tends to travel down the respiratory tract, just like with a cold, causing coughing attacks. In such situations, the cough can be dry, when the mucous membrane of the throat is irritated, or wet, if mucus has already accumulated in the respiratory tract. That is why, when teething, a runny nose and cough are frequent accompaniments of this physiological process.

    As a rule, such a cough goes away within two to three days, but if this symptom is accompanied by a runny nose, shortness of breath, or you hear wheezing in the baby’s chest, invite a doctor to examine the baby, because such manifestations may indicate the development of respiratory diseases.

    How to help a child?

    To alleviate the child's cough during teething, it is necessary to eliminate the pain. To do this, let your baby chew a chilled teether or massage the gums. If the pain syndrome cannot be eliminated, you will need to use medications in the form of gels, ointments, and rectal suppositories. They will normalize the baby’s body temperature, reduce pain and alleviate the condition. It is advisable to use medications at night, so the child’s sleep will be more restful.

    Nighttime coughing attacks caused by mucus running down the wall of the throat prevent the child from sleeping. To reduce their intensity, before going to bed, rinse your nasal passages with a special bactericidal solution, instilling it into each nasal passage from a pipette. You can use not only saline solution, but also infusions of medicinal herbs. This procedure will prevent drying out of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, as well as the accumulation of sputum.

    According to doctors, during this period, coughing in children during teething can be reduced by using saline solutions in the form of drops, for example, Salin or Aquamaris.

    When children are teething, pediatricians recommend giving them immunostimulating agents that increase the body's defenses.

    Many parents are concerned about the question of how long it takes for children to erupt milk teeth, because such a process is difficult to bear not only for the child, but also for adults. When the first tooth appears and at what age all the incisor canines will erupt depends on the genetic factor. Typically, a child has 8 teeth per year, but they continue to erupt until the age of 3, so be prepared that a symptom such as cough may appear periodically in your baby.

    Causes of runny nose during teething and rules of behavior for parents

    An important event in the first year of every child’s life is teething. The process of the appearance of baby teeth proceeds differently for everyone: for some babies it happens quickly and without much discomfort, while for others this process causes some unpleasant sensations that undoubtedly bother the baby. A runny nose during teething is considered a fairly common occurrence.

    What causes a runny nose?

    It is worth noting that not all parents associate the onset of teething and a runny nose. This circumstance is primarily due to the fact that not all adults understand that teething can cause a runny nose. But, in most cases, the appearance of snot in infants is associated precisely with this change in the body, because the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities are close to each other. When the baby begins to teethe, the gums become inflamed. The signal about inflammation reaches the nasal cavity, where mucus begins to be produced as a protective reaction, and the result is a runny nose in the baby. Therefore, parents should be prepared for the fact that at the moment when teeth are being cut, a runny nose occurs.

    A runny nose in infants during teething can also be associated with a general weakening of the immune system during this period. Of course, a runny nose is most often a symptom of infectious diseases, so before attributing it to the baby’s first teeth cutting, you need to make sure that the child does not have a cold. This point is extremely important, since one should not miss, let alone cause, a cold in a child at such an early age.

    Main symptoms

    Restlessness, salivation, increased body temperature of the baby, redness and itching of the gums are the main symptoms of teething.

    Very often, specialists and parents fail to immediately recognize the true cause of a runny nose. To make this easier, it is important to distinguish between the symptoms that accompany a runny nose during teething:

    • inflammation, redness and itching of the gums in places where teeth begin to appear;
    • excessive salivation;
    • loss of appetite, or possibly lack thereof;
    • temperature increase;
    • cough;
    • diarrhea;
    • restlessness, irritability, capriciousness of the baby.

    Despite the fact that not everyone knows about a runny nose during the appearance of the first teeth, itching during teething is a well-known fact. At this time, the baby tries to take into his mouth and chew literally everything that falls into his hands.

    A runny nose and fever during teething can very easily confuse even an experienced pediatrician. After all, such symptoms are very similar to the course of a cold.

    As for cough, it is also possible to explain the reason for its appearance. It occurs from excessive secretion of mucus and saliva. All this accumulates in large quantities, irritating the throat, which in turn causes a cough. Usually this cough indicates that its appearance is not caused by an infectious disease. Thus, the appearance of a runny nose and cough during teething should not frighten parents, because this process is considered a natural physiological phenomenon, and not some kind of disease. Therefore, you should not fight it in any special way or look for ways to cure a runny nose during teething.

    In the case when parents, independently or with the help of a doctor, have established that a runny nose is associated precisely with the appearance of the first teeth, then the main thing that needs to be done is to ease this anxious time for the baby. If you know the main symptoms of a runny nose during teething, you can rule out colds without overloading the child’s body with antiviral drugs.

    How to help a child?

    Teething runny nose lasts approximately 5 days

    Typically, a child’s runny nose during teething lasts no more than 5 days. If this process is delayed, then in order to exclude all kinds of complications, it is better to consult a doctor. It is also important not to forget to monitor the mucus secretion; under no circumstances should it be greenish or cloudy white.

    To help your baby cope with a runny nose, you need to regularly carry out the most important procedures:

    • cleansing the nasal cavity of mucus;
    • rinsing the nasopharynx;
    • hydration.

    All these processes are very important for the baby’s health. Removing mucus using nasal aspirators is the most effective way.

    Using the rinsing method, you can remove all the mucus that makes nasal breathing difficult. But it is important to remember that for infants you cannot use a large amount of a special solution; only 3 drops in each nasal passage are enough.

    Moisturizing the nasal cavity is equally important. Mucus tends to dry out, and this leads to even more unpleasant consequences - the appearance of a dried crust, which complicates the child’s breathing and the process of removing them. To prevent this from happening, try to rinse your nasal cavity as mucus accumulates. Washing is best done using solutions based on natural sea water. The number of rinses is not limited because these solutions do not contain any medicinal substances, they are natural and absolutely harmless.

    For a runny nose during teething, you can use vasoconstrictor drops, for example, Nazivin

    It is also possible to use vasoconstrictor drugs. One of the most popular for kids is Nazivin. Since this is still a medicine, it is necessary to consult a doctor about side effects and contraindications for use for a child. Nazivin 0.01% is suitable for the little ones. You can treat with it for no more than 6 days.

    If a child is extremely tormented by itchy gums, causing constant crying and irritability, then it is possible to use special gels for the gums. For example, gels Kalgel, Dentol, Kamestad are designed to relieve painful symptoms during teething.

    A runny nose during teething in children is a common occurrence, but not at all dangerous to the child’s health. TO

    Parents should take this process calmly and must try to create comfortable conditions for the baby. First of all, he needs to be surrounded with affection and attention, and occupied with all sorts of fun games.

    Runny nose in a child as a reaction to teething

    Every practicing pediatrician can confirm that a runny nose in a child’s teeth is not uncommon. Teething for a baby is one of the most important events in his life.

    And it can be accompanied by various unpleasant signs:

    • runny nose and cough;
    • temperature increase;
    • irritability;
    • stool disorder;
    • swelling and itching of the gums;
    • increased salivation;
    • decreased appetite;
    • moodiness and sleep disturbance.

    When children are teething, they grab everything they can get their hands on. Such symptoms occur both on the eve of the tooth’s appearance and several weeks before. It often happens that when the tooth immediately appears, all symptoms and signs stop abruptly.

    Causes of runny nose in children during teething

    Currently, pediatricians identify two reasons for the appearance of snot in children during teething:

    1. Decreased immunity, both general and local. As a rule, the appearance of the first teeth occurs at the age of 6 months. At this time, mothers begin to introduce complementary foods and reduce the dose of breast milk. This leads to a decrease in antibodies that protect the child from external viruses. In this case, the cause of a runny nose may be a cold or a virus.
    2. Very close location of the nasal and oral mucosa. When teeth are cut, the gums become very inflamed, and irritation moves from the mouth to the nasal cavity. At the same time, the nasal glands begin to actively secrete clear mucus, which is expressed in the form of flowing snot.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of nasal discharge. A runny nose during teething has a clear and watery consistency. The duration of such snot is usually no more than 5 days. At the same time, it is necessary to control the color of the discharge. If the fluid from your nose becomes greenish or whitish in color, you should consult a doctor. This may indicate an infection or virus.

    Sometimes it happens that a runny nose during teething is accompanied by a cough. There is a simple explanation for this. Excess mucus in the nasopharynx enters the oropharynx and this causes a reflex cough. Coughing often occurs in infants, since the child spends almost all of his time horizontally. It is not always necessary to attribute the appearance of a cough and runny nose to the appearance of teeth. First, you should rule out an acute respiratory infection or other serious illness in your baby. When teething, the cough is only wet and appears infrequently during the day.

    How to help your baby with a runny nose from teeth

    First of all, parents need to make sure that a runny nose is the cause of teething.

    It often happens that a runny nose goes away on its own, without the use of any medications. But if this does not happen and nasal congestion does not allow the baby to breathe freely, then it is necessary to help the baby. There are several treatment methods for this:

    • rinsing and cleansing the nasal mucosa;
    • removing accumulated mucus;
    • use of medications (drops).

    It is recommended to rinse the baby's nose with preparations based on purified sea water or regular saline solution. It is worth noting that these drugs not only moisturize, but also relieve irritation and help restore the nasal mucosa. Saline solutions can be used in as many quantities as needed. They are absolutely harmless.

    Special means are used to remove mucus from the nasopharynx. These include nasal aspirators or a regular bulb syringe. For greater effect when carrying out such a procedure, you need to close one nostril and suck out the liquid from the second. Before sucking out the mucus, you need to remove dried crusts, if any. To do this, they should initially be softened with a saline solution or a preparation based on sea salt. The procedure for cleansing the nasal mucosa should be carried out regularly as fluid accumulates in the nasopharynx.

    A runny nose during teething can also be treated with vasoconstrictors. Before taking these medications, you should consult your doctor. For children of different ages, there are different dosages of one or another drug. Please note that you are allowed to use vasoconstrictor drugs for no more than 5 days, as they are addictive. If the runny nose does not go away during this time, you should contact your pediatrician to identify other causes of its occurrence. After all, even a seemingly harmless runny nose can lead to serious consequences.

    Runny nose during teething

    The period of teething in an infant brings a lot of trouble to parents and anxiety for the child himself. A rise in temperature and a runny nose during teething may lead the mother to think that the baby has an acute viral infection, which may result in unnecessary treatment. Next, we will look at what symptoms accompany teething and the characteristics of a runny nose at this time.

    Runny nose during teething - symptoms

    If you carefully observe your infant, you will see that the period of teething has its own characteristic symptoms. Here are some of them:

    1. A characteristic manifestation of teething is swelling and itching of the gums. At the same time, the child constantly puts everything into his mouth to scratch the teething areas.
    2. The child becomes irritable, whiny, agitated, and has trouble sleeping;
    3. Possible disturbance of stool during teething. So, stool becomes frequent and loose.
    4. A runny nose and increased body temperature during teething are very characteristic of the growth of large incisors.
    5. Some children develop a cough that mimics an acute viral infection.
    6. It is very typical during the period of teething to reduce the baby’s body’s resistance to infections. Therefore, if you do not take care of the baby during this important period, then an infection often develops against this background.

    What happens to a runny nose during teething?

    A runny nose that occurs in response to teething is very different from a viral one. It is caused by increased mucus production in response to inflammation in the mouth, which can affect the sinuses. Nasal discharge is clear, liquid, in large quantities, mucous in nature and does not interfere with nasal breathing. In contrast, bacterial and viral rhinitis have their own characteristics (thick white or green mucus, a runny nose disrupts nasal breathing, which prevents the child from sleeping and eating). And the main difference is the disappearance of all pathological symptoms after the appearance of a white pea above the gum mucosa.

    How to help your baby if a runny nose appears during teething?

    During this important period, the child needs parental attention and affection more than at other times. Parental care for the baby at this moment is the main medicine. You should pick up your infant more often, talk to him and stroke his head. It is very important to protect your baby from infection, because at this time his body is especially vulnerable; you should not walk outside for a long time in cool and windy weather if teething occurs during the cold season.

    Medication should be provided if the symptoms accompanying teething bring severe discomfort to the baby. Thus, gels for gums with anesthetics (Babydent, Dentol) are recommended for use in cases of severe itching of the gums. Their use soothes the child's inflamed gums and allows the baby to fall asleep or eat normally.

    The use of antipyretic drugs (Efferalgan suppositories, Viburkol, Nurofen syrup) is advisable when the body temperature rises above 38º C and the infant is severely restless. Cough and runny nose that occurs during teething do not require treatment; it goes away when the problem tooth appears.

    The teething period is very stressful, and the appearance of a cough, fever and runny nose makes it much more difficult. The main treatment for these problems is parental care and attention, and drug support is needed only as a last resort. Treatment during this period is symptomatic.

    Runny nose during teething - why it occurs and whether it needs to be treated

    Many parents perceive a runny nose during teething as a prerequisite for such a difficult and responsible process.

    Teething leads to a decrease in immunity, which in turn leads to the likelihood of the spread of a viral infection.

    The main task for parents is to determine whether a runny nose is due to teething or whether it may be symptoms of a cold.

    This is very important, because if you start treating a runny nose due to colds, you can “get” extremely unpleasant complications, including sinusitis.

    Why do babies get runny noses when teething?

    The blood supply to the mucous membrane of the baby’s nose and gums are anatomically connected, and when the baby’s first teeth appear, this stimulates the blood supply to the gums, and blood circulation in the nasal cavities is automatically activated. This process accelerates the production of mucus by the glands of the mucous membrane. This is where baby's snot and saliva come from when teething.

    It is important to know

    A runny nose during teething may not always occur, so it is important to monitor the general condition of the child.

    Ideally, a runny nose during teething goes away within 3-4 days. Each baby’s body is individual, and if the discharge continues on the 5-6th day, you need to pay attention to its character - if it is transparent and watery, then do not worry, this is a normal process.

    Do I need to treat a runny nose during teething?

    Pediatricians answer this question - not necessarily, because a runny nose from teething can go away on its own.

    In this case, the parents’ task is to regularly clean the baby’s nose of mucus. It is imperative to clear mucus from the nose, since they dry out and can lead to disruption of the child’s nasal breathing. To avoid this, you need to constantly moisten your baby’s sinuses with saline solutions. A nasal aspirator will help with this. For better results, you can rinse your nose with sea salt before using it.

    To be effective, you need to suck out the mucus from the sinuses one at a time - first from one nostril, while closing the other, then repeat the procedure from the other nostril.

    Teething in babies: main symptoms

    The process of teething in babies has its own nuances, because the child’s body behaves especially these days. Each child has his own reaction to teething, but the main symptoms of teething in infants are worth considering in detail.

    Teething in infants may be accompanied by redness and swelling of the gums, excessive salivation, runny nose, sleep disturbances, and digestive tract upset.

    During the teething period, the baby's appetite may decrease, which is why he may lose weight. Another indicative symptom of teething is that the child puts everything in his mouth, he wants to “scratch” his gums.

    It is important to know

    Teething in infants is accompanied by a decrease in the immunity of the mouth, throat and the whole body.

    Small teeth that come through can injure the gums, which can cause inflammation and pain. In order to relieve painful symptoms during teething in babies, gels Kalgel, Dentol, Kamestad are used.

    Inflammation promotes the development of pathogenic bacteria, so the throat and oral cavity suffer, and then the infection can migrate into the gastrointestinal tract. Due to this process of infection transition, a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract may occur.

    Against the background of all these symptoms, an increase in body temperature may occur. If it does not rise above 38 C, it is better not to give antipyretics, since the baby’s body must overcome it itself. If these symptoms do not go away within 3-4 days, contact your pediatrician to avoid complications.

    Teething schedule - when and which tooth should come out?

    In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases similar in course to symptoms during teething, it will be useful for parents to know the teething schedule for infants. The process is individual for each child, but this will allow you to “link” the process of drooling, runny nose, decreased appetite and teething.

    Below is an approximate schedule of teething depending on the child’s age (in months):

    We recommend to parents a formula that can be used to determine how many teeth a child should have at a certain age:

    M (child's age in months) - 6 = Number of teeth.

    This formula is valid until the child is two years old.

    Teething in a baby is the beginning of a new stage in his life. To ensure that this stage passes with minimal pain, pay attention to increasing the child’s immunity - walk with him in the fresh air, monitor the humidity and temperature in the room and, most importantly, surround him with attention and care.

    Signs of teething in babies

    Many young parents are worried about when their baby’s teeth will begin to grow and what surprises to expect from the child’s body during this period. To calm down unnecessary worries, read the detailed information about what basic and additional indicators may appear in a baby in connection with such a natural process.

    Symptoms of teething in children under one year old

    Many mothers wait with some anxiety for the period when their child’s teeth begin to come out. Will their growth begin on time and is it necessary to do something if peers already have their first incisors, but your baby still doesn’t have them? These groundless fears are dispelled by Dr. Komarovsky: each baby undergoes this process individually, at an earlier age or later, and medicine cannot in any way speed up the appearance of the first milk teeth. Parents just need to know what reactions the child’s body may experience during this period, and help the child endure them.

    The main signs of teeth in a baby

    A child's teeth are formed in the mother's womb, and begin to erupt from the gums mainly at the age of 4-7 months. First, in most cases, the incisors grow - lower and upper, then the large molars (chewing) teeth and canines (eye teeth) also grow in pairs. Parents should not worry too much if their little one’s first baby teeth erupt at a different age or order. Doctors note that the time of their appearance may differ by even six months. What are the main symptoms of teething in babies?

    Swollen gums in a child during teething

    Often, as the first signs of teething in a baby, mothers notice increased sensitivity of the gums. The mucous membrane on the jaws looks swollen, and the child puts his fists or improvised objects into his mouth to chew. Such precursors can appear even a month before the tooth appears. When the gums swell due to the teeth underneath them coming out of the bone, this process makes the baby irritable and moody. Special teething toys will be a good helper for moms and dads during this period: the baby will be able to chew them and get distracted.

    Lack of sleep and appetite

    One of the most difficult signs of teething in a baby is that the baby begins to eat poorly and sleep restlessly. This behavior is explained by the fact that swollen gums react painfully to food, so the child does not enjoy eating. The feeling of discomfort in the mouth and more saliva production than usual prevents the child from sleeping normally. These signs almost always bother the youngest children, but such symptoms of teething in children after one year are also very common.

    Increased salivation

    This process inevitably accompanies the appearance of baby teeth. Increased salivation is triggered because the body is trying to alleviate irritation of the gum mucosa. You need to know that constantly wet clothes near the neck and chest can cause irritation on the skin. When rashes appear on the face, the mother should think about whether she is promptly changing the baby’s undershirts, wet from saliva.

    Additional symptoms of teething in babies

    During the time when the baby is teething, parents should expect a variety of reactions from their baby’s body to this phenomenon. Often, young mothers during this period notice a general deterioration in the child’s well-being, and it is very important to distinguish between whether fever, cough, runny nose or diarrhea appeared due to the growth of teeth, or whether this is a manifestation of another inflammatory process. Find out what other signs of teething in a baby you should pay attention to.

    Increased body temperature in children

    Parents are very concerned about this sign of teething in their baby, such as the appearance of a fever. At the same time, they need to decide whether the high temperature accompanies the appearance and growth of these new organs or whether it appeared due to some kind of disease. So, a child develops a fever when he has a cold or viral herpetic stomatitis. In order to help the baby cope with a possible illness in a timely manner, parents should consult a pediatrician if in any doubt. A visit to the pediatrician cannot be postponed if the baby’s temperature has been above 38.5-39 degrees for the second day!

    Runny nose during teething

    Why is a child susceptible to this problem at this time? Nasal congestion and runny nose are common symptoms of teething in infants due to the communication of mucous membranes. When the gums become inflamed, this process also affects the lining of the nasal cavity. The glands perceive this change in state as a signal that it is necessary to fight the pathogen, and begin to secrete mucus.

    When a runny nose appears, the child’s mother should be on guard and carefully observe whether the appearance of teeth is accompanied by an infection in the baby. During this period of life, infants begin to be introduced to complementary foods, and the consumption of breast milk decreases. Such changes in diet entail a decrease in the intake of maternal antibodies into the body, which directly affects the decrease in children's immunity and increased susceptibility to many infectious diseases.

    Hematoma on the gum

    This phenomenon, in the form of a lump filled with bloody fluid, which can even acquire a bluish tint, can greatly alarm parents. Doctors say that there is no need to panic when such a formation appears. Hematomas on the gums are ordinary symptoms of teething in a child, and not a sign of any inflammatory process. The mother still needs to show the child to the doctor and further observe whether this formation increases. Only in cases where such cones become very swollen can specialists make a puncture and release the collected liquid.

    Parents need to be wary if there are noticeable areas of inflammation on the oral mucosa that are bright red or have small blisters with transparent but slightly cloudy contents. This is how the herpetic form of stomatitis often manifests itself; this disease is also accompanied by fever. If you suspect this infection, you should immediately contact a specialist to determine a treatment regimen.

    Cough during teething in children

    The possible reason for the appearance of this symptom is as follows: when the baby’s salivation has significantly increased, the child cannot breathe freely, because the excess fluid in the throat interferes with him. A distinctive feature of this symptom is that such a wet cough intensifies when the baby is lying down. This symptom should not be observed for a very long time. If a child coughs for more than 2 days, this may no longer be a sign of teeth growth, but the presence of a cold or other infectious disease. In this case, consultation with a pediatrician is required.

    Diarrhea and vomiting

    Why do infants often experience such dental symptoms? Increased salivation is again to blame for this. The little one swallows a lot of saliva, which affects the digestion of food and intestinal motility. The diarrhea is watery, infrequent and lasts only a couple of days. Inexperienced parents need to know that if their baby has the urge to vomit and loose stools, they should consult a doctor, because this could be a sign of a viral infection. You need to pay special attention to these signs if the child has an elevated body temperature.

    Source: http://neb0ley.ru/kashel/kashel-i-nasmork-pri-prorezyvanii-zubov.html