Smoker's cough: how to get rid of it, causes and symptoms
Chronic nicotine addiction in most cases does not go away without leaving a trace. Typically, heavy smokers suffer from constant bronchitis with sputum, worsening in the morning.
Table of contents:
- Smoker's cough: how to get rid of it, causes and symptoms
- Causes of cough from smoking
- Symptoms of a smoker's cough
- Cough from smoking: relief and prevention
- Complications of cough
- Preventing smokers' cough
- How to get rid of smoker's cough: basic treatment methods
- Medication
- Folk remedies
- Smoker's cough: how to get rid of it quickly?
- Causes of cough from smoking
- Symptoms of a smoker's cough
- Cough treatment
- Medication
- Folk remedies
- Recommendations for relief
- Complications of cough
- Video
- Cough from smoking - how to get rid of it: the best tips and folk recipes
- Smoker's cough: causes
- Signs of cough from smoking
- Pathology treatment method
- Eliminating smoker's cough with folk remedies
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At the same time, so-called experienced smokers who are able to smoke several cigarettes a day are at risk for a similar condition of the bronchi.
According to statistics, more than 60% of the adult population today suffers from bronchitis, caused by a bad habit called smoking. That is why it is very important to know how a smoker’s non-infectious cough occurs, how to get rid of this ailment using traditional methods using medications (tablets, syrups), as well as folk remedies (cleansing the bronchi with licorice root, etc.).
It should be noted that smoker’s cough, which you can find out how to get rid of from your doctor, can develop even with frequent passive smoking. Moreover, many people believe that smoking so-called lite cigarettes cannot lead to chronic bronchitis, but in fact this is another myth. Smoking even “light” cigarettes can easily lead to a constant cough and lung damage.
Causes of cough from smoking
According to recent studies, it has been found that the smoke emanating from smoking tobacco contains more than 4,000 strong toxic compounds, which, when inhaled, invariably penetrate into the lungs and bronchi, after which they settle there. Due to the fact that the entire cavity of the bronchial mucosa is dotted with a special villous layer, during breathing the bronchi self-clean from foreign compounds.
In the case of the initial stage of smoking, the bronchi will still be able to cleanse themselves, but with constant smoking, these protective villi will not be able to perform their cleansing function. This, in turn, will cause a chronic form of bronchitis.
In such a condition, a person may be tormented by a very pronounced attack of coughing, which will continue until the moment when coughing is not successful.
It is important to note that people suffer most from coughing attacks in the morning. This is due to the accumulation of mucus during the night, which in the morning tries to be pushed out to clear the airways.
Symptoms of a smoker's cough
Very often people confuse a common ARVI and a smoker's cough. How to get rid of the latter largely depends on the degree of damage to the bronchi. In such a condition, a person may experience pathological processes in the respiratory system, so self-medication is unacceptable due to the high risk of complications.
Characteristic signs of a cough that occurs after prolonged smoking are:
- Paroxysmal cough, which is most acutely noticeable in the morning immediately after a person wakes up.
- Difficulty in inhaling.
- Shallow breathing.
- Attacks of shortness of breath, as well as a condition when a person seems to be suffocating when coughing.
- The appearance of a cough after inhaling or laughing, which occurs due to increased sensitivity of cough receptors.
- The discharge of yellow sputum during the next coughing attack.
In addition, this type of cough is not infectious, so it will not be accompanied by a fever or sore throat. Despite this, the signs described above can indicate the onset of tuberculosis, so when they appear, a person needs to see a doctor as soon as possible, carry out a diagnosis and, if necessary, begin treatment therapy.
Cough from smoking: relief and prevention
If you experience a cough from smoking, first of all, you need to completely stop smoking cigarettes, even electronically. Only after eliminating the original cause of the disease can the process of curing it be started.
In addition, to alleviate your condition, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations from specialists:
- Go for a walk every morning. Of course, we are not talking about playing professional sports, especially if the person has not done any physical activity before, but light jogging in the fresh air, as well as gymnastics, will never interfere.
- You should not consider yourself sick if you have a cough from smoking. In fact, this is not a full-fledged disease, but just a consequence of a bad habit that will disappear after giving up cigarettes.
- It is useful to practice breathing exercises, as well as do yoga, which necessarily includes several useful exercises for the respiratory system.
- Enrich your diet with fruits, herbs and vegetables. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with the menu, because often after quitting smoking, people begin to eat a lot of food and quickly gain weight. This cannot be allowed.
If the cough from smoking does not go away for a long time, and it is difficult for the person himself to completely give up the temptation to smoke a cigarette, more drastic measures need to be taken. For example, it is very effective to soak cigarettes in milk, dry them and smoke them near the toilet. This will trigger the gag reflex, which should then be triggered whenever you want to smoke a cigarette.
Complications of cough
The most dangerous complication from chronic cough is lung cancer. This is justified by the fact that toxic resins affect this organ every day and destroy it. Gradually, the cells degenerate from healthy to cancerous, and provoke oncology.
Another possible consequence of coughing is tuberculosis. In addition to bouts of coughing and sputum discharge, in such a condition the patient will have a fever, and later hemoptysis.
Additional possible complications include pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and asthma.
Preventing smokers' cough
The only true preventative measure for smokers' cough is a complete cessation of this bad habit. If a person cannot completely quit smoking, he is recommended to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day as much as possible (1-2 maximum).
You should also use high-quality cigarettes with several filters. You can also switch to so-called deceptive cigarettes, which contain other safe components instead of tobacco.
In addition, smokers should be regularly examined by a doctor, and if the first signs of cough appear, it should be eliminated.
How to get rid of smoker's cough: basic treatment methods
Many people wonder how to get rid of smoker’s cough and completely eliminate such a symptom from the body. Today, there are two methods for effectively treating such cough: traditional drug therapy and traditional treatment. Let us consider each of these methods of therapy in more detail.
Medications for the patient are selected taking into account the research results, as well as the general severity of the cough. To enhance the secretion of mucus and increase the discharge of sputum, a person is prescribed drugs in the form of syrups (Bronholitin, Marshmallow Root).
If an inflammatory process is detected, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. For dry cough, mucolytics (Mukaltin) are usually used. Herbal preparations that help eliminate an irritating cough (Doctor MOM, Gedelix and Eucabal dissolving candies) work very well.
The patient may also be prescribed a visit to a sanatorium for a speedy recovery.
Folk remedies
How to get rid of a smoker's cough using folk recipes largely depends on the correct preparation of the folk remedy and the frequency of its use.
Traditional methods of treatment can only be used as an auxiliary therapy, and only with the permission of a doctor.
The most effective folk remedies for treating smoker's cough are:
- Mix honey with carrot juice in a ratio of 1:2. Take a spoon twice a day.
- Fry the onion in butter. Mix it with honey. Take a teaspoon for coughing attacks.
- Add a pinch of salt, a spoonful of honey and the same amount of anise. Pour a glass of boiling water and strain. Take two spoons before meals.
- Grate the black radish and squeeze the juice out of it. Add honey and take two spoons before breakfast.
- Mix chamomile, linden, plantain and rose hips in equal quantities. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and leave for an hour. Add honey, strain and take a third of a glass three times a day.
It should be noted that how to get rid of a smoker’s cough largely determines the desire of the person himself to eliminate the disease and completely quit smoking. Self-control plays a major role in the entire process of such therapy.
Remember that self-medication is dangerous to your health! Be sure to consult your doctor! The information on the site is presented solely for popular information purposes and does not claim to be reference or medical accuracy, and is not a guide to action.
Smoker's cough: how to get rid of it quickly?
Most smokers have a hacking and suffocating cough. And you don’t have to smoke for decades to do this. There are some smokers who seem to have had it for half their life, but they are not even familiar with coughing. But in his family, due to passive smoking, cough became a frequent guest. There is one myth that says that light cigarettes are harmless. They say that lightweight cigarettes do not cause harm due to the reduced tar content. Blessed is the believer, but you have to come back to reality and understand: the fact that cigarettes are lighter doesn’t matter.
Causes of cough from smoking
Tobacco smoke contains about a thousand powerful toxins and another hundred combustion products. All this, when inhaled, enters the bronchi and lungs. The bronchial mucosa is lined with special epithelium: cilia. They are constantly in motion, like windshield wipers on a car, cleaning out incoming foreign bodies. For some time they manage to cope with the tobacco components. But as the smoker grows older, toxins accumulate, settle on these eyelashes, and they are no longer powerless to perform their function. The protective barrier and natural cleansing stop.
Damage to the bronchi begins, the destruction of special sacs. And chronic bronchitis of a non-infectious nature with periodic obstruction is born. A severe, tearing attack continues until the coughing is crowned with productivity.
Mucus accumulates, causing powerful irritation in the bronchi due to its presence. But the expectorant function is suppressed, the cilia cannot help in their usual rhythm. As a result, the amount of mucus increases and the next morning the person begins to choke from a suffocating morning cough. The body is trying to push out the mucus and clear the respiratory system as best it can.
Symptoms of a smoker's cough
A person suffering from smoker's cough coughs, literally tearing his throat and airways
This type of cough is unique and difficult to confuse with another. It is not permanent; more often it is active in the early morning or as soon as the smoker smokes in the morning. The cough is suffocating, powerful, debilitating. Sometimes patients say this about the strength of their cough: I’ll soon spit out my lungs.
The patient cannot take a deep breath because his diaphragm is altered. This immediately provokes a cough. At first it is a periodic cough that can appear at any time. But it is minor and does not cause concern. Over time, it gains strength and becomes almost dry, which further aggravates the condition. A person coughs, literally tearing his throat and airways. After an attack, the patient feels pain in the chest, soreness, pain in the ribs due to pushing.
How to cure an incomprehensible cough without a cold is indicated in the article.
cough until vomiting, dry, does not clear throat, what to do about it, you can find out from the article:
The cough will continue until the bronchi clear away all the accumulated mucus. This condition is accompanied by signs that will always allow you to distinguish a cough:
- no temperature;
- sputum separation;
- when inhaling sharply, cough, shortness of breath;
- attacks in the morning or immediately after the first cigarette;
- there are no additional symptoms indicating the disease.
Cough treatment
The first step in any treatment is to give up cigarettes. For the first time, you can replace it with an electronic cigarette, then abandon it. The electronic one gives everything that the regular one does, except for toxins. The main thing is to learn how to use it and choose the right level.
The second task is to remove all mucus from the bronchi and restore the natural ability of the epithelium to cleanse the mucous membrane. Medicines are selected taking into account the condition of the bronchi and on the basis of instrumental research. Usually, medications are prescribed that enhance the secretion of mucus and increase the phlegm itself. These may be drugs such as Bronholitin, Marshmallow root. Medicines in the form of syrups are easily absorbed and soften attacks. If the examination shows the presence of an inflammatory process, then antibiotics are prescribed.
If the cough is difficult and almost no sputum comes out, it is good to prescribe mucolytic drugs: Mucaltin. They will help cope with sputum production, and the cough will become less sore. The doctor will give a recommendation on how to take mucaltin for a cough. In severe conditions, when there are breathing problems, oxygen therapy and glucocorticoid treatment are prescribed.
Herbal lozenges are a good way to relieve smokers cough
Medicinal tablets and cough tablets have a good effect. These could be lollipops or special candies. They help thin mucus and reduce the aggression of attacks and at least temporarily get rid of an irritating cough. It is especially useful if these plates and sweets are based on herbs. In this regard, Doctor MOM has become a good helper for anyone. You can drink the syrup twice a day, but suck the candy several times.
Gedelix, Eucabal are new generation drugs. They have a much wider spectrum: expectorant, bactericidal and protective. They cope with dry coughs much faster, even if it is a cold or chronic.
How to cure a cough with green sputum is indicated here
After the cough has become less painful, you can move on to other treatment methods: massages and warming. A visit to a sauna or a real bathhouse has a great effect on the bronchi. Just don’t forget that saunas and baths have restrictions on visiting (hypertension, weak blood vessels, cardiac disorders)
Folk remedies
Here it is important not to go too far and not to forget that the best is the mortal enemy of the good. This means that if you are already taking marshmallow syrup, you do not need to drink decoctions and infusions from this herb. Herbs tend to accumulate effects and this does not always happen without consequences. Therefore, carefully study what you are already taking and what you drank before. You need to add something from the herbs that was not already there.
More often these are decoctions of thyme, chamomile and coltsfoot; there are many effective recipes for coughs at home. Sometimes chamomile is strengthened by elecampane; you need to prepare it according to the instructions.
It will be more effective if all decoctions are used only for inhalation. Steam heating is necessary for healing and restoration, and herbs will complement the effect of medications.
Recommendations for relief
The most important thing is to forget about cigarettes and provide as much fresh air as possible. Train yourself to walk in the morning, and when the cough subsides, begin to train yourself to exercise. Don't rush to become a sprinter or gymnast. A few bends, a couple of hundred meters of jogging, a couple of push-ups - this is quite enough to supply the blood with oxygen and refresh the entire body.
Don't tell yourself that you are sick. Smoker's cough is not a full-blown sore, but just some inconvenience.
If you really want to smoke and nothing helps, you can do one experiment. It is not easy and is based on the gag reflex: soak cigarettes in milk and dry them. Then smoke, only near the toilet or away from people. Several of these approaches will strengthen the “Pavlov’s dogs” reflex: cigarette - vomiting.
Try to switch to a healthy diet rich in essential ingredients. But watch your diet, as many former smokers become gluttons.
Complications of cough
The most serious complication is the likelihood of developing lung cancer. Over time, the resins penetrate into the lungs, destroying the organ. The person begins to breathe heavily and feels problems with inhalation. The inability to breathe properly destabilizes the entire body, causing pathologies.
You will learn more about smoker's cough in this video:
A smoker's cough bothers not only his family, but also himself. A hysterical, painful, double-bending cough that frightens the people around you. Therefore, it is necessary to study it and begin constructive treatment.
I am a former heavy smoker. And I was surprised that after I gave up this addiction, the cough remained with me. I didn’t know how to get rid of it, and a doctor I knew recommended me Strepils lozenges. In general, they were for a regular cough, but they also dealt with mine. Now I haven’t smoked for a year, and for about half a year I don’t know what the so-called “smoker’s cough” is.
I would like to add that the doctor sent us to a salt cave - halotherapy, to relieve the symptoms of a smoker's cough. I went to the Halocenter for 10 sessions, there were noticeable improvements, morning sickness went away, and I started coughing less. And the main thing is that I did without pills.
Dad has been smoking for more than 30 years, a smoker’s cough has started, it will soon be a year since he has had a cough, it’s scary to quit smoking, it’s scary that the heart won’t stand it (?? Is it so... that the heart can fail since he’s been smoking for many years and the body is used to it.
Cough from smoking - how to get rid of it: the best tips and folk recipes
The harm of smoking is a proven and well-known fact. Despite this, the number of people susceptible to this habit is constantly increasing. Smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products leads to various disorders of the body. One of them is the occurrence of a constant cough.
Smoker's cough: causes
Cough from smoking causes dangerous diseases of the lungs and bronchi
Smoker's cough is a very common phenomenon that is experienced by almost all people who regularly use tobacco products in everyday life. Unfortunately, not everyone pays attention to this disease, believing that such a cough does not have any pathological character.
In fact, coughing is one of the types of reflex activity of the body. It consists of the movement of the diaphragm, which is provoked by irritation of the respiratory tract.
Cigarette smoke contains various toxic substances. After each inhalation of such substances, they enter the lungs and spread through the blood throughout the body. The irritating effect of cigarette smoke is due to the fact that the tars it contains disrupt the functioning of the epithelial cilia located on the surface of the bronchi.
It is cigarette smoke that acts as an irritant substance, having a negative effect on both the lower and upper respiratory organs.
The main function of these cilia is to clean the air from all kinds of harmful components. Due to the fact that they are not able to perform their function fully, resins and toxins settle on the mucous membrane of the lungs and respiratory tract, resulting in irritation. Over time, this process gradually worsens, which in the future can lead to a number of complications.
Consequences of cough while smoking:
In general, cough due to smoking occurs in more than 90% of smokers, and is a pathological symptom that indicates a negative effect on the respiratory system.
Signs of cough from smoking
A severe cough in the morning with sputum, without fever or other symptoms of the disease - this is a cough from smoking
Cough can occur for many reasons. In most cases, we are talking about various bacterial or viral diseases, as well as allergic coughs and coughs that are triggered by exposure to aggressive chemicals.
It is the last group of reasons that includes cough caused by smoking. However, in order to find out how to eliminate cough from smoking, you first need to make sure that the disease is caused by a negative habit.
The main signs and accompanying symptoms of smoker's cough:
- No signs of poisoning. A smoker's cough is not accompanied by any symptoms that may indicate acute intoxication of the body. With regular use of tobacco products, intoxication has a different character - chronic, since toxic substances constantly penetrate the body over a long period of time.
- Normal temperature. In most cases, cough occurs against the background of acute respiratory infections and various viral diseases. The main symptom of such diseases is an increase in body temperature. If reflex activity occurs at normal temperature, the cough is caused by smoking and not by infection.
- Depends on the time of day. A characteristic feature of a smoker's cough is that it most often occurs in the morning. The greatest intensity is observed immediately after waking up. Attacks can last up to several minutes and are accompanied by suffocation and tearfulness.
- Shortness of breath. Shortness of breath, along with cough, is one of the main ailments that all experienced smokers face. A feeling of shortness of breath due to a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs, which is evidence of a deterioration in their functionality.
- The appearance of cough during physical activity. A characteristic feature of the described pathology is an increase in the intensity of the cough while performing any physical work, or when lifting weights, while running. In this case, the cough has a hacking character. Its reason is that for normal muscle function during physical activity, an increased amount of oxygen is needed, which the body does not receive due to smoking.
- Sputum production. Regular expectoration is caused by the accumulation of harmful substances on the mucous membrane. With constant smoking, the amount of mucus expectorated can increase significantly, which will lead to the need to constantly remove it from the body. Sputum production is evidence of a serious respiratory tract disorder, which is comparable to pathologies caused by infections and viruses.
In general, smokers' cough has many characteristic signs and symptoms that allow it to be distinguished from coughs caused by other causes.
Pathology treatment method
The question of how to eliminate cough from smoking is very relevant, since such an ailment causes a lot of discomfort in the smoker. The solution to this problem is often of interest not only to the person affected by the bad habit, but also to his immediate environment, that is, relatives for whom severe coughing attacks cause anxiety and concern.
Stopping the regular use of tobacco products will normalize the functioning of the respiratory system and eliminate both cough and other unpleasant symptoms. It is important to remember that quitting smoking significantly reduces the likelihood of developing serious diseases, including fatal ones.
To get rid of a bad habit and reduce the negative impact on the bronchi, you should also completely eliminate passive smoking. Without this, a smoker’s cough will not go away, and it will continue to have a negative impact on health in the future.
The best solution to this problem is to quit smoking.
Before starting therapeutic procedures, it is recommended to seek the help of a pulmonologist. Such a specialist will be able to prescribe the most effective drugs, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.
More information about smoker's bronchitis can be found in the video:
In most cases, mucolytic drugs are used to eliminate smoker's cough. They are available both in the form of tablets and syrups. The action of such pharmaceuticals is aimed at diluting bronchial mucus and its further removal from the respiratory organs along with the toxic substances it contains.
If the cough is severe, patients may be prescribed medications that dilate the lower respiratory tract. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used in combination with them, the purpose of which is to reduce the negative irritant effect on the mucous membrane. It should be remembered that drug treatment, like therapy using folk remedies, is effective only when quitting smoking, both in active and passive forms.
Eliminating smoker's cough with folk remedies
Effective folk recipes
In order to eliminate an unpleasant illness, you can use various non-drug remedies. The advantage of this method of treatment is the minimum number of contraindications, as well as a very noticeable effect.
Traditional recipes for treating cough:
- Milk serum. Daily intake of this product allows you to make sputum softer and improve the process of its removal. The whey should be consumed in the morning, preferably before breakfast. A prerequisite is to take the liquid warm, but not hot or cold.
- Herbal infusions. Natural mucolytics are chamomile, marshmallow, licorice root, plantain, thyme, and many other medicinal herbs. The ready-made mixture can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected independently, if possible. The herbs must be poured with boiling water and left for 1-2 hours, after which take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.
- Honey. The beekeeping product is effective against a wide variety of diseases, including respiratory diseases. It is recommended to consume honey in combination with radish juice, which is characterized by expectorant properties. In addition, this product helps to cleanse the surface of the mucous membrane from accumulated tars that are formed due to the ingress of cigarette smoke.
- Essential oils. Eucalyptus oil is characterized by the greatest benefits. It is necessary to dilute the liquid in water, approximately 30 drops per 100 ml. Divide the resulting medicine into three doses over one day. It is recommended to take the essential oil daily for one month.
- Onion. This plant contains a large amount of phytoncides, which are a natural antibacterial agent. The onion must be chopped and mixed with regular sugar. The resulting mixture should be boiled until smooth, then mixed with honey. It is recommended to take 1 spoon of medicine 2 times a day every day.
- Birch buds. To prepare, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of kidneys and about 70 grams of butter. The resulting mass should be brought to a boil, then reduce the intensity of the heat so that it boils. The medicine should be heated over low heat for one hour, then add a few tablespoons of honey. You need to take this remedy 1 tablespoon at least 4 times a day.
In general, you can get rid of a cough caused by smoking using various traditional methods.
A smoker's cough is a pathological condition that indicates the constant influence of aggressive chemicals on the respiratory organs, which can subsequently lead to the development of serious chronic diseases. You can get rid of this disease with the help of medications and also unconventional methods, but a prerequisite is a complete cessation of smoking.
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Comments (2)
10/25/2016 at 6:11 pm | #
The guys quit smoking two weeks ago, but the cough is tormented and nothing is coughing up... I don’t even know what I can take so that I can start coughing up and go away quickly?
25.10.2016 at 18:13 | #
Bronchoboss helped me a lot personally. Indeed, after taking it, the phlegm immediately began to leave and the bronchial mucosa began to recover. No trace of cough
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- Victoria - It only seems like everything. – 03.11.2017
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The medical information published on this page is strictly not recommended for self-medication. If you feel negative changes in your health, immediately contact an ENT specialist. All articles published on our resource are for informational purposes only. If you use this material or a fragment of it on your website, an active link to the source is required.
Is it possible to smoke when you cough and why is it harmful?
Is it possible to smoke when you have a cough? How will this affect the treatment and the patient's condition? It is advisable not to use nicotine during the period of cough. But for many smokers it is chronic, or they cough when quitting cigarettes. In this case, the body begins to experience a nicotine deficiency. When quitting smoking completely, heavy smokers experience withdrawal symptoms. But there are cases when there is no cough after quitting smoking. Why is this happening?
You can alleviate your condition with the help of special medications, if the suffering is so severe. In principle, the craving for cigarettes will pass after some time. It is imperative to give up the bad habit on the recommendation of a doctor, otherwise an unfavorable outcome of the disease may occur. Is it possible to smoke if you have a strong cough?
Nicotine and the respiratory system, why they are interconnected
Cigarettes, even in small quantities, have a detrimental effect on the human body. Many smokers don't even think about it. Such people have an increased risk of developing complex diseases.
It can be:
- oncology;
- pulmonary failure;
- bronchitis or tracheitis.
Such patients more often suffer from pneumonia, colds, and acute respiratory viral infections. But many people have the opinion that, on the contrary, cigarettes prevent various diseases.
This conclusion is erroneous and should not be used in practice.
- After nicotine enters the bloodstream, cough centers are stimulated. This happens within a short time.
- Further, on the contrary, this reaction begins to be suppressed. The cough subsides, and the person begins to feel better. But a completely different reaction may occur. When exposed to tobacco smoke, the bronchi impair the secretion of mucus, and therefore it will be difficult to remove dust from the body. If consumed in large quantities, the patient may experience poisoning. He can remain in this state for up to several hours.
Because of this, almost all smokers start coughing in the morning. The phlegm will not come out. But after the first cigarette the situation will change, and coughing will begin.
Test: Is your lifestyle causing lung disease?
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Since almost all of us live in cities with very unfavorable health conditions, and in addition to this we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, this topic is very relevant at the moment. We perform many actions or, on the contrary, we remain inactive, without thinking at all about the consequences for our body. Our life is in breathing, without it we cannot live even a few minutes. This test will help you determine whether your lifestyle can provoke lung diseases, and will also help you think about your respiratory system health and correct your mistakes.
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You lead the right lifestyle
You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).
It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...
You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym, or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations; it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.
It's time to sound the alarm!
You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.
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Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?
- Yes, daily
- Sometimes
- Seasonal (eg vegetable garden)
- No
How often do you undergo a lung examination (eg fluorogram)?
- I don’t even remember when was the last time
- Every year, without fail
- Once every couple of years
Do you play sports?
- No
- Yes, professionally and regularly
- It happened in the past
- Yes, amateur
- Yes
- No
- When I'm sick
- Sometimes
Do you treat acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other inflammatory or infectious diseases?
- Yes, at the doctor's
- No, it goes away on its own after some time
- Yes, I self-medicate
- Only if it's really bad
Do you carefully observe personal hygiene (shower, hands before eating and after walking, etc.)?
- Yes, I wash my hands all the time
- No, I don't follow this at all
- I try, but sometimes I forget
Do you take care of your immunity?
- Yes
- No
- Only when sick
- I find it difficult to answer
Have any relatives or family members suffered from serious lung diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia)?
- Yes, parents
- Yes, close relatives
- No
- I can not say for sure
Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment (gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?
- Yes, I live permanently
- No
- Yes, I work in such conditions
- Previously lived or worked
Do you or your household use sources of strong odors (aroma candles, incense, etc.)?
- Often
- Rarely
- Almost daily
- No
Do you have heart disease?
- Yes, chronic
- Rarely, but it does happen
- No
- If you have any doubts, you need an examination
How often are you in damp, dusty or moldy environments?
- Constantly
- I'm not there
- Previously was
- Rarely, but it happens
Do you often get sick with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections?
- I'm constantly sick
- Rarely, no more than once a year
- Often, more than 2 times a year
- I never get sick or once every five years
Do you or any of your relatives have diabetes?
- Yes, I have
- I find it difficult to answer
- Yes, with close relatives
- No
Do you have any allergic diseases?
- Yes, one
- No
- Not sure, needs testing
- Yes, even a few
What kind of lifestyle do you lead?
- Sedentary
- Active, constantly on the move
- Sedentary
Does anyone in your family smoke?
- Yes
- No
- Happens sometimes
- Used to smoke
- Yes, I smoke regularly
- No and never smoked
- Rarely, but it happens
- Previously smoked, but quit
Do you have air purification devices in your home?
- No
- Yes, I change filters all the time
- Yes, we use it sometimes
- Yes, but we don’t monitor the devices
Do you often use household chemicals (cleaning products, aerosols, etc.)?
- Often
- Rarely, when necessary
- Constantly, that's the job
- I don't use it at all
Respiratory system diseases
Most often, patients with a bad habit of smoking are diagnosed with diseases related to the respiratory system. This may be chronic bronchitis, but there are also more serious problems.
At first, you may not even notice the onset of the disease and attribute everything to a smoker’s morning cough. But precisely behind his appearance lies danger. Not only people who use nicotine are exposed to it, but also those who are nearby. This can be observed in children when they are in a family where they smoke quite a lot.
Signs of development of the respiratory system when smoking:
- dry cough;
- dyspnea;
- bouts of coughing with sputum production;
- bronchospasms;
- coughing attacks at night.
Cigarettes that do not contain a filter are especially dangerous.
At the same time, if you do not stop smoking, the symptoms of a complex disease will intensify. The sputum may turn yellow or green and your body temperature will increase.
Tips for quitting smoking
How does the body react to smoking with a dry cough? When consuming tobacco smoke, tars enter the body, which are harmful to health. Breathing will be difficult. Mucus will collect in the bronchi. But the smoker’s body is accustomed to this amount of nicotine, and when quitting tobacco, the cough may become worse. Experts call this withdrawal syndrome, a kind of withdrawal.
How does nicotine affect the body:
- it goes to the brain;
- adrenaline is released;
- the hormone of joy is released.
If you give up cigarettes, this process is disrupted, and the person begins to experience unreasonable anxiety and depression may begin. In order to avoid this, you can use special drugs that will soften such a sharp transition.
Smokers also experience hormonal changes.
Therefore, some of them, when trying to quit cigarettes, may experience:
- Sleep disturbance.
- Weight gain.
- General weakness.
With the right help to the body, the duration of this process can be shortened and this transition can be simplified.
Before choosing smoking cessation means, you can consult a doctor to avoid exacerbation and not return to the bad habit. This is especially true for people with chronic diseases.
Test: Which cough medicine is best for you?
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A test that will allow you to determine which cough medicine is best for you.
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Bronholitin syrup - perfect for treating dry cough in children (Average cost in a pharmacy is 100 rubles)
Paxeladin syrup is an analogue of the above product, but in a different price category (Average cost in a pharmacy is 250 rubles)
Stoptussin - excellent and inexpensive cough tablets for children (Average price in a pharmacy is 110 rubles)
Sinekod - excellent tablets for dry cough for children (Average price in pharmacies 200 rubles)
Glauvent is also a very good tablet for cough treatment (Average price in pharmacies is 250 rubles)
Ingalipt is an excellent and inexpensive cough spray for children (Average price in a pharmacy is 60 rubles)
Faringosept is also a very good cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 110 rubles)
Tantum Verde is an excellent drug in the form of a spray, in a high price category (Average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles)
Syrups and drops:
Stoptussin syrup - perfect for treating dry cough in adolescents and adults (Average cost in a pharmacy is 150 rubles)
Sinekod drops are also an excellent product, but in a different price category (Average cost in a pharmacy is 350 rubles)
Mucaltin - excellent and inexpensive cough tablets (Average price in a pharmacy is 50 rubles)
Sinekod - this excellent drug is also sold in tablet form (Average price in pharmacies is 150 rubles)
Solutan is also a very good cough tablet (Average price in pharmacies is 200 rubles)
Inhalipt is an excellent and inexpensive cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 60 rubles)
Hexoral is also a very good cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 170 rubles)
Tantum Verde is an excellent drug in the form of a spray, in a high price category (Average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles)
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Please indicate your age (your child's age)
- From 6 to 12 years
- From 12 to 18 years old
- Over 18
In what price range can you afford a cough medicine?
- Up to 100 rubles
- From 100 to 200 rubles
- Over 200 rubles
In what form do you prefer to take your cough medicine?
- Pills
- Syrup
- Spray
Quiz: How susceptible are you to lung disease?
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Our immunity is directly dependent on our lifestyle and nutrition. Only a small part of it is initially genetic. Throughout life, a person acquires immune deficiency, which subsequently leads to various kinds of diseases, allergic reactions and poor health. By taking care of your diet, you will also take care of your immunity, which will subsequently save you from many health problems. This test will show you what to pay attention to in your current diet. What to add, what to reduce, and what should be abandoned completely.
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Something needs to be changed urgently!
Judging by your diet, you don’t care about your immune system or your body at all. Most likely, you get sick often, suffer from intestinal problems, and are haunted by a feeling of constant fatigue. It's time to love yourself and start improving. It is urgent to adjust your diet, to minimize fatty, starchy, sweet and alcoholic foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Feed the body by taking vitamins, drink more water (precisely purified, mineral). Strengthen your body, reduce the amount of stress in your life, think more positively and the transition to a healthy diet will be much easier, you just need to start.
Your immune system is in fairly good condition.
So far, it’s good, but if you don’t start taking care of her more carefully, health problems may begin (if the prerequisites haven’t already existed). Namely, allergies, frequent colds, intestinal problems and other “charms” of life accompany weak immunity. You should think about your diet, minimize fatty, flour, sweets and alcohol. Eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. To nourish the body by taking vitamins, do not forget that you need to drink a lot of water (precisely purified, mineral water). Strengthen your body, reduce the amount of stress in your life, think more positively and your immune system will be strong for many years to come.
Congratulations! Keep it up!
You care about your nutrition, health and immune system. Continue in the same spirit and health problems will not bother you for many years to come. Don't forget that this is mainly due to the fact that you eat right. Eat proper and healthy food (fruits, vegetables, dairy products), do not forget to drink plenty of purified water, strengthen your body, think positively. Just love yourself and your body, take care of it and it will definitely reciprocate your feelings.
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- With answer
- With a viewing mark
How often do you eat fast food?
- Few times a week
- Once a month
- Several times a year
- I don't eat at all
Do you eat healthy and nutritious food?
- Always
- I strive for this
- No
How often do you eat foods containing high amounts of sugar?
- Daily
- Few times a week
- Once a month or less
- I don't use it at all
Do you carry out fasting days or any other cleansing procedures?
- 1-2 times a week
- Several times a month
- Several times a month
How many times a day do you eat?
- Less than 3 times
- Breakfast lunch and dinner
- More than 3 times
What type of people do you consider yourself to be?
- Optimist
- Realist
- Pessimist
How often do you eat baked goods and pasta made from light flour?
- Daily
- Few times a week
- Several times a month or less
Do you eat a varied diet?
- Yes
- No
- I eat a variety of foods, but the same dishes for many years
What products do you have for breakfast?
- Porridge, yogurt
- Coffee, sandwiches
- Other
What time do you have breakfast?
- Before 7.00
- 07.00-09.00
- 09.00-11.00
- Later 11.00
Do you have food intolerances?
- Yes
- No
Do you take vitamins?
- Yes, regularly
- Every season
- Very rarely
- I don't accept it at all
How much pure water do you drink per day?
- Less than 1.5 liters
- 1.5-2.5 liters
- 2.5-3.5 liters
- More than 3.5 liters
Have you ever had a food allergy?
- Yes
- No
- I find it difficult to answer
What portions do you eat?
- While it fits
- I'm still a little hungry
- I eat up, but not to the point of being full
- Yes
- No
- In case of urgent need
How often do you eat vegetables and fruits?
- Daily
- Few times a week
- Very rarely
What kind of water do you drink?
- Mineral
- Cleaned with household appliances with filters
- Boiled
- Raw
How often do you consume fermented milk products?
- Daily
- Few times a week
- Once a month or even less often
Do you always eat at the same time?