Description current as of 10/24/2014
- Latin name: Nazoferon
- ATX code: L03AB05
- Active ingredient: Interferon alfa-2b (Interferon alfa-2b)
- Manufacturer: PJSC "FARMAK", Ukraine
Nazoferon drops and spray contain the active substance: interferon alpha-2b.
Table of contents:
- Nazoferon
- Compound
- Release form
- pharmachologic effect
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Indications for use
- Nazoferon during pregnancy
- Contraindications for use
- Side effects
- Instructions for Nazoferon (Method and dosage)
- Overdose
- Interaction
- Terms of sale
- Storage conditions
- Best before date
- Analogs
- Alcohol
- Reviews about Nazoferon
- Nazoferon price, where to buy
- Pharmacy24
- Nazoferon
- Name:
- Compound
- pharmachologic effect
- Indications for use
- Mode of application
- Side effects
- Contraindications
- Pregnancy
- Drug interactions
- Overdose
- Release form
- Storage conditions
- Synonyms
- Pharmacological group
- Active substance:
- Additionally
- Authors
- Links
- Nazoferon - instructions for use and analogues of the drug Nazoferon
- Indications for use
- Compound
- Medicinal properties
- “Nazoferon”, spray
- Mode of application
- “Nazoferon”, drops
- Mode of application
- Contraindications
- During pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Precautionary measures
- Cross-drug interactions
- Side effects
- Overdose
- Conditions and shelf life
- Analogs
- "Interferon"
- “Grippferon”
- Farmak
- Nazoferon
- Instructions for use Nazoferon
- Compound
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Directions for use and doses
- Overdose
- Side effects
- Use during pregnancy
- Storage conditions
- How to buy Nazoferon on
- Nazoferon, Nasal drops
- Indications for use
- Contraindications
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- Nazoferon - instructions for use, price
- Release form and composition
- Indications for use
- Contraindications
- Directions for use and dosage
- Side effects
- special instructions
- Drug interactions
- Analogs
- Terms and conditions of storage
- Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
- Nazoferon drops prices in Kharkov pharmacies
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- NazoferonME/ml 5 ml spray called.
Auxiliary components: trometamol hydrochloride, lysine hydrochloride, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, trometamol, hypromelose, disodium editate, potassium chloride, water for injection.
Release form
The drug is available in the form of a spray and nasal drops, placed in 5 ml glass bottles.
pharmachologic effect
Nazoferon has antimicrobial, antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
The basis of Nazoferon is represented by a substance - recombinant human interferon alpha-2b. This component is characterized by inhibition of the replication of viruses - influenza, adenoviruses, and so on, by inhibiting the processes of transcription and translation. At the same time, interferon exhibits an antiproliferative effect due to inhibition of the reproduction of cells that are infected with viruses, mainly RNA and DNA viruses.
Also noted is the ability of interferon to initiate the synthesis of protein kinase, a specific enzyme that prevents translation due to the processes of phosphorylation of its initiating factor. In addition, human interferon activates a specific ribonuclease, which has a damaging effect on the messenger RNA of the viral cell. Additionally, the production of other cytokines is stimulated, specific enzymes are induced, cell proliferation is inhibited, and an immunomodulatory effect is manifested as a result of increased phagocytic activity and the cytotoxic effect of lymphocytes directed towards target cells. Interferon alpha-2b is characterized by pronounced tissue specificity and relationship to immune mediators. At the same time, the substance provides the human body with reliable protection against many viruses, bacteria, pathogenic fungi, mycoplasmas and other pathogens of infectious diseases.
Indications for use
The drug Nazoferon is prescribed for the treatment of:
In addition, this remedy is recommended for the purpose of therapy and prevention for pregnant women, for infants from the first days of birth, especially if they are forced to be in contact with people sick with influenza or ARVI. Also, as a prophylactic agent, the drug is used for hypothermia, during seasonal illness, and during epidemics in children's or adult groups.
Nazoferon during pregnancy
Contraindications for use
The drug is not prescribed for:
Side effects
Usually, treatment with Nazoferon does not cause any side effects.
However, the occurrence of allergies caused by high sensitivity or intolerance to human interferon and other components of the drug should not be excluded.
Instructions for Nazoferon (Method and dosage)
Nazoferon is intended for administration into each nasal passage, according to the established dosage regimen. In order for the product to be better distributed in the nasal cavity, after instillation, gently massage the wings of the nose with your fingers for several minutes. In pediatrics, Nazofen is actively used for children, produced in the form of drops. Instructions for children allow the use of this product even for the treatment of newborns.
Thus, the instructions for the drug recommend using Nazoferon for children when the first symptoms of ARVI or flu appear. It is advisable to do this within the first 5 days. In this case, drops for children are prescribed to newborn babies and children up to one year old, 1 drop daily. Children 1-3 years old – 2 drops 3-4 times daily.
Nazoferon spray is recommended for use in older patients, both for prevention and treatment. On average, the course can last 6-7 days. If necessary, preventive courses are repeated. Single contact with ARVI patients allows only one injection or instillation of the drug. During an increase in seasonal incidence, a single use in the morning is prescribed, according to the age-specific dosage, with an interval of 1-2 days.
There have been no cases of Nazoferon overdose in clinical practice.
During treatment with Nazoferon for uncomplicated cases of colds and acute respiratory viral infections, additional symptomatic therapy is not required, for example, taking antipyretic drugs, vasoconstrictors, sulfonamides, and so on. In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to treat fever.
The simultaneous use of Nazoferon and intranasal vasoconstrictors helps dry out the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.
Terms of sale
The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription.
Storage conditions
The medicine should be stored in a dark, cool place, out of reach of children.
Best before date
2 years. After opening the bottle, if the temperature storage conditions are maintained - a temperature of 2-8 C, the medicine remains suitable for 10 days.
The main analogue of this drug is Interferon alfa-2b.
There is no direct contraindication to the simultaneous use of this medicine and alcohol, but drinking alcohol with drugs containing interferon is not recommended.
Reviews about Nazoferon
As you know, this drug can be used for children almost from the moment of birth. Therefore, reviews about it are found in large numbers on various forums on the topic of children and motherhood. At the same time, many parents give a fairly high assessment of the effectiveness of Nazoferon.
The result of treatment for young children is rapid relief from mucous discharge from the nose, elimination of swelling, and so on. In addition, this children's drug is an excellent prophylactic that protects against colds and infectious diseases. You can also find reviews about Nazoferon during pregnancy, which only confirm its effectiveness.
Interferon preparations are an indispensable and highly effective means of preventing and treating infectious and colds. However, it is not recommended to use them without a doctor's prescription. In any case, in addition to the urgent use of such remedies, it is important to try to strengthen the natural immune defense, then the person will need only minimal support.
Nazoferon price, where to buy
The price of Nazoferon for children in Moscow pharmacies is rubles. The cost of the drug in the form of a spray is rubles.
Children's Nazoferon can be bought in Kyiv pharmacies for 57.38 UAH, spray - for 67.16 UAH.
- Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
You are not the first site that writes that it can be used during pregnancy and lactation, the instructions that come in the package indicate that it is contraindicated. Explain.
Anastasia, we give the child a drop while lying down and turn the bottle upside down. So you need to drip both drops and spray. There is not a tube, but a dispenser mechanism that works upside down.
Oh, how I wanted to write a review. Yesterday I was deeply shocked when I couldn’t squeeze a single drop out of half the bottle. The point is that the tube through which the medicine enters the spray is located almost halfway up the bottle, the bottle is short and wide, so no matter where you tilt it or turn this bottle, you get zero results. I wonder what the manufacturer offers. Since it is also not possible to open a sealed bottle.
Aglaya42: Thank you. Everything turns out to be so simple.
Ivan: We’ve been working for more than half a year. They have proven themselves. Everything is guaranteed. In stock.
Yulia: I have the same symptoms, I thought it was meningitis. I almost didn’t say goodbye at all. Head.
Diets.Guru: If the stage of the disease and the patient’s condition allow the possibility of surgery.
All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a treatment method prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.
The site administration and the authors of the articles are not responsible for any losses and consequences that may arise when using the site materials.
1 ml of Nazoferon contains:
At least IU of interferon alpha-2b.
Excipients: trometamol hydrochloride, trometamol, hypromelose, lysine hydrochloride, disodium editate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, potassium chloride, water for injection.
pharmachologic effect
Antimicrobial, antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effects.
Nazoferon is a drug based on recombinant human interferon alpha-2b. Interferon is characterized by the ability to inhibit the replication of viruses (influenza viruses, adenoviruses, etc.) by inhibiting the processes of translation and transcription. Interferon has an antiproliferative effect, inhibiting cell reproduction. Infected with viruses (mostly RNA and DNA containing viruses). Interferon has the ability to initiate the synthesis of protein kinase, a specific enzyme that prevents translation due to phosphorylation of the initiating factor of this process. Human interferon is capable of activating a specific ribonuclease, which has a damaging effect on the messenger RNA of the viral cell. Interferon also has the following effects: stimulates the production of other cytokines, induces specific enzymes, inhibits cell proliferation, has an immunomodulatory effect by enhancing phagocytic activity and increasing the cytotoxic effect of lymphocytes towards target cells. Interferon alpha-2b has pronounced tissue specificity and is classified as an immune mediator. Interferon, thanks to its abilities, provides the body with protection against viruses, mycoplasmas, bacteria, pathogenic fungi and other pathogens of infectious diseases.
Indications for use
Nazoferon is used for the prevention of diseases in persons who are in direct contact with patients with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, during hypothermia, during seasonal outbreaks of disease, in groups of children and adults, as well as during epidemics among at-risk groups - teachers, medical workers, etc. d.
Mode of application
Nazoferon must be administered into each nasal passage in accordance with the dosage regimen. For the best distribution of the drug in the nasal cavity, it is recommended that after instillation, lightly massage the wings of the nose with your fingers for several minutes.
When the first signs of ARVI appear, incl. flu (for five days) Nazoferon is prescribed:
- children under one year old and newborns - 5 times a day, 1 drop (the daily dose of the drug is IU, a single dose is 8000 IU);
- children from one to three years old - 3 or 4 times a day, 2 doses of spray (2 drops). Daily dose: spray is IU, drops – IU, single dose: spray is –00 IU, drops –00 IU;
- children from three years to 14 years old - 4-5 times a day, 2 doses of spray (2 drops). Daily dose: spray is 000 IU, drops – 00 IU, single dose: spray – IU, drops – IU);
— adults – 5-6 times a day, 3 doses of spray (3 drops). Daily dose: spray is 0000 IU, drops – 4000 IU, single dose: spray – IU, drops – IU.
- persons who were in direct contact with patients with acute respiratory viral infections and hypothermia - twice a day according to the age dosage for 6-7 days. Preventive courses can be repeated if necessary. In the case of single contact with a patient with ARVI, one injection (instillation) of the drug is sufficient;
- during the period of seasonal increase in incidence: once in the morning according to the age-specific dosage with an interval of 1-2 days.
Side effects
When using Nazoferon, no side effects of the drug were identified. However, the possibility of allergic reactions in individuals with hypersensitivity to human interferon and other components of the drug cannot be ruled out.
Nazoferon is contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as in patients with a history of severe forms of allergic diseases.
Nazoferon is safe and non-toxic, and therefore can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Drug interactions
When treating uncomplicated cases of ARVI, Nazoferon does not require additional symptomatic therapy (prescription of antipyretics, sulfonamides, vasoconstrictor drops, etc.). Nazoferon combines well with anti-inflammatory drugs when fever occurs. The simultaneous use of Nazoferon with intranasal vasoconstrictors is not recommended due to additional drying of the nasal mucosa.
There are no data on cases of overdose of the drug Nazoferon.
Release form
Nazoferon nasal spray, 5 ml glass bottles.
Nazoferon nasal drops, in glass bottles 5 ml.
Storage conditions
Store at 2-8 degrees Celsius. Keep away from moisture and light. After opening the bottle, store the drug for no more than 10 days.
Pharmacological group
Active substance:
Nazoferon is recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women to prevent ARVI in the early stages of pregnancy, when, due to intoxication of the maternal body, there is a high risk of developing fetal malformations.
The instructions were compiled by a team of authors and editors of the Piluli website. The list of authors of the drug reference book is presented on the site's editorial page: Site editors.
- Official instructions for the drug Nazoferon.
- The WHO Collaborating Center for Drug Statistics Methodology.
The description of the drug "Nazoferon" on this page is a simplified and expanded version of the official instructions for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.
Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.
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© Copyright. Medicine from A to Z.
All materials on this site are intended exclusively for medical professionals and pharmacists.
The site should not be used as a source of information on self-medication.
Nazoferon - instructions for use and analogues of the drug Nazoferon
Latin name: Nazoferon
Active ingredient: Interferon
Manufacturer: Farmak, Ukraine
Condition for dispensing from the pharmacy: Without a prescription
“Nazoferon” exhibits antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. It is actively used to relieve symptoms of nasal congestion and is an active obstacle to the penetration of viral cells into the body.
Indications for use
“Nazoferon” is used for the following purposes:
- Active therapy of colds, relief of symptoms of influenza and ARVI:
- In children of any age and other persons, not excluding pregnant women at all stages
- In persons suffering from respiratory tract diseases, including cases of chronic course
- In persons in contact with infected viral diseases
- With prolonged cooling of the body.
- Preventive measures in epidemically dangerous seasons, when contacts with carriers of viral diseases occur, when organizing anti-epidemic measures in schools, kindergartens, and dense work groups.
The main part of the drug “Nazoferon” is IU/ml interferon alpha-2b.
Additional components are:
- Trometamol hydrochloride
- Hypromelose
- Dinathium editate (Trilon B)
- Lysine hydrochloride
- Potassium chloride
- Methyl parahydroxybenzoate
- Injection water
Medicinal properties
“Nazoferon” is a medicinal product containing recombinant human interferon alpha-2b in its base. This basis negatively affects the reproduction of viral cells (for example, influenza or adenovirus) by suppressing the processes of information transfer from infected cells to healthy ones.
This inhibition prevents viral cells from freely moving distorted information in sections of DNA and RNA, which greatly inhibits their development and allows the body’s natural defenses to actively destroy foreign objects.
The synthesis of protein kinase due to the action of interferon increases significantly, increasing the natural protective reaction of the human body. In addition, specific RNA is also activated under the influence of alpha-2b and destroys sections of viral RNA.
Other positive effects of human interferon on processes in the body:
- Increases the formation of cellular products that protect the information part of the cell
- Increases the formation of specific protective enzymes
- It enhances the effect of phagocytes and the cytotoxic effect of lymphocytes on affected cells, thereby exerting its effect on the body as a whole as an immunomodulator.
Thanks to interferon alpha-2b, “Nazoferon” actively affects the viability of viruses, mycoplasmas, bacteria and other causes of infectious diseases.
Average price from 400 to 420 rubles.
“Nazoferon”, spray
Nasal spray ME/ml, glass bottle 5 ml. The spray is actively used to relieve symptoms in patients aged one year or more, due to its convenient dosing mechanism and form, in which the active substance is sprayed evenly over the entire surface of the mucosa.
Mode of application
Method of administration: insert the tip of the spray bottle into the nasal cavity cleared of mucus, press the injection mechanism the appropriate number of times.
Instructions for using the drug “Nazoferon” to relieve symptoms of viral diseases:
- Children under 1 year – 1 drop up to 5 times a day
- Children from 1 to 3 years – 2 drops (spray doses) up to 4 times a day
- Children from 3 to 14 years old – 2 drops (spray doses) up to 5 times a day
- Children over 14 years of age and adults – 3 drops (spray doses) up to 6 times a day.
During the anti-epidemic regime:
- In a work group, kindergarten, school - a single dose in the morning, according to age, every other day throughout the entire period of the epidemic
- When in contact with an infected person - twice a day for a week, according to the age category.
Average price from 370 to 390 rubles.
“Nazoferon”, drops
Nasal drops IU/ml, glass bottle 5 ml. Drops are used more often to treat adults and children under 1 year of age, since this dosage form penetrates to the desired areas in a dosed manner, but without sudden pressure. The average price is 370 – 390 rubles.
Mode of application
Dosages are similar to the spray. It is best to administer nasal drops while lying down, or tilt your head back strongly - the pipette is inserted into the cleansed nasal passage and the prescribed number of drops is dripped. After administering the medicine, it is recommended to make light massaging movements on the wings of the nose to evenly distribute the medicine.
There are two main types of contraindications to this drug:
- Individual hypersensitivity (intolerance) to the components of the drug
- A history of severe allergies, regardless of the type of allergen.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding
The use of “Nazoferon” in pregnant and lactating women is similar to the dosage regimen in their age category. The absolute safety of the drug for these categories of people has been clinically proven.
Precautionary measures
It is recommended to use Nazoferon with caution for the first time. It is best to apply a small amount of the drug to the sensitive skin of the elbow. If no reaction is observed on the skin within 20 minutes. You can use the medicine as directed. In case of redness, itching or other discomfort, it is better to refuse use.
Cross-drug interactions
Interacts well with various anti-inflammatory drugs and antipyretics.
It is not recommended to use in combination with vasoconstrictors due to the high risk of damage to the mucous membrane.
Side effects
In clinical practice, there is no data on cases of drug overdose.
Conditions and shelf life
To store the drug “Nazoferon” use a dry, dark place, temperature range from 2 to 8 degrees.
A sealed bottle can be stored for two years from the date of manufacture. Opened product is recommended to be used within 10 days.
Microgen, Russia / Schering-Plough, USA, etc.
The release form of interferon includes many types - ointments, gels, suppositories, drops, ampoules and others. The action is aimed at actively increasing immunity and the body’s overall resistance to viral attacks.
- Short shelf life
- Inconvenient storage and use (applies to suppositories and ampoules)
The solution is pale yellow in color, packaged in plastic bottles of 5 and 10 ml. Has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Good drug tolerance
- Possibility of use during pregnancy and feeding
- Short shelf life of opened packaging
- Fast consumption.
nasal spray IU/ml fl. glass 5 ml, No. 1
cap. nasal.IU/ml fl. glass 5 ml, No. 1
Other ingredients: trometamol, hypromellose, disodium edetate (Trilon B), potassium chloride, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water for injection.
No. 657/00 from 02/09/2007 to 02/09/2012
A drug based on recombinant human interferon alpha-2b, an antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent. The biological effect of interferon is characterized by the following effects: inhibits the replication of viruses (adenoviruses, influenza viruses, etc.) due to the inhibitory effect on the processes of transcription and translation; antiproliferative - inhibits the reproduction of cells infected with viruses (most DNA and RNA viruses). Interferon initiates the synthesis of a specific enzyme - protein kinase, which prevents translation due to phosphorylation of one of the initiating factors of this process; activates a specific ribonuclease that damages the messenger RNA of the virus. The effects of interferon also include: stimulation of the production of other cytokines, induction of specific enzymes, inhibition of cell proliferation, immunomodulation (increased phagocytic activity of macrophages and specific cytotoxicity of lymphocytes towards target cells). Interferon is a mediator of immunity and has pronounced tissue specificity. Thanks to its effects, interferon protects the body from pathogens of infectious diseases (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas, pathogenic fungi, etc.).
- treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, colds in children (from the moment of birth) and adults (including pregnant women); in patients with frequent and prolonged diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- prevention of viral infections in contact with patients with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, during hypothermia, seasonal increases in morbidity, in organized groups (children and adults), among risk groups (medical workers, teachers and others, especially during an epidemic).
Inject into each nasal passage according to the method of application and dosage. After instillation, it is recommended to massage the wings of the nose with your fingers for several minutes to evenly distribute the drug in the nasal cavity. At the first signs of influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections (for 5 days):
- newborns and older children
The drug Nazoferon, country of origin - Ukraine, is an immunomodulatory agent. The active component - interferon α-2b - has antiproliferative, antiviral, antibacterial effects. Prescribed for the treatment of diseases (infectious) of the upper respiratory tract, their prevention after hypothermia, in individuals who have been suffering from respiratory tract pathologies for a long time and/or frequently, after contact with patients, during an epidemic. Nazoferon spray is contraindicated in case of intolerance to the components, in children under one year of age. Read more in the full instructions.
Instructions for use Nazoferon
1 ml of Nazoferon contains:
At least IU of interferon alpha-2b.
Excipients: trometamol hydrochloride, trometamol, hypromelose, lysine hydrochloride, disodium editate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, potassium chloride, water for injection.
Nazoferon is prescribed for the treatment of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, and colds in patients with frequent and long-term upper respiratory tract diseases, in children, starting from birth, in adults, including pregnant women.
Nazoferon is used for the prevention of diseases in persons who are in direct contact with patients with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, during hypothermia, during seasonal outbreaks of disease, in groups of children and adults, as well as during epidemics among at-risk groups - teachers, medical workers, etc. d.
Nazoferon is contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as in patients with a history of severe forms of allergic diseases.
Directions for use and doses
Nazoferon must be administered into each nasal passage in accordance with the dosage regimen. For the best distribution of the drug in the nasal cavity, it is recommended that after instillation, lightly massage the wings of the nose with your fingers for several minutes. When the first signs of ARVI appear, incl. flu (within five days)
- children under one year old and newborns – 5 times a day, 1 drop (daily dose of the drug is IU, single dose – 8000 IU)
- children from one to three years old - 3 or 4 times a day, 2 doses of spray (2 drops). Daily dose: spray is IU, drops – IU, single dose: spray is –00 IU, drops –00 IU
- children from three years to 14 years – 4-5 times a day, 2 doses of spray (2 drops). Daily dose: spray is 000 IU, drops –00 IU, single dose: spray – IU, drops – IU)
- adults – 5-6 times a day, 3 doses of spray (3 drops). Daily dose: spray is 0000 IU, drops – 4000 IU, single dose: spray – IU, drops – IU
Nazoferon for the prevention of ARVI is prescribed:
- for persons who were in direct contact with patients with ARVI and for hypothermia - twice a day according to the age dosage for 6-7 days. Preventive courses can be repeated if necessary. In case of single contact with a patient with ARVI, one injection (instillation) of the drug is sufficient
- during the period of seasonal increase in incidence: once in the morning according to the age-specific dosage with an interval of 1-2 days.
There are no data on cases of overdose of the drug Nazoferon.
Side effects
When using Nazoferon, no side effects of the drug were identified. However, the possibility of allergic reactions in individuals with hypersensitivity to human interferon and other components of the drug cannot be ruled out.
Use during pregnancy
Nazoferon is safe and non-toxic, and therefore can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Storage conditions
Store at 2-8 degrees Celsius. Keep away from moisture and light. After opening the bottle, store the drug for no more than 10 days.
How to buy Nazoferon on
Do you need the drug Nazoferon? Order it right here! You can reserve any medicine on you can pick up the medicine itself or order delivery at a pharmacy in your city at the price indicated on the website. The order will be waiting for you at the pharmacy, about which you will receive a notification in the form of SMS (the possibility of a delivery service must be checked with partner pharmacies).
On there is always information about the availability of the drug in a number of the largest cities of Ukraine: Kyiv, Dnieper, Zaporozhye, Lvov, Odessa, Kharkov and other megacities. While in any of them, you can always easily and simply order medications through the website, and then go to the pharmacy for them at a convenient time or order delivery.
Please note: You will need a doctor's prescription to order and receive prescription drugs.
Nazoferon, Nasal drops
Instructions for medical use
International nonproprietary name
Nasal drops IU/ml, 5ml
active substance - recombinant human interferon alpha-2 b not less than IU,
excipients: trometamol, trometamol hydrochloride, hypromelose, disodium edetate, lysine hydrochloride, potassium chloride, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water for injection.
Transparent colorless liquid.
Immunomodulators. Immunostimulants. Interferons.
Interferon alpha-2 b.
ATX code L03A B05
NAZOFERON is an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative agent. The mechanism of antiviral action is to inhibit the replication of viruses (adenoviruses, influenza viruses, etc.) due to the inhibitory effect on the processes of transcription and translation; antiproliferative – inhibits cell reproduction (most DNA and RNA viruses). Interferon initiates the synthesis of a specific enzyme - protein kinase, which prevents translation due to phosphorylation of one of the initiating factors of this process; activates a specific ribonuclease, which damages the messenger RNA of the virus. The effects of interferon also include: stimulation of the production of other cytokines, induction of specific enzymes, inhibition of cell proliferation, immunomodulation (increased phagocytic activity of macrophages and specific cytotoxicity of lymphocytes towards target cells). Interferon is a mediator of immunity and has pronounced tissue specificity. Thanks to its effects, interferon protects the body from pathogens of infectious diseases (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas, pathogenic fungi, etc.).
Indications for use
Prevention and treatment of ARVI, colds:
- in children from 1 month and adults;
- in patients who often and for a long time suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- upon contact with ARVI patients;
- with a seasonal increase in morbidity in organized groups (children and adults), among “at-risk” contingents - medical workers, teachers, etc., especially during an epidemic.
Directions for use and doses
At the first sign of ARVI (within 5 days)
Children from 1 month to 1 year – 1 drop in each nasal passage 5 times a day (single dose – 8000 IU, daily dose – IU);
Children from 1 to 3 years old – 2 drops 3-4 times a day (single dose – IU, daily dose – 00 IU);
Children from 3 to 14 years old – 2 drops 4-5 times a day (single dose – IU, daily dose – 00 IU);
Adults – 3 drops 5-6 times a day (single dose – IU, daily dose – 4000 IU).
For the prevention of respiratory viral infections
In case of contact with a patient and in case of hypothermia - in accordance with the age-specific dosage, 2 times a day for 5-7 days. If necessary, preventive courses are repeated. For single contact, one instillation is sufficient.
In case of seasonal increase in incidence - in accordance with the age dosage, once in the morning with an interval of 1-2 days.
- skin rash
- dry nasal mucosa
- hypersensitivity to interferon alpha-2b and other components included in the drug
- history of severe forms of allergic diseases.
When using the drug NAZOFERON in uncomplicated cases, no additional symptomatic treatment is required (paracetamol, sulfonamides, vasoconstrictor nasal drops). At elevated body temperatures, the drug is combined with anti-inflammatory drugs. The simultaneous use of intranasal vasoconstrictor drugs is not recommended, as they dry out the nasal mucosa.
Inject into each nasal passage according to the method of application and dosage. After instillation, it is recommended to massage the wings of the nose with your fingers for several minutes to evenly distribute the drug in the nasal cavity.
Scheme for using nasal drops in a bottle sealed with a dropper:
The drug should not be used if the integrity and labeling of the packaging is damaged, if the physical properties (color or transparency of the liquid) change, or after the expiration date.
Use in pediatrics
The drug is used for children from 1 month.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
There is no data on the use of NAZOFERON in pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms
Release form and packaging
5 ml of the drug is poured into bottles made of brown glass of the 1st hydrolytic class, sealed with rubber stoppers for injection bottles and aluminum caps combined with plastic caps or caps with a hinged cap.
Self-adhesive labels are placed on the bottles.
One bottle, along with a transparent polypropylene pipette and a protective cap for pipettes, previously placed in a plastic film bag, and instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages are placed in a cardboard box.
Or 5 ml of the drug is poured into brown glass vials for injection, sealed with droppers.
Self-adhesive labels are placed on the bottles.
One bottle, along with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages, is placed in a cardboard box.
Store in a place protected from light at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children!
Shelf life after opening the bottle is 10 days.
Do not use the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package.
Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
PJSC "Farmak", Ukraine, 04080, Kyiv, st. Frunze, 63.
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Nazoferon - instructions for use, price
Instructions for use:
Release form and composition
Indications for use
Directions for use and dosage
Terms and conditions of storage
Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Nazoferon is a drug with immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects.
Release form and composition
Nazoferon is available in two dosage forms:
- Nasal drops: colorless, transparent (5 ml in glass bottles sealed with droppers, 1 bottle in a cardboard box);
- Nasal spray: colorless, transparent (5 ml in glass bottles closed with a dispenser pump, 1 bottle in a cardboard box complete with a nasal spray).
The composition of 1 ml of nasal drops and spray includes:
- Active ingredient: alpha-2b recombinant human interferon - not less than IU (international units);
- Auxiliary components: lysine hydrochloride, potassium chloride, disodium edetate, trometamol hydrochloride, trometamol, hypromellose, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water for injection.
Indications for use
Nazoferon is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and colds in patients of all ages. The drug is used for long-term and frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the following situations:
- Contact with patients with acute respiratory viral infections;
- Hypothermia;
- Seasonal increase in morbidity in organized groups, adults and children, especially during periods of epidemics (in the high-risk group - medical workers, teachers, kindergarten teachers, etc.).
- Age up to 1 year (nasal spray);
- Severe forms of allergic diseases (history);
- Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Directions for use and dosage
Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections should begin when the first signs of the disease develop (within 5 days).
The following dosage regimen is usually prescribed (frequency of use/single dose (number of drops or spray doses in each nasal passage)/daily dose):
- Newborns and children under 1 year: drops – 5 times a day/8000 IU (1 drop)/IU;
- Children 1-3 years old: drops – 3-4 times a day/IU (2 drops)/000 IU; spray – 3-4 times a day/IU (2 spray doses)/000 IU;
- Children 3-14 years old: drops – 4-5 times a day/IU (2 drops)/000 IU; spray – 4-5 times a day/IU (2 spray doses)/000 IU;
- Adults: drops – 5-6 times a day/IU (3 drops)/0 IU; spray – 5-6 times a day/IU (3 spray doses)/0 IU.
In case of contact with patients and hypothermia, Nazoferon is prescribed for prophylactic purposes 2 times a day in accordance with the age-specific dosage, course duration is 5-7 days. If necessary, preventive courses can be repeated. For single contact with patients, one spray or instillation is usually sufficient.
For prophylaxis during seasonal increases in incidence, Nazoferon is used once in the morning in accordance with the age-specific dosage with an interval of 1-2 days.
Side effects
In isolated cases, when using Nazoferon, a skin rash may occur.
special instructions
Before using Nazoferon in the form of nasal drops, you need to take a sitting or lying position on your back. When instilling, do not touch the inner walls of the nose with the dropper of the bottle. To evenly distribute the drops over the nasal mucosa, immediately after the procedure, you need to massage the wings of the nose with your fingers for several minutes.
The nasal spray should be used while in an upright position. Before first use, you must activate the sprayer by pressing.
If the labeling and integrity of the packaging are violated, as well as in cases of changes in the physical properties of Nazoferon (transparency or color), the drug should not be used in any dosage form.
To avoid the spread of infection, individual use of the drug is recommended.
Drug interactions
When using Nazoferon in uncomplicated cases, additional symptomatic therapy (for example, paracetamol, sulfonamides, vasoconstrictor nasal drops) is not required.
The simultaneous use of Nazoferon with intranasal vasoconstrictor drugs is not recommended, since they can lead to dryness of the nasal mucosa.
At elevated body temperatures, combination treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs is possible.
Analogs of Nazoferon are: Interferon alfa-2b, Arbidol, Amiksin, Viferon.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store in a place protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 2-8°C.
Shelf life – 2 years.
Drops or spray after opening the bottle can be used for 10 days, provided the drug is stored at a temperature of 2-8°C (in the refrigerator).
Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Available without a prescription.
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Nazoferon drops prices in Kharkov pharmacies
51 offers and 48 pharmacies found.
All prices and availability of Nazoferon drops are relevant today. You can buy the drug at any of the following pharmacies in Kharkov.
Online pharmacy "Norma-Plus"
- Nazoferon dropsME/ml 5 ml (Farmak, Ukraine) 43. 01 UAH
- Nazoferon dropsME/ml 5 ml (Farmak, Ukraine) 43. 01 UAH
- Online pharmacy "Norma-Plus"
- Online pharmacy "Norma-Plus" Lviv
Internet pharmacy "Don't Be Boley"
- Nazoferon drops naz 100 thousand IU 5 ml N1 RG 56. 54 UAH
- Internet pharmacy "Don't Be Boley"
- Online pharmacy "Don't Be Boley" Dnepr
Online pharmacy "City-Pharm"
- Nazoferon drops called 100000IU/ml 5ml 66. 10 UAH
- Nazoferon nasal drops IU/ml Bottle 5 ml No. 1 82. 45 UAH
- Online pharmacy "City-Pharm"
- Online pharmacy "City-Pharm" Kyiv
Online pharmacy "City-Pharm"
- Nazoferon drops called 100000IU/ml 5ml 66. 10 UAH
- Nazoferon nasal drops IU/ml Bottle 5 ml No. 1 82. 45 UAH
- Online pharmacy "City-Pharm"
- Online pharmacy "City-Pharm" Kyiv
- Nazoferon drops called 100,000 IU/ml 5 ml glass bottle No. 1 (PAT Farmak, Ukraine) 73. 24 UAH
- Pharmacy24
- Apteka24 Kharkov
Online pharmacy "Algo-Pharm"
- NAZOFERON nasal drops IU/ml fl. glass 5 ml (Farmak (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 81. 40 UAH
- Online pharmacy "Algo-Pharm"
- Online pharmacy "Algo-Pharm" Kyiv
Good Day Pharmacy
- Nazoferon drops 5 ml (Farmak OJSC (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 86. 39 UAH
- Good Day Pharmacy
- Good Day Pharmacy Kharkov
Good Day Pharmacy
- Nazoferon drops 5 ml (Farmak OJSC (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 86. 39 UAH
- Good Day Pharmacy
- Good Day Pharmacy Kharkov
Good Day Pharmacy
- Nazoferon drops 5 ml (Farmak OJSC (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 86. 39 UAH
- Good Day Pharmacy
- Good Day Pharmacy Kharkov
Good Day Pharmacy
- Nazoferon drops 5 ml (Farmak OJSC (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 86. 39 UAH
- Good Day Pharmacy
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Good Day Pharmacy
- Nazoferon drops 5 ml (Farmak OJSC (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 86. 39 UAH
- Good Day Pharmacy
- Good Day Pharmacy Kharkov
Good Day Pharmacy
- Nazoferon drops 5 ml (Farmak OJSC (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 86. 39 UAH
- Good Day Pharmacy
- Good Day Pharmacy Kharkov
Good Day Pharmacy
- Nazoferon drops 5 ml (Farmak OJSC (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 86. 39 UAH
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- Nazoferon drops 5 ml (Farmak OJSC (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 86. 39 UAH
- Good Day Pharmacy
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- Nazoferon drops 5 ml (Farmak OJSC (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 86. 39 UAH
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- Nazoferon drops 5 ml (Farmak OJSC (Ukraine, Kyiv)) 86. 39 UAH
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Based on your request Nazoferon drops, a total of 51 medications were found in Kharkov pharmacies
NazoferonME/ml 5 ml spray called.
By order of the Chairman of the Committee for Control of Medical and
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Instructions for medical use
International nonproprietary name
Nasal spray IU/ml, 5ml
1 ml of the drug contains
active substance - recombinant human interferon alpha-2 b not less than IU,
excipients: trometamol, trometamol hydrochloride, hypromelose, disodium edetate, lysine hydrochloride, potassium chloride, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, water for injection.
Transparent colorless liquid.
Immunomodulators. Immunostimulants. Interferons.
Interferon alpha-2 b.
ATX code L03A B05
NAZOFERON is an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative agent. The mechanism of antiviral action is to inhibit the replication of viruses (adenoviruses, influenza viruses, etc.) due to the inhibitory effect on the processes of transcription and translation; antiproliferative – inhibits cell reproduction (most DNA and RNA viruses). Interferon initiates the synthesis of a specific enzyme - protein kinase, which prevents translation due to phosphorylation of one of the initiating factors of this process; activates a specific ribonuclease, which damages the messenger RNA of the virus. The effects of interferon also include: stimulation of the production of other cytokines, induction of specific enzymes, inhibition of cell proliferation, immunomodulation (increased phagocytic activity of macrophages and specific cytotoxicity of lymphocytes towards target cells). Interferon is a mediator of immunity and has pronounced tissue specificity. Thanks to its effects, interferon protects the body from pathogens of infectious diseases (viruses, bacteria, mycoplasmas, pathogenic fungi, etc.).
Indications for use
Prevention and treatment of ARVI, colds:
in children from 1 year and adults;
in patients who often and for a long time suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
with a seasonal increase in morbidity in organized groups (children and adults), among “at-risk” contingents - medical workers, teachers, etc., especially during an epidemic.
Directions for use and doses
At the first sign of ARVI (within 5 days)
Children from 1 to 3 years old – 2 spray doses in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day (single dose –IU, daily dose: –00 IU);
Children from 3 to 14 years old – 2 spray doses 4-5 times a day (single dose – IU, daily dose – 000 IU);
Adults – 3 spray doses 5-6 times a day (single dose – IU, daily dose – 0000 IU).
For the prevention of respiratory viral infections
In case of contact with a patient and in case of hypothermia - in accordance with the age-specific dosage, 2 times a day for 5-7 days. If necessary, preventive courses are repeated. For single contact, one injection is sufficient.
In case of seasonal increase in incidence - in accordance with the age dosage, once in the morning with an interval of 1-2 days.
In isolated cases:
dryness of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages
hypersensitivity to interferon alpha-2b and other components included in the drug
history of severe forms of allergic diseases.
When using the drug NAZOFERON in uncomplicated cases, no additional symptomatic treatment is required (paracetamol, sulfonamides, vasoconstrictor nasal drops). At elevated body temperatures, the drug is combined with anti-inflammatory drugs. The simultaneous use of intranasal vasoconstrictor drugs is not recommended, as they dry out the nasal mucosa.
Inject into each nasal passage according to the method of application and dosage.
Scheme for using nasal spray:
The drug should not be used if the integrity and labeling of the packaging is damaged, if the physical properties (color or transparency of the liquid) change, or after the expiration date.
Use in pediatrics
The drug is used for children from 1 year of age.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
There is no data on the use of NAZOFERON in pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and potentially dangerous mechanisms
Release form and packaging
5 ml of the drug is poured into brown glass bottles of hydrolytic class 1 or into brown glass bottles for injection, closed with a dispenser pump with a nasal spray.
Self-adhesive labels are placed on the bottles.
One bottle, along with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages, is placed in a cardboard box
Store in a place protected from light at a temperature of 2 to 8 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children!
Shelf life after opening the bottle is 10 days.
Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
PJSC "Farmak", Ukraine, 04080, Kyiv, st. Frunze, 63.
Note: The product description is provided for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation for use.