How to put Otipax in the ear

How to treat ears with Otipax drops?

Many of us are familiar with these unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations in the ears, which, as a rule, occur suddenly and are symptoms of the development of otitis media. With this phenomenon, a reliable and safe drug is needed that can return the patient to his normal life in a short period of time.

Table of contents:

Next we will talk about Otipax ear drops: instructions for use in children and adults, possible analogues, and also read reviews from people who have used this pharmaceutical product.

Otipax ear drops - characteristics of the drug

"Otipax" is a medicine characterized by local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

This medication is produced by the French pharmaceutical company Biocodex.

Otipax is produced in the form of ear drops and is an oily liquid with a faint alcoholic odor.

In color, it can be either completely transparent or have a slight yellowish tint.

The medication is sold in pharmacies in 15 ml dark glass bottles.

Each bottle includes a soft, sterile dropper and instructions for using the medicine.

The composition of the drug is represented by the following active components:

Lidocaine is an effective anesthetic substance that disrupts the conduction of pain impulses by interacting with sodium and calcium in the nerve fiber membrane.

Phenazone is a non-steroidal substance with an anti-inflammatory effect. It inhibits the production of certain enzymes, thereby preventing the development of inflammation and eliminating painful sensations.

Additional substances in the production of the drug are: water, ethanol, glycerol, sodium thiosulfate.

This combination of active ingredients causes a rapid analgesic effect, increasing its intensity and duration.

In addition, the drug promotes the process of liquefaction of mucous masses and their removal from the middle ear through the Eustachian tube.

The main indication for use of the drug is ear pain.

Typically, Otipax is prescribed in the following situations:

  1. Otitis media in the initial and acute stages.
  2. Otitis externa.
  3. Otitis media, which arose as a complication of sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, and influenza.
  4. Otitis that developed against the background of a traumatic injury.

Important! The main purpose of the pharmaceutical drug is to eliminate pain.

It is worth considering that despite the fact that these ear drops have a good anesthetic effect, they still do not have sufficient anti-inflammatory properties, that is, they are not able to influence bacteria and viruses, but only eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Price of the drug "Otipax"

To purchase this product, you do not need a prescription from a doctor, but still, before starting treatment, you should visit a specialist and get advice on their use.

How much Otipax ear drops cost directly depends on the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain that sells the drug and the region where they are located.

Thus, the average cost of these drops in Russian cities ranges from 195 to 250 rubles.

The highest cost of the medicine is noted in some online pharmacies, where their price reaches 366 rubles.

How to put Otipax in your ears correctly

The therapeutic course of Otipax ear drops in the instructions for use for children and adults consists of 7 to 10 days, but no more.

Reference. Otipax is approved for use in the treatment of ear ailments in expectant and nursing mothers, including infants under 1 year of age. However, these patients must be prescribed medication by an ENT specialist.

Below is a schematic diagram of the dosage of drops for children and adults.

A one-time use of Otipax for ear pain in children and adults is characterized by a short-term effect, so it is necessary to complete a full course of drug therapy.

The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved already on the 3rd day of its use, a significant reduction in pain can be observed minutes after instillation of the substance.

In order to properly instill Otipax, you need to perform the following list of actions (illustrated in detail in the photo below):

  • wash your hands well;
  • Gently clean the ear shell with a soft damp cloth;
  • warm the substance to body temperature, for which the bottle can be held in the palm of your hand for a while;
  • check the dropper for chips and cracks;
  • turn the bottle over and make sure that the substance flows into the dropper;
  • Place the patient on his side so that the affected ear is on top;
  • slightly pull the ear a little back and up to open the ear canal, and drip the product in the required amount;
  • press on the tragus, you can massage it lightly. This way the drops will penetrate better into the ear cavity;
  • After instillation, it is good to close the ear with a cotton swab coated with a small amount of Vaseline. This way the drops will not evaporate, and the efficiency of their use will be higher;
  • Close the bottle with a lid and put it in the refrigerator (this is required according to the storage conditions of the product after opening);
  • Wash the hands.

Knowledge about the correct use of a medication does not mean that you can treat it yourself. In order to avoid negative consequences, the medicine must be prescribed by a specialist.

Attention! The drug should not be taken if the integrity of the eardrum is damaged and there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drops.

Analogues of "Otipax"

The following drugs can be called the cheapest analogues of Otipax ear drops:

  1. “Otirelax” (from 176 rubles, on average cheaper from 39 rubles) is a Romanian medicine that contains the same active ingredients. Used in a similar dosage.
  2. "Otinum" (from 183 rubles, on average cheaper from 32 rubles) is a Polish medicine that has the same effects and indications for use as "Otipax", but differs in composition (contains one active ingredient - choline salicylate). Prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. “Folicap” is a Russian drug, identical in composition, action and dosage for treatment. Available only by prescription.

In addition, the drug in question can be replaced with the following drugs that have a similar mechanism of action: “Ottoslavin”, “Holycaps”, “Uniflox”, “Tsipromed”, “Sofradex”, however, these drugs will not be cheaper and are no longer analogues.


Reviews about the drug "Otipax" are in most cases positive, which allows us to conclude that these drops are highly effective.

However, in fairness it should be said that there are also dissatisfied comments about this medicine.

Here are some of them:

Natalya: “Otipax is an excellent remedy for the treatment of otitis media. I checked it on myself more than once. I recommend".

Yuri: “I took Otipax for all 10 days and only eliminated the pain. But the congestion in the ear remains.”

Evgeniya: “Otipax became a real savior for me. After a trip to the dacha, I woke up in the morning with severe pain in my ear. I had Otipax in the first aid kit and dropped it in. By the end of the same day I felt much better. There was still pain and congestion in the ear, but not of the same intensity. I buried it for a couple more days and by the time I got ready to go from the dacha to the city, everything went away. These drops helped me a lot.”

Elena: “Otipax drops are always in our home medicine cabinet. Already 6 years of experience in using it. They prescribed it for my daughter for otitis media, but she herself also had to undergo some treatment. Helps quickly and effectively."

Stas: “The doctor prescribed Otipax for me for otitis media. After 6 days of use, everything returned to normal for me, the product definitely helped me.”

To summarize, we can say that Otipax, according to reviews, is quite an effective remedy and its use to eliminate ear pain is not only justified, but also necessary.

However, it is still worth remembering that any drug has its own indications and features of use. Therefore, it is better to exclude independent treatment.

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!


Otipax ear drops

If you have ever experienced acute, aching, and sometimes even unbearable ear pain in your life, then you are probably familiar with the huge range of medications from your nearest pharmacy. A headache, or even a toothache, really cannot compare with the unpleasant sensations in the ear. The only way to eliminate the inflammatory process, relieve swelling and reduce pain quickly and effectively is with ear drops.

But, naturally, each of us does not have the time, or even that amount of material resources, to conduct experiments and look for a suitable drug. Therefore, what should be done in such a situation? Based on reviews from friends or information on the Internet, look for a suitable drug. Otipax ear drops instructions for use should help you figure out whether this remedy is suitable for your situation.

Use of the drug

Otipax ear drops are used to relieve ear pain, as well as local treatment of otitis media and purulent otitis, occurring in acute or chronic form. The medication effectively eliminates the consequences of a cold and relieves complications after suffering from the flu.

Otipax is the most common drug used in pediatrics. The active ingredients of the product are absolutely safe for newborns. No negative effects from the drug on women during pregnancy were identified.

Otipax should be instilled in a dosage of 2 to 4 drops in each ear three times a day. Within minutes, the active ingredients of the drug in the form of lidocaine and phenazone will interact, providing an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The effectiveness of the drug has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies and a number of positive results after a course of treatment in patients with eustachitis and severe forms of acute inflammatory processes.

Before dripping Otipax, you must first warm the product in your hand for 10 minutes or heat it in a water bath. Only after this can you put drops in your ear. The course of treatment with the medication is a maximum of 10 days. Before using the drug, you should consult a doctor and make sure that the ear pain is not caused by mechanical damage to the eardrum or a severe allergic reaction to the effects of lidocaine and phenazone.

Product for children

Otipax ear drops can be used even by newborns. The method of application is the same for both adults and children. The drug quickly alleviates the physiological condition of a child with a diagnosis such as acute otitis media. The baby’s parents do not have to worry that the medication will cause any harm to the baby’s fragile and immature body.

This is due to the fact that the components of Otipax do not penetrate into the general bloodstream, but have a local anesthetic effect. Before use, the drops must be warmed up so as not to cause a negative reaction in the child to the cold. If you do not have the opportunity to consult a doctor, and your child needs emergency help and relief from ear pain, then use the following recommendation.

Roll up a small cotton ball (turunda) and thoroughly soak it with Otipax. This is a good method that needs to be repeated three times throughout the day to relieve acute aching pain in your baby’s ear. Drops should be applied in a horizontal position of the body so that the medicine does not flow out of the ear canal.

You can be sure that after 20 minutes your child will stop crying and being capricious. After self-treatment, be sure to find an opportunity and consult a doctor to diagnose the child’s ear canal. It is not recommended to use ear drops for more than 10 days in a row. After this time, the body becomes accustomed to it and the drug is no longer effective.

Side effects

Otipax drops have a number of side effects, as a result of which it is prohibited to prescribe them independently. At the same time, the drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription, so you can purchase the drug in any pharmacy freely available. If you or your child experience itching in the ears, an allergic reaction, swelling, or discharge from the ear canal after using the medication, you should urgently stop using the drug and consult an otolaryngologist.

If you are going to take Otipax and painkillers, as well as antibiotics at the same time, then you cannot do without a doctor’s prescription.

Women during pregnancy or lactation should also visit a general practitioner and otolaryngologist before treatment for otitis media or colds. After 3 days of using Otipax, a relieved condition is noted, a decrease in pain and swelling, and the disappearance of redness.

It is not allowed to drip Otipax after 30 days after opening the drug, since the active effect of lidocaine and phenazone disappears. There were no negative reviews after using the drug Otipax, but this does not mean that it can be used in unlimited quantities and for any pain in the ear.

I gave my son Otipax. He became capricious and immediately lay down on the pillow. The drops most likely leaked out. I'm wondering if this procedure is painful since he cried?

Yes, in principle it is not painful. Most likely it's just unpleasant. They need to be dripped warm. But the fact that the drops flowed back, most likely they will not help. You need to hold it for at least 5 minutes.

Raisa, don't worry. This procedure is completely painless. And it’s no big deal that the drops leaked out. There's still some left.

I dripped these drops into my ear, at first it felt better after 5-10 minutes, but then such a hellish pain began, as if someone had stuck a needle in my ear and was picking there, the pain lasted for an hour, but then of course everything went away, thank God. I slept peacefully until the morning. I wonder if children really feel this pain too, if so, then more than one child will not be able to stand it and will cry and try to make the drops flow out. Does everyone really have such a reaction to the drops or is it individual?

I woke up today with a strong aching pain in my right ear. I ran to the pharmacy and took an alcohol solution of boric acid, a doctor at the clinic prescribed it for me a long time ago, made a turunda, kept it for about half an hour, the pain did not go away. It was unbearable to endure. Then they recommended Otipax drops. I ran out to the pharmacy again, when I got home I immediately started dripping and after about 5 minutes the acute pain went away, thank God! Out of happiness and gratitude I decided to leave a review. ))))))

I've been using it for 5 days and there is no improvement. I drip as it is written in the instructions

My ear hurts from a runny nose. I have been taking Otipax drops for the 2nd day. On the first day, in addition to the drops, I also had to take a painkiller. But on the second day there is no pain, only my ear is stuffy.

My baby is 2 months old. I did a terrible thing. I dripped otipax while it was hot((as soon as it was dripped the baby started crying((I look a little hotter than usual what will happen now please answer quickly!!

Please tell me, there were plugs in both ears, today they washed them and in one ear the day before the washing, an inflammation formed in the ear, there was aching pain, peroxide was dripped to soften the plugs, and then an hour later Otipax dripped somewhere, today they washed the plugs and then Otipax was dripped and I almost went crazy from the hellish pain, what is it, why is there such a reaction, it hurts unbearably, so I had to tilt my head so that a little would flow out. Only then the pain subsided after some time, but I think the drug still numbed what had managed to get there.

We put drops in the child’s ear; when the drops are applied, her eye begins to hurt. Is this normal or maybe we’re not heating it properly?

My son is almost 5 years old. I got sick a week ago and seemed to be on the mend. But it was not there. This night I woke up with severe pain in my ear. I have never had my ears treated. We relied on our experience to treat our nephew with Otipax. We bought it and drank it, warming it in our palms. They did not keep it in the ear for long, because... my son said it was unpleasant. The effect was noted only after 40 minutes. The pain went away, but congestion appeared. Probably not all of the drops flowed out and remained there. There is no way to go to the doctor.


Otipax ear drops: instructions for use

Many people have experienced ear pain in their lives. This problem is most often caused by otitis media. The disease is most difficult for children, but adults also have a hard time. Fortunately, modern medicine has invented enough remedies that can help with this problem.

Otipax drops are among the most advanced and effective drugs for eliminating inflammatory processes and pain during otitis media. Let's tell you more about this product: find out the composition of the drug, indications for use, and how exactly to use it. In addition, we will find out whether these drops have analogues, the cost, and read the reviews about the drug.


Otipax - ear drops, their purpose is to relieve the inflammatory symptoms of otitis media. The medicine is produced in France by the Biocodex company. The combined effect is very effective and is widely used by ENT specialists to eliminate ear diseases. Otipax drops are intended to relieve the main symptoms of otitis media: pain and swelling.

The medicine has two types of effects:

The drug can be purchased over the counter without a prescription. But before using them, it is recommended that you still see a doctor: the fact is that in case of perforation (rupture) of the eardrum, taking drops is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to make sure that the ear pain is not caused by something other than otitis media.

Externally, the drug is a colorless or yellowish liquid with a slight alcoholic aroma. The product is packaged in dark 16 ml bottles. The medicine comes with a convenient pipette for precise dosage.


What components are included in the drug, ensuring its complex effect.

  • Phenazol. This component in the product is “responsible” for eliminating the inflammatory process and relieving pain.
  • Lidocaine. A well-known local anesthetic. This component enhances the effect of phenazole, thanks to which the drug is able to relieve pain for a long time.

Note that previously phenazole was used as an independent remedy intended to stop bleeding. But with the development of science and medical research, it was found that this substance manifests itself much brighter and more multifaceted in combination with other components. Thus, after many years of testing, the ideal combination of phenazole with lidocaine in a certain proportion was selected, intended to quickly eliminate the consequences of otitis media.

Video of the effect of Otipax ear drops

In addition to these basic ingredients, the composition also contains the following excipients:
  • water;
  • ethanol with antimicrobial effects;
  • glycerol for softening;
  • sodium thiosulfate to more effectively eliminate inflammation and destroy toxins.

Otipax is known for its safe effects. Along with its effectiveness, this makes the product one of the most popular ear drops on the modern pharmaceutical market.


Let's find out in what cases the use of the drug Otipax is justified and recommended.

The drug is prescribed, as a rule, for otitis - inflammation of the middle ear. The product effectively eliminates the symptoms of both acute and chronic diseases. It helps at the initial stage of development of the disease and in advanced cases.

Otipax is often used for so-called barotraumatic otitis media. This disease develops in people who often experience pressure changes: pilots, divers, etc.

The drug also helps with inflammation of the middle ear that occurs as a result of ARVI, sore throat, sinusitis or flu. If the immune system is weak, these diseases often cause otitis media as a complication. Drops are effective for otitis media of the middle and external ear during acute periods.

The drug is also prescribed for abscess (suppuration) of the external ear. The medicine also helps with feelings of ear congestion, pain, and decreased level of auditory perception.

In addition to the above, the remedy eliminates the following symptoms:

  • redness;
  • irritation;
  • swelling;
  • swelling;
  • itching;
  • pain.

What cheap ear drops should you use for inflammation? This article explains it in great detail.

But what ear drops to use in children when they hurt will help you understand and, as a result, choose, this information from the article.

It will also be interesting to learn about how to properly place drops in the ears of an adult:

You might also be interested in learning how to use hydrogen peroxide for earwax.


Despite the safety of the drug, there are points that become an obstacle to the use of the drug. Let's find out what these moments are.

In case of perforation of the ear (tympanic) membrane, the use of Otipax is prohibited.

If you are hypersensitive to the components of the product or have allergic manifestations, you should not use Otipax either.

Note: if you are involved in professional sports, then it would be useful to know that Otipax gives a positive result in doping tests.

How to use

Let's find out exactly how to use this drug.

For adults

In this case, the drug should be instilled three times a day, 3-4 drops in each ear. The course is no more than ten days.

Before instilling, you need to slightly warm the bottle in your hands so that the liquid can act more effectively. The good thing is that after instillation, literally 5-10 minutes later, you can already feel significant relief and subsidence of pain. And 3-5 days after the start of the course, the pain goes away completely. But, nevertheless, the assigned course must be completed in any case.

To ensure that the medicine gets exactly as intended when administering it, it is recommended to tilt your head to the side and maintain this position for some time after instillation.

For children

Thanks to its safe composition, Otipax is approved for use even in the treatment of infants. The components of the product do not settle in the tissues of the body and are excreted without residue.

The drug can be prescribed to children of any age: this is its advantage and difference from many other ear remedies. But, nevertheless, it is not recommended to use the medicine without first consulting a doctor.


If the child is not yet one year old, he is prescribed one or two drops in each ear canal. There should be two or three such sessions per day.

If the baby is already two years old, an “adult” dosage is prescribed: 3-4 drops three times a day.

Advice: if the child is very small, then instead of instillation, you can get by with a cotton wool soaked in the product placed in the ear canal.

For pregnant

The safe composition allows the drug to be used by pregnant women, as well as women during breastfeeding.

The dosage in this case is prescribed by the doctor individually, but, as a rule, it is the same as in ordinary cases. Contraindications: impaired integrity of the eardrum and allergies.


Otipax is especially effective when treatment is started early. In this case, it is usually possible to avoid all complications and significantly speed up the recovery process. And the pain will still not be so pronounced. In addition, early initiation of therapy will avoid suppuration, which sometimes even leads to perforation of the eardrum.

The drug does not have a negative effect on simultaneously used drugs, so it can be successfully used in complex treatment. It is also allowed with the simultaneous use of antibiotics and pain-blocking drugs.

As clinical trials have shown, a single use of the drug does not give a significant long-term result, therefore, in order to accurately cope with the disease, it is necessary to complete the entire course of treatment.

The cost of the drug today ranges from 219 to 260 rubles. If you wish, you can look for cheaper analogues: they will be discussed below. But it should immediately be noted that among them there will be no equal in safety to Otipax.


Let's find out which drugs have an effect similar to Otipax.

Otirelax. These Romanian ear drops have a similar effect to Otipax, they have an almost identical composition.

Otinum ear drops. This product contains only one active ingredient - choline salicylate. The drug is effective for the treatment of external and otitis media. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, its use is prohibited.

Anauran ear drops. These drops are extremely effective for viral ear diseases.

Otofa. These drops, unlike many others, can also be used in cases of rupture (perforation) of the eardrum. But this remedy is prescribed only in severe cases, for example, with purulent otitis media. The fact is that the drug does not contain painkillers and anti-inflammatory components: this explains its lack of popularity. But what is the price of Otof ear drops, is described in this article.

But what treatment is needed when the inside of the ears itch is described in great detail in this article.

Why there is pressure on the ears from the inside and what medications can help with this problem is discussed in this article.


Let's find out what people who have used this remedy say.

  • Olga, 30 years old: “I have a little daughter, so I know first-hand about ear problems. Children often get sick, especially if they go to kindergarten and have problems with their immunity. Ear pain is difficult to bear even for adults, let alone children. My daughter cried constantly, and no one in the family slept at night. Finally, someone advised us to use Otipax: and that night we slept for the first time. The pain subsided immediately. Then she returned periodically, but was already weaker. We instilled the product constantly, according to the instructions. After seven days there was no pain at all, and after 10 days my daughter went to kindergarten. I recommend".
  • Daria, 23 years old: “I went to work on a windy day: of course, I didn’t put on a hat. As a result, while I was standing at the bus stop, my ears were so cold that they began to hurt towards the end of the day. And the next day the pain only intensified. I had to go on sick leave. Well, the doctor immediately recommended Otipax, so I didn’t suffer from this pain for too long. I started instilling the drug: 10 minutes after the procedure, the pain subsided. And after a few days the discomfort disappeared completely. I completed the treatment, as the doctor said, and was discharged completely healthy. I advise you to use this drug, it really helps.”

Storage rules

To ensure that the product does not lose its medicinal quality for a long time, you must strictly adhere to its storage conditions. Thus, an unopened package of Otipax can be stored for five years, but an opened package can only be stored for six months. After the specified time, the use of the product will not have the desired effect. The storage temperature of the drug should not be above degrees.

We looked at the features of Otipax ear drops. The effect of the drug is complex and effective, so the drug is confidently recommended by ENT specialists to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of otitis media.


How to drip Otipax? Purpose, use and contraindications

Otipax is a well-known combined-action ear drop, often prescribed for various forms of otitis. They are recommended by both pediatricians and ENT doctors to patients of all ages.

This drug not only helps to defeat inflammation, but also quickly, in a matter of minutes, relieves pain. It is considered relatively safe for children, since the active substances do not enter the blood.

Otipax drops: composition and properties, release form

Otipax - effective anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ear drops

Otipax is a topical drug. It specifically and effectively relieves signs of inflammation directly in the ear, without entering the blood. Otipax drops have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The drug quickly relieves pain within minutes after use, and also has a cumulative effect. With regular use, inflammation disappears completely, mucous membranes are restored.

Despite the fact that the instructions for the drug indicate how to drip Otipax, the dosage must be prescribed by a doctor, since it depends not only on the patient’s condition, but also on age.

Otipax is available in the form of drops with a convenient dropper, which is placed on the bottle and allows you to dose the drug.

The drug contains the following active ingredients:

  • Phenazone. This is an analgesic that enhances the effect of lidocaine, helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation. This substance is in some cases added to antipyretic drugs. It does not have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect; it is more often classified as an analgesic.
  • Lidocaine. A well-known strong local anesthetic, often used in medical practice. Lidocaine affects the sensitivity of nerves in tissues, blocking their activity, which allows you to quickly and effectively relieve pain.
  • Sodium thiosulfate. This substance has many different effects: relieves inflammation, removes toxins, stops swelling and allergic reactions, and also helps get rid of parasites, although this property is usually unimportant in ear drops.
  • Alcohol. The drug itself has a slight smell of alcohol. Alcohol allows you to maintain the concentration of the drug in the desired state, and also disinfects the ear tissue.

Among the excipients there is also glycerin to soften mucous membranes.

Otipax drops are stored unopened for a very long time, up to 5 years. If the bottle has already been opened, it is not recommended to use the drug after six months of storage. The drops should be stored in a cool, dark place at a temperature no higher than 30 degrees.

Purpose and how to drip Otipax correctly

The dosage and course of treatment with Otipax should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the severity of the disease.

Otipax drops are prescribed for various forms of otitis (inflammation of the middle ear, accompanied by ear pain, high fever, sometimes purulent discharge from the ear, headache).

Drops are used for acute otitis media to relieve pain and inflammation, as well as for exacerbation of chronic otitis media. The drug is also very effective for inflammation of the middle ear, which occurs against the background of ARVI or influenza as a complication. In addition, Otipax drops are often prescribed for the barotraumatic form of otitis (inflammation of the middle ear caused by a sudden change in pressure, for example, when diving to great depths, etc.). Most often, drops are prescribed for non-purulent inflammations.
It is worth remembering that Otipax is never prescribed for perforation or damage to the eardrum.

Before instilling the drug into your child, you need to call a doctor and make sure the membrane is intact.

There are certain rules for using Otipax:

  1. To use the drug, carefully remove the aluminum protective film from the bottle and put on a silicone dropper. Secure it tightly to the neck of the bottle so that it does not fall while using the drug.
  2. Follow the dosage carefully. Most often, adults are recommended to take 4 drops into the sore ear 2-3 times a day. Even if the anesthetic effect wears off earlier than expected, you do not need to drip the drug more often than the doctor recommended.
  3. Touching a cold bottle to the ear (especially when treating a child) can be unpleasant. The drug should not be heated, but you can hold the bottle in your palms for a while or rub it to make use more comfortable.
  4. Immediately after instillation, you need to lie down on the side opposite the sore ear to allow the drug to flow in the right direction. When treating a child, it is advisable to convince him to lie down for at least a few seconds.
  5. The course of treatment with Otipax lasts no more than 10 days. If, after this period, ear pain persists, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination, but it is not recommended to prolong the course of treatment with the drug on your own.

Contraindications and side effects

The advantage of Otipax is that it has a minimum of contraindications and practically does not cause adverse reactions.

The main contraindication when using Otipax is perforation of the eardrum. Behind the eardrum are the bones of the middle ear, which should not interact with the drug. If this happens, hearing damage will occur that will be difficult to correct.

In rare cases, individual intolerance to the drug occurs, for example, an allergic reaction to lidocaine. In this case, a rash may be noticed in the ear or neck area, and a burning sensation will be felt in the ear itself.

Allergies rarely occur, but it is worth paying attention to the child’s reaction during treatment. Children may also experience irritation in the ear canal area and severe redness. If such side effects occur, you should stop treatment with the drug and consult a doctor. He will suggest other treatment options.

Otipax's analogs

The drug has several analogues:
  • Otinum. Unlike Otipax, the drug contains choline salicylate and does not contain lidocaine. The drops have a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. I use this drug not only for otitis, but also for sulfur plugs to effectively dissolve them. The drug is not used to treat children under one year of age or people with a reaction to salicylic acid.
  • Anauran. These drops contain an antibiotic as well as lidocaine. It is not used for perforation of the eardrum, but is actively used to treat purulent forms of otitis. Side effects include itching and redness in the ear canal.
  • Otirelax. This drug is closest in composition to Otipax. It also contains lidocaine and phenazone. It can be used with other medications to treat otitis media that are not accompanied by damage to the eardrum.

It is worth remembering that some analogs have contraindications, such as pregnancy, lactation, and childhood. Before using the drug, you need to carefully study the instructions.

Useful video - how to give ear drops to a child:

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Comments (3)


06/24/2017 at 06:17 | #

My little son recently suffered from otitis media and spent several days crying at night from pain in his ear. When we went to the doctor, we were prescribed Otipax drops, which literally immediately after instillation dull the pain. The drops are oily and can be easily dropped into the ear using a pipette that comes with the medicine bottle. The main thing is to pull the ear well and lie down after instillation.


08/25/2017 at 20:46 | #

We returned from vacation and my son began to complain of pain in his ear. For this case, I have Otipax drops. Moreover, it was Sunday and I didn’t want to delay treatment. I put three drops into the ear and cover it with a cotton swab. Up to 3-4 times a day.


10/13/2017 at 11:47 pm | #

My son had an earache after a cold and had to go to the hospital at night because he was literally screaming in pain. The doctor prescribed Otipax. Literally after the first instillation, the pain decreased significantly and the child fell asleep. Now Otipax is in our medicine cabinet, because, unfortunately, we catch colds quite often and our ears also get sick.

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Otipax ear drops

For all types of otitis in adults and children, Otipax ear drops are excellent. This French medicine can be used without fear at any age and during pregnancy. The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but before starting treatment, you need to know the specifics of its use.

Indications for use of Otipax drops

Otipax ear drops are complex medications. The product contains 4% phenazone and 2% lidocaine hydrochloride, respectively. The remainder of the medicine consists of ethyl alcohol (95%), sodium thiosulfate (2%) and glycerin (3%). Phenazone is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; it helps eliminate swelling and effectively relieves inflammation. Lidocaine is a strong analgesic that has the ability to enhance the effect of phenazone. Alcohol produces a slight antibacterial disinfecting effect, but cannot fight infectious agents such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. Therefore, the use of Otipax ear drops is often combined with an antibiotic in tablet form.

Otipax is prescribed for the following ear diseases:

  • barotraumatic otitis;
  • edematous viral otitis media, including as a complication after influenza;
  • acute and chronic otitis media of the middle ear in the first stage of the disease.

How to instill Otipax correctly?

When treating otitis media, Otipax drops should be used 3-4 times daily. The dosage depends primarily on the age of the patient. Children under 1 year of age are advised to use 1 drop of the drug in each ear. Children under 2 years old - 2 drops of Otipax, children under 3 years old can take 2-3 drops, depending on the severity of the disease, but children over 3 years old are prescribed an adult dosage. It is 3-4 drops in each ear with breaks between uses of 4-5 hours. The course of treatment usually lasts 7-10 days; if there is no cure during this time, you should additionally consult a therapist. Perhaps he will change the dosage, or suggest replacing the drug with another one.

In order to avoid any discomfort when using Otipax ear drops for otitis media, they must be preheated. To do this, just hold the bottle of medicine under running hot water from the tap for a few minutes. The temperature should be comfortable for the hands to avoid excessive heating of the medicine.

Features of Otipax ear drops

Otipax should not be used for any damage to the integrity of the eardrum, as this may cause the drug to enter the bloodstream. In other cases, there are no side effects from the use of drops; they do not affect the ability to drive. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to one of the components of the medicine.

It is also necessary to take into account that in rare cases, Otipax can cause a positive result in a doping test, so using drops before serious sports competitions is not recommended.

It is good to supplement treatment with Otipax drops with a warm compress. This will enhance the effect of the drug. To make a compress, use the following recipe:

  1. Fold a piece of gauze or thin clean cloth into several layers into a square, the size of which is 15x15 cm.
  2. Make a longitudinal cut to approximately the middle of the square.
  3. Soak it in vodka or medical ethyl alcohol and squeeze thoroughly.
  4. Apply the compress to the area around the ear so that it does not cover the auricle.
  5. Cover the ear area with cling film and cover it with a scarf or towel to retain heat.
  6. After a minute, the compress can be removed; after applying it, drafts and hypothermia should be avoided, so it is better to wear a hat or scarf.

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Ear drops "Otipax": reviews, indications, instructions for use, composition, analogues

Many people are familiar with unpleasant and often painful sensations in the ears, which usually arise suddenly and are symptoms of the development of otitis media. Against the background of this phenomenon, a reliable and safe medicine is important, which will be able to return the patient to normal health in a short period of time. One of the drugs that helps in the treatment of this disease is, judging by the reviews, Otipax. Let's get acquainted with the instructions for its use in children and adults, learn about existing analogues, and, in addition, find out what people who have used this pharmaceutical write about it.

Characteristics of ear drops

Pain is a frequent accompaniment of acute and chronic ear diseases, which are inflammatory in nature. It is not without reason that one of the most effective means of eliminating symptoms are drops of the French production “Otipax”. In a number of cases, including against the background of a mild catarrhal form of unilateral otitis media, this medication can rightfully be considered the only necessary one. When the use of drops alone is not enough, therapy is supplemented with oral antibiotics.

If you believe the reviews, Otipax is a remedy that is characterized by a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is produced by the French pharmaceutical company Biocodex. The medication is available in the form of ear drops, which resemble an oily liquid and have a faint alcohol aroma. The color of the substance can be either completely transparent or have a slightly yellowish tint.

This medication is sold in retail pharmacies. Otipax is sold in dark glass bottles with a volume of 15 ml. Each vessel has a soft, sterile dropper. In addition, the carton contains instructions for using this medicine.

The drug contains active ingredients such as lidocaine and phenazone. The first substance is an effective pain reliever that prevents the conduction of pain impulses and the interaction of the nerve fiber membrane with sodium and calcium. Phenazone is a non-steroidal substance that has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its principle of action is to inhibit the production of certain enzymes, which prevents the development of the pathological process and eliminates pain.

The price of Otipax ear drops is of interest to many, but we will return to this issue a little later. Additional components in the composition of the drug were ethanol, water and glycerol, as well as sodium thiosulfate. This combination causes a rapid analgesic effect, which increases its intensity and duration.

In addition, this medicinal product promotes the process of liquefaction of the mucous mass, as well as its removal from the middle ear area through the Eustachian tube.

"Otipax": indications

Before you start using the medication, you need to make sure that the eardrum is intact. Otherwise, it is possible that the use of the drug will provoke serious complications due to direct contact of chemicals with the middle ear system. It should be noted that the substances contained in this medicinal product can positively affect the results of a doping test.

The main indication for the use of these drops is the occurrence of pain in the ears. In reviews of Otipax, patients indicated in which cases they were prescribed this drug:

  • The presence of otitis media in the initial as well as acute stages.
  • The occurrence of external inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Otitis media, which occurs as a complication of sinusitis, sore throat, rhinitis and flu.
  • Otitis, which develops against the background of traumatic injuries.

The described ear drops actually have a good anesthetic effect, but they do not contain any antibacterial or antiviral components. In case of a disease of a microbial nature, this drug can only eliminate its symptoms, but is not able to cope with the pathogen. In this regard, many doubt whether Otipax is suitable for children.

Contraindications for use

Treatment with these drops is prohibited in the following cases:

  • the presence of perforated damage to the eardrums;
  • individual hypersensitivity of the patient's body to the active as well as auxiliary components of this drug.

Judging by the reviews, Otipax can indeed cause an allergic reaction. When using the drug, as well as other medications, redness and irritation in the ear canal are likely to occur.

Cost of the drug

To purchase this medicinal product, a prescription from your doctor is not required, but, nevertheless, before starting therapy, you must visit a specialist to get advice on its use.

The price of Otipax ear drops directly depends on the particular pharmacy chain that sells the drug, as well as on the region. Thus, the average cost of these medicinal drops in Russian cities ranges from 195 to 250 rubles. The highest fees for this drug are noted in a number of online pharmacies: it is unlikely that you can buy Otipax there for less than rubles.

How to use medicinal drops correctly?

So, let's figure out how to use Otipax for children. The therapeutic course, according to the instructions for use, should be from seven to ten days, but in no case more. A one-time use against the background of pain for a child or adult is determined by short-term exposure. For this reason, it is still advisable to complete the full course of treatment with Otipax. The instructions must be strictly followed.

The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved, as a rule, already on the third day of use, and a noticeable reduction in pain can be felt minutes after instillation of the liquid. In addition, it is equally important to know how to drip Otipax correctly. To do this, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  • First, you should wash your hands thoroughly.
  • After this, carefully clean the ear shell using a soft cotton swab.
  • The substance is heated to body temperature. To do this, just hold the bottle in your palms for a few minutes.
  • The dropper should be carefully checked for any chips or cracks.
  • Next, you need to turn the bottle over, making sure that the substance flows into the dropper.
  • The patient is placed on his side so that the affected ear is on top.
  • Next, the ear must be slightly pulled back and up so that the ear canal can open, after which the product is instilled in the required amount.
  • Later, light pressure is applied so that the drops can better penetrate into the cavity of the ear canal.
  • After the instillation procedure, you should close your ear well with a cotton swab, on which you first need to spread a small amount of Vaseline. This way the drops will not be able to evaporate, and the efficiency of their use will be much higher.
  • Next, close the bottle with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. This must be done in accordance with the storage conditions of the product after opening.
  • Upon completion of the procedure, hands should be washed again.
Knowing everything about the correct use of Otipax drops, you still cannot use the drug yourself. To avoid negative consequences and side effects, the medication must be prescribed by a specialist.

Features of using drops

The medicine is approved for use in adults and children from the moment of birth. Pregnant women can use Otipax for the symptomatic treatment of inflammatory ear diseases that are accompanied by pain. However, it is still advisable to first go for a consultation with your doctor.

Immediately before instillation, the medicine must be warmed to +37 degrees, for example, simply by holding it in your hand, as described above.

When instilling ear drops, the head should be placed horizontally to completely prevent fluid from escaping. It is most rational to insert cotton wool soaked in a medical solution.

For children of the first year of life, 1-2 drops are injected into the area of ​​the sore ear; from one year of age, 2-3 drops can be used during instillation, and older children, like teenagers, along with adults, are allowed up to four. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day, and the duration of treatment cannot exceed ten days.

In the event that during treatment, any fluid is detected from the ear, be it blood or pus, the use of Otipax should be stopped immediately. In addition, be sure to contact an otolaryngologist as soon as possible after the incident. In this case, it is very important to be able to correctly distinguish the leakage of excess volume of the drug that occurs immediately after administration from other ear discharge.

Information on the compatibility of the described drug with other medications is not provided by the manufacturer, but, of course, it is necessary to warn the attending physician about all medications taken at the time of treatment. If during therapy there is no reduction in pain symptoms or the symptoms of the disease increase, it is important to urgently consult a doctor.

Therapy methods for children

Symptomatic treatment with Otipax for otitis media can be carried out as part of antibiotic therapy for otitis media of various etiologies, both in children who have not yet reached the age of two and in adults. In mild forms of the disease, improvements occur within the first few days.

If there is no pain in the ears, the use of Otipax is not required, but it will not harm. The drug does not have a systemic effect on the body, which can also be attributed to its undoubted advantages.

Analogues of "Otipax"

The following medications are similar in their principle of action, medicinal composition and cost:

  • Otirelax, whose price averages 170 rubles, is a Romanian medical product. The active ingredients are identical to those contained in Otipax. Otirelax is used in the same dosage.
  • "Otinum" can be bought for 180 rubles. This is a Polish drug that has the same medicinal properties and indications for use as the described “Otipax”. True, “Otinum” differs in its composition, since it contains only one active ingredient, namely choline salicylate. It is prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • "Folicap" is a Russian product, identical in composition, as well as the method of action and dosage during treatment. It is released only with a doctor's prescription.

In addition to the listed analogues, Otipax can be replaced with the following agents, which have a similar mechanism of action on the body. We are talking about such medications as Ottoslavin, Holikaps, Uniflox, Tsipromed, Sofradex. True, these medicines will not be cheaper than Otipax. Moreover, calling them analogues would not be entirely correct.

Patient opinions on the use of ear drops

Reviews about the drug in some cases are positive, which allows us to conclude that it has a high degree of effectiveness. But, of course, there are also dissatisfied comments that people leave after undergoing treatment for otolaryngological diseases with the help of these drops. The shelf life of Otipax should also be taken into account. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding + 30 °C for five years. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package. After opening the bottle, the drug should be used within six months.

Most patients confirm that after ten days of treatment they were able to eliminate the pain, but the congestion in their ears remained. At the same time, other comments report that the drug literally became a real salvation, which helps to cope with severe ear pain. Patients say that this medicine begins to act within minutes.

Many reviews admit that drops, along with brilliant green and iodine, are now always in their home medicine cabinet. Those who have many years of experience using Otipax admire the versatility of the drops, because they are equally effective for both children and adults. It is noted that the product acts very quickly.

Doctors prescribe Otipax for otitis media, and this disease is one of the most common in otolaryngology. People write that after just a few days of treatment their condition returned to normal, so they were satisfied with this drug. Thus, those who have already tried Otipax on themselves more than once recommend it to other patients, warning them of the need for prior consultation with a doctor.


To summarize, it should be said that Otipax copes well with various ear diseases. Its use to eliminate pain is not only justified, but also necessary. However, it is still worth considering that any drug has its own indications and features of use. For this reason, it is better to immediately exclude independent treatment.

In order to prevent and prevent such diseases, hypothermia should be avoided, and in the cold season, always wear a hat that covers such an important auditory organ. Taking good care of your body is the key to health and well-being.
