Baby's ear is bleeding
When a child starts bleeding, it always frightens parents. But, if many people experience bleeding from the nose and it is quite easy to help a baby with nosebleeds, then blood from the ear comes much less often, so in such a situation the mother often does not know what to do and what is the reason for such bleeding.
Table of contents:
- Baby's ear is bleeding
- What is this
- Causes
- Mechanical damage to the ear has occurred
- The bleeding has an infectious cause
- The child has tumor formations
- What to do
- How to give first aid
- If the ear is damaged
- If blood appears after cleaning
- When the eardrum ruptures
- With a foreign body
- For traumatic brain injury
- Treatment
- Bleeding from the ears: causes, how to treat
- Causes
- Mechanical damage
- Infection
- Neoplasms
- Pressure change
- Treatment
- Causes of blood from a child’s ear and methods of first aid
- Content
- Causes of ear bleeding in childhood
- Injuries and damage
- Infections
- Neoplasms
- First aid measures for a child with ear bleeding
- Drug treatment of ear bleeding in children
- Causes of bleeding from the ear in a child
- Traumatic injury to the auricle
- Damage to the external auditory canal
- Damage to the eardrum
- Hematotympanum
- Traumatic brain injury
- Furuncle
- Candidiasis
- Carcinoma
- Glomus tumor
- Polyp
- Blood coagulation disorders
- Why does my child's ears bleed? What are the reasons and how to get rid of it
- Possible diseases
- Blood from ear
- Mechanical damage
- Infectious causes
- Causes related to oncology
- Ear injuries
- Providing first aid
- Recommendations
- Baby's ears are bleeding
- Rupture of the eardrum
- Recommendations
- What is not safe for the ear
- Blood from a child’s ear is a dangerous symptom that can be caused by both injury and oncology
- Features of the physiology of the children's hearing aid
- Why is the symptom dangerous?
- Causes
- Injuries
- Mechanical damage
- Domestic
- Infectious diseases
- Oncology
- Blood from a child's ear: first aid
- Diagnostics
- Analyzes
- Research
- Treatment
- Possible complications
- Forecast
- Why does my child's ear bleed?
- Mechanical reasons
- Furuncle
- Myringitis
- Why can candidiasis of the ear develop?
- Otitis media
- Causes associated with malignant tumors in the ear
- Ear injuries
- How can you help?
What is this
Mechanical damage to the ear has occurred
It could be triggered by a traumatic brain injury (skull fracture, contusion of the labyrinth), but a more common cause is damage to the ears by foreign objects, for example, a child stuck a cotton swab in the ear and started bleeding. As a rule, in such a situation a bleeding scratch of the ear canal occurs. In addition, wanting to get rid of discomfort in the ears, kids can put various objects into the sink, including sharp ones (toothpicks, paper clips, matches, sticks, toys, etc.), which also often ends in bleeding.
The bleeding has an infectious cause
Blood can be released during otitis media, accompanied by symptoms of middle ear inflammation such as high body temperature, severe pain, weakness, and dizziness. It is especially dangerous if a child with such inflammation produces only blood from the ear, and there are no pus impurities. This is a sign of a deepening infection process.
We recommend watching an episode of Dr. Komarovsky’s program dedicated to a disease in children such as otitis media:
Also, bleeding from the ear can be caused by an infectious inflammation of the eardrum (called myringitis). A child with this pathology will complain of severe pain and severe discomfort in the ear. In addition, with myringitis the temperature often rises. With such an infection, a blister filled with serous fluid forms in the ear. When it is opened, the child’s discomfort decreases, and exudate with blood appears from the ear.
Another infectious cause of ear bleeding is candidiasis. This infection occurs when the child’s body’s defenses are weakened. If it penetrates the ear, it can result in quite heavy bleeding.
The child has tumor formations
A tumor in the ear that causes bleeding can be benign. For example, it could be a glomus tumor that appears on a vein. When it grows, the child begins to complain of dizziness and noise in the ear. A symptom of such formation is also copious bleeding.
Another benign cause of growths in the ear that can bleed are polyps. The doctor can easily notice such formations in the child’s ear canal, and sometimes the polyps grow so large that they extend beyond the ear canal. In addition to bleeding, this pathology can manifest itself as dizziness, headaches and hearing loss.
What to do
How to give first aid
If the ear is damaged
If blood appears after cleaning
When the eardrum ruptures
With a foreign body
For traumatic brain injury
The doctor's tactics will depend on the cause of bleeding from the ear:
- For purulent otitis media or a boil, the child will be prescribed an antibiotic, painkiller and other medications. The doctor will also tell you how to rinse the ear and what drops you can instill.
- For candidiasis, the baby will be prescribed antifungal treatment.
- For scratches or abrasions, treatment will consist of treating the ear with an antiseptic drug.
- If a child has a ruptured eardrum, the doctor's actions will be determined by the size of the perforation. Sometimes surgery is required.
- If there is a foreign body in the ear, the doctor will remove the object and, if necessary, prescribe additional treatment.
- If a neoplasm is detected, the child will be referred to an oncologist and special therapy will be prescribed.
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Bleeding from the ears: causes, how to treat
Bleeding from the ear is a dangerous symptom that occurs as a result of injury or a number of diseases. Ear bleeding signals a pathology in the body. This phenomenon is a serious reason to contact an otolaryngologist, who will determine the cause of the blood and prescribe appropriate treatment.
The special structure of the auditory analyzer and earwax, which has a bactericidal effect, protect the inner ear and brain from infection from the external environment. When exposed to unfavorable factors, sulfur loses its beneficial properties, liquefies, and ceases to protect the human body from microbes, making the ears most vulnerable.
The causes of ear bleeding are varied and very serious. Bleeding from the ear is an alarming sign that should not be ignored.
Mechanical damage
- Scratches and abrasions form on the skin of the ear canal as a result of cleaning the ears with cotton swabs. This is the most common cause of ear bleeding, which is minor and ends in crusting. Dried blood must be removed. Scratches and abrasions of the ear canal heal on their own and do not require treatment or observation.
- When cleaning the ear canal with a stick, it is possible to push the person under the elbow. This causes pain and blood appears on the stick. At the appointment, the doctor discovers a blood clot in the ear and an intact eardrum.
- Injury to the eardrum leads to minor bleeding from the ear. Cleaning the ears with improvised objects damages the ear canal, the membrane ruptures, blood is released in small quantities and quickly stops.
- Skull injuries are almost always accompanied by bleeding from the ears, which is life-threatening. When the bones of the skull are fractured, the temporal region and the tympanic cavity are injured, the eardrum is ruptured, the great vessels and mucous membrane of the middle ear are damaged, and bleeding occurs. A skull fracture is a fairly rare occurrence that occurs as a result of severe trauma. The cranial bone is considered one of the strongest structures of the human body, which is associated with its main function - protecting the brain from damage. A skull fracture causes severe bleeding from the ears, which can lead to deafness. Treatment of a fracture of the base of the skull is carried out in the traumatology or neurosurgical department of a medical institution.
- When the ear is injured, ear bleeding often occurs. The impact damages the blood vessels, they rupture, and blood flows out of the ear. Ear bleeding in this case is prolonged, but not severe. It is almost impossible to stop it on your own; you need the help of a specialist.
- In children, a common cause of bleeding from the ear is a foreign body - small parts of toys, coins, buttons. It is not always possible to detect these objects in a child’s ear in time. A foreign object in the ear leads to the development of inflammation and bleeding, which requires contacting a specialist.
Infectious and inflammatory pathology of the eardrum - myringitis develops as a result of infection from the external environment or the tympanic cavity. Patients are concerned about pain, intoxication, and tinnitus. If left untreated, a severe form of inflammation develops, which is accompanied by ear bleeding. In children, myringitis is manifested by the appearance of blood and blisters with serous contents.
Another etiological factor for bleeding from the ear is a boil of the external auditory canal. Injuries and abrasions on the skin are an entry point for viruses and bacteria that enter the wound and cause limited purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. With a decrease in the general resistance of the body, saprophytic and epidermal staphylococci penetrate the hair follicle and cause the development of a pathological process. A boil can reach enormous sizes and look like a giant pimple or neoplasm. In addition to local symptoms - throbbing pain and swelling in the ear, patients develop signs of general intoxication - fever, chills, weakness. After maturation, the boil bursts, pus is released along with blood, and the patient’s condition returns to normal. Only a specialist has the right to open an abscess. He makes an incision, removes purulent contents and treats the wound with antiseptics.
Ear candidiasis is an opportunistic mycosis that affects the skin and mucous membranes. The causative agent of the pathology is yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. The walls of inflamed blood vessels lose their elasticity, become thinner and break. This is how ear bleeding develops. The pathology is manifested by itching in the ears, the appearance of copious discharge, maceration of the skin and often leads to deafness. Bleeding from the ear is a severe complication of candidiasis, developing only in advanced cases in the absence of adequate treatment.
Ear bleeding sometimes occurs with acute otitis media. Usually its appearance is preceded by fever, ear pain, and purulent discharge. Blood drains from the ear along with purulent contents.
- A tumor in the tympanic cavity often causes bleeding from the ear. Depending on the size and location, a neoplasm can be detected with the naked eye in the ear canal. It may protrude beyond the outer ear or be located in the tympanic cavity. Patients experience ear pain, dizziness, and hearing loss.
- A polyp in the ear canal is a local complication of chronic purulent otitis media that develops in the absence of timely treatment. This is a pathological growth of tissue in the ear canal that periodically bleeds. Polyps are attached to the mucous membrane using a wide base or thin stalk. Purulent and bloody discharge are symptoms of polyps in the ears. They can only be removed surgically.
- Ear carcinoma is a malignant tumor growing from the epithelial cells of the middle ear. Reaching significant sizes, it puts pressure on blood vessels, which are damaged. This is how ear bleeding occurs.
Pressure change
- In people with hypertension, ear bleeding is a result of high blood pressure. Patients are worried about headache, dizziness, nausea, pulsation in the head, pain in the back of the head, spots before the eyes, redness of the face. When the pressure rises sharply, blood flows from the nose and ears simultaneously. An antihypertensive drug will help normalize blood pressure. Since nosebleeds are a dangerous symptom, you must call an ambulance.
- Divers are most susceptible to bleeding from the ears. This is due to a sharp dive to depth and rise to the surface. Sudden pressure surges lead to rupture of the eardrum, which is often accompanied by the appearance of bloody discharge from the ear.
Treatment for bleeding from the ears depends on the cause. To determine it, you need to contact a specialist who will examine the ear and provide qualified medical care.
At home, the patient must be seated and his head tilted down and to the side. This will allow the blood to flow out freely. It is forbidden to cover the ear canal with tampons. Once you are sure that the bleeding has stopped, you should treat the lesion with an antiseptic solution and apply a bandage. Ice will help stop ear bleeding.
- Scratches and abrasions of the auricle and ear canal are usually accompanied by minor bleeding. The blood stops on its own, forming a crust on the surface. In this case, the ear must be rinsed with warm water and the scratch lubricated with any antiseptic.
- If the cause of ear bleeding is a foreign body, then you should not pull it out yourself. This can lead to the object being pushed in and worsening the patient's condition. Sharp objects in a child's ear can damage delicate internal structures.
- To treat bacterial otitis, antibiotics are used, while fungal otitis is treated with antimycotic ointments and drops. At home, you can rinse the auricle with warm saline solution and drop warmed olive oil into the ear. If there is bleeding from the ear during acute otitis, this indicates damage to deep-lying tissues and the development of purulent inflammation and even meningitis. Treatment for this condition is more serious, including antimicrobial agents, painkillers, camphor oil, and badger lard.
- General treatment for a boil in the ear canal is strengthening the immune system, relieving pain and using antibiotics; local treatment is treating the abscess during its maturation with boric acid, and after opening it, removing the exudate with warm saline.
- Damage and rupture of the eardrum are always accompanied by bleeding from the ear. Typically, patients clean their ears and find blood on a cotton swab. Damage to the eardrum is possible when cleaning the ears with improvised means, careless children's games, or sudden immersion under water or rising to the surface. A patient with a damaged eardrum and ear bleeding needs rest. A swab moistened with an antiseptic is inserted into the sore ear.
- With skull injuries, blood flows profusely from the ear. The condition of the patients is critical and they require qualified medical care. A hematoma forms in the skull cavity, which eventually ruptures and blood flows out. It is necessary to lay the patient down, ensure unimpeded blood flow and call an ambulance. Stopping bleeding or treating the ear on your own is prohibited.
- Treatment of ear candidiasis is carried out with antimycotic agents. For this, the patient is prescribed Candibiotic drops, Clotrimazole ointment, and in advanced cases, Intraconazole, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, and Nystatin oral tablets.
Causes of blood from a child’s ear and methods of first aid
The situation when a child bleeds from the ear often causes great anxiety in adults. It is important to know what the most common causes of this condition are in order to properly provide first aid to your baby. You should be especially careful in any actions, since the hearing organs of children are more vulnerable and sensitive than those of adults. Providing help can easily cause harm.
Causes of ear bleeding in childhood
Only minor bleeding that has developed as a result of slight mechanical damage to the external auditory canal or auricle can stop on its own. Other disorders accompanied by ear bleeding require medical attention, sometimes even emergency.
There are groups of reasons that cause ear bleeding:
- Mechanical injuries, including the eardrum.
- Infections.
- Neoplasms.
Injuries and damage
More often, children encounter the following types of injuries:
- traumatic brain injuries;
- head impacts;
- a foreign body that has entered the child’s ear, including during ear cleaning. Common cause of bleeding;
- skull fracture.
Pathogenic microflora in the ear canal is a common cause of inflammation and the formation of an abscess, which can result in bleeding.
Most often, children encounter the following types of tumors in the ears:
- Glomus is a tumor that develops in the area of the vein that is located close to the ear. Heavy bleeding occurs as the tumor grows and moves closer to the child's ear. The main manifestations are a feeling of tinnitus, headaches and dizziness;
- hypertrophy of the external auditory canal;
- polyps in the ear canal. Can be benign or malignant;
- carcinomas in the ear, which are accompanied by significant hearing loss and bleeding.
Important! Tumors are often accompanied by heavy bleeding from the ear.
First aid measures for a child with ear bleeding
If even minor bleeding occurs, it is important to show the child to the doctor. It should be remembered that bleeding from the ear canal is always an alarming signal, indicating the presence of disorders and pathologies. There is no particular cause for alarm only in the case of minor bleeding from the external auditory canal due to a small scratch, the origin of which has been clearly established.
Recommendations for parents when detecting blood discharge from a child’s ear:
- Call a doctor or ambulance.
- In case of bruising due to external trauma (including due to traumatic cleaning of the ear), rinse the wound surface with clean water, treat with an antiseptic solution (Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide), cover the ear with a clean napkin, and send the child for examination to an ENT specialist.
- If there is bleeding due to a traumatic brain injury, you should not manipulate the ear. It is necessary to call a doctor or take the child to a medical facility yourself, ensuring him peace.
- If there is bleeding due to a perforation of the eardrum, a shallow cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide should be inserted for 1-2 minutes. After this, cover the damaged ear with a clean napkin and consult a doctor.
- Excessive bleeding (including in cases of cancer) requires immediate medical attention. Self-medication can lead to consequences dangerous to the health and life of the child.
- If there are foreign bodies in the ear, self-removal is prohibited, since there is always a high risk of worsening the condition and increasing bleeding.
Important! Do not place clean tampons or tampons soaked in medicinal solutions for a long time. The most they can do
adults - cover the external auditory canal with clean napkins to prevent ear infection.
Drug treatment of ear bleeding in children
The principles of traditional treatment of ear bleeding are based mainly on the treatment of the underlying pathologies or injuries that led to such consequences.
Any parent can avoid bleeding from the ear due to foreign bodies and external injuries (including when cleaning the ear). Cleaning the ear canal in childhood should be carried out with special sticks with a limiter. Drops can be used before the procedure to soften earwax and make it easier to remove. It is prohibited to use sharp objects, tweezers and other improvised means to perform such manipulations.
Regular visits to an ENT doctor will allow you to promptly detect serious diseases and monitor the condition of the hearing organs in children.
Causes of bleeding from the ear in a child
Bleeding from a child's ear is dangerous, regardless of severity. Such an illness requires emergency assistance from an ENT doctor at the nearest medical facility. The manifestation can be different, for example during ear hygiene. You can see blood on the ear stick, both a dried drop of blood and fresh blood - this is always an emergency situation.
The appearance of blood may be accompanied by fever, decreased hearing, and pain. There may be one- or two-sided bleeding, appearing against the background of complete well-being. This is imaginary well-being.
Blood appears from the ear due to a number of diseases and causes, the most common of which are:
- hearing injury and traumatic brain injury;
- boil, otitis externa;
- candidiasis;
- carcinoma;
- glomus tumor;
- polyps;
- blood coagulation disorder.
Traumatic injury to the auricle
It is not difficult to see damage to the auricle if it is the result of a mechanical injury, there is a violation of the integrity of the skin, usually accompanied by pain and dizziness. Bleeding is always severe due to good blood supply.
Damage to the external auditory canal
Are you sure that the child did not put a foreign body in the ear or pour the contents of bottles with household chemicals, which are available in large quantities at home?
In case of unfavorable development of events, the skin part of the external auditory canal is damaged, and blood appears from the ear.
In this situation, it is necessary not only to stop the bleeding, it is necessary to urgently identify its source and take all necessary measures to prevent complications.
Careless attempts to remove foreign objects on your own can lead to bleeding from the ears.
It's good when you know about all the child's injuries and falls. A minimal injury, a fall and a hit to the chin may not cause much discomfort, but it can entail a number of negative factors. A hematoma will appear, which will initially be asymptomatic. The auditory canal in its cartilaginous part will undergo degenerative changes, which can cause not only hearing loss, but also periodic spontaneous bleeding.
Trauma to the lower jaw in a collision leads to depression of the anterior and posterior walls of the external auditory canal. This is fraught with bleeding from the sigmoid sinus of the brain and damage to the facial nerve.
In addition to bleeding from the ear, pain will develop during chewing movements. The pain is so intense that sometimes such patients have to be fed through a tube. The pain syndrome is difficult to treat.
Damage to the eardrum
The eardrum can be damaged by direct or indirect exposure.
Directly damaging factors:
- burn;
- foreign body;
- drops of molten metal;
- household chemicals.
Indirect trauma is the result of a sudden change in pressure:
When the eardrum is not damaged, blood is in the tympanic cavity, which flows through the Eustachian tube into the pharynx, and then when the head is tilted forward, it appears in the nose and masks nosebleeds.
In case of severe damage against the background of a sharp change in environmental pressure, the vessels of the tympanic membrane become congested, the integrity of the capillaries is disrupted, which is often manifested by hemorrhages. With these injuries, the child often bleeds from the ear.
- fractures of the base of the skull;
- a sharp drop in pressure when coughing, sneezing;
- aerootitis;
- complications of operations.
Differential diagnosis is necessary for the following conditions:
- glomus tumor;
- developmental anomaly in the form of a high standing of the dilated part of the jugular vein.
Traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injuries accompanied by a fracture of the middle cranial fossa, when the fracture line runs longitudinally. It accounts for 76% of all pyramidal fractures.
Damage occurs when a blow is applied to the back of the head, the crown of the head. The course of the fracture line extends from the temple to the roof of the tympanic cavity. In this situation, blood flows from the ear of children, which can be mixed with cerebrospinal fluid.
A localized inflammation of the skin and hair follicle of the external auditory canal is called a boil. This is always a delimited abscess, which is often caused by Staphylococcus aureus, when the skin of the external auditory canal is often injured, immunity is reduced, due to hypothermia, hypovitaminosis.
At first, the child simply feels pain when pressing on the ear, and when the boil breaks out, pus and blood are released. If you have any complaints about the slightest pain or ear discomfort, you should immediately contact an ENT doctor rather than wait for possible complications.
With external otitis, no abscesses form, the inflammation is diffuse. When scratches appear as a result of scratching the inflamed skin, blood is released from the ear.
Otomycosis is a disease that develops as a result of decreased immunity, previous otitis media, scratching of the skin, predisposition to candidiasis, hypovitaminosis, and a tendency to allergies.
The physicochemical characteristics of the secretion of the sebaceous and sweat glands change under the influence of a chronic infection that persists in the body. Opportunistic fungi that live on human skin become pathogenic as a result of changes in the composition of skin secretions.
Skin affected by the fungus usually itches, and bleeding appears when it is scratched excessively.
Seeing a doctor is necessary because the disease is resistant to the isolated use of antifungal agents. It is necessary to look for the cause of candidiasis and be sure to treat and monitor the condition of the internal organs.
All cancers, regardless of location, have no symptoms in the initial stages.
If bleeding from the ear develops with the possibility of cancer, this indicates the disintegration of the tumor.
Squamous cell carcinoma can metastasize. A small formation in the ear, which sometimes does not cause trouble in the initial stages, can metastasize to other organs. And when the formation begins to bleed, the internal organs are already affected. There is no need to wait for blood to appear. You need to immediately contact a specialist.
Glomus tumor
A benign tumor, which can have 2 types according to localization:
It is almost impossible to completely remove this tumor. It is benign, does not metastasize, but destroys and grows around all tissues. This is a hormonally active tumor, the structure of which is similar to the cells of the autonomic nervous system, which determines its clinical course.
Given the growth of the tumor around the jugular vein, it can penetrate into the cranial cavity.
Often the disease begins with a headache, periodic dizziness, tension in the neck muscles, and patients have been treated by a neurologist for many years, as well as for cervical osteochondrosis.
Blood from the ear with a glomus tumor indicates the destruction of large vessels. This condition is incompatible with life. Therefore, attributing pain in the cervical spine or head to osteochondrosis, without examination by an ENT doctor, leads to lasting consequences.
A complication of otitis media is usually a polyp. It tends to fill the entire tympanic cavity, destroy the membrane, and subsequently grow into the external auditory canal. At the slightest touch this formation bleeds. It can be easily removed surgically, but without treatment, otitis media develops again.
Blood coagulation disorders
Blood diseases that develop congenitally, hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, Christmas disease, as a rule, are diagnosed before blood appears from the child’s ear. But carrying out irrational antipyretic therapy for a child, using drugs of the aspirin group, can have serious complications in the form of bleeding after the slightest physical impact on the external auditory canal.
The first symptom of hemorrhagic diathesis may be the periodic appearance of blood from the child’s ear. Hemorrhagic diathesis can be congenital or acquired. An acquired disease that developed against the background of an autoimmune process, vitamin deficiency, vasculitis, liver disease, which first manifested itself in a child with ear bleeding, will never suggest a hemorrhagic diathesis.
An urgent visit to an ENT doctor is necessary, who will determine the cause, prescribe the necessary examinations, tests, diagnostic procedures, consultations with specialists, which will allow timely identification of the cause.
The interconnection of all functions in the human body requires understanding that blood from the ear is not necessarily a consequence of a banal foreign body in the ear. It is often an indicator of a serious concomitant predisposition to a disease that cannot be treated without an ENT specialist.
Why does my child's ears bleed? What are the reasons and how to get rid of it
In general, ears do not require any special attention to care, since they are protected to a certain extent. It is important to keep your baby's ears warm and well covered, as they do not have adequate protection from the sun and cold. Another problem is that the vessels that supply blood to the ear are very small and it takes a long period of time to restore function if damage to the ear occurs.
The ear canal is covered with small hairs called cilia, they throw out various dirt. The amount of wax varies between people; if there is too much wax, a plug may form in the ear. It is necessary to clean the ear daily; it is not recommended to use sticks with cotton on the ends, as this can cause more harm than good.
Possible diseases
Ear problems can occur at any age, but are usually more common in children. This is due to the fact that in children the size of the middle ear is quite small, so the ear area is most affected. Also, the child has more mucous secretions, which is why you can see frequent coughs and colds, all of which can block the narrow eustachian tube. From the point of view of medical aspects and the anatomical structure of the functions of the ear, there are 3 parts:
- The external auditory canal and the outer ear, they make up the external structure.
- The middle ear, which includes the malleus, incus, and stapes.
- The inner ear, which includes the cochlea, contains fluid and transmits waves to the auditory nerves.
Depending on the fact which part of the ear is affected, appropriate treatment can be carried out.
Blood from ear
Oddly enough, not many people are able to go to the doctor with sore ears and any discharge from them. Since any fluid that leaks from the ear, including blood, needs immediate examination by an otolaryngologist so that measures can be taken to prevent negative consequences that can even lead to hearing loss.
The only bleeding that can stop on its own, being minor, is, as a rule, mechanical damage to the skin of the auricle or ear canal, this can be either a scratch or a small wound. If a nosebleed is a surprise, then the appearance of droplets of blood from the ear is completely bewildering, especially if it occurs in a child.
The causes of bleeding from the ears are very specific and, as a rule, require rapid diagnosis, as well as medical attention. Based on the anamnesis, it is possible to determine in what situation damage to the ear vessels could be expected, for example, when using various objects with the help of which they try to eliminate itching in the ear, or with excessive efforts during the removal of earwax, with such actions damage mucous membrane is a predictable consequence.
Mechanical damage
Mechanical damage to the ears includes:
- Traumatic brain injuries, which are accompanied by the appearance of blood from the ears, regardless of the nature of the damage;
- Damage to the eardrum that occurs mechanically. They are one of the few cases where bleeding can be expected due to the use of objects that are used to relieve discomfort in the ears.
Infectious causes
Infectious causes include:
- Boils in the ears, where the main symptoms of the disease are associated with an increase in local temperature, the appearance of redness in the ear area, as well as the appearance of swelling, and when the boil opens, pus and blood come out;
- Myringitis is an infection of the eardrum, which is an inflammatory disease, accompanied by severe pain and the formation of a vesicle with serous contents in the ear. Basically, with myringitis, local as well as general temperature is increased, which brings a lot of unpleasant sensations, which begin to subside after blood and exudate begin to flow out;
- Candidiasis of the ear. In this disease, fungi of the genus Candida develop in many organs and systems, this occurs after the patient has undergone an intensive course of antibiotic therapy, so the lack of microflora and weakened immunity create an excellent environment for the proliferation of fungi, the result of inflammation is fragility of blood vessels, which is fraught with bleeding, and possibly even that blood from the ear will become profuse;
- The most common cause of bleeding from the ear is otitis media and inflammation of the middle ear. With this disease, the body temperature rises and unbearable pain in the ear is observed, one-sided headache, dizziness and weakness are often observed, when the abscess is opened, relief occurs, but if the blood has flowed out of the ear and there is no pus, but the pain has gone away, this is an alarming sign and requiring urgent specialist intervention.
Causes related to oncology
Causes of cancer include:
- A glomus tumor is a benign formation that appears on the jugular vein, and as it grows it moves closer to the ear, causing tinnitus, dizziness, and profuse bleeding from the ear;
- Hypertrophic inflammation of the outer ear, as well as polyp growth. Bleeding polyps grow greatly, after which they are clearly visible in the ear canal, and quite often they can protrude beyond the ear. In this case, hearing loss, dizziness, and migraine may occur;
- Benign and malignant neoplasms in the ear. The most common oncological process is squamous cell carcinoma of the middle and outer ear, in which blood from the ear is the first symptom.
Ear injuries
Children often injure their ears while playing. Thus, a powerful blow from the ball can lead to subsequent inflammation, as well as damage to the cartilage of the auricle. Also, due to mechanical trauma, an otohematoma may appear, in the form of an accumulation of blood between the cartilage of the auricle and the perichondrium. A powerful blow to the ear can rupture the eardrum. Indicators may include: ear pain, decreased hearing, blood from the ear.
Providing first aid
First medical aid for damage to the auricle in a child consists of removing all possible contaminants, which should be done using a sterile bandage or gauze, also rinsing with warm boiled water, treating the edges of the wound with an alcohol solution of iodine and applying a bandage. Then the child must be taken to a medical facility, where he will receive medical care.
If the eardrum ruptures, it is necessary to close the external auditory canal using a sterile cotton swab or bandage, after which you need to apply a bandage to the ear, then immediately take the child to the hospital.
- It is necessary to reduce in the diet foods that contribute to the formation of mucus, which include: refined foods, especially white sugar, dairy products;
- The constant accumulation of sulfur leads to the need for “rinsing”, which is performed exclusively by a doctor, a specialist in this field of medicine, especially if this procedure is to be performed on a child. Before this, drops or baths are used, when the child’s ear is immersed in pleasant warm water. During this procedure, it is necessary to hold the child's head;
- There are special solutions that help soften earwax, they are sold in pharmacies, they are safe and more effective than chemical and naturopathic components, you can also use heated olive oil, which has a beneficial effect;
- You cannot use special candles when removing earwax at any age, especially for children;
- There is no need to try to clean your ears by sticking objects into them.
Baby's ears are bleeding
What does this mean and what should I do?
- Candidiasis - antifungal drugs are used, both externally and internally;
- Purulent otitis - analgesics, antibiotics, camphor oil are taken;
- Acute otitis - the ear is washed with saline, olive oil is used in the form of ear drops;
- Abrasions and scratches - the ear is treated with an antiseptic Furuncle Analgesics, as well as a solution of boric acid;
- Rupture of the eardrum - rest is necessary, use a tampon moistened with an antiseptic solution, if a fracture of the skull bones requires an urgent call to the doctor.
Rupture of the eardrum
Perforation is a rupture of the eardrum, usually associated with trauma or infection of the middle ear. With a middle ear infection, pressure occurs from the outside, causing significant pain until the eardrum bursts and the pain subsides. Characteristic signs of a ruptured membrane are accompanied by the release of blood from the ear.
An injury caused by a loud explosion or a strong blow to the ear leads to a rupture of the membrane inward. With such a rupture, a very sharp pain is characteristic, followed by a dull pain. Hearing may deteriorate, it all depends on the reasons for the rupture of the membrane, the size of the rupture, and whether there is damage to the small bones of the ear.
- Small tears or perforations usually heal. But if there are extensive lesions, the help of a qualified surgeon may be needed;
- If any symptoms appear that are accompanied by a ruptured eardrum, you should immediately consult a doctor;
- If the rupture is caused by an infection, there may be a need to take antibiotics, as naturopathic and homeopathic treatments are too slow to work and the infection may worsen the rupture or destroy the eardrum. It will be easier to deal with side effects after taking antibiotics than to repair a fairly serious damage to the eardrum.
What is not safe for the ear
If any foreign body gets into the ear, you should not, under any circumstances, try to remove it yourself, especially in this case using sharp objects, using pins, hairpins, toothpicks, all this can lead to injury, and this can also damage the eardrum.
There is no need to try to remove round objects using tweezers, because there is a possibility that you can push the object much deeper. You need to contact an ENT doctor who can quickly and safely remove the foreign object, and if necessary, he will prescribe additional treatment.
- Author: Boris
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The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can it be considered a substitute for medical consultation with a specialist in a medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For questions of diagnosis and treatment, as well as prescribing medications and determining their dosage regimen, we recommend that you consult a doctor.
Blood from a child’s ear is a dangerous symptom that can be caused by both injury and oncology
The role of the hearing aid in a person’s life is very important. Thanks to its functioning, people can not only hear, but also speak. Surprisingly, certain parts of the auditory analyzer influence the development of human speech.
Features of the physiology of the children's hearing aid
Immediately after birth, the hearing organ is represented by a membranous-cartilaginous formation. As the baby grows, the external auditory canal changes. It changes its slit-like shape to an oval one. The length of this part of the hearing aid reaches the size characteristic of an adult only at 10–12 years of age.
Also, the location of the eardrum in relation to the longitudinal axis of the external auditory canal is different in the child. Initially it is located at an angle of 20 - 30 degrees. As it grows, the position changes and becomes more vertical.
Minor changes in the structure of the eardrum were detected. In newborns and young children, the greatest degree of vascularization (presence of blood vessels) of this organ is noted. Over time, the connective tissue of the center of the eardrum changes from dense, unformed to collagen-fibrous, which is characterized by obliteration (destruction, reduction in the number) of blood vessels.
Let's consider other anatomical differences between the ear of a child and an adult:
- The shape of the eardrum in children is a circle. In addition to the fact that it is located horizontally, it is also distinguished by its significant thickness. Over time, the angle of inclination changes.
- The tympanic cavity, located inside the temporal bone, is divided into 3 sections (upper, middle, lower). The walls of this organ in younger years are represented by connective tissue. Over time, they are partially overgrown with bone tissue.
- A special feature is the fragility of the auditory ossicles located inside the tympanic cavity.
- Absence of the mastoid process. In its place there is only a small cartilaginous tubercle.
- The Eustachian tube is short and wide. It is located on the same level as the nasopharynx.
- The presence of myxoid tissue inside the ear canal.
Due to such differences in the structure of the children's hearing system, the ears are very vulnerable to the influence of various environmental factors. Ear infections are more common in young children. The most common pathology in children is otitis media. With this disease, pus and blood may be discharged from the ear.
Why is the symptom dangerous?
The reasons for the appearance of blood from the ear can be very different, ranging from a small scratch to damage to the eardrum. Seeing that the baby is bleeding from his ear. The auditory organ should be examined immediately.
If it's a simple scratch, there's no need to worry. If you are unable to determine the cause of the bleeding on your own, contact a specialist.
It is the ENT specialist who, having carried out the necessary diagnostics, will be able to accurately determine the cause of the bleeding. If the eardrum is damaged, the child may experience temporary hearing loss. This injury is of course dangerous, but over time the eardrum can heal. The main thing is to prevent germs from entering the ear in case of such an injury.
If the flowing blood contains an admixture of pus, earwax, or fluid, then the baby has otitis externa, acute purulent otitis. With external otitis, a boil breaks out that has formed inside the ear canal. In acute purulent otitis media, the eardrum bursts.
Bleeding from the ear, as we have already mentioned, can occur under the influence of various factors. Let us indicate the main ones:
Now let's look in more detail at each of the causes of bleeding from the ear that we have indicated.
Due to their excessive activity, children often injure their ears. It could be a blow from a ball, a hand, a foot, a fall from a height, or even just a sink scratched until it bleeds. After such blows, inflammation can develop and a hematoma can form (an accumulation of blood in the area between the cartilage of the auricle and the perichondrium. A very powerful blow can cause a rupture of the eardrum. The child may feel pain inside the ear, decreased hearing, and blood may leak out.
How to properly clean children's ears
Mechanical damage
Bleeding from the ear can occur due to mechanical damage to the outer ear. This could be scratches or injury to the eardrum when cleaning the ear with an ear stick. Injection, cut of the ear canal with a sharp object. Such an injury should be shown to a specialist.
From internal injuries, bleeding from the ear can be caused by traumatic brain injury. It is very dangerous if a foreign body (cereal, ball, pin, button, match) gets inside the ear. Injury occurs mainly when such an object is removed from the ear.
Infectious diseases
Bleeding from the ear may be a consequence of the progression of infection within this organ. Let us indicate the main diseases that provoke bleeding:
Growths inside the ear can also cause ear bleeding. Most often, this symptom occurs when:
- glomus tumor. A similar benign formation occurs in the area of the jugular vein. It grows and approaches the ear. The child may experience dizziness, tinnitus, bleeding;
- hypertrophic inflammation of the external ear, polyp growth. Bleeding polyps can grow so large that they can be seen inside the ear canal. The child may complain of dizziness, hearing loss, migraine;
- the presence of tumors inside the ear (benign, malignant). The most common oncological pathology that causes bleeding is considered to be squamous cell carcinoma of the middle outer ear.
Blood from a child's ear: first aid
Typically, first aid for a child who has damage to the ear involves removing all kinds of contaminants. For cleansing, you can use a sterile bandage and gauze. The ear can be washed with warm water (boiled), the edges of the wound can be treated with iodine solution.
After completing the above steps, you need to apply a bandage. After this, the baby should be taken to the nearest medical facility to a specialist. If you suspect a ruptured eardrum, close the external auditory canal with a swab, sterile cotton wool, and apply a bandage.
Bloody discharge from a child's ear
If you find blood discharge from the ear, dried, dried blood, contact a specialist. You will need to be examined by an otolaryngologist or therapist. The otolaryngologist conducts an initial examination of the child using special medical instruments:
The diagnosis is usually made taking into account the existing clinical symptoms.
If you have a complex case, you may need to undergo blood tests, urine tests, and an ear swab, which is necessary to detect infection.
In addition to these diagnostic methods, an ENT specialist may recommend:
- computed tomography of the cranial bones;
- tympanometry. This procedure consists of checking the mobility of the eardrum;
- radiography;
- audiometry. It consists of examining the patient’s hearing qualities.
The success of the treatment that will be prescribed to the child depends on the timely detection of this pathology. Therapy depends on the cause of the bleeding.
If blood from the ear is caused by an otohematoma, the doctor needs to extract the blood from under the perichondrium. A puncture needle is used for this. After the procedure, a bandage is applied.
To treat injuries to the outer ear, it is usually sufficient to treat with tampons after moistening them with alcohol. After this procedure, the ear canal should be closed with sterile cotton wool to prevent infection from entering from the outside. In some cases, surgical treatment may be necessary.
To remove a foreign body from the ear, the ENT uses special tweezers. If the case is very severe, the patient may need external surgery + trepanation of the bone wall of the ear canal.
How to remove a foreign body from the ear without damaging the integrity of the hearing aid:
Possible complications
Dangerous complications from ear bleeding can include partial or complete hearing loss. Infectious diseases that provoke bleeding will develop into an acute or chronic form without treatment. The child will begin to experience constant headaches. A dangerous complication is the development of meningitis.
In some cases, loss of taste may occur, so monitor young children closely, especially those under six months of age.
What to do if blood from the ear is a consequence of a traumatic brain injury:
If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, the prognosis is usually favorable. The ENT specialist, having discovered and studied the problem, will prescribe special therapy.
Why does my child's ear bleed?
A child’s sore ear, the presence of blood and other discharge always raises a lot of questions, parents begin to panic and try to solve the problem on their own. In fact, in medicine there are different reasons for the appearance of blood from the ear, but the doctor must accurately determine one of them in each specific case.
If a child's ear hurts and there is bleeding from it, this should be a reason to visit an otolaryngologist. The likelihood that the pathology is progressing is very high.
Mechanical reasons
The ear can suffer from any injury, such as a blow or cut to the skin. Please note that the phenomenon in question can also begin with a head injury, even if the blow did not hit the ear.
Another point related to mechanical injuries in the ear is rupture or damage to the eardrum. As a rule, in these cases, the appearance of blood from the ear is expected, since the eardrum is always ruptured (with the exception of some ear diseases) with the help of some objects. For example, this can happen due to careless cleaning.
There are several infectious causes, the most common being the following.
The ear is bleeding due to its rupture. Until this moment, the boil will be accompanied by the baby’s whims, general weakness, swelling of the ear canal and auricle, and redness of the skin of the auricle. In most cases, blood mixed with pus comes from the boil.
This is an inflammatory process that affects not so much the ear as the eardrum. Symptoms of this disease will be intense pain and the formation of a bubble with serous contents in the ear.
The child will definitely experience an increase in local and general body temperature, which disappears after the bubble “opens” and exudate with blood comes out of the ear.
Why can candidiasis of the ear develop?
This is a fungal disease that usually develops in childhood after long-term use of antibacterial drugs. Weakened immunity and disturbed microflora lead to the fact that the child’s ear becomes a “breeding ground” for Candida fungus. This phenomenon leads to increased fragility of blood vessels, which provokes the condition in question.
Please note: with candidiasis, blood flows from the child’s ear in quite large quantities.
Otitis media
An inflammatory disease that is characterized by intense pain in the ears, dizziness, fever, and congestion of the ear canal.
As this inflammatory disease progresses, an abscess forms in the middle ear, which then opens - the child begins to feel better, and blood flows from the ear canal.
If only yellow-green exudate flows from the ear canal, pain, temperature and other signs of otitis media disappear, and there is no bleeding, then you should immediately seek qualified medical help.
Causes associated with malignant tumors in the ear
This happens extremely rarely. But the phenomenon does occur and can cause blood to suddenly come out of the ear. Why can oncology cause bleeding from the ear:
- Inflammation of the external ear of a hypertrophic nature, polyp growth. It is polyps that cause bleeding from the ear. Moreover, even parents cannot claim that the blood began to flow suddenly - large polyps are clearly visible to the naked eye, and it is quite possible to predict the appearance of the discharge in question from the ear canal. Hypertrophic inflammation of the outer ear is always accompanied by a decrease in sound perception (hearing impairment), migraine attacks and dizziness.
- Glomus tumor. This neoplasm belongs to the category of benign, but since it can degenerate into malignant at any time, it is considered as oncology. The glomus tumor is located on the jugular vein, then grows and “approaches” the ear. Symptoms of the neoplasm in question will be constantly increasing tinnitus, infrequent dizziness and heavy bleeding from the ear.
- Squamous cell carcinoma of the middle and outer ear. This is a malignant neoplasm that progresses rapidly and is always accompanied by bleeding from the ear.
Ear injuries
Outdoor games are normal for a child, but they can lead to bleeding from the ear. Even a banal game of ball often ends with a blow to the head - the cartilaginous parts of the auricle are damaged, and the eardrum may even rupture.
As a rule, the appearance of blood from a child’s ear in this case is easily diagnosed - the victim himself will name the reasons for this phenomenon.
How can you help?
If blood appears from a child’s ear, it is necessary to urgently visit an otolaryngologist and receive prescriptions for therapy. But this is not always possible, so you will have to learn the rules of first aid.
Firstly, if, when cleaning a child’s ear, a small amount of blood appears on the ear stick, this may mean that the skin or mucous membrane of the ear canal has been injured. In this case, the blood does not flow, but is simply visible on the ear stick in the form of several droplets.
You can help your child by dropping a little hydrogen peroxide onto an ear stick and gently treating the injured ear.
Please note: if, when cleaning the ear, the child makes a loud cry, begins to complain of a sudden deterioration in hearing and severe pain, and blood comes from the ear canal, then this indicates a ruptured eardrum - you urgently need to consult an otolaryngologist.
Secondly, if the child has a diagnosed otitis media or it is already known that there is a boil inside the ear, then carefully ensure that blood comes out along with the exudate.
There is no need to plug the ear canal with cotton; it is better to apply cold (just don’t frostbite the child’s ears - this also happens in medical practice!). Be sure to visit a doctor, as only a specialist can confirm that the pus has completely come out.
Blood from the ear is in any case a sign of pathology. All other issues must be resolved by an otolaryngologist, otherwise the risk that the child will suffer from hearing loss in the future is very high.
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