Thick mucus from the nose

Jelly-like mucus in the nose

The mucus in the nose performs important functions: it moisturizes and purifies the atmospheric air, helping a person to breathe normally. The villi of the respiratory epithelium push out all excess particles from the nasal passages.

Table of contents:

The mucus gradually moves to the end of the nasopharynx and is swallowed unknowingly. These are normal physiological processes regulated by body systems.

Nasal mucus is a muconasal secretion produced by glandular cells of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and consisting of water, mucin protein, salts and epithelial cells. Mucin makes mucus viscous and thick, and also has an antimicrobial effect. Even healthy people constantly secrete a small amount of mucus. This is due to the moisture-absorbing ability of mucin and its ability to increase in volume many times over. Nasopharyngeal discharge envelops the mucous membrane and prevents the penetration of foreign particles and biological agents into the respiratory tract.

When pathogenic microbes enter the body, the process of mucus formation becomes more intense. Mucin neutralizes bacteria and viruses, loses its bactericidal properties and flows out of the nose. New mucus is formed to replace the used mucus.

Mucus in the nose is a favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic biological agents. The proteins included in its composition are sources of nutrition for anaerobes. With pathology, the amount of mucus in the nose increases sharply, which causes discomfort, itching and burning in patients, as well as a desire to blow their nose and cough. Excessive mucus production in the nose interferes with breathing, communication and eating. In infants, the accumulation of mucus in the nose is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the respiratory organs, as well as the inability to blow their nose. Adults who do not care about their health often face a similar problem.

Overproduction of mucus in the nasopharynx is a consequence of acute respiratory viral infections, gastrointestinal diseases, and allergic reactions. To get rid of this problem, you need to determine its cause. To do this, specialists refer patients for a full medical examination, and then, based on the test results, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

Reasons that stimulate the formation of mucus in the nose:

Reduced general resistance of the body, immunodeficiency; Hypothermia, severe hypothermia; Tears entering the nose cause the mucin to expand; External irritants - hot food, alcohol, some medications, dry, polluted and dusty air, car exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, perfumes and cosmetics; Diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia; Diseases of the ENT organs - rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis; Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - inflammation of the gastric mucosa; Allergic reactions to dust, animal hair or pollen; Drug-induced inflammation of the nasal mucosa - due to long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops; Hormonal imbalance - puberty, menopause, pregnancy; Nasal polyposis; Oncopathology; Congenital defects - wide nasal turbinates and a deviated nasal septum; Foreign bodies and nasal injuries. In infants, the nasal passages are narrow, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is loose.

Any inflammation leads to swelling and blockage of the nasal passages. In this case, phlegm accumulates in the nose, and the child feels severe discomfort. He stops breathing normally through his nose, eats and sleeps poorly. The child is restless and cries frequently. Mouth breathing provokes the development of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. It promotes the swallowing of air, the appearance of signs of dyspepsia, and weight loss. In the future, symptoms of hypoxia may occur: throwing the head back, tension of the large fontanel, convulsions.

Parents should regularly remove discharge from the baby’s nose, and if necessary, visit a doctor and carry out the prescribed treatment. Symptoms

Mucus in the nose is a sign of various diseases, accompanied by other clinical manifestations. Overproduction of nasal secretions impairs the sense of smell, hearing, voice, memory and attention, reduces school performance, and causes constant headaches.

Symptoms accompanying the process of mucus formation in the nasopharynx:

Rhinorrhea, Stuffiness, Itching and discomfort in the nose, Soreness and burning in the throat and nose, causing the desire to cough and blow your nose, Frequent sneezing.

The accumulation of mucus in the nose is a serious problem that causes a lot of problems to a person. In the absence of timely treatment, patients' breathing becomes difficult, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, and difficulties arise in eating food.

In a healthy person, mucus is clear and liquid. Based on the color and consistency of nasopharyngeal discharge, the cause of the pathology can be assumed:

White and cloudy mucus is a sign of a viral infection. When exposed to chemical irritants, clear mucus of a thin consistency flows from the nose. Transparent mucus flowing from the nose may be cerebrospinal fluid, which is released during complex TBI with damage to the meninges. Bacterial infection is manifested by deterioration in general health, fever, weakness and lethargy. In this case, the nasopharyngeal discharge takes the form of thick yellow or green mucus with a specific odor. Mucus from the nose flows into the back of the throat, which leads to the spread of infection and the appearance of a sore throat and cough. Rust-colored mucus is a sign of severe pneumonia or bleeding from the respiratory tract. Brown nasal secretion occurs in smokers due to constant exposure to nicotine. With allergies, the nasopharyngeal mucosa produces an excess amount of watery mucus. In addition to nasal discomfort, allergy sufferers experience stuffiness, runny nose, itching in the ears, nose, eyes, fatigue, weakness, eye hyperemia and lacrimation, sore throat, and headache. Similar symptoms occur whenever a person comes into contact with an allergen. People who suffer from seasonal allergies experience similar symptoms every year. Mucus and blood are released as a result of mechanical damage to the vessels of the nose when blowing or brushing the nose. Bloody discharge appears in individuals with chronic inflammation of the sinuses, increased intracranial pressure, fragility of nasal vessels, and low air humidity. The inflamed mucous membrane swells, purulent blood discharge accumulates in the sinuses, in which bacteria multiply.

Thick mucus in the nose makes breathing difficult, cutting off the oxygen supply, which requires special treatment. Excessive accumulation of purulent discharge can lead to the development of severe complications: otitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, frontal sinusitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.

Diagnosis of diseases manifested by mucus discharge from the nose begins with an examination of the patient. The ENT doctor performs rhinoscopy and, if necessary, endoscopic examination, and refers the patient for laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Laboratory diagnostics include a general blood test, serological blood test for antibodies and viruses, allergy tests, microbiological examination of nasopharyngeal discharge for microflora with isolation of the pathogen and determination of its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Diagnostic procedures to determine the cause of mucus formation in the nose - x-ray examination, computed tomography of the nasopharynx.

To get rid of mucus in the nose, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease that caused it. Diagnosis and treatment of this disease is carried out by doctors of various specialties: otorhinolaryngologists, pulmonologists, therapists, immunologists, pediatricians.

Local effects of drugs:

Rinsing the nose with saline solution, furatsilin, a decoction of medicinal herbs - sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, calendula. The pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of drugs for nasal rinsing - Aquamaris, Solin, Aqualor, Dolphin. Antiseptic nasal drops - “Protargol”, “Collargol”, “Sialor”. Herbal medicines have an antibacterial effect and stimulate local immunity - “Pinosol”, “Equasept”. Locally acting immunomodulatory drugs - “IRS-19”, “Interferon”, “Grippferon”. Vasoconstrictor drops relieve nasal congestion and make breathing easier, especially at night - “Nazivin”, “Xylometazoline”, “Tizin”. Nasal sprays containing glucocorticosteroids reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and mucus secretion. Patients are prescribed Flixonase, Nasonex, and Tafen sprays. Rinofluimucil nasal spray thins thick mucus and facilitates its removal from the body. Antibacterial nasal sprays - “Isofra”, “Polydexa”, “Bioparox”. Intranasal desensitizing agents - Cromoglin, Cromohexal.

Drug therapy for diseases manifested by accumulation of mucus in the nose includes the following measures:

Taking antiviral drugs - Arbidol, Kagocel, Cycloferon. Broad-spectrum antibiotics from the group of protected penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones. Patients are prescribed Azithromycin, Co-trimoxazole, Suprax, Flemoxin Solutab, Sumamed, Amoxiclav for oral administration. NSAIDs for oral administration - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. Immunomodulators - “Imunorix”, “Bronchomunal”, “Licopid”. Mucoactive drugs for oral administration “Acetylcysteine”, “Bromhexine”, “Ambroxol”, “Sinupret”. Antihistamines to eliminate allergies - “Suprastin”, “Loratadine”, “Tavegil”. Vitamins C, A and K, iron preparations.

Diet therapy helps strengthen the immune system and restore the process of mucus formation. To do this, you need to include foods rich in vitamins and microelements in your daily menu, as well as drink plenty of fluids. Breathing exercises speed up the healing process. A hot shower, thanks to the steam, opens the nasal passages, which facilitates the process of removing mucus. In addition, hot water vapor dilutes stagnant mucus.

A nasal aspirator is used to remove mucus from the nose of infants. If mucus in the nose is a symptom of an infectious disease, physiotherapeutic procedures are considered effective: ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, UHF therapy, paraffin treatment.

Traditional medicine offers a huge number of recipes and remedies for removing mucus from the nasopharynx.

Inhalation is a good way to remove mucus from the nose. They are carried out over a hot decoction of potatoes, mint or nettles. Pencil “Balm Golden Star”, “Doctor MOM” help to thin out thick mucus in the nose. Radish juice has an antimicrobial effect. It is instilled into the nose, 3-5 drops daily. A clean napkin is moistened in warm water, wrung out and placed on the nose and cheeks. The warmth from the wipe thins the mucus and reduces pain. After such a compress, mucous discharge comes out easier. Grated onions are wrapped in gauze and placed in each nasal passage for several minutes to eliminate inflammation and facilitate mucus secretion. Prepare a mixture of honey and aloe and take it orally after meals. Beets are grated, the juice is squeezed out and dropped into the nose. If discomfort occurs, it can be diluted with water. Lubricating the nasal mucosa with essential oils helps moisturize it and relieve irritation. For this, apricot, peach, cherry, and plum oils are used. Video: how to clear mucus from a child’s nose, Dr. Komarovsky

What are snot made of? The secretion that is periodically released from the nasal passages consists of 3 components: water, salt and a specific protein - mucin. It is the last component that determines the properties of nasal secretions - thanks to it, the snot is viscous and transparent. Accordingly, the greater the volume of mucin produced by the body, the thicker the secretions released from the nose become. In principle, this is the answer to the question “why is the mucus in the nose thick?”

It should be noted that this protein is characterized by antiseptic properties - it helps fight harmful microorganisms. Thus, it should not be surprising that with a disease from the cold category, it begins to be produced in excess of the norm, and the person receives jelly-like discharge from the nose.

Why is snot like jelly?

Nasal discharge of mucous and liquid consistency turns into a thick runny nose, usually due to the fact that the mucous membrane lining the nasal passages is irritated by an infection of viral or bacterial origin. Trying to protect itself and quickly get rid of the irritant, the shell begins to produce mucus in increased quantities. It is she who pushes harmful microorganisms, as well as pathogenic products of their vital activity, closer to the exit from the nasal passages. As a result, thick mucus constantly accumulates in the nose.

Thick snot can be either transparent or colored. The color of the discharge may indicate a specific type of microbe or fungus that provoked the inflammatory process that affected the nasal cavity.

So, thick mucus in the nose happens:

white; yellow; brown; green; bloody.

If very thick snot in an adult begins to take on any of the shades listed, you should immediately consult with an otolaryngologist. It is obvious that serious inflammation is developing in the nose. It can be effectively eliminated with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor.

Causes of white viscous nasal discharge

By changes in the shade of nasal discharge, you can determine at what stage of development the disease is at the moment. For example, thick transparent snot in an adult occurs at the very beginning of the disease, at the stage of infection or, conversely, when things are moving toward recovery. If the inflammatory process is just gaining momentum, then the consistency of the discharge is defined as “very thick snot”, and its color is traditionally white. White thick snot can be a companion to the following diseases and conditions:

allergic reactions; sinusitis; proliferation of polyps and inflammation of the adenoids; complications after ARVI or measles; deep caries causing sinusitis.

Thick white snot is a sign not only of a classic cold, but also of damage to the nasal passages by a fungal infection. If you focus only on this symptom, it is easy to confuse the diseases, which means that you will treat them incorrectly and not achieve results. Therefore, it is not recommended to expect complications due to the rapid proliferation of a fungus such as Candida, since it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of it on your own. True, there is another option.

If thick white snot appears in an adult, this may indicate that the inflammatory process has been prolonged and the disease is already well advanced. And yet, despite the probable reasons described, only an otolaryngologist should answer the question of why the snot is white and thick.

We also note that white (thick) snot in an adult causes significant inconvenience and serious discomfort. Difficulties usually arise in removing them from the nasal passages, resulting in disruption of full respiratory function.

Where does the clear thick mucus in the nose come from?

Clear, thick snot is one of the first symptoms that usually manifests itself in an acute infection of viral origin or a bacterial disease that affects the nasopharynx. Literally after 2-3 days they turn yellowish-green.

They often also visit:

allergy sufferers; if you constantly breathe dry air; in the presence of a polyp formed in the nasal passage.

In children, jelly-like snot most often indicates that the adenoids are not only overgrown, but also inflamed. Transparent snot with white clots may well appear with incorrect treatment or in the absence of any treatment. In this case, the discharge may continue for more than 10 days.

In newborns, clear, viscous snot is dangerous. The fact is that they not only create serious obstacles to full breathing through the nose, but also adversely affect the child’s general well-being - he cannot sleep and eat normally. Such problems with the baby’s health can be caused by excessively dry air that he breathes, as well as his prolonged stay in an unventilated room.

After the fact

To summarize, we note: if thick snot appears in an adult, you must immediately contact an otolaryngologist to establish the correct diagnosis. And only after receiving it can you begin one or another method of treatment. In addition, it is advisable to periodically take preventive measures so that snot, like jelly from the nose, no longer appears.

If it turns out that the disease was caused by a virus, it is necessary to treat it with antiviral drugs. When the culprit turns out to be a bacterial infection, you need to use something from the arsenal of antibiotics. If an allergy has manifested itself with a runny nose, it is advisable to start taking antihistamines.

In cases where viscous snot in an adult needs to be brought into a liquid state, a specialist usually prescribes some kind of mucolytic. By trying to self-medicate in such a difficult situation, you are deliberately exposing your health to an absolutely unjustified risk.


What causes thick mucus in the nasopharynx, types of disease, drug and folk therapy

Mucus in the nasopharynx is an unpleasant phenomenon that prevents you from breathing fully. Moreover, this condition leads to unpleasant sensations: the sense of smell is lost, attention decreases, memory lapses occur and hearing deteriorates. For timely treatment, you should visit your local otolaryngologist as soon as possible. There are also some preventive measures that will help restore breathing or avoid serious complications. Care and hygiene are the key to health!

Brief description of the disease

The accumulation of mucus causes complete blockage of the nasopharynx, a person cannot inhale and exhale calmly, this especially causes severe discomfort at night. Most often, such accumulation occurs due to infection in the nasal sinuses. If the infection is not eliminated immediately, it begins to act and a number of harmful bacteria multiply in the body.

When diagnosing a disease, the doctor immediately pays attention to the shade of mucus. Typical colors are: transparent, white, green, yellow and rusty. If a greenish or yellowish tint is present, this indicates the existence of pus. With bronchial asthma or an increased level of eosinophils, the mucus turns bright yellow. The rusty color is the most dangerous; it signals the development of a serious illness (for example, pneumonia), which requires immediate intervention.

If there is a chronic accumulation of mucus, there may be an unpleasant odor; in this case, you should not delay visiting a doctor and get detailed advice from him and a recommendation for further treatment.

Any mucus indicates various disorders in the human body; this phenomenon is unnatural, so inaction can lead to bad consequences.

Causes of mucus in the nasal passage

Many people have a question: why does mucus form and accumulate in the nasal passage? There are actually quite a few reasons, here are some of them:

  1. ARVI is a viral disease that reduces immunity and can lead to the development of serious pathologies. Mucus quickly accumulates only if microorganisms and harmful bacteria get inside the sinuses. With ARVI, this phenomenon is common; without proper treatment, complications are possible: pneumonia, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and bronchitis. Initially, mucus collects in the nasopharynx, and only after a while it descends lower into the bronchi and lungs. There may be cases when pus rises upward, thereby clogging the maxillary sinuses. The inflammatory process can be stopped while it is at an early stage. The following circumstances can provoke the disease: hypothermia, wet feet, reduced immunity, cold drinks.

Types of mucus - precautions

There are different types of mucus, this is directly related to the reason for its appearance. Types of mucus:

  • Thick mucus. It occurs for various reasons, primarily due to severe inflammation of the nasopharynx. In addition, thickness accumulates with chronic smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy food, soda and just cold drinks. Eliminating this type of disease is not very difficult, the main thing is not to self-medicate.

Drug treatment

At the initial stage, it is possible to fight mucus with the help of special medications. Inflammation is relieved by destroying viruses and infections. The treatment method is prescribed on an individual basis, it all depends on the degree and nature of the pathology. The standard drug therapy is:

  • taking antibiotics
  • taking antiviral drugs
  • prescribing antihistamines
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs
  • rinsing the throat and sinuses

Any course of treatment includes the mandatory use of antibiotics. Without them, it is very difficult to quickly kill the infection that is in the body. If there are contraindications to taking antibiotics, then you can resort to another method - rinsing the sinuses with sea salt. This marine product has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane.

Salt-based products can be purchased at any pharmacy; they are available in the form of drops or spray. To be effective, the nose can be rinsed with regular saline solution and then treated with sea salt.

Traditional therapy - recommendations

They also resort to traditional methods of treating mucus. There are many recipes, so you can choose the method individually that is most effective for the body.

Recipe No. 1. Ingredients: celandine, aloe, water, salt, honey.

One small spoon of dried celandine is poured with hot water (half a liter of water is enough). The grass must infuse. When the temperature of the tincture drops to 35 degrees, the decoction is filtered. Then 1 tsp is added to the finished tincture. honey, one tablespoon of table salt and 3 tablespoons of pure aloe juice.

For ten days, rinse the throat and mouth with this decoction, and also syringe the nasopharynx, up to seven times a day. The first procedure may cause pain, as accumulated mucus covers the septum and inflammation is severe. In the future, the pain and discomfort will go away, which means that the infection is reduced and the inflammation is eliminated.

If you perform additional inhalations with this decoction, this will only enhance the effect. After a ten-day course of treatment, you need to take a break of up to two weeks, or up to 10 days. Then the procedure is repeated. To ensure complete consolidation, the course of treatment can be repeated after a couple of months, the rules of action are the same.

Recipe No. 2. The main component is the herb fireweed. One tablespoon of the plant is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. You should take a third of a glass three times a day, preferably half an hour before meals.

Recipe No. 3. The main ingredients are anise and alcohol.

Three tbsp. spoons of the dried plant are poured with alcohol (100 milligrams) and left for 7-10 days until fully prepared.

A few drops are instilled into each sinus of the nose, so as not to burn and dry out, you can dilute the product with boiled water (proportion 1 to 3). If, in addition to mucus, the doctor finds adenoids and polyps, then it is recommended to gargle with this remedy and gargle the entire oral cavity.

Recipe No. 4. Radish tincture. The juice is squeezed out of the black radish, which is then applied to the nose. Up to 5 drops of juice are dripped into each nostril. Only regular implementation of the procedure will help remove mucus and fully restore the functioning of the nasopharynx.

Rules for rinsing and washing the nasopharynx

Regular rinsing of the nasopharynx helps painlessly and effectively deal with chronic mucus. How is it carried out?

You will need a small teapot; first you need to pull a rubber pacifier or pacifier onto the tip of the spout. A small hole is made in the nipple, which helps to minimize damage to the mucous system.

Next you should proceed according to the following system:

  1. You need to bend over the sink or bathtub and carefully, slowly pour the solution into the nasal sinus where there is less mucus accumulation.
  2. To prevent pus and mucus from getting into the throat, it is important to turn your head to the side.
  3. You can only breathe through your mouth; if water suddenly gets into your larynx, you need to move forward even more.

To gargle, you should prepare a saline solution or buy one already prepared at the pharmacy. Furacilin is ideal for this case. You can rinse with herbs that can remove inflammation and have an antibacterial effect. If the procedure is performed correctly, within a minute the mucus will begin to flow out along the walls of the sinuses.

What to do with chronic mucus accumulation?

If the disease is chronic, then an integrated approach and constant medical supervision will be required. The most effective method of therapy is drug inhalation. For the procedure, an asterisk and a pharmaceutical inhalation agent are used. The patient should cover himself with a blanket and towel, and bend over the steam as low as possible. The procedure lasts from 5 to 20 minutes, you need to monitor your well-being. To prevent your head from spinning, take a couple of large breaths through your mouth, then inhale through your nose.

After inhalation, you should lie on your back and lie down for about 20 minutes. Then a few drops of sea buckthorn oil are instilled into the nasal sinuses. Treatment lasts a week.

Prevention and additional recommendations

To prevent the appearance of mucus in the nose, you need to lead a correct lifestyle and perform preventive procedures, these include:

  • timely treat colds and other diseases that cause inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • harden
  • take vitamins every spring and autumn to support the immune system
  • give up bad habits, especially smoking
  • drink purified water as much and often as possible (up to 2.5 liters per day)
  • do breathing exercises daily
  • monitor your diet

Health directly depends on personal hygiene, nutrition and habits.

So, mucus in the sinuses can appear for various reasons, which only a qualified specialist can determine. Timely treatment will allow you to achieve a positive result in the near future. There are different treatment methods: traditional, medicinal, inhalation, rinsing and surgery.

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Treatment of thick snot

Weakened immunity, poor environmental conditions, insufficient adherence to personal hygiene rules - all this contributes to the development of colds and other pathological conditions. A cold is almost always accompanied by a symptom such as rhinitis. Thin mucus discharge certainly causes a lot of inconvenience, but it is not as dangerous as thick snot. Transparent mucous secretions protect the body from the penetration of dust particles, allergic substances, and pathogens. Mucus consists of water, salt and mucin protein; due to the presence of the latter substance, nasal discharge has a thick consistency.

Thick mucous secretions that form in the upper part of the nasopharynx make breathing difficult, which, in turn, can be very dangerous, especially during sleep. Depending on the pathological process developing in the body and the stage of the disorder, thick snot in an adult and a child may have a different color.

White mucous discharge

White thick snot in an adult or a child indicates an inflammatory or infectious disease developing in the body. This symptom occurs mainly in the initial stages of the development of the pathological process. Over time, nasal discharge becomes greenish or yellow in color.

Also, white thick snot can appear when there is low humidity in the room or insufficient fluid intake. Often such discharge is a consequence of improper treatment of ordinary rhinitis.

In childhood, white mucus can be observed during teething and with the development of an allergic reaction.

Green slime

Green, thick snot in an adult most likely indicates the presence of a chronic pathology in the body. Greenish mucous discharge often accompanies chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

The body is actively fighting the pathogenic infection; in this case, the immune system produces a special substance that gives the mucus its characteristic green color. Very thick green snot is a sign that the body has coped with the disease, but a similar symptom can also be observed with advanced rhinitis.

Yellow mucous discharge

Yellow mucus mainly occurs in smokers, as nicotine penetrates the respiratory system, settles on the nasal mucosa and gives the discharge a yellowish tint. If a person does not smoke and his health is normal, a runny nose (thick yellow snot) may indicate more severe pathologies than a common cold.

For example, a similar symptom can be observed in cancer. In any case, if such a phenomenon occurs, you should immediately contact a specialist to clarify the diagnosis.

Mucous discharge mixed with blood

Thick mucus with blood particles can be the result of mechanical damage to the nasal mucosa. Also, a similar sign can be observed in severe stages of the pathology. Consultation with a specialist will help determine the cause of this symptom.

Perhaps the appearance of mucous discharge with blood elements is due to increased blood pressure or other disorders that require urgent medical intervention.

Therapeutic measures

How to treat thick snot in an adult? First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of such a violation. To do this, you should definitely visit a doctor's office. A qualified specialist will conduct a thorough examination, based on the results of which he will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Regardless of the cause of this symptom, to normalize the condition, it is necessary to maintain optimal air humidity in the home, carry out wet cleaning daily and ventilate the room.

How to treat thick snot? The use of antihistamines and antivirals will reduce the amount of mucous secretions. It should be remembered that medications that have a vasoconstrictor effect cannot be used for more than 5 days.

How to treat green thick snot? If the mucus from the nasal cavity is green and has an unpleasant odor, this may indicate the development of sinusitis and other serious complications. In such a situation, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

In addition to regular rinsing of the nasal cavity, the doctor may prescribe local use of antibacterial drops (Isofra, Biparox). In severe situations, oral antibiotics are used.

Features of treatment

To prevent stagnation of mucus in the respiratory tract, it is necessary to regularly clear the nose and rinse the nasal passages.

However, thick snot is often not blown out. How to treat the disorder in this case? Perhaps the infection caused the adenoids to enlarge, which caused the nasal passages to narrow.

In this case, you should definitely consult with an ENT doctor. At home, you can rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution or irrigate the nasal passages with drugs such as Salin, Aquamaris, Marimer.

If there is a bacterial infection (sinusitis, sinusitis), the consistency of the mucous discharge is initially thicker. With the development of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, the mucus is not in the nasal cavity, but in the nasopharynx. As a result, thick snot is not blown out completely, dense mucus remains in the throat, which contributes to the development of the inflammatory process.

It is always easier to prevent the occurrence of any disease than to subsequently treat it for a long time.

To prevent colds and other pathologies, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, eat well and avoid hypothermia.

Author: Yulia Barabash

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Mucus in the nose: causes, what color indicates, how to treat

The mucus in the nose performs important functions: it moisturizes and purifies the atmospheric air, helping a person to breathe normally. The villi of the respiratory epithelium push out all excess particles from the nasal passages. The mucus gradually moves to the end of the nasopharynx and is swallowed unknowingly. These are normal physiological processes regulated by body systems.

Nasal mucus is a muconasal secretion produced by glandular cells of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and consisting of water, mucin protein, salts and epithelial cells. Mucin makes mucus viscous and thick, and also has an antimicrobial effect. Even healthy people constantly secrete a small amount of mucus. This is due to the moisture-absorbing ability of mucin and its ability to increase in volume many times over. Nasopharyngeal discharge envelops the mucous membrane and prevents the penetration of foreign particles and biological agents into the respiratory tract.

When pathogenic microbes enter the body, the process of mucus formation becomes more intense. Mucin neutralizes bacteria and viruses, loses its bactericidal properties and flows out of the nose. New mucus is formed to replace the used mucus.

Mucus in the nose is a favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic biological agents. The proteins included in its composition are sources of nutrition for anaerobes. With pathology, the amount of mucus in the nose increases sharply, which causes discomfort, itching and burning in patients, as well as a desire to blow their nose and cough. Excessive mucus production in the nose interferes with breathing, communication and eating. In infants, the accumulation of mucus in the nose is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the respiratory organs, as well as the inability to blow their nose. Adults who do not care about their health often face a similar problem.

Overproduction of mucus in the nasopharynx is a consequence of acute respiratory viral infections, gastrointestinal diseases, and allergic reactions. To get rid of this problem, you need to determine its cause. To do this, specialists refer patients for a full medical examination, and then, based on the test results, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.


Reasons that stimulate the formation of mucus in the nose:

  • Reduced general resistance of the body, immunodeficiency;
  • Hypothermia, severe hypothermia;
  • Tears entering the nose cause the mucin to expand;
  • External irritants - hot food, alcohol, some medications, dry, polluted and dusty air, car exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia;
  • Diseases of the ENT organs - rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • Allergic reactions to dust, animal hair or pollen;
  • Drug-induced inflammation of the nasal mucosa - due to long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops;
  • Hormonal imbalance - puberty, menopause, pregnancy;
  • Nasal polyposis;
  • Oncopathology;
  • Congenital defects - wide nasal turbinates and a deviated nasal septum;
  • Foreign bodies and nasal injuries.


Mucus in the nose is a sign of various diseases, accompanied by other clinical manifestations. Overproduction of nasal secretions impairs the sense of smell, hearing, voice, memory and attention, reduces school performance, and causes constant headaches.

Symptoms accompanying the process of mucus formation in the nasopharynx:

The accumulation of mucus in the nose is a serious problem that causes a lot of problems to a person. In the absence of timely treatment, patients' breathing becomes difficult, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, and difficulties arise in eating food.

In a healthy person, mucus is clear and liquid. Based on the color and consistency of nasopharyngeal discharge, the cause of the pathology can be assumed:

  • White and cloudy mucus is a sign of a viral infection.
  • When exposed to chemical irritants, clear mucus of a thin consistency flows from the nose.
  • Transparent mucus flowing from the nose may be cerebrospinal fluid, which is released during complex TBI with damage to the meninges.
  • Bacterial infection is manifested by deterioration in general health, fever, weakness and lethargy. In this case, the nasopharyngeal discharge takes the form of thick yellow or green mucus with a specific odor. Mucus from the nose flows into the back of the throat, which leads to the spread of infection and the appearance of a sore throat and cough.
  • Rust-colored mucus is a sign of severe pneumonia or bleeding from the respiratory tract.
  • Brown nasal secretion occurs in smokers due to constant exposure to nicotine.
  • With allergies, the nasopharyngeal mucosa produces an excess amount of watery mucus. In addition to nasal discomfort, allergy sufferers experience stuffiness, runny nose, itching in the ears, nose, eyes, fatigue, weakness, eye hyperemia and lacrimation, sore throat, and headache. Similar symptoms occur whenever a person comes into contact with an allergen. People who suffer from seasonal allergies experience similar symptoms every year.
  • Mucus and blood are released as a result of mechanical damage to the vessels of the nose when blowing or brushing the nose. Bloody discharge appears in persons with chronic inflammation of the sinuses, increased intracranial pressure, fragility of nasal vessels, and low air humidity. The inflamed mucous membrane swells, purulent blood discharge accumulates in the sinuses, in which bacteria multiply.

Thick mucus in the nose makes breathing difficult, cutting off the oxygen supply, which requires special treatment. Excessive accumulation of purulent discharge can lead to the development of severe complications: otitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, frontal sinusitis, tracheitis, pneumonia.


Diagnosis of diseases manifested by mucus discharge from the nose begins with an examination of the patient. The ENT doctor performs rhinoscopy and, if necessary, endoscopic examination, and refers the patient for laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Laboratory diagnostics include a general blood test, serological blood test for antibodies and viruses, allergy tests, microbiological examination of nasopharyngeal discharge for microflora with isolation of the pathogen and determination of its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Diagnostic procedures to determine the cause of mucus formation in the nose - x-ray examination, computed tomography of the nasopharynx.


To get rid of mucus in the nose, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease that caused it. Diagnosis and treatment of this disease is carried out by doctors of various specialties: otorhinolaryngologists, pulmonologists, therapists, immunologists, pediatricians.

Local effects of drugs:

  1. Rinsing the nose with saline solution, furatsilin, a decoction of medicinal herbs - sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, calendula. The pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of drugs for nasal rinsing - Aquamaris, Solin, Aqualor, Dolphin.
  2. Antiseptic nasal drops - “Protargol”, “Collargol”, “Sialor”.
  3. Herbal medicines have an antibacterial effect and stimulate local immunity - “Pinosol”, “Equasept”.
  4. Locally acting immunomodulatory drugs - “IRS-19”, “Interferon”, “Grippferon”.
  5. Vasoconstrictor drops relieve nasal congestion and make breathing easier, especially at night - “Nazivin”, “Xylometazoline”, “Tizin”.
  6. Nasal sprays containing glucocorticosteroids reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and mucus secretion. Patients are prescribed Flixonase, Nasonex, and Tafen sprays.
  7. Rinofluimucil nasal spray thins thick mucus and facilitates its removal from the body.
  8. Antibacterial nasal sprays - “Isofra”, “Polydexa”, “Bioparox”.
  9. Intranasal desensitizing agents - Cromoglin, Cromohexal.

Drug therapy for diseases manifested by accumulation of mucus in the nose includes the following measures:

  • Taking antiviral drugs - Arbidol, Kagocel, Cycloferon.
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics from the group of protected penicillins, macrolides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones. Patients are prescribed Azithromycin, Co-trimoxazole, Suprax, Flemoxin Solutab, Sumamed, Amoxiclav for oral administration.
  • NSAIDs for oral administration - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac.
  • Immunomodulators - “Imunorix”, “Bronchomunal”, “Licopid”.
  • Mucoactive drugs for oral administration “Acetylcysteine”, “Bromhexine”, “Ambroxol”, “Sinupret”.
  • Antihistamines to eliminate allergies - “Suprastin”, “Loratadine”, “Tavegil”.
  • Vitamins C, A and K, iron preparations.

Diet therapy helps strengthen the immune system and restore the process of mucus formation. To do this, you need to include foods rich in vitamins and microelements in your daily menu, as well as drink plenty of fluids. Breathing exercises speed up the healing process. A hot shower, thanks to the steam, opens the nasal passages, which facilitates the process of removing mucus. In addition, hot water vapor dilutes stagnant mucus.

A nasal aspirator is used to remove mucus from the nose of infants. If mucus in the nose is a symptom of an infectious disease, physiotherapeutic procedures are considered effective: ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis, ultraphonophoresis, UHF therapy, paraffin treatment.

Traditional medicine offers a huge number of recipes and remedies for removing mucus from the nasopharynx.

  1. Inhalation is a good way to remove mucus from the nose. They are carried out over a hot decoction of potatoes, mint or nettles. Pencil “Balm Golden Star”, “Doctor MOM” help to thin out thick mucus in the nose.
  2. Radish juice has an antimicrobial effect. It is instilled into the nose, 3-5 drops daily.
  3. A clean napkin is moistened in warm water, wrung out and placed on the nose and cheeks. The warmth from the wipe thins the mucus and reduces pain. After such a compress, mucous discharge comes out easier.
  4. Grated onions are wrapped in gauze and placed in each nasal passage for several minutes to eliminate inflammation and facilitate mucus secretion.
  5. Prepare a mixture of honey and aloe and take it orally after meals.
  6. Beets are grated, the juice is squeezed out and dropped into the nose. If discomfort occurs, it can be diluted with water.
  7. Lubricating the nasal mucosa with essential oils helps moisturize it and relieve irritation. For this, apricot, peach, cherry, and plum oils are used.


What causes the appearance of thick snot and how to solve the problem?

Many people, regardless of their age, are prone to frequent colds. This circumstance can be caused by a number of reasons, but the most common among them is weakened immunity. With a cold, as a rule, a runny nose occurs; during the illness, liquid or thick snot can be released from the nasopharynx, having different shades. Liquid snot, of course, is an unpleasant phenomenon, but it is not as dangerous as thick mucus.

When thick mucus forms in the nasopharynx, nasal breathing becomes significantly more difficult, which is especially dangerous during sleep. Moreover, quite often patients do not blow out completely thick snot, the mucus stagnates and soon becomes the cause of the development of inflammatory processes that are dangerous to the patient’s health.

Why is this happening?

What causes white mucus in the nose?

Mucin under a microscope

Doctors associate the appearance of snot in adults with a natural color without a green or yellow tint to colds. If a runny nose is truly caused by hypothermia, the mucus is initially too thin, but over time it becomes thicker. At the initial stage of a cold accompanied by a runny nose, there is a discharge of thick white snot. But if the disease is neglected or if it is not treated correctly, the mucus becomes yellow and even green.

Thick snot can also be produced during an allergic reaction of the nasopharynx, caused by the entry of a certain irritant into its cavity. This phenomenon is considered a completely normal process, which is explained by the fact that when an allergen enters the mucous membrane, it begins to intensively produce mucin proteins, which create a protective layer.

What does the appearance of green snot indicate?

If you see thick green snot when an adult blows his nose, you can be sure of the occurrence of chronic diseases in the human body. This color of mucus discharged from the nose may indicate the presence of pneumonia or chronic bronchitis. The body begins to actively fight the infection that caused the formation of these diseases; its immune system secretes a special substance that gives the mucus its color. Despite the fact that green mucus can be present with an advanced runny nose, it also sometimes indicates the body’s successful fight against the virus. In the process of such a fight, not only leukocytes damaged by pathogenic microorganisms die, but also the harmful bacteria themselves.

When is yellow or brown mucus released?

Smokers often have thick, yellow or brown snot

Sometimes thick yellow mucus may appear in adults; mainly, according to experts, it occurs in smokers. But this explanation for snot turning yellow only occurs in the absence of any diseases. This phenomenon can be explained as follows: nicotine enters the respiratory tract and settles on their mucous membranes, turning nasal mucus yellow or brown.

Doctors say that yellow snot should be more alarming to people than green snot, because if you feel well, do not have a runny nose, and if a person does not use nicotine, there is reason to fear the development of serious diseases, perhaps even cancer. If you have such nasal discharge, you should visit a medical facility for a comprehensive examination.

Effective treatments

You should not start treating thick snot in adults without identifying the causes of their occurrence. Having visited a specialist’s office, and knowing what exactly caused the development of such a process, you can perform the following actions:

  • in order to reduce the amount of mucus secreted, it is necessary to take antihistamines and antiviral drugs;
  • ventilate the room every day and carry out wet cleaning to avoid drying out the air;
  • try to blow your nose as often as possible.

But, as you know, it is not always possible to blow out thick snot, so regardless of the reasons for its appearance, it is necessary to take measures aimed at thinning the mucus. To do this, you can rinse the nasopharynx using saline or plain salt water. In this situation, the condition will improve if there is thick mucus in the nasal cavity, which needs to be thinned, by drinking plenty of fluids. When you have a runny nose, it is useful to drink tea with lemon, rosehip infusion, or blackcurrant tea.

Experts recommend that adult patients steam their feet; for this you can use regular warm water or add a few drops of essential oil - pine, eucalyptus, tea tree oil. Since ancient times, people have steamed their legs to treat colds, but as you know, in fact, it is enough to steam your hands, the effect of the procedure will be the same. To relieve the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, you can perform inhalations using decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and eucalyptus. Carry out the procedure 3 times a day.

It is much easier to prevent the development of the disease than to later look for effective treatment methods. For these purposes, first of all, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

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One comment on “What causes thick snot and how to solve the problem?”

pass off a photo of a jellyfish as a mucin - do you even not monitor what you post? After this, there are doubts about the reliability of the information received.

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