The baby sniffles and grunts

The baby grunts through his nose, but there is no snot: possible options for the problem and advice for moms and dads

Parents are always wary of the health of their infant, because his body is not yet fully strengthened.

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Therefore, any deviations from the norm may be a cause for concern.

For example, if a baby grunts through his nose, but there is no snot, he sniffles, his nose is blocked, parents should figure out why grunting occurs, why it is dangerous, and what to do in such a situation.

Causes in newborns and infants

The situation in which a newborn baby grunts and sniffles, but there is no snot or inflammation, and he develops quite well, is quite common.

The fact is that the nasal passages of a newborn are very narrow, and even the smallest obstacle to air can cause trouble.

The mucous membrane can be irritated by air or regurgitation; mucus or milk blocks the nasal passages and provokes sounds when air passes, which sounds like a characteristic grunting.”

Why does a newborn grunt, sniffle, and his nose is empty, what should I do? The reason may be very banal - parents simply do not clean their baby’s nose or do it incompletely.

This is called a physiological runny nose. Usually after some time this problem goes away on its own.

But things may not be so simple. If the baby suddenly starts grunting without snot, this may indicate unfavorable conditions around him.

If grunting sounds appear only at night, this may indicate that phlegm is accumulating in the back of the throat during the night.

This often occurs in the autumn, when the heating starts working and the air in the room is dry. This can also happen in winter due to frost or in autumn during rainy weather. All these are variants of the norm.

Too dry or warm air in the room is a common reason why an infant grunts through his nose, but there is no snot. To normalize the condition, you should take care of humidifying the air and regularly do wet cleaning in the room.

The nose may grunt due to a viral infection. In infants it may appear due to severe hypothermia. A mild cold often manifests itself this way: wheezing (the newborn wheezes through the nose), not accompanied by nasal discharge.

Breathing can become grunting due to various diseases, and quite serious ones at that. The following diseases cannot be excluded:

  • transient tachypnea in infants. Occurs in 1% of cases. Characterized by rapid breathing, bluish skin, wheezing in the lungs. Usually passes without a trace;
  • hyaline membrane disease. It makes itself felt in the first days of life, and its main symptom is shortness of breath. In this case, medications will allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms within a week;
  • polycythemia. Manifested by cyanosis of the limb, shortness of breath, convulsions, suppression of reflexes.
  • It is usually quite easy to exclude such diseases - grunting is not the main or only symptom; more unpleasant signs usually appear.

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    What to do

    What should parents do if their newborn baby grunts? If the problem is physiological, then there is no need to treat the baby. You can only alleviate his condition by adjusting the temperature and humidity level in the room.

    If there is a small amount of clear discharge, it should be removed using a nasal aspirator.

    How to properly clean a newborn's nose:

    If yellow-green mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx, this indicates that the cause is infectious. In this case, you may also notice an increase in body temperature, coughing, sneezing, and general malaise.

    The newborn has a runny nose, he wheezes and grunts. Treatment in this case should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

    Vasoconstrictor drops designed specifically for children may be prescribed. Use them carefully, according to the instructions.

    Children are often prescribed drugs such as Nazivin and Otrivin. To combat viruses and bacteria in the nasopharynx area, the drug Protargol or Sialor is often used. It is an antiseptic that constricts blood vessels and at the same time makes breathing easier.

    Home treatment methods also include inhalations, for which saline solution or mineral water can be used. This helps relieve the "grunting" symptom in the newborn.

    If the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses is not sufficiently moistened, it is recommended to lubricate the nasal passages with flagella lubricated with oil solutions of medications.

    However, this method is risky, since such products are strong allergens, so they can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

    Folk remedies often use a decoction of chamomile or calendula. They are applied using a pipette. Sea water-based products can be replaced with a weakly concentrated saline solution.

    Such remedies help get rid of the symptoms of a “grunting” nose - when a newborn wheezes through the nose, but there is no snot - but a specialist must determine the cause of this phenomenon.

    Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

    The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky says that if a newborn grunts through his nose, but there is no snot, the baby does not show any unpleasant symptoms, he has no signs of infection, then it is enough to ease his breathing by resorting to simple measures to get rid of grunting.

    It is important to create a favorable climate in the room where the baby is. The room needs to be ventilated, especially before going to bed. Children tolerate fresh, cool air better than dry air.

    The problem may lie in dry, “compressed” air. To ensure normal humidity, you can use special air humidifiers, as well as complex air purification systems.

    The pediatrician also recommends monitoring the hygiene of the child’s nose. You need to bathe him every day before going to bed - this will help soften the crusts that have accumulated in the nose and prevent new ones from appearing.

    After performing water procedures, clean the baby's nose using thin gauze flagella or turundas moistened with boiled water. If these manipulations do not help, rinse the nose with saline or slightly salted water.

    If you want to know how to swaddle an infant and whether it is necessary, read our article.

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    Prevention measures and recommendations for parents

    The main measures to prevent breathing problems come down to ventilating the room, humidifying the air and preventing the baby from hypothermia.

    White mucus can be sucked out using a syringe or a syringe without a corner. The crusts are soaked in vegetable oil.

    To rinse the baby's nose, place him on his side and irrigate the upper nostril with the solution. For newborns, drops rather than sprays are optimal.

    You should not use saline solutions with a concentration of 9%. The concentration of salts in them exceeds their concentration in the blood, which can cause drying of the delicate mucous membrane, and grunting as a result can only become stronger.

    If the baby wheezes, grunts through his nose without snot, you can try to pay more attention to cleaning the room and hygiene procedures. With proper care, the symptoms should go away on their own, even if the baby is hypothermic or has a cold.

    But in order to be on the safe side, it is better to call a pediatrician at home, who will help make sure that the baby is healthy and answer the question - why do newborn children grunt.

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    The baby is snorting but there is no snot, why and how to help the newborn?

    Very often, the fears of young parents about their newborn babies turn out to be unfounded. Infants have some physiological manifestations that disappear as the child grows up, and grunting through the nose is a typical example in this sense. At the same time, even completely harmless snoring can be a sign of illness. To do this, you need to figure out why the baby grunts his nose.

    Reasons why your baby grunts his nose

    It often happens that, after returning from the maternity hospital, a mother begins to notice certain manifestations in her baby that cause her serious concern. For example, when a baby grunts through his nose, but there is no snot. There are no other symptoms of colds: cough, redness in the throat, fever. While babies sleep, mothers notice the sniffling sounds that their babies make. The reasons why a baby snores loudly can be of two types - physiological and pathological.

    Physiological causes of grunting in young children

    Usually newborns grunt for physiological reasons. Such manifestations include:

    • individual characteristics of the nasal passages. Narrow nasal passages, trachea and bronchi make it difficult for air to pass through, which explains the specific sounds during breathing;
    • structure of the nasal septum. The thin osteochondral tissue that connects the fixed bone of the nose to the bones of the skull is called the nasal septum. During the process of inhalation and exhalation, the activity of the nasal septum increases, and the slightest anatomical changes provoke a difficult exit of the air flow and, as a result, sniffing;
    • increased activity of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs to secrete mucus. Babies have very delicate mucous membranes, which have a lot of blood vessels. Therefore, upon contact with an unfamiliar environment, a lot of mucus is released, which complicates the breathing process;
    • crusts in the nose. Due to excessive mucus formation, dry crusts constantly form in the nose of infants, which impede the passage of air;
    • gas retention in the intestines. Babies breathe with a special muscle between the abdominal and chest cavities - the diaphragm. And since their lungs are not yet very well developed, gases, pushing the diaphragm upward, disrupt the inflow and outflow of air.

    Prevention of physiological causes of infant wheezing

    As a rule, about 90% of the causes of sniffling in infants have a physiological basis and go away by the age of one year. But it will be useful for mothers to know what preventive measures should be taken to make it easier for the baby to breathe:

    • Maintain a comfortable level of air humidity in the baby's room. Ventilation, air humidifiers, aquariums, and damp cloth wipes on heating radiators will have a beneficial effect on this parameter;
    • Frequently do wet cleaning in the child’s room, preferably without chemicals that can cause allergies;
    • regularly clean the child’s nose from accumulation of crusts with cotton wicks;
    • Periodically rinse your baby’s nose with saline or a weak salt solution (preferably sea salt);
    • Monitor your baby's stool and avoid tight swaddling, which causes compression of the diaphragm.

    Pathological reasons why a baby snores

    In some babies, sniffling can be caused by pathological reasons:

    • anomaly in the structure of the respiratory tract caused by intrauterine development (sinusitis, absence of bronchial cartilage, formation of vascular rings, absence of a lung lobe, etc.);
    • swelling of the mucous membrane. It occurs due to careless cleansing of the baby’s nasal passages;
    • infection. The reproduction of viruses on mucous membranes is usually accompanied by a runny nose, but at the initial stage there may be no copious mucus secretion;
    • tumors. A blow or any other mechanical damage to the nose can cause swelling inside the nasopharynx and complicate the breathing process;
    • entry of a foreign body. Often babies themselves put foreign objects into their noses, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane and making breathing difficult.

    Prevention of pathological causes of sniffing

    To exclude any pathology, if there is no snot and the nose is grunting, you should definitely contact a pediatrician, who will refer you for a consultation to an ENT doctor. To avoid some problems that can cause your baby to snore a lot, you need to:

    • carefully carry out all hygienic procedures to cleanse the child’s nasal passages;
    • make sure that the baby does not injure his nose with foreign objects (toys and his own fingers);
    • protect the child from injuries and bruises.

    If your baby is sniffling, you should not use folk remedies, for example, putting herbal solutions in your nose, as they can lead to unpredictable consequences and worsen the problem. Also, do not use medications that are recommended for older children or adults.

    How to deal with the accumulation of mucus in the baby's nose?

    There is always mucus in the nose, which can be “good” and “bad.” “Good”, transparent in consistency, performs the function of protecting the respiratory system from the entry of microbes and viruses into the body. Harmful bacteria enter the nasopharynx and are expelled through mucus. If there is a lot of mucus in the nose, then from “good” it can turn into “bad”. Especially if a person spends a long time in a stuffy, unventilated room. Then the mucous membrane begins to adapt to harmful bacteria, and the protective function of the mucus weakens. In such cases, a runny nose develops, which can lead to sinusitis or even sinusitis.

    For infants, the formation of mucus is an important process in the development of the respiratory apparatus. The baby's body adapts to the bacteria in the environment. Therefore, intensive mucus formation occurs in the nose. According to its quality indicators, it is “good”. However, it is important to promptly clear the child’s nose from the accumulation of mucus, since its excess can lead to the development of pathological and infectious processes. For this:

    • free the baby’s nose from crusts of dried mucus (morning and evening);
    • periodically bury your nose with a solution of sea salt or saline (if the crusts are not removed with cotton wicks soaked in water);
    • Monitor the humidity and cleanliness of the air in the room where the baby lives.

    If you follow these recommendations for caring for a newborn, then the situation when the baby grunts but there is no snot will not cause concern. Still, to rule out more serious problems - infections and tumors, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. This will not only reassure the parents, but will also preserve the baby’s health if the parents’ fears are justified.

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    Why does a newborn baby often grunt with his nose, but there is no snot: we treat stuffiness and runny nose in a baby

    The reasons that a newborn grunts may vary. This may include physiology, improper care, or something else. The baby is constantly monitored by medical workers - a doctor and a nurse, and from the month he is taken to the clinic. It's completely natural to ask your pediatrician for advice. Before you go to the doctor, you can familiarize yourself with the most common causes of nasal congestion in your newborn and take preliminary steps to help.

    Why is it important to breathe through your nose?

    The air that an infant breathes must be cleaned, humidified and warmed. All this happens when he breathes well through his nose. Otherwise, the little man may get ARVI. The statement also applies to adults, but it is especially important for a baby to breathe through the nose.

    If the baby is not yet 6 months old, then in his mouth the cartilage of the larynx moves back with the tongue, making it very difficult to breathe through the throat. With a clogged nose and mouth breathing, a lack of oxygen may begin. This negatively affects the functioning of the baby’s body. From this it is clear that during illness it is important to provide the nose with the opportunity to breathe.

    Drainage and filtration functions are impaired when the nasal mucosa is swollen and congested. This leads to the unhindered growth of pathogenic microflora, which can cause an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses, adenoids, and middle ear.

    The most obvious problem with congestion is difficulty feeding. It is difficult for the baby to suck milk, he suffocates. As a result, he does not eat the required amount of milk, loses weight, cries, and worries. Developmental delays occur, since the increase in the baby’s weight plays an important role in its growth.

    When a baby breathes through his mouth, breastfeeding becomes difficult for him and can lead to airway problems

    Why does a baby grunt?

    Why does a newborn grunt? This must be understood in order to provide him with timely assistance. The simplest reason is the process of physiological development of the mucous membrane. After the baby is born, the nasal mucosa develops over several months. During this period, it may swell, the amount of mucus changes, sometimes there is a lot of it, sometimes there is little. Crusts may form in the nose.

    A less pleasant reason is infection with ARVI. In a clinic, a mother with a newborn may encounter a sick child, but the baby is still poorly adapted to the environment and poorly resists unfamiliar infections. One of the first symptoms of the disease is a runny nose. It progresses differently in different children. Some people have snot running, others have thick snot, and the baby grunts. How to treat a runny nose, look at our website in another article (we recommend reading: how to cure a runny nose in a baby?).

    A baby's grunting may indicate that the air in the room is unhealthy. According to the observations of Dr. Komarovsky, if the temperature in the room rises above 22 degrees and the humidity does not exceed 30%, which often happens during the heating autumn-winter season, the baby’s mucous membranes can react by drying out and forming crusts in the nose, which will lead to stuffiness. The baby has an extremely sensitive and delicate mucous membrane. He needs to create a comfortable living climate.

    Another unfavorable point is overheating. The baby's thermoregulation is not yet fully developed. He often feels cold or hot. If you dress it too warmly, the nasal mucosa will dry out and crusts will form, which will interfere with breathing freely.

    Other reasons

    All mothers know that the baby does not feel well during the teething period. Many people develop a cold-like condition. The fact is that the mucous membrane of the baby swells, becomes inflamed and becomes easily susceptible to infections. During the period of teething, the child's immunity decreases. It becomes infected very quickly from sick people. It is necessary to limit his contacts with other children, with strangers and unfamiliar people whose illness you may not know about. Let him talk only to mom and dad for a while. Proper nose care is also of great importance.

    Snorting may indicate an allergy. Many children experience allergic reactions to household dust, detergents, pollen, and animal hair. Parents often do not have time to pay enough attention to cleaning the apartment. We must remember that the health of your child depends on cleanliness. If your baby’s nasal congestion does not go away with periodic wet cleaning, you should contact an allergist and have the appropriate tests done.

    It is very rare, but it still happens that a child has a pathology in the development of the nasopharynx. His nasal passages may be narrowed, and the exit from the nose to the nasopharynx may be closed due to fusion, resulting in nonconductivity of the nasal passages. It is necessary to exclude this cause by visiting an otolaryngologist. You should visit this doctor for the first time with a 3-month-old child. Repeated appointment – ​​at 12 months. If you are concerned about your child's nasal congestion, make an unscheduled appointment.

    Why does the baby sniffle and grunt without snot?

    When a little person sniffles and grunts simply while inhaling and exhaling, there may be no reason to worry. A little person's breathing is much more frequent than that of an adult. You and I breathe 16 times per minute, and the baby breathes 40 times. He may snore in his sleep and his breathing may be uneven. His mucous membrane is not developed, it is swollen, his nasal passages are narrow. Gradually everything will return to normal and he will breathe normally.

    Why is my nose clogged but there is no snot? The reasons may vary. Diseases in which this occurs:

    1. Allergic rhinitis occurs without snot. The baby may react to house dust, flowering plants, and animal fur. The doctor will advise you to give your pet to friends, do daily cleaning of the premises, and not go to the dacha until the plants stop flowering. If your baby is allergic to food, you should follow a certain diet.
    2. Inflammation of the adenoids. It rarely occurs in infants, but you should see a doctor who can make a diagnosis.
    3. Congenital pathologies of the nasal passages. Read about this above.
    4. Sinusitis. This disease, which consists of inflammation of the nasal sinuses, occurs as a complication after influenza, ARVI, measles and other infectious diseases. Infants suffer from ethmoiditis, a type of sinusitis. It causes inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses. The disease is quite difficult to treat. It is difficult for the baby to tolerate.

    How to clean your baby's nose?

    Previously, it was recommended to clean the nose periodically, regardless of the child’s condition. Now some doctors have a different opinion. The fact is that in the nose there are special cilia on the epithelium of the mucous membrane. They themselves clean the newborn’s nose, removing dust and excess mucus from the mucous membrane. When the child is in a room with the right climate, providing enough moisture and coolness, the nose will clear itself, without the help of adults.

    If the climate in the apartment is too hot, crusts form in the nose. They will not disappear on their own. How to remove them? From a cotton pad you need to roll a tube suitable in size for a small nose. One end should be slightly wider than the other. Then moisten the tube with lukewarm boiled water and stick it into your nostril. Then twist the tube in your nose and pull it out. If the crusts remain, roll another tube and repeat the procedure. The same must be repeated with the other nostril.

    Sometimes the mucous membrane is cleaned better by moistening cotton wool with vegetable oil, which must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature. Peach oil, olive oil, almond oil and so on are suitable.

    What should you avoid?

    1. You cannot clean your baby's nose with cotton swabs. They are too wide and long. In addition, they are hard, and the baby’s mucous membrane is tender. There is a danger of injuring her.
    2. Aerosols should not be used to restore breathing. They are not intended for infants. An aerosol that enters the middle ear will cause otitis media. The nostrils can only be instilled, and not with drops, but with olive oil or saline solution.
    3. Don't make the saline solution too concentrated. They will burn and dry out the mucous membrane. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of boiled water. The water should not be hot. Drops can be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Read on our website which drops are prescribed for infants.
    4. When cleaning, it is necessary to maintain a depth of entry into the spout of no more than 2 cm.

    If a baby has a stuffy nose, what should you do? See a doctor, he will make a diagnosis. For ARVI, the pediatrician will prescribe medication and children's vasoconstrictor nasal drops. If a child has a domestic allergy, if he overheats or the climate in the apartment is unsuitable, parents must take action themselves.

    The conclusion from the above can be formulated as follows. A child may sniffle and grunt simply due to lack of moisture in the room. This reason is easy to eliminate, Dr. Komarovsky also speaks about this. If the cause is more serious - influenza or acute respiratory viral infection, a complication after an illness, an allergic reaction, a pathological structure of the nasopharynx, it is necessary to consult a specialist and follow his recommendations. To find out how serious the cause of grunting is, you need to visit a doctor.

    Attention! All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only. For all questions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, you must consult a doctor for an in-person consultation.


    Why does a child grunt through his nose, but there is no snot?

    Wheezing, bubbling, squelching - these are the sounds heard in the baby’s nasopharynx when he has a cold or an acute respiratory infection. The following situation often happens: the child grunts, but there is no snot, the temperature is normal. The cause may be untreated inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, enlarged adenoids, and allergies.

    What makes “snub noses sniffle”?

    Almost forty years ago, the whole country sang along with Valentina Tolkunova, who first performed the song “Snub Noses.” Children snoring peacefully while sleeping evokes affection. But what will mom say when quiet sounds give way to strange wheezing? Of course, this causes concern, especially for parents of young children.

    If a newborn baby grunts through his nose, but there is no snot, then extraneous sounds are most often associated with imperfections in the structure of the baby’s respiratory organs. The respiratory tract is just developing, like other organs; the nasal passages are still short and narrow. Discomfort is caused by dried mucus on the walls of the nasopharynx.

    Why does the mucous membrane in a child’s nasopharynx dry out:

    • dry air, especially during the heating season;
    • parents do not clear mucus from the baby’s nose;
    • the children's room is poorly ventilated;
    • Wet cleaning is rarely carried out.

    Dry mucous membranes cause discomfort to the baby, and strange sounds when breathing make the mother worry about the health of the baby. To help, you need to rinse the baby’s nose and instill solutions that act as antiseptics and moisturizers. Vasoconstrictor drops will not be useful in this case!

    How to get rid of "grunting"

    Preparations based on sea water, such as Aqualor, saline solution or sea salt solution, work well on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. A ready-made preparation based on saline solution for a newborn or a child over 1 year old can be purchased at a pharmacy. The bottle must be warmed to room temperature, then the liquid must be injected into the child’s nasal passages through the tip. If the baby “grunts”, then rinsing the nose should be done twice a day - morning and evening.

    The solution is called “physiological” because its concentration is the same as blood plasma. When 9 g of table salt is dissolved in 1 liter of water, a liquid of similar composition is obtained. Seawater is usually a more concentrated solution. For example, the Black Sea contains on average 18 g/l of salts (chlorides, carbonate sulfates). Saline solution is prepared in pharmacies using distilled water; it is a clean and safe liquid.

    How to rinse a newborn's nose:

    1. Warm the saline solution carefully to room temperature.
    2. Place the baby on his back, holding his chin with his hand.
    3. Carefully inject 2-4 drops of the solution into each nostril using a baby dropper.
    4. Raise the child or pick him up and hold him in the “column” position.
    5. After 5–10 minutes, use cotton wool to clean each nasal passage.

    Daily wet cleaning and aquariums with water will help to avoid the harmful effects of dry air on the baby’s nasopharyngeal mucosa. It is advisable to install a special humidifier in the room or place a bowl of water over the heating device.

    The baby needs to be turned from back to side until he learns to do this himself. It’s good if the baby regularly changes position, this reduces the likelihood of mucus hardening and drying in the nasopharynx. A light massage of the baby's back and abdomen helps breathing.

    “Grunting” with the nose is a symptom of adenoiditis in a child

    During inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, the nasopharyngeal tonsil (adenoids) grows. But even in this form, this organ can only be seen with the help of special instruments. Most often, inflammation of the tonsil occurs in children 3–7 years old. The disease is called “adenoiditis”; it is caused by a runny nose and sore throat.

    Signs and symptoms of adenoiditis:

    • The inflammatory process in the nasopharynx makes nasal breathing difficult and provokes coughing.
    • Pallor of the skin occurs due to low hemoglobin levels.
    • The child speaks through his nose but there is no snot, his voice becomes nasal.
    • Inflammation may affect the middle ear cavity.
    • The child sniffs and breathes through his mouth.
    • The baby is restless and does not sleep well at night.
    • Appetite decreases.

    Doctors pay attention not only to the listed external symptoms. To determine an accurate diagnosis, a small patient is given an X-ray of the nasopharynx and an examination of the nasal cavity is performed - rhinoscopy. Sometimes the degree of adenoids is determined by an experienced ENT doctor by palpation examination.

    Adenoiditis is one of the causes of developmental delays

    It happens that the child sniffles through his nose, but there is no snot, the temperature is normal. The pharyngeal tonsil responded to infection in the upper respiratory tract by growing (hypertrophy). When the inflammatory process subsides, the adenoids may remain enlarged.

    Why does adenoiditis occur in children:

    • Untreated acute inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.
    • Dry, dusty air in the children's room.
    • Wrong diet.
    • Weak immunity.
    • Hypo- and vitamin deficiency.

    Nasal congestion and wheezing at night quite often occur in children with enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsils. A high degree of proliferation of adenoids becomes the main cause of mouth breathing in the absence or small amount of discharge. There are several consequences of poor adenoid health that parents should pay attention to. This is difficulty in nasal breathing and hearing impairment.

    There are 5 important points to consider:

    1. If a child has had ARVI or other acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the adenoids do not immediately return to normal.
    2. Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) must be treated until complete recovery.
    3. The children's room needs to be ventilated daily, remove dust, and use a humidifier.
    4. Hardening helps strengthen the immune system and better resist ARVI.
    5. Good nutrition helps prevent adenoiditis.

    Other causes of “grunting” sounds in the nasopharynx

    Often, nasal congestion, wheezing and coughing are caused by strong odors, dusty air, animal hair, and plant pollen. How do you know that a child’s nose is clogged and snot is not flowing due to allergies? Finding out whether the baby has hypersensitivity to any substances is possible only with the help of special tests. It should be remembered that an allergic component usually accompanies upper respiratory tract infections.

    Parents are worried about the child’s condition when he “wheezes inside, as if the snot is sitting deep.” This is a collection of thick mucus in the back of the nasal passages. Among the probable causes of the symptom, doctors name infections, allergies, a reaction to teething, and to dry, dusty air.

    “Grunting” through the nose only at night without coughing indicates that the snot has thickened in the area of ​​the back of the nose. Dry mucous membranes cause discomfort for the baby, and moisturizing nasal drops, ventilation and humidification of the air in the room will help to overcome it.

    Continuous wheezing and coughing and elevated body temperature should also cause concern for parents. These symptoms are a reason to seek medical help. The doctor will determine the reasons and, if necessary, prescribe adequate therapy. In the absence of pathology and constant nasal congestion, the child will be helped by frequent instillation of saline solution into the nose.

    A sick child will benefit from easily digestible food rich in vitamins and plenty of alkaline drinks. You can drink raspberry tea, still mineral water, fruit drinks and juices. In case of ARVI, a sick child is isolated from the children's team for 5–7 days. The room is wet cleaned with a disinfectant solution and ventilated.

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    One comment

    But I’m wondering about the saline solution. It’s clear that the pharmacy sells a specially prepared one, but why can’t you make it yourself at home - using purified or possibly boiled water with sea salt?


    once again about the grunting nose of infants.


    Hello!! This morning I woke up and my baby, who is a month old, has been grunting and coughing periodically, I wouldn’t have been so nervous, but the problem is that my husband and I had a cold, and now I don’t know what to do (((

    Well, what to do? Observe.. Measure the temperature.. Wash often to wash off viruses from the face.. Brew chamomile and give it to the child in a spoon.. If snot starts flowing, then drip saline and call a doctor.. In the meantime, ventilate the house and do wet cleaning. .So small, even if they become infected, they often carry ARVI unnoticed...since up to 5-6 months they retain their mother’s antibodies to viruses.

    Hello, we have the same problem.

    We are 3 months old and have some drooling. The child breathes through his nose, but he can be heard gurgling. Apply saline solution 3 times and suction. A day later, clear mucus, a little like snot, was sucked out. Snot does not flow from the nose on its own. After suctioning, he sneezes several times. Sometimes he coughs and can be heard swallowing. Before this congestion appeared, the allergy was treated. At the doctor’s appointment, she said that this congestion with grunting was bothering me and the child. The doctor said that this mucus stagnates in the nasopharynx, hence all the congestion and grunting. The trouble happened the same day we were at the clinic. At night she wanted to cough but could not swallow the thick mucus. I was completely shaken up. Turned it over, everything worked out. They dripped saline solution, but didn’t find any sniffles, only two small goats, like we always got in the morning. The temperature in the room is 24, air humidity is from 50 to 60%. Tell me whether there is an infection/virus or whether the swelling is due to banal dust or something else. Please help, I am very afraid for my baby. The weekend has already begun and I have no one to advise me on anything.

    Yes, according to your description, you do not have any virus. Mucus is always secreted in the nose. That is why they are called MUCOUS MEMBRANES. Mucus is a protection, it lubricates us inside from the nose to the butt.. And all people always, all their lives, sometimes sneeze, sometimes cough, sometimes cough up something that has accumulated.. And children are small, they lie all the time and mucus in narrow small passages is bad leaks, accumulates between the nose and throat, thickens and accumulates there... And if you have an allergy, then the mucous membranes also swell, and even more so everything accumulates. To prevent the mucus from thickening, wash your face more often, humidify the air, take a walk, place the child on your stomach, and personally, I am in favor of sometimes offering water, since we don’t know if the body has enough fluid..

    If you still caught the virus at the clinic, then snot will flow like water from your nose like a river... and the temperature will rise. a cough may begin, hoarseness, refusal to eat... In short, a sick child can be seen immediately...

    It turned out that yesterday we were given DPT; in the evening we had a fever, we brought it down. At night my nose was stuffy. Today I washed her nose 3 times, but she sleeps and breathes heavily and sometimes coughs. In the morning I also had a fever, which was also brought down.

    Yes.. it’s now difficult for you to understand whether it’s because of the vaccination, or because of an allergy, or if you caught the virus.. Watch, let’s drink. Brew some chamomile if you can have it. At home, wet cleaning and ventilation..Time will tell..

    We drink water between feedings. About 90 ml a day somewhere. Before DPT we treated allergies. We were cured, but we continue to take fenistil.

    Hello. My son is 5 months old. We have been coughing for two months now. At three months he suffered from acute respiratory viral infection; he had a slight fever, a runny nose, and against this background a cough appeared. Aquamaris was dripped into the nose and the snot was sucked out; our pediatrician prescribed Erispal for a cough. We drank for a week. The cough seemed to go away, but a couple of days later it started again. In the morning there is a lot of coughing, and it is not particularly wet. Then it gets wet during the day. The nose grunts, but does not run. I used complex drops in my nose for 3 days, I didn’t notice much of a difference and we don’t repeat them anymore, especially since the ENT said not to abuse them. The drool has been flowing for a long time, he can’t take his hand out of his mouth. The humidifier is working. For some time now I began to rinse my nose with either aquamaris or saline solution. At first a few drops, but now I pour it in just fine. They donated blood, everything is normal. I think maybe the cough is allergic?! Should the blood test show elevated eosinophils? They say that everything is wrong with infants and the analysis is not informative. Yes, when the doctors listened, they said that the cough was superficial. Please tell me what to do next?

    It may well be allergic.. According to the description, this is precisely swelling of the mucous membranes.. And the cause of the swelling needs to be found. Is there a predisposition to allergies in general? Have you tried taking a break and not touching anything for a week, just washing your face and giving you something to drink?

    Food allergies often happen on the cheeks, if I eat something wrong, or when I started giving him chamomile, there was also redness in the cheeks. Then, when I eliminate the food allergen, after a few days the redness goes away, and I apply bepanthen to my rough cheeks. It’s just that an allergy can be to anything, we even have a cat, but there’s nowhere to put it. Today I washed my face all day. As for giving something to drink, you should try it. My eldest didn’t drink anything other than my milk for the first year, and I don’t suggest that either. But children are different.

    Well, in children predisposed to allergies, all acute respiratory infections are more difficult and take longer precisely because of the swelling, which is always stronger... the recovery period lasts longer. Often the adenoids enlarge (when they get older) Plus the teeth add swelling. With such children, the main thing is not to get complications until they grow up and all the passages in the nasopharynx become wider and this is a difficult task. Try to harden, wash your face with cool water, this also relieves swelling and hardens.. After bathing, put your feet under a tap with cold water for a second, this also hardens and strengthens the body.. Take more walks and try more often.. Use the summer to the fullest to strengthen the child for the whole winter. == sun, air and water, as they say .. run barefoot, etc.. If you have ARVI, you most likely need to give antihistamines to relieve swelling, if your nose is very stuffy, then use vasoconstrictors (albeit very carefully) If the doctor prescribes antibiotics, then Always get tested before using them.

    Thank you very much for the answer. I myself can’t wait for the warmth to be out in the air more. With this cough I stopped taking it outside, I walk on the balcony all the time, and there the air flow is not at all the same

    And you know, in our city recently such a virus was spreading... everyone had a lingering cough.. Matvey coughed for 2 months.. We passed all the tests and even did an x-ray. We already thought it was whooping cough.. But the doctor convinced us that it was just such a virus and that all children got sick like that.. Although there was nothing else other than coughing at night.. During the day the child was completely healthy. Maybe you got this virus too?

    It could also be a virus. We try not to go anywhere too much. But no, no, then you go to the clinic, then someone will come to visit you. I haven’t rinsed my nose yet, I just wash it.

    We have the same parsley (we are 3 months old). We were also treated with Erispal. The cough remained superficial. The pediatrician said that this could happen after taking this drug (not all of the sputum was gone). They prescribed Ambrobene solution and powder with marshmallow. We drank everything, but the cough remained. No snot, no fever. The child has a good appetite. I think maybe due to dry air or drool.

    We were also prescribed ambrobene syrup. But on the third day of taking Ambrobene and complex nasal drops, my son began to have bloody stools. And I wasn’t really in favor of taking ambrobene anyway; it is believed that the expectorant is contraindicated until two years of age, because babies cannot cough up sputum, so I refused to take the syrup. The humidifier is constantly on during the day, we turn it off at night, it makes a lot of noise, but in the morning everything in my throat is also dry, I want water, so dry air may be to blame. And drool is unlikely to be the main cause of coughing. I still hope that when the first tooth appears, something will change

    Good afternoon. Baby 2.5 months old. Since last night there has been something squelching in my left nostril. When he sleeps he breathes normally and silently. When I'm awake I hear squelching. There is no temperature, nothing is flowing from the nose. I drop saline solution. I suck out the clear liquid with an aspirator, it looks like sniffles. She carefully closed her right nostril; she was breathing heavily with her left. Maybe it's just swelling? What to do? Or will it go away on its own?

    Maybe there is swelling.. Or maybe something has accumulated.. You wash it under the tap. If the child is not sick, feels well, breathes... then often a simple wash several times a day is enough to moisturize the mucous membranes and everything that has dried out and accumulated will go where it belongs. If you wash with cool water, the swelling will also go away and at the same time you will strengthen the child... You should intervene in the nose itself only as a last resort... when there really is a problem... since any intervention causes the body to secrete even more mucus.

    Thanks a lot. My daughter slept very poorly today! There’s nothing running and there’s no temperature. She ate her chest and started smiling, but it’s clear that all this creates great discomfort for her. But maybe, of course, it seemed to me that the back of her head became warmer than usual

    Also check your mouth for stomatitis. Sometimes this can cause swelling and discomfort. Dilute baking soda and dip a pacifier in it. An alkaline environment in the mouth helps with many problems.

    Thank you very much for your answers. Please tell me in what proportions to dilute soda? Unfortunately, our cough has become worse (expectorant). And I don’t know whether to go for a walk for at least 20 minutes or not, we didn’t go for a massage today, she seems to be behaving the same way as usual , but became more capricious, no fever

    It’s good that it’s an expectorant cough.. It’s called a productive cough.. Drink it.. You can go outside unless it tires the child.

    Hello, girls! This is the situation we have now. In a week my daughter will be 7 months old, she doesn’t have a single tooth yet. Since yesterday she started grunting when she suckles and has a cough, about 10 times a day. The temperature is 36.5-36.. Of course, the air in the apartment is dry now, but I often turn on the humidifier, we definitely go for walks and we swim 5 days out of 7.. the child behaves the same as usual and is having fun and being capricious. Is it teething or is something bad happening?

    Something bad most often begins with a temperature above 38 and snot like a river of water. It looks more like swelling, maybe your teeth are on the way. Or maybe they caught the virus and soon all the symptoms will be visible. In any case, solder immediately.. Boil compote or just offer water often, chamomile, etc.. And watch..

    Hello, help me figure it out, we’ll only see an ENT specialist next week. My daughter, 1.2 years old, was treated for a runny nose for 2 weeks, at first the snot was clear, they put Viferon on, washed it, went for a walk, and put Vibrocil drops at night. Then yellow snot started flowing, a lot, Isofra was prescribed, after three days there was no more snot, Isofra was added for another two days. After a runny nose, the child began to grunt, and sometimes snores in her sleep. We humidify the air, ventilate, walk. A week and a half has passed since the runny nose and still the same.

    An ENT specialist should take a look.. Maybe the adenoids are inflamed.. Or maybe the swelling just won’t subside. Are your teeth sticking out? Are there no allergies?

    My cheeks often began to turn red in winter, the skin on my cheeks was dry, the paramedic said it was an allergy to the cold (we walk in temperatures down to -20). Before winter, no manifestations of allergies were noticed.

    Well, the teeth are caused by swelling of the mucous membranes, plus if there are any manifestations of allergies, the swelling during ARVI is stronger and lasts longer. Perhaps because of the teeth, it just takes more time to recover from ARVI.. Watch, I think there is nothing wrong.

    Thanks for the quick replies! We'll see, if it doesn't go away by Monday, we'll go to the ENT specialist.

    Good afternoon, please help me with advice.

    My daughter suffered from bronchitis at 4.5 months. We live in England and local doctors said that at this age it is a very common disease and did not treat it. They diagnosed an ear infection and prescribed an antibiotic. For two months, the child’s wheezing and cough (not frequent) do not go away. We see a doctor every week. A month ago we heard bubbling in my chest and immediately prescribed antibiotics again. We drank it away - the situation has not changed. To me the wheezing seems more superficial somewhere in the nasopharynx. I rinse with the solution. All this goes on for a very long time. Doctors reassure, but do not cure. My heart is not at peace. Hands drop from wheezing. We moisturize, walk, ventilate. Should I be worried or will it go away on its own?

    you need to donate blood before taking antibiotics.. You did. You did the right thing by walking and the doctor listening to the child.. You also took antibiotics.. Now what?? Now try to walk more, breathe air, lead a healthy lifestyle so that the child gets stronger... Wash, let's drink. Temper yourself if possible... There is a predisposition to allergies. Maybe the mucous membranes often swell due to this and that’s why he coughs?

    Thank you very much for your answer! Blood was donated but after antibiotics. At the same time, they checked for the presence of infections. I can’t understand why this is so, and not the other way around. I don't see the logic. The presence of infection was determined only on the basis of heard bubbling in the chest. Now they have given me a referral for a second check, although according to the results everything is fine (no details). What now - they say that it will go away with age 🙁 and at this age they do not treat. We walk every day, bathe, humidify the air in the room. No allergies were noticed, but we are only 7 months old. They also don’t check for allergens here, only if there is a reaction to something. So for now our situation is this: we are wheezing and coughing, but according to the doctors, the child is healthy because he eats, smiles and goes to the toilet.

    Well, there is no inflammation and this is the most important thing.. Now I don’t understand whether it was there before the antibiotics.. Well, oh well, you took them anyway and now you are checked periodically.. You are under observation and that means you won’t miss the inflammation.. Don’t worry.. Try take a break and don’t touch your nose for a while. Don’t rinse, just wash the child and that’s it... Frequent intervention causes the body to secrete more mucus, and it may bubble up between your nose and throat.

    Thank you. I will do so!

    Hello! We are 5 months old. Today we had a preventive examination at the pediatrician, a nightmare was happening in the hospital: heat, a crowd of children, healthy and not so healthy. At night the baby's nose was blocked, but after he fed from the breast, he stopped grunting. Turned on the humidifier. What else can be done for the child at this stage? Do not miss the onset of the disease and do not overdo it. Thank you!

    wash your face and let's drink more often. If you catch the virus, then of course you won’t be able to stop an acute respiratory infection, but moisturizing and desoldering from the first days will help you cope faster. At home, wet cleaning and ventilation.

    The humidifier worked for a couple of hours, the child began to grunt more. The nasopharynx clears, but sleeps peacefully, grunts a little and continues to sleep. First baby, first snot. Shouldn't it be washed?

    Well, maybe it’s just a process and there’s more snot, or maybe the mucus that has accumulated gets wet and swells from the humidifier. Well, rinse it once, see how it breathes, only without pressure and holding the child vertically.. In general, we rinse when it really interferes with the child’s breathing, before that, washing is enough.. Also, keep an eye on the temperature, if it’s ARVI, then the temperature should rise in the first days.

    Help me decide: I watched the baby all day:

    He grunts, breathes freely through his nose, there is no snot (I pulled out a tiny white snot with a cotton swab), washing did not give results, I washed it, the humidifier worked + added 'breathe' oil (a mixture of conifers) to the humidifier

    Temperature ranges from 36.8-37.2, the child is cheerful, but we gnaw on everything we can get our hands on (we’ve been waiting for teeth since the new year)

    What else can be done? And should I use an antiviral suppository (in the butt) for prevention?

    We also drank a little rosehip, it didn’t cause any allergies, I’ll give you more tomorrow

    Calm down. if there is no snot running and there is no temperature above 38, then thank God you haven’t caught anything and are not sick! But any herbs and pine oils may well cause swelling and an allergy! You can drink a little chamomile or rosehip, but also be careful, you probably haven’t introduced complementary foods yet and you don’t need to burden your stomach!

    Understand one thing, you and I cannot stop the virus with ANYTHING if it gets into the body.. Only the body itself is able to defeat it.. We observe and help the symptoms work correctly when the child is sick.. We make sure that the snot does not thicken and flows out well so that the cough It was moist and the sputum came out well. so that the temperature does not exceed too much reading. To avoid complications, we are waiting! We are waiting for the immune system to defeat the virus. We can’t do anything in advance, the virus is a matter of chance... Learn to take it calmly. If you get sick, that means we will wash, dehydrate and act, observing the symptoms.. If there is NO illness, it means you exhaled and forgot. As long as the child is happy and healthy, that’s great! It will grunt a little and go away.. Maybe it’s just swelling from the tooth.. When the teeth come in, the mucous membranes also swell.

    Thank you very much for your advice! Good health to you :)

    Hello. We're almost a month old. For the past 2 weeks our nose has been sniffling and I have been using an aspirator to pull out the yellow snot. They called a doctor, she looked and said she had a runny nose. She prescribed nasal drips. solution, suction with an ospirator, Derinat and Viferon suppositories. To say that snot was flowing - this did not happen; at the beginning of the “illness”, once while sneezing, the baby sneezed out a small amount. After using the drugs, the snot did not go away, it was still thick, but it was slowly pulled out with an aspirator. The maximum temperature that the baby had was 37.2 (but as I understand, this is the norm), now it is always around 37. The baby feels good, cheerful, eats, breathing through his nose, but I am very confused by the color of the snot - yellow. So I’m tormented by the question, can this be a physiological runny nose or do we continue to get sick?

    Hello. Have you resolved your runny nose situation? We have lingering rhinitis in a baby, thick white-yellowish snot and festering eyes.

    Hello. I decided, of course, a year has passed. So no one understood whether it was a virus or a physiological runny nose. The child behaved as usual, his appetite did not decrease, and our temperature was always around 37-37.2 until six months (overheating was excluded). I dripped saline solution, used an aspirator, moistened/ventilated, and it went away. However, even now we treat ARVI in the same way, with an antipyretic if necessary. I don’t presume to judge your case, since it could be a physical one. a runny nose with clogged tear ducts, or maybe a bacterial infection with conjunctivitis, since pus is present. There is only a face-to-face consultation with a doctor and tests if necessary. Be healthy!

    At your age, children often suffer from ARVI very quietly... Well, they grunt a little and that’s it. And it is difficult to distinguish physiology from the virus. You need to look at the child’s condition, because if the illness is serious, then it is immediately visible - temperature, refusal to eat, whims, poor sleep, etc. You feel good, so wash, give something to drink, ventilate the house, wet clean more often... Well, you can rinse it once with saline solution, as I have described here many times. Most likely, mucus has accumulated just in the nose.

    see also

    Sonechka’s nose is full of white-transparent mucus, which doesn’t look like snot, but also phlegm, which she pushes back and forth. You can hear her grunting between her throat and nose (((I drop drops of Otrivin Baby and suck out the mucus with the Otrivin Baby aspirator, I give Gedelix for coughs. Maybe someone is better.

    Hello mommies! My sweetie hasn't been very sick. The situation is this: we are cutting our upper teeth, it seems like even 4 at once, the gums are swollen. But! Just a week ago I was sick myself, with a sore throat and then a bit of a runny nose.

    We have already been to our unlucky pediatrician 3 times, the child has been grunting for a month, his nose is stuffy. And all her prescriptions do not help. No inhaler, no chamomile, no oil in the nose, no fenistil (thought it might be an allergy), etc.

    My daughter grunts, but I can’t understand with my nose or mouth! Breathes, breathes freely - grunts - breathes freely again! Day and night the same situation! Stuffy nose in the morning! All weeks have begun.

    My daughter (1 year old) periodically grunts. Especially after eating. Everything is just bubbling in the nasopharynx. Moreover, she doesn’t have a runny nose, she doesn’t snot. I rinse her nose with saline and make her cough, and she has this mucus.

    I am in despair (((I remember that my son was also grunting, I know that nothing needs to be done because this is the physiology of infants, and I never panicked about this at all. Literally last night the baby started.

    My daughter is 3 months old, almost a week ago she began to grunt through her nose, not every breath, but very often, there is no snot, only the snot accumulates. I'm cleaning them up. She also coughs and sneezes. Yesterday we went to the doctor, she looked at it.

    Please tell us 4 months. From 2 months We're having trouble with our nose. At 2 months caught the virus from my eldest son, green snot, cough. We were in the hospital, injected with antibiotics and all sorts of nasal drops. They discharged the nose grunting.

    Hello! Please tell me how to help the baby. Two days ago I started grunting (there’s no other word for it) through my nose. I read that it’s not a runny nose, but most likely accumulated mucus. I'm dripping aquamaris. No improvements yet. Because of this.

    I found an amazing article about the treatment of cough and runny nose in infants. May the author forgive me, I couldn’t help but copy such useful information to myself! Let our little ones not get sick. For a runny nose: ALWAYS get the best you can.
