Breathe above the steam

Inhalations for congestion

Inhalations are medical procedures whose principle is based on the inhalation of certain drugs in the form of steam. Due to the fact that inhaled agents have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, these procedures are most often used in ENT practice. Thus, inhalations can be used to treat a runny nose, in the treatment of bronchitis, pharyngitis and other diseases. This method is not only highly effective, because the inhaled substances act directly on the source of infection, inhalations are also a simple and inexpensive option for treating colds.

Surely many people are familiar with the basic principles of steam inhalation, because our grandmothers also recommended this method for treating a runny nose. In order to carry out inhalations for a runny nose, you need to prepare:

If necessary, you can add additional components to hot water, for example, use essential oils and special mixtures for inhalation for nasal congestion.

Important! Make sure there is no individual intolerance to essential oils!

After the container with heated water is ready, the patient leans over it, covered with a large towel, and simply breathes over the steam.

Steam inhalations for a runny nose are carried out not only independently at home, but also in hospitals, as part of the complex treatment of sinusitis and other diseases of the ENT organs. For these purposes, special devices are used - inhalers. In this case, the drug can retain heat longer and be supplied in the desired direction, which significantly improves the effectiveness of the procedures. For substances that cannot be subjected to heat treatment, special inhalers are used - nebulizers, which are devices in which the medicine is sprayed using ultrasound.

However, if you decide to use nasal inhalations to treat a common runny nose, you do not need special devices, because even with the help of an ordinary container of hot water, medications can reach their destination along with steam and will contribute to a speedy recovery.

For safety reasons, nasal inhalation at home should not be carried out over a pan standing directly on the switched on stove.

Types of steam inhalations

Despite the simplicity of the process of inhalation procedures, there are several popular options:

  1. Conventional steam inhalations.
  2. Procedures using potatoes.
  3. Inhalations with essential substances.

Treating a runny nose with steam – myth or reality?

Very often, simple steam inhalations do not allow you to quickly obtain the expected result. That is why many consider this method of treating a runny nose ineffective. So does inhalation help with a runny nose? Definitely yes. However, such procedures cannot be classified as “first aid”, because the effect of them will be noticeable only if the procedures are regularly repeated over several days.

Important! For greater effectiveness of the procedure, it is necessary to breathe through the nose, despite the difficulties that arise in case of difficulty in nasal breathing.

There are times when after the first inhalations you realize that breathing through your nose has only become more difficult. In this case, you should not stop. Indeed, during inhalations, situations often arise when nasal congestion not only does not decrease, but also intensifies, and this is normal. After all, very soon you will get the desired result, and nasal breathing will noticeably improve.

Based on the above, it follows that steam inhalations, which are familiar to many, are a simple and effective way to treat a prolonged runny nose. The thing is that inhaling warm steam is beneficial. Heat helps to dilate the vessels of the nasal mucosa, which provokes the release of liquid secretion. So is it possible to do inhalations with a runny nose, if after the procedure the nasal congestion only intensifies? The thing is that with an increase in mucus production from the nasal passages, the causative agent of the disease is also washed out, which does not allow the virus to penetrate further, complicating the disease. Also, the warm steam supplied during the procedure helps to thin the mucus that accumulates in the nasal passages during complicated forms of the runny nose.

To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to inhale steam regularly, lasting at least fifteen minutes until the runny nose stops.

“Breathing over potatoes” - the effectiveness of the “grandmother’s” method.

Inhalations using potatoes have been known to many since childhood. After all, this method of treating colds at home is one of the most popular, and, not least important, effective. In this case, the method of achieving a positive result is similar to the previous one. There is an opinion that it is potatoes that can enhance the therapeutic effect of such procedures, but this is nothing more than a myth. Facilitation of nasal breathing is achieved by exposure to warm steam.

Essential oils for the treatment of runny nose.

Unlike potatoes, treatments using essential oils can significantly enhance the benefits of regular steam inhalation.

If the supplements are selected correctly, it is possible to reduce swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane, which will have a positive effect on the general well-being of the patient.

To treat nasal congestion, it is best to use menthol oils, as well as essential oils of various coniferous plants. Such procedures reduce nasal congestion. The following proportions are most often used: 5-6 drops of essential oil per liter of water.

Important! Oils should be added to hot, about 80ºC, but not boiling water, since the beneficial properties of substances are often lost in boiling water.

It is possible to use not only ready-made essential oils, but also certain parts of medicinal plants. To do this, prepare a decoction using the following proportions: 4 tbsp. spoons of crushed substrate per liter of water.

The use of herbal medicinal supplements is useful in the complex treatment of runny nose, both in adults and children. Therefore, such procedures are often used in medical practice, and pharmacists develop drugs for the treatment of the common cold, containing various essential oils.

Thus, we are convinced that steam inhalation is a simple and safe way to treat a runny nose. Moreover, this method of treatment is not contraindicated for pregnant women and children in the absence of individual intolerance to the components of the drugs.

Important! When performing this procedure, be careful not to bend too low to avoid getting burned!

Author: Chernobay Nadezhda

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Runny nose like water

  • How to quickly clear nasal congestion?

  • Inhalations for pharyngitis

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    Inhalations for coughs and runny nose - recipes for home

    Marina Kurochkina • 10.13.2017

    Autumn is called the “season of colds”: cold weather, temperature changes, cold winds, and seasonal decreased immunity lead to frequent respiratory diseases with a runny nose and cough. The pharmaceutical industry is ready to offer hundreds of sprays, drops, cough and runny nose mixtures. But the safest and most effective is the “grandmother’s” method - inhalation.

    What is inhalation

    Inhalation is the inhalation of medicinal and biologically active substances suspended in the air. This is the introduction of drugs into the body through the respiratory tract. By drinking tablets, mixtures, syrups, herbal decoctions, we introduce the medicine into the body through the digestive tract, waiting for the active substances to enter the blood. Inhalation shortens this path and increases the effectiveness of treatment.

    Inhalation is simple - medicine is added to boiling water: herbs, flowers, potatoes and essential oil. The steam that rises from the surface of the water is inhaled.

    Inhalation for a runny nose is limited to inhaling vapors through the nose. You can pour the inhalation solution into a teapot, twist the paper into a tube and inhale steam through the end of the paper tube, alternately with each nostril.

    Inhalation for cough can cover a larger area: the medicine is added to a bowl or pan of hot water, covered with a towel and the vapors are inhaled.

    Inhalation for cough

    Take equal proportions of linden blossom, eucalyptus, sage, nettle (1 teaspoon each) and pour boiling water over it. Let the herbs steep for 10 minutes and begin inhaling the vapors. The beneficial properties of linden, together with nettle and sage, will disinfect the respiratory tract, help separate mucus and relieve inflammation.

    For dry coughs, when mucus is difficult to clear, soda inhalation helps. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a liter of water and inhale the solution into the respiratory tract for 10 minutes.

    Needles treat cough. Treatment may include both inhalation of essential oils of coniferous trees: pine, spruce, larch, and inhalation of pine needle vapors. The needles of coniferous trees are poured with cold water overnight, then the mixture is brought to a boil and the steam is inhaled.

    Boiled potatoes will help eliminate cough. Boil a few potatoes in their skins, drain the water and inhale the steam from the potatoes.

    Inhalations for a runny nose

    Inhalation for a runny nose is not only aimed at introducing medication into the respiratory tract. The substance that the patient inhales must, in addition to its antimicrobial effect, constrict blood vessels so that the nasal passages become passable.

    If you have a runny nose, this recipe will help you: add 1 teaspoon of chopped onion and garlic to 1 liter of boiling water. You can add a couple of drops of iodine or ammonia to the mixture. Breathe over the steam for 10 minutes. The beneficial properties of garlic and onions are revealed when exposed to hot water. Inhaling vapors with particles of garlic and onion juice has a complex effect: it kills bacteria, relieves swelling and normalizes the mucous membrane.

    Propolis will help clear your nose and get rid of runny nose. Add 0.5 teaspoon of 30% propolis tincture to 0.5 liters of water and inhale for a minute.

    Also, for a runny nose, pine inhalations are used - as well as for a cough.

    4 rules for inhalation at home

    1. Inhalation is done after meals, no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating.
    2. Make sure that hot water and steam do not cause burns, this is especially important when performing procedures with children. For children, it is better to use cold inhalation - breathe over chopped onions, garlic and drop essential oil on the pillow.
    3. After inhalation, it is better to lie down and rest for 40 minutes, do not talk or strain your throat.
    4. Inhalation should not be carried out at elevated body temperature and with nosebleeds.

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    I'm even lazier. I turn on the kettle, pour in more water, and lie in the kitchen until the windows are covered with steam, I can do this for a minute. Helps a lot with dry cough.

    I generally do the “lazy” option. I buy a mixture for inhalation, there is such a concentrate from the Tula Pharmaceutical Factory and I carry out the procedure with this liquid according to the instructions. The composition is good, mainly evamenol and binders. Helps with cough perfectly! And most importantly, my head doesn’t hurt: how/from what/over what to breathe) The finished product is worth rubles. It turns out to be very economical) Lasts for a long time.

    I mainly use inhalations for coughs. Prospan helps me personally with a cough. I dilute it with saline solution and it’s done. I have treated myself and my household this way more than once. The cough goes away faster than usual.

    I’ve been suffering for several days now, I can’t sleep from coughing. For some reason I thought that inhalation is only done for a runny nose, but not for a cough. I'll try. If it helps, I'll let you know.

    Until recently, I believed that with the help of inhalations you could only cope with a runny nose, but it turns out I was mistaken. Today, even sinusitis can be overcome in this way. True, you need a nebulizer for this. The doctor prescribed me to breathe fluimucil, an IT antibiotic. Every day, twice a day, and by the fourth day of treatment, I got rid of this nasty thing.

    Yes, Galina, treatment with inhalations is truly a real salvation. By the way, when I was sick with sinusitis, I also did inhalations. A few days and the sinusitis disappeared. Super method.

    I often do inhalations. It’s best to breathe in the beneficial steam as soon as you feel the onset of the disease and not make the disease worse. My favorite products are chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, pine or fir oil. It must be said that breathing over a kettle is both inconvenient and dangerous, and you definitely shouldn’t hold a child over a kettle. It's easier to buy a steam inhaler.


    How to breathe over steam when coughing

    How to breathe over steam when coughing

    Cough is one of the symptoms of various diseases (most often colds), which causes a lot of trouble for the sick person: from an irritated trachea and sore throat to vomiting and sleepless nights. It is necessary to fight a cough not just with pills that temporarily eliminate the symptoms, but with effective medications that treat the very cause of the cough. Since a cough is always a problem with the respiratory system, it must be treated by “inhaling.”

    Old grandmother’s methods of inhaling potato vapors, or simply just boiled water, immediately come to mind, but no one has canceled their effectiveness. This is one way or another called inhalation, i.e. inhalation using steam, special medical equipment or aerosols of certain medications that treat and eliminate the causes of cough.

    When carrying out inhalations at home, it is important to remember the following rules:

    the use of various infusions of herbs and essential oils should be carried out only in the absence of an allergic reaction;

    the maximum temperature of the vapor should not exceed 50 degrees (Celsius), and the duration of inhalation should not exceed five minutes;

    consultation with a doctor is important;

    at home they use a kettle with a funnel inserted into the nose or a container of hot water over which they inhale steam, covered with a towel;

    when using specialized inhalers, you must read the instructions attached to them and strictly follow them;

    contraindications: elevated temperature, the appearance of purulent sputum, a tendency to frequent nosebleeds or vascular weakness, as well as deterioration in health;

    for diseases such as pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis, asthma and purulent tonsillitis, the use of inhalations is prescribed only by a doctor, who also prescribes the use of all medications and provides consultations during treatment;

    When carrying out breathing procedures at home, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient (his age, possible allergic reactions, characteristics of the disease).

    Inhalations are differentiated according to the types of cough: dry and wet.

    Regardless of the type of cough, using boiled potatoes, soda and just water at home remains popular.

    Inhalations using potatoes

    Everyone in childhood breathed steam over potatoes when they had a cough. The peel perfectly absorbs moisture and maintains a certain temperature, which makes this procedure the most effective among others. Inhaling steam from potatoes is widespread in folk medicine. The principle of inhalation is the same: a saucepan with boiled potatoes in their jackets is placed, the patient bends over the saucepan no lower than cm from it, covers himself with a towel and inhales the vapors for five or ten minutes. This type of inhalation is completely safe and can therefore be performed several times a day.

    Steam inhalation

    Breathing in steam when coughing is the first thing doctors recommend. The principle of inhalation is the same as with potatoes. The most popular method in folk medicine.

    Breathing procedures for dry cough

    This cough is a symptom of colds, flu, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. It can also be triggered by an allergy, or simply be an accompanying symptom of bronchial asthma. The main feature of a dry cough (from the name) is the absence of sputum, and the presence of severe pain during coughing gusts, which greatly irritate the trachea.

    The main task with such a cough is to transform it into a state of wet cough, which is easier to get rid of, i.e. provoking the formation of sputum using special medications.

    This is achieved with the help of warm (also called heat-moist) and oil inhalations, i.e. steam, as well as using an inhaler (nebulizer). If in most cases everything is more or less clear with an inhaler, since instructions are always attached to it, then with steam procedures, especially at home, everything is not always clear, and the question immediately arises: what, how and in what quantities to use? It must be remembered that most types of procedures and medications for certain diseases are prescribed only by a doctor. However, for diseases such as colds and flu, or for preventive purposes, you can use inhalations yourself at home, but the best solution would still be to consult a doctor.

    Warm-moist procedures are usually accompanied by the use of special saline solutions, soda or salts, and oil procedures are usually accompanied by the use of special oil infusions of herbs, berries or various mixtures.

    It must be remembered that each procedure has its own contraindications, so it is so important to always consult a doctor. Steam inhalations are not prescribed for children under one year old, and for children from one to seven years old they are prescribed ONLY by a doctor!

    Steam inhalation with soda

    When using three spoons of soda, a liter of boiling water is needed. Breathing over steam with soda with such a cough is possible at temperatures up to forty degrees Celsius.

    Inhaling baking soda is safe for pregnant women. Prescribed for children aged seven years and older. Baking soda helps not only with diseases of the respiratory system, but also with ordinary sore throat.

    Inhalation using saline solution

    They are carried out only with the permission of a doctor. It is important to remember that the content of sodium chloride in such a solution must be strictly equal to 0.9%. The use of saline solution is also convenient if you use an inhaler. In addition, saline solution is harmless for allergies. Use one ampoule per liter of boiling water and breathe for three to four minutes. With saline solution, ampoules such as “dicaine”, “novocaine” or “lidocaine” are used.

    For a dry cough, you can use raspberry leaves, sage, garlic, calendula, etc. Validol (one tablet per liter) is also used in a mixture with herbal decoctions - it helps remove phlegm.

    Inhalations with essential oils

    Oils used include sage, tea tree, eucalyptus, chamomile, rosehip, lavender, citrus or other fruit essential oils (possible allergic reactions must be taken into account). I use 15 drops of oil per hundred milliliters of water and inhale the vapors for 5 minutes.

    Steam inhaler "nebulizer"

    It makes breathing procedures at home much easier with the purchase of a steam inhaler. Its use is safe for children under seven years of age: two milliliters of saline are needed per milliliter of lidocaine, and adults need two milliliters of lidocaine. No more than two inhalations are performed per day.

    This inhaler is convenient due to the variety of ready-made special solutions and plant infusions. Non-carbonated mineral water is also used for a type of allergic reaction in children such as dry cough.

    The child can be given “mucolvan” with saline solution (ratio 1:1).

    Medicines such as “ambroben”, “berodual”, “ventolin” are prescribed ONLY by a doctor!

    When using a “nebulizer,” medications are usually diluted with water.

    Inhalation of medications for wet cough

    A wet cough is always accompanied by sputum production. The goal is to achieve easier discharge of sputum and its complete liquefaction.

    For children, the doctor usually prescribes medications such as Lazolvan and Bronchosan.

    At home, coltsfoot, eucalyptus, and the drug “chlorophyllipt” are well suited.

    When using a “nebulizer”, any essential oils are suitable (taking into account the allergic reaction).

    The safest inhalations are using saline solution, baking soda and mineral water without gas.

    The drug "ACC" is suitable for both children and adults (ratio with saline solution - 1:3). Such procedures are used for heavy mucus production, as they cause excessive expectoration. Children under three years of age should NOT undergo such inhalations, because they may not be able to cope with copious sputum production.

    Prescribing inhalations to children implies a certain sequence:

    "Berodual", "Atrovent" and other bronchodilators are used

    use saline solution, mineral water, “ACC”, “lazolvan”, cough powder, etc., to easily thin the sputum (they are called “mucolytics”)

    for colds, use “furatsilin”, “dioxidin” and “fluimucil-antibiotic” (only with a doctor’s prescription)

    Pulmicort and Rotocan are used as anti-inflammatory drugs

    in exceptional cases, procedures are carried out using the immunomodulator “interferon” (prescribed by a doctor).

    If a doctor prescribes several medications at once, there must be breaks of at least half an hour between them.

    For example, for any type of bronchitis or asthma, first inhalation is done with a bronchodilator drug, then, twenty minutes later, with a “mucolytic” (for example, a mixture of “lazolvan” with saline solution). Then, after exactly the same period of time, anti-inflammatory drugs are used as a drug for the inhaler.

    It is IMPORTANT that all procedures are supervised by a doctor.

    ALL types of inhalations are carried out one or two hours after meals. After using inhalations, it is forbidden to eat, be in a draft and smoke for an hour, and it is also not recommended to talk for half an hour, and it is forbidden to overcool.

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    Inhalations for colds: 4 simple recipes!

    One of the advantages of inhalation for colds is that it is perhaps the mildest and most delicate method of treating cold symptoms. Inhalations act locally, in the respiratory tract, without affecting other areas of the body. For colds, inhalations have a destructive effect on viruses and also stimulate villi in the respiratory tract - thus helping to cleanse the nose, bronchi and lungs. For inhalation, you can use both modern devices - inhalers, and improvised means - ordinary dishes and a terry towel.

    Inhalation with essential oils

    For inhalations against colds, you can use various oils, but the best choice is eucalyptus essential oil. Place a few drops of oil into a kettle of boiling water, make a funnel out of thick paper and stick it into the spout of the kettle. Inhale medicinal eucalyptus vapors through your nose through the mouth of the funnel - they will clear the airways and significantly reduce nasal discharge.

    Inhalation for colds with pine buds

    To prepare, take 3-4 tablespoons of pine buds (you can collect it yourself, or you can buy it at the pharmacy), and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. Breathe through your mouth over the resulting decoction with a pleasant pine aroma. This type of inhalation for colds cleanses the bronchi and helps get rid of cough.

    Inhalation for colds with soda

    Dissolve 4-5 tablespoons of baking soda per 1 liter of hot water. You should breathe alternately—either through your nose or through your mouth. Because this inhalation for colds perfectly helps both get rid of a runny nose and reduce phlegm in the bronchi.

    Onion inhalations for sore throat and cough

    Prepare onion pulp (chop in a food processor, or better yet, grate) and squeeze through cheesecloth. The resulting onion juice must be diluted with boiled water at the rate of 1: 10. To carry out this inhalation for colds, use either a saucepan and a terry towel - as in the old fashioned way, or modern inhalers.

    In any case, the effect will be positive: the condition of the tonsils will improve and the sore throat will decrease.

    Inhalation with chamomile, sage, mint. You need to take a few tablespoons of chamomile, mint or sage and steam it in a liter of boiling water for 5 minutes. Breathe over the steam for 5-15 minutes.

    Contraindications: severe swelling, purulent inflammation, polyposis and hypertrophy of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, acute pneumonia.

    About steam inhalations.

    Steam inhalations are the most popular and come in both hot and cold. Regardless of the option chosen, steam is especially useful in combination with medicinal plants, such as fir, pine needles, cedar, juniper, oak leaves, eucalyptus, birch, mint, sage, lovage, linden flowers and chamomile. And this is not the entire list of variations on the theme.

    Please! Before inhalation, consult your doctor. In some cases it is CONTRAINDICATED.


    Inhalations for various diseases

    Inhaling air saturated with various beneficial substances on the seashore, in the mountains or in a coniferous forest is nothing more than inhalation, only natural. Can you perform artificial inhalation at home?

    It is recommended to carry out inhalations for the treatment of the respiratory system, diseases of the nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, etc.).

    Usually steam inhalations are done at home with the addition of medications prescribed by a doctor.

    Steam inhalation at home

    Add 5-10 drops of iodine tincture, or 5 drops of ammonia, or 1-2 tsp to a saucepan or kettle with boiling 4-5 glasses of water. dry eucalyptus leaves, or pieces of pine extract briquettes, etc. You can put garlic or onion juice (1 tsp) in a saucepan or kettle, chamomile decoction at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. for 3 liters of water.

    Do not show unnecessary initiative! Your doctor should tell you which product to use for inhalation. Otherwise, you can harm yourself: for example, increase dryness in the throat or cause irritation of the already inflamed mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

    How to carry out inhalation?

    You can roll a funnel out of thick paper, cover a saucepan or kettle with its wide end, and inhale steam through the narrow gap.

    Many people prefer to breathe the steam over the pan, covering their heads with a towel. However, this method of inhalation is contraindicated for persons with high blood pressure.

    Inhalation for a child

    It is more convenient for a child to do inhalation from a teapot or coffee pot. Fill it with water to 0.3. Place a pacifier with the end cut off or a rubber tube through which the baby will breathe. Inhalation is recommended for children from 2-3 years of age and must be supervised by an adult.

    The duration of any inhalation is min, for children - up to 5 minutes. Do it 1-2 times a day.

    Start inhalation 5 minutes later, and for a child – 10 minutes after the water has boiled. Under no circumstances should you breathe over boiling water!

    Inhalations for a runny nose

    2 tbsp. Boil eucalyptus leaves in 1 liter of water. Breathe over the steam. This inhalation is useful for inflammation of the respiratory tract, difficulty breathing, and runny nose.

    For a runny nose, inhalation with eucalyptus oil is also useful. To do this, place a few drops of eucalyptus oil into hot water and breathe over the steam.

    Boil the potatoes in their jackets, drain the water. Covering your head with a cloth, inhale potato steam for respiratory diseases, runny nose, and sinusitis.

    Propolis actively affects the course of biological processes in the tissues of the upper respiratory tract, pharynx, larynx, nose; has anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic properties.

    To treat sinusitis, you need to boil 0.5 liters of water in a saucepan, pour 0.5 tsp into it. 30% propolis tincture. Carry out inhalation by breathing over the steam, covering your head with a cloth.

    Radish for inhalation for colds

    Radish is used for cold inhalations for colds. To do this, you need to grate it and leave it in a closed jar for half an hour. Then take several breaths over this jar 6-8 times a day, holding your breath for a short time before exhaling.

    Inhalations for a runny nose

    Pine inhalation for a runny nose

    3 tbsp. Boil pine buds in 1-2 liters of water. Breathe over the steam, covering your head with a cloth. After the procedure, do not go outside for 2-3 hours. This inhalation is used for coughs, runny nose and other respiratory diseases.

    2 tbsp. Boil eucalyptus leaves in 1 liter of water. Breathe over the steam. This inhalation is useful for inflammation of the respiratory tract, difficulty breathing, and runny nose.

    For a runny nose, inhalation with eucalyptus oil is also useful. To do this, place a few drops of eucalyptus oil into hot water and breathe over the steam.

    Inhalations for chronic runny nose

    For chronic runny nose, the duration of 1 inhalation is 5 minutes; It is recommended to carry out 8-10 procedures per course.

    • Infusion of coltsfoot leaves – 15 g per 200 ml, decoction of blackberry leaves and stems – 20 g per 200 ml, decoction of oak bark – 10 g per 200 ml. Mix the decoctions and infusion and use ml for one inhalation.
    • Infusion of raspberry leaves – 20 g per 200 ml, infusion of calendula flowers – 10 g per 200 ml. Inhalation should be used as in the previous recipe.
    • Infusion of black currant leaves - 15 g per 200 ml, infusion of walnut leaves - 8 g per 200 ml, decoction of oak bark - 10 g per 200 ml of water. Inhalation should be used as in the previous recipe.
    • Infusion of plantain leaves – 10 g per 200 ml. Introduce into the nasal cavity on tampons 2 times a day.
    • Infusion of flax flowers - 15 g per 200 ml, infusion of herbs and flowers of common thyme - 15 g per 200 ml, decoction of marshmallow root - 10 g per 200 ml. Introduce into the nasal cavity on tampons 2-3 times a day.

    Inhalations for sinusitis

    Treating colds, flu and their complications by inhaling aerosols of steamed herbs is very effective. For sinusitis, for inhalation, take herbs that relieve swelling and swelling in the nose, as well as dilute and neutralize nasal discharge.

    Recipe for inhalations for sinusitis No. 1

    St. John's wort herb - 1 part, chamomile flowers - 2 parts, yarrow herb - 3 parts, celandine herb - 1 part. 2 tbsp. collection, pour 1 glass of boiling water, place in a warm place for 30 minutes, then use for steam inhalation.

    For sinusitis, do inhalations daily (6-8 procedures per course of treatment, the duration of one inhalation is 5 minutes). A small but important detail. Before inhalation, clean your nose well, and if you decide to use vasoconstrictor drops for this, then you can take steam inhalation no earlier than 0.5 hours later, since paralysis of the nerve endings responsible for the expansion and contraction of blood vessels in the nasal mucosa may occur. .
    Before steam inhalation, it is advisable to drink a cup of hot tea from black currant leaves or string, and then the tea and inhalation will act together. Other fees can be used for inhalations.

    Recipe for inhalation for sinusitis No. 2

    Plantain leaf – 2 parts, lemon balm or mint herb – 3 parts, celandine herb – 2 parts.

    Recipe for inhalation for sinusitis No. 3

    Eucalyptus leaf – 1 part, calendula flowers – 1 part, raspberry leaf – 3 parts.

    Recipe for inhalation for sinusitis No. 4

    Black currant leaf – 3 parts, oregano herb – 2 parts, hawthorn flowers – 1 part.

    When performing inhalations for sinusitis, inhale the medicinal aerosol through your mouth and exhale through your nose. The aerosol reaches the sinuses only when exhaling - this is the physiological mechanism.

    For sinusitis, lemon juice with water and honey, a decoction of apple peel, and tea from “fermented” wild strawberry leaves are useful. And for those who managed to prepare cherry leaves and cherry stalks, this fragrant tea with a unique taste will help.

    Cyclamen juice for the treatment of sinusitis

    The cyclamen tuber needs to be washed and, without peeling, grated on a fine grater, squeezed out the juice, poured into a bottle and stored in the refrigerator. The juice is similar to coffee with milk, and you don't get much of it. You need to drip cyclamen juice very carefully - 1 drop into each nostril.

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    Attention! The information published on this website is a reference or popular. Diagnosis and prescription of medications require knowledge of the medical history and direct examination by a doctor. We recommend that you contact your doctor regarding the use of medications and diagnostics to avoid any misunderstandings.


    It is worth breathing over potatoes when you have a cold or cough

    Popular pharmacy inhalers and nebulizers were supposed to supplant traditional methods of preventing and treating respiratory diseases. But this did not happen. Children and adults continue to treat colds by breathing over potatoes, just like a hundred years ago. Is this folk method of treatment so good? In order to understand this, you need to know how potato vapors act on the body.

    Action of the procedure

    Inhalation of water vapor with various additives leads to a direct effect of temperature and biological additives on the mucous membrane. In this case, beneficial substances naturally enter various parts of the respiratory system.

    This method of local therapy has proven its effectiveness over the centuries. Modern research confirms its usefulness. It turns out that potato steam contains:

    The video explains how to breathe correctly over potatoes when coughing:

    These dietary supplements enter the body along with the steam:

    • normalize blood flow;
    • activate metabolic processes in the body;
    • relieve inflammation;
    • remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

    Potato steam gently envelops. It has a large contact surface. In this case, the following therapeutic effect is observed:

    • blood flow to the mucous surface of the upper respiratory tract increases;
    • sputum thins;
    • stagnation is eliminated.

    Inhalation of potato vapor also helps to improve mucociliary clearance (removal of sputum, microbes, and dirt particles out). It's all about the structure of the respiratory tract. Their surfaces are covered with microvilli, which constantly sway and push foreign elements out of the body. During illness, the villi cope worse with their function, and hot steam activates their work. There are other ways to treat dry cough in children with folk remedies, inhalation for wet cough in children.

    Features of application

    The “grandfather” method of treatment has a wide range of applications. Why breathe over potatoes? Potato inhalations help well with:

    • runny nose (rhinitis);
    • pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa);
    • tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils);
    • cough;
    • bronchitis.

    Patients with bronchial asthma highly appreciated the effectiveness of this procedure. Inhalation over potatoes makes it possible to prevent the occurrence and stop the attacks that accompany this dangerous disease.

    This method also helps with pneumonia, but it should only be used under the supervision of a doctor. In order not to worsen the patient’s condition, you need to consult a doctor before the procedure.


    The popular tubers have long been used in folk medicine. As for potato inhalations, they are prepared in three different ways.

    1. Inhalation from tubers cooked “in their uniforms” (they are kneaded before use).
    2. Inhaling the vapors of peeled potatoes (adding essential oils, soda and salt is often practiced).
    3. Inhalation of vapors from cooked potato peelings (dry or fresh are suitable).

    Whichever method you choose, to carry out the procedure you will need:

    • a saucepan with a capacity of about 3 liters;
    • a dozen small potatoes, or 5 medium-sized ones;
    • a thick blanket, preferably cotton or artificial in a natural cover (wool causes allergies);
    • towel;
    • a chair and a comfortable pan stand.

    Potatoes need to be washed well for the procedure.

    You should not take diseased tubers with various spots and deformations of any nature. This is especially true for inhalations with unpeeled potatoes. Such tubers may contain fungal spores, bacteria and pathogens of various diseases. Most of them die during heat treatment, but, nevertheless, such substances can cause allergies if inhaled.

    When preparing for inhalation, you need to follow some simple rules:

    • potatoes are boiled for 10 - 15 minutes (depending on the size of the tubers);
    • For cooking, take tubers of the same size, otherwise they will cook unevenly;
    • potatoes should not be raw or boiled;
    • the water should only cover the potatoes;
    • after readiness, drain the water;
    • place the pan on a convenient stand;
    • wrap the pan with a thick towel to retain heat;
    • bend over a container of potatoes and cover yourself with a blanket;
    • cold air should not penetrate under the blanket.

    Caution is a good idea: hot steam can burn the skin and cause burns to the mucous membranes. You don't need to bend over the potatoes too low. You should find your altitude, getting used to the temperature gradually. And if any painful conditions occur: be it dizziness or pounding in the temples, the procedure should be stopped.

    To ensure that nothing bothers you, pin up your long hair before starting the procedure. Breathe correctly. Inhalations should be smooth. The inhalation-exhalation technique will differ depending on the diagnosis.

    Here you can read what antibiotics are taken for pharyngitis.


    Potato vapor warms up the nasopharynx and clears mucus from the airways. To get quick results when coughing, you need to breathe alternately through your nose and mouth. The main task is to thoroughly warm and clean the nasopharynx. With their help you can quickly cure a runny nose and cough.

    This scheme worked well: 3-4 inhalations through the mouth and exhale through the nose, 3-4 inhalations through the nose and exhalation through the mouth, then 3-4 inhalations and exhalations through the mouth and the same amount through the nose. You need to breathe over the potatoes for 5–10 minutes.

    Dry cough is treated with hot potatoes with the addition of soda and salt. These ingredients are placed in the pan at the beginning of cooking. Potatoes are taken peeled. After it is ready, the tubers are slightly kneaded. Salt and soda are added at the beginning of cooking at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 medium potatoes.

    The video tells whether pregnant women, children, bronchitis and sinusitis can breathe over potatoes:

    Runny nose

    If your nose is stuffy, potatoes will help quickly bring it back to normal. To do this, you need to breathe in pairs alternately: first one, then the other nostril. Close one side of your nose first, take 4-6 slow breaths through one nostril, then repeat the same with the other.

    To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can add 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda to the potatoes. To do this, boiled potatoes are lightly kneaded and powder is added. Mix everything well and begin to breathe healing steam.

    If a runny nose is accompanied by a sore throat, breathe according to this pattern: 2-3 inhales through your nose and exhale through your throat, then 2-3 inhales through your throat and exhale through your nose. Breathing should be even, calm, and of moderate depth.

    If the runny nose has turned into catarrhal form, inhalation cannot be done. Not only will they not help, but on the contrary, they will aggravate the situation.

    The video explains how to breathe over potatoes, the benefits and harms, and the benefits of breathing:


    Without consulting a doctor, you cannot breathe over potatoes if you have sinusitis! Only a specialist can determine the stage of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. By heating the maxillary sinuses, in which pus has accumulated, the opposite result can be achieved. Self-medication in this case can lead to the disease becoming chronic or to an exacerbation of sinusitis.


    But for colds, this remedy is quite effective. Inhalations with potatoes can be done immediately after the first signs of illness appear. If everything is done correctly and on time, the disease can recede without even starting.

    Potatoes boiled in their skins or peeled are suitable for inhalation; you can even use peeled ones. A few drops of essential oils of fir, juniper, pine, eucalyptus, and mint are added to the boiled potato mass. It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise the oils will dry out the mucous membrane, 2 drops are enough. You can use ready-made compositions of essential oils for colds. Instead, salt and soda, together or separately, are suitable. You need to breathe such vapors for 5–7 minutes.

    For bronchitis

    Potatoes will help reduce the unpleasant tickling in the bronchi during a cold. You need to breathe over the potatoes alternately through your nose and mouth. This is how the bronchi warm up well. Adding baking soda and salt to potatoes during cooking will help cure bronchitis faster.

    After the procedure, warm potatoes can be mixed with a spoonful of alcohol, formed into a flat cake and placed in cellophane to make a compress. The cake is wrapped in cloth and placed on the bronchi area.

    Is there any harm from the procedure, and is it possible to breathe over potatoes at a temperature? Any treatment requires an individual approach. What will be an effective method for some will only bring harm to others. Even such a harmless method of treatment has its contraindications.

    Those who suffer from the following diseases should not breathe over potatoes:

    • heat;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • heart diseases;
    • cerebrovascular accidents;
    • nosebleeds;
    • pneumonia;
    • vasodilation.

    If your body temperature is elevated, steam inhalation and hot compresses should not be used!

    Can it be used by children and pregnant women?

    Inhalation over potatoes is a safe method of treatment. It is suitable for pregnant women and during lactation. Potato vapors will not harm the baby, which cannot be said with certainty about herbal preparations (some plants have a number of contraindications). If there is a need to treat a runny nose or cough in a pregnant woman, then it is better to choose potato inhalations than procedures with medications. Here you can read how else you can treat a severe cough during pregnancy.

    As for children, the method has age restrictions. It is not suitable for small children.

    • The steam temperature for children should be around 45–50 C.
    • The pot of potatoes should be well wrapped in a towel to prevent burns.
    • The procedure time should be reduced to 3–5 minutes.

    Hot steam is dangerous for children. And the smaller the child, the greater the likelihood of getting a burn to the mucous membranes. Another danger is airway obstruction. In children, the lumen of the bronchi is much narrower than in adults. When moist steam enters the bronchioles, it expands the viscous mucus in the narrow space. This can lead to narrowing or even complete closure of the lumens in the small bronchi.

    The effectiveness of this method of treating runny nose, cough and colds has been proven for more than one generation. Even adherents of traditional medicine do not refuse such a safe way to combat ailments. How much you need to breathe depends on the patient’s condition. Its main advantage is simplicity and accessibility. But even they shouldn’t get carried away. If the cold is accompanied by a high temperature, or inflammatory processes have descended into the lower respiratory tract, then you should abandon such a popular method of treatment as potato inhalation. Follow the link to read how else you can treat a cough and sore throat. Perhaps you also need information on how to cure nasal congestion with folk remedies.

    During the cold season I often get sick and constantly suffer from a severe cough. I was thinking about buying a nebulizer for inhalation, because tablets do not always help and are not cheap. But after reading the article, I decided to try the old method with potatoes. As written above, I added a couple of drops of juniper essential oil to the potatoes and breathed for 10 minutes. After this inhalation, the cough became noticeably less frequent and breathing became easier. I will try to continue to be treated with this method.

    Breathing over potatoes is a very ancient and effective method of treatment. I also practice this in my family from time to time. If I have a stuffy nose, after the steam procedure my nose immediately clears up and my throat becomes easier. The main thing is to carefully cover yourself with a blanket over the potatoes so that cold air does not penetrate inside and the effect is much greater and recovery is faster.

    This is an excellent way to soften and remove phlegm from the body, but I think you need to consult a doctor who will tell you whether inhalation can be done in this particular case or not. After all, a cough can vary from bronchitis to pneumonia. I tried to do similar inhalations, it helped me, I added different essential oils to the potato decoction

    Potatoes are a product that almost every home usually has. Therefore, it is convenient to be treated with its help. No wonder this recipe has been used for many generations.

    “The steam temperature for children should be around 45–500C.”

    Oh, these brutal children from Chelyabinsk

    Thank you for your attention! the degree sign was displayed as zero - corrected.

    Such a procedure will not bring positive results, but may, on the contrary, aggravate the condition, since hot steam can cause a burn to the already inflamed mucous membrane, or its swelling and sputum retention as a consequence.
