How to breathe over potatoes when coughing
Potato inhalations are one of the most effective and time-tested ways to get rid of runny nose, cough and colds. This is how our grandmothers were treated, and for good reason - hot potato steam contains many useful substances that actively affect the functioning of the upper respiratory tract.
Table of contents:
- How to breathe over potatoes when coughing
- The benefits of potato inhalations
- Is it possible to give inhalations to children?
- How to breathe properly over potatoes
- Contraindications for the procedure
- Video: inhalation for cough
- Manchurian nut - medicinal properties and uses
- Onion peel - medicinal properties and contraindications
- How to brew sage for gargling
- Beaver stream - medicinal properties and applications
- What is stone therapy - benefits and contraindications
- How to treat a suture after a caesarean section?
- Diarrhea in a child - what to do and how to treat it?
- How smoking affects the human body
- Send
- How to breathe over potatoes?
- How to breathe over potatoes when coughing
- What is the benefit
- Features of the procedure and contraindications
- Boiled potatoes as a means of therapy
- Test: Which cough medicine is best for you?
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- Test: Is your lifestyle causing lung disease?
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- You lead the right lifestyle
- It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...
- It's time to sound the alarm!
- How to breathe over potatoes when coughing
- The benefits of potato inhalations
- Contraindications
- How to prepare potato inhalation
- Potatoes with soda
- Potato peelings
- How to breathe correctly
- Is it possible for children
- During pregnancy
- How to breathe over potatoes correctly?
- Benefits of potatoes for coughs
- Indications
- How to make inhalations with potatoes - recipes
- Contraindications
- Recommendations for use
- It is worth breathing over potatoes when you have a cold or cough
- Action of the procedure
- Features of application
- Methods
- Treatment
- Runny nose
- Sinusitis
- Cold
- For bronchitis
- Can it be used by children and pregnant women?
You can breathe over potatoes at the first sign of a cold to prevent the disease from developing. In addition, potato inhalation helps get rid of residual cough that lasts more than two weeks. In this article you will learn about the beneficial properties of potato steam, methods of inhalation and contraindications to this procedure.
The benefits of potato inhalations
Many people are interested in the question: why are potatoes used for inhalation? Why can't you take carrots or apples? The fact is that potatoes, when cooked, release special substances that have an antiseptic effect. This is the reason why potato inhalation is so popular. Let’s try to understand in more detail how it affects the human body.
- Moist hot steam promotes blood flow to the respiratory organs. This stimulates active blood circulation and metabolism and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Wet steam enters directly into the lungs and settles on its walls. This technique allows you to liquefy and remove phlegm from the lungs.
This is not a complete list of the positive effects of potato inhalation on the human body.
Is it possible to give inhalations to children?
What could be safer and more effective for a child’s body than inhaling hot steam? However, not everything is so simple. The fact is that hot potato steam dilutes phlegm and mucus, increasing its size. Sometimes this contributes to slight swelling of the mucous membrane. But for children, even minor swelling of the larynx can be very dangerous. The fact is that physiologically the respiratory lumen in children is very narrow. And even with slight swelling (which can occur with laryngitis or during inhalation), a narrowing of the lumen occurs, which can lead to suffocation. This applies to young children - the younger the child, the higher the risk. Therefore, it is not recommended to administer potato inhalations to children under three years of age. And when the baby begins to understand everything, you can explain to him why to inhale hot steam. In addition, children often follow the example of adults. But in order for the procedure to be effective and safe, you need to know how to carry it out correctly.
How to breathe properly over potatoes
Here is a detailed algorithm for preparing and conducting potato inhalation.
- For the procedure you need to take small potatoes of equal size. Under no circumstances take potatoes with green sides - unripe vegetables contain corned beef, which can be dangerous to humans. When choosing potatoes, give preference to whole and undamaged tubers. Worthy potatoes may contain fungus or bacteria. Of course, they will all die at high temperatures, but some organisms can cause allergies.
- Place the potatoes in water and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and wait for the potatoes to cook.
- After this, you need to remove the potatoes and pour the broth into a container with a wide surface. This can be a wide cup or basin. You should not expose your face to hot steam - you can get burned. Wait until the broth cools down a little to make the steam more comfortable.
- After this, you need to prepare a blanket or large towel to cover over the container with the hot broth. This is done to prevent steam from escaping. This insulation helps you get a good breath of hot air. Keep your face approximately 20 cm from the surface of the water.
- You need to breathe the potatoes for as long as possible, but not less than 10 minutes. During this time, all respiratory organs are exposed to hot steam.
- When you have a runny nose, you need to breathe steam through your nose. And for a sore throat - through the mouth. If you have a cough, it doesn’t matter how you breathe, because the steam still gets into your lungs.
- Potatoes can be boiled either peeled or in their skins. It is very effective to make a decoction of potato peelings - there are more useful and antiseptic substances on the surface of the vegetable. Potato peelings can be prepared for future use - each time you peel potatoes, do not throw away their skins, but rinse and dry them. You can also store cleanings in the freezer. In winter, during the flu and cold season, such preparations will come in handy more than ever.
- It is better to carry out the procedure a couple of hours after eating. After inhalation, you should not eat or be in cold air. It is best to do inhalations before bedtime to give the patient the opportunity to rest after the procedure.
- You can add essential oils of eucalyptus and mint to potato broth - it will relieve nasal congestion. And if you add baking soda, you will get a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. For a long and protracted cough, add a spoonful of salt to the water - it will remove the viscous phlegm.
- If one nostril is always clogged, it means there is inflammation of the sinus on that side. In this case, you can make a funnel out of paper and place it over a container of steam. In this case, a concentrated stream of steam will emerge from a narrow opening. You need to put the sore nostril there to enhance the effect of inhalation. The steam will help warm the sinuses, relieve inflammation and reduce the amount of mucus produced.
These simple rules will help you make potato inhalation not only effective, but also safe. However, you need to know that inhalation is not indicated for everyone.
Contraindications for the procedure
Here are several factors in which potato inhalations are unacceptable.
- You should not breathe hot steam at high temperatures - this can aggravate the patient’s condition.
- As noted, inhalations should not be given to children under three years of age, and with great caution to children under seven years of age.
- If there is sinusitis or purulent inflammation in other sinuses, heating should be agreed upon with an ENT specialist. In some cases, heating can aggravate the disease.
- High blood pressure and disorders of the cardiovascular system are contraindications for inhalation.
- Some people are prone to nosebleeds. This is due to the close location of blood vessels to the surface of the mucosa. In such cases, you cannot breathe hot steam - this can lead to bleeding.
- You should not use inhalations if you have pneumonia or during the acute period of pneumonia.
If you inhale a child, take all precautions so that the baby does not get burned by the water itself or the hot steam.
Many believe that potato inhalations are a relic of the past, and there are many pharmaceutical products that are capable of a similar effect. However, it is not. The fact is that pharmaceutical tablets and syrups go straight into the stomach and only a small part of the drug affects the lungs. But potatoes turn into tiny particles of hot steam, which settles directly on the walls of the lungs, having a direct effect. The expectorant effect occurs instantly. A nebulizer has the same effect. Therefore, we can say that potato inhalation is a cheap alternative to an expensive device. Take care of your health and get treated correctly!
Video: inhalation for cough
Manchurian nut - medicinal properties and uses
Onion peel - medicinal properties and contraindications
How to brew sage for gargling
Beaver stream - medicinal properties and applications
What is stone therapy - benefits and contraindications
How to treat a suture after a caesarean section?
Diarrhea in a child - what to do and how to treat it?
How smoking affects the human body
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The blue whale grows over 30 m in length, weighs as much as 30 adult elephants, has one tongue that weighs as much as an entire elephant, and a heart the size of a small car.
How to breathe over potatoes?
Do you have a cold, cough or runny nose? There are excellent folk remedies that will help reduce tickling in the bronchi and throat, and runny nose. It warms up the mucous membranes perfectly, and inhaling potato vapors has a good effect on the body. Tubers that have long become familiar can work real miracles. How to breathe over potatoes correctly so that the effect is maximum? Be sure to remember the recommendations and carry out the procedure with extreme caution. Don't get burned. Special measures must be taken if you are inhaling a child, otherwise he may touch a hot pan or try to eat boiling potatoes. Try different recipes to get more benefits and choose the best option for yourself.
To breathe over potatoes correctly and make your inhalation procedure as effective as possible, remember a few recommendations and a rough list of items you will need.
- medium-sized potatoes - about 5 pieces;
- Identical potatoes. Potatoes should be boiled the same size. Place only roughly equal potatoes in the pan, otherwise some will either fall apart or remain undercooked. You need well-cooked potatoes.
There are several methods. You have learned to breathe over potatoes, but you still need to remember exactly how to cook potatoes and what you can add to them.
- Grab a few potatoes to fill your medium sized saucepan.
You can breathe over potatoes with salt and soda. This will be especially appropriate if you not only have a runny nose, but also bronchitis.
- Prepare potatoes, baking soda and salt.
A compress made from your potatoes will perfectly support the body. When you have already inhaled, but the potatoes have not had time to cool down, mash them. For 5 medium-sized potatoes, add one tablespoon of alcohol or vodka and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix the mixture, put it in a thick plastic bag and wrap it in a thin towel. The compress is ready: it can be placed in the bronchi area, but not on the naked body. Wait until you feel warm, lie down with the compress for at least 10 minutes. Then make an iodine mesh in this place. Your potatoes will help you again!
How to breathe over potatoes when coughing
Breathing over potatoes when coughing has been customary since ancient times, and despite the huge variety of modern medications and solutions created specifically for inhalation, this procedure does not lose its popularity. Every person has encountered colds and acute respiratory viral infections, and everyone knows that there is no need to immediately start taking antibiotics or antiviral drugs. High-quality and proper warming will help make the sputum more liquid, breathing will become easier, and the condition will noticeably improve.
What is the benefit
Knowing how to properly breathe over potatoes when coughing, you can get rid of the most unpleasant symptoms and manifestations of the disease in a short time, without resorting to expensive medications. This is very convenient, because you can carry out the procedure at any time, at home and without using the latest modern inhalation equipment.
The effectiveness of such inhalation is associated with the anatomical features of the nasopharynx. The fact is that its entire surface is covered with many tiny villi, with the help of which the process of cleansing the respiratory tract of foreign bodies and accumulated mucus occurs. Cough is a reaction of the body that promotes the removal of mucus. Steam from boiled potatoes helps facilitate this process.
Potatoes for coughs are one of the most popular traditional medicines, which have virtually no contraindications for use. It is used in the form of warming compresses and inhalations, achieving positive results in the treatment of adults and children. Treating a cough using potato inhalations is quite simple and quite effective.
Such procedures are part of complex therapy in the presence of not only colds, but also in the inflammatory process:
- in the bronchi;
- lower parts of the lungs;
- rhinitis;
- laryngitis;
- laryngotracheitis.
Inhalation over potatoes when coughing activates blood flow, eliminates congestion, helps get rid of phlegm, helping to liquefy it and remove it from the respiratory system.
Features of the procedure and contraindications
Anyone who has ever breathed over a potato while coughing knows very well that boiled potatoes or potato broth can only be used after consulting a doctor.
Contraindications to inhalation with potatoes may include:
- increased sensitivity of facial skin to high temperatures;
- superficial location of capillaries and tendency to nosebleeds;
- child's age under 5 years;
- hypertension;
- heart and vascular diseases;
- sinusitis;
- pneumonia.
Inhalation of potatoes is strictly prohibited for people who have had a stroke or suffer from cerebrovascular diseases.
Do not treat cough using hot steam. This can lead to a burn to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and only complicate the situation. Knowing how to breathe over potatoes, you can quickly get rid of a tearing cough and nasal congestion, but it is important to strictly follow the rules of the procedure. First of all, you need to choose quality potatoes. Tubers should be sproutless, dense, without green or putrefactive spots on the surface.
It is better to boil potatoes in their skins, select small tubers and wash them thoroughly, place them in a saucepan in one layer and add water so that it only covers the potatoes. Cook over low heat so you don’t have to drain the remaining water. It is better to breathe over potatoes with a dry cough, leaving them in the water in which they were boiled. If the tubers were peeled shortly before, then boiled peelings can be used for inhalation. The main thing is to use a small amount of water.
If the procedure was performed on a sick child, then after the baby has inhaled the steam, it is necessary to limit the inhalation of cold air. The baby's mouth and nose can be covered with a gauze bandage. For half an hour after inhalation, the patient is not allowed to drink or eat. Adults should know that potato inhalations are incompatible with smoking. During treatment you will have to give up bad habits. Steam helps dilate blood vessels, activates coughing, makes breathing easier, and nicotine acts in the opposite way.
Boiled potatoes as a means of therapy
Using potatoes for coughs, they are not only boiled for children as an inhalation remedy. Warming up with potatoes is very effective if you knead them and put a warm cake on your chest. Preparing this product is quite simple.
You will need:
- Boil potatoes in their skins.
- Mash with a fork.
- Place on parchment paper.
- Cover with plastic wrap and put a flannelette diaper on top.
- Wrap the baby's body in a warm scarf and leave the compress on for a minute.
- The cooked potatoes are placed on the table so that the patient can freely bend over the container, remaining at a distance of at least 30 cm from the hot component.
- Leaning over the container, cover your head and shoulders with a terry towel, protecting yourself from the penetration of cold air.
- In an effort to get rid of a cough, you need to breathe deeply, inhaling through your mouth and exhaling slowly through your nose.
- If the cough is accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion, then inhale alternately through one or the other nostril.
The frequency of inhalations should not exceed 3 procedures per day lasting 5-10 minutes. During this time, the potatoes cool down and their healing effect ceases.
Test: Which cough medicine is best for you?
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A test that will allow you to determine which cough medicine is best for you.
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Bronholitin syrup - perfect for treating dry cough in children (Average cost in a pharmacy is 100 rubles)
Paxeladin syrup is an analogue of the above product, but in a different price category (Average cost in a pharmacy is 250 rubles)
Stoptussin - excellent and inexpensive cough tablets for children (Average price in a pharmacy is 110 rubles)
Sinekod - excellent tablets for dry cough for children (Average price in pharmacies 200 rubles)
Glauvent is also a very good tablet for cough treatment (Average price in pharmacies is 250 rubles)
Ingalipt is an excellent and inexpensive cough spray for children (Average price in a pharmacy is 60 rubles)
Faringosept is also a very good cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 110 rubles)
Tantum Verde is an excellent drug in the form of a spray, in a high price category (Average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles)
Syrups and drops:
Stoptussin syrup - perfect for treating dry cough in adolescents and adults (Average cost in a pharmacy is 150 rubles)
Sinekod drops are also an excellent product, but in a different price category (Average cost in a pharmacy is 350 rubles)
Mucaltin - excellent and inexpensive cough tablets (Average price in a pharmacy is 50 rubles)
Sinekod - this excellent drug is also sold in tablet form (Average price in pharmacies is 150 rubles)
Solutan is also a very good cough tablet (Average price in pharmacies is 200 rubles)
Inhalipt is an excellent and inexpensive cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 60 rubles)
Hexoral is also a very good cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 170 rubles)
Tantum Verde is an excellent drug in the form of a spray, in a high price category (Average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles)
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Please indicate your age (your child's age)
- From 6 to 12 years
- From 12 to 18 years old
- Over 18
In what price range can you afford a cough medicine?
- Up to 100 rubles
- From 100 to 200 rubles
- Over 200 rubles
- Pills
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- Spray
Test: Is your lifestyle causing lung disease?
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Since almost all of us live in cities with very unfavorable health conditions, and in addition to this we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, this topic is very relevant at the moment. We perform many actions or, on the contrary, we remain inactive, without thinking at all about the consequences for our body. Our life is in breathing, without it we cannot live even a few minutes. This test will help you determine whether your lifestyle can provoke lung diseases, and will also help you think about your respiratory system health and correct your mistakes.
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You lead the right lifestyle
You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).
It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...
You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym, or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations; it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.
It's time to sound the alarm!
You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.
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- With answer
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Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?
- Yes, daily
- Sometimes
- Seasonal (eg vegetable garden)
- No
How often do you undergo a lung examination (eg fluorogram)?
- I don’t even remember when was the last time
- Every year, without fail
- Once every couple of years
Do you play sports?
- No
- Yes, professionally and regularly
- It happened in the past
- Yes, amateur
- Yes
- No
- When I'm sick
- Sometimes
Do you treat acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other inflammatory or infectious diseases?
- Yes, at the doctor's
- No, it goes away on its own after some time
- Yes, I self-medicate
- Only if it's really bad
Do you carefully observe personal hygiene (shower, hands before eating and after walking, etc.)?
- Yes, I wash my hands all the time
- No, I don't follow this at all
- I try, but sometimes I forget
Do you take care of your immunity?
- Yes
- No
- Only when sick
- I find it difficult to answer
Have any relatives or family members suffered from serious lung diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia)?
- Yes, parents
- Yes, close relatives
- No
- I can not say for sure
Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment (gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?
- Yes, I live permanently
- No
- Yes, I work in such conditions
- Previously lived or worked
Do you or your household use sources of strong odors (aroma candles, incense, etc.)?
- Often
- Rarely
- Almost daily
- No
Do you have heart disease?
- Yes, chronic
- Rarely, but it does happen
- No
- If you have any doubts, you need an examination
How often are you in damp, dusty or moldy environments?
- Constantly
- I'm not there
- Previously was
- Rarely, but it happens
Do you often get sick with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections?
- I'm constantly sick
- Rarely, no more than once a year
- Often, more than 2 times a year
- I never get sick or once every five years
- Yes, I have
- I find it difficult to answer
- Yes, with close relatives
- No
Do you have any allergic diseases?
- Yes, one
- No
- Not sure, needs testing
- Yes, even a few
What kind of lifestyle do you lead?
- Sedentary
- Active, constantly on the move
- Sedentary
Does anyone in your family smoke?
- Yes
- No
- Happens sometimes
- Used to smoke
- Yes, I smoke regularly
- No and never smoked
- Rarely, but it happens
- Previously smoked, but quit
Do you have air purification devices in your home?
- No
- Yes, I change filters all the time
- Yes, we use it sometimes
- Yes, but we don’t monitor the devices
Do you often use household chemicals (cleaning products, aerosols, etc.)?
How to breathe over potatoes when coughing
To combat a dry cough, in which sputum is difficult to clear, ordinary potatoes are perfect. It is boiled, and then warm steam is inhaled for about 10 minutes. Breathing over potatoes when coughing is recommended for pregnant women and people who are allergic to many medications. This is the most harmless but effective method.
The benefits of potato inhalations
To get rid of a cold cough, many people use such a folk remedy as inhalation with potatoes. Breathing steam coming from boiled tubers or potato broth is useful because warm, moist air penetrates the respiratory tract and moisturizes the mucous membrane. As a result, irritation in the throat is eliminated. Under the influence of steam, viscous sputum is liquefied and mucus is easier to clear.
The potatoes themselves contain substances that, together with steam, activate metabolic processes in the body and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. Ethyl alcohol and tetradecane promote normal mucus discharge.
Important! What kind of cough does potatoes help with? This procedure is useful for dry cough and irritation in the throat.
- Inhalation also helps get rid of a runny nose. A positive point is the fact that the cost of such treatment is low.
- You can also treat pneumonia without fever with potatoes. Its benefit is that it can be used together with antibiotics.
Inhalations with potatoes are the most harmless way to treat cough. But this method also has contraindications. Inhalation is prohibited if:
- potato allergy;
- body temperature above 37 degrees;
- heart disease;
- children under one year old;
- high pressure;
- increased capillary fragility;
- nose bleed.
During the procedure, you need to monitor the temperature of the steam. Hot air can cause burns. The temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.
Important! Steam treat babies with caution. Inhalation may lead not to improvement, but to worsening of the condition; bronchial obstruction is possible.
The lumen of the bronchi in children is thinner than in adults. When inhaling wet steam, the viscous sputum swells and the lumen narrows even more. This leads to obstruction. To avoid harm to the child, it is better to consult a pediatrician.
How to prepare potato inhalation
Most often, when you have a runny nose or cough, you breathe over crushed hot potatoes boiled in their jackets. Before inhalation, you need to boil 5 large or 10 small jacket potatoes in a 3-liter saucepan. Cooking time – 20 minutes. Any variety is suitable for the procedure. In this case, the water is drained.
Then the finished potatoes are mashed in a saucepan. This is done so that evaporation becomes more intense. They wrap the pan in a terry towel so that it does not cool down so quickly, place it on the table, bend over it, and cover their head with another towel on top. You need to bend over until the steam burns too much. You cannot take deep and strong breaths. You need to breathe over boiled potatoes slowly and with shallow breaths.
You can do such procedures 2 times a day, an hour before or after meals.
Important! How long to breathe above the steam? Adults carry out this procedure for 10 minutes, and children are recommended for 5 minutes. The best time to breathe is before going to bed.
Potatoes for coughs are the easiest and cheapest way to treat a cold. Let's look at simple recipes.
Potatoes with soda
Cough recipe:
The potatoes are pre-peeled. Cook until done. Mash until pureed. Sprinkle crushed potatoes with baking soda. Breathe over the potatoes and soda for ten minutes.
Potato peelings
The recipe looks like this:
- potato peelings - half a pan;
- salt – 1 tbsp. l.
The peelings are poured with cold water, salted and cooked until tender. The water is drained and the cleaning is mixed. You can breathe the steam for 5-10 minutes, covering your head with a towel.
The water in which the potatoes were boiled will help with cough. To prepare a decoction for inhalation, simply boil the tubers. Water is not poured into the sink, but poured into another container. Add a choice of soda, essential oil of eucalyptus, pine, spruce, a few drops of iodine, hydrogen peroxide to the hot liquid. The steam should not be too hot. Breathe over the broth for 10 minutes. To achieve coughing, you can alternate inhalations with potatoes and breathing over potato broth.
How to breathe correctly
Potato steam perfectly warms up the nasopharynx. As a result, the airways are cleared of mucus. To get a positive result from the procedure, you need to alternately breathe through your mouth and nose. Before inhalation, you should blow your nose and cough. The procedure is carried out to warm the respiratory organs and clear them of mucus.
It is important to be able to breathe steam correctly. There is no need to try to swallow a lot of hot air to avoid getting burned. Breathing frequently or taking too deep breaths is not recommended. You can take 3 slow breaths in and out through your nose and then through your mouth. For a dry cough, add soda and salt to the potatoes.
Inhalation recipe for dry, hysterical cough:
The potatoes are peeled and boiled until tender. Salt and soda are added during the cooking process. The water is drained. The potatoes are mashed. You need to breathe the steam for 5-10 minutes.
Important! Smokers should not use recipes containing baking soda.
Is it possible for children
Parents try to treat their children with folk remedies, believing that they are less safe than pharmaceutical remedies. There is no harm in potato vapor, but the method of carrying out the procedure itself is dangerous for children.
If a child is 2 years old, he may accidentally touch a hot pan, spill boiling water on his feet, lean too low over the pan and get burned by the steam. He will not be able to correctly calculate the distance required for safe breathing. Small children are not assiduous; it can be difficult for them to sit even for 5 minutes without moving.
If the child is 3 years old, you can prepare a cake from warm potatoes with the addition of honey and place it on the bronchial area for 10 minutes. Inhalations for young children are best done using a nebulizer based on mineral water or cough medicines. When a child under 5 years of age has a cough, it is recommended to give warm milk with honey and butter.
Important! For school-age children, steam inhalations over hot potatoes are done only under the supervision of their parents.
During pregnancy
Potato steam is safe for pregnant women. The procedures can also be done if the woman is breastfeeding. Pregnant women need to take some precautions during inhalation:
- do not cover yourself with a towel;
- inhale the steam slowly, taking shallow breaths and exhalations;
- the time between the thermal procedure and food intake should be 2 hours;
- duration – 5 minutes.
Cough can be treated not only with expensive medicines, but also with traditional methods. With the help of ordinary potatoes, patients get rid of coughing attacks in just a few days. If the symptom does not go away within 5 days, you need to change the treatment method and be sure to consult a doctor. In addition to colds, the cause of cough can be allergies, whooping cough, and tuberculosis. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis after a thorough examination.
Questions and answers:
Ambrobene, Ascoril, mustard plasters and possibly antibiotics are used.
Good afternoon How old are you?
© 2017 Treatment with folk remedies - the best recipes
How to breathe over potatoes correctly?
Inhalation over potatoes when coughing will warm and moisturize the upper respiratory tract, increase blood circulation in the mucous membrane, thin mucus, and facilitate its release. Potato inhalations cope well with the symptoms of cough and runny nose.
The cold is one of the common diseases of viral origin, which is accompanied by severe catarrhal symptoms, including runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat and other signs that worsen the general well-being of the patient. It is necessary to treat the manifestation of a cold from the first days, using complex treatment for this.
In addition to pharmaceutical drugs with systemic or symptomatic action, inhalation procedures using traditional medicine will help speed up the recovery period and relieve inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. One of the proven, effective and affordable methods is inhalation of potato steam, which will help get rid of a dry cough, accelerate the liquefaction of sputum, and relieve swelling of the nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosa.
This procedure has been known for decades, but to this day it has not lost its popularity and is widely used both for adults during colds and for children. In order for inhalations with potatoes to bring maximum effect, it is important to know how to breathe over potatoes correctly, what benefits they provide, when inhalations with this root vegetable are indicated, how to prepare the recipe, and whether there are contraindications to such a procedure.
Benefits of potatoes for coughs
Inhalations with potatoes in medicine are considered an auxiliary therapy to the main treatment, but for some this type of procedure is a real salvation for dry cough and runny nose. The advantage of inhalation procedures is their effect at the very site of inflammation, as well as good tolerability, absence of pronounced contraindications and side effects.
Warm steam from boiled potatoes, when inhaled correctly, increases blood circulation to the mucous membrane of the respiratory system and nasopharynx, eliminates congestion, thins mucus, and relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa.
Potato steam contains substances such as tetradecane, dipropylene glycol, ethyl alcohol, which together activate metabolic processes in the body, relieve inflammation and swelling, thin sputum, thereby preventing bacteria and viruses from penetrating into the lower parts of the respiratory system.
Many sources say that the effect of potato steam treatment can be obtained at the earliest manifestations of the disease, but in fact, this procedure can be done at any stage of the disease.
The main indications for the use of potato inhalation are:
Acute or chronic bronchitis;
Runny nose, nasal congestion;
Dry (non-productive) cough;
Wet cough with poorly separated sputum;
In the complex treatment of bronchial asthma;
Steam inhalations can also be used for other diseases of the respiratory system or nasopharynx, but in any case, you should consult a doctor before using them. The advantage of inhalation over potato steam is the availability of the procedure, as well as its effect at the source of inflammation.
How to make inhalations with potatoes - recipes
In order for inhalation over potatoes when coughing to bring maximum therapeutic results, you need to prepare properly, choose potatoes without fungal infections and rot, rinse them and dry them. There are several recipes with steamed potatoes that can be used for bronchopulmonary diseases of viral or bacterial origin.
In order to enhance the effect of potato steam, you can add other medicinal components to it: baking soda, essential oils, salt and other ingredients that are also popular in folk medicine.
Let's look at several recipes for preparing cough inhalation with potato steam.
Recipe No. 1. To prepare the recipe, you need to take a few unpeeled potatoes, put them in a saucepan, add cold water and put on fire. When the potatoes are cooked, you need to drain the broth, wait 3 minutes, cover your head with a towel, and deeply inhale the steam. From time to time, when it is difficult to breathe or the steam burns your face, you need to lift the towel. When you have a dry cough, you need to breathe in potatoes slowly, without taking sharp breaths. The duration of the procedure is 5–10 minutes.
Recipe No. 2. Inhalation can also be done using potato broth, to which you can add a few drops of eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, and tea tree essential oils. Such inhalations have an anti-inflammatory, deodorant effect, will help cope with a dry cough, and accelerate the release of sputum from the bronchi.
Recipe No. 3. An alternative to potato inhalation is inhalation of steam coming from hot potatoes boiled without skin.
For bronchopulmonary diseases, inhalations with potatoes can be carried out 2 times a day. For bronchitis, cough and nasal congestion, you can add 1 tbsp to the decoction before inhaling. l. soda, which has a bactericidal, antimicrobial effect, stimulates secretion, acts as a bactericidal agent, and allows you to quickly transform a dry cough into a wet one.
If desired, you can add 2 drops of essential oil to the same decoction: juniper, fir, pine, cedar or eucalyptus oil. In cases where a person is hypersensitive to the composition of essential oils, they should be avoided.
Despite the fact that inhalations with potatoes are completely safe, there are still a number of contraindications to their implementation:
Body temperature is above 37.5 °C.
Acute period of pneumonia.
Purulent-inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.
Bleeding from the nose.
Cerebrovascular accident.
Recommendations for use
In order to properly breathe over potato steam and get a good therapeutic result, you need not only to prepare the recipe correctly, but also to follow some rules.
During the inhalation period, you should not bend your head too close over a pan with steam; there is a high probability of getting a burn to the skin of your face, as well as mucous membranes.
You need to breathe the steam calmly and evenly.
It is necessary to follow the technique of the procedure: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
After inhalation, you should not throw away the potatoes; you can make a compress out of them, which is also very useful for dry coughs caused by colds.
During the process of cooking potatoes for inhalation, you can add 1 teaspoon of soda to the pan, and mash the root vegetable with a fork before inhalation.
In cases where there is a lingering cough, you can add not only soda, but also salt to the pan.
For inhalation, it is better to use jacket potatoes.
By following simple rules, the effect of inhalation will be much better, and the person himself will be able to not only get rid of a dry cough, but also reduce the manifestation of other symptoms. Many believe that inhalation with potatoes is an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical drugs with an expectorant effect; unlike drugs, steam from potatoes acts at the very site of inflammation, is well tolerated by the body, and has no contraindications.
It is important to understand that cough is not a disease, but only a symptom indicating a particular disorder in the human body, therefore, before treating a cough, you need to determine its causes. Therefore, visiting a doctor should be the initial step in treating a cough.
Only a doctor can determine the cause, make the correct diagnosis, and prescribe the necessary treatment. If the doctor, in combination with pharmaceutical drugs, advises inhalation with potatoes, then it is worth performing the corresponding procedure accurately and regularly.
It is worth breathing over potatoes when you have a cold or cough
Popular pharmacy inhalers and nebulizers were supposed to supplant traditional methods of preventing and treating respiratory diseases. But this did not happen. Children and adults continue to treat colds by breathing over potatoes, just like a hundred years ago. Is this folk method of treatment so good? In order to understand this, you need to know how potato vapors act on the body.
Action of the procedure
Inhalation of water vapor with various additives leads to a direct effect of temperature and biological additives on the mucous membrane. In this case, beneficial substances naturally enter various parts of the respiratory system.
This method of local therapy has proven its effectiveness over the centuries. Modern research confirms its usefulness. It turns out that potato steam contains:
The video explains how to breathe correctly over potatoes when coughing:
These dietary supplements enter the body along with the steam:
- normalize blood flow;
- activate metabolic processes in the body;
- relieve inflammation;
- remove swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
Potato steam gently envelops. It has a large contact surface. In this case, the following therapeutic effect is observed:
- blood flow to the mucous surface of the upper respiratory tract increases;
- sputum thins;
- stagnation is eliminated.
Inhalation of potato vapor also helps to improve mucociliary clearance (removal of sputum, microbes, and dirt particles out). It's all about the structure of the respiratory tract. Their surfaces are covered with microvilli, which constantly sway and push foreign elements out of the body. During illness, the villi cope worse with their function, and hot steam activates their work. There are other ways to treat dry cough in children with folk remedies, inhalation for wet cough in children.
Features of application
The “grandfather” method of treatment has a wide range of applications. Why breathe over potatoes? Potato inhalations help well with:
- runny nose (rhinitis);
- pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa);
- tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils);
- cough;
- bronchitis.
Patients with bronchial asthma highly appreciated the effectiveness of this procedure. Inhalation over potatoes makes it possible to prevent the occurrence and stop the attacks that accompany this dangerous disease.
This method also helps with pneumonia, but it should only be used under the supervision of a doctor. In order not to worsen the patient’s condition, you need to consult a doctor before the procedure.
The popular tubers have long been used in folk medicine. As for potato inhalations, they are prepared in three different ways.
- Inhalation from tubers cooked “in their uniforms” (they are kneaded before use).
- Inhaling the vapors of peeled potatoes (adding essential oils, soda and salt is often practiced).
- Inhalation of vapors from cooked potato peelings (dry or fresh are suitable).
Whichever method you choose, to carry out the procedure you will need:
- a saucepan with a capacity of about 3 liters;
- a dozen small potatoes, or 5 medium-sized ones;
- a thick blanket, preferably cotton or artificial in a natural cover (wool causes allergies);
- towel;
- a chair and a comfortable pan stand.
Potatoes need to be washed well for the procedure.
You should not take diseased tubers with various spots and deformations of any nature. This is especially true for inhalations with unpeeled potatoes. Such tubers may contain fungal spores, bacteria and pathogens of various diseases. Most of them die during heat treatment, but, nevertheless, such substances can cause allergies if inhaled.
When preparing for inhalation, you need to follow some simple rules:
- potatoes are boiled for 10 - 15 minutes (depending on the size of the tubers);
- For cooking, take tubers of the same size, otherwise they will cook unevenly;
- potatoes should not be raw or boiled;
- the water should only cover the potatoes;
- after readiness, drain the water;
- place the pan on a convenient stand;
- wrap the pan with a thick towel to retain heat;
- bend over a container of potatoes and cover yourself with a blanket;
- cold air should not penetrate under the blanket.
Caution is a good idea: hot steam can burn the skin and cause burns to the mucous membranes. You don't need to bend over the potatoes too low. You should find your altitude, getting used to the temperature gradually. And if any painful conditions occur: be it dizziness or pounding in the temples, the procedure should be stopped.
To ensure that nothing bothers you, pin up your long hair before starting the procedure. Breathe correctly. Inhalations should be smooth. The inhalation-exhalation technique will differ depending on the diagnosis.
Here you can read what antibiotics are taken for pharyngitis.
Potato vapor warms up the nasopharynx and clears mucus from the airways. To get quick results when coughing, you need to breathe alternately through your nose and mouth. The main task is to thoroughly warm and clean the nasopharynx. With their help you can quickly cure a runny nose and cough.
This scheme worked well: 3-4 inhalations through the mouth and exhale through the nose, 3-4 inhalations through the nose and exhalation through the mouth, then 3-4 inhalations and exhalations through the mouth and the same amount through the nose. You need to breathe over the potatoes for 5–10 minutes.
Dry cough is treated with hot potatoes with the addition of soda and salt. These ingredients are placed in the pan at the beginning of cooking. Potatoes are taken peeled. After it is ready, the tubers are slightly kneaded. Salt and soda are added at the beginning of cooking at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 medium potatoes.
The video tells whether pregnant women, children, bronchitis and sinusitis can breathe over potatoes:
Runny nose
If your nose is stuffy, potatoes will help quickly bring it back to normal. To do this, you need to breathe in pairs alternately: first one, then the other nostril. Close one side of your nose first, take 4-6 slow breaths through one nostril, then repeat the same with the other.
To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can add 2-3 teaspoons of baking soda to the potatoes. To do this, boiled potatoes are lightly kneaded and powder is added. Mix everything well and begin to breathe healing steam.
If a runny nose is accompanied by a sore throat, breathe according to this pattern: 2-3 inhales through your nose and exhale through your throat, then 2-3 inhales through your throat and exhale through your nose. Breathing should be even, calm, and of moderate depth.
If the runny nose has turned into catarrhal form, inhalation cannot be done. Not only will they not help, but on the contrary, they will aggravate the situation.
The video explains how to breathe over potatoes, the benefits and harms, and the benefits of breathing:
Without consulting a doctor, you cannot breathe over potatoes if you have sinusitis! Only a specialist can determine the stage of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. By heating the maxillary sinuses, in which pus has accumulated, the opposite result can be achieved. Self-medication in this case can lead to the disease becoming chronic or to an exacerbation of sinusitis.
But for colds, this remedy is quite effective. Inhalations with potatoes can be done immediately after the first signs of illness appear. If everything is done correctly and on time, the disease can recede without even starting.
Potatoes boiled in their skins or peeled are suitable for inhalation; you can even use peeled ones. A few drops of essential oils of fir, juniper, pine, eucalyptus, and mint are added to the boiled potato mass. It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise the oils will dry out the mucous membrane, 2 drops are enough. You can use ready-made compositions of essential oils for colds. Instead, salt and soda, together or separately, are suitable. You need to breathe such vapors for 5–7 minutes.
For bronchitis
Potatoes will help reduce the unpleasant tickling in the bronchi during a cold. You need to breathe over the potatoes alternately through your nose and mouth. This is how the bronchi warm up well. Adding baking soda and salt to potatoes during cooking will help cure bronchitis faster.
After the procedure, warm potatoes can be mixed with a spoonful of alcohol, formed into a flat cake and placed in cellophane to make a compress. The cake is wrapped in cloth and placed on the bronchi area.
Is there any harm from the procedure, and is it possible to breathe over potatoes at a temperature? Any treatment requires an individual approach. What will be an effective method for some will only bring harm to others. Even such a harmless method of treatment has its contraindications.
Those who suffer from the following diseases should not breathe over potatoes:
- heat;
- arterial hypertension;
- heart diseases;
- cerebrovascular accidents;
- nosebleeds;
- pneumonia;
- vasodilation.
If your body temperature is elevated, steam inhalation and hot compresses should not be used!
Can it be used by children and pregnant women?
Inhalation over potatoes is a safe method of treatment. It is suitable for pregnant women and during lactation. Potato vapors will not harm the baby, which cannot be said with certainty about herbal preparations (some plants have a number of contraindications). If there is a need to treat a runny nose or cough in a pregnant woman, then it is better to choose potato inhalations than procedures with medications. Here you can read how else you can treat a severe cough during pregnancy.
As for children, the method has age restrictions. It is not suitable for small children.
- The steam temperature for children should be around 45–50 C.
- The pot of potatoes should be well wrapped in a towel to prevent burns.
- The procedure time should be reduced to 3–5 minutes.
Hot steam is dangerous for children. And the smaller the child, the greater the likelihood of getting a burn to the mucous membranes. Another danger is airway obstruction. In children, the lumen of the bronchi is much narrower than in adults. When moist steam enters the bronchioles, it expands the viscous mucus in the narrow space. This can lead to narrowing or even complete closure of the lumens in the small bronchi.
The effectiveness of this method of treating runny nose, cough and colds has been proven for more than one generation. Even adherents of traditional medicine do not refuse such a safe way to combat ailments. How much you need to breathe depends on the patient’s condition. Its main advantage is simplicity and accessibility. But even they shouldn’t get carried away. If the cold is accompanied by a high temperature, or inflammatory processes have descended into the lower respiratory tract, then you should abandon such a popular method of treatment as potato inhalation. Follow the link to read how else you can treat a cough and sore throat. Perhaps you also need information on how to cure nasal congestion with folk remedies.
During the cold season I often get sick and constantly suffer from a severe cough. I was thinking about buying a nebulizer for inhalation, because tablets do not always help and are not cheap. But after reading the article, I decided to try the old method with potatoes. As written above, I added a couple of drops of juniper essential oil to the potatoes and breathed for 10 minutes. After this inhalation, the cough became noticeably less frequent and breathing became easier. I will try to continue to be treated with this method.
Breathing over potatoes is a very ancient and effective method of treatment. I also practice this in my family from time to time. If I have a stuffy nose, after the steam procedure my nose immediately clears up and my throat becomes easier. The main thing is to carefully cover yourself with a blanket over the potatoes so that cold air does not penetrate inside and the effect is much greater and recovery is faster.
This is an excellent way to soften and remove phlegm from the body, but I think you need to consult a doctor who will tell you whether inhalation can be done in this particular case or not. After all, a cough can vary from bronchitis to pneumonia. I tried to do similar inhalations, it helped me, I added different essential oils to the potato decoction
Potatoes are a product that almost every home usually has. Therefore, it is convenient to be treated with its help. No wonder this recipe has been used for many generations.
“The steam temperature for children should be around 45–500C.”
Oh, these brutal children from Chelyabinsk
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Such a procedure will not bring positive results, but may, on the contrary, aggravate the condition, since hot steam can cause a burn to the already inflamed mucous membrane, or its swelling and sputum retention as a consequence.