An adult has a dry cough without fever - causes
A long, strong dry cough without fever is far from such a harmless phenomenon as is sometimes considered by adults. A persistent cough in an adult may be a symptom of a systemic disease that leads to death without identifying the cause or appropriate treatment.
Table of contents:
- An adult has a dry cough without fever - causes
- Causes
- Features of treatment
- Dry cough as a symptom of cancer
- Cough with multiple myeloma
- Cough due to respiratory cancer
- What to do
- Prolonged cough: causes, diagnosis
- Causes of prolonged cough
- Causes of prolonged dry cough
- Cough is a symptom of infection in the body
- Cough due to tuberculosis
- Allergic cough
- Hay fever - seasonal allergies
- Worm infestations are the cause of dry cough in children and adults
- Dry cough in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
- Cough is a consequence of taking medications
- Malignant neoplasms and cough
- Where does the diagnosis of prolonged cough begin?
- Prolonged cough without fever
- Prolonged cough, chest pain without fever due to chronic bronchitis
- Long cough without fever in tuberculosis
- Persistent cough without fever in smokers
- Protracted cough without fever in heart disease
- Prolonged cough without fever due to allergic reactions
- We recommend reading
- Prolonged cough without fever in an adult
- Causes
- Etiology and symptoms
- When smoking
- Allergy
- ENT infections
- Oncology
- Heart pathologies
- Gastrointestinal diseases
- Other reasons
- Tuberculosis
- Character of mucous discharge
- Diagnostics
- Healing procedures
- Drug treatment
- Physiotherapy
- Proper nutrition
- Additional recommendations from doctors
- Prevention
- Treatment of severe cough without fever in an adult
- Causes of cough without fever in an adult
- Constant cough
- Cough until vomiting
- Barking cough
- Dry cough
- Wet cough in an adult
- Drug treatment for adults
- Folk remedies for adults
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Prolonged cough without fever in most cases in adults is caused by inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system:
A long dry cough can be caused by diseases of the heart, stomach, or esophagus; allergic dry cough occurs in adults for no apparent reason.
Reflex cough shocks occur when the trachea is compressed by the expanding thyroid gland during goiter. More often, these diseases occur chronically in adults, without initially causing a rise in temperature or a sharp deterioration in health.
For the doctor's hearing, cough impulses sound differently for different types of diseases. A barking sound appears with tracheitis, laryngitis. A bubbling sound is a sign of croup.
Short coughing with scant mucus in the discharge, sore throat is noted with pharyngitis. A low chest tone and prolonged attacks may indicate developing pulmonary tuberculosis.
Features of treatment
A nonproductive cough caused by a disease of the respiratory system in adults is detrimental to the patient's condition. It is suppressed with the help of antitussives or transferred to moist. For severe dry cough, antitussive drugs Cofex and Sinekod are prescribed.
If attacks are caused by inflammation, in which the separation of sputum is difficult, for example, smoker's bronchitis, then mucolytics are prescribed. How to treat such a dry cough in an adult, flowing without an increase in temperature, was described in more detail in the “Bronchitis” section.
Steam, oil inhalations, and folk remedies will help adults cope with frequent attacks. But treatment can be carried out only after diagnosis and clarification of the cause of deterioration in health.
You can learn more about inhalations for coughs in our article Inhalations for coughs.
Dry cough as a symptom of cancer
The most common cause of a persistent dry cough that occurs in adults without fever or signs of a cold is chronic bronchitis, and in adults it is very often smoker’s bronchitis.
But for some adults who suffer from a long-lasting dry cough, it is caused by much more serious causes.
Cough with multiple myeloma
A severe, persistent cough may be a sign of myeloma or multiple myeloma, a malignant leukemia that occurs with a sharp decrease in immunity.
Most often, tumor cells (mature leukocytes) grow in flat bones - the pelvis, skull, ribs, and sternum. Cancer cells produce a special protein that is deposited in body tissues, destroying them and disrupting their functions.
Tumor cells do not produce the normal immunoglobulins needed to fight infection. The immunodeficiency state caused by myeloma leads to frequent respiratory tract infections, prolonged bronchitis, and colds.
Infectious diseases in myeloma are severe and protracted, but most often are not accompanied by an increase in temperature.
The breakdown of bone tissue of the sternum, lungs, ribs, the growth of cancer cells in the lungs in the initial stages is disguised as bronchitis - accompanied by a dry constant cough, hoarseness, discomfort in the chest, and weakness.
These processes develop slowly in adults over years. If you do not delay and contact an oncologist in a timely manner, you can catch the disease in its early stages, when it responds well to treatment.
Timely is such a period of time when it becomes clear that neither traditional methods of treatment, nor pills prescribed by the doctor for bronchitis, nor warming physical procedures help get rid of coughing attacks.
It is very dangerous to warm the chest with anything in case of multiple myeloma. Heat treatments increase blood circulation, which accelerates the growth of malignant cells.
Adults should not delay contacting an oncologist if they have a severe dry cough without signs of a cold, without fever, lasting more than 4 weeks, and not responding to the treatment prescribed by the therapist.
Cough due to respiratory cancer
A prolonged dry cough, in which the temperature does not rise, may indicate oncology of the respiratory system. A hoarse voice in an adult, a cough is noted with malignant degeneration of the tissues of the lungs, throat, and larynx.
Lung cancer begins with simple coughing in adults. External manifestations, except for attacks of coughing tremors, are initially limited to mild shortness of breath and pain not associated with breathing.
By the time the purulent sputum begins to be coughed up, the chest pain intensifies. The pain is often mistaken for heart pain, and instead of being examined by an oncologist, the patient is treated for a long time by a cardiologist.
A prolonged dry cough with severe salivation is observed with throat cancer. A developing cancerous tumor irritates the nerve endings in the mucous membrane of the throat, causing a constant feeling of tickling, although the temperature may remain normal.
Other signs of throat cancer include enlarged lymph nodes and pain when swallowing.
What to do
Malignant neoplasms are much less common than bronchitis, colds, flu, sinusitis, and many other completely treatable diseases.
But in order to eliminate the possibility of the risk of oncology or tuberculosis, an adult must take a reasonable approach to his health: examine the lungs, do fluorography, consult an otolaryngologist, visit an oncologist if treatment does not bring relief.
There is no need to make an appointment with an oncologist every time you sneeze. But if an adult has bouts of dry, prolonged cough that do not go away for several weeks, you should not delay a visit to the doctor, even if there is no fever or other signs of illness.
Such a simple action will not take much time, but will save lives, because 90% of oncological diseases are cured in the early stages of diagnosis.
Only inhalations save me from coughing. Prospan dripped into the nebulizer and I breathe for 15 minutes. The effect can be said to be immediate. Coughing attacks go away almost immediately.
But I don’t trust pharmaceutical cough remedies. In any form. Decoctions of various herbs are no worse for treating this symptom. But you can’t cope with ARVI just by eliminating the symptom. Here everyone has their own choice: for some, warm tea with lemon will be enough, but for me I can’t do without Influcid, otherwise it will be harder and longer.
I don’t have time to cook grass and carry syrups with me. I find it convenient to dissolve Prospan effervescent cough tablets in water and drink them. In the morning and in the evening. For several days there is no cough.
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By self-medicating, you can waste time and harm your health!
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Prolonged cough: causes, diagnosis
A long, persistent cough is a symptom that lasts more than three weeks, even if treatment is taken.
Causes of prolonged cough
There are several main reasons. Most often, chronic cough affects long-term smokers who are diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, which is difficult to treat.
If a cough does not go away for a long time in a non-smoking person, provided that he is not in an environment where there are external irritants, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a series of laboratory diagnostic tests of the body.
Examinations are needed to rule out some serious diseases:
- asthma;
- gastroesophageal reflux (entry of gastric contents into the upper respiratory tract;
- postnasal drip (nasal exudate entering the nasopharynx);
- benign and malignant neoplasms;
- cardiovascular diseases (usually heart failure);
- interstitial lung diseases (damage to the veins of air-bearing tissue).
Important! Symptom – prolonged cough for all the listed pathologies, may be the only and main one! Therefore, you should not risk your health and put off visiting a doctor. Only a doctor, after an external examination, collection of anamnesis and based on prescribed laboratory and diagnostic measures, is able to accurately establish a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.
Chronic cough in adults and children of different ages is most often caused by bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by the following characteristic symptoms:
Often the only symptom of bronchial asthma, which the patient is not even aware of, is a cough.
Attention! Asthma can only manifest itself as an intermittent cough, which begins, for example, when inhaling cold air or irritants. Most people don't pay attention to this type of cough.
If a cough is a consequence of an acute respiratory viral infection, then it should be taken into account that the inflammatory process in the body has not yet stopped and the infection continues its destructive work. In this case, doctors talk about a sluggish form of the disease or infection of the respiratory tract. The patient has significantly increased sensitivity to irritating factors and develops a reflex cough.
Causes of prolonged dry cough
A dry cough, in which it is impossible to clear the throat, is very painful.
The most common causes of this type of cough are an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract, which is caused by the penetration of pathogens (most often various viruses and pathogenic bacteria).
If the immunity of an adult and a child is normal, the body copes with the problem on its own, and the disease does not become chronic.
When the body’s protective functions are reduced, its response to infection is weakened, so it is necessary to resort to taking antibiotics or antiviral drugs. In addition to reduced immunity, provoking factors may be the cause of the disease becoming chronic:
- smoking;
- alcohol consumption;
- insufficient air humidity in the room;
- insufficient fluid intake, especially during the acute period of the disease;
- addition of a secondary infection;
- complications after an acute respiratory viral infection (bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, pharyngitis, etc.)
Often a dry cough is a symptom of a chronic disease of the pleura and lungs (pleurisy, pneumonia), then the following complaints appear:
Cough is a symptom of infection in the body
Chronic cough can be caused by infection with mycoplasma and chlamydia. This infection contributes to the development of atypical pneumonia and bronchitis, which last for months and in waves, when periods of remission alternate with exacerbations.
In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary:
- undergo diagnostics prescribed by a doctor;
- pass laboratory tests (blood, ELISA method).
Common infectious diseases - whooping cough, measles, false croup - are common causes of chronic cough in children of all ages.
Attention! Whooping cough, as many people think, is a childhood disease. But an adult with a weakened immune system can also have whooping cough, which is very severe: with vomiting, general intoxication, and loss of strength.
A severe dry cough accompanies measles and false croup. With measles, in addition to coughing, characteristic rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes.
False croup is a disease that usually affects children under three years of age. Symptoms are inflammation of the vocal cords, larynx, trachea and bronchi, which is why the cough takes on a barking character.
Cough due to tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is a very dangerous disease that has become an epidemic in recent decades. There is a common misconception that tuberculosis can only affect people of low social level, those with low incomes, or those leading an immoral lifestyle.
Modern people are exposed to stressful situations, do not eat on time and in a balanced manner due to lack of time, do not get enough sleep, do not rest enough time, often use diets that are harmful to their health, do not visit a doctor and do not undergo diagnostic tests, etc. For this reason, tuberculosis can develop even among businessmen with high social status.
There is an opinion that any person is a carrier of Koch's bacillus (the causative agent of tuberculosis) by the age of 30. If a person’s immunity is strong, the disease does not develop. When the body weakens for various reasons, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is activated, which contributes to the formation of pulmonary tuberculosis and its extrapulmonary form.
A nonproductive cough may be a symptom of tuberculosis:
The onset of the disease is characterized by complaints:
- nonproductive cough;
- periodic coughing;
- general asthenia of the body;
- increase in body temperature (up to 37.3-35.5 no more, usually in the evening).
Tuberculosis today is a particularly dangerous disease, because drug-resistant forms of the disease are currently being diagnosed all over the world, which are difficult to treat even with the most expensive modern drugs. If comorbidities include HIV infection, the disease is fatal.
Allergic cough
The number of allergic reactions in people of all ages is growing every year, and children are especially susceptible to this.
Allergies may be:
Doctor's recommendation. Any manifestation of an allergic type of cough should be taken seriously. Allergies can cause fatal anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema, when emergency measures to help the patient are necessary.
Hay fever - seasonal allergies
Pollen from flowering plants is the cause of allergies both in spring and summer. At the same time, people suffer from uncontrollable sneezing, runny nose, tearing, and itching of the mucous membranes. One of the symptoms of hay fever is a dry cough caused by an allergic reaction, which is often accompanied by attacks of suffocation.
Attention! Hay fever is not only a pathology of the bronchi. A pollen allergy is a serious reaction of the body, which is caused by a general disorder of the immune system and malfunctions of the nervous system.
Allergic cough is also caused by:
- toxic substances (household chemicals with chlorine, laundry detergents, etc.);
- exhaust gases from megacities.
Attention! If a dry cough appears that was not there before and is not associated with ARVI, it is worth considering whether it was the reason for the appearance of new furniture or household appliances in the house, recently carried out renovation of the apartment, etc. The production of furniture, materials for construction and repair work, and children's toys from unverified manufacturers often involves the use of toxic chemicals.
Worm infestations are the cause of dry cough in children and adults
Not many people associate a prolonged hacking cough with infection with worms. You should know that infection, for example, with roundworms, leads to the migration of roundworm larvae in the human body, when the larvae pass through the pulmonary circulation and settle in the lung tissue. When the larvae enter the lungs, cough receptors are irritated, the same applies to the trachea and bronchi. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly conduct tests for worm eggs.
Dry cough in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
In a number of gastrointestinal diseases, a dry, painful, dry reflex cough is observed, which is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature and occurs after eating. Cough can be caused by the following diseases:
- diverticula of the esophagus;
- esophageal-tracheal fistula;
- reflux esophagitis.
Cough is a consequence of taking medications
During long-term drug treatment:
- ACE inhibitors (lowering blood pressure);
- some drugs to treat heart failure.
Since a dry cough is a symptom of heart failure, and, at the same time, can be caused by taking medications for its treatment, in order to establish the exact cause of the cough, you need to undergo laboratory tests, which will be determined by an allergist. According to statistics, about 20% of patients with cardiovascular diseases report a cough when taking medications, which goes away after stopping the medication.
Malignant neoplasms and cough
Cough may be a symptom of a malignant tumor:
In order to exclude cancer, it is necessary to conduct studies that are prescribed by a doctor according to the following indications:
- MRI or CT of mediastinal organs;
- bronchoscopy;
- tests for tumor markers;
- general blood analysis;
- sputum examination;
- spirography and spirometry;
- X-ray;
- body plethysmography;
- tousography.
Only a qualified and experienced doctor, based on an external examination and research results, can determine the exact cause of chronic cough and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Where does the diagnosis of prolonged cough begin?
The most important and informative diagnostic method is radiography.
X-ray is an accessible and simple method, which, depending on the nature of the disease and the localization of the pathological process, defines the exact range of diseases as a result of which the cough has become prolonged. After an x-ray examination, the doctor has the opportunity to outline the range of further research activities. If the x-ray does not show pathological changes in the chest organs, further examination methods are necessary to exclude or confirm this or that disease.
Prolonged cough without fever
Many people only notice a cough if it is accompanied by a fever. In other cases, they do not take the symptom seriously and wait for the unpleasant phenomenon to go away on its own. They don’t even think about visiting the hospital, and a prolonged cough without fever haunts them for months.
A frivolous attitude towards the body’s signal in most cases ends quite disastrously:
- The underlying disease, which caused a cough and was not treated for a long time, develops into a severe form.
- The patient begins to develop additional ailments caused by the constant weakening of the body's immune system.
- Treatment requires large financial costs.
- The patient falls out of active life for a long time.
- Often, an advanced form of the underlying illness that causes a cough without fever cannot be completely cured due to untimely provision of medical care. A person gets a chronic disease for life.
The serious consequences of ignoring a prolonged cough without fever are explained by the fact that it is often a companion to quite serious and dangerous processes occurring in the body. They can affect various organs and also worsen the immune system as a whole.
Prolonged cough, chest pain without fever due to chronic bronchitis
Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract are often a sign of illnesses that do not necessarily have an acute form. A prolonged cough (more than a month) without fever is very often observed with bronchitis in the chronic stage. Its main features are:
- Parallel occurrence of pain in the chest.
- Increased in windy and wet weather.
- Production of copious sputum.
Prolonged ignoring of the symptom and lack of adequate treatment of the underlying disease can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Long cough without fever in tuberculosis
In addition to prolonged bronchitis, there is also a more serious disease of the respiratory system, which may be indicated by bronchospasms that do not give rest for a long time. A prolonged cough (3 weeks) without fever can be a sign of such a terrible disease as tuberculosis. The symptom accompanying this disease has the following characteristics:
- It can be dry or with little sputum.
- Has a metallic sound.
- It appears mainly in the morning, after the patient gets out of bed.
- Individual attacks can be quite long.
The danger of ignoring a prolonged cough without fever caused by tuberculosis is that during reflex spasms, which become more intense, the respiratory organs can be injured and pulmonary hemorrhages may occur. The main disease, in the absence of adequate treatment, will progress, developing into a more severe form.
Persistent cough without fever in smokers
Reflex spastic exhalations that continue for a long time can be caused not only by direct diseases of the bronchi or lungs. They often develop due to the presence of a bad habit - nicotine addiction, which provokes the onset of the development of various pathological processes in the respiratory organs.
If the cough continues for 3 weeks (no fever), and the person has a long history of smoking, then you should pay attention to the following symptoms:
- Are there any signs of any infectious diseases?
- Does the cough most often appear in the morning, after physical activity (even fast walking), and with sharp breaths.
- Are bronchospasms accompanied by the release of dense clots of mucus?
If a long-term cough without fever in a smoker is accompanied by similar symptoms, then there is a high probability that the unpleasant phenomenon is caused by constant inhalation of tobacco smoke.
The only way to get rid of a prolonged cough without fever in this case is to stop smoking. All other methods (inhalations, mint or eucalyptus candies, soothing gargles) can slightly reduce the intensity of reflex spasms, but they cannot completely get rid of them.
Just as it is impossible to stop the pathological processes that have begun in the respiratory system without giving up a bad habit. After all, very often a long-term cough in smokers develops into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which threatens with serious health consequences.
Protracted cough without fever in heart disease
Reflex spasms of the diaphragm that do not stop for a long time can be caused not only by pathological processes occurring directly in the respiratory organs. If, for example, a cough continues for 2 weeks without fever, then you should pay attention to other sensations and signs:
- A symptom without fever, accompanied by the release of mucus with blood clots, will indicate possible failure of the right ventricle of the heart, which has arisen against the background of atrial fibrillation. The long course of this disease causes congestion in the lungs. As a consequence, thromboembolic syndrome occurs, causing bronchospasms.
- A sharp, dry cough, accompanied by pain not only in the cardiac region, but throughout the entire chest, may be a sign of pericarditis or rheumatism. Left untreated for a long time, these diseases can lead to heart attacks.
- A prolonged, debilitating and loud cough without fever that occurs after a person has been in a supine position for some time may indicate left ventricular heart failure. It is accompanied by severe suffocation. Coughing in this case brings noticeable relief.
- A prolonged dry cough without fever may be a symptom of a severe increase in the size of the left atrium. This unpleasant phenomenon may be accompanied by weakness and profuse sweating.
- In children, a prolonged cough without fever may indicate the presence of congenital heart disease. This disease is fraught with various complications. However, a child may outgrow it.
Prolonged cough without fever due to allergic reactions
The body's hypersensitivity to various irritants can also cause reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. An unpleasant symptom resulting from exposure to allergens can be quite long-lasting. He pursues the person until contact between the patient and the provocateur is eliminated. If the cough continues for two weeks (without fever), then it would not be superfluous to visit the hospital and get tested to identify various intolerances.
An unpleasant symptom caused by an allergy is characterized by the following course:
- Occurs after contact with a specific irritant.
- Absence of signs of painful conditions such as temperature, fever, pain, weakness.
- Possible itching, runny nose, sneezing.
- No sputum.
A prolonged cough without fever may be evidence of an allergic reaction of the body to such ordinary things as:
The reasons for the development of allergies and the occurrence of prolonged cough without fever may be:
- Excessive hygiene, which reduces the protective functions of the immune system.
- Antibiotics.
- Food products oversaturated with chemical elements.
Unfortunately, there are no medications that treat allergies. Therefore, the only way to get rid of a prolonged cough without fever is to completely avoid contact with the irritant that causes intolerance.
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Cough when talking, no fever at night, chest pain
cough with sputum, some relief when coughing, no pain. No temperature. White sputum, more like mucus
Hello, I'm 63 years old and my cough has lasted for over 30 years.
Every year I undergo an x-ray of my lungs, I donate blood, they say all the tests are normal, I am a diabetic with 13 years of experience, and by winter the cough gets worse. What should I do and who should I contact?
Prolonged cough without fever in an adult
Coughing is a response to an irritant. If it appears with a high temperature or sore throat, then the reason is clear - most likely it is a viral infection. But when a constant cough lasts for more than a month and occurs without fever, then this should alert you. Fever means that the body is fighting an incoming infection, but when it is absent, the reason lies in a decrease in the body's protective properties. A prolonged cough without fever in an adult is a reason to visit a doctor.
It can be said that a person has a prolonged cough when the attacks do not go away for 3-6 weeks during treatment. It becomes a consequence not only of an infectious lesion, but also of:
- smoking, including passive smoking;
- bronchial asthma;
- ENT diseases;
- respiratory tract pathologies;
- lung cancer;
- chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- heart failure;
- allergies;
- side effects from taking medications.
Based on the nature of the cough syndrome, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis.
Etiology and symptoms
When smoking
Heavy smokers suffer from prolonged paroxysmal cough, especially in the morning. This is explained by the fact that over the years of smoking, a deposit of nicotine tar and other harmful products of tobacco smoke accumulates in a person’s lungs. It is he who causes irritation of the bronchi, provoking an attack of muffled coughing. Such patients are diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, which, as it progresses, can cause complications in the form of lung cancer.
A dry cough without fever accompanies allergies to household dust, pollen, animal dander, food components and other allergens. They irritate the walls of the larynx, causing soreness, and nasal congestion is added to the cough. The same type of cough occurs in people whose work involves inhaling harmful substances, vapors or chemical fumes.
Constantly recurring coughing attacks are caused by a negative reaction of the body to taking medications, especially if the medications are prescribed for a long course. Such medicines include:
Symptoms disappear after replacing the medication with another, and when taking antimicrobial agents, it is recommended to take antihistamines.
Bronchial asthma occurs with a characteristic whistle during an attack, difficulty breathing and a runny nose.
ENT infections
A prolonged dry cough accompanies chronic pathologies of the throat and nasopharynx. The patient is especially tormented by attacks at night or when taking a supine position. This is explained by the fact that mucus formed in the nasal cavity flows down the wall of the nasopharynx, causing irritation.
A prolonged dry cough in an adult is noted in the presence of neoplasms of the upper respiratory tract. In lung cancer, debilitating attacks are accompanied by the release of a small amount of clear sputum. With tumors of the bronchi or throat, there are bloody impurities in the secreted mucus or saliva.
Heart pathologies
Attacks of a long dry cough are the result of a disruption in the functioning of the cardiac system. It is not characterized by changes in body temperature, occurs after physical activity, and manifests itself in a lying position. The attacks are accompanied by difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and tachycardia.
Gastrointestinal diseases
Pathologies of the digestive system are also the cause of cough syndrome. Why does cough syndrome occur in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract? With reflux, gastric contents regularly reflux into the esophagus, which has an irritating effect and causes an attack. Coughing is also caused by damage to the walls of the esophagus, which is observed with pathological changes in the mucous membranes (ulcers, swelling, burns).
Other reasons
- A prolonged nonproductive cough without fever in an adult is observed when the upper respiratory tract is affected by Candida fungi. This phenomenon is typical after long-term treatment with antibiotics.
- In addition, a cough attack can be triggered by parasites in the body (helminthic infestation, ascariasis).
- Working in a dusty workshop also contributes to the occurrence of a prolonged attack, since microparticles have a constant irritating effect on the respiratory system.
- A long cough persists after a viral infection. Sore throat and discomfort cause coughing, which lasts up to 20 days.
Prolonged attacks of dry cough, accompanied by subfibrile temperature, occur with tuberculosis. This is indicated by accompanying symptoms:
- weakness;
- increased sweating;
- decreased appetite.
At first, the cough syndrome passes without sputum production, but as the disease develops, blood is observed in the mucus and saliva released from the lungs.
Cough with sputum without fever is a consequence of the further course of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. At first, a dry, unproductive cough dominates. With the separation of sputum, the bronchi and lungs are cleansed of pathogenic microorganisms, and the healing process begins.
Character of mucous discharge
Based on the type of sputum secreted, the doctor is able to make a preliminary diagnosis, since discharge from the upper respiratory tract, observed during prolonged coughing, does not have the same color and consistency.
- Greenish discharge indicates that an inflammatory process is occurring in the respiratory tract, and a large number of them indicates an abscess that has opened.
- The same discharge is characteristic of sinusitis.
- White sputum with a cheesy consistency is a consequence of damage to the upper respiratory tract by a fungal infection or tuberculosis.
- With prolonged severe coughing, red blood cells (blood discharge) are present in the discharge, which indicates damage to the capillaries of the mucous membranes.
- Dark colored sputum with an unpleasant odor is a sign of cancer in the respiratory tract.
If the patient coughed for a long time and did not see a doctor, then the inflammation from an acute type has turned into a chronic one and treatment takes longer. First, the attending physician prescribes diagnostic procedures, which include:
- x-ray
- general blood and urine analysis;
- culture of sputum;
- examination of secretions under a microscope;
- spirometry;
- bronchoscopy;
- blood test for tumor markers.
To create a complete picture of the examination if oncology or tuberculosis is suspected, the patient is prescribed MRI or CT - the most accurate diagnostic methods.
Healing procedures
The causes and treatment of long-term cough syndrome are interrelated. Therefore, to get rid of a cough, you need to treat the cause of its occurrence. After diagnosis and identification of provoking factors, the doctor prescribes therapy, which consists of the use of medications, physical procedures and diet.
Drug treatment
If cough syndrome is a consequence of other diseases, then cough treatment is carried out in combination with therapy for the underlying disease. A prolonged cough exhausts the patient, disrupts sleep, irritates the nervous system, and worsens general well-being. Especially if it is unproductive. Therefore, first you need to convert a dry cough into a wet one and carry out further treatment.
- Antitussives act on the cough center of the brain and inhibit the cough reflex. They are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, since they have many side effects (broncholitin, stoptussin). Prescribed for severe debilitating cough, especially at night.
- Mucolytics are drugs that promote the formation of sputum. These include bromhexine, lazolvan, ambrobene.
- When mucous discharge appears, expectorant medications are prescribed to help thin the sticky mucus and remove it from the bronchi. This is Alteyka, Prospan, Mukaltin. The drugs are prescribed only in conjunction with mucolytics. In addition, they are strictly forbidden to be taken together with antitussive medications.
- If an infectious agent is present, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed. These are antibiotics, treatment of which is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor. The surest way to choose the right drug is to do a sputum culture and test for the sensitivity of microbes to different types of antibiotics. If this is not possible, then a broad-spectrum drug is prescribed (amoxiclav, azithromycin, cefazolin).
- To relieve coughing attacks caused by an allergic component, antihistamines (Eden, Suprastin, Claritin) are used.
- To relieve a sore throat and thereby relieve constant coughing attacks, use lollipops containing a decoction of herbs with the addition of essential oils, honey or lemon (travesil, broncho veda). You can take tablets that have a similar effect, but consist of chemical compounds (trachisan, farington).
- A prolonged cough irritates the nervous system of patients, so it is good to drink sedative herbal teas (mint, lemon balm) at night. You can alternate them with vitamin preparations that increase the body's defenses.
- Warming up by applying mustard plasters and iodine mesh.
- Rubbing with vodka and animal fat.
- Hot foot baths (cannot be done with varicose veins).
- Inhalations with essential oils, soda, propolis.
- Compresses.
- UHF.
- Massage.
These procedures are effective for colds and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, but they cannot be done if the patient has a high temperature. They are carried out after or together with drug therapy.
Proper nutrition
During treatment, the patient should avoid taking hot, spicy, sour and other foods that can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat. It is recommended not to eat hot or hard foods. Drink heated mineral water for better coughing.
Additional recommendations from doctors
- Humidify the air in the room (do wet cleaning, place a container of water or a humidifier).
- Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Drink at least two liters of clean water per day. This increases the formation and discharge of sputum.
- Perform steam inhalations (cannot be done at temperatures above 38*)
Compliance with these rules promotes recovery.
If after treatment the cough does not go away for more than 3 weeks, then consult a doctor, even if there is no fever. There is no need to resort to self-medication or prescribe antibiotics. This is done by the doctor, having carried out appropriate diagnostics and established a diagnosis. This will make it possible to cure coughing attacks and reduce the risk of complications.
Treatment of severe cough without fever in an adult
To think that a severe cough without fever is harmless and does not require attention is fundamentally wrong. This position is fraught with the most negative consequences. The absence of elevated body temperature may indicate reduced immunity and the body’s inability to fight infection on its own.
A similar reflex reaction accompanies many diseases. To avoid serious health problems, if you have a prolonged, painful cough, you should consult an otolaryngologist.
Causes of cough without fever in an adult
A lingering cough lasting more than 7 days against a background of normal body temperature may be a sign of an allergy or hidden inflammation. It is the result of involuntary forced exhalation caused by an irritant to the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. The irritant can be a speck of dust that has flown into the throat, as well as serious diseases, for example, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis. In some cases, a strong, prolonged cough is caused by excessively polluted air, which causes hypersensitivity - an allergic reaction.
It is important to remember that a cough itself is not a disease. It is only a consequence of a malfunction in the body. If the symptom lasts for a long time, you need to find time to visit a doctor. You cannot engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication.
Constant cough
A persistent, severe cough without fever often accompanies systemic diseases:
A strong, constant, predominantly dry cough is caused by certain diseases of the heart and digestive system. If such a reaction of the body is of a reflex nature, this may be a consequence of an enlarged thyroid gland. As a rule, in this case, diseases lurk, do not cause an increase in body temperature and a sharp deterioration in a person’s well-being, and therefore remain without proper attention and take on a chronic, neglected form.
Cough until vomiting
Coughing to the point of vomiting is clear evidence of pathological processes occurring in the body. An attack undoubtedly significantly reduces the quality of life, even if it is not accompanied by general body weakness and high fever. The gag reflex in this case should alert the patient, who is urgently recommended to be examined by specialists.
The most common causes of dry cough with nausea and vomiting are:
- Heart failure in the acute phase. At the same time, the patient feels a lack of air and panic.
- Allergies accompanied by muscle cramps, sneezing, clear nasal discharge.
- Bronchial asthma. The gag reflex is characteristic of this pathology at the initial stage of development.
A severe cough without fever in an adult, causing nausea and vomiting, can be dry or wet, accompanied by wheezing, whistling, muscle pain, and headache. Against the background of all of the above, the patient’s appetite and, accordingly, weight decrease. General health deteriorates, a feeling of constant fatigue, irritation, mental instability, and a tendency to stress and pessimism appear.
If a pregnant woman has a strong cough to the point of vomiting, she should be urgently hospitalized, as this condition contributes to uterine contractions and premature birth or miscarriage.
Barking cough
A barking cough in an adult brings a lot of unpleasant sensations. What to do to cope with the chest-tearing reflex if the body temperature is normal and there are no signs of acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infections?
First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the cough. Most often, this condition is explained by laryngotracheitis, otherwise croup, in which the mucous membrane of the larynx becomes inflamed, swollen and worsens the breathing process. The same symptoms develop against the background of diphtheria or inflammation of the epiglottis.
This condition leads to swelling of the vocal cords and hoarseness. Breathing becomes heavy: whistling occurs when inhaling, and shortness of breath occurs when exhaling. A dry cough quickly gains strength, becomes debilitating, painful, leads to a weakening of the body's protective functions and a lot of painful sensations.
A barking cough is difficult to ignore. You should not delay going to the doctor, because the sooner a diagnosis is made, the sooner adequate measures of help will be taken, and the sooner you will feel better. It is important to realize that any, even mild, ailment, if uncontrolled and untreated, can cause serious harm to the human body.
Dry cough
Remember that a dry cough without fever that lasts more than two weeks may be a signal of the initial stage of tuberculosis. To exclude the possibility of a serious illness, you should contact a medical center for examination.
In most cases, the presence of a dry, persistent cough, with a normal appetite and no complaints about general health, indicates an allergic reaction of the body, for example, to animal fur, household chemical fumes, and perfumes.
Possible causes (typical and atypical) of dry cough:
- sluggish pneumonia, bronchitis;
- prolonged stay in rooms with dry air;
- oncology;
- heart disease (accompanied by tachycardia, shortness of breath, chest pain);
- chronic fatigue;
- thyroid diseases;
- gastrointestinal diseases;
- entry of foreign bodies into the upper respiratory tract.
If a dry cough lasts more than a month, you should be examined by the following specialists:
- oncologist;
- phthisiatrician;
- pulmonologist;
- allergist;
- otolaryngologist;
- therapist.
Remember that a persistent dry cough can be a sign of a variety of diseases. By self-medicating without the advice of a specialist, you blur the overall clinical picture. Before dealing with symptoms of a possible serious illness, seek medical diagnosis.
Wet cough in an adult
A cough with sputum without fever in an adult is considered less debilitating than a dry cough. Treatment of such a symptom must be carried out according to the doctor’s recommendations. Despite its less painful course, it may indicate the presence of serious problems in the organs of the respiratory system, for example, neoplasms. Chronic diseases, such as pulmonary tuberculosis and syphilis, sometimes do not appear for a long time, being in a “sleeping” mode, waiting for conditions favorable for development. Therefore, a severe cough with phlegm that lasts more than two weeks should be a reason to visit a doctor.
The mucus released during coughing provides the bronchi and lungs with protection from foreign particles and dust. Due to the immune system cells it contains, it helps destroy pathogenic bacteria.
In the presence of abundant sputum, primary diagnosis is carried out by its color:
- dark green indicates an abscess;
- yellowish or “rusty” - about pneumonia;
- in asthma, the mucus is clear and very thick;
- yellow-green indicates inflammatory processes;
- the presence of blood in the mucus (streaks) is a sign of cancer;
- bright red - pulmonary infarction.
For an accurate diagnosis, it is not enough to focus only on the color of the mucus, but it must be taken into account. Those who suffer from a debilitating cough with phlegm should take their health responsibly and do not delay a visit to the doctor.
In most cases, for wet coughs, antitussive drugs are not used, since they suppress protective reflexes in the respiratory tract. If the mucus is not removed from the body, it will begin to accumulate in the lungs, creating favorable conditions for infectious progression. To make expectoration more effective, sputum is thinned with special means for adults. Such drugs should contain substances that help remove mucus from the respiratory system and enhance the functioning of the body's immune system (polysaccharides, organic acids, saponins, glycosides).
When suppressing cough symptoms by taking expectorant medications, teas or dietary supplements, you need to understand that the absence of high body temperature does not mean the absence of pathologies. If the cough lasts more than 2 weeks, it is necessary to find time for a full examination at the clinic!
Drug treatment for adults
If you complain of a cough that lasts a long time, the doctor prescribes an examination for the patient, based on the results of which he determines the cause of the pathology. First of all, the patient is prescribed the following measures:
- listening to the chest;
- x-ray or fluorography;
- tests (general urine and blood tests);
- percussion (at the discretion of the doctor);
- throat swab;
- culture of sputum for bacteria.
When treating a dry cough, an adult is prescribed drugs that suppress unpleasant symptoms, as well as antibiotics. Medications that control the cough reflex include Glycine, Oxeladin, Tusuprex, Phenibut, Codeine. To regulate epithelial receptors in the respiratory organs, Linkas, Codelac Broncho, and Neokodin are prescribed. Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, and Azithromycin are used as antibiotic therapy. For dry cough in adults, “ACC”, “Stoptussin”, “Sinekod” are considered effective.
Cough with secretory secretions and without fever is treated with expectorants, which help remove sputum by liquefying it. This series of drugs is usually divided into 2 types:
- of plant origin;
- with a resorptive effect.
Herbal products include marshmallow and licorice root. Such drugs should be taken strictly every 4 hours due to the limited period of their effect on the body. Drugs of the second type have an effect only after absorption into the blood.
When treating cough in adults of any etiology, the following principles should be used:
- to give up smoking;
- indoor air humidification (at home and at work);
- use of inhalations;
- frequent plenty of warm drinks;
- resorption of lollipops (sage, eucalyptus).
The simultaneous use of expectorants and antitussives can cause blockage of the bronchi with mucus. In other words, while taking the drug Mucaltin, you should not take Oxeladin. To avoid complications and not harm the body, before taking medications you need to carefully study the information on them.
When coughing is accompanied by a runny nose, rinse the nose, for example, with pharmaceutical products with sea salt or chamomile decoction. The presence of these two symptoms indicates the very beginning of an inflammatory process or viral infection.
Folk remedies for adults
Traditional medicine will help get rid of a runny nose, dry or wet cough quickly and painlessly, of course, subject to agreement with your doctor. If there is no fever, it is useful to steam your feet in soda before going to bed, do inhalations based on medicinal herbs or oil extracts of eucalyptus, citrus fruits, sage, and peppermint. It is recommended to drink herbal teas with linden, plantain, marshmallow, and coltsfoot as much as possible per day.
Using the advice of traditional medicine, you should remember that the course of treatment with the chosen remedy should not exceed 14 days.
Recipes for adults for dry cough:
- It is useful to rub your chest and back with badger fat and honey at night.
- Dissolve a tablespoon of butter, a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper in hot milk. After stirring, drink the product immediately.
- It is useful to alternate mustard plasters on the back and iodine mesh (night after night).
- Before going to bed, you need to drink hot milk with honey and mineral water. Instead of mineral water, you can add a little soda to the milk.
- Inhalations with lavender and cedar oils, combined with oil chest compresses, will help quickly get rid of the painful reflex.
Recipes for adults with wet cough:
- The lemon is thoroughly washed, poured with cold water and boiled over medium heat for about a quarter of an hour. Then it is cooled and squeezed out. Add a teaspoon of honey and glycerin to the resulting juice. Take 40 g after meals 3 times a day.
- Cut one medium onion, place it on the bottom of the pan, pour in a glass of milk, and bring to a boil. After 5 hours, drink the resulting onion broth. The product is used twice a day.
- Before eating, it is useful to drink half a glass of boiled water, in which a pinch of salt and soda are dissolved.
- In a liter thermos, infuse half a tablespoon of marshmallow root and 50 g of rose hips. The resulting tea is drunk during the day, and a fresh portion is brewed at night.
Cough is not a disease, it is a consequence of it. This is an important signal given by the body. A painful reflex that lasts more than 14 days cannot be ignored, even if the body temperature is normal. Many diseases are dangerous because they are difficult to diagnose at the very beginning of their development. A timely visit to a doctor for diagnosis will help you avoid fatal health problems.
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