Discomfort in the nose without a runny nose

Causes of nose pain

Pain always signals some problem in the body. The situation when the nose hurts cannot go unnoticed. Diseases associated with this organ and causing pain are different.

Table of contents:

Some of them are so dangerous that they can seriously undermine human health. Therefore, everything that concerns this organ of smell cannot be ignored and you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

What can hurt your nose?

Almost always, nasal pain is the result of an inflammatory process. Any anatomical part of this organ can be involved in this process. Many pathologies associated with the functioning of the nose are characterized by inflammation of not one, but simultaneously several of its structural formations.

Often the inflammatory process spreads to neighboring areas and this causes the disease to become chronic. All components of the nasal structure are susceptible to inflammation. In most cases, inflammation is caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.

The autoimmune or allergic nature of the inflammatory reaction cannot be ruled out. The cause of inflammation of the nasal cavity may be aseptic necrosis resulting from insufficient blood supply. In this case, cell death occurs without the participation of pathogenic microbes.

The causes of nasal pain are often various types of injuries. Intense pain occurs as a result of a strong blow or fall when a bone breaks. Due to various injuries, the anatomical structures of the nose lose their integrity, causing them to become inflamed. This process is facilitated by disruption of air passage and blood supply inside the organ.

Injury leads to the spread of infection, bleeding, fractures and dislocations, as well as suppuration. This category includes penetration of foreign objects into the nasal cavity and causing a burn to its mucous membrane.

Penetration of a foreign body into the internal nasal cavity is more often observed in children. Once there, they can damage nerve endings and mucous membranes. This is what causes the pain. At the same time, a burning sensation inside and discomfort may occur. Sometimes minor nosebleeds occur.

Causes of pain

One of the characteristic signs for all diseases of the nasal cavity is pain, whether there is a cold or not. The reasons have different origins. In some cases it is an infection, in others the appearance of neoplasms, trauma or structural anomalies. Some reasons are due to the neurological nature of the occurrence.

Damage to the skin or mucous membrane is also a cause of pain. Prolonged pain in the nasal cavity of a pulling nature is regarded as the result of chronic diseases of the ENT organs. Painful sensations in the nose can occur in any part of it, both externally and internally, as well as when its anatomical components are affected.

Diseases of the external nose include:

Pain in the nose can be the result of damage and inflammation of its various structures

Furunculosis is the result of simultaneous infection of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland. In this case, their purulent inflammation occurs due to the activation of streptococcus or staphylococcus. A boil can be characterized as a convex formation rising above the surface of the skin or mucous membrane with an abscess in the center. Most often they form in the area of ​​the vestibule of the nose or at its tip.

If several sebaceous glands and hair follicles, which are located close to each other in a limited area, become inflamed at the same time, then we are talking about a carbuncle. Staphylococcus is the cause of the appearance of this purulent formation. It has a dense consistency of a red-purple hue. It rises above the surface of the skin. The carbuncle is accompanied by severe throbbing pain, and fever may occur.

Eczema on the skin of the nose may be of an allergic nature or associated with metabolic disorders. It is characterized by the formation of swelling and redness of the skin, pain. It also happens that eczema may be accompanied by the formation of a boil or carbuncle.

This occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​​​the external nose and the addition of an infection. Another skin disease of the nose caused by exposure to pathogens is erysipelas. It is characterized by the formation of a dense red and painful infiltrate.

Rhinitis or sinusitis

A prolonged runny nose often causes constant pain in the nose. The severity and nature of the symptom differs depending on the type of ENT pathology. Thus, with viral or bacterial rhinitis, painful sensations occur inside the cavity and are accompanied by congestion, swelling, viscous secretion, and increased body temperature.

The formation of thick mucus prevents cleansing, and frequent intensive blowing of the nose leads to injury to the mucous membrane. As a result, cracks form, which is the cause of pain. Hypertrophic rhinitis also causes pain; this is due to the proliferation of mucosal tissue and a constant feeling of congestion.

Sinusitis, or, in other words, sinusitis, is characterized by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses as a result of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the mucous membrane. This disease is characterized by intense pain, with pain radiating to the head, eyes, temples, forehead and neck.

Other reasons

Diseases of the inner nose that cause pain include nasal hematoma, abscess, and herpes. In the first case, the pathology is an accumulation of blood in the intercellular space. It is often the result of trauma to the nose.

A hematoma often forms from the inside, in the area of ​​the septum and on the mucous membrane. Direct accumulation of blood in a limited area does not cause pain.

In most cases it goes unnoticed, but as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microbes, the site of hematoma formation can fester.

An abscess of the nasal cavity is considered as a complication and infection of hematomas and other injuries. It is a cavity filled with pus. In addition to severe pain, an abscess is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • feeling overwhelmed;
  • discharge of purulent contents.

Consulting a doctor with a description of the symptoms associated with the pain will help determine the underlying cause of the pain.

The inner nasal cavity often becomes the site of blistering as a result of exposure to the herpes virus. They are the cause of painful sensations, itching and burning inside the olfactory organ. Pathologies associated with the paranasal sinuses and causing pain inside the nose include frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, and cysts.

Frontitis is characterized by localized pain in the forehead and root of the nose. With inflammation of the ethmoid sinus or ethmoiditis, pain is felt at the base of the nose and the outer back. The appearance of a neoplasm such as a cyst inside the olfactory organ can also cause painful sensations in its cavity.

Being a cavity formation located in the internal tissue of an organ, a cyst can become infected and suppurate. This is what causes the inside of the nose to hurt. Cystic formations in the nose themselves cannot cause pain, but as they increase in size, they begin to compress the nerve endings located in the mucous membrane and provoke this symptom.

When a cyst becomes infected, pain inside the olfactory organ also occurs. Diseases of the nose associated with its various parts include:

  • Charlin's syndrome;
  • Slader's syndrome;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • injuries;
  • structural anomalies.

The cause of Charlin's syndrome is inflammation of the nasociliary nerve. It belongs to the branches of the optic nerve and through it communicates with the nasal cavity. With this syndrome, the patient experiences severe pain in the eyeballs and nose. The painful symptom intensifies in the evening, and is accompanied by serous discharge.

How can we help?

To determine what to do if your nose hurts, you need to contact an otolaryngologist for qualified diagnosis and treatment. After establishing the cause, the doctor will decide on therapeutic tactics. If the soreness in the nose is due to a runny nose, then treatment should be aimed at eliminating the causes of rhinitis.

If the disease is caused by viruses, then antiviral drugs such as Anaferon or Arbidol are used. If the origin is bacterial, antibacterial agents are prescribed, for example, Azithromycin or Augmentin. In the case of allergic rhinitis, antihistamines (Zodak, Suprastin, Loratadine) are used.

To speed up the healing process, it is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity with special saline solutions. If the patient has severe swelling of the nasal mucosa and a runny nose, then vasoconstrictor drops will help alleviate the condition.

For a boil, antibacterial drugs from the group of macrolides, fluoroquinolones or cephalosporins are prescribed. They are designed to destroy the malicious infection and prevent its spread. Local antibacterial drugs are also used.

The solution to the problem depends on the underlying disease

The boil can be lubricated with Vishnevsky ointment, Tridenorm, Celestoderm, Levomekol. Purulent formation also needs to be treated with antiseptic drugs. But how to anoint a purulent formation, and what means to treat it, you need to decide together with your doctor. If necessary, the infiltrate is opened surgically.

If the source of pain is a crack in the vestibule of the nose, then it is recommended to apply syntomycin or tetracycline ointment to the damaged area, but first treat the affected area with brilliant green or iodine. Pain in the sinuses caused by sinusitis is eliminated after taking therapeutic measures against the disease itself.

This is done as follows:

  • the nasal cavity is cleared of purulent contents through a therapeutic puncture;
  • drainage is installed to release exudate;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out by administering the drug through an installed drainage;
  • rinsing the sinuses with antibacterial and antiseptic solutions.

For nasal diseases such as abscess, cyst, injury, tumor, carbuncle, surgical treatment methods are used. It is important to know that purulent formations on the surface and inside the organ, as well as in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, cannot be squeezed out independently. This can lead to serious complications.

For nasal pain, first aid is usually aimed at eliminating this symptom. The cause of the disease remains without any influence. Pain will recur during symptomatic therapy. Therefore, self-treatment in the form of taking painkillers is not always an adequate way to solve problems with nasal soreness.

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ATTENTION! All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

Source: http://superlor.ru/diagnostika/bol-nosu

What to do if your nose already hurts from a runny nose

You can hear from many patients that they experience pain in the nose. This sensation is quite unpleasant and causes discomfort to its owner. What causes this symptom and how to overcome it?

Causes of pain in the nasal passages

Nasal pain is quite common. Experts say there are several reasons for this.

  1. Presence of rhinitis. This reason is familiar to everyone. A runny nose occurs due to a viral or bacterial infection entering the body. With a cold, swelling of the mucous membrane, congestion of the nasal passages and the formation of mucus often occur.

But it is worth noting that with a viral infection, the nose does not always hurt from a runny nose. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that a person tries to blow out all the mucus. He does this often and forcefully. Therefore, the blood vessels and tissues in the nose are stressed.

  • The presence of more dangerous diseases such as syphilis or tuberculosis. These diseases lead to the destruction of bone tissue. Often in the initial stages this process is painless. But when the disease is advanced, the patient may experience severe pain.
  • Incorrect treatment of a runny nose. This reason is that the patient simply refuses to visit a doctor and carries out treatment on his own. If the drugs are taken incorrectly or for a long time, an adverse reaction occurs, which leads to the development of pain in the nasal passages.
  • The occurrence of sinusitis. This disease occurs when a person begins to suffer from a viral infection and allows the disease to take its course. The patient often suffers from severe pain in the sinus area. Also accompanying symptoms are pain in the head, nasal congestion, weakness and malaise.
  • The appearance of herpes. This infection can occur not only in the lips, but also in the nasal cavity. The disease refers to a viral infection. It is characterized by the appearance of small formations on the inner layers of the mucous membrane.

    Often, patients are unaware of the presence of herpes, and pain occurs as a result of blowing their nose. There is no need to treat the disease, as it goes away on its own after a few days.

  • Trauma to the nasal cavity. This phenomenon occurs when injuries occur in the facial area. To avoid further problems, it is worth visiting a doctor for a thorough examination.
  • The occurrence of furunculosis and streptoderma. Most often, the disease occurs in preschool children. The reasons for this phenomenon are dirty hands, which children take into their mouths and shove into their noses. With this disease, there is no runny nose, but a rash in the form of boils appears on the wings of the nose, tip or septum. In addition to all this, other signs are observed in the form of increased temperature, breathing problems and general weakness.
  • Allergic reaction. This disease is not uncommon nowadays. It occurs in preschool children, pregnant women, and people between the ages of twenty and twenty-five. The patient may suffer from rhinitis, itching, sneezing and watery eyes. Pain in the nose occurs due to severe swelling of the mucous membrane

    To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you need to find out the cause of the pain.

  • Eliminate nasal pain

    To get rid of discomfort in the nasal cavity, the patient should visit a doctor. He will conduct a diagnosis and identify the cause of the disease.

    If your nose hurts from a runny nose, then you need to undergo drug therapy.

    It is as follows.
    • In the use of vasoconstrictors in the form of Nazivin, Snoop, Tizin. They will relieve swelling and free your breathing. But you should not abuse them, as addiction to the drugs will occur.
    • In rinsing the nasal passages. For a viral infection, a salt or herbal infusion is ideal. These products can be purchased at pharmacy kiosks. They contain sea salt. These include AquaLor, AquaMaris, Marimer. But they are not cheap, and they run out pretty quickly.

    You can prepare the solution at home using the same sea salt.

    For a bacterial infection, it is recommended to use a soda or furatsilin solution. Furacilin is available for free sale in pharmacies. Available in the form of yellow tablets. It is worth noting that they are poorly soluble in water, and therefore should be crushed before use.

    The procedure should be carried out up to ten times a day or every two to three hours.

  • In the use of antiviral or antibacterial agents. If the patient has a viral infection, then medications containing interferon will help.
  • In the use of herbal medicines. This includes Pinosol. It contains essential oils.
  • For bacterial infections, Polydexa or Isofra are prescribed.

    If, with a runny nose, there is severe pain that radiates to the cheekbones or forehead, then we can talk about the presence of sinusitis.

    The disease should be treated with:

    • rinsing the nasal passages with solutions of sea salt and furatsilin. The components must be alternated each time;
    • the use of local antibacterial agents in the form of Polydexa or Isofra;
    • taking herbal preparations in the form of Sinupret;
    • internal use of antibiotics in the form of Flemoxin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin.

    If sinusitis is in an advanced state, the patient will have his sinuses pierced. The procedure is unpleasant, but if you follow the treatment, you can get rid of the disease. But most often, sinusitis returns again, and the puncture has to be done again.

    With allergic rhinitis, you first need to identify the cause, which may be hidden in house dust, pet hair, powder, household chemicals, food, pollen and medications. If it is difficult to do this on your own, then with the help of a doctor you can test for an allergic reaction.

    When the cause is found, the doctor will prescribe the following remedies.

    1. Vibrocil drops. They have a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effect. Prescribed to adults and children from one year of age.
    2. Hormonal agents in the form of Nasonex. They relieve swelling from tissues and eliminate the inflammatory process. They should be used once a day, but the duration of the treatment course can be up to four weeks.
    3. Antihistamines. They also help relieve swelling and eliminate allergic reactions. When the drug enters the body, it helps the body produce antibodies to histamine.

    In childhood, drops are prescribed in the form of Fervex, Zodak, Zyrtec. Older patients can take Claritin, Suprastin, Erius, Tavegil.

    If a patient is diagnosed with a herpes infection, there is no need to treat it. It is enough to take antiviral drugs in the form of Arbidol, Tsifecon, Kagocel.

    If there is no runny nose, but there is congestion in the nasal passages, inhalation methods can be used. You should also ventilate the room and humidify the air as often as possible.

    With furunculosis, everything is much more complicated. This disease is caused by bacteria and therefore requires antibacterial therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed for internal use. And on the skin in the area of ​​the inflammatory process it is necessary to smear such products as Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment or Tetracycline.

    The content of all content presented on the site is for educational and informational purposes only, aimed at giving visitors to the resource a clearer understanding of the prevention, symptoms and methods of treating colds. Be sure to consult your doctor.

    Source: http://przab.ru/simptomy/nasmork/bol-v-nosu.html

    What to do for sinus pain without a runny nose, how to treat it?

    There is a reason to seriously analyze the state of your health if your sinuses hurt. This pain indicates that there is an infection or benign growth in the respiratory tract.

    Self-medication in such situations is fraught with serious complications; the only correct solution is to visit a qualified doctor. The specialist, after conducting an endoscopic examination, will determine the exact causes of the pain, prescribe complex treatment, and, if urgently necessary, will perform a puncture of the inflamed sinuses (maxillary, frontal).

    Why does pain occur?

    The nose and paranasal sinuses are covered with mucous tissue. First, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed. Inflammation is accompanied by burning and pain in the nasal area. In the absence of treatment or improper use of medicines and traditional medicine recipes, the inflammation spreads further and affects the paranasal sinuses. Pain occurs in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, brow ridges, and can radiate to the back of the head.

    An examination may reveal inflammation of one or more paranasal sinuses. According to statistics, every 12 people who go to a medical facility suffer from inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis). If there is pain near the nose, then the mucous membrane of the sphenoid or frontal sinus may be irritated.


    There are several causes of sinusitis and other types of sinusitis (frontitis, sphenoiditis, ethmoiditis):

    • infection;
    • bad teeth;
    • injury;
    • allergy;
    • polyps.

    Infection is a consequence of diseases: influenza, measles, ARVI. Or be a consequence of improper treatment of rhinitis. The activity of pathogenic bacteria (viruses, fungi) in the sinus leads to swelling of the mucous membrane and narrowing of the passages. For these reasons, the outflow of secretions is difficult.

    The disease can occur without a runny nose. During this period, a person experiences pain in the bridge of the nose, cannot breathe through the nose, and does not smell. Keep in mind that infection can get into the maxillary sinuses in case of advanced caries or periodontitis. Sinusitis in this case can also occur without a runny nose.

    With mechanical injuries to the nose, the natural outflow of mucus is disrupted due to deformation of the nasal septum. The secretion stagnates in the sinuses. Congestion disrupts local immunity and causes acute (chronic) sinusitis. The disease can occur without a runny nose.

    Polyps, allergies and sinus pain

    Pain near the nose may be due to polyps that have grown in the nasal cavity. These neoplasms are benign, but when they are localized in the paranasal sinuses, they disrupt nasal breathing and cause increased dryness of the nasopharynx. Proceeding without a runny nose, the disease gives a person a lot of anxiety.

    Allergies are considered one of the reasons for the appearance of polyps. Hay fever can cause chronic (acute) rhinosinusitis. Incorrect use of vasoconstrictor drops - instillation for more than 5 days - causes inflammation of the mucous membrane. Pain is a consequence of the inflammatory process.

    What to do if there is pain in the nose?

    You should go to the doctor if you experience strange pain in the nose area or swelling under the eye. A visit to the doctor is mandatory, even if the disease occurs without nasal congestion. The sinuses are located in close proximity to the brain. Acute and chronic inflammatory processes in them can cause serious complications, including meningitis, and are fraught with eye pathologies.

    Folk recipes

    You can alleviate your condition before visiting a doctor using folk remedies:

    • inhalations;
    • compresses;
    • vegetable drops from the juice of vegetables or indoor plants.

    Inhalations are used if there is no symptom of the disease such as fever. At high temperatures, inhalation is prohibited. The procedure is carried out at least an hour before leaving home. Inhalation with mint helps relieve pain. Place dry mint (50 g) in a small saucepan, pour in one liter of water, and bring to a boil. Breathe over the steam for 10 minutes.

    For nasal problems, treatment with essential oils helps temporarily relieve pain. You need to have essential oils at home. Inhalations with them are convenient and effective. You can use any oil from the list:

    If there is a pot of aloe on the windowsill, then the juice of this plant can be used instead of nasal drops. Throughout the day you can drip 4 times 2 drops. Garlic compresses help with nasal congestion and pain in the nasal area. The compress is applied 4 times a day. To do this, garlic is crushed and diluted with vodka.

    Basic treatment

    With the help of traditional medicine you can briefly alleviate your condition. Only a doctor can prescribe the main treatment. Only a specialist can treat the disease itself. An ENT doctor examines the patient, performs rhinoscopy, identifies the pathogen, and prescribes medications:

    • antihistamines;
    • vasoconstrictors;
    • analgesics;
    • anti-inflammatory (non-steroidal);
    • mucolytics;
    • antibiotics.

    Medicines for allergies and pain

    To relieve pain, the patient is prescribed medications that relieve pain:

    The action of these analgesics reduces the sensitivity of pain receptors located in the tissues of the nose. Relieving pain makes the patient's condition easier. At elevated temperatures, Analgin tablets are taken together with Paracetamol.

    Antihistamines help get rid of allergic manifestations, primarily swelling of the mucous membrane. Tablets help well:

    Drugs to fight infection

    Having identified the bacterial nature of the inflammation, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. A delay in treatment can lead to the disease becoming purulent and the holes completely closing with thickened purulent masses. Antibiotics are also prescribed when the disease occurs without a runny nose.

    For sinusitis, if there are no contraindications, antibacterial medications are prescribed: Azithromycin, Augmentin, Bioparox. In rare cases, Tetracycline is prescribed. It has many side effects, but it is prescribed if the patient cannot tolerate other antibiotics.

    A course of antibiotics lasts from 10 to 14 days. In especially severe cases, punctures are made to remove thickened mucus. If necessary, overgrown mucous membranes that interfere with normal ventilation of the nasal sinuses are removed.

    If sinusitis is viral in nature, antibiotics will not help. In this case, the patient is prescribed Peramivir, Ingavirin, Relenza - effective antiviral drugs. Their action reduces the concentration of viruses in the nose and sinuses, which reduces swelling and pressure on surrounding tissues.


    Drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect are prescribed to the patient for a 5-day course. Longer use will lead to a worsening of the patient's condition - an increase in mucus discharge. Usually prescribed:

    After 5 days of use, vasoconstrictor drops can be replaced with olive oil.

    Remedies for swelling

    Swelling of the mucous membrane makes breathing difficult, because of which the concentration of oxygen in the blood decreases, which negatively affects the general condition of the patient. Relieve swelling with medications with an anti-inflammatory mechanism of action:

    In parallel with them, for better mucus removal, it is recommended to take mucolytics: Mucodin, Sinuforte.

    Mandatory procedure - nasal rinsing

    Without rinsing the nose, therapeutic therapy will be ineffective. For sinusitis, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses of purulent secretions. For these purposes, the patient is recommended to rinse.

    Washing effectively relieves inflammation and cleans the passages. Pharmaceutical preparations for rinsing the nose are good for relieving inflammation:

    To make the rinsing more effective, Tizin drops are instilled into the nose before rinsing. To rinse the nose using the water movement method, you can take an enema or a syringe. To prevent water from getting into the mouth, during the procedure they make drawn-out sounds “i-i-i”.


    An integrated approach to the treatment of sinusitis helps to get rid of an unpleasant disease and avoid serious complications.

    Only the use of modern medicinal drugs helps not only to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but also to be completely cured.

    Drug therapy should be supplemented with warming, rinsing the nose and sinuses. This therapy relieves pain and gives a positive result already on the 7th day.

    • Ruslana on Causes, symptoms and treatment of eye pain due to sinusitis
    • Tonya on How to properly put money tree in your nose for a runny nose?
    • Tonya on Is it possible to put sunflower oil in your nose for a runny nose?
    • Marina on Treatment of rhinitis and nasal congestion with physiotherapy and its types
    • Oleg on Psychosomatic causes of nosebleeds and treatment methods

    Reproduction of materials is possible only with the permission of the administration and indicating an active link to the source.

    All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with your attending physician!

    Source: http://viplor.ru/nos/bolyat-pazuhi

    Why does my nose hurt?

    Nerve endings are found in all human tissues; in a state of overexcitation, any receptors: temperature, olfactory, tactile, sensory and others are triggered as pain. To understand why your nose or other organ hurts, it is important to imagine what tissues it consists of.

    The outer part of the nose is covered with skin, the nasal sinuses are lined with epithelium, which contains secretory cells. The bridge of the nose is formed by the bony part of the skull from above, which passes into a cartilaginous plate. The septum is made up of bone tissue. The nasal passages are divided into three floors. The upper one passes in close proximity to the brain and is responsible for the sense of smell. The duct of the lacrimal gland flows into the lower part of the nasal passage. Therefore, a child reflexively sniffles when he cries, regardless of whether his nose hurts or not.

    The inside of the nose consists of several sinuses that are connected to the nasal cavity, but form cavities in the facial part of the skull. Therefore, even when the tip of the nose hurts, the sensations are transmitted throughout the skull. The headache is due to the inflammatory process in the frontal sinuses. The eyes water and the jaw hurts as sinusitis develops.

    What diseases cause nasal pain?

    The nasal mucosa is the first to respond to pain. Inflammatory processes called rhinitis develop on its surface. Types of inflammation of the nasal mucosa:

    Infectious rhinitis is caused by bacteria and viruses. Much less often they are provoked by fungi. Once in the body, pathogenic microbes cause an inflammatory reaction. A person feels pain in the nose due to swelling of the mucous membrane. Soon the inflammation moves into the next phase - exudation. A runny nose appears. If the disease is caused by viruses, the discharge from the nose is clear. When rhinitis is caused by bacteria, most often staphylococci, nasal discharge thickens and takes on a greenish tint.

    Allergic rhinitis is manifested by copious nasal discharge, sneezing, and lacrimation. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages leads to a stuffy and sore nose for a long time. As a rule, allergic inflammation does not tend to heal itself until contact with the allergen is eliminated.

    The word “vasomotor” means “vascular” (“vase” in Latin). The disease occurs without any pathogens and is characterized by spasm followed by dilation of small vessels of the nasal mucosa. Nasal discharge occurs due to the sweating of the liquid component of blood plasma. It is literally squeezed out of the vessels. At the same time, the nose hurts greatly from any impact. Changes in air temperature, for example. Ciliated epithelial cells normally absorb excess fluid, but with vasomotor rhinitis they cannot cope with the increased volume. This kind of runny nose is popularly called “cold allergy.” When moving to a warm room, the signs of the disease do not disappear, since the mechanism of vascular contraction is disrupted. Throughout the entire winter season, a person has a stuffy and sore nose for no apparent reason, even under a microscope.

    Hypertrophic rhinitis is a chronic disease characterized by the proliferation of cells in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities, as a result of which the nasal passages narrow. The patient's voice becomes nasal, pain in the nose becomes permanent.

    Atrophic rhinitis is anatomically the exact opposite of hypertrophic rhinitis, but its manifestations are the same. Glandular cells lose their ability to absorb exudate, resulting in a runny nose. And in the same way, the nose hurts almost constantly, regardless of the weather or infection.

    Specific rhinitis is caused by certain bacteria: the causative agents of leprosy, tuberculosis, syphilis. The destruction of bone tissue occurs unnoticed and painlessly, as the nerve endings die. However, after the destruction of the septum and bridge of the nose, pain appears.

    Drug-induced rhinitis has a paradoxical nature. A person fights a runny nose with the help of vasoconstrictors, but gets a hypertrophic or atrophic process. The vessels narrow, the blood supply to the mucous membrane is disrupted. This is why the nose hurts during intensive treatment, which is accompanied by an overdose of medications. Therefore, doctors do not recommend overusing nasal drops that have vasoconstrictor effects.

    Why does your nose hurt without a runny nose?

    When there are no obvious signs of rhinitis, pain in the nose can be caused by the following reasons:

    • Injury;
    • Burn;
    • Inflammatory processes of the skin;
    • Acne;
    • Herpetic infection;
    • Neurological diseases.

    A nasal injury is accompanied by pain at the time of injury and for some time, the duration of which depends on the extent of destruction. When a fracture occurs, the nose hurts until a callus forms. This happens for at least three weeks.

    Burns, including sunburn, lead to the destruction of the epithelial cover of the skin. A similar pathology develops with frostbite. At first the tip of the nose hurts, then the pain spreads to its wings and back.

    Inflammatory processes of the skin include infectious diseases: furunculosis and streptoderma. Purulent inflammation of the hair follicles during the formation of a boil is accompanied by pain in the nose, reaching a pulsating character. With streptoderma, the skin of the nose affects a large area, but spreads to a shallower depth. Patients experience severe, painful itching.

    Acne, or acne, is not painful. However, if a bacterial infection occurs that causes suppuration, the nose begins to hurt.

    With a herpetic infection, the wings of the nose most often suffer; the tip of the nose, affected by the virus, hurts much less often. The pain is dull and accompanied by itching.

    Neurological diseases of the facial part of the skull also do not manifest signs of rhinitis. However, the pain is quite acute and widespread. The reason for this is the development of pterygopalatine ganglioneuritis. The pain begins suddenly and has a paroxysmal character. At the same time, the nose, jaws, eye sockets and even arms hurt: from the shoulder blades to the hands.

    Trigeminal neuralgia is also characterized by severe, paroxysmal pain that spreads to the eye sockets and forehead. Most often, attacks occur at night. This is due to the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Patients complain of a sore nose, but no runny nose, and of a feeling of temporary anosmia - the inability to distinguish smells.

    When your nose hurts due to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses

    With sinusitis, the pain is constant. They are often accompanied by lacrimation. The nasal cavity narrows, chronic rhinitis appears, which is not amenable to therapeutic treatment. After pumping out the contents of the maxillary sinuses, the pain stops.

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    Without an examination, it is impossible to determine the cause of your pain; one can only speculate. Most likely, we are talking about one of the forms of sinusitis, possibly sinusitis. Of course, you can do without sick leave, without treatment, and without diagnostics - this is your health, you decide what you need.

    If the ENT doctor has not prescribed anything for you, then most likely there is no need for medications, just let the mucous membrane recover and no longer engage in such active hair removal.

    The symptoms you describe may indicate sinusitis. You should contact an otolaryngologist.

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    Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not completely excluding fish and meat from your diet.

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    If your liver stopped working, death would occur within 24 hours.

    More than $500 million a year is spent on allergy medications in the United States alone. Do you still believe that a way to finally defeat allergies will be found?

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    Source: http://www.neboleem.net/stati-o-zdorove/7499-pochemu-bolit-nos.php

    Sinus pain without runny nose

    Due to its anatomical and physiological structure, the nasal mucosa is exposed to adverse external factors.

    A large number of microorganisms that enter the mucous membrane are eliminated by the human immune system, while other, resistant bacteria cause various diseases.

    One of these diseases is sinusitis, which can develop in many forms, without a runny nose, congestion and with no discharge from the nasal cavity, which makes it very difficult to independently determine the presence of pathology in the body.

    You can find out what “dry sinusitis” is, the reasons for its occurrence and what symptoms it is accompanied by by reading this article.

    Distinctive features of a runny nose (rhinitis) from sinusitis

    Rhinitis is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, the pathology covers the entire area of ​​the respiratory tract. The disease affects the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, and nasal passages. The main symptoms of a runny nose are nasal congestion and discharge of varying consistency. Sinusitis is characterized by inflammation exclusively of the maxillary sinus (maxillary). This disease does not spread to the entire nasal cavity, since the passage connecting the paranasal sinus and the rest of the nose is clogged, as a result of which sinusitis can occur without a runny nose or nasal congestion. The early stages of the disease are practically asymptomatic.

    Sinusitis is clearly visible in the picture

    You can distinguish sinusitis from a common runny nose based on:

    X-rays of the paranasal sinuses, where an opaque area of ​​the nasal cavity filled with pus, mucus will be visible; the nature of the headache. With sinusitis, pain is concentrated in the area of ​​the eyebrows, wings of the nose, forehead and bridge of the nose. When palpating these areas, coughing, sneezing, the pain intensifies; swelling, with sinusitis, swelling may appear in the cheek area, it gradually moves to the orbital area; difficulty breathing, if the nasal opening is blocked and discharge “comes” from it, this indicates a unilateral lesion of one from the maxillary sinuses. As a rule, with rhinitis, both nostrils are blocked. The general condition of the patient. Often, the patient’s condition sharply worsens at the moment when he was recovering from rhinitis. A sharp deterioration is associated with elevated temperature, severe weakness, headaches, loss of smell, lack of appetite; instrumental methods: ultrasound, echography, computed tomography, diaphanoscopy.

    If you suspect sinusitis, you should immediately seek help from an otolaryngologist. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the use of which in the early stages gives the most effective results.

    Causes of sinusitis without a runny nose

    When a patient exhibits the main symptoms of the pathology, but there is no runny nose or discharge, the causes may be:

    The manifestation of sinusitis without a runny nose may indicate improper treatment or “undertreatment” of viral infectious diseases: rubella, measles, influenza. The underlying disease is accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane.

    The patient's nose becomes blocked, and the passages to the maxillary sinuses are narrowed as much as possible. The outflow of secretions may be disrupted, and fluid accumulates in the sinuses.

    At this moment, the manifestations of the underlying disease decrease, which allows the patient to feel better, but after a certain time the main symptoms of sinusitis begin to appear

    dental diseases of the oral cavity

    Inflammation can provoke the spread of bacteria and microorganisms from the affected tooth to the maxillary sinuses. Diseases such as periodontitis, pulpitis, osteomyelitis, and advanced caries can cause this pathology.

    There is also a risk of developing the disease if implants were installed poorly, if multiple dental surgeries were performed, if filling material got into the sinus, if a traumatic tooth extraction occurred, etc.

    atrophy of the nasal mucosa

    This pathology can be characterized by the gradual death of nerve endings in the mucosa. The latter does not perform its functions; purulent crusts form in the nasal cavity, which has an extremely unpleasant odor.

    A person may partially or completely lose the ability to smell and smell. The mucous membrane is completely degraded, which creates ideal conditions for dust particles and pathogenic microbes to enter the body.

    The onset of this condition is possible with regular and prolonged infectious diseases.

    Deformation, mechanical or traumatic damage to the nasal

    septum can disrupt the natural outflow of secretions and clog the maxillary sinuses.

    This process leads to the occurrence of sinusitis, which will occur without a runny nose, congestion or discharge.

    Symptoms accompanying sinusitis without runny nose and congestion

    “Dry sinusitis” is characterized by the following symptoms:

    An increase in body temperature that lasts for several days. The patient may feel chills. In some cases, the temperature may remain at normal levels; this may be due to weak immunity, taking antibiotics or antipyretics. Pressure in the bridge of the nose. The sensation intensifies when the head is tilted forward. Pain in the nasal area. Gradually their localization expands and pain is felt in other areas of the face. Chewing, talking, changing head position increase the pain syndrome. Discomfort is especially pronounced in the morning; as a rule, in the evening all manifestations subside. Swelling. Swelling is typical in the cheeks, eyelids and other parts of the face. Decreased performance, concentration, appetite, general malaise, fatigue, insomnia.

    This is what the symptoms of sinusitis look like without a runny nose

    The occurrence of sinusitis without a runny nose, discharge and congestion from the nasal passages in children is characterized by the following symptoms:

    discomfort in the nasal cavity, which intensifies in the evening; pain in the gums or ears; bad breath; loss of hearing acuity; constant fatigue.

    Knowing the symptoms and possible causes of this pathology, you can independently suspect the disease in yourself or your child. At the first doubt, it is recommended to consult a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis. Proper and timely treatment and adherence to recommendations are the key to success!

    Treatment of sinusitis without a runny nose

    Sinusitis without runny nose treatment

    Even in the absence of discharge from the nasal passages with sinusitis, treatment should be carried out. With a strong inflammatory process, blockage of the anastomosis is possible, which is treated with antibiotics, as it is caused by infections and bacteria. The ENT doctor prescribes medications based on penicillin.

    To relieve inflammation in the sinuses, the patient is prescribed nasal sprays and drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. For allergic manifestations during the treatment of sinusitis, antihistamines are prescribed as an auxiliary action to relieve nasal swelling. If there is a high body temperature, antipyretics are prescribed. For headaches, painkillers. Recommendations on how to relieve headaches due to sinusitis are described in our article.

    The common disease sinusitis is familiar to many. It is an inflammation of the sinuses. Accompanied by unpleasant phenomena: constant liquid discharge flows from the nose, often purulent. But sometimes you can find other types of the disease. It’s worth figuring out whether sinusitis can occur without a runny nose and nasal congestion.

    Causes of the disease

    The nasal mucosa is very vulnerable. A great variety of pathogenic microorganisms get here. The human immune system successfully copes with them, but there are also more resistant viruses, which are the cause of the disease. Reduced immunity and weakened body defenses also provoke sinusitis.

    Sinuses are normal and with sinusitis

    During colds, viral microorganisms directly affect the mucous membrane. The upper layer of the epithelium is damaged and its functions are impaired. Sinusitis occurs.

    What is the difference between sinusitis and a runny nose?

    Another name for a runny nose is rhinitis. This is a condition that is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane. What does this mean? The disease with rhinitis completely covers the entire space of the upper respiratory tract: the nasopharynx, nasal passages, and equally all the paranasal sinuses.

    When you have a runny nose, people complain of a stuffy nose and discharge, which can be of different consistency. How to distinguish sinusitis? It happens that with sinusitis there is no runny nose. How does the disease progress? During sinusitis without a runny nose, the entire opening that connects the sinus to the rest of the nose becomes completely blocked. The disease does not spread, remains and matures almost asymptomatically, especially at the initial stage.

    Why does sinusitis occur without a runny nose?

    Infections. If influenza, rubella, acute respiratory viral infections and other viral diseases are not treated in time, complications can develop. Even improper treatment leads to a worsening of the situation. It is enough to endure a severe cold on your feet. Everything happens as follows: during the main illness, the mucous membrane swells; nasal congestion appears; the passage to the maxillary sinuses narrows or is completely blocked; there are disturbances in the outflow of secretions; mucus accumulates in the sinuses.

    At the same time, the symptoms of the underlying viral disease begin to disappear. The person feels better and thinks he is getting better. And the pus gradually accumulates and fills the entire sinus completely.

    Dental diseases. If diseased teeth are not treated promptly, the infection will begin to spread from the tooth to the maxillary sinus. The disease is caused by: periodontitis; untreated or severely advanced caries; cysts of the upper jaw.

    Toothache with sinusitis

    However, the symptoms may not be immediately noticeable.

    Injuries, damage. Deformation of the nasal septum leads to blockage of the sinus and impaired outflow of secretions. Sinusitis develops without a runny nose. Atrophic course of the disease.

    If there is no snot with sinusitis, it means that the ciliated epithelium has been damaged. In such a situation, the mucous membrane becomes thin and loses its functions. It cannot clean the inhaled air, cannot warm it, and does not produce mucus. The shell cannot fight pathogenic bacteria. This condition does not just appear; it requires long-term, protracted inflammation and persistent infectious diseases.


    Now that it is clear whether sinusitis occurs without a runny nose, it is worth identifying the symptoms. They are different in young children and adults, so diagnosis and treatment are individual. Age must be taken into account; this will help to effectively get rid of the disease.

    Symptoms in adults:

    pressure is felt in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. If you tilt your head forward, the pressure will increase; painful feeling in the nose area. The pain spreads to other areas of the face and tends to intensify when chewing food. It's uncomfortable to talk. The unpleasant condition begins in the morning after a long stay in one position. By night or evening the symptom goes away slightly; Many people are wondering: can you have sinusitis without a runny nose and fever? It never goes above 37.8 degrees. headache. Worse when lying down for a long time; swollen cheeks. The swelling spreads throughout the face, affecting the cheeks and eyelids.

    Symptoms of sinusitis

    If the main symptoms do not manifest themselves, you can determine your condition using additional ones. At all stages of the disease you can feel:

    constantly stuffy nose; insomnia, poor sleep; deterioration of general condition; the appearance of lethargy, fatigue; reduced performance; deterioration or complete loss of appetite; the occurrence of photophobia.

    Symptoms in a child

    In children, the disease manifests itself differently. What can they complain about?

    severe congestion, difficulty breathing; pain that always gets worse at night; painful sensations in the ears; hearing impairment; fatigue, absent-mindedness, weakness; bad breath.

    Now we know whether sinusitis can occur without a runny nose. The symptoms are different, but they will help to recognize the disease and not let it worsen.

    It is worth paying attention: sinusitis without snot, the treatment of which is not easy, is not detected in the first stages. That is why the disease quickly develops into more severe forms.


    It is almost impossible to determine sinusitis on your own. It is necessary to visit an experienced otolaryngologist who will help recognize the disease. The doctor will check the nasal cavities and mucous membranes. This will help identify the disease at an early stage.

    Diagnosis for sinusitis

    If suddenly the symptoms are not enough, additional techniques are prescribed. Modern methods help prevent sinusitis:

    X-ray. Allows you to see inflamed areas in the image. They are indicated by dark spots. CT scan. A more advanced way. Allows you to notice not only areas of inflammation, but also find out the stage of the disease. Diaphanoscopy. The nasal sinuses are illuminated with a tube with a light bulb at the end. This makes it possible to conduct research for the presence of areas of inflammation.


    Many people do not pay enough attention to sinusitis and consider it frivolous. There is no need to think that everything will go away on its own. If left untreated, you may encounter more serious consequences: the spread of infection to the membranes of the brain, the appearance of meningitis, and sepsis.

    Treatment is carried out in two ways:

    surgical method; conservative option.

    The first method is rarely used. It is used in situations where conservative treatment has not helped and the disease progresses. Surgeon intervention is also required when polyps or formations are found in the paranasal sinuses or nasal cavity.

    Conservative technique includes:

    fever-reducing medications. Prescribed at high temperatures. Must be in bed; for severe headaches, painful sensations in the ears - painkillers; for symptoms of intoxication, antimicrobial agents are prescribed; if allergic reactions occur, antihistamines are prescribed.

    Medicines for sinusitis

    The cause of the disease may be a deviated nasal septum or severe caries. In this case, it is these phenomena that need to be eliminated. Medicines are needed that improve the outflow of fluid from the maxillary sinus, reduce swelling and improve well-being.

    In some cases, traditional medicine can help, but they should not be taken without consulting a doctor. It is necessary to treat sinusitis comprehensively; medicinal herbs alone cannot do it.


    Sinusitis at first glance seems harmless, but it threatens with serious complications on the brain. It is better to monitor your health and prevent illness in time.

    timely treatment of all colds and especially the runny nose. Even such a harmless state cannot be triggered; If children have adenoids or a deviated nasal septum, timely intervention is necessary. Birth defects should be closely monitored; A competent blowing technique is required: cover one nostril with your finger. Then the mucus will not leak into the sinus; Drops into the nose need to be instilled in a special way: tilt your head slightly back, in the direction in which nostril you want to instill the drops. Then the solution does not enter the nasopharynx, but into the nasal passage; Hypothermia must be avoided. In cold weather, wear a hat; indoor air humidification. You should try to avoid dry air; maintaining immunity, consuming vitamins, fruits, vegetables; regular visits to the dentist. It will help in the first stages to cure caries and other processes that also lead to sinusitis.

    Finally, you need to take good care of yourself and not develop chronic diseases. Can sinusitis exist without snot? Certainly. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the disease. At the first signs of illness, immediate consultation with a doctor is required. If a person monitors his health, he can avoid acute problems. The main thing is to take everything seriously.

    Source: http://net-prostuda.ru/2017/10/28/bol-v-nosovyh-pazuhah-bez-nasmorka/