What to do if vasoconstrictor drops do not help

Stuffy nose, drops don't help - what to do?

A runny nose is always accompanied by nasal congestion and the release of nasal secretions of varying consistency in varying quantities. This is one of the most unpleasant manifestations of colds, allergic diseases and a number of other pathologies - both infectious and non-infectious etiologies.

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When a person is forced to breathe through his mouth due to difficulty in nasal breathing, this not only creates inconvenience, but also causes a deterioration in his general condition. Dizziness, headache appear, and there is a decrease in the ability to concentrate. In addition, the air entering through the mouth is not cleaned or warmed properly, and the mucous membrane of the mouth dries out. When your nose is stuffy and drops don’t help, what should you do? What can you do to make breathing easier in this case?

Causes of congestion

One way to help with congestion is nasal drops, but what if they are ineffective? To achieve a satisfactory result in the fight against drug-resistant runny nose, you need to understand what causes its occurrence. Why don't vasoconstrictor drops work? This may be due to reasons such as:

  1. Development of drug-induced rhinitis.
  2. Development of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis.
  3. Dry and dusty room.

Vasoconstrictor drops, also called topical nasal decongestants, quickly eliminate swelling and reduce mucus secretion. Although decongestants do not treat a runny nose, they successfully cope with its key manifestations, therefore they are extremely popular among patients and are included in the standard prescriptions for rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis as symptomatic drugs. However, with all the advantages, vasoconstrictors have many disadvantages. And one of the most unpleasant is the provocation of the inflammatory process and the development of drug-induced rhinitis with prolonged use of drops. In this case, the critical period is considered to be a period of use exceeding 10–15 days.

Drug-induced rhinitis is a common cause of persistent, decongestant-resistant runny nose.

My nose is stuffy - drops don't help. This is how you can briefly describe the clinical picture. The pathogenesis is based on dysfunction of the neuromuscular apparatus of the vessels of the mucous membrane, which leads to stagnation of blood in the nasal turbinates. The patient experiences a constant need for a decongestant, but cannot obtain the same effect of facilitating breathing even after frequent use.

In chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, hypertrophy of the intranasal elements is observed - mainly the turbinates. The more narrowed the nasal passages are, the more difficult it is for the patient to breathe. The effectiveness of vasoconstrictors also gradually decreases.

Dry, hot air and dust contribute to the drying out of the nasal mucosa, increasing the viscosity of nasal secretions and reducing the effectiveness of any measures aimed at combating a runny nose.

How to remove congestion

Does breathing not become easier even if the patient administers the decongestant drop by drop? How to pierce the nose without a vasoconstrictor in this case? To reduce swelling you can use:

  • medicines;
  • irrigation therapy;
  • correction of microclimate characteristics, etc.

Irrigation therapy refers to a set of methods aimed at cleansing the nasal mucosa. This is a toilet of the nose using a softening agent and cotton swabs, rinsing the nose, and a nasal shower.

It is important to understand the difference between congestion due to swelling of the mucous membrane and congestion resulting from the accumulation of viscous nasal secretions of a serous or purulent nature. Swelling is observed in both cases, however, in the first situation with medicinal and hypertrophic rhinitis, irrigation therapy cannot significantly improve the patient’s condition. However, it is effective in the presence of secretions that are difficult to remove by normal nose blowing. With the help of irrigation, its consistency changes, becoming more liquid, and accumulations of mucus and pus are easily eliminated during rinsing.

You can also help restore nasal breathing:

  1. Wet cleaning.
  2. Taking a warm shower.
  3. Controlling the amount of liquid.
  4. Hot drink.
  5. Walk in the fresh air.

If you have nasal congestion, it is important to monitor humidity and temperature.

The microclimate parameters should be set at around 60–70% (humidity) and 19–20 °C (temperature). It is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of liquid, if there is difficulty breathing, take a shower (if there is no fever), drink hot tea, warm milk. In this case, you should not drink alcohol. Wet cleaning will help remove dust. If the patient's condition and weather permit, you can walk in the fresh air or at least go out onto the balcony.


When your nose is very stuffy, what should you do? Drops do not help - therefore, it is necessary to find another way to make breathing easier. If rhinitis is provoked by vasoconstrictor drugs, the patient will have to completely abandon them. Firstly, decongestants do not have the desired effect. Secondly, they can cause irreversible changes, and the longer the use lasts, the more difficult it is to pierce the nose without drips later.

Treatment of drug-induced rhinitis involves the gradual use of various drugs:

  • oral decongestants (Phenylephrine);
  • antihistamines (Cetirizine);
  • topical glucocorticosteroids (Beclomethasone, Mometasone).

Since difficulty in nasal breathing adversely affects the cardiovascular system and psycho-emotional state of the patient, during the treatment period symptomatic drugs should be used that reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, but at the same time avoid returning to nasal decongestants. The use of oral decongestants, that is, drugs that have a vasoconstrictor effect on the nasal mucosa, is indicated for severe congestion. Medicines are available in the form of powders and tablets.

Congestion in drug-induced rhinitis can be relieved with the help of glucocorticosteroids.

How to make your nose breathe without droplets? Glucocorticosteroids for topical nasal use can help relieve congestion, but have a number of side effects. They should not be used for self-medication. During use, you should carefully dose the drug according to your doctor's recommendations. Sometimes a short course of systemic therapy with glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone) is practiced. This allows you to eliminate swelling, influence the inflammatory process and improve the patient’s condition during the period of refusal of decongestants.

How to pierce the nose without drops for hypertrophic rhinitis? There is no quick way to clear up congestion. In order for the patient to be able to breathe fully, various types of vasoconstrictors and cauterization with chemicals are used (with a moderate degree of hypertrophy). In case of severe hypertrophy, surgical intervention is indicated.

Washing and nasal breathing

How can you pierce your nose if there are no drops? Nasal irrigation is the most common type of irrigation therapy. This procedure is performed using saline solutions - in particular, saline or sea salt solution. It can be used as an independent method of treatment or as an addition to other therapeutic measures.

The prepared warm (35–40 °C) solution is drawn into a pipette, syringe or syringe (if the bottle is not equipped with a special nozzle) and injected into the nostrils after the patient bends over a sink or container into which the liquid can drain. Rinsing each half of the nose is repeated 2-4 times. After administration, the rinsing fluid should flow from the opposite nostril.

Rinsing cannot replace vasoconstrictor drops.

Patients who are interested in how to make the nose breathe without drips in the case of medicinal rhinitis should remember that rinsing is only part of the treatment regimen. Saline solutions cannot eliminate all the consequences of improper use of drops. They also do not have the same effect as nasal decongestants.

During the procedure, you must remember to take precautions. Do not use too much pressure on the syringe plunger or syringe. If the rinsing solution is inaccurately administered, there is a high risk of developing otitis media - an inflammatory disease of the middle ear.

Rinsing helps eliminate dryness of the mucous membrane, remove viscous mucus and soften crusts in various types of rhinitis. For drug-induced rhinitis, the procedure does not achieve an immediate effect, but regular repetition helps not only to cleanse, but also to moisturize the mucous membrane.

There are many reasons for impaired nasal breathing and reduced effectiveness of nasal decongestants. To prevent the condition from getting worse and to choose the right treatment, if symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Any medications for medicinal and hypertrophic rhinitis, as well as nasal rinsing, should be used only after receiving specialist prescriptions.

Author: Torsunova Tatyana

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What to do if drops do not help with nasal congestion in a child?

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    What to do when your nose is stuffy and drops don’t help?

    Vasoconstrictor sprays are classified as emergency pharmaceuticals for nasal congestion. They do not have a therapeutic effect, but help eliminate certain symptoms of damage to the upper respiratory tract.

    Decongestants are effective for certain forms of pathological disorders. Why nasal drops do not help, and what to do in such situations is a question that will be discussed in this topic.

    When vasoconstrictor drugs are ineffective

    Solving the problem requires medical participation. It is within the competence of the otolaryngologist to differentiate the etiology of the pathogen, projection and degree of damage.

    In case of inflammation of the mucous membrane of an infectious or bacterial nature, complex therapy includes drugs from the sympathomimetic group to restore nasal drainage.

    Nasal active components exhibit vasoconstrictor and sympathomimetic activity, relieve inflammation and swelling of the epithelium, improve the outflow of muconasal secretions, and normalize natural breathing through the nose.

    Medicinal drops are prescribed for acute rhinitis of various etiologies, including neurovegetative rhinitis, in preparation for diagnostic measures.

    Important! If secondary signs of pathology do not appear against the background of nasal congestion, it is likely that the disorder was provoked by the unsystematic use of vasodilating drops.

    Despite the wide range of actions of decongestants, there are clinical symptoms for which vasoconstrictors do not help:

    • adenoiditis The disease is associated with enlargement and proliferation of pharyngeal tonsils, which provoke congestion, constant runny nose, and disruption of the bone structure of the facial skeleton. The therapeutic approach includes the use of medications based on topical corticosteroids with anti-inflammatory effects;
    • polypous rhinosinusitis. The deviation is manifested by benign formations in the paranasal sinuses, affecting the nasal cavity, thereby blocking the air channel. Polyps form against the background of chronic pathologies of the respiratory tract; treatment mainly requires surgical intervention;
    • anatomical deformation of structures. Due to changes in the osteochondral tissue, difficulty in nasal breathing occurs, snoring, a feeling of dryness in the nose, and epistaxis occur. A deviated nasal septum can only be corrected surgically;
    • allergic runny nose. The impact of internal or external factors on histamine receptors is manifested by soft tissue swelling, breathing problems, lacrimation, itching and sneezing. To relieve symptoms, it is necessary to limit contact with the allergen and treat with antihistamines;
    • hormonal imbalance. The clinical picture is typical for expectant mothers during pregnancy and adolescence. To restore the functioning of the reproductive system, hormones are prescribed.

    Situations when a child’s nose is stuffy and drops do not help arise due to the presence of a foreign body in the nose (most often small objects).

    Unfavorable living and production conditions and excessive dryness in the room can provoke drainage problems.

    What to do when your nose is stuffy and drops don’t help

    To solve the problem, you need to create suitable conditions for recovery:

    • control the optimal level of humidity in the room (40-50%);
    • keep the premises clean;
    • eliminate potential irritants;
    • regularly ventilate the house;
    • Observe preventive measures if there is an obvious carrier of infectious diseases in your immediate environment.

    Methods for relieving congestion are offered by complex procedures: heating, rinsing the sinuses, inhalations and essential ointments, acupressure.

    Cleansing the accessory sinuses

    The goal of therapeutic manipulation is to remove accumulations of mucus and infectious agents from the nasal canals, and to increase the absorption of medications.

    For the event, moisturizers based on sea water are used: “Aquamaris”, “Marimer”, “Humer”, “No-Sol”. The presence of beneficial microelements in the composition accelerates the process of regeneration of the inner membrane, reduces swelling of soft tissues, and relieves inflammation.

    For reference! The mineral and plant complex “Dolphin” has become widespread in ENT practice.

    A solution for rinsing the nose can be prepared at home: add a teaspoon of soda and 1-2 drops of iodine to 1 glass of water. To administer the liquid, use a medical bulb, syringe, or empty bottle.

    Decoctions of dry raw materials of medicinal plants: chamomile, sage or calendula will help improve the outflow of mucus. The simplest, but no less effective way of cleansing is to use saline solution.

    Warming up the nose

    Exposure to dry heat improves blood circulation, transport of nutrients to the affected area, liquefaction of muconasal secretions, and elimination of congestion.

    Thermal procedures are strictly contraindicated for the following deviations:

    For manipulations, a blue lamp is used.

    The following recommendations will be effective for ENT diseases:

    • warming with boiled egg. The hard-boiled product is wrapped in a cloth and applied to the sinuses until the heat is completely released (from 15 to 30 minutes);
    • warming the sides of the nose with salt. A glass of salt, heated in an oven/frying pan, is poured into a fabric bag and applied to the olfactory organ;
    • applying honey cake. A mixture of flour and beekeeping product is evenly applied to the outer part of the nose and fixed with cling film.

    Restoring breathing is facilitated by drinking plenty of hot drinks, warm showers, and steam baths of the lower extremities with the addition of mustard powder.


    The best option would be to use a special device - a nebulizer. Therapy is carried out in the home environment for newborns, children, pregnant and lactating women.

    Pharmacy products include saline solution, mucolytic preparations, alcohol tinctures, and Borjomi and Essentuki mineral waters.

    Nuance! For the prevention of respiratory diseases, one procedure per day is prescribed, for infectious lesions of the respiratory tract - up to 3 sessions per day.

    Steam inhalations with admixtures of essential oils and inhalation of potato steam do not lose their relevance.

    The procedure requires caution, because... there is a possibility of injury to the mucous membrane by hot air.

    For children in the first years of life, it is advisable to perform passive inhalations. To do this, the aroma lamp bowl is filled with water with the addition of essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, and mint.

    Pharmacological drugs

    The goal of palliative therapy is to reduce hyperemia, restore natural breathing through the nose, and stop the inflammatory process. Slowing down the metabolism of pathogenic strains is provided by the active substance - phenylephrine hydrochloride.

    The component is present in dry solutions for oral use: Coldrex, Theraflu, Fervex.

    For allergic rhinitis, antihistamines “Erius”, “Zyrtec”, “Loratadine”, “Tavegil” will be effective.

    Insertion of gauze swabs

    The effectiveness in the treatment of pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by nasal congestion, has been proven by the placement of turundas. Sterile gauze tourniquets, soaked in medicinal infusion, are inserted into the nasal openings with a twisting motion, leaving the tip outside.

    Vishnevsky ointment or natural ingredients in the following combination are used as medicinal mixtures:

    • linden honey and sea buckthorn oil;
    • a mixture of olive oil and finely chopped garlic;
    • aloe/kalanchoe juice with the addition of beekeeping product;
    • bay leaf decoction.

    Gauze rolls have a local effect, increasing the area of ​​interaction of medications with the nasal epithelium. Mainly used for lesions of the maxillary sinuses.

    Ointments with antiseptic effect

    The first line of defense is represented by the Golden Star balm. The active composition is formed by eucalyptus oils, peppermint, camphor, paraffin, and petroleum jelly.

    The ointment is indicated for external use on the convex lateral surfaces of the outer part of the nose, the space between the eyebrows.

    For reference! In pediatrics, “Zvezdochka” is prescribed from the age of two.

    It is recommended to limit direct contact of the product with the mucous membrane, because there is a risk of soft tissue drying out and the formation of secondary hyperpigmentation elements (crusts).

    Use with caution in case of increased sensitivity of the body to individual components, chronic pathologies of the respiratory tract.


    Mechanical impact provokes increased outflow of fluid. The procedures are allowed from the first days of life. Acupressure for a runny nose involves massaging the points on the edge of the nose, the outer corners of the eyes, between the eyebrows, and above the earlobes with the index finger.

    For positive dynamics of recovery, the duration of one session varies from 10 to 20 minutes, with a daily frequency of up to 3 procedures.


    In clinical cases, when vasoconstrictor drops have been unsuccessful, to restore the natural communication of the nose with the environment, vegetable and herbal juices are used, the sinuses are heated, and pharmaceuticals are taken.

    In the fight against pathogenic agents, salt solutions, steam and medicinal inhalations, and strengthening the immune system with healing tinctures and decoctions are effective.

    Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

    All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

    Source: http://gorlonos.com/nos/chto-delat-kogda-kapli-ne-pomogayut.html

    runny nose, vasoconstrictor drops do not help

    do inhalations or just warm your nose if possible

    then just Nazivin or what do you give there?

    Go to a good ENT specialist, he will make normal prescriptions for you.

    I use a snot suction to remove what I can, the snot is light green and transparent

    snot is light green, transparent

    we dripped Protorgol

    but decide for yourself, some reviews against Protargol are serious

    Our doctor says that in children under 2 years old, a runny nose that lasts a week is normal.

    Personally, we also washed it with aquamaris and dripped it with protorgol, but at night I dripped Nazivin (the doctor said that it should be dripped once a day only if you can’t breathe at all. But he said it’s advisable not to use it)

    when I dripped them straight into my snot. and when I sucked the snot and dripped

    Well, I think that’s what they do, first they bury the aquamaris and suck it out and then just the medicine itself))) 😉

    if it doesn’t help, go to the ENT specialist, do a “cuckoo” once: during the procedure, they will clear your nose and, based on the nature of the mucus that comes out, they will understand what kind of problem you have

    in general, if the nose is not cleaned well, then I did aquamaris - nozzle suction - vasoconstrictors - nozzle suction - vasoconstrictors again

    be careful too. We were allergic to it. The snot got worse and the tears started running.

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    If your nose is stuffy and drops don’t help: what to do?

    The use of vasoconstrictor nasal medications is the most common treatment for a runny nose. But what to do if your nose is stuffy and drops don’t help?

    This state of affairs can cause confusion and anxiety for many patients. However, one should not rush to blame manufacturers for poor quality products.

    Most likely, congestion is not caused by infectious rhinitis, but by various other reasons.

    Distinctive symptoms

    If the nose is stuffy but there is no runny nose, then a variety of methods can be used: from traditional medical procedures to folk remedies. Their correct use will help restore the ability to breathe freely.

    Difficulty in nasal breathing can manifest itself in different ways. Often the nose stops breathing freely in the morning.

    This may indicate the development of an allergy or be a symptom of sinusitis. If you have trouble breathing at night, sometimes it is enough to humidify the air in the bedroom.

    But most often the complaint is “vasoconstrictor drops don’t help, what should I do?” can be heard when the problem becomes chronic.

    In these cases, the disease lasts for several weeks or even months. It is cyclical in nature and causes significant discomfort to the patient.

    Causes of nasal congestion

    Before deciding what to do if breathing through the nose is difficult, you should understand the reasons that can cause this unpleasant pathology.

    The problem of a “non-breathing nose” can occur when there is insufficient humidity in the room. Most often this problem occurs during the heating season.

    Another possible reason is living in environmentally unfavorable conditions associated with severe environmental pollution.

    Allergic rhinitis is of great danger, since it can be complicated by the development of asthma and other serious diseases.

    Diagnosis of the causes of persistent congestion in a medical facility

    To determine treatment methods, it is important to establish the cause of the pathology. To do this, you need to consult an ENT doctor. An external examination by a specialist includes rhinoscopy (examination of the nasal cavity) and endoscopy of the nasopharynx to identify signs of inflammation.

    For a number of indicators, radiography and computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses are prescribed. As an alternative diagnostic method, doctors recommend ultrasound.

    If congestion occurs as a result of the body's reaction to a number of irritants, the patient should be examined by an allergist.

    Ways to relieve congestion

    If your nose is stuffy, but there is no snot, you can use various methods to eliminate the problem. In some cases, folk remedies help.


    As an alternative to nasal remedies, use Kalanchoe or aloe juice. Juice is squeezed out of crushed plant leaves and one drop is dropped into both nostrils every two to three hours.

    You can instill beet juice mixed in a 1:1 combination with onion juice. To help you breathe freely, use a mixture of finely chopped valerian root and vegetable oil for instillation.

    Before use, the solution must be kept in a tightly closed jar in a dark place for at least 7 days. The product is then filtered through a sieve and used for treatment.


    The rinsing process is carried out in order to cleanse the nasal passages of pathogenic microbes. The rinsing solution is prepared from various ingredients.

    The most famous of them are dry raw materials of chamomile, sage, calendula, and eucalyptus. Herbs or flower plants are poured with warm water, boiled for several minutes, cooled and dropped into the nasal passages.

    The main and inexpensive means for washing is furatsilin. You can use a ready-made solution purchased at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself from crushed tablets and boiled water.

    Another effective recipe is an infusion of horse sorrel. The herb is poured with boiling water, infused for 30 minutes, filtered and used for rinsing.

    Washing is contraindicated if:

    • the presence of edema or tumors of the mucous membranes;
    • frequent nosebleeds;
    • curvature of the nasal septum;
    • individual intolerance to the ingredients in the rinse mixture.


    If the patient has complete nasal congestion and drops do not help at all, you can try massage. It is carried out with your fingertips at certain points: at the wings and at the tip of the nose, between the nose and upper lip, at the inner corners of the eyes, in the center of the forehead and in the recesses behind the ears.

    The procedure can only be done with warm hands; if the patient has a high temperature, massage is contraindicated. After the procedure, it is advisable to drink a little warm decoction of lemon balm, linden or chamomile.

    Warming up

    The thermal effect reduces inflammatory reactions, reduces swelling and eliminates congestion in the nasal cavity. Warming is contraindicated for sinusitis, and is permissible only at the very beginning of treatment.

    To carry it out, a blue lamp or well-known folk remedies are used. The most common ones include:

    • heating with salt - a glass of salt is heated on a baking sheet, poured into small linen bags, which are applied to the wings of the nose;
    • warming with a boiled egg - wrap warm eggs in a napkin and hold them near the nose until they cool completely;
    • warming with a honey cake - honey is mixed with flour, the resulting slurry is distributed over the nose and fixed with plastic wrap.

    The warming procedure is not recommended at elevated temperatures.


    Congestion can be relieved with inhalations. It is most convenient to carry them out using a nebulizer. This device can be purchased at any pharmacy. Saline solution, furatsilin, and alcoholic infusion of calendula are used as medicines for inhalation.

    Inhalations are also carried out using folk remedies. The “old-fashioned” method is still popular – inhaling the vapors of boiled potatoes. Steam inhalations with the addition of essential oils of eucalyptus, mint, and tea tree are effective.

    Steam inhalations are not recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. They are also undesirable for children under 3 years of age.

    At this age, children cannot control this process, so the risk of burns to the mucous membranes is high. As an alternative, it is recommended to carry out inhalations using a nebulizer.

    If for some reason steam inhalations are not suitable, you can replace them with so-called passive ones. To do this, use an aroma lamp, onto which a few drops of fir, clove, menthol or eucalyptus oils are applied.

    Tablets and powders

    If congestion is a sign of allergic rhinitis, taking antihistamines is necessary to eliminate it. This could be Erius, Zyrtek, Tavegil.

    To increase the body's defenses, it is recommended to drink homeopathic remedies Sinupreb, Cinnapsin, Corizalia. For medicinal purposes, Coldrex, Fervex, and Teraflu powders are produced.

    Balm Zvezdochka

    This is the name of the famous Vietnamese medicine “Golden Star”. It contains essential oils of mint and eucalyptus, beeswax, camphor, lanolin, and petroleum jelly.

    The balm is applied to the skin in the area of ​​the wings of the nose and between the eyebrows. The product should not be used more than 2 times a day, so as not to provoke irritation and peeling of the skin. Do not apply the balm to mucous membranes.

    The asterisk is not used if the patient has bronchial asthma, epilepsy, pustular skin diseases, or an allergy to the components of the product. Contraindications for use include pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Many parents are interested in how justified it is to treat children with Zvezdochka. Doctors allow this method, but only as an aid and provided that the child is not allergic to the components of the product.

    Tampons or turundas

    To eliminate the unpleasant feeling of congestion, it is possible to use tampons soaked in medicinal mixtures. The most famous folk method is placing cotton swabs soaked in a mixture of honey and aloe juice. The most suitable honey in this case is linden honey.

    Tampons are one of the most effective ways to treat sinusitis. The following mixtures can be used to soak tampons:

    • Peach oil;
    • grated laundry soap, milk, chopped onion, vegetable oil and honey, taken in equal parts;
    • sea ​​buckthorn oil and honey;
    • chopped garlic and vegetable oil;
    • aloe juices, Kalanchoe and Vishnevsky ointment.

    A child’s nose is very stuffy, drops don’t help: what to do?

    All parents are very concerned when vasoconstrictor drops do not help their child.

    The desire to make breathing easier for the baby forces parents to look for other ways to get rid of the unpleasant symptom.

    But how safe are the methods used to treat adults for children?

    The safest procedure that can be used even for infants is massage. Using your index fingers or thumbs, massage both sides of the nose near its tip. The procedure is carried out for 5 minutes several times a day.

    For older children, rinsing helps. Very young children may simply be afraid of this procedure, which is incomprehensible to them. Prepare a saline solution (1 tablespoon per glass of warm boiled water) and encourage the child to draw the liquid into the nose, while closing the other nostril.

    If congestion is caused by the presence of adenoids or polyps, treatment should be aimed at eliminating these diseases. Other means will not bring the expected effect.

    Children often experience various reasons related to difficulty breathing. Sometimes they appear as a reaction to too dry air in the house.

    The parents themselves are to blame for this, trying to make the room where the child lives as warm as possible. It is enough to humidify the air, and the problem will be solved without treatment.

    The child may have difficulty breathing due to the injury. It is accompanied not only by congestion, but also by bleeding, the presence of bruises and swelling, and the appearance of crusts on the mucous membranes. The child must be taken to the doctor, having first applied cold to the damaged area and lubricated the wounds and bruises with Rescuer balm.

    Nasal congestion is not a separate disease, but one of the symptoms indicating pathological changes in the body. To prescribe the correct treatment, correct diagnosis and a timely visit to the doctor will be a prerequisite.

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    Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 12 years

    Specialty: Otorhinolaryngologist Work experience: 8 years

    Source: http://nasmorkam.net/zalozhen-nos-chto-delat-kapli-ne-pomogayut/

    Vasoconstrictor sprays do not help

    Good afternoon The child has had a runny nose for 6 days. Very severe swelling of the nose. On the 5th day of illness, the snot thickened, the swelling remained and sprays began to be used: Nazol, Nasonex, Noxprey. We used them one by one, but none of them had any effect at all. At night, complex drops (hydrocortisone, dioxidine, ceftrioxone) began to drip. The effect lasts for a couple of hours, and then swelling returns. Has anyone encountered this? Could this be a manifestation of an allergy? But at the same time, we had 2 nights with a temperature of up to 38.6.

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    Olga Georgievna Doctor

    Who appointed them?

    “It is impossible to apply antibacterial drugs locally because this causes allergization of the body and then, when antibacterial drugs are needed for more serious purposes, their use will be dangerous.

    And the dioxidine you mentioned for runny noses is not used at all due to its toxicity, and even more so in children, because contraindicated under 18 years of age"

    Olga Georgievna Doctor



    Olga Georgievna Doctor

    Regarding Nasonex:

    The effect of topical steroids develops gradually and slowly, reaching a maximum within a week.

    Therefore, you should not expect an effect from one day of use.

    In addition, you do not describe anything that suggests that rhinitis is allergic and not viral!


    It’s just that now panic started and they started throwing everything they had.

    Tatiana O.


    Tatiana O.

    Frequent otitis media indicates that the infection enters from the nasal cavity through the Eustachian tube into the middle ear. This is possible when the mucus dries out, or when you blow your nose incorrectly. If you suspect your child has otitis media, you should take a general blood test. If a bacterial infection is confirmed, antibiotics are taken for the full course, and not until improvement. The use of antibiotics for prophylactic purposes is also unacceptable. I wrote the reason above - resistance.

    In all other respects, you act correctly. There are many options for why drops don’t work. Nazole and Noxprey have the same active ingredient - oxymetazoline hydrochloride. If one doesn't help, then the other won't help either. Nasonex is not a vasoconstrictor drop, but a glucocorticosteroid, i.e. anti-inflammatory.

    Olga Georgievna Doctor

    Watch the video “Dr. Komarovsky’s School” on the topic:

    Source: http://klubkom.net/posts/13597

    What to do if your nose is very stuffy and drops don’t help

    As soon as a runny nose appears and it becomes difficult to breathe, nasal vasoconstrictor medications begin to be used. But the drops do not help either the adult or the child, and this is worrying. Children suffer from nasal congestion, and drops worsen their condition. They don’t sleep, are capricious, and complain of headaches. Before choosing a method to eliminate a runny nose, you need to know the cause of its occurrence.

    In what cases do drops not help?

    The action of the active substances of nasal preparations for the common cold is aimed at relieving inflammation, swelling of the nasal mucosa and improving the outflow of secretions. Therefore, after their use, the child’s nasal breathing is restored.

    If, after instilling vasoconstrictors, the child’s nose does not clear, then most likely he will develop clinical symptoms:

    • adenoiditis;
    • polypous rhinosinusitis;
    • drug-induced rhinitis;
    • deformations of the osteochondral tissues of the nose;
    • allergies.

    Violation of the drainage of the nasal passages is also due to the fact that a foreign body has entered them. This situation occurs very often in families with small children.

    If a child has a stuffy nose and drops do not help, what to do is difficult to determine. Need advice from a pediatrician.

    Restoring nasal breathing in a child

    Before starting measures to restore the flow of mucus from the nose, it is necessary to provide the child with suitable conditions:

    1. Carry out wet cleaning of the house and children's room every day.
    2. Avoid contact of children with substances that irritate mucous membranes.
    3. Establish control of air humidity, which should not exceed fifty percent.
    4. Ventilate the room regularly.
    5. Eliminate the possibility of contracting infectious diseases.

    When you have a runny nose, there are many ways to relieve the symptom of thick mucus blocking your nasal passages.

    Nasal canal cleansers

    It is useful to rinse the nose of children not only during nasal congestion, but also for preventive purposes. Among the moisturizers for a runny nose, the following are proven in practice:

    1. Sea salt-based sprays are safe and are recommended for rinsing the nose of children. Natural components of sea water thin mucus and normalize its production. The product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the ciliated epithelium, restoring the condition of the nasal mucosa. The nasal mucosa is cleansed of dust and allergens.
    2. Nasal irrigation with Furacilin is useful for preventive purposes and treatment of runny nose. During colds and flu, the drug is used to kill pathogenic flora in the nasal cavity. Prepare the spray yourself by dissolving a medication tablet in a liter of boiled water.
    3. The nasal canals are washed with physiological sodium chloride solution to restore the functions of the olfactory organ. By dissolving and washing away the thick secretion, the solution cleanses the passages to normalize breathing and moisturizes the mucous membrane.
    4. A suitable home remedy for rinsing is a solution prepared from a third of a teaspoon of table salt and two drops of iodine per glass of boiled water. Chamomile decoction has antiseptic properties.

    Rinse the nasal passage using a pipette or a small rubber bulb. During the procedure, the child is asked to open his mouth. The solution is poured first into one nostril, then into the other, eliminating the symptoms of a runny nose.

    Warming up will save you from a runny nose

    Exposure to dry heat is useful when it is necessary to increase blood circulation in the affected area and eliminate congestion in the nasal sinuses and canals. The procedure is carried out using a blue lamp. Its infrared radiation penetrates into the deep layers of tissue, destroying pathogenic microorganisms, regenerating cells and normalizing breathing through the nose. The lamp is placed at a distance of twenty centimeters from the face. During the ten-minute session, the eyes are closed or special glasses are used.

    Warming compresses on the nose area can be made from:

    • rye flatbread;
    • camphor oil;
    • heated salt or buckwheat and millet cereals;
    • boiled egg.

    During the procedure, the patient is placed on a couch. You cannot ventilate the room during the session. And they go out into the fresh air two hours after warming up.

    The method of treating a runny nose is suitable if the discharge is clear and the body temperature is normal. Warming is prohibited for those who have a stuffy nose as a result of purulent sinusitis, bacterial rhinitis and the presence of adenoids. The disease can be identified by clots of pus in the mucus and an unpleasant odor from the nose.

    How to give inhalations to a child

    In the initial stages of the development of a runny nose, inhalations help. The advantage of using them is:

    • gentle effect on the nasal mucosa;
    • penetration of the drug into the paranasal sinuses and bronchi;
    • softening mucus and removing it from the nasal canal;
    • removal of germs, toxins and dust from the surface of the mucous membrane.

    Sessions are carried out using improvised means or a nebulizer device. For children, it is better to use a kettle, through the spout of which they inhale healing air. For inhalations, boiled potatoes, baking soda solution, fir and eucalyptus essential oils are used. You can treat a runny nose with a nebulizer by filling the container of the device with special solutions - Atrovent and Berotek.

    Colds accompanied by a runny nose can be treated with herbal inhalations. And to speed up recovery, turundas moistened with Kalanchoe juice are inserted into each nostril. Aloe juice or infusion of burdock will free your nose from mucus.

    The products are either dropped into the nose for a runny nose, or moistened with cotton pads.

    Restore nasal breathing with massage

    Pressing on special points to activate the body's internal resources relieves swelling of the nasal tissues and eliminates nasal congestion. In some cases, a massage performed by a specialist is effective when nothing else helps. The peculiarity of the treatment is that it can be carried out for children without skills, at home. The points that need to be pressed during a massage are not only on the face and head, but also on the soles of the feet.

    Acupuncture eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane, increases blood flow, thereby restoring metabolic processes in tissues.

    The condition of a child or adult improves after performing the procedure daily three times for fifteen minutes. Before massaging the nose, wash your hands thoroughly and warm them up. Perform actions clockwise using the thumb and index fingers of both hands.

    We treat congestion with pharmaceutical drugs

    If your nose is very stuffy as a result of taking vasoconstrictor nasal drops, then medications will come to the rescue:

    1. Phenylephrine is successfully used in the treatment of runny nose of various etiologies. The medicine makes breathing easier for both colds, flu, and allergies.
    2. Cetirizine belongs to the new generation of antihistamines. It is used in the treatment of rhinitis caused by allergic reactions.
    3. Glucocorticosteroids are started to be used when there is nothing left to do, the infection has led to severe swelling of the mucous membrane, and the patient’s psycho-emotional state is depressed. Mometasone will help relieve symptoms of a runny nose caused by taking medications.
    4. Among ointments with an antiseptic effect, Zvezdochka balm is recommended. The essential oils in its composition gently warm the affected areas and make breathing easier. The product is applied to the wings of the nose for a runny nose, rubbing thoroughly. The ointment must not get on the nasal mucosa, otherwise it will cause a burn. After using the balm, it is necessary to rinse the skin of your hands under running water to remove any remaining ointment.

    If a child has a stuffy nose and drops do not help, find out the cause of the pathological condition. The selection of treatment methods depends on the correct diagnosis, the age of the child and the direction to eliminate the cause of nasal congestion.

    • Marina on Treatment of rhinitis and nasal congestion with physiotherapy and its types
    • Oleg on Psychosomatic causes of nosebleeds and treatment methods
    • Tonya to the post How to drip the drug Iodinol into the nose of adults and children with a runny nose?
    • Tonya on How to take Afrin for nasal congestion and sinusitis?
    • Anna on What should adults and children not do with sinusitis?

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    All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with your attending physician!

    Source: http://viplor.ru/nos/zalozhen-kapli-ne-pomogayut

    Why drops and sprays do not help with nasal congestion

    Historically, many people with problems with nasal breathing immediately begin to use vasoconstrictor nasal medications. A stereotype has formed in the public consciousness that inextricably links nasal congestion and vasoconstricting drops.

    In this regard, it is not surprising that a situation in which the nose is stuffy and vasoconstrictor medications (adrenergic agonists) cannot help raises bewilderment and many questions.

    In fact, there is nothing surprising in this development of events.

    Firstly, nasal congestion can occur due to several reasons. Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays can not help in all cases.

    Secondly, improper use of adrenergic agonists often leads to their effectiveness being noticeably reduced or disappearing altogether. Moreover, in especially advanced cases, a person may develop medicinal rhinitis (runny nose), in which the vasoconstrictor medications themselves will cause the nose to be constantly stuffy.

    Let's look at all these cases in more detail and understand how to act correctly in such situations.

    Causes of nasal congestion for which drops do not help

    You should never move on to eliminating a situation before you can understand its true origins. The nose may be stuffy, and vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are useless in the following cases:

    • curvature of the nasal septum;
    • the appearance and growth of polyps in the nasal cavity;
    • dry mucous membrane caused by insufficient air humidity.

    Deviation of the nasal septum.

    This pathology can be either congenital or acquired. In the first case, it is most often detected and eliminated in infancy. In the second, it usually becomes a consequence of a traumatic brain injury, as a result of which the structural integrity of the facial bones is disrupted.

    In such a situation, the air inhaled through the nose may simply not pass through the damaged nasal passages. Naturally, nasal drops and sprays cannot help in this case. The only solution to the problem is surgery.

    The appearance and growth of polyps in the nasal cavity.

    Polyps are benign neoplasms that resemble grapes in shape. When they appear, they tend to grow. This can lead to the air passage being completely blocked and the nose becoming stuffy.

    As you understand, in this case, nasal sprays will be useless. Only surgery can help the patient.

    Dryness of the mucous membrane caused by insufficient humidity of the inhaled air.

    Many people face this situation in the morning. If you wake up and find that your nose is stuffy, then the problem may be due to insufficient air humidity in the room. This condition is often accompanied by a feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity.

    Using adrenergic agonists in this case is not only useless, but even dangerous. This will only increase the dryness of the nasal mucosa. Nosebleeds may occur.

    Incorrect use of vasoconstrictor drops

    Many people use adrenergic agonists completely automatically, without looking at the instructions for use of the drug. Thus, the maximum duration of use of the nasal agent and the recommended frequency of its use are often violated.

    Remember, vasoconstrictor drops and sprays cannot be used without interruption for longer than 3-7 days. The exact period should be checked in the annotation for a specific drug.

    If you neglect this recommendation, then after some time the effectiveness of the adrenergic agonist will begin to decrease until it disappears completely.

    Moreover, the blood vessels located in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity will lose the ability to independently regulate their tone. In other words, your nose will be blocked until you use the medicine. This dependence is called drug-induced rhinitis.

    If, in such a situation, a person does not stop using vasoconstrictor sprays, then he may develop atrophy of the nasal mucosa. This is a very serious pathological condition. Remember, modern medicine has not yet learned how to fully restore the functions of the nasal mucosa.

    What to do if drops do not help with a stuffy nose?

    In such a situation, it is necessary to visit a qualified doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will give you the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary conservative or surgical treatment.

    If such a problem is associated with the incorrect use of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays, then first of all it is necessary to stop using them.

    There is a simple and effective way to restore the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa. It consists of systematic rinsing of the nasal cavity with physiological saline solutions. In this case, you can prepare the saline solution yourself at home or purchase it at the pharmacy.

    You can also use its numerous analogues. We bring to your attention a small list of such medicines:

    You can get more information by reading the article “Dependence on vasoconstrictor nasal drops.”

    For example, I don’t use aerosols when I have a runny nose; they are dangerous; you can wash them off for otitis media. Dosed sprays are best used. For example, I use the domestic Morenasal, it is safe and convenient for washing noses.

    I haven’t tried morenazal, but aloe vera is suitable for treatment. Sopelka also helps. I use glue when my nose is stuffy

    All materials are for informational purposes only.

    Before using the information received, consult your doctor.

    Questions and suggestions:

    Copying of materials is permitted only with an active link to the source.

    Source: http://rinitanet.ru/zabit-nos/kapli-ne-pomogayut.html