Does a runny nose occur with a sore throat?
A runny nose with a bacterial sore throat, according to doctors, does not happen. It is rather the body's reaction to a viral infection.
What is a runny nose?
A runny nose can appear for several reasons:
Table of contents:
- Does a runny nose occur with a sore throat?
- What is a runny nose?
- Is it necessary to blow your nose and how to do it correctly?
- How is a runny nose treated?
- Runny nose with sore throat
- I have a runny nose after a sore throat, what should I do?
- Can you have a runny nose with a sore throat?
- Causes and mechanisms
- Symptoms
- Adenovirus infection
- Enterovirus infection
- Additional diagnostics
- Treatment
- Does a runny nose occur during a sore throat and how to cure it?
- Is this normal?
- Why does snot appear?
- Types of rhinitis and their meaning
- How and with what to treat?
- Folk remedies
- Can you have a runny nose with a sore throat?
- How does a runny nose appear?
- Symptoms
- Color of nasal discharge
- Diagnosis and treatment
- Traditional therapy
- Preventive measures
- Why does a runny nose occur with a sore throat and how does it manifest?
- Development of the disease
- Main etiological factors
- Rhinitis with scarlet fever
- Runny nose with herpetic sore throat
- Patient examination
- Treatment of diseases
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- Can you have a runny nose with a sore throat?
- Runny nose with sore throat
- Do you have a runny nose with a sore throat?
- Do you have a runny nose and cough with a sore throat?
- Symptoms of sore throat and runny nose
- Can you have a runny nose with a sore throat?
- How does a runny nose appear?
- Symptoms
- Color of nasal discharge
- Diagnosis and treatment
- Traditional therapy
- Preventive measures
- Does a runny nose occur with a sore throat?
- What is a runny nose?
- Is it necessary to blow your nose and how to do it correctly?
- How is a runny nose treated?
- Runny nose with sore throat
- I have a runny nose after a sore throat, what should I do?
- in the presence of an inflammatory process in the membrane of the nose;
- when implementing a protective reaction of the body to the ingress of a pathogenic agent;
- in case of an allergic reaction.
By the way, throat diseases can develop after forced, due to nasal congestion, breathing through the mouth.
A runny nose is always accompanied by:
- copious nasal discharge;
- sneezing;
- discomfort in the nose;
- swelling of the mucous membranes.
Is it necessary to blow your nose and how to do it correctly?
Yes, you definitely need to remove mucus from your nose. This can be done by rinsing the nose and blowing your nose.
Blowing your nose correctly means performing the following manipulations:
- Do not try to push out the discharge as much as you can; it is better to blow your nose more often than with “stuffed” ears. There is an opinion that it is precisely because of diligent nose blowing that children become susceptible to otitis media.
- Do not pinch your nose between exhalations.
- It would be more correct to close one of the nostrils and blow out the mucus from each nostril in turn.
- Use disposable wet wipes to collect mucus.
How is a runny nose treated?
You can overcome a runny nose by getting rid of the main cause that causes nasal discharge. Nasal rinsing and vasoconstrictor drops will help alleviate the condition.
You can easily rinse your nose only using the following chain of actions:
- Buy it at the pharmacy or make your own saline solution. The pharmacy will require a 0.9% aqueous solution of sodium chloride. To prepare saline solution at home, you need to prepare 0.9 g of table salt for every 100 ml of boiled water, i.e. You need to dissolve a full teaspoon of salt in a liter of water.
- Drop the prepared solution into the nose. For a child of the first year of life, 1-2 drops are enough, for older and adults 3-5 drops at a convenient period of time. The minimum interval is 10 minutes.
- After that, clear your nose of mucus by blowing your nose. A small child may not be required to blow his nose after instillation; the more often you drip, the sooner the discharge will move into the pharynx and simply be swallowed by the child. But grandmothers have been arguing all their lives that it is impossible to swallow nasal mucus, however, in fact, this does not pose a serious danger to either digestion or the respiratory tract.
The main purpose of rinsing with saline solution is to prevent mucus from drying out in the nose and accumulating. But sometimes a longer-term absence of discharge is required, and in this case vasoconstrictor drops come to the rescue. When using them, you must adhere to the following rules:
- prevent addiction;
- adhere to the precise dosage prescribed by the doctor;
- the course of treatment with drops should not exceed a week (but situations, of course, are different and the otolaryngologist can increase the treatment period at his discretion);
- listen to the body’s reaction so as not to miss the occurrence of side effects: dry nose and mouth, burning, tingling, frequent sneezing, vomiting, palpitations, and consult a doctor about them;
- For a child under 3 years of age, the use of vasoconstrictor drops must strictly comply with medical prescription.
The most popular means for relieving nasal congestion are Nazol, Nazivin, Noxprey, Rinazolin.
So, the main methods of dealing with nasal mucus:
- Cool, about 18 degrees Celsius, and humidified air in the patient’s room;
- Increased volume of fluid consumed;
- Regular rinsing of the nose with saline and rare use of vasoconstrictor drops.
Runny nose with sore throat
Can a sore throat be accompanied by a runny nose? Bacterial sore throat and runny nose, as mentioned above, do not exist together. Mucus formation is provoked by other and, as a rule, viral diseases of the throat, however, a bacterial cause in the nasal cavity cannot be ruled out.
If a child or adult has enlarged tonsils and nasal discharge, this may be the result of a disease suffered before a sore throat was diagnosed, or a viral sore throat caused by a rhinovirus or adenovirus.
Guess on your own “What caused the development of a runny nose?” does not make sense, you should definitely visit a doctor with this question, who will not only determine the probable cause, but also prescribe productive treatment for both tonsillitis and the accompanying phenomena. Self-medication may not only not be beneficial, but also aggravate the patient’s condition.
I have a runny nose after a sore throat, what should I do?
Without a doubt, it is always unpleasant after defeating one disease to have to fight a new one. After a sore throat, the body does not have a high level of resistance to pathogenic bacteria and viruses, much less strengthens the immune system and does not take antibiotics. Therefore, in order to prevent disruption of the bacterial balance, drugs like Linex or Narine are prescribed.
Also, the appearance of this symptom may indicate complications after insufficiently effective treatment of sore throat. Bacteria that enter the nasopharynx can cause sinusitis.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus. According to location they are distinguished:
The diagnosis of sinusitis is made in the case of an inflammatory process occurring in the mucous membrane of the maxillary paranasal sinus, sometimes affecting the bone walls of this area. The disease manifests itself in the form of congestion in one nostril, pain in the inflamed sinus area and thick mucous or purulent discharge from the nose.
Frontal sinusitis is diagnosed in the presence of inflammation of the mucous membrane in the paranasal frontal sinus. Symptoms of frontal sinusitis are a headache concentrated in the frontal lobe and purulent discharge from a stuffy nose.
With ethmoiditis, the membranes of the cells of the ethmoid bone or sinus, located in the front of the skull, next to the anterior cranial fossa and orbit, become inflamed. You can find out its development by paying attention to the following symptoms: pain in the bridge of the nose and the root of the nose, which is not relieved by painkillers, a feeling of mucus running down the back of the throat, changes in body temperature, redness and swelling of the periorbital space. Moreover, nasal discharge may not be observed.
Sphenoiditis is usually called an inflammatory process concentrated in the mucous membrane of the sphenoid sinus. It is deeply hidden, along with the optic nerves and pituitary gland, which is why inflammation is considered even more dangerous. Sphenoiditis is expressed by a headache emanating from the depths of the head, radiating to the back of the head and temple; high temperature and discharge may not bother you.
Can you have a runny nose with a sore throat?
Many people inevitably had to become acquainted with such a disease as sore throat. And this left the most unpleasant sensations. But it’s much more worrying when a child gets sick. And if, in addition to inflammation of the tonsils, other signs appear, in particular, a runny nose, then you become generally uneasy. Can this happen with a sore throat and how to deal with the problem, a specialist will tell you.
Causes and mechanisms
A typical sore throat caused by bacterial flora (streptococcus or staphylococcus) occurs in a localized area. If we are not talking about complications, then only the tonsils are affected. But even an unfavorable course of the disease can manifest itself not as rhinitis, but by other conditions (pharyngitis, paratonsillitis, abscess). So the appearance of a runny nose indicates another cause of pathology.
The nasal mucosa is often affected by viral infections. And some diseases are simultaneously characterized by tonsillitis syndrome. Therefore, with a sore throat, a runny nose really happens. The most common causes of this are the following infections:
A person becomes infected with them mainly through airborne droplets through contact with a sick person. The pathogen affects several parts of the respiratory system at once, and due to its toxic effect on the body, it worsens its functioning. And these manifestations are, of course, interconnected. But there is another situation when each condition (rhinitis and sore throat) has its own mechanism of development. Firstly, chronic tonsillitis often causes complications in the form of toxic-allergic reactions. And one of them is a vasomotor runny nose, which often accompanies an exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the tonsils.
Secondly, one person can have two diseases at the same time: a sore throat developed against the background of already existing rhinitis or, conversely, a decrease in protective forces caused the activation of saprophytic flora in the nasal cavity. And we cannot discount the possibility of such a development of events. And given the fact that the reasons are quite diverse, only a doctor can make a diagnosis. So don’t delay seeking medical help.
The origin of a runny nose due to inflammation of the tonsils is quite varied. Most often we are talking about a viral infection, but it is also possible that diseases overlap each other.
A clinical examination allows us to make an assumption about the causes of the disease. The doctor interviews the patient, identifying the main and additional complaints, and backs up the anamnesis data with the results of examination and palpation. Each disease has its own symptoms, but there are also common signs. If we talk about tonsillitis syndrome, it manifests itself as follows:
- Sore throat when swallowing.
- Enlargement and redness of the tonsils.
- The appearance of raids.
Many people are also familiar with inflammation of the nasal mucosa or runny nose. It is characterized by nasal congestion, discharge (mucous, purulent), decreased sense of smell, and sneezing. And if this occurs in one patient, then it is necessary to look for other symptoms that can shed light on the cause of the condition.
Adenovirus infection
Infection caused by adenoviruses occurs in various clinical forms. The most striking is the so-called nasopharyngoconjunctival fever. It occurs in both children and adults. First, a runny nose appears with severe rhinorrhea. Serous discharge gradually turns into mucous, which subsequently contains an admixture of pus. At the same time, the temperature rises to 38 degrees.
The very next day, signs of pharyngitis and tonsillitis appear. Throat damage occurs with the following symptoms:
- Feeling of tickling, scratching, burning.
- Pain while swallowing.
- Hyperemia and granularity of the posterior pharyngeal wall (cobblestone appearance).
The tonsils appear red and swollen. Thin whitish deposits appear on them, and sometimes they take on the character of films. And although the initiating factor is a virus, it is also impossible to exclude the addition of secondary bacterial flora.
Conjunctivitis also becomes a characteristic symptom of adenovirus infection. At first one eye is affected, but soon the other is also bothered. There are pains and a feeling of a foreign body (sand), lacrimation, the eyelids swell, the sclera is injected. The discharge from the eye is scanty; delicate films are visible on the conjunctiva.
Not only regional, but also other lymph nodes (axillary, inguinal) are enlarged. And the spread of infection often leads to the appearance of tracheitis or bronchitis. In children at an early age, adenoviral infection can occur with false croup and whooping cough-like syndrome, which creates a very real danger.
Adenovirus affects the upper respiratory tract, so you can often find a sore throat in combination with rhinitis.
Enterovirus infection
Enteroviruses (Coxsackie, ECHO) give a wide polymorphism of symptoms. Very often they cause damage to the upper respiratory tract: nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea. The disease begins acutely, with a sudden increase in temperature. Children have severe symptoms of intoxication: headaches, body aches, malaise. The next day, my throat begins to bother me and I have a runny nose. On examination, the mucous membrane is reddened, with injected vessels, the tonsils are swollen, covered with plaque. Many people experience a dry cough and hoarseness as signs of laryngotracheitis.
But enterovirus infection is not limited to damage to the upper respiratory tract. The disease has other manifestations that patients and doctors have to deal with:
- Conjunctivitis.
- Dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea).
- Skin rash (exanthema).
- Enlarged liver.
- Muscle pain (myalgia).
Sometimes conditions such as myocarditis, meningoencephalitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and polio-like diseases occur. Therefore, enterovirus infection is considered a rather serious pathology, which should be kept in mind in terms of differential diagnosis.
The measles virus spreads through the air very quickly. Therefore, the disease is highly contagious (infectious). After the incubation period (9–11 days), the first precursors of infection appear: fatigue, low-grade fever, sore throat, pain in the eyes. But then the temperature suddenly rises to 39 degrees with body aches and chills. At the same time, nasal congestion with serous discharge occurs, the conjunctiva swells, sore throat increases, and a dry cough appears.
The patient's face appears swollen and the sclera is injected. When examining the pharynx, the mucous membrane is reddened, the tonsils are loosened, and plugs in the lacunae can be seen. Reddish spots (enanthema) are noticeable in the area of the soft palate, and millet-like white dots (Belsky-Filatov) are visible on the inner surface of the cheeks. The latter are sometimes so abundant that they create the impression of a continuous coating.
Catarrhal symptoms disappear as soon as a rash appears on the skin. Its elements are represented by spots and papules, which first appear on the head and then spread to the trunk and limbs. In addition to the obvious stages, rashes are characterized by special dynamics. It gradually fades, leaving behind pigmentation with small scales.
Measles affects not only children, but also adults. Moreover, in the latter, the infection is more severe - with high fever, severe rash, bronchitis or pneumonia.
Additional diagnostics
To identify the causes of a sore throat and runny nose in a child, it is necessary to focus not only on the clinical picture, but also be sure to take into account the results of additional methods. The diagnostic search often includes general blood and urine tests, as well as examination of nasal and throat swabs (microscopy, culture, PCR). This will allow us to identify the causative agent of the infection and plan further measures.
Therapeutic tactics depend entirely on the origin of the disorders. When a viral infection is confirmed during the diagnostic process, the patient is treated symptomatically. First of all, adhere to general recommendations:
- Bed rest during febrile periods.
- Frequent ventilation, air humidification.
- Drink plenty of fluids - juices, compotes, fruit drinks, rosehip decoction (at least 1.5 liters per day).
- Eating easily digestible and fortified foods, without spicy, fatty or fried foods.
At the same time, symptomatic correction is carried out. Inflammatory changes in the upper respiratory tract are eliminated with the help of topical medications (rinsing, irrigation, lozenges):
- Antiseptics (Givalex, furacillin)
- Antimicrobial (Faryngosept, Decathylene).
- Plant (Rotocan, chlorophyllipt).
For conjunctivitis, use appropriate eye drops (Vitabact, Oftan Idu). Vasoconstrictors (Nazivin, Evkazolin) and saline solutions (Aquamaris) help treat a runny nose. But a viral infection requires not only a local, but also a general effect on the body. Therefore, other drugs are also used:
- Antipyretics (ibuprofen, paracetamol).
- Immunostimulating (Nazoferon, Polyoxidonium, Arbidol, Anaferon).
- Antihistamines (Tavegil, Aleron).
- Vitamins (ascorbic acid, tocopherol).
The main thing in therapy is not only to eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease, but to prevent its further development and the occurrence of complications. And in order for everything to happen exactly like this, you need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. You should not allow any self-medication - this will only delay the provision of adequate help and aggravate the condition. Only a doctor will tell you why there may be a runny nose with a sore throat and what needs to be done to cure the disease.
Does a runny nose occur during a sore throat and how to cure it?
Hello, dear friends! Is a runny nose during tonsillitis normal or a complication? Why does it occur and what needs to be done with it to quickly remove it, how to treat it? Now you will find out everything!
Is this normal?
First, let's find out whether rhinitis occurs during tonsillitis and whether this is normal.
Nasal congestion and cough are common signs of a cold and can last much longer than a sore throat.
When they arise, we think that we have a sore throat. Is this true and does a person with similar symptoms have tonsillitis?
The standard and most common sore throat (that is, bacterial) is never accompanied by the symptoms described above, except pain in the throat, and develops without a runny nose and cough.
What then makes a person sick? If such a clinical picture is present, doctors diagnose ARVI.
Therefore, if you or your child has a sore throat and profuse mucus snot, it means tonsillitis is viral. And to know exactly what you got sick with, be sure to go to the hospital and get examined by an ENT doctor.
Why does snot appear?
The inside of the human nose is covered with a thin layer of mucous, and this membrane secretes a minimal amount of mucus every day.
Under the influence of harmful microorganisms that cause the disease described above, the thin discharge thickens, changes color and volume. This is how snot is created, and its composition includes:
• 90% - ordinary water;
• the rest is nuclein and proteins.
Why is there a lot of snot during illness? Under the influence of infection, mucus from the nasal cavity is constantly renewed, which explains their large amount.
They protect the respiratory system from disease provocateurs - they catch and hold them, and then remove them outside.
And snot also protects the body not only by its quantity, but also by its ability to thicken (due to this ability, its carrying capacity decreases).
Not only viral tonsillitis can be accompanied by snot and cough.
If something similar happened during a purulent sore throat (bacterial), then we can say with confidence that it was accompanied by a secondary viral infection.
A runny nose with a sore throat, namely the color and abundance of snot, can say a lot about the stage and advanced stage of the disease. Let's study its shapes and find out what they mean.
Types of rhinitis and their meaning
By the amount and consistency of mucus from the nose, you can determine at what stage the disease is:
• first stage – there is practically no snot, but an unpleasant burning and tingling sensation is felt;
• second – the discharge is very liquid, copious, there are a lot of them, which is why the nasal canals become clogged;
• third - the mucus thickens, changes color, an unpleasant purulent aroma and a yellowish color may appear.
And the color of snot depends on the therapy (changes after certain medications) - if a person takes antibiotics, then they become greenish.
Purulent snot is observed mainly with bacterial tonsillitis, and acute viral infections almost always occur with clear liquid discharge.
How and with what to treat?
To find out how to treat a runny nose with a sore throat, you must first determine its exact cause and treat it.
If it is a viral infection, then you should take antiviral and immune stimulants, and if it is bacterial, antibiotics. Only a doctor can prescribe such medications; self-medication is unacceptable here!
Rhinitis itself can be relieved in various traditional and non-traditional ways. Among the traditional methods of treatment, the most effective are the following:
1. Rinse with saline solution. You can buy it at the pharmacy or make it yourself. In the pharmacy you will find a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, but to prepare it yourself you need to prepare 0.9 g of ordinary salt per 150 ml of boiled cooled water and mix until completely dissolved.
It is recommended to rinse the respiratory tract as follows: drop 1-2 drops for small children, 3-5 drops for older and adults, and then thoroughly blow your nose, repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day.
2. Use of vasoconstrictor drops. Such drugs include Nazol, Nazivin, Noxprey, Rinazolin. They must be used according to the instructions, which are always indicated on the label or in a separate insert that you will find in the package.
Remember that medications have contraindications and negative effects if abused, lists of which are also in the instructions and must be read before use.
The above pharmaceutical drops should not be used too often and for a long time, as they quickly become addictive.
It is better to rinse the airways with saline solution as often as possible, as it also effectively thins mucus and speeds up its elimination. And also during illness you should:
• install a humidifier in the room so that the mucous membranes do not dry out;
• maintain bed rest to prevent complications;
• increase the amount of fluid consumed.
Folk remedies
Among the folk remedies, the best against rhinitis at any stage are:
1. Mustard baths - heat the water, add mustard powder, steam the lower limbs for minutes. Instead of baths, you can use classic mustard plasters, but this treatment method is not suitable for children.
2. Compresses with salt - heat the salt in a frying pan, pour into a fabric bag, place on the bridge of the nose, hold until it cools.
3. Drops from Kalanchoe - instill fresh natural juice, diluting 50/50 with water for children and in pure form for adults.
4. Herbal anti-inflammatory teas - they can be found in the pharmacy in the form of a herbal mixture, they need to be brewed in the standard way and be sure to add lemon, preferably drink with honey instead of sugar.
That's all, dear readers. Now you know whether a runny nose occurs with a sore throat and why. Try the advice from the article, but also be sure to consult with your doctors and do not self-medicate.
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Author of articles: Ekaterina Ivanova Specialty: Pediatric ENT
Can you have a runny nose with a sore throat?
Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) is an infectious throat disease that affects the tonsils or lymphoid tissue of the throat and lymph nodes. Diseases develop as a result of the activation of microbes and their pathological effects on the body. Pathogens can be viruses, bacteria, Escherichia coli or fusiform coli, pale spirochete, fungi, helminths. There are more than five forms of sore throat, each of which has its own characteristics. Acute tonsillitis occurs with a pronounced clinical picture, rapidly increasing symptoms, severe intoxication, fever, and severe sore throat. At a certain stage, a cough and snot may accompany the disease.
How does a runny nose appear?
The human nasal mucosa normally secretes a small amount of mucus. Under the influence of pathogenic microbes that cause tonsillitis, the discharge thickens, changes color, and its quantity increases significantly. This is how snot is formed, its composition: 95% water, 3% mucin protein, 2% lipids, 1% salts, nucleic acids, free proteins.
Snot is a defense against bacteria and viruses. A runny nose with a sore throat occurs when a person’s immunity is significantly reduced and microbes can easily gain a foothold on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The causes of a runny nose are varied. Rhinitis can develop as a result of exposure of the nasal mucosa to allergens, irritants, pollen, or after a nasal injury. Predisposing factors include hypothermia or overheating, teething in infants, problems with the digestive system, or a foreign object in the nose.
Under the influence of infection, nasal discharge is constantly renewed, which explains their large amount during colds. Snot comes out as a result of the work of numerous cilia lining the epithelium of the mucous membrane, which push out mucus.
Discharge protects the body from microbes not only by its quantity, but also by its ability to thicken.
The longer a sore throat lasts, the thicker the snot.
A runny nose occurs not only with acute tonsillitis. More often this is a sign of a secondary infection. But only a specialist can understand what disease rhinitis is a symptom of. After a correct diagnosis, adequate treatment is prescribed. There are 3 stages of acute rhinitis.
- The first stage begins when microbes enter the nasal cavity. Under their influence, dryness in the nose and a burning sensation appear. The first phase lasts from several hours to two days. The general condition of the patient is characterized by malaise, low-grade fever, and incipient pain in the muscles, joints, and head.
- The second stage is characterized by the discharge of liquid mucus from the nose (rhinorrhea). The burning sensation goes away, congestion appears, decreased sense of smell, and lacrimation. The general symptoms of the disease are increasing.
At this stage of rhinitis, conjunctivitis may occur, which is called concomitant conjunctivitis.
- The third stage of a runny nose begins 4-6 days from the onset of the disease. The snot thickens, its color changes, it can be not only mucous, but also purulent in nature, and an unpleasant odor appears. The fetid odor is explained by the functioning of protective cells of phagocytes and neutrophils, which cause inflammation and swelling, and at the same time fight microbes. Bacteria processed by phagocytes are released out in the form of pus. The third stage lasts 2-3 days, after which the symptoms subside and the patient’s condition gradually improves.
Bacterial tonsillitis is characterized by purulent nasal discharge. With a viral sore throat, they either do not exist, or they are mucous and abundant.
If a secondary infection occurs during inflammation of the tonsils, the nature of the discharge may change regardless of the primary pathogen.
In young children, sore throat almost always occurs with a runny nose and is much more severe than in adults. Very often, after rhinitis, a baby may develop otitis media. This is due to the anatomical features of the nasopharynx in children. Their eustachian tube is too short and wide. Pathogenic microorganisms spread very quickly through the auditory tube into the middle ear. The disease is severe with high fever, sleep disturbances, children do not want to eat, and there may be convulsions. Therefore, timely professional treatment of sore throat and rhinitis in newborns will save them from developing serious complications.
If a person has a strong immune system, then rhinitis can go away in 3 days.
Color of nasal discharge
- Rhinorrhea (watery translucent mucus) is observed at the initial stage of acute tonsillitis. During this period, it is useful to rinse the nasal sinuses with a saline solution, which disinfects and cleanses the mucous membrane and nasal passages of germs and mucus;
- under the influence of antibiotics, the mucus acquires a greenish tint and an unpleasant odor. During this period, you need to liquefy the snot and remove it;
- towards the end of treatment, yellow discharge appears as a result of the death of microbes and the formation of their waste products (toxins). The mucus thickens and forms a dried crust. At this stage, you need to be especially careful when removing snot, since dried crusts can injure the mucous membrane.
If a runny nose continues for more than a month, it becomes chronic.
Diagnosis and treatment
At the first signs of acute tonsillitis, you should seek help from an ENT doctor. The specialist clarifies the patient’s complaints and examines the nasal cavity with a light reflector. At the early stage of rhinitis, the nasal mucosa is hyperemic and swollen. After this, copious discharge appears.
Traditional therapy
For bacterial infections, general antibiotics in tablets or injections and local antibiotics in sprays or drops, and antihistamines are prescribed. For nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor nasal medications are used. For viral and bacterial infections, anti-inflammatory, symptomatic drugs, and agents that strengthen the immune system are prescribed. For a runny nose, mustard plasters on the soles and calf muscles are effective. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime. You should not eat food that is difficult to digest.
When caring for a newborn during illness, you must constantly ensure that the child’s nose is breathing and that crusts do not form. If crusts have formed, then they need to be removed with cotton wool, after soaking them in saline solution. After this, vasoconstrictor drops or saline solution should be dripped into the nasal passages and the snot should be sucked out with an aspirator.
Traditional methods of treatment:
- steam your feet in a hot mustard bath for minutes;
- make warm compresses with salt on the bridge of the nose;
Hot drinks, warm compresses, and hot baths should not be used at elevated temperatures and purulent discharge.
- drink herbal anti-inflammatory tea with lemon;
- rinse the sinuses with saline solution.
Preventive measures
Since rhinitis occurs against the background of sore throat and colds, it is necessary to take measures to prevent infection:
- avoid hypothermia, keep your feet warm;
- harden the body;
- take vitamin therapy courses during the cold season;
- in residential premises, maintain a comfortable regime: air temperature no higher than +20 degrees, humidity no lower than 50%, do regular ventilation and wet cleaning;
- maintain personal hygiene;
- During epidemics, do not visit crowded places and do not contact infected people.
Often, a runny nose remains after a sore throat has been treated. Most often this is due to the use of antibiotics, which also destroy beneficial bacteria, causing bacterial imbalance (dysbiosis). To avoid snot after tonsillitis, you need to take probiotics along with antibacterial drugs after consulting a doctor who will find out the causes of rhinitis and prescribe proper treatment.
Author: Angelina Elena
White mucus from nose
Snot smells like pus
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Why does a runny nose occur with a sore throat and how does it manifest?
Experienced doctors know that a runny nose with a sore throat most often indicates a viral disease. The primary (bacterial) form of acute tonsillitis occurs without signs of inflammation of the oral mucosa. A runny nose is the body's reaction to the introduction of a virus.
Development of the disease
Rhinitis means inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by mucous or purulent discharge and congestion. In acute inflammation of the tonsils, the lymphoid tissue becomes inflamed, which is manifested by severe sore throat and symptoms of intoxication. These pathologies can be combined. Sore throat itself is not the cause of acute rhinitis.
The appearance of rhinorrhea in acute tonsillitis is typical for children and adults. There are 3 stages of disease development. The first is characterized by the penetration of microbes into the nasal cavity. Irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, resulting in dryness, tickling and burning. In the second stage, rhinorrhea occurs and is manifested by mucous discharge. At stage 3, they become mucopurulent and more viscous, and severe congestion occurs.
Main etiological factors
The simultaneous appearance of rhinitis and symptoms of acute inflammation of the tonsils indicates a viral infection. The main reasons are:
In some cases, rhinorrhea develops against the background of allergic tonsillitis. Less commonly, the cause of rhinitis in combination with a sore throat is scarlet fever. Human infection most often occurs through the air through contact with sick people or carriers. Predisposing factors for the appearance of a runny nose and sore throat are:
- decreased local and general immunity;
- inhalation of cold air;
- deviated nasal septum;
- presence of adenoids;
- allergic reactions;
- the presence of sinusitis or caries;
- hypothermia;
- drinking cold drinks;
- hypovitaminosis;
- exposure to dirty water when swimming.
Herpes (cold sore) sore throat
A runny nose against the background of herpetic (enteroviral) sore throat is caused by the ECHO and Coxsackie viruses. The main mechanism of infection is fecal-oral. The pathogen enters the body with water and food. Rhinorrhea against the background of herpetic tonsillitis most often appears in the summer during the swimming season. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and tonsils is caused by the active reproduction of the virus and the release of toxins.
The appearance of a runny nose is possible against the background of a secondary sore throat that occurs with the flu. Transmission of the virus occurs through airborne droplets. The peak incidence occurs in the autumn-winter-spring period. Outbreaks often occur in child care facilities. Other causes of rhinitis include inflammation of the tonsils due to scarlet fever. The risk group includes young children.
Rhinitis with scarlet fever
Inflammation of the nasal mucosa and tonsillitis are signs of scarlet fever, an acute infectious pathology caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci. Infection occurs through coughing, sneezing, eating and direct contact. After streptococci penetrate into the nasopharynx, sore throat and rhinitis occur. Rhinitis with scarlet fever acute tonsillitis has the following features:
- accompanied by fever, chills and headache;
- combined with enlarged lymph nodes;
- is an early symptom of the disease;
- lasts 3-5 days;
- characterized by nasal congestion and difficulty breathing.
A runny nose against the background of tonsillitis is accompanied by itching, lacrimation, sneezing, general malaise, headache, difficulty in nasal breathing, nasal tone and copious mucous discharge. Rhinitis with scarlet fever does not last long; on the 5th day the patient’s condition improves. A distinctive feature of a runny nose with scarlet fever is its combination with a pinpoint rash on the face, torso and limbs.
Runny nose with herpetic sore throat
Acute rhinitis can occur with herpetic tonsillitis, which mainly affects children. Inflammation of the tonsils and runny nose are caused by enterovirus infection. This pathology is diagnosed in isolated cases and the risk group includes children from 3 to 10 years old. A runny nose due to herpetic sore throat occurs 7-14 days after infection.
Initially, symptoms of intoxication occur, after which acute rhinitis develops. It is characterized by nasal pain, mucus discharge, fever, loss of smell and congestion. At the same time, a sore throat develops, which is manifested by a sore throat, redness of the tonsils, rashes and ulcers. A runny nose and sore throat with enterovirus infection last about a week. Specific signs of this pathology are loose and frequent stools, vomiting, cough, abdominal pain, myalgia and loss of appetite.
Patient examination
If you have a runny nose and sore throat, a comprehensive examination is required. To clarify the diagnosis you will need:
- examination of the oral cavity;
- rhinoscopy;
- pharyngoscopy;
- microscopy of a smear with mucous membrane;
- general clinical tests;
- polymerase chain reaction;
- linked immunosorbent assay;
- Auscultation of the lungs and heart.
When examining the nasal cavity with a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane, redness and liquid discharge are detected. Purulent discharge indicates the bacterial nature of the runny nose. Pharyngoscopy is very informative. Herpetic sore throat is indicated by hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the pharynx and tonsils, signs of damage to the palate, papular and vesicular rashes.
Treatment of diseases
You can get rid of a runny nose due to a sore throat with the help of medications. At the early stage of acute rhinitis, the following are used:
For severe nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor sprays and drops are used (Xylen, Dlynos, Rinostop, Rinorus, Xylometazoline, Galazolin, Pinosol, Zvezdochka Noz, Snoop, Tizin Xylo, Naphthyzin and Sanorin). Local medications are applied 2-4 times a day. The combination drug Sinupret helps well; often, for a runny nose, the tablet drugs Rhinopront and Cinnabsin are prescribed.
For rhinitis against the background of sore throat, Protargol solution and Interferon can be prescribed. In case of congestion, it is necessary to rinse the nose with sea water or saline solution. If the cause of sore throat and runny nose is a sore throat, then systemic antibiotics are prescribed. Penicillins are the most effective, and cephalosporins and macrolides are reserve drugs. Patients must remain in bed for 7-10 days.
For a runny nose and sore throat due to the flu, antiviral drugs are prescribed (Ingavirin, Tamiflu, Arbidol, Kagocel). When rhinorrhea is combined with headache and fever, analgesics (Solpadeine, Coldrex) can be prescribed. If the cause of the runny nose is herpetic sore throat, then you will need:
- immunomodulators;
- detoxification of the body;
- histamine receptor blockers;
- drinking plenty of water;
- gargling with antiseptics and herbs;
- endonasal instillation of interferon;
- UV radiation of the nasopharynx.
An important aspect of treatment is eliminating the signs of sore throat. It is recommended to gargle with antiseptics and herbs, as well as use various sprays, tablets, lozenges and lozenges. Stopangin, Anti-Angin, Lugol's solution, Iodinol, Cameton, Hexoral, Falimint, Faringosept and Strepsils are effective for angina.
Many medications have age restrictions and the doctor must take this into account when prescribing treatment. If there is thick nasal discharge, thinning medications may be required: Rinofluimucil and Sinuforte.
Thus, the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose against the background of a sore throat is a reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.
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Can you have a runny nose with a sore throat?
Runny nose with sore throat
Do you have a runny nose with a sore throat?
The question is quite complex and requires a special layout. The fact is that a sore throat, in itself, does not cause a runny nose and such a phenomenon as phlegm in the nose cannot be attributed to the course of a sore throat. It’s a different matter when two diseases overlap one another, and then a runny nose may be present against the background of a sore throat.
Sore throat is an acute infectious disease caused by stofylakkok. It is divided into many varieties, which are different forms of the same process. Previously, it was believed that tonsillitis could be contracted in the spring or autumn, however, in recent years it has also begun to be characterized as a seasonal summer disease. Pathogens can attack the body during a period of weakening due to hypothermia or overwork. It is at this moment that a runny nose may appear, as a reaction of the body to prolonged exposure to an environment with a low temperature. However, a runny nose has nothing to do directly with a sore throat; it has other symptoms, which will be discussed below.
Do you have a runny nose and cough with a sore throat?
Classic sore throat occurs without a runny nose or cough. Another thing is that a cough may occur after a sore throat. This happens during the inflammatory process of the tonsils, provoked by the course of the disease. In this case, it is recommended to use a solution of honey infused with sage and chamomile to treat inflammation. The infection that causes sore throat affects the respiratory tract, which causes swelling of the throat, which also contributes to coughing.
Cough is characteristic of the development of an acute respiratory viral infection, and it must be treated with methods acceptable for its treatment. If you have a sore throat with a runny nose and cough. then, most likely, such a combination does not indicate a sore throat, but tonsillitis, laryngitis or pharyngitis - diseases caused by viruses that affect the palatine, nasopharyngeal and lingual tonsils.
In this case, cough treatment is associated with the elimination of pharyngitis or a similar disease. In this case, the cough can be dry, spasmodic or wet, of which dry is the most dangerous, since it does not help remove sputum from the bronchi, which is necessary to speed up the healing process.
Symptoms of sore throat and runny nose
As mentioned above, sore throat is divided into varieties. These include catarrhal tonsillitis - the simplest form of the disease, affecting the upper region of the tonsils. Its course is characterized by a sore throat, which, however, is not always accompanied by a high temperature. Poor appetite, headache, weakness, chills are noted. With lacunar angina, the temperature rises to 40 degrees. The lymph nodes under the jaws become enlarged, saliva flows, plaque appears on the tonsils, in addition to their redness. Follicular tonsillitis is characterized by damage to the parenchyma of the tonsils, their swelling occurs with the appearance of yellow formations the size of a pinhead.
The nature of the runny nose occurs in two forms: acute and chronic. The acute form is characterized by dryness, burning in the nose, possibly increased body temperature, and sneezing. After some time, nasal discharge begins, breathing becomes difficult, and the timbre of the voice is disturbed. It is worth noting that with certain diseases, nasal discharge can be very strong.
The chronic form develops as a consequence of an untreated acute infectious rhinitis. In this case, during exacerbations, the symptoms are similar to the course of an acute form of the common cold; when the disease weakens, there may be no symptoms at all.
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Can you have a runny nose with a sore throat?
Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) is an infectious throat disease that affects the tonsils or lymphoid tissue of the throat and lymph nodes. Diseases develop as a result of the activation of microbes and their pathological effects on the body. Pathogens can be viruses, bacteria, Escherichia coli or fusiform coli, pale spirochete, fungi, helminths. There are more than five forms of sore throat, each of which has its own characteristics. Acute tonsillitis occurs with a pronounced clinical picture, rapidly increasing symptoms, severe intoxication, fever, and severe sore throat. At a certain stage, a cough and snot may accompany the disease.
How does a runny nose appear?
The human nasal mucosa normally secretes a small amount of mucus. Under the influence of pathogenic microbes that cause tonsillitis, the discharge thickens, changes color, and its quantity increases significantly. This is how snot is formed, its composition: 95% water, 3% mucin protein, 2% lipids, 1% salts, nucleic acids, free proteins.
Snot is a defense against bacteria and viruses. A runny nose with a sore throat occurs when a person’s immunity is significantly reduced and microbes can easily gain a foothold on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The causes of a runny nose are varied. Rhinitis can develop as a result of exposure of the nasal mucosa to allergens, irritants, pollen, or after a nasal injury. Predisposing factors include hypothermia or overheating, teething in infants, problems with the digestive system, or a foreign object in the nose.
Under the influence of infection, nasal discharge is constantly renewed, which explains their large amount during colds. Snot comes out as a result of the work of numerous cilia lining the epithelium of the mucous membrane, which push out mucus.
Discharge protects the body from microbes not only by its quantity, but also by its ability to thicken.
The longer a sore throat lasts, the thicker the snot.
A runny nose occurs not only with acute tonsillitis. More often this is a sign of a secondary infection. But only a specialist can understand what disease rhinitis is a symptom of. After a correct diagnosis, adequate treatment is prescribed. There are 3 stages of acute rhinitis.
- The first stage begins when microbes enter the nasal cavity. Under their influence, dryness in the nose and a burning sensation appear. The first phase lasts from several hours to two days. The general condition of the patient is characterized by malaise, low-grade fever, and incipient pain in the muscles, joints, and head.
- The second stage is characterized by the discharge of liquid mucus from the nose (rhinorrhea). The burning sensation goes away, congestion appears, decreased sense of smell, and lacrimation. The general symptoms of the disease are increasing.
At this stage of rhinitis, conjunctivitis may occur, which is called concomitant conjunctivitis.
- The third stage of a runny nose begins 4-6 days from the onset of the disease. The snot thickens, its color changes, it can be not only mucous, but also purulent in nature, and an unpleasant odor appears. The fetid odor is explained by the functioning of protective cells of phagocytes and neutrophils, which cause inflammation and swelling, and at the same time fight microbes. Bacteria processed by phagocytes are released out in the form of pus. The third stage lasts 2-3 days, after which the symptoms subside and the patient’s condition gradually improves.
Bacterial tonsillitis is characterized by purulent nasal discharge. With a viral sore throat, they either do not exist, or they are mucous and abundant.
If a secondary infection occurs during inflammation of the tonsils, the nature of the discharge may change regardless of the primary pathogen.
In young children, sore throat almost always occurs with a runny nose and is much more severe than in adults. Very often, after rhinitis, a baby may develop otitis media. This is due to the anatomical features of the nasopharynx in children. Their eustachian tube is too short and wide. Pathogenic microorganisms spread very quickly through the auditory tube into the middle ear. The disease is severe with high fever, sleep disturbances, children do not want to eat, and there may be convulsions. Therefore, timely professional treatment of sore throat and rhinitis in newborns will save them from developing serious complications.
If a person has a strong immune system, then rhinitis can go away in 3 days.
Color of nasal discharge
Depending on the stage of the disease, snot can be of different colors:
- Rhinorrhea (watery translucent mucus) is observed at the initial stage of acute tonsillitis. During this period, it is useful to rinse the nasal sinuses with a saline solution, which disinfects and cleanses the mucous membrane and nasal passages of germs and mucus;
- under the influence of antibiotics, the mucus acquires a greenish tint and an unpleasant odor. During this period, you need to liquefy the snot and remove it;
- towards the end of treatment, yellow discharge appears as a result of the death of microbes and the formation of their waste products (toxins). The mucus thickens and forms a dried crust. At this stage, you need to be especially careful when removing snot, since dried crusts can injure the mucous membrane.
If a runny nose continues for more than a month, it becomes chronic.
Diagnosis and treatment
At the first signs of acute tonsillitis, you should seek help from an ENT doctor. The specialist clarifies the patient’s complaints and examines the nasal cavity with a light reflector. At the early stage of rhinitis, the nasal mucosa is hyperemic and swollen. After this, copious discharge appears.
Traditional therapy
For bacterial infections, general antibiotics in tablets or injections and local antibiotics in sprays or drops, and antihistamines are prescribed. For nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor nasal medications are used. For viral and bacterial infections, anti-inflammatory, symptomatic drugs, and agents that strengthen the immune system are prescribed. For a runny nose, mustard plasters on the soles and calf muscles are effective. It is necessary to observe the drinking regime. You should not eat food that is difficult to digest.
When caring for a newborn during illness, you must constantly ensure that the child’s nose is breathing and that crusts do not form. If crusts have formed, then they need to be removed with cotton wool, after soaking them in saline solution. After this, vasoconstrictor drops or saline solution should be dripped into the nasal passages and the snot should be sucked out with an aspirator.
Traditional methods of treatment:
- steam your feet in a hot mustard bath for minutes;
- make warm compresses with salt on the bridge of the nose;
Hot drinks, warm compresses, and hot baths should not be used at elevated temperatures and purulent discharge.
- drink herbal anti-inflammatory tea with lemon;
- rinse the sinuses with saline solution.
Preventive measures
Since rhinitis occurs against the background of sore throat and colds, it is necessary to take measures to prevent infection:
- avoid hypothermia, keep your feet warm;
- harden the body;
- take vitamin therapy courses during the cold season;
- in residential premises, maintain a comfortable regime: air temperature no higher than +20 degrees, humidity no lower than 50%, do regular ventilation and wet cleaning;
- maintain personal hygiene;
- During epidemics, do not visit crowded places and do not contact infected people.
Often, a runny nose remains after a sore throat has been treated. Most often this is due to the use of antibiotics, which also destroy beneficial bacteria, causing bacterial imbalance (dysbiosis). To avoid snot after tonsillitis, you need to take probiotics along with antibacterial drugs after consulting a doctor who will find out the causes of rhinitis and prescribe proper treatment.
Author: Angelina Elena
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The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no way calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and medications, consultation with a qualified physician is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The portal's editors are not responsible for its accuracy.
Higher medical education, anesthesiologist.
Doctor of the highest category, pediatrician.
Does a runny nose occur with a sore throat?
What is a runny nose?
A runny nose can appear for several reasons:
- in the presence of an inflammatory process in the membrane of the nose;
- when implementing a protective reaction of the body to the ingress of a pathogenic agent;
- in case of an allergic reaction.
By the way, throat diseases can develop after forced, due to nasal congestion, breathing through the mouth.
A runny nose is always accompanied by:
- copious nasal discharge;
- sneezing;
- discomfort in the nose;
- swelling of the mucous membranes.
Is it necessary to blow your nose and how to do it correctly?
Yes, you definitely need to remove mucus from your nose. This can be done by rinsing the nose and blowing your nose.
Blowing your nose correctly means performing the following manipulations:
- Do not try to push out the discharge as much as you can; it is better to blow your nose more often than with “stuffed” ears. There is an opinion that it is precisely because of diligent nose blowing that children become susceptible to otitis media.
- Do not pinch your nose between exhalations.
- It would be more correct to close one of the nostrils and blow out the mucus from each nostril in turn.
- Use disposable wet wipes to collect mucus.
How is a runny nose treated?
You can overcome a runny nose by getting rid of the main cause that causes nasal discharge. Nasal rinsing and vasoconstrictor drops will help alleviate the condition.
You can easily rinse your nose only using the following chain of actions:
- Buy it at the pharmacy or make your own saline solution. The pharmacy will require a 0.9% aqueous solution of sodium chloride. To prepare saline solution at home, you need to prepare 0.9 g of table salt for every 100 ml of boiled water, i.e. You need to dissolve a full teaspoon of salt in a liter of water.
- Drop the prepared solution into the nose. For a child of the first year of life, 1-2 drops are enough, for older and adults 3-5 drops at a convenient period of time. The minimum interval is 10 minutes.
- After that, clear your nose of mucus by blowing your nose. A small child may not be required to blow his nose after instillation; the more often you drip, the sooner the discharge will move into the pharynx and simply be swallowed by the child. But grandmothers have been arguing all their lives that it is impossible to swallow nasal mucus, however, in fact, this does not pose a serious danger to either digestion or the respiratory tract.
The main purpose of rinsing with saline solution is to prevent mucus from drying out in the nose and accumulating. But sometimes a longer-term absence of discharge is required, and in this case vasoconstrictor drops come to the rescue. When using them, you must adhere to the following rules:
- prevent addiction;
- adhere to the precise dosage prescribed by the doctor;
- the course of treatment with drops should not exceed a week (but situations, of course, are different and the otolaryngologist can increase the treatment period at his discretion);
- listen to the body’s reaction so as not to miss the occurrence of side effects: dry nose and mouth, burning, tingling, frequent sneezing, vomiting, palpitations, and consult a doctor about them;
- For a child under 3 years of age, the use of vasoconstrictor drops must strictly comply with medical prescription.
The most popular means for relieving nasal congestion are Nazol, Nazivin, Noxprey, Rinazolin.
So, the main methods of dealing with nasal mucus:
- Cool, about 18 degrees Celsius, and humidified air in the patient’s room;
- Increased volume of fluid consumed;
- Regular rinsing of the nose with saline and rare use of vasoconstrictor drops.
Runny nose with sore throat
Can a sore throat be accompanied by a runny nose? Bacterial sore throat and runny nose, as mentioned above, do not exist together. Mucus formation is provoked by other and, as a rule, viral diseases of the throat, however, a bacterial cause in the nasal cavity cannot be ruled out.
If a child or adult has enlarged tonsils and nasal discharge, this may be the result of a disease suffered before a sore throat was diagnosed, or a viral sore throat caused by a rhinovirus or adenovirus.
Guess on your own “What caused the development of a runny nose?” does not make sense, you should definitely visit a doctor with this question, who will not only determine the probable cause, but also prescribe productive treatment for both tonsillitis and the accompanying phenomena. Self-medication may not only not be beneficial, but also aggravate the patient’s condition.
I have a runny nose after a sore throat, what should I do?
Without a doubt, it is always unpleasant after defeating one disease to have to fight a new one. After a sore throat, the body does not have a high level of resistance to pathogenic bacteria and viruses, much less strengthens the immune system and does not take antibiotics. Therefore, in order to prevent disruption of the bacterial balance, drugs like Linex or Narine are prescribed.
Also, the appearance of this symptom may indicate complications after insufficiently effective treatment of sore throat. Bacteria that enter the nasopharynx can cause sinusitis.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus. According to location they are distinguished:
The diagnosis of sinusitis is made in the case of an inflammatory process occurring in the mucous membrane of the maxillary paranasal sinus, sometimes affecting the bone walls of this area. The disease manifests itself in the form of congestion in one nostril, pain in the inflamed sinus area and thick mucous or purulent discharge from the nose.
Frontal sinusitis is diagnosed in the presence of inflammation of the mucous membrane in the paranasal frontal sinus. Symptoms of frontal sinusitis are a headache concentrated in the frontal lobe and purulent discharge from a stuffy nose.
With ethmoiditis, the membranes of the cells of the ethmoid bone or sinus, located in the front of the skull, next to the anterior cranial fossa and orbit, become inflamed. You can find out its development by paying attention to the following symptoms: pain in the bridge of the nose and the root of the nose, which is not relieved by painkillers, a feeling of mucus running down the back of the throat, changes in body temperature, redness and swelling of the periorbital space. Moreover, nasal discharge may not be observed.
Sphenoiditis is usually called an inflammatory process concentrated in the mucous membrane of the sphenoid sinus. It is deeply hidden, along with the optic nerves and pituitary gland, which is why inflammation is considered even more dangerous. Sphenoiditis is expressed by a headache emanating from the depths of the head, radiating to the back of the head and temple; high temperature and discharge may not bother you.