Do children have fever with otitis media?

High temperature with otitis media: treatment features for children and adults

A symptom such as fever during otitis, especially in a child, can cause serious concern. It can appear once or last for several days.

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Under certain conditions, this phenomenon actually poses a threat to the patient’s health and therefore it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible. Differences between treatment approaches in adults and children should be taken into account. Also of considerable importance is the specific form of otitis, the characteristics of the manifestation of the disease and the presence of associated problems. Let's talk about all these nuances in more detail.

Differences in forms of otitis media and their symptoms

The course of otitis and its treatment largely depends on the form and cause of the disease. It is these factors that determine whether a patient may have a fever with otitis media. For example, the allergic type of disease is characterized by symptoms such as snot, lacrimation, redness of the skin, but the indicator mentioned above remains within the normal range.

In other forms of otitis, fever occurs more often. This indicates that an infection has entered the body, which has triggered the inflammatory process. The following symptoms also indicate this cause:

How many days the temperature lasts for a particular form of otitis depends on the severity of the inflammatory process. In a child, high fever has more severe consequences than in an adult. Let's consider the main forms of the disease:

  • Acute otitis. It begins with severe shooting pains and high fever, often above 39 degrees. The phases do not last long and change quickly, so you need to act quickly. This is the most common type of ear disease. Acute otitis media often occurs due to hypothermia or as a complication after a cold or flu. Symptoms differ in intensity and short duration. On average they last from 3 to 7 days.
  • Purulent otitis. Very often it becomes chronic if treatment was started untimely or did not have the desired effect at an early stage. There is green snot and stuffy ears. With chronic otitis media, the temperature may generally be within normal limits. Often it increases only slightly, which indicates the development of a protracted purulent process. Pus begins to ooze from the ears, the amount of which increases sharply after the eardrum is perforated.

A symptom such as green snot indicates the activity of pathogenic microflora. A runny nose can trigger the development of otitis media if its treatment has not been effective. Together with mucus, the infection can enter the ears through the blood or Eustachian tube.

What does high temperature mean?

Based on the above, we can conclude that the high temperature observed with otitis media in a child or adult indicates the activation of pathogenic organisms. They provoke inflammation of tissues and generally have a negative effect on the body, causing disruptions in its functioning and intoxication. Trying to cope with the infection, the immune system increases body temperature.

Low-grade fever is normal during illness. This means that the body independently fights the problem. At the same time, pay attention to how many days the low-grade fever with otitis media lasts. A few days is the norm, but if it lasts about a week, it is necessary to find out the cause of this phenomenon and take appropriate measures.

If during otitis the temperature reaches 39 degrees, this is definitely an alarming signal, which means that the body’s strength is running out and it cannot cope with the infection. Reduction of high temperature should be immediate.

Low fever is often accompanied by snot. When their number decreases, either recovery or an increase in the indicators on the thermometer occurs. A symptom such as green snot accompanies ARVI and influenza. It is this color and this consistency of mucus that indicate that there is a accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms in the body. If a child produces green snot mixed with pus, this means that the treatment is ineffective. When the temperature drops, such discharge without foreign impurities may contain dead bacteria and their metabolic products.

High temperature, especially over a long period, can be a serious threat to the human body. The ongoing inflammatory process can spread to the brain, other parts of the ear, vestibular apparatus, facial nerve, etc. Complications are also possible in other systems, for example, pneumonia.

Treatment methods for children and adults

To prevent the development of negative consequences and speed up the recovery process, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible. It is advisable to prevent the development of otitis media at all. As soon as you notice symptoms such as malaise and green mucus in yourself or your child, immediately begin treatment, as well as strengthening and stimulating the immune system.

In order for the body to have the ability to independently cope with diseases, with a slight increase in the child’s temperature, treatment should consist of supportive measures, without taking special medications. If otitis media causes severe pain, then painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

In no case should you spontaneously take strong drugs, in particular antibiotics. Only a doctor prescribes them for a child.

Many people consider antibiotics to be the main cure. In fact, this is a last resort. If you constantly use such medications for any ailment, over time the body will stop fighting germs on its own. In addition, an antibiotic can also kill beneficial microflora, which results in a long recovery process after illness and dysbacteriosis.

It is advisable to seek help from an otolaryngologist at the first suspicion of the disease. Depending on how many days the temperature has lasted at the time of treatment and what its limit is, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications and auxiliary measures. To prevent green snot from leading to blockage of the auditory tube, vasoconstrictor drugs are used. You need to blow your nose regularly, closing one nostril at a time. If the temperature is above 39 degrees, treatment with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic tablets is prescribed.

If small children become ill, it is necessary to call an ambulance. The body under 3 years of age has differences in the perception of certain medications and procedures. In addition, it is very sensitive to abnormal fluctuations in indicators, and therefore even a slight increase in temperature can cause severe discomfort. Acute otitis media is accompanied by pain, but treating it with methods familiar to adults is strictly prohibited. If there are no indications, it is necessary to avoid the use of antibiotics. When febrile levels are reached and intoxication develops, hospitalization is required. This does not mean that the situation is very serious, but you should still play it safe.

Treatment of purulent otitis media can be supplemented with surgical methods. A simple and common procedure is paracentesis of the eardrum. Warming and ear drops are contraindicated in this case. Medicines are administered by a doctor only as needed. Heating lamps, pneumomassages and other methods of physiotherapy are also prescribed.

Self-medication can harm the patient and lead to the destruction of the body's immune defense. Fever can be both a warning sign and an indication of slow recovery. To clarify the situation, consult your doctor in advance to prevent the development of complications.

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©. BezOtita - everything about otitis media and other ear diseases.

All information on the site is for informational purposes only. Before any treatment, you should always consult your doctor.

The Site may contain content that is not intended for persons under 16 years of age.


Temperature in children with otitis media

Why does temperature occur with otitis media?

With otitis media, as with any inflammatory processes in the body, body temperature may rise. This symptom indicates the presence of a bacterial or viral infection, which the child’s body fights by raising the temperature. As a rule, it takes about three days for the immune system to cope with a viral infection on its own, after which thermoregulation improves. If this does not happen, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics, since such symptoms indicate a bacterial origin of the infection.

Temperature during otitis is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, allowing to reduce the rate of their reproduction.


Otitis in children most often occurs in an acute form and affects the middle ear. This is due to the high probability of infection penetrating from the nasopharynx into the middle cavity through the too wide and short passage of the Eustachian tube. A common symptom indicating the presence of infection is a high temperature with otitis media, which can last for several days.

So what are the reasons for its occurrence?


Viruses or bacteria during their metabolism release primary pyrogens - special substances, endotoxins, that can penetrate the blood. When endotoxins enter the bloodstream, the immune system responds, in which a large number of leukocytes or neutrophils are formed in the blood. Immune cells begin to fight endotoxins and, neutralizing them, decompose into secondary pyrogens - signal mediators in the central nervous system.


Secondary pyrogens penetrating into the hypothalamus are read by the thermoregulation center as a decrease in the temperature of the bloodstream, and the body reacts to this by increasing body temperature by several degrees, thereby slowing down the development of the infection or reducing its resistance to medications aimed at its destruction.


The child’s immune system is immature, so there are often failures in the protective reaction aimed at neutralizing the high concentration of endotoxins released by the infection into the blood. Therefore, the primary reaction to the inflammatory process, including otitis, may be the child’s weakness, drowsiness and thirst caused by intoxication.

At the same time, a delayed immune response can cause a rapid increase in body temperature. In children under three years of age, it can take less than an hour from a state of lethargy and drowsiness to the temperature rising to critical levels, so for infectious diseases in the development stage, the temperature should be measured every 30 minutes, especially at night.

When to shoot down

Many parents, with a reading on the thermometer of 37.5, try to bring down the “high” temperature, not realizing that by doing so they are delaying the child’s recovery process for several days. And all because heat does not contribute to the proliferation of viral infections and inhibits bacterial activity. When the temperature is artificially reduced to normal levels, the infection activity resumes.

Up to 39°C

However, an elevated temperature in itself is not dangerous for a child up to a certain point of 38.5 - 39 degrees. Without reaching these numbers, heat stimulates the production of interferon, activates all body functions, promotes increased blood circulation, which can help relieve swelling in inflamed areas. But for such active activity of the body, an increased concentration of oxygen in the blood is necessary, which is difficult with insufficient ventilation of the lungs due to the outflow of the bloodstream. If a child's fever lasts more than 5 days, pneumonia may occur as a complication.


Another danger that fever can pose is febrile convulsions, caused by the predominance of excitation processes over inhibition, which causes pathological impulses to arise in the brain. This complication occurs most often in children under 6 years of age. In case of a single episode of convulsions in a child, in subsequent cases of fever, it should be brought down at around 37 degrees, without waiting for complications.

How much should the mercury column show on the thermometer for the child’s condition to cause concern? This depends on the baby’s age, predisposition to seizures, the presence of neurological diseases, as well as heart defects or a tendency to pulmonary diseases.

How to shoot down correctly

Fever caused by inflammation in the middle or inner ear is often accompanied by fever. In order to properly lower the temperature, you should keep the child cool in the room by dressing him in dry, cool clothes. It is also not worth wrapping up the baby, even if he feels chills; if the child’s feet and hands are cold, he should wear warm socks.

Ibuprofen paracetamol

Then you should give an antipyretic drug based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. If the initial dose of paracetamol does not work, you can give the child ibuprofen, but do not increase the dosage. The dosage and form of the medicine (syrup, suppositories or tablets) depends on how old the child is. In extreme cases, the medical staff can take urgent measures to reduce the temperature - an injection of analgin with diphenhydramine, which is used only if the readings on the thermometer are above 40 degrees or there is a risk of seizures.


Using aspirin against fever in children under 12 years of age is unacceptable and can lead to brain swelling!

Another method of treatment for fever in a child may be rubbing. However, the temperature of the liquid for wiping should not be lower than 36 degrees, since too cold water will lead to a shock reaction in the body, and will only cause the fever to intensify.

It is not recommended to use any thermal procedures at a fever, such as warming the ear, heat compresses, inhalations, or bathing a child.

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How many days does a fever last for otitis media?

A rise in temperature is considered by most to be a bad sign. More than 90% of people use antipyretics for temperatures up to 38°C. This is an absolutely wrong approach to your health and the health of your loved ones.

What does an elevated temperature mean?

Body temperature is a basic physiological parameter determined by the rate of metabolic processes. Acceleration of metabolism leads to an increase in temperature.

When our temperature rises (or falls) it does not happen spontaneously. A small part of the brain - the hypothalamus - receives data on the chemical composition and thermal state of the blood, signals from other brain parts, integrates the information received and, if necessary, using special transmitters, gives commands to change body temperature.

The hypothalamus, with the help of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland, increases body temperature if foreign biological enzymes, their breakdown products or a large number of antimicrobial agents of the body are found in the blood. This reaction is protective in nature and has as its goals:

  • Reducing the reproductive function of pathogenic microbes that have entered the body by increasing the temperature of their environment.
  • Stimulating the production of your own interferon, which interferes with the synthesis of viral protein.

As a result of an increase in temperature, the body's immune response to infection or inflammation increases. From this point of view, an elevated temperature is a good sign that the body has mobilized to fight the disease.

Taking antipyretics reduces the body's natural resistance.

Temperature with otitis media in a child

A child’s ability to thermoregulate is in the process of development: the brain has not yet fully formed, and the interaction of systems has not been adjusted. Therefore, temperature fluctuations in children occur over a wider range. For example, with otitis media in children, the temperature can rise sharply to 39 °C and last for 3-4 days without taking medications.

The second factor influencing childhood otitis media with fever is the short length of the Eustachian tubes connecting the ear to the nasopharynx. With an inflammatory process in the throat, mouth, nose and sinuses, microbes are more successful in traveling the distance to the child’s middle ear. As the child grows, the Eustachian tube will lengthen, making it more difficult for microbes to migrate. Therefore, otitis media rarely occurs in adults and often in children.

Inflammation of the middle ear is always a complication of another inflammatory process or a consequence of its undertreatment. It may be asymptomatic for some time. Often, pain in the ear, radiating to other areas of the head, can precede an acute form of otitis media in a child with a sharp increase in temperature. Additional symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Errors in auditory perception: buzzing, squeaking, etc.
  • Hearing loss
  • Trouble maintaining balance and coordination

This type of otitis does not occur in a child without fever: the inflammatory process occurs in a relatively protected area, and its presence threatens not only hearing function, but also the brain.

How long does the temperature last for otitis media?

The temperature in the acute form of otitis will remain as long as necessary to suppress the proliferation of microbes and to mobilize the body's defenses. When the hypothalamus considers that the danger has passed, it will give the command to reduce body temperature.

Doctors do not recommend using antipyretics for ear pain.

  1. Antipyretics do not allow you to fight inflammation on your own. They disrupt thermoregulation and the natural response to foreign proteins.
  2. Antipyretics do not fight the cause of the disease. They only reduce external symptoms.
  3. Antipyretics interfere with adequately assessing the course of the disease and timely use of antimicrobial drugs.

For otitis (including otitis in children), you should not lower the temperature, no matter how long it lasts, but help the body fight the destruction of the multiplying infection using antibiotics (for example, ciprofloxacin).

Anti-fever agents can only be used in combination with antibiotics to alleviate the general condition:

  • In adults at a temperature above 38.5 °C.
  • In children with a temperature above 39 °C.
  • In children with pathologies of the heart, metabolism, neurological and other pathologies at temperatures above 38 °C.

With timely antibiotic therapy, antipyretics will not be required, and the body itself will cope with otitis media.

Can there be otitis media without fever?

Otitis externa. resulting from damage to the skin of the ear canal, as a rule, occurs without fever. At the site of damage, infectious agents are isolated in the form of ulcers and boils, in which, by multiplying, they increase pressure on the surrounding tissue, leading to a feeling of pain, burning, and itching in the outer ear. Over time, the boils rupture and the purulent contents exit through the ear canal.

Otitis without fever occurs more often in adults than in children. This type of otitis leads to:

  • Mechanical damage to the ear canal (for example, with a thin object)
  • Hygiene procedures using cotton swabs that compact sulfur deposits
  • Frequent entry of liquid into the ear canal (not only water, but also, for example, medicinal alcohol drops, aggressive herbal tinctures)
  • Excessive wax loss

Otitis, not accompanied by fever, can resolve on its own without drug treatment.

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What is the normal temperature for otitis media in a child?

What body temperature is acceptable for otitis media for a small child, and how to reduce the elevated temperature?

Quite often, colds lead to various complications. Otitis media, as one of the types of ear diseases, is also one of the most common symptoms of colds. A clear symptom of this disease is fever.

What temperature is typical for otitis media?

It must be borne in mind that otitis media is not always accompanied by ear pain from the very beginning. As a result, an increase in body temperature is associated with colds or other types of diseases, but otitis media is not even thought about.

Typically, the temperature rises with ear diseases to 38–39 degrees. If the inflammation is very severe, the temperature may be higher. Doctors note that the temperature during otitis in a child is always slightly higher than in adults. This is due to the fact that their small body reacts more strongly to a virus or infection. The temperature during otitis in a child may differ if measured in different ears. Where there is severe inflammation, the temperature will be higher.

Read about whether it is worth using hydrogen peroxide for otitis media here.

Features of the course of otitis: body temperature

There are different types of otitis media. So, when serous otitis media forms, a high temperature is not observed. In the same way, when the disease passes from an acute state to purulent otitis media, the child’s body temperature may be normal. Accordingly, a child should take antipyretic drugs only in cases where acute otitis media occurs, in which a high temperature is inevitable.

Doctors recommend lowering the temperature if it rises above 38 degrees. Until this point, it is believed that the body is fighting the disease; immune cells need to defeat the virus or infection. This will lead to the fact that the temperature after otitis may become normal without treatment.

If the temperature is very high, it is necessary to alternate taking antipyretics based on ibuprofen and paracetamol to prevent an overdose.

Quite often it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention if a child is diagnosed with purulent otitis media. The temperature may increase as a result of the intervention. Although the puncture itself is small, doctors must monitor how the little patient’s condition changes.

After otitis media, a child’s temperature returns to normal fairly quickly, since the courses of antibiotics that are usually prescribed for such a diagnosis do a good job of eliminating bacteria and viruses. In this case, you can walk with your child during otitis media.

Sometimes a certain borderline state may persist due to the fact that untreated acute otitis in a child can become chronic. If such symptoms are detected, further examination should be performed.

Drops in the ears for otitis - find out which drops can be used if you have a disease such as otitis.


Temperature and other symptoms of otitis media in a child

Otitis media is a fairly common childhood disease. Essentially, otitis is an inflammation of the ear. In this case, a small patient complains of pain in the ear, fluid is released from the auditory opening and periodically “shoots” in the ear. Fever with otitis media occurs in children, but is quite rare.

In this article we will try to answer all the questions related to how long a high temperature with otitis lasts in children of different ages, treatment options for this symptom and the disease in general, and whether in case of otitis it is worth taking a course of antibiotics for such a disease.

Types of otitis

Otitis occurs in three forms: internal, middle and external. To accurately determine the type of disease, the patient should consult an otolaryngologist. After examination and tests, the doctor determines what form is present and what treatment needs to be prescribed to the little patient.

Parents should understand that self-medication is not worth it, as this can aggravate the situation, which is undoubtedly dangerous for the baby. As a rule, children are susceptible to this disease much more often than adults. The disease develops in children from six months to one and a half years. It is much less common in older children, with boys getting sick less than girls. About 90% of children manage to recover from the infection by the age of three.

An important indicator is that temperature with otitis of any form in a small child is quite common and can reach 38 degrees and above.

How does the disease develop?

In the case of otitis, an infection enters the ear canal. Bacteria quickly provoke inflammation and, as a result, the child’s temperature rises to a high level quite quickly. Various microorganisms are considered to be the causative agent of the infection. These microbes enter the ear opening during ARVI, runny nose or adenoiditis.

It is known that otitis media in children under one year of age develops more often and the reason for this is the anatomical structure of the Eustachian tube. In children it is much wider than in teenagers and bacteria penetrate into it faster. In addition, it is located at the level of the pharynx and therefore bacteria from the throat can easily penetrate into the ear.

Symptoms of the disease

Before answering the question of how long the temperature lasts during otitis media in a child, it is worth considering other symptoms of the disease. With otitis media in acute form, the symptoms are as follows:

  • high fever that can last for three days or longer;
  • discharge of pus from the ear opening;
  • pain that radiates to the temple.

For older children, symptoms such as insomnia, lack of appetite and confusion are common.

What temperature is observed with otitis media?

In the case of acute otitis, the temperature in children is very high. In some cases it can reach 40 degrees. It is extremely important for every parent to know how many days the temperature lasts for this disease and how to deal with this symptom so as not to harm the health of the little patient.

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the child’s body, microbes from the nose or throat very quickly enter the middle ear, which provokes an acute form of the disease, causing an increase in body temperature.

Experts recommend that parents monitor what temperature is observed during otitis media in certain periods and only after that use special antipyretic drugs. Many parents make the gravest mistake of giving their child such medications when the child has a slight fever that lasts only a few hours.

Hyperemia will occur until the body can cope with harmful microorganisms on its own. The temperature can last from three days to one week. As a rule, after this, the infection can be overcome and the fever will subside on its own. It is worth lowering the temperature after reaching 39 degrees or more.

For hyperemia during otitis, doctors usually prescribe a course of antibiotics and drugs such as paracetamol, Panadol, Dicloran. Treatment of the disease should not be delayed or put off visiting a doctor, as it can lead to serious complications such as meningitis and hearing impairment.


Temperature during otitis: how long can it last and whether it needs to be brought down

When is temperature an indicator of normal functioning of the immune system, and in what cases is it a signal to urgently seek medical help? Can there be otitis media without fever? To get answers, you need to find out what causes hyperthermia.

Why does the temperature rise with otitis media?

Body temperature is a parameter whose main role in regulation is played by the hypothalamus. Its nuclei, formed by a specific accumulation of cells in the brain, are responsible for the thermal constancy of the body. The regulation process is carried out due to the production of transmitters (intermediary substances) that have a stimulating or suppressive effect on the structures subordinate to the hypothalamus.

Elevated body temperature during otitis is a normal physiological response of the body to the invasion of bacterial, viral and other foreign particles. The symptom indicates the activation and mobilization of one’s own immune forces aimed at destroying the source of infection.

Processes caused by hyperthermia:

  1. Suppression of the growth of infectious pathogens. Bacteria have a temperature “comfort” point required for active reproduction and development. A shift in temperature indicators can cause the death of pathogens.
  2. Production of own interferons. These substances are a group of proteins with antiviral activity.
  3. Increasing the speed of metabolic processes. An increase in body temperature promotes an intense immune response of the body to a foreign irritant, helping to quickly defeat the infection.

How many days does it last?

Hyperthermia is a signal that an active immune process has been launched in the body. As long as the temperature during otitis lasts, the fight against the infectious pathogen lasts. When the foreign stimulus is suppressed, the hypothalamus will give a signal to normalize the thermal indicator. The duration depends on individual characteristics (age, immunity strength). Usually the temperature lasts from 3 to 7 days.

If your child has a fever

Children are a special group of patients. The thermoregulatory system in a child is at a developmental stage and is unstable. The range of the temperature curve sometimes reaches a wide range against the background of a relatively mild infection. Hyperthermia up to 39° C can last up to 3-4 days without treatment.

The second feature is the possible lack of temperature response. This is caused by an imperfect immune system: the body is too weak for an adequate protective response. A rise in body temperature to 39° C does not always indicate the presence of a severe infection (the danger will lie more in hyperthermia). A child’s normal temperature does not guarantee the absence of a serious illness. Children with otitis media of any form need to be examined by a pediatrician. Read more about otitis media in children→

When should the temperature be lowered?

Not all cases of hyperthermia require the use of an antipyretic. The prescription of therapy depends on how many days the elevated temperature during otitis lasts, and what numbers its indicators reach. It is worth considering the presence of serious somatic diseases in the patient (cardiovascular, neurological pathology). The general recommendation for adults is the use of antipyretic drugs when the temperature reaches 38.5° C. If your health suffers significantly, or there are concomitant diseases, it is permissible to use the medicine after the mark of 38.0° C.

It is believed that temperatures below 38.5° C in children do not require the use of drugs. This applies to initially healthy patients who do not suffer from febrile seizures. Weakened children should be given antipyretic drugs after crossing the threshold of 38° C. Due to the peculiarities of thermoregulation, a child under 2 months of age and children suffering from febrile convulsions should lower their temperature earlier. Caution should be exercised in treating children: a persistent increase in body temperature to high levels is grounds for calling an emergency medical team.

How to do this correctly?

Elimination of hyperthermia is not limited to the prescription of antipyretics. Temperature during otitis in children and adults requires an integrated approach to therapy.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking teas and fruit drinks helps to cope with intoxication of the body and reduce body temperature by increasing sweating.
  2. Use of external treatment methods. It is effective to apply cool heating pads to areas of passage of large vascular networks (elbow creases, popliteal fossae). Rubbing with diluted alcohol or vodka is acceptable. After treating the skin, you should wait for it to dry completely, then cover yourself with a blanket.
  3. Elimination of warming up. During hyperthermia, heat compresses are contraindicated.
  4. Strict adherence to prescription regimens. Abuse of antipyretics can be harmful: excessive amounts of NSAIDs suppress one’s own immunity and cause a number of side effects.

In what cases does temperature indicate complications?

Several signs will indicate the occurrence of adverse consequences. You should pay attention to how the temperature changes during otitis (to what numbers it rises, how many days it lasts), whether new symptoms have appeared.

  • Hyperthermia does not disappear after 7 days of intensive treatment.
  • The temperature reaches high numbers and does not go down.
  • The main complaints have increased.

Treatment for fever

To eliminate hyperthermia, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used.

Taking NSAIDs leads to suppression of symptoms rather than elimination of the underlying pathology. For example, a purulent form of the disease requires the prescription of antibiotics that can overcome the source of infection. To reduce inflammatory edema and improve the patency of the Eustachian tubes, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are prescribed. Forms of medications, active ingredients, dosage are determined by an otolaryngologist.

The type of treatment depends on how severe and how long the elevated temperature during otitis media lasts. In some cases, normalization requires the release of accumulated pus through a gap in the ear membrane. More often this happens without outside intervention. If perforation does not occur, the pressure on the membrane increases; tympanocentesis (puncture of the ear membrane) is used under local anesthesia.

Can otitis media occur without fever?

Normal body temperature will be observed against the background of uncomplicated external otitis. The immune system manages to localize the site of inflammation and suppress its activity. An increase in temperature will be observed exclusively in the affected area.

The situation is different with middle ear infection: hyperthermia is systemic in nature due to the peculiarities of the blood supply to the specified anatomical region. If otitis media occurs without fever, it is usually possible to avoid prescribing antibacterial drugs. Treatment is based on watchful waiting with symptomatic therapy.

Fever is a symptom that requires careful attention, not panic. An increase in body temperature serves as a signal that the body's defenses are in an active state. You should not interfere with the functioning of the immune system when the thermometer reading barely exceeds 37.0° C. The key to successful treatment is the competent use of anti-inflammatory drugs and following the basic therapy regimen prescribed by the doctor.


Fever and otitis media in a child

The inflammatory process of the middle ear is sometimes accompanied by fever, runny nose, headaches and general weakness in the body. Such symptoms are most pronounced in children, since the young body is not yet strong and the immune system is quite weak. A child's temperature with otitis media is considered normal. This phenomenon indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the body. However, there are times when medical assistance is needed. When to sound the alarm will be given in this article.

What does elevated temperature mean?

A feverish state with ear inflammation is one of the signs of intoxication syndrome. It is most pronounced during the inflammatory process of purulent etiology. Fever and otitis media in a child are interrelated concepts. There are also forms of ear pathology that are not accompanied by fever.

  • fungal infection of an external organ;
  • transition of the disease to a chronic course;
  • eczema of the ear canal.

Otitis and fever in a child usually occur in the early stages of the disease. Fever is a persistent symptom; it can persist until complete recovery. Sometimes, such a symptom is accompanied by pain in the hearing organs. With the appearance of suppuration, body temperature decreases. The inflammatory process of the middle ear is poorly tolerated by children, and the disease is fraught with complications. This is due to the fact that a child’s tympanic membrane is thicker than that of adults, making it difficult for pus to escape. When the ear hurts due to an ear disease, the child’s temperature sometimes rises to 39 or 40 degrees, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic medications should be taken.

How long does the temperature last for otitis media?

All parents are interested in how long should the temperature last for otitis media in a child? Normally, the temperature decreases 3-4 days after the start of treatment with traditional methods. If this does not happen, you need to take the child to the doctor. The doctor will prescribe a series of examinations that can identify the cause of this pathological process. When a child has a temperature of 38, otitis has just begun to develop - there is no reason to worry. It is necessary to create the most favorable conditions in the room for the child’s recovery. It will be useful to avoid drafts and ventilate the room where the baby is at least 2 times a day. It should be noted that otitis media also occurs without fever in a child. Usually this symptom is inherent in the chronic course of the disease, the catarrhal form of the pathology.

Otitis without fever

The inflammatory process in a child’s hearing organs often occurs without hyperthermia. The disease is called otitis media without fever. Also, the absence of fever is observed in chronic otitis media.

Symptoms that appear in ear pathology without hyperthermia.

  1. With this type of otitis, pain is felt in the ear.
  2. The sink turns red and swelling appears.
  3. The patient hears worse and has difficulty breathing.
  4. There is discharge from the ear cavity.

The absence of fever does not mean that the disease can be treated at home. Medical assistance is mandatory, since it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease and prescribe competent therapeutic measures. The younger the child, the higher the risk of complications.

To determine that a newborn has otitis media, you need to listen to his feelings:

  • the baby shakes his head, cries;
  • no appetite;
  • the ear canals have acquired a reddish tint.

With such signs, you need to consult a doctor. Timely medical care is mandatory, since otitis media in children without fever can spread to the brain, causing meningitis, which can be fatal. Ear inflammations do not occur on their own; they are a consequence of colds, hypothermia, and infectious attacks. For example, when a baby has a runny nose, swelling of the Eustachian tube occurs, which serves as a connecting channel between the middle organ of hearing and the nasopharynx. This contributes to the occurrence of the inflammatory process. The entry of bacteria into the nasal cavity provokes otitis media of a purulent nature. The cause of inflammation in the ear canal without fever is often dental problems and injuries to the hearing organs. It is necessary to treat caries in a child in a timely manner, since bacteria can spread to the hearing organs.

Is it possible to bathe a child with otitis media without fever?

  1. Children are allowed to do water treatments 7-10 days after the development of the pathology.
  2. Before washing your child’s hair, it is better to put a cotton wool soaked in cream in his ear.
  3. Glue a postoperative plaster over the hearing organ; it will prevent moisture from getting inside.
  4. After bathing, you need to wipe the baby dry and put him in a warm bed.

Such measures will help you buy a baby without harming his health. Hypothermia can aggravate the course of the disease and should be avoided.

When to shoot down and with what

Increased body temperature during otitis is eliminated not only with the help of antipyretic medications. Hyperthermia must be brought down using complex methods if the temperature has risen to 38 degrees or higher. It is also important to eliminate fever when it lasts longer than 5 days. This case is considered dangerous, there is a risk of disruption of the water-salt balance in the body, improper functioning of the kidneys and liver. It is important for parents to know how long the temperature lasts during otitis media in children. Usually, hyperthermia goes away on its own after a week, when the infection clears from the body.

What medications are effective in reducing fever?

  1. "Nurofen" for otitis media in children due to fever. This remedy has a high antipyretic and analgesic effect.
  2. "Paracetamol". This medication effectively lowers temperature and stimulates the body's protective functions.
  3. "Ibuprofen." This product is an analogue of the drug "Nurofen". The medication has the same effect, the only difference is the price and speed of action. Expensive “brother” has a faster effect than Ibuprofen.

Taking antipyretic drugs helps eliminate hyperthermia, but does not treat the underlying problem. For example, the purulent course of the disease requires the use of antibiotics, which can eliminate the source of infection. To reduce swelling and improve the patency of the Eustachian tube, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are prescribed. The dosage is determined by the doctor. The type of treatment depends on how high the temperature rises and how long it does not drop. In most cases, when the pus drains from the perforated ear membrane, the fever goes away. This process happens on its own, without outside intervention. If the membrane is not perforated and pus remains in the ear canal, surgery is necessary to remove the accumulations.

Additional recommendations for lowering a child's temperature.

  1. Frequent drinking. It is important to drink plenty of fluids so that the body can cope with intoxication. By sweating, the fever is eliminated.
  2. Using cold compresses. It is necessary to apply bandages to the area of ​​large vascular networks (elbow, popliteal dimples). It is also recommended to wipe with alcohol. After the manipulations, you need to cover yourself with a blanket and lie down warm.
  3. Do not overuse antipyretic medications. They suppress the body's protective functions and cause a number of side effects.

It should be noted that using heat compresses during fever is prohibited. This causes an increase in body temperature, and microbes begin to multiply. After otitis media, the child’s temperature should not remain above 37 degrees. If such a phenomenon is present, most likely the source of inflammation has not been extinguished.

Features of the disease

Hyperthermia during otitis media causes a lot of discomfort for both the child and his parents. In some cases, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

When should you go to the emergency room for ear inflammation in your baby?

  • if a temperature above 38 degrees is observed in a child under 6 months;
  • not affected by antipyretics;
  • accompanied by vomiting and headache.

Such signs may indicate not only otitis media, but also other dangerous diseases. Ear infections are more common in children than in adults. This is due to the susceptibility of the child’s body to viruses and frequent colds. When a child begins to “sniff” his nose, snot slowly moves into the ear canal, swelling and pain occur.

What should you do if your baby develops hyperthermia that lasts for several days?

  1. Check the ear for the presence of purulent masses. You should clear any buildup from your ear using cotton swabs, but don't go into the sink.
  2. It is worth putting children's vasoconstrictor drops into the child's nose.
  3. Give your baby an antipyretic medicine.
  4. Carry out a wet cleaning in the room, ventilate the room.
  5. Give your child plenty of fluids to drink.

Doctors do not recommend using folk remedies, as this can cause even more harm to the child’s body. A feature of otitis with fever is the possibility of a sharp transition of the pathology into a purulent form. To prevent this from happening, timely treatment should be started.


Temperature with otitis media in a child

Otitis is an inflammatory ear disease that can be either acute or chronic. Temperature with otitis in a child occurs in almost all cases of acute illness. This symptom indicates a focus of inflammation in the body. By the nature of hyperthermia, one can judge the severity of the disease, as well as make some predictions. So how many days can there be a high temperature during otitis media and when should it be brought down?

Causes of hyperthermia

Temperature is a special physiological indicator that is regulated by a number of metabolic processes occurring in the body. If the metabolism accelerates for some reason, the temperature rises.

The human brain has a special section called the hypothalamus. It constantly receives signals that carry information about the quality and general composition of the blood. If there is some kind of inflammatory process in the body, for example, as with otitis media, then the body temperature quickly rises and can reach critical levels. This is a specific protective reaction of the body that performs the following tasks:

  • The activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses that have entered the body is suppressed.
  • The body produces an increased amount of interferon, which prevents the synthesis of various viruses.

In simple terms, when viruses and bacteria enter the body, all mechanisms are activated to fight them. One of these protective mechanisms is increased body temperature. Temperatures up to 38 degrees cannot be called a dangerous symptom. On the contrary, this condition is a sign that the body is adequately responding to infections and inflammation.

Reducing the temperature to 38.5 degrees is not recommended. It is at these levels that the body actively produces interferon and fights infections.

Hyperthermia in children

Temperature during otitis in a child can manifest itself in different ways, since thermoregulation has not yet been properly formed. It is for this reason that in young children, temperature readings often reach 40 degrees and do not normalize for several days.

A high temperature with otitis media in a child is also a consequence of the fact that the Eustachian tube is too short, so pathogenic microbes quickly penetrate from the throat and nose into the middle ear area. Doctors believe this is the reason why otitis media in young children is always more severe. It is less susceptible to treatment than in adults.

If a child is prone to seizures, then the temperature should be lowered if it reaches 38 degrees.

How long does the temperature last for otitis media?

Most parents do not know how long a child’s high temperature during otitis will last, so they begin to bring it down from the first hours of illness. This approach is fundamentally wrong, since this is how the body fights infection. If a child is given an antipyretic drug, the temperature returns to normal, but the microbes continue to multiply and spread to healthy tissue.

A child with otitis media will have a high temperature until the body turns on all its defense mechanisms and fights off the infection. This may take from 3 days to a week. That is, if by 5-7 days the body temperature has not returned to normal, it is necessary to sound the alarm.

As soon as the hypothalamus receives a signal that the infection has been eliminated, it gives the command to lower the temperature.

Why you shouldn’t immediately lower your temperature

Fever in acute otitis in children can last about a week. Experts do not advise resorting to antipyretic drugs if the thermometer does not rise much and the pain is quite tolerable. This can be explained as follows:

  • Medicines quickly bring down the fever and prevent the body from fighting the infection on its own.
  • Interferon production is greatly reduced.
  • Natural thermoregulation is disrupted.
  • If a child is constantly given antipyretics, it will be very difficult to assess the effectiveness of treatment and the severity of the disease.
  • Antipyretic drugs only relieve certain symptoms. But they have absolutely no effect on the root cause of the disease.

If the child tolerates hyperthermia well, then he should be given antipyretic drugs when the thermometer reaches 39 degrees. This rule does not apply to children under 3 years of age and children who have chronic pathologies or are prone to seizures.

For otitis media, broad-spectrum antibiotics must be prescribed simultaneously with antipyretic drugs.

Does otitis occur without hyperthermia?

A child without fever may well have otitis media if the disease has become chronic or the inflammation is caused not by an infection, but by an ear injury. This can happen due to an accident or careless cleaning of the ear canals. In this case, a wound surface forms in the ear, which leads to severe pain and burning. If microbes get into the wound, an abscess appears, which leads to increased pain.

Inflammatory process in the ear without high fever is more common in adults. But it can also happen in children of different ages. The main causes of the pathological phenomenon can be identified as follows:

  • Inaccurate cleaning of ear canals from wax.
  • Water getting into the ear. This is often observed when swimming in open water, where the water is contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Damage to the skin in the ear.

If during otitis media the body temperature remains normal, then treatment can be done without the use of antibiotics and antipyretic drugs. In this case, the body quickly copes with the disease itself.

If, a couple of days after the injury, purulent discharge appears from the ear, you should immediately see a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe the appropriate treatment.


Otitis media with high fever in a child can lead to a number of serious complications. When using antibacterial drugs, you need to carefully monitor the dynamics of changes in temperature indicators. This will help determine how effective the treatment is and adjust it if necessary.

If, after a couple of days from the start of treatment with antibacterial drugs, the temperature indicators have returned to normal, we can say that the medications were selected correctly. If, after a short-term improvement in the patient’s condition, the temperature rapidly creeps up again, complications can be suspected.

An increase in temperature in acute otitis media in children should alert parents in the following cases:

  • If hyperthermia does not disappear even after taking antipyretic drugs.
  • The temperature rises rapidly, accompanied by photophobia and severe headache.
  • If, against the background of the disease, signs of intoxication of the body appear.
  • If dyspepsia appears. This indicates the spread of infection throughout the body.
  • A condition in which a child develops a bright rash on the skin and mucous membranes against the background of hyperthermia is also considered dangerous.

Mastoiditis can be a very dangerous complication of acute otitis. In this case, the bone tissue in the ear canal is affected and osteomyelitis develops. This disease is considered secondary; in otitis media, it occurs due to improperly selected treatment or severely reduced immunity.

So how many days does hyperthermia occur during the development of mastoiditis? In this case, the patient’s condition improves somewhat, for about a week, and then the disease manifests itself with more pronounced symptoms. The patient is worried about a high temperature, which reaches 40 degrees and is difficult to control, severe pain and suppuration from the ear.

A complication of otitis in a child can be meningitis or sepsis. With sepsis, a characteristic fever occurs, which is accompanied by chills.

What not to do

If otitis occurs with a high temperature, then you cannot resort to the following procedures:

  • If pus is discharged from the ear, it is prohibited to use any drops without a doctor’s prescription.
  • At high temperatures, any heating procedures cannot be carried out. Even with local heating of the ear, the patient's condition will greatly worsen.
  • Do not clean the ear canal with a cotton swab. To clean, use a cotton swab dipped in petroleum jelly.

You should not self-medicate or use any traditional methods without consulting your doctor. Otitis in a child is a serious disease that should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist.

A high temperature in a child always frightens parents, but this is not as dangerous a symptom as it might seem right away. With hyperthermia, the body actively fights infection, due to which recovery occurs faster. The main thing is to monitor temperature indicators and give antipyretic drugs in a timely manner.
